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Conflicting Stories? - MisterRabbit - 02-03-2009

I was wondering if anyone had noticed that among the channeled materials out there coming from confederation entities, there seems to be a bit of perhaps contradictions as to the origins of mankind. Or, perhaps the stories are somehow simultaneously true and reconcilable. Here is what I have found so far...

First and foremost, the Law of One presents a picture of entities developing upwards, from mineral to vegetable/animal to self-aware beings. So, presumably, at some point the general first density mineral consciousness focused into slightly less general and slightly more aware second density forms, and the second density eventually, either quickly through the interaction with third density entities or slowly through natural evolution, became self aware. You could call this the growing story.

However, there is a seemingly contrary diving story which has two versions that I have come across. Some entities seem to say that all souls or individual foci were created at once and actually descended down through the various densities, slowly playing around with more and more dense forms, until they finally arrived at that point where they were able to choose a common form for third density incarnation, the human body in our case here, and began to reproduce sexually rather than through manifestation. Then they slowly became veiled from their true nature as spirit, etc. That's the first version of the diving story, which I have heard from an entity identifying itself as Serapis, among others.

The second version of the diving story, which I believe was related by Edgar Cayce, is virtually the same as the first except that instead of solidifying their forms, the entities which had descended to presumably fourth density beings then manipulated certain second density great apes' DNA and then began inhabiting them.

So, if I must choose one I would probably go with the Law of One story, but why do these different stories emerge from beings who, other than this particular thing, tell basically the same story and have basically the same positive message and instructions? This makes me think that somehow perhaps they are all part of the truth, but how could that be?

Anyone have any insight on this subject to share?

RE: Conflicting Stories? - ayadew - 02-04-2009

There are always distortions, look for example on your fellow humans. We live by incredibly different realities.
I suppose this can be applied to confederation entities too, and even the highest forms of consciousness such as Ra that actively communicates with us are not without fault, they are but a humble messenger.

Messages are intercepted by negative entities and altered. We cannot ever know for sure in this density, and that is the purpose of it.

RE: Conflicting Stories? - MisterRabbit - 02-04-2009

Well, yeah, I guess that's true, but you would think that the story of how mankind came to be wouldn't be something that they would mix up. Contamination by a negative entity, maybe. Just different opinions? I find that hard to believe, given the kind of access to knowledge they have. They are all supposed to have pierced the veil, remember it all, etc. Maybe some are only fourth density like Serapis possibly, and so don't have their stories straight quite yet? When you say we live in incredibly different realities, I understand that to some degree, but if there is a chair in front of both of us then we presumably both say that it's there. This, to me, is the equivalent in grander metaphysical terms, it seems that how 3rd density beings come to be should be common plain obvious knowledge to such entities. Maybe they came here from another solar system, where it did happen that way? Maybe sometimes it happens that way, other times the other way? Something about that still doesn't sit quite well with me.
This isn't going to change any aspect of my choice, but I just find it strange.

RE: Conflicting Stories? - ayadew - 02-04-2009

Yes, it is indeed conflicting. I've heard both the versions too, but I've always believed the 2nd to be faulty. All federation entitys that I can remember has spoken of the 1st version.
Perhaps we should try to research where this 2nd version actually comes from. It might just be a different intepretation. Remember that time is an illusion, and that we exist in all densities at the same time. Our 'higher self' can then be interpreted as 'moving down' to the smallest part of existence, to experience itself, which is what the Creator did and as such we did, because are all one.
The 3rd density is very important though, the 1st and 2nd are simple in comparasion. An entity can stay in the 3rd density for a long, long time, due to the veil being thickest here.

I still think the 2nd version is much more distorted than the LOO one, it doesn't feel intuitively right to me.

RE: Conflicting Stories? - MisterRabbit - 02-04-2009

Yeah, I mean I can think of ways that MAYbe they are reconcilable, such as your higher-self example there. I mean, when Edgar Cayce says, for instance, that all souls were created in the beginning, but then Ra says that they develope, maybe Cayce is just talking about the parts that are outside time, the higher selves. Also, perhaps sometimes entities which have already developed to some extent, like the ones from mars, come here and take on the earthly ape bodies and so are in a sense like the Cayce version of the story, while still there are those graduating through the densities here. It's possible that Serapis isn't a confederation entity, but I thought that it was....who knows...

RE: Conflicting Stories? - BrotherAsa - 02-05-2009

(02-04-2009, 06:34 PM)MisterRabbit Wrote: Yeah, I mean I can think of ways that MAYbe they are reconcilable, such as your higher-self example there. I mean, when Edgar Cayce says, for instance, that all souls were created in the beginning, but then Ra says that they develope, maybe Cayce is just talking about the parts that are outside time, the higher selves. Also, perhaps sometimes entities which have already developed to some extent, like the ones from mars, come here and take on the earthly ape bodies and so are in a sense like the Cayce version of the story, while still there are those graduating through the densities here. It's possible that Serapis isn't a confederation entity, but I thought that it was....who knows...

Simply, if we are one and to be one we must be part of the Creator. If that were not the case then Creator could not be omnipresent and that is something that we do or should know as a truth. A TRUTH--Creator is a part of every single elemental and parcel of the ALL otherwise the Law of One would not be a TRUTH. If we are part of Creator then we have existed forever. If that were not the case then Creator could not be eternal and that would mean something existed before Creator. So however you may want to look at it all "souls" has to have existed for eternity. Cayce is correct all "souls" since they would have originated from the same source and be a part of that source would have to be exactly the same "age".

Movement through the densities is different from the origin or source of "souls". Once "souls" became individualized portions of Creator a distortion of separateness was introduced. This distortion of separateness keeps us from the ultimately KNOWING of being one with Creator. It is the seeking for the return to undifferentiated existence with Creator that is the basis for movement through the densities. RA implies that it is believed that when you reach the end of the eighth density that the undifferentiated existence is once again achieved. However, as he states that is something they do not know as they have not experienced the end of eighth density.

If one equates the Creator with the energy that existed prior to the "big bang" then as intelligence grew within the energy, Love grew from the intelligence, wanting to be able to share that love, Creator created from itself infinite numbers of parts of itself with which to share its love. Those parts in receiving the love then in turn seeks to rejoin with its Creator. Science speaks of the expansion that will one day stop expanding and begin to contract back toward the initial point of the "big bang". As above, so below. As is in the macrocosm so it is in the microcosm.

All paradoxes will in time have their solutions. This is not the density for the solution of paradoxes.

RE: Conflicting Stories? - full moon - 02-05-2009

Here is another way to look at it:

RE: Conflicting Stories? - MisterRabbit - 02-05-2009

Quote:Simply, if we are one and to be one we must be part of the Creator. If that were not the case then Creator could not be omnipresent and that is something that we do or should know as a truth. A TRUTH--Creator is a part of every single elemental and parcel of the ALL otherwise the Law of One would not be a TRUTH. If we are part of Creator then we have existed forever. If that were not the case then Creator could not be eternal and that would mean something existed before Creator. So however you may want to look at it all "souls" has to have existed for eternity. Cayce is correct all "souls" since they would have originated from the same source and be a part of that source would have to be exactly the same "age".

Well, when you say that, you're assuming that yo'ure just talking about individual beings or souls being part of the one infinite creator, therefore they must have existed forever. However, if you view the individuals as forming from the one infinite creator and someday dissipating back into the one infinite creator, which they really were all along anyway, then you don't have to say that the souls were all created at once. In otherwords, ALL is the one infinite ceator, not just souls, and so certain parts of the creator develope in a certain way as to be self-conscious souls. Within this model, there is first just the creator, then the creator/ion grows more and more complext and from tat complexity emerges souls among other things, and then all goes back to the creator eventually, or rather back to a state of not appearing seperate from the creator. This is the cosmological model I had perceived from the Ra material, though I could be mistakn. Anyway, the Cayce material and others seem to contradict it. Then again, when you take into account the whole higher-selves-being-outside-time phenomenon, that really does create quite a paradox doesn't it? Because then they wouldn't be a part of that sequential development, but they are...weird...

RE: Conflicting Stories? - Shin'Ar - 09-07-2012

(02-04-2009, 06:34 PM)MisterRabbit Wrote: Yeah, I mean I can think of ways that MAYbe they are reconcilable, such as your higher-self example there. I mean, when Edgar Cayce says, for instance, that all souls were created in the beginning, but then Ra says that they develope, maybe Cayce is just talking about the parts that are outside time, the higher selves. Also, perhaps sometimes entities which have already developed to some extent, like the ones from mars, come here and take on the earthly ape bodies and so are in a sense like the Cayce version of the story, while still there are those graduating through the densities here. It's possible that Serapis isn't a confederation entity, but I thought that it was....who knows...

Let's not forget here that this is also information that is being relayed to us by the channels of that information who may or may not be able to accurately interpret it, may or may not be tempted to manipulate for purposes of bias, and may or may not even be able to comprehend the information at all and must therefore spew forth what their brain then begins to pass to them.

But despite all of that possibility, we are able to ask ourselves this vital question,

"Knowing what we do know about thought process and creativity, can we really accept the notion that The Source of The All no longer has any thought process, and that all that was thought and created was all done in one grand effort and no longer continues?"

Because that is exactly what is being said in an attempt to give credence to simultaneity with regard to time/space.

It is my understanding that thought process is the being behind all of creation which continues infinitely.

To suggest that The Source no longer has thought process would require some evidence to support a suggestion like that.

And any attempt to offer such would be met with one undeniable wall of such sheer proportion that the suggestion would be immediately rendered unacceptable and improbable.

That wall is the countless thought processes which continue via the fragmented consciousness of The One.

Those which suggest that thought process was a past event which has culminated in the result of finite consequence do not understand the infinite nature of the Process of Being.

RE: Conflicting Stories? - safa100 - 02-10-2014

I want to create a story about a café, a young girl who has to run it on her own and some other characters, but what conflict could there be? A story is nothing without a conflict

RE: Conflicting Stories? - Rake - 02-10-2014

Quote:13.17 Questioner: How does this first density then progress to greater awareness?

Ra: I am Ra. The spiraling energy, which is the characteristic of what you call “light,” moves in a straight line spiral thus giving spirals an inevitable vector upwards to a more comprehensive beingness with regards to intelligent infinity. Thus, first dimensional beingness strives towards the second-density lessons of a type of awareness which includes growth rather than dissolution or random change.