The Infant Thread - Sacred Fool - 09-05-2018
I'm hoping this thread will prove useful for those passing through this infant phase, a phenomenon displayed in these fora again and again. The Q'uo quote describes the oft-displayed ups and downs of those who would share--perhaps for the worthy-sounding reason stated below--their latest spiritual insights, but find very little satisfaction is doing so. Many are the users who have passed through these fora who have experienced periods of spiritual drought, then, after discovering a new watering hole, a period of discombobulation. The passage below offers some perspective on this pattern of experience. Wrote:This day you wish to know what it is about the spiritual path which creates at the beginning ecstasy, excitement, exaltation and a great outpouring of evangelism. That does not last. What is it that creates the situation in which the passion, the intensity and the dedication may well become more and more attenuated, less and less strong, in the face of the mundane and horizontally lived incarnational experience? May we say to you that, indeed, there is some of accuracy in the questioner’s suspicion that this is in some part a natural progression. However, the questioner does not take this progression to its completion. Let us speak upon this particular vision.
When one discovers, by whatever means, information that is so inspirational and so relevant to that entity’s growth that it is that which seizes the attention, then is there excitement, glory, joy, optimism and the strength of new knowledge. Were this to be treated appropriately, the passion, the intensity and the dedication which you experience at the beginning should never fade. But you, being of an illusion which uses words, and of natures which crave the companionship of spiritual communication, are often incapable of protecting your realizations with careful, cautious and deeply felt silence, thanksgiving and praise for the realizations that have been the gift at the end of long desert experiences.
We speak not, in this case, of time, but of the subjectively felt length of any experience in which the spirit starves for spiritual food. When it finds that food, its appetite is great, and it wants to feed the five thousand with its loaves and fishes immediately. However, that which has been born in you, though it feels stronger than any previous faith or enthusiasm, is yet a faith-filled and enthusiastic infant.
These are your days of what you call Christ’s mass, in which you kneel, strong, supple and able as each is, before a helpless, dumb, blind infant, placed in the roughest and most animalistic of shelters, the home of the animals. Let us consider this. This story is, in our opinion, an excellent myth, as are many in your cultures. It is filled with, as are many, symbols which offer to the spiritual seeker and student lessons carefully to be considered. You may see the new transformation, the new realizations, as being like the infant in the manger, endlessly beautiful, infinitely loving, and utterly vulnerable. Because of the intensity of the birth of this infant self within—and all are nurturing this spiritual being, which is born in third density, by choice—all feel that they have no problem in expressing such strong feelings, emotions and beliefs to others. How you mistake infant faith. To cast the pearls before the swine is the teacher known as Jesus’ analogy of speaking of one’s own hard learned spiritual lessons to those who have no inclination or request to hear those wise and compassionate words which the spirit has offered to you in this realization, symbolized by the helpless child.
What causes the student, then, to wish so much to share that which is too delicate, too immature, too helpless to be exposed to the harsh winter of intellect and skepticism? Often it is the desire to help. However, though one may be working intensely upon opening the heart as much as possible, it is indeed true that many do this without sufficient respect and time spent in preparing the earthen vessel—that is, your physical vehicle, and the mind, which is your mental vehicle—within this illusion. For all their strength and for all their truth, these realizations must wait for witness until the entity that you are within this relativistic illusion has cleared the pathway, made the rough places plain, brought the high places low, and made straight your own pathway to your heart. The one known as John the Baptist said, “Make straight in the desert a highway for God with us.” Make straight in your hearts the pathway for I AM.
How does one make this pathway straight? Largely by coming to terms with your three so-called lower, but what we would call perhaps fundamental, energies, through which all living light must pass to flow into the heart to give it the power and the strength and the stability it needs in order that it may heal, or communicate, discern wisdom, discern spirits, or any other gift of the open heart, all of which are concerned with loving the Creator and human kind. How can you do this if the heart is open, but the energy moving into it must move through far too small an opening because you have not come to terms with yourself, you have not accepted yourself, you have not accepted your relationships; you have not accepted the primacy of love, unconditional love, over any personal preference whatsoever; you have not done the work of forgiveness, perhaps, or self-forgiveness, acceptance, or more likely, self-acceptance?
In this instrument’s life, for instance, this instrument struggles to like an entity close to her which she chose for the precise reason that she in no way could possibly like this entity. What was the lesson? To love. Not to like, not to prefer, not intellectually to crave, but to love, simply that. In each entity’s life there are these things which cannot be liked, but which can, through the grace of an infinite Creator which is love, be loved, and in the loving of them floats a continuous prayer like a bell tone that rings throughout space and time and eternity.
So you wish, above all else, not to advertise but to protect this child, while you, to the best of your ability, amend and improve the basic energies of a physical, weak, finite vehicle with finite energies, finite amounts of time and space in which to do the work of a complete incarnation, and to do that right quickly, for in truth, a century of your time is far too short even for you to achieve the first true maturity. So know yourselves as perpetual teenagers, perpetual rebels, perpetual prodigals, far from home, confused, poor in heart, until you are able to realize the richness that lies within this vessel of earth, which noble earthly vessel carries you through an incarnation with its greatest devotion and care.
Okay, it's a little depressing, but I hope it also offers encouragement in the sense that keeping an even keel is a more efficient way of travel compared to healing over in periodic excitement. Godspeed and increasing maturity to all!