discipline of the mind going into 4d - Printable Version

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discipline of the mind going into 4d - Glow - 11-16-2017

One of Jade's posts triggered this realization for me and I thought it deserved a discussion.

ring4th_Jade Wrote:  
As we develop a social memory complex, we have to learn how to create "safe spaces" - when we all have access to each other's thoughts, we'll learn very quickly which things hurt and are best left unthought/unsaid and how people prefer to be approached and treated, etc. And when there is no barrier between us, the pain of another belongs to us as well. It's definitely a balance between self expression and taking responsibility with our words and not hurting others.

I am finding my few years of meditation are coming in decidedly handy with one friend I've had telepathic contact with over the years.
It has brought us great things, shared dreams, several telepathically arranged meetings, some weird stuff but it has also caused us some issues because we are both passionate emotionally so our charges are easily felt by the other. We both started with lots of trigger-able wounds. Mine are mostly healed but his are ...not yet fully healed.   Angel

Anytime we have a miscommunication he decides I am mad(because that is a trigger pattern from how other people in his life have acted) so he basically stops communication, withdrawals in some form of fear/shame/anger/frustration.
It can last weeks or months, up to 7 months on two occasions.

I try to reach out but hes gone cold and distant(flicked a switch to be safe) so I after some trying basically accept his behavior but will have thoughts go through my head trying to rationalize away the pain of loss, or the sting of unhealed bond/standing miscommunication or fear this time is the end, or what ever. Through it I inadvertently send energy his way with me just thinking "hurt thoughts" or "thoughts of distance", yes frustration and there has been anger after months of being treated as an acquaintance.

He always melts back to his old self basically contacting me within the hour when I have genuinely made peace with it decided it just doesn't matter the unconditional love wins and my petty preferences/distortions of ego just don't matter even if we never see/talk to each other again.

Anyway we had one of our miscommunication 2 weeks ago. He was 100% gone for 4 days not returning texts/or emails instead of letting it trigger the old stuff I just made 100% peace with it immediate this time and found myself guarding my thoughts. I was doing it without even planning. My subconscious was teaching me NOT to telepathically reinforce his issues. So instead of this taking weeks or months to resolve things are better now than they have been in 5 or 6 years. Its very weird but I know what the difference was I didn't feed the energy of the issue with my mind.

Just thought I would put this out there as I am sure we wanderers all have a few friends we effect or communicate with even subconsciously. So just a heads up quiet the ego thoughts you are sending to people unless its what you really want them to know.

Also for those that haven't received telepathy consciously it at least for me comes as an energy not exact words, sometimes pictures so a negative though is a negative thought even if it isn't about them if its directed towards them it will feel negative especially if like me they aren't masters at this yet, or the person is only tuning in subconsciously. Certainly a great place to utilize meditation skills.

Hopefully we learn this stuff fast or 4d positive we will be putting our collective foot in our collective mouth a lot.

RE: discipline of the mind going into 4d - Aion - 11-17-2017

Know thyself.

RE: discipline of the mind going into 4d - Mahakali - 11-18-2017

Words build bridges into unexplored regions.

RE: discipline of the mind going into 4d - Stranger - 11-18-2017

(11-16-2017, 11:13 PM)Glow Wrote: Anytime we have a miscommunication he decides I am mad(because that is a trigger pattern from how other people in his life have acted) so he basically stops communication, withdrawals in some form of fear/shame/anger/frustration.
It can last weeks or months, up to 7 months on two occasions.

Glow, I enjoy your posts very much.

This one recalled to mind an incident where I was working with someone on healing; he was focusing on his inner world with his eyes closed, and I was guiding.  He was experiencing mental imagery of being out in space, coming to Earth to help at the striking of the hour (incidentally, he is a traditional Christian man with no interest in the mysticism or spirituality).  Anyway, suddenly I had a very fleeting, momentary harsh/judgmental thought about him with a flash of anger - no idea where it came from, probably something inside me that needed healing - and immediately he said (eyes still closed): "I just saw you come right at me and attack me."  I quickly refocused on love and all was well, but this is a nice illustration how the process you describe is barely outside of conscious awareness in all our interactions with others.

On a separate note, it is exceedingly easy to heal our triggers.  This is all it would take for your friend to fully heal the pattern you describe:

1. Close eyes, recall to mind your words that triggered him, and allow the feeling associated with it to arise without judging or trying to suppress or change it.  Simply be present with that feeling for a few moments, noticing and observing it.
(Optional: If the feeling is very intense of unpleasant, imagine a strong box with no openings and put the feeling inside.  Everyone can do this.  Notice how the intensity of the feeling instantly drops.)

2. Let go of any negative feelings toward the feeling; if not sure how to do it, just ask those feelings to step back and they will.  Now focus on the target feeling with caring & kindness (i.e., Love).    I often use the image of holding a tiny puppy.  Hold that feeling in your arms like a puppy and love it.  Over the period of just a few minutes, it will dissolve partially or completely.  Continue until it's completely gone (but don't try to force it to dissolve or change - that's incompatible with love.  Just love it and it will dissolve by itself.)

Now, recall to mind the incident that had initially triggered you, and notice the change in your automatic emotional response.

RE: discipline of the mind going into 4d - Glow - 11-18-2017

(11-18-2017, 12:27 PM)Stranger Wrote:
(11-16-2017, 11:13 PM)Glow Wrote: Anytime we have a miscommunication he decides I am mad(because that is a trigger pattern from how other people in his life have acted) so he basically stops communication, withdrawals in some form of fear/shame/anger/frustration.
It can last weeks or months, up to 7 months on two occasions.

Glow, I enjoy your posts very much.

This one recalled to mind an incident where I was working with someone on healing; he was focusing on his inner world with his eyes closed, and I was guiding.  He was experiencing mental imagery of being out in space, coming to Earth to help at the striking of the hour (incidentally, he is a traditional Christian man with no interest in the mysticism or spirituality).  Anyway, suddenly I had a very fleeting, momentary harsh/judgmental thought about him with a flash of anger - no idea where it came from, probably something inside me that needed healing - and immediately he said (eyes still closed): "I just saw you come right at me and attack me."  I quickly refocused on love and all was well, but this is a nice illustration how the process you describe is barely outside of conscious awareness in all our interactions with others.

On a separate note, it is exceedingly easy to heal our triggers.  This is all it would take for your friend to fully heal the pattern you describe:

1. Close eyes, recall to mind your words that triggered him, and allow the feeling associated with it to arise without judging or trying to suppress or change it.  Simply be present with that feeling for a few moments, noticing and observing it.
(Optional: If the feeling is very intense of unpleasant, imagine a strong box with no openings and put the feeling inside.  Everyone can do this.  Notice how the intensity of the feeling instantly drops.)

2. Let go of any negative feelings toward the feeling; if not sure how to do it, just ask those feelings to step back and they will.  Now focus on the target feeling with caring & kindness (i.e., Love).    I often use the image of holding a tiny puppy.  Hold that feeling in your arms like a puppy and love it.  Over the period of just a few minutes, it will dissolve partially or completely.  Continue until it's completely gone (but don't try to force it to dissolve or change - that's incompatible with love.  Just love it and it will dissolve by itself.)

Now, recall to mind the incident that had initially triggered you, and notice the change in your automatic emotional response.

I love that story thanks for sharing it. Isn't it interesting how across cultures and without the dogma we all still have access to this stuff. Even when it defies our belief it exists. Its so nice when we get experiences like that to prove it to us. Very cool! I love that!

I will try that healing method. I do recapitulation which is sort of similar. Any trigger able patterns goes back to the one that started it and little by little you reduce the cumulative power they hold over you, my old wounds now seem like someone else's wounds. Even specific traumatic memories,.. its like they are just not tied to me anymore. Its really profoundly saved me but I know different tools are useful so I will try the one you mention also. Perhaps especially after I have accidental triggered him. Smile Thanks to the friend healing his triggers..... I dare not broach that subject for a while, I'm pretty sure that was what led up to the issue this time. Sometimes people know they need to heal, they don't know how, and really they aren't yet ready to face the prospects of a possible solution, they just still need to be loved through the trauma while they prepare to one day hopefully face healing... Maybe their pain/anger is still needed to get where they still need to go. At least I am getting better at not feeding the energy when he is triggered. I've got 42 years left lol I will have figured out how to be a great friend to him by then lol

RE: discipline of the mind going into 4d - Stranger - 11-18-2017

Glow, recapitulation and the process I described are essentially the same: bringing up the past emotional junk we've retained, and letting it go. In my approach, you simply notice and follow the emotions you're already experiencing directly to the source, vs. painstakingly going through every memory. I find it to be more direct in allowing you to target and change specifically what you want to change, as it comes up.