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Occult Knowledge - AnthroHeart - 09-08-2018

How far would you say we are along in terms of occult knowledge?
And would occult knowledge be required to advance spiritually?
I have a basic understanding of the Law of One.
Well, a 3D understanding, but not even a full 3D understanding.

Must we pursue a course of study if we are to advance spiritually?
I've studied the Kaballah to some extent, but not really in depth.

RE: Occult Knowledge - ada - 09-08-2018

I don't think it's occult, maybe some teachings are, but not primarily oneness. You just need to look up in the sky and realize that everything is too infinitely impossible, then see that your only way to understand the big things is to pay attention to the little things.

RE: Occult Knowledge - Infinite Unity - 09-08-2018

I would have to disagree with any course of studying being a prequisite to spiritual growth and evolution. Any course of study has the potential to further distort or be a stepping stone to discovering and helping initiate the inner/outter work:energy/mental/emotional/physical. That leads and is the path of becoming undistorted.

Any expression/representation/manifestation IS and HAS distortion. The One can only experience the illusion of separation through distortion. Due to there being one.

I agree with blossom. The only words I can put to it is. Who can teach you to be you? In my mind no one, only through exploration/experimentation/experience.

RE: Occult Knowledge - AnthroHeart - 09-08-2018

I just got the image of cauliflower, and it freaked me out.
I imagined layers of cauliflower and cauliflower-pattern explosions.
I don't know why, but this disturbs me at present.

RE: Occult Knowledge - Plenum - 09-08-2018

I think the desire is for permanent change.

And we will do almost anything to achieve that.

In most cases - we get a partial or even temporary change. That leaves us hungry for more.

RE: Occult Knowledge - Nau7ik - 09-09-2018

Life itself is a great teacher! You don’t necessarily need a system of study to follow. Occult Knowledge is not necessary either. If you’re attracted to it, then look into it! But if you don’t feel the calling that’s perfectly acceptable. It’s not a requirement. it can be a means of accelerating one’s spiritual path though.

What resonates and calls to YOU?

RE: Occult Knowledge - Agua - 09-09-2018


RE: Occult Knowledge - AnthroHeart - 09-09-2018

It was a multi-dimensional geometric shape. Those tend to freak me out.

RE: Occult Knowledge - Agua - 09-09-2018


RE: Occult Knowledge - AnthroHeart - 09-09-2018

Yes, I could allow it.

What does freak me out more is blank billboards, or blank tv's that are off, or blank movie theater screens.

I don't know if it's because there may be information there that I just don't see.
Or what.

But the movie Stir of Echoes was disturbing because he floats toward the movie theater screen.

RE: Occult Knowledge - john11:11 - 09-09-2018

Occult means "Hidden" from the Latin OCCULTIS/OCCULTUS

There is Dark Occult/Black Magick (STS) and Light Occult/White Magick (STO)

The 3 Ra channelers mention THE BANISHING RITUAL OF THE LESSER PENTAGRAM before doing channeling while Carla was in the hospital with kidney/arthritis issues (WHITE MAGICK)

Dark Occult is child sacrifice/child rape/blood orgies/blood drinking/basically the most disgusting, horrid, vile thing you can think of. And there are LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WHO PRACTICE THIS. They are also known as the Illuminati/Cabal/Luciferians

RE: Occult Knowledge - DungBeetle - 09-19-2018

I think it is vitally important and this is what I have been reading and studying for the last 2 years or so. I have learned so much yet there is so much left to be learned. This is how I see it.. All occultism means is the study of the hidden forces/laws of nature. There does not seem to be anything inherently bad with occultism. I think INTENT may determine whether your crossing from White magic to Black.

Manly P. Hall even talks about Grey magic. Right on the crossroads bridging the other two. Electricity and microwaves, etc are all "occult" technologies. You can power your home or fry a death row inmate. Nothing is "bad" about electricity.

I have also heard, but not sure whether true, is that any magick that causes change in the physical may be "Black" (Black may not always be bad, see intent) but I am confused to whether that is true or not. I am what you would call an Armchair occultist. I love reading and learning about it, but I have never really tried anything because deep down I am afraid of opening a door that I may not be able to close.

I am not sure how legitimate that fear is, but it's there. I am the type that wants to know everything, or at least as much as I can, before taking on something I am not 100% sure about.

ETA: Occult knowledge is a broad term. You can find it no matter what you study, as all study leads back to the same core truths. If that makes sense. It is religion-less. It's just truth in nature. Astrology etc. You'll find the same in buhda, I ching, kabbala, egypt, etc. I think its how you apply it. I think you have to explore the dark occult aspects to understand it as well. The whole "know thy enemy" thing. Explore as in watch and read, not practice.

RE: Occult Knowledge - Nau7ik - 09-20-2018

Quote:I have also heard, but not sure whether true, is that any magick that causes change in the physical may be "Black" (Black may not always be bad, see intent) but I am confused to whether that is true or not. I am what you would call an Armchair occultist. I love reading and learning about it, but I have never really tried anything because deep down I am afraid of opening a door that I may not be able to close.

It’s like you said, the intent is all important. I don’t think causing change in the physical is necessarily black magick.. it all depends on the intent.

I’m the same way with occultism. I want to know what I am doing before I do it. I am cautious with what I choose to study and work with. Discernment is a great ally!

One more thing... the initiate of the Mystery Schools always undergoes years of training and discipline before he is taught the principles of the Practical Qabalah (magick). I think the Western Mystery Schools are the best place to acquire magical training. Your being cautious is not a bad thing. It’s better than presuming to know and then getting rebuked.

Magick is a serious thing, not to be dabbled with. But the training and discipline is extremely helpful in getting to know the self and balancing one’s distortions and clearing chakra blockages. Those who can impose this self discipline and follow through with it aren’t dabbling but going about it the right way, in my opinion. They’re not putting the cart before the horse, so to speak.

RE: Occult Knowledge - GentleReckoning - 09-20-2018

Even black magic is sentient, it's logos (or fundamental arguments) can be viewed, understood and balanced, it's power and intent changing to match or align with that of the seekers. This would be the action of the seeker of a demon-hunting nature. But also the demon hunting itself as seeing the self in the truest light being either the fundamental or very nearly a fundamental of the core logos, upon which all others are built.

This would be magic of a grey nature as it adds an 'non-native' density to an otherwise perfectly balanced argument, that of seeking truth, of seeing the one. As the gravity of the so called negative or black magic is transmuted to light and love in greater and greater amounts via the refinement of the balancing process.

RE: Occult Knowledge - Aion - 09-20-2018

If you want to progress spiritually then self-knowledge is all you need (that doesn't necessarily mean intellectual) whether it be gained by meditative introspection or by catalytic experience. Occult knowledge is only necessary if you want to progress in 'magical' understanding and ability.

One could argue that self-knowledge is occult knowledge and I would agree with that, since the greatest hidden nature is the self. Perhaps 'magical knowledge' is a more appropriate term for information pertaining to mystical systems.

The way I see it, if you don't have a vested interest in practicing magic then such knowledge is mostly entertainment.

RE: Occult Knowledge - Sacred Fool - 09-21-2018

(09-20-2018, 09:06 PM)Aion Wrote: If you want to progress spiritually then self-knowledge is all you need (that doesn't necessarily mean intellectual) whether it be gained by meditative introspection or by catalytic experience. Occult knowledge is only necessary if you want to progress in 'magical' understanding and ability.

One could argue that self-knowledge is occult knowledge and I would agree with that, since the greatest hidden nature is the self. Perhaps 'magical knowledge' is a more appropriate term for information pertaining to mystical systems.

The way I see it, if you don't have a vested interest in practicing magic then such knowledge is mostly entertainment.

I view this as a key statement.  If your will to serve is squishy, then you may end up doing yourself more harm than good.  The example of Aleister Crowley comes to mind.

And developing the will to serve circles back to what you mention above: self knowledge.......deep self knowledge.