You are the universe: Deepak Chopra video on tv - Printable Version

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You are the universe: Deepak Chopra video on tv - Jeremy - 06-11-2017

Unfortunately I caught it during the last hour and I've only watched a few minutes but wow it's like he's taken the Law of One and put it in a very easy language on the ears. He substitutes creator for universe but his terminology and expression of how the universe experiences itself is almost verbatim Law of One. 

He quotes many ancient Sanskrit texts as well and brings in a bit of Jesus' teachings as well. Over all, I'm quite impressed and his calming stoic nature makes it very easy to understand. This could be a very very good introduction to someone who has trouble interpreting Ra's vocabulary. 

RE: You are the universe: Deepak Chopra video on tv - DungBeetle - 06-11-2017

Is this the one?

RE: You are the universe: Deepak Chopra video on tv - Jeremy - 06-11-2017

No, I can't seem to find it online. It seems to be a PBS documentary but I'm assuming the videos on YouTube are similar. If you're in the US, look up your local pbs station and see when it's playing 

RE: You are the universe: Deepak Chopra video on tv - AnthroHeart - 06-11-2017

Still, that video that DungBeetle posted made me more aware of the illusion, and how everything is a human construct.