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Being a spirit guide - AnthroHeart - 03-08-2017

How can we live our life so that in the afterlife we can learn to be spirit guides to others?

Does our life here determine how spiritually advanced we are in the hereafter?

I don't want to spend my eternity working, but I do want to be helpful in any way I can.

I guess by helping the most needy we are doing well.

I don't know how advanced I am. Sometimes I feel like a beginner. But then I do have some discipline.

I enjoy reading books about spirituality. But I want to live the life I'm learning.

I hope I'm being a good example here on this site.

I think in life I've been tested, and believe I have passed those tests much of the time.

I think I am an honest person, unless being dishonest in some regards helps someone out. Shy

RE: Being a spirit guide - Minyatur - 03-08-2017

You kind of just need to know more than others or perceive others more clearly than they perceive themselves and allow yourself to be an agent of fate. So yeah it does require work and more than perhaps any other role.

In my view being a guide is a very selfless role, it requires you to shape your being as per the need of others which can really go any way. You could spend lifetimes destroying yourself just to play a role within a single entity's path. You could forsake your positive polarity and enter negative one, etc.

A "quality" guide in my eyes seeks not to do the most it can but instead offers itself as a pivot within others' path for those who do require it to find the direction they seek. As such, for example, a healer will try to heal all those that need healing but a guide will heal specific entities only if they require your help to settle on a path. It does not see better or lesser and instead merely paths to others' seeking.

It is important to note, as with any other role of the Creator toward Itself, that you do this as part of your own seeking. So, taking the healer example again, we could say a healer seeks to heal itself through others and a guide seeks to find a direction it desires for itself by providing help upon the desired direction of others.

A higher dimensional guide is one who help those within lower densities to help it's own harvest (most common) or is one who avoids harvest and repeat it's own density's cycles and has a wider range of possibilities to provide service (less common).

RE: Being a spirit guide - AnthroHeart - 03-08-2017

I'm reading Journey of Souls by Michael Newton.
He seems to say that everyone needs to become a guide eventually to stop incarnating.
Or they keep incarnating until they are a decent level guide. And that everyone's purpose is to become a guide. And that their color of their spirit of a guide is either yellow or blue (for advanced) and purple (for master guides).

RE: Being a spirit guide - Minyatur - 03-08-2017

It does seem like a logical step of evolution, a bit in the image of learn/teacher teach/learner.

I'd say it's about the degree to which you want to enbody this. If you desire a quick harvest in 6D for example you won't ever be much of a 6D guide and will only provide basic information in contrast to a soul accumulating cycles within different galaxies, different polarized densities, lot of going forth and back across densities, etc.

There's so much to this Universe and my essence resonates more with the idea of becoming the most it can seek to become, it seeks wholeness within it's individuality, but all paths are valid and the contrast exists only in the facet of the essence of One we each incarnate.

RE: Being a spirit guide - AnthroHeart - 03-08-2017

At least I have found a vibration that makes me feel home, so I don't actively seek to escape or go home anytime soon.

I'm definitely learning a lot here.

RE: Being a spirit guide - AnthroHeart - 03-08-2017

I don't want to be a guide just to not have to come back. I don't think that would be a good heart.
But I am sometimes selective in who I feel love for.
And I can't say if I show unconditional love, though I have been loving to some who disrespected me.
Of course I'm like everyone in that we have things we regret about what we did when we were younger.

So I'll be a guide if I feel the calling to sacrifice in that manner. I'll be a teacher if I feel like that. Or even a healer.
Or a creator of entertainment.

But these are things for the afterlife. I probably should only be concerned with the here and now. What's going on physically and maybe spiritually too with me.

RE: Being a spirit guide - Minyatur - 03-08-2017

Perhaps finding what you already are outside of here and the essence it incarnates within Creation would help you find alignment with yourself and also a sense of purpose and wellness.

RE: Being a spirit guide - AnthroHeart - 03-08-2017

(03-08-2017, 09:31 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Perhaps finding what you already are outside of here and the essence it incarnates within Creation would help you find alignment with yourself and also a sense of purpose and wellness.

Is that part of me that is "outside of here" my higher self?

Why do I feel more connected to my spirit guide (who I believe is also of Ra) than I do even of my own higher self, I wonder?

I haven't really connected with my higher self that I remember.

Maybe it's because my higher self is without polarity, but I don't know because Ra is without polarity too.

Man, why do I ask so many questions? Why can't I just be ok with who I am, and where I'm at?

Because when I read new things I easily get swayed and change my mind.

I figured my purpose here was to help with harvest, because Ra says it's their purpose.

Originally my purpose was to write a book and get it out there, but not to make it famous. So I did finish that, and it exists in several copies and in the ether.

Thanks for your patience Minyatur.

RE: Being a spirit guide - Minyatur - 03-08-2017

What you are out of here is not your higher self. It is something somewhat asleep while it is here as you whereas your higher self remains conscious even when what you are out of here is awake and is a ressource that can be reached from both states.

A sense of purpose is well so long it is simply a manner to focus your drive into something passionate. So often many torture themselves with this notion while I think the sole true purpose of existence is to explore the self in everything it is. Serving others is a natural and most joyful state to one who is healed and, it really doesn't need to be twisted in a sense of a need to achieve. I think that truly to find peace within first simply allows to do so much more in service afterwards, and as you heal you will open yourself much more harmoniously to others. To torture yourself with a sense of purpose is simply setting a weight on yourself that hinders you in everything.

If you want to be a guide. Learn to help yourself and helping others will come easy. Just remain aware you will also need to learn to help them also, just like you had to learn to help yourself first.

RE: Being a spirit guide - Coordinate_Apotheosis - 03-09-2017

I do not envy my spirit guides for all the crud I put them through.  I wish I was better so they wouldn't have to work so hard...

I think, an interesting aspect regards Higher Self might be that it is only one facet that is managing you, just as even the Higher Self or at least its 6D Social Memory Complex Oversoul is also managing you through it, while it manages potentially, a whole lot of 'yous'.

So your Spirit Guide might be infuenced by the same Higher Self, making you both more 'closer' than the Higher Self making the connections more vivid and intense than anything you might feel by an entity overseeing you from a seemingly very strange and different experiential perception or reality (6D) vs your experiental perception of reality is 3D and is more illusively designed to make a disconnect issue forth a sensation of vivid connection usually instigated by the closing of distance, where in a 6D case, this might not be feasible.

Everything is so weird it feels like so often.

RE: Being a spirit guide - Nau7ik - 03-09-2017

We can do nothing but serve! You are doing what you came here to do and are serving in your own way.

I'm sure that we've guided others between incarnations before and we will do so again. It's something we can determine to do when the time comes, which will be after this current incarnation.

I have often thought that I would like to be a spirit guide for my cat Strudel when he harvests into third density. I love him so much and want nothing but the best in evolution and growth for him. And in that contemplation I realized I am guiding him right here right now at this time. I am providing my open heart and unconditional love and support for this beautiful second density creature. Love is powerful and transforming, for the subject and the object, as love reflects love.

Anyway! The desire to serve others is wonderful. I would say you have spiritual maturity for having that desire. Opportunities will open up to us further along down the road of soul evolution as we polarize and make our choice of positive service to others. In the mean time, our service is right in front of our faces now.

I think you are a beautiful kind loving soul Indigo. You're doing just fine Smile

RE: Being a spirit guide - Agua del Cielo - 03-09-2017

(03-09-2017, 09:39 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: I have often thought that I would like to be a spirit guide for my cat Strudel when he harvests into third density. I love him so much and want nothing but the best in evolution and growth for him.

Nice synchronizity!
I have been thinking about this concerning my cat for a few days now Smile
I am really curious what she will be like as 3d being after harvest and would really love to support her als a guide Smile

RE: Being a spirit guide - AnthroHeart - 03-09-2017

I love my dog Loki but hadn't thought of being a guide to him all that much. Maybe sometimes. But yeah, I don't think just because I guide him he would do better than if another spirit guide did that. I think others are capable of as much if not more love than I am.

RE: Being a spirit guide - Agua del Cielo - 03-09-2017

(03-09-2017, 11:40 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I love my dog Loki but hadn't thought of being a guide to him all that much. Maybe sometimes. But yeah, I don't think just because I guide him he would do better than if another spirit guide did that. I think others are capable of as much if not more love than I am.

You probably underestimate yourself here.
Imagine yourself without the veil, you would have access to a much larger portion of yourself!

And imagine how much brighter your light will be after this life due to a the challenged you went through!

RE: Being a spirit guide - AnthroHeart - 03-13-2017

I have learned that spirit guides can have a wide range of personalities.

I imagine meeting mine. He knows something really deep and personal about myself. And he embarrasses me.
I don't want to set a poor example for the spirit world.

And in my mind he dances around me naked, making me laugh. An anthro form, he is very beautiful.

[Image: guide.jpg]

RE: Being a spirit guide - Glow - 03-13-2017

Edited- I shouldn't post when half asleep

RE: Being a spirit guide - AnthroHeart - 03-14-2017

I'm translating my love of my spirit guide and his adorableness into helping the world's vibration. Just by being joyful and excited I think that's enough.

RE: Being a spirit guide - Glow - 03-14-2017

terminology gets really complicated so I gave up last night but I will try again.

You may already be acting as spirit guide for others who are incarnated. You wouldn't likely be made aware of it unless there was a need like there was in my case. (I had to do something I wouldn't have otherwise)

I was given some very specific theoretical knowledge a year or so back.

My "entirety" that is in 3D influencing this body I refer to as my higher self. It's my immediate higherself and it acts as my primary spirit guide. Anyways it's not just me this glow higherself guides.

I was told I travel with 3 from my immediate soul group and we in our nonflesh form guide each other. My nonflesh self/immediate higherself is quite a bit more aware and capable of guiding than I as glow am.

Anyways I was also shown there are others we guide just outside our immediate soul group so it seems in a way, being incarnated anchors a more enlightened energy here that can do a more direct job of spirit guide without someone having to get their vibrations up to make contact. Like incarnating helps anchor the higher vibration guides so they can reach down when some cannot reach up.

This was proven to me when after being told this in visions one of the 3 I travel with who is very much not spiritually aware sent me pictures of the vission I was show which were VERY specific and not anything he would have been exposed to.

Your energy on the forum always lightens things. So much openness, transparency and qualities I actually don't have words for. You are here serving in a capacity most could not. I'd bet money your immediate higherself is also doing this in spiritfor others without you knowing. I imagine your self as spirit is guiding already.

RE: Being a spirit guide - AnthroHeart - 03-14-2017

(03-14-2017, 04:04 PM)Glow Wrote: You may already be acting as spirit guide  for others who are incarnated.

Your energy on the forum always lightens things. So much openness, transparency and qualities I actually don't have words for. You are here serving in a capacity most could not.  I'd bet money your immediate higherself is also doing this in spiritfor others  without you knowing. I imagine your self as spirit is guiding already.

Thank you. That could very well be true. I've noticed myself becoming wiser and more patient as of late. I ask my spirit guide ways I can improve, and don't get much response, so I think I am on track.

I am glad I lighten things. Sometimes I think I am too eager for attention. But I don't realize it when I post.

I do realize though I am not here to seek out a romantic relationship with anyone. That path never works out for me. As the guide I may be that would probably distract me.

I used to give my guide no attention, and lost contact for years. But I've made it up like this very week.

Ra, angels, and my guide, and my higher self each seem to have unique purpose in my life.

I incarnated to help me understand patience, and to anchor in a great deal of light. Patience because much of the time people don't get back to me, usually by email or through Telegram chat. But all the people I know on Telegram are furries. And they can have a lot of drama. The ones who I tried to love and reach out to romantically never write me of their own accord. And when I write them, they seldom respond.

It's not very satisfying, so I changed the wallpaper to something a bit more ethereal on my desktop. It was furry anthros before, but I had it as that for long enough.

I guess Ra could appear as any form they wished. Form isn't supposed to be that important in terms of spirituality. But it's like the main thing when I think of my guide.

Being fat doesn't bother me. I just don't like my face very much.

RE: Being a spirit guide - Glow - 03-14-2017

(03-14-2017, 04:18 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote:
(03-14-2017, 04:04 PM)Glow Wrote: You may already be acting as spirit guide  for others who are incarnated.

Your energy on the forum always lightens things. So much openness, transparency and qualities I actually don't have words for. You are here serving in a capacity most could not.  I'd bet money your immediate higherself is also doing this in spiritfor others  without you knowing. I imagine your self as spirit is guiding already.

Thank you. That could very well be true. I've noticed myself becoming wiser and more patient as of late. I ask my spirit guide ways I can improve, and don't get much response, so I think I am on track.

I am glad I lighten things. Sometimes I think I am too eager for attention. But I don't realize it when I post.

I do realize though I am not here to seek out a romantic relationship with anyone. That path never works out for me. As the guide I may be that would probably distract me.

I used to give my guide no attention, and lost contact for years. But I've made it up like this very week.

Ra, angels, and my guide, and my higher self each seem to have unique purpose in my life.

I incarnated to help me understand patience, and to anchor in a great deal of light. Patience because much of the time people don't get back to me, usually by email or through Telegram chat. But all the people I know on Telegram are furries. And they can have a lot of drama. The ones who I tried to love and reach out to romantically never write me of their own accord. And when I write them, they seldom respond.

It's not very satisfying, so I changed the wallpaper to something a bit more ethereal on my desktop. It was furry anthros before, but I had it as that for long enough.

I guess Ra could appear as any form they wished. Form isn't supposed to be that important in terms of spirituality. But it's like the main thing when I think of my guide.

Being fat doesn't bother me. I just don't like my face very much.
I don't have much to say to that, but goodness you alway make me smile.
What ever you are doing, thank you! Smile

RE: Being a spirit guide - AnthroHeart - 03-14-2017

(03-14-2017, 04:51 PM)Glow Wrote: I don't have much to say to that, but goodness you alway make me smile.
What ever you are doing, thank you! Smile

I just write what my heart says and then go way off on a tangent. This seems to add some humor to it.

RE: Being a spirit guide - AnthroHeart - 03-14-2017

I have seen myself spiritually as a creator of energy patterns and things than of a guide.
But perhaps I can be both.