Law of One Study Guide V.2 - Printable Version

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Law of One Study Guide V.2 - SuperManny - 02-19-2009

Hi all fellow Bring4th-ers!Smile
This is the first draft of an alternate version of the Study Guide. It's also compiled by Bob Childers, who wrote the original Study Guide that has been floating around the internet on websites like;;, etc. since the early 90's.

I haven't released it anywhere else except for here, and on the forums.
I'd like to invite my fellow Bring4th-ers to have a look at it and give me your input. If you see any blatant errors, or just plain weird stuff in it, please let me know, so I can correct them before releasing it publicly. You can send me a PM or email through this forum, or you can email me at my user name

If this attachment doesn't upload properly, you can also view or download it at or you can download it directly to your computer by clicking here. To view it simply click the link; to download it, right-click and select "Save Link/Target as"

From the intro
Quote:The original Law of One Study Guide evolved from the handouts/notes
prepared by Bob Childers for a study group we had in the early 90's.

This revised Study Guide comes from a similar class we had at Bob's house in the 2007-08 time period. It is not in any way meant to replace the original guide, it is merely a sort of alternate version that contains some topics not touched on in the first version.

The most prominent differences in this newer version are;
1. A much more comprehensive introduction by Bob Childers.
2. References and quotes from A Course in Miracles are interspersed throughout.
3. Much more in-depth exploration of the path of the negative elite.

This guide is completely copyright-free, so please, put it up on your website; copy it; print it out; and share it to your hearts content. We only ask that you respect the original copyright on the Law of One books I through IV by Rueckert-McCarty-Elkins, and please don't quote any statements out of context, or in any way that changes the original meaning or intent.

.pdf   The Law of One Study Guide V.2.pdf (Size: 1.65 MB / Downloads: 203)

RE: Law of One Study Guide V.2 - Quantum - 02-19-2009

(02-19-2009, 02:39 PM)SuperManny Wrote: Hi all fellow Bring4th-ers!Smile
This is the first draft of an alternate version of the Study Guide. It's also compiled by Bob Childers

If this attachment doesn't upload properly, you can also view or download it at or you can download it directly to your computer by clicking here. To view it simply click the link; to download it, right-click and select "Save Link/Target as"


Dear Manny,

Kudos to Bob Childers for all of his work, and many thanks to you for your posting. I can not wait to begin to peruse and digest the material. I am sure it will no doubt offer much towards our mutual benefit and growth.


RE: Law of One Study Guide V.2 - rva_jeremy - 02-21-2009

I'm glad work is still being done to refine the Study Guide, which was indispensable in my study of the material.

Would their be any interest in putting this in a wiki format so that the group could collaboratively put together a better (there's always room for improvement) study guide on an ongoing basis?

What's the story behind the ACIM quotes? As a former student of ACIM, I totally understand the appeal of the LOO to somebody familiar with the kind of rhetoric and thinking featured in the Course. But... shouldn't the Law of One be able to stand up on its own - especially in a reference work? I'll keep this concern in mind as I review V2; thanks for posting it.

RE: Law of One Study Guide V.2 - SuperManny - 02-23-2009

Quote:What's the story behind the ACIM quotes? As a former student of ACIM, I totally understand the appeal of the LOO to somebody familiar with the kind of rhetoric and thinking featured in the Course. But... shouldn't the Law of One be able to stand up on its own - especially in a reference work? I'll keep this concern in mind as I review V2; thanks for posting it.
I absolutely agree that either path is quite able to stand on its own. I'd say the primary reason Bob included the ACIM references, is that almost all his students were also students of ACIM, and in fact some of them were quite new to the Law of One material.

As I noted in the introduction, this guide was put together for a Law of One study group. These groups were usually quite small, because Bob was teaching out of his home and didn't have room for a large group. Typically we'd start out with around 20-some people and finish the class with less than half that number. He'd simply announce the start of a class at his Sunday talk at the Oasis Institute, which is completely based on ACIM, [hence the reason fot those references.]

Another reason is that Bob was writing his book "A Practical Guide to ACIM" at the same time he was teaching the last class, and I'm sure the ACIM teaching was on his mind at the time.
Quote:Would their be any interest in putting this in a wiki format so that the group could collaboratively put together a better (there's always room for improvement) study guide on an ongoing basis?
I think this is a great idea, especially if you could get some serious Law of One students involved. As comprehensive as these study guides are there are still some subjects that were not touched on. For instance Bob didn't have the luxury of using the online sites that Tobey Wheelock was so kind to put up, making the study and research of the LOO immensely more accessable. ( and

For this project, I think perhaps the original guide would be better suited, or maybe some combination of the two. For instance it wouldn't be relevant to include ACIM quotes, etc. Just my 2ยข...

RE: Law of One Study Guide V.2 - ayadew - 02-24-2009

I am grateful to all the work put into making this book, and for you to sharing it.
I personally have little use of it, but I will spread it to others who I know will.

Walk in love and light, SuperManny.

RE: Law of One Study Guide V.2 - paddy - 09-24-2009

The notion of having a guide reminds me of the notion of having a guru. In my very brief study of Buddhism, I considered the structure of the guru/disciple relationship as offering the chance of accelerated learning, not so different from a modern concept of situational self leadership. Part of this idea is to facilitate growth to a point of self sufficiency as quickly as possible, from where the disciple can then play the role of guru for another and so on.

And so for lack of being able to find a compatible guru, I decided to self study about buddhism by book reading. Like the Ra materials, often I am reading passages in unconventional ways, the last page first and random after that. At some point I resolved that many of the very important Buddhist teachings are not available through book learning, they seem more experiential and can include unspoken energetic initiations as a byproduct of the practice.

When I realized that notion, that much of the teaching may not be well accessed within the books written or available, then I stumbled upon a Dogen practice of simply giving all the books away as a starting point. Part of the trick of giving anything away without attachment is realizing that on some level one is giving to one's other self. This made it very easy for me to give away freely all my treasured Ra Law of One books.

Maybe part of this thread is about giving things away freely, something that is easier learned experientially by doing it then through book learning or guide reading about it.


RE: Law of One Study Guide V.2 - Earthcat - 01-11-2013

Thank you Manny, you really are Super.