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What are dreams - Sprout - 03-25-2018

Hello dear brothers and sisters.

I require some help from you, any general knowledge you might hold will help me.

I'm seeking your opinion on what are dreams. I know we cannot penetrate to it's truest nature, but I am completely lost as my dreams backfire at me.

I've been giving myself the impression that this is a method of the sub-conscious to heal the self from it's fears, etc.

But it's just, it's just, so tiring.. Every now and then I will dream that someone is trying to manipulate me, know every move that I make.

Even if I could start and explain exactly how clever it goes, I won't be able to, it's too much, too much for me to handle.

Is it all of my own creation? Am I doing this all to myself? Or might there be external forces working to induce fear in me?

I've cleansed my house, I've different types of crystals for protection, I'm trying to be positive and to serve. But nothing works, I'm like a target dummy.

Please help me :-/

RE: What are dreams - AnthroHeart - 03-25-2018

It sounds like your shadow self. We have to face it with love instead of fear. Accept that it is part of us.

I once had a dream where a Barbell for bench press fell on someone lying down and made his guts spill out, from a woman using magic.
I had another dream where I was a little girl and my mom had this robot chase and torment me and I cried just like a child.

I once got this ominous feeling inside of a dark hallway, but I stuck it through and went outside where it was a lovely spring day and I splashed in a puddle. One of the best feeling dreams it turned into because I stuck through the fear.

RE: What are dreams - auntiemable - 03-25-2018

    I usually don't remember my dreams, so, when I do, I view it as an important message from my higher self. Then I go online to a dream site and try to determine what the message is. From my experience, all the nitty, gritty details don't seem to matter. It's the main theme of the dream that counts. So look online for the meanings of dreams where you're being manipulated and see what definition resonates with you. There's a message there for you and, perhaps, because you haven't listened to the dreamspeak, it keeps recurring.

    Years ago, I had a dream as a young girl that I never forgot. I dreamed of swimming downwards in murky water and reaching out my hand towards my brother who was being pulled under, deeper and deeper. It wasn't until recently that I found out that this was a memory from a previous life. Both my brother and I drowned. It was the most intense dream I've ever had.

    Not inclined to believe the dreams are anything other than a message for you. If there's fear involved, it might be a means to get you to pay attention. Just my humble opinion...

    Peace, love and happiness!

RE: What are dreams - Surfboard - 03-25-2018

I had a "dream" a month or two ago where I started to astral project. I was in a studio apartment and was lying in bed. I couldn't move because there was a dark essence holding my limbs down. I would struggle and get no where. Then I had the idea of trying to understand what it was and was able to over power it with positive thought. As it moved away I felt stronger and didn't fear it anymore.

I would try to understand the feeling instead of instantly acting on it because it is a part of you.

RE: What are dreams - Agua - 03-25-2018


RE: What are dreams - Stranger - 03-25-2018

Dreams generally bring to your awareness issues requiring your attention, which can be either unresolved biases/blockages inside, or external stressors/catalyst which have not been adequately attended to. That is my understanding only, but seems accurate. The language of dreams veils the content, but it is possible to get a clear, plain-language explanation. Here's how.

Realize that everything that happens in your mind or body is governed by parts of your consciousness which are thinly veiled from your conscious awareness - mostly, veiled by our not knowing that they're there and would love to chat with us. That's the meaning of everything being made from intelligent energy. It's conscious, you can talk to it.

So, here's the deal: get into your normal meditative state - nothing tricky, just a bit of mental silence is sufficient - then ask inside to speak with the part of you who creates your dreams. As in, "Hello, could I please speak to the part of me who created these dreams?" Then just listen. No mental calisthenics required, don't try to twist your mind into some pretzel - just listen, it's that straightforward. Don't try to make it happen, just ask inside, and listen, it's that simple.

When you get a reply, just chat with it and ask it to explain the dream. Then listen again.

I personally find it helpful to repeat out loud whatever is being said to me, or type it, one word at a time. Even if a word doesn't make sense or is not what you expect it to be, just go along with it and repeat it, then listen for the next one.

RE: What are dreams - Rhayader - 03-25-2018

In my experience, I don't dream much, or at least have very poor recall, due to my weed habit. Its a trade off i'm willing to pay for now. When I was an alcoholic, I fared better. I recall instances of sleep paralysis and then OBE where I could rise up and wander around lucidly and pretty much do what I want...inevitably getting too excited and ruining the experience too quickly! These days my dreams tend to focus on past friends and pretty much just living out ordinary day to day experiences and hanging out. It may be a message of focus or awareness, as such camaraderie and friendship is something I currently lack and desire but to no painful degree. When I worked in a restaurant, I would often dream stuff in that setting, so I saw dreams as a sort of playing out of things I had thought, wanted to do or say, or even as pre-cognition to events that later happened. Small stuff really. It is certainly the playground of the subconscious much as the the conscious mind has this world as its.

I had understood dreams or the dreamworld to be equivalent to time/space. It maybe then useful to see it as a mirror of our space/time world. In dreams the element of time is freed and we play out various scenarios from our/space time, probably as a means of balance. It depends how concious we become in dreams and thus perhaps control over the subconcious mind. Infinite scenarios, dreams, lives can occur but perhaps we only remember that which is relevant to our time-space stream as we re-awaken to our vessel each morning.