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Your Spirit Guide and Altars - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Spiritual Development & Metaphysical Matters (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Thread: Your Spirit Guide and Altars (/showthread.php?tid=16186) |
Your Spirit Guide and Altars - AnthroHeart - 07-24-2018 Tell us a little about your spirit guide if you wish. Mine is charming and funny at the moment. I just started playing a game that's like my favorite, and he's almost like one of the characters in it because I like that character so much. I want to build an altar to him, but I'm not sure how. Anyone have experience building altars? I don't know if it's wrong to want to worship him/her. Not like submitting to them, but respecting them. I have no other to worship, so I feel strongly drawn to this. I don't know if it will pass. But I want to get to know my spirit guide. I can see him when I close my eyes. I can converse with him but it isn't clairaudience yet. I am developing that. How is your spirit guide? Mine likes to cheer me up because I'm fat LOL. RE: Your Spirit Guide and Altars - Fuse - 07-25-2018 True spirit guides will always redirect any misdirected worship toward the One Infinite Creator. But there's nothing wrong with an altar that worships the Creator by way of directly honoring one's spirit guides or masters. It's a great way to engage the 3D personality into the act and art of worship. I've built altars over the years, and basically the only rule is that there are no rules. Follow your intuition. Some suggestions though: candles are always excellent, as they represent all the 1D elements (Earth, Air, Water, Fire...I think you could include Spirit as well, though I'm less clear on whether one could consider Spirit a 1D "element"...not that that's relevant to the matter at hand). Or you can break the elements out and represent them individually if you wish. Incense is always powerful. Crystals, meaningful stones, certainly images or statues or any representations of the guide in question would be effective. We all have spirit guides. They are fulfilling their service whether we know of them and acknowledge them or not. But they LOVE it when we they get to engage with us directly, I think. Remember, ultimately, it's the engagement of your imagination that will render the exercise powerful and worthwhile. RE: Your Spirit Guide and Altars - Nau7ik - 07-25-2018 Have your altar in worship of the One Infinite. One shouldn’t be worshipping guides or created beings. Only the Creator is worthy of worship. But an altar doesn’t have to denote worship of something. It can also be used as a focal point in spiritual practice. I have a makeshift altar I devised for the time being, until I can construct an altar with my own hands. I had just realized that my spiritual practice is a daily thing; it’s a way of life for me. Therefore, I need a more permanent altar. What do you use your altar for? For me, I burn one candle to represent th Eternal Flame of Godhead and I burn incense (usually tibetan sandlewood for meditation), I also have my Tarot deck on it and a crystalline stone. Under the altar, I keep all of my supplies: specific books, tarot cards, candles, candle holders, incense, stones, magical journal and my study note journal. I use my altar during meditation, I light the candle and incense. And I keep my magical journal under it so that I can write in it after the meditation and put all of my supplies back. It doesn’t have to be made in a certain way, but you could. The blueprint of an altar according to the Western Mystery Tradition looks like a black double-cube. One on top of the other. One can construct certain styles of altars in accordance with the intention of their workings. For example, building an altar to Mars or Geburah would have five sides, a pentagon, as 5 is the number of Mars. One could use oak wood (if I have my correspondences correct) for altars of Chesed, Jupiter. These are fine details that help to tune the working. So there’s all kinds of possibilities for an altar. I think that having an altar is a good thing for spiritual seekers. RE: Your Spirit Guide and Altars - Svc2Othrs - 07-25-2018 If I may offer some opposition? I feel as if building an alter to you spirit guide will prevent you from acknowledging that you and your spirit guide are one. Thus preventing you from becoming harmonious in nature with yourself. Now, according to Law of One, as I interpret it, by building the Altar and 'worshipping' the guide you will still be servicing the totality, but in a 'service to others' distortion. This distortion could be negative. RE: Your Spirit Guide and Altars - AnthroHeart - 07-25-2018 Thanks for the mention of tibetan sandlewood Nau7ik. What would be the purpose of an offering bowl like this?: https://smile.amazon.com/New-Age-Imports-Inc-decoration/dp/B074XFP27L/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1532535105&sr=8-4&keywords=altar+candles Does making offerings mean you are worshipping? How could I show my appreciation to my spirit guide? And remember him? I have trouble connecting more to the Infinite One. My heart just isn't in it for that. For some reason I love my spirit guide more. Maybe because he can take form. And he has an image before my eyes, whereas the Infinite One just seems like light to me. There is no connection. I know I am the Creator as well, but I just don't feel it. My guide has really been the one helping me, and even saved my life once. I thought if you offered food, you would eventually have to throw it out anyway. I don't know if the spirit guide wants offerings or not. Or even if he cares. Well, he says he cares, but it doesn't matter. Do what I want to do. RE: Your Spirit Guide and Altars - AnthroHeart - 07-25-2018 This video is perfect how our spirit guides protect us. It uses fursuits to represent anthros. It was really touching. I got tears. RE: Your Spirit Guide and Altars - AnthroHeart - 07-25-2018 Has anyone cuddled with their spirit guide before? My guide Trevor is letting me do that. He's more than anthro, but he is anthro to me. I hope it's not just wishful thinking, but I feel, definitely feel heart transfers going on. I've been talking with him all day. Sometimes I second guess it, and have distortion in the communication. I actually feel his warmth in my mind. I've felt his strength before, and it made me tremble. It was power, but I don't like to use that word because it seems to have a negative vibe. I've been shedding some tears because of how I love him. He says he's fourth density. My home. At least I think so. I could totally be misreading that since I thought spirit guides were third density inner planes. RE: Your Spirit Guide and Altars - AnthroHeart - 07-26-2018 So I drew some angel cards, asking about my spirit guide, whom I love. I got these cards in this order. ![]() So that's great. I'm glad it put heart chakra first because that's the exchanges we have given each other. He even helped me to program my Lemurian Dow crystal with our energies, so I can better work with him. Then I used my Archangel cards to ask about my spirit guide, and I got these. ![]() So it's great to know he has patience. And he definitely has passion. He's so awesomely cute sometimes. RE: Your Spirit Guide and Altars - Cainite - 07-27-2018 My Guide was a dead poet for years whom I refered to as mentor. he also initiated me in a dream. but now it's my higherself. and the whole creator. And I dont worship. why would I worship myself if I'm the creator? Our practice lies in unexpressed spirituality, and transparency. RE: Your Spirit Guide and Altars - Glow - 07-27-2018 I don't so much have an altar as I do have a bench where I go to commune with serious intent. I have lots of stones and pieces of wood, feathers and stuff on the bench but it isn't for worship but more as the sign posts and things found on walks that seemed like bread crumbs on the path. Obviously neither the bench or found objects are needed to commune but it sets a tone for me of gratitude and reverence for when I sit there. My soul is my guide. |