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Waterman story to nowdays. - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Community (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=16) +--- Forum: Wanderer Stories (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=3) +--- Thread: Waterman story to nowdays. (/showthread.php?tid=14168) |
Waterman story to nowdays. - so-gui-li78 - 02-21-2017 My birthyear is 1978. My friend make to me a starmap and it was something that she wasnt ever seen and huge mystery. My horoscope is Waterman. My childhood was really happy. My family is religious and politically quite strong and we have a farm. My parents raised all us childrens really well. Also religious but also free way and most important thing was to be helpful to all people and our houme was place where allkind people came if they need help. In my childhood i fly in my dreams all around world. In about 6year i was really talented in chess. In school i get my firs homelanguage test a false and i have lots of writing problems. It was little countryside school where was really good teachers and they pick me immediatly in special teaching lessions and it helps little. I read soon lots of dictionary things. Espesicially about volcanoes and earthcore things. Then i went to compershive school. I get really well there if something was intresting. I make my home work about 10minutes before lessons and i get ok points when i graduate. This point i didnt know what to do and i get first time to afraid about my skills and power. I was extermely talented about swimming one of the best in world about 12year old and my purpouse was to be one of the best swimmer in world. Well then came summer and next september my purpuse was to start to train whith our national team but then it ends. Reason was my skin start to drop off. I wake up blood bath in my bed etc. Same time drop off my dream to continue my home farm. Then my brains saw first time what will happen in future. When we have ”go off school” party i told one of my best friend that there will be came time when many farm gam together and on big farm and somehow i get those people around me and nowdays our home farm is main farm a huge milk farm exactly how i saw it 20year before. It was also time when i get afraid about my skills and what i should do in my life. I went to high scool and same time i start to wanderer in lapland exterme hard conditions. I soon notice that when it is situation that some one is dying or stituation is extermely dangerous i know what to do and it is no problem to me work or help those people. In this time one of my friend kills couple people and death came first time really next to me. I met my first girlfriend and i was happy anyway working in my homefarm and partying and just living. I didnt have any idea wich will my part in here. I get lots of friend. Then i decied to go school read to marketign but it wasnt my place because they teach ”old” things and i knew already that what thay tried to teach. I continue just party and drinking alcohol lot of. Now i undedrstant that i didnt drink to party. I drink to stop my head and my ”sensors” I find new marketing style b2b marketing what was coming here to Finland and i decided that it will thing where i will be on of the best. I'm one of best nowdays. Iwent to Finnis army. I first wanted to go leader school but then it was first time when they test me about huge ”brain”test. I wasnt extermely good about block tests. But they relize that i have ad/hd and in extermely pressure my head is incredibly fast. They didnt put me in leader school in army. They put me in special forces and secert place in north. When i get out from there they closed it. If some one attack my purpose is to go hide and organize counter attack for all power what i get. Another mission is get soliders and take them behind borders and then bring them back. I was whole army extermely hard conditions and it was fun. In normally army...i hate it. After army my girlfriend cheat me and we brokeup and i move another city and start drink more and more and we sell smugling alcohol and one day one girl came and pick me from bar to her home to sleep. Same night one of my friends friends kill his friend in my bed. He try to kill me but was so wasted that didnt realize it wasnt me. I was really good still my work so i move back old city and i get place big market company and i was marketdirector. I try to go university to read law and i get really good professor and i was so good that he asked to me some special group. I didnt go because same time i get bigger job and more money and i met new girl friend and i work,drink and travel and do my job. I wasnt happy and i was afraid to use my brains. Anyway all of my life i brave god and i feel how it was connect my life. I felt that some huge power tell me what to do and protect me. I knew that it was some kind of purpose to meet those people and get skills how to work whit them. Couple year i drink and work in couple town and travel and then it was time to break with my girlfriend. I decied that now is time to continue work more and drink more and travel more and i dont want meet any girl wich i get loved. After that decicions i went bar and i met my next girlfriend. =D Then thing start goes really fast. After couple months i quit my work and move another work where i same money and less work. I drink more. I meet in bar one of head psychiatrist in our country and europe. I have bee always really open person and i met more and more people. Many of them told me that they have met me before. I didn remember where but i think that time it was some party. Then my girlfirend decied to go Africa darkest place there to find history about HIV. I quit my work and i want to go with her. Old old grandmother told me in my home ( i had all the time realy good relationship my family) that is one my purpose and our family purpose so go there. I went. There i met more same kind of people and i first helped people in slums and stydy what happens there. Then it was time to go to Oshakati. Before trip we have party in our backbaker. I sit in night in chair with the dog and i look to the sky wich one was clear. Suddently dark cloud came and some kind of creature told me dont go there where you are going. My answer was my middle finger and i told that creature that i will go and that creature cant stop me. It went out. It was time to go Owamboland. There was Death everywhere. It is in extermely powerful around there everywhere. I help there people to try collect money to slum childrens wich parents have died in Hiv. In that culture those chlidresn didnt have hope. In that time they pick healt mens from there and they drive them to the Rossing uranimun mine and they get HiV from bars and drugs next to it. Rossings uraniun mine is owned Iran,North-Korea and Pakistan. I didnt have any problems to be there and work. Nothing. I met really starge people and they help me and i help them. We went to the Engela near Angola border and it wasnt nice place. Hiv was in 97precent in local people and smugling and terrorist and killign where everyvehere. We slept in old church building wich didnt collapse and it was kind of miracle too. One mornign i wake up and there wasnt even sound around us like everyhing stops. Priest came to us and told us that now we are safe because we are alive. He told us there is in next tree a female black mamba with little snakes and its protects us and snakes. We can sleep now safe because we should be killed if black mamba feels that we are not good people. Then we went to slums in Zimbabwe and there i interwiev white people wich have killed in murders what Mugabe did there. Then we get murders behind us. Secret police some of kind. We had to went out and start to lift out of land in middle of night. I didn have any problems to do that. We went through to Botswana to Namibian border and then they told me that i can go back Namibia. I aske why because i have Finland passport and i should give automatically Visa to there. They told me that i dont have any nationally anymore. Then i tried to go botswana but same thing. I was middle of Zambesi river no nationally. I brave god and suddentley young girl let me continue to travel inside Namibia and she give me 3days to get Windhoek to met a men how is boss in there about everything. I met that travel Kongo terrorist leader wich one i interwieved and i asked him that will he attack in Football World cup. He answer me that no way. He told me that they allmost catch him but now they (Mugabe and Zuma) give him money that he is in peace those competions and he will attack later.... Then i went to the home and i was so hurry that i get only some stuff with me and i travel to the Windhoek. I get really bad virus in that travel and i was extermely ill but i just brave and it keeps me alive and i get energy to survive. Then i met this boss guy and he told me that i had to go out whole africa in 18hour or he put me in darkest jail what he can find. I have serious problems to get fly back to europe because things went extermly bad in there and our group people dissappeared and then they die. They also canceled flights out of country. Then i heard that Porche croup gets his test group out of land and that flight is place where i have a place. We get safe night place in old nazi germany safehouse when we asked where we can sleep from those people wich one we had helped. My girldfriend had swiss visa and she could stay there and we brokeup. I fligt to Munchen. In that i port i have money 30eur nothing else. I find casino and i tried to win money. I win. It is only time when i win lots of money. Im skilled poker player but i dont have luck. I have relized now that i have luck lots of when i need it. I buy a ticket to the Chez because there is cheap beer. I drink all the time and lots of. When i try to get that plane i miss it. Then i go back to casino and win more money and then i buy ticket back to Finland. Before flight i met MI6 people and they asked if i want to go back to Africa and gambia and collect some data for them it will be okey and they will pay me. I said no. I want go home. They told me that i can drink beer that nightt and they will pay. I flight back to home. I start to drink more. I get my old work and i work and drink lots of because i felt all dark matter start to surround me and i start to saw texts and things what i can explain. That spelical psychiarist pick me from bar and give me special froce treatment and thats why i could to continue work and drink. My friend helps me lots of. They told me that when i was dream and i was wasted i say them that i was commander in angels forces. I drink more. Then i met a girl and he get pregnant for purpose and after 9months i get lovely son. We break up soon because of drinkign and fighting. Nowdays we have all really good relationship. Then they pick me in test group how to use my brains. It was first time when psychiatrist try to teach me how i can handle my brains and my energy. Well it helps but i was really restless and i felt something is going on. I felt that energy came more and more. One summer when i was drinking my friends came and told me. It is now time to stop drink it is time to use your head. Your parents are here to pick you and when you came back be ready to use your head world will need it now. I went home. I stop drinking. I also stop smoking. I mediate and just switch them off. I have nowdays nothing problems with alocohol and i dont drink it because i dont have any skills to left to how to drink it. =D Then i met my nowdays girlfriend and i have own little company and i work alone. Before i met my girlfriend i met in coffeeshop a old men. I was reading Hegel philoshopy book and he asked me suddently what you think about all universe. I told him that there is god and holy energy is same energy what is everywhere and that is where we all came and all religions purpose is to serve same holy energy and people in here is time to understand it or it is too late. That old men told me that if i can i should to make him a favorite. He asked me to go back university and start to read science of theology and chance everything. He asked to me that if he can tell people in israel in church what i have said. I was really really scared what happens. Then he told me that i will meet soon one person who will change my life and there will be lots of decions to me what i can do. He didnt know that i wil meet first time my nowdays girlfriend. Then that men went somewhere. After 30miun i met my girlfriend. We live in our capital where i moved. I dont drink anymore. I have exallent relationship everywhere. I first found front of me Edgar cayce name and atlantis data. I feel i had to find lots of information but it just came fron of me. I start in univeristy and first test i put paper example how all our thoughts and goes same energy what could be ”holy energy” when we thought we put in universum a impulse. Like little tiny energy. I can see that some times front of me. It goes inside like stirng theory told those strigs and then god or peoples or who want can use it. Simple. For example Stephen Hawkings computer works same way. Teacher told me that my thougs are not good in many thousand years but told me please continue. Then i find people. I told then that i feel there is war with bad and good and temple of bhaal is good shape in Syria and something had to do. Then i find old library wich is not in any data base in internet or computer. There was teacher who take me and i get code to the door where people teach me how to mediatede and get fullpower what i have and we have. Now we are in this day and i stop writing. See you. My school starts soon in there. RE: Waterman story to nowdays. - Infinite Unity - 03-04-2017 That's amazing, could you expand on this group with the secret library? The people you are currently with. The ones teaching you how to meditate, and achieve full power. RE: Waterman story to nowdays. - Infinite Unity - 03-04-2017 Could you tell me what country your currently in? RE: Waterman story to nowdays. - Infinite Unity - 03-04-2017 Could you possibly post some of the techniques, and information they give you? I am highly interested. Also I have never heard of waterman. Is there another name for it? Please elucidate brother! RE: Waterman story to nowdays. - so-gui-li78 - 03-04-2017 Meditation things came everyvhere and techniques are avaible also in internet or every libary. Point is that you had to find to open your own channel. I do my pratice couple days per week in my bed and well sometimes i think i will die or fly and in some point it looks like you are connected some kind of elecricity. What i try to do is open my mind to get all form universe that way that i just keep my mind empty and just open it. I told my girlfriend that she have no worries if she thinks that im dying it just some kind of energy from somewhere. Biggest problem when i mediate i make same time some kind of hurt points in my body and i had to scratch them off and it stops that mediation. Well lets see what happens. But it helps lots of about everywhere in "normal life". That libary is not "secret" it is open but if you want to find it your mind and soul had to be open and ready. Library is old guy libary and he was really famous theosophyst. Library is his old old "hand"library. My birth country is Finland. Waterman is my horoscope =D. My friend make my starmap. It was something that she told me that it is not possible. I dont know what she means. RE: Waterman story to nowdays. - Infinite Unity - 03-05-2017 Thank you. Your story was very interesting. I was hoping you would expoliate on some of the things you have found at the library. The way you stated it made it seem as if it were a school of some kind. RE: Waterman story to nowdays. - Infinite Unity - 03-05-2017 I have never heard of waterman being an astrology sign. Or even being related to or an alias of one. I'm not saying your wrong. Rather I would like more information, however it seems your friend knows. You still friends with this person? Could you ask them to shed some light on it? RE: Waterman story to nowdays. - so-gui-li78 - 03-05-2017 Hello. There is some kind of school systemn if im right and im not sure should i join in someday. Now like every time i start collect strange pepole surrounding me. Today i learn how to read kabbalas "lifetree". It seems people knew alreaduy string theorys different "string dimesions" and our geneticgode and different levels like same way what is in Ra-material And well everything. It will be really good when i do more connections with science and religions. I just looked yesterday about raw material when i went to sleep. First i had to take a pill every night that i can sleep. They are so strond that when normal people take same medicine he/she will sleep 24hour. I sleep normally 3hour and wake up. It is because i cant stop my brains in normally way. So i take my medice and i went to bed and start to read Ra-material and waiting that i can sleep. Ididnt sleep at alla because my brains overheated and i study 1/3 about Ra-material and i slep one hour. Now im little bit tired =D Today i read in library Tibetian book off the dead. There was explainded about those lights and their power and their way to became one. Every religion have been connection to the god the one god. Language is different but story quite same. For example in Ra-material i saw that Genis ghan got high level point in negative energy and i looked what religion was his main religion and it was shamanism (maybe right word) and it was quite same than my tribe old old religion what we call kalevala. There is lots of connections in veda i think. Oh that waterman. Our language is hard to translate in english. It looks like waterman is finnishenglishword in this point and in same horoscope is same than Aquarius in english horoscope. RE: Waterman story to nowdays. - Infinite Unity - 03-06-2017 Ok thank you, that clears a lot up about waterman. Yes I would agree there is a path within major world religions to the creator. I see it as the one mind built all things, the subject is apart of the object. I have studied many things, many of the ones you named, and for me. Just working with raw emotion, my own thoughts, and Ra/guides/friends is what I need for my journey. For me the path has leapt off of pages and into the very road we walk. RE: Waterman story to nowdays. - so-gui-li78 - 03-06-2017 That is really good way to learn because it seems that way brings to you everything what you want to know and with your choices you find your path. This what i have learned. I put here more my story what i think. The reason why i start to study diffrent things is volcano. =D When i was about 5-6year old and before it i was fanatic to learn what happens in vesuvius and with earth tectonic plates and that kind of stuff. Vesuvius was must. =D Now there is prediction from Nostardamus that vesuvius will errupt and Edgar Cayce predictions tells same thing. Also Nostardamus predictions tells that Pope had to LEAVE (not to live) Rome. Okey i read those and some how they just popped front of me and i start to learn more. I start to think and learn how it is possible that all are samething and why. Then i understand that volcano next to vesuvius. campi fleg rei, erupted about over 30thousand year ago and was part to wiped out neatherdal people. Well couple years ago when that Ra-material new dimesion or what we call it starts happened that thing that new asteroid fields or something came in our solar system. It is in NASA documents also. It changes our magnetic field same time of course. It started also that earthquakes and tsunamis etc and now just couple month ago it turned on this campi flegrei. Same time scientists inform that it have same magma chamber than vesuivus and same time there was earthquake in also 25-30thousand year old volcano system near rome and this volcano is no turn on again suddently. Quess what. The pope summerresidence is up that volcano and earthquake area. Campi Fleg rei is so huge volcano that if it errupts full power it meand volcanic winter and it will bring new human generation in Earth for sure. It alaram state is now yellow and every thing show that it can jum up any minute. There was really huge energy or hot spike just couple week ago and furmholes are growing. Here to link follow: http://meteovesuvio.altervista.org/ So like i told my teacher in university i hope that i will find knowledge to bring humas that here cames that kind of peace and understading that it brigs positive energy so much that vesuivius magma chamber dont errupt it full power and the changes happens more peacful way. I dont know how much i have time. RE: Waterman story to nowdays. - so-gui-li78 - 04-21-2017 Okei. What happens here is that i have been mediated lots of and continue diffrent lessons with book and data what i have get. Results are pretty intresting. I mediated about 3-5 times per week when im alone. Im in my bed and my hand are up in my stomach. When i start to think that i relax my foot,my knee etc to up the head then my inner hand heat rising. =D Then when my eyes are closed i get my self in different realm. I ask every time more energy from god the creator to do what i had to do. Well about 2-4 times i have get that energy. Some kind of electirtiy shock. It is pretty intresting. It is do not hurts. Idont know what it is meaning. But my brains start to think every thime about cosmos and reality and god. Then my dreams. Couple time i have learned how to use my front part about my brains to get stuff about in hand. Like to bend spoons etc. Also i saw the dream where was cave and there live some kind of bad deamon or something. I came in there cave and same way i told that deamon that it must stop. That part of brain. I helps. Most intresting dream was that i saw in my dream ark of covenant (im pretty sure it was that) and god said; I have forgiven Abrhamas family what they have sinned. Something like that.....well now it is time to start studying in university this summer and there is coming bible and koran researching lesson (we had to investing to them together) and islam and shiia part of it. Also religius experience lesson also. =D Be love be light see you. |