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Intelligent infinity/energy, time/space, catalyst, and your experience - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Spiritual Development & Metaphysical Matters (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Thread: Intelligent infinity/energy, time/space, catalyst, and your experience (/showthread.php?tid=14102) |
Intelligent infinity/energy, time/space, catalyst, and your experience - sriyantra - 02-08-2017 Those things mentioned above are elaborated in very interesting ways in the Law of One material. However, there are things about them that I want to understand more, and feel as though they are things that can be contemplated and experienced in a variety of ways unique to the individual. Even still, those things are beyond are normal 3D awareness, so full comprehension of them is going to be difficult. Ra's explanations enter into esoteric territory that can be totally applied to our paths and yearning for adept-hood if we so choose, but the actual experience of awakening on our path is acquired from a personal acquisition of wisdom due to peak moments of insight and experience upon contemplating and applying these concepts, whether directly or indirectly. Ok, that may have gotten confusing, so I'll move forward. So my question to put forth here is what your personal experiences of experiencing/channeling intelligent infinity have been like. My idea of what it's like to access intelligent infinity/energy seems to be always shifting slightly. For instance, there was a moment I had around a couple weeks ago, where I was entering into a near sleep-state and I was able to instantly shift from states of loving intense focus on any ability I wanted in my mind. So if I thought of humorous things, my energetic state created incredibly hilarious jokes, with a higher level of a sense of humor than I am accustomed to. I then switched to somehow amusing myself with raps. I am not good at rapping at all, but in this state, I was able to rap about anything in my mind with perfect fluidity. It felt as if my energy centers were balanced in a type of way where anything that I wanted to creatively express in my mind was able to come forth through an energetic awakening of that particular method of expression/visualization immediately. Aside from that particular moment, there will be increases of singleness of thought and visualization in my mind that feels as if all of my energy centers are also activated in accordance with that, as if it is being experienced. This kind of thing seems to lead to law of attraction esque experiences that brings that thing forward in waking reality. So, those are just pondering examples of experiences that make me question the capacity within us to channel the energy that we want in order to experience certain things. To expand on that, but to bring forth the concept of catalysts in conjunction with that, I have a couple of things I'm wondering. Catalysts seem to energize us into entering states of action that allow us to polarize, or at least to be entering a new energetic state that is in accordance with what we want, whether that has been preprogramed in time/space prior to incarnation, or whether our desires perhaps subconsciously program time/space points during incarnation that will allow us to be energized in such a way that will continue us on a path of forward evolution on our particular path. Can we not energize ourselves more quickly/effectively with subtle catalysts? Perhaps catalysts of the mind would be what this is referred to. The problem I seem to have is that even after attaining newly configured energetic states, there seems to be a decline in them that makes it so that I return to a slight state of apathy. There is a loss of momentum. Is this a common thing for most people (perhaps the sinkhole of indifference that pulls at us due to imbalances we still have to face?), requiring us to continue to have catalysts until that energetic momentum creates/exceeds a critical mass that leads us to polarize so effectively that we are in a consistent energetic state that is in accordance with the direction and path of our life? I get reminded of ideas that Ra mentions like more adept entities essentially programming/choosing their catalysts with basically more intention during incarnation, as more awareness is abound. Plus, there's the aspect of accessing any part of the cycle of the experience of the mind/body/spirit insofar as the Law of One archetypes provide, which becomes more esoteric, but is quite interesting. The idea that an adept can choose the aspect of experience he/she wants to have more effortlessly with intention kind of thing. Then I'll also get reminded of Joseph Campbell's mythic structure/hero's journey/archetypes. He essentially referred to myth as the penultimate expression of transcendence. Penultimate in this sense meaning that myths metaphorically point at the different parts of the soul's journey that awaken one to the transcendent nature of reality that cannot simply be realized with words. One way I look at that is that an archetype in a mythic story will have an experience that you can relate to as the hero is catalyzed into action due to his journey in a way that also awakens you- you can experience catalyst vicariously through the character! I find that to be fascinating and why I personally really like storytelling. So stories can quite effectively energize the open/seeking person. Then there is also the idea of time/space and how much room there is there for contemplating how it works particularly in respect to our daily experience, some of which I mentioned above. I have a lot I could ask about that, but it might turn into a whole 'nother thread thread haha. So, I'm mostly trying to understand it in relation to how it ties into what I said. Anyway, hopefully I articulated my ruminations there well enough to be intelligible enough for the sake of my questions. Please excuse any misconceptions/distortions I may have accidentally expressed. RE: Intelligent infinity/energy, time/space, catalyst, and your experience - AnthroHeart - 02-08-2017 I had one experience where I was sitting by myself not thinking of anything and suddenly my heart was opened up, and I felt an opening to II. The love was so great that I cried and could barely handle it. There was another time where I experienced a simulation of climbing the subdensities in my mind. I made it to 8th subdensity and then was able to peek into the previous octave and get a feeling of it. Then suddenly my mind was shaken as if my head was in a paint shaker very violently. It was scary climbing the subdensities. No love was felt, only fear. I couldn't peek into the next octave because it was shielded by light I could not penetrate. RE: Intelligent infinity/energy, time/space, catalyst, and your experience - Agua del Cielo - 02-09-2017 Quite a few very interesting questions in one post ![]() I would like to share my experiences and perspective with/on intelligent Infinity (i'll use "II" as abreviation). I came to experience II first maybe eight years ago, since then it occured more and more often and i have quite a few observations on it. The experience would be very diefferent each time and for every person i think.there are some aspects common to it however. It felt like my consciousness would explode into infinite dimensions, there were no boundaries whatsoever in no way, there was no such thing as "thought" at all (at least not what we would consider "thought") there was no identity at all, my identity and what i used to consider a person just dissolved and ceased to exist. The "personal" thing comes into play AFTER the experience. What i was able to remember and "hold" in my again reduced consciousness (although it will never again be reduced to what it was formerly) was just a timy microscopic version of the actual experience, reduced to the capability of my current state of evolution, highly colored and distorted by my limitations. So, the actual experience would be absolutely impersonal, the part that one remembers would be quite personal (one always will simply forget everything that currently doesnt make sense). I am not sure if comtemplating "II" is helpful in achieving it. I would rather say no, but i might be wrong. We usually function within the limits of our ego. We perceive it as reality. And we hold on to this "made-up" identity. From there we would kind of "project forward" or imagine what "II" is like, which would then be like the ego, only "bigger". This is far from the truth. The ego just cant imagine an ego-less state of being. We would then contemplate a concept of "II" that would be the egos imagination, this would in my opinion rather create an obstacle. I came to the conclusion that there's a good reason for everything, though i may not understand it at the moment. So, lets say, we dont experience or havent yet experienced "II", why would our "system" not allow this? There would be a good reason, since our system and life itself is not stupid. Why would it be a necessity to prevent one from experiencing " II"? Afetr having experienced it i came to some conclusions: Identity Especially when one tends to be in the "head" a lot, think a lot and live rather on the intellectual side of life, this would be what a big part of our identity is made up from. So, obviously one is not willing to let go of this in everyday life at least a little bit, now imagine all the thinking, all the self-perceived identity just ceases to exist. This is like dieing. Are you ready to die? Are you ready to let your thinking "die" in normal life? If not, how would you expect it to die completely in order to experience "II". This would also be true for other "parts" of identity that would cease to exist. And most of all, your sytem knows that after such an experience it would be impossible to go back to normal. Control This might not be too obvious at first. We have a lot of control mechanisms, the intellectual mind" being the strongest one for most. This control was installed in mostly childhood tomes and is the mechanism that is supposed to prevent us from old unprocessed pain surfacing and from re-experiencing such situations. Not sure if you found these mechanisms and the old pain in you, if you, you probably know, what i mean. When you experience "II" although its a very pleasant experience, opens many many doors in you. Your control mechanisms would be weakened (since you experienced life at least for some time without them). I found many times, that some time after touching "II" ( sometimes days, sometimes weeks after) very heavy and difficult issues would surface in me, it opens the door to deep issues ( actually these issues are the very reasons we closed the door to higher states). Your system, especially the controlling part "knows" this will happen, so this would be another good reason. Are you willing to pay the price? Are you willing to face the dark and painful sides in you? Grounding After my first "II" experience i fell into deep depression for some months. I was very unwilling to live in such a reduced state. I had quite a few suicidal phases then. I found "grounding" the connectedness to earth and the physical plane very important to allow such experiences. Grounding would mean, deciding definitely to live this often painful and reduced life. As long as one "knows" nothing "better" the decision is easy, after knowing "heavenly" states this is not easy at all. This in my experience comes down to our emotional state. If we openheartedly deal with emotions, recent ones as well as old buried ones, we transform our physical beingness into a pleasant state, which is desireable to inhabit. If we are not yet ready to face our emotions openly, living here most probably is quite unpleasant. Without this "grounding" i guess many would simply be much more unwilling to be here after such an experience than before. The fear of love and being This might also not be too obvious, but i had a convincing experience of this. I was using lsd as an aid here and was undertaking this journey with my therapist. I was in a thought-brain-abstraction mode for morethan an hour, things got more and more abstract and ever-increasing complicated. Finally she said, come on, this leads to nowhere. Just lie down and relax. She then touched my heart with herhands. I relaxed. And relaxed. My thoughts started to become less and ever less. At some point there was only a rememberance that i once was thinking. Then even that memory was lost. I was in a state of pure being. Nothing existed except being, no thought, no mind, not even consciousness, only being. It was so all-encompassing, nothing else existed. No physical world, no higher dimension or density, no "beings" or entities, nothing but pure being. It was so utterly pleasant. It felt as if i would be there for millions of years. Then she asked a question, it was hard to perceive at all in my state. But i refused to think or even botherto answer. I was convinced that i never ever would wantto experience anything else than being. I would sink for another million of years into being. Some millions of years later i decided to answer. I gotback into the "physical" world, but with the being still very present. Later that day i hadthe desireto go back completely into being. Buti was so afraid. I was afraid that i would lose myself there completely and forever. I was afraidthat all my "evolution" so far would have been pointless since i would lose it all forever including consciousness. My therepist promised to get me outofthere if would get lost. Ittook me morethan an hour to overcome my fear. Then i decided to go for it, jumped in,plop, junped backout, plop, and realized that my fear was unnecessary. So, irealized, there is an immense fear, which was unconscious always, but still there, and keeping me from experiencing pure being. I guess contemplating these reasons, discovering if they are infact anywhere deep down in us and doingthe work necessary to "dis-arm" these fears and mechanisms would be more promising in gettingcloserto "II" A further note: Experiencing "II" as well as the very popular Kundalini awakening would provide one with much much more energy. Ra is referring to this (thepre-mature opening of indigo-ray) as inviting great imbalance. If one considers there are many unresolved (or unbalanced) issues in us, fear, sadness, anger, hate, despair, pain and so on, now imagine all the fear, alltheanger, all the dispair and pain maginfied a hundred times. Not only the stuff present before, but also a lot of suppressed emotions which would then be uncontrollable. That would be a total mess, calling it "inviting great imbalance" sounds like understatement! These are some of my experiences, observations and conclusions. I hope it is helpful in a way! RE: Intelligent infinity/energy, time/space, catalyst, and your experience - sriyantra - 02-09-2017 Those are great points, observations, experiences. Thank you for sharing it with the clarity of your expression. It also brought out in my mind more of an understanding of the nuances and differences of insight I'm seeking clarity of. So, access to the gateway of intelligent infinity with violet ray activation is overwhelmingly powerful, as you've explained in insightful ways. An experience I've had similar to that would be when I practiced my own version of Kundalini awakening (meditating on the chakras and such) that led to being in a dream where I was surrounded by pure white light and perceived a sound vibration that resembled an endlessly upward climbing xylophone. The feeling of radiant love began to pour through every part of my being. I even perceived some kind of voice that was saying I was becoming Jesus. The love began to increase in intensity with every millisecond to the degree that I felt like my identity would be obliterated by this overwhelming love if I fully surrendered to it. I tried to turn from it and my eyes then opened. I felt my heart and the area of my third eye buzzing as if those chakras were activated in a strong way. I realized then that I felt as if I was accessing that experience/evolution a little too quickly so I decided I should stop doing that same meditation, to bring myself back to a more grounded experience that was more balanced with who I was. Friends of mine have also had some experiences of their own that resemble an obliteration of their identity in a powerful manner; it is always much too overwhelming. So recently I've been trying to find a way to bring a balance of living a life that activates the energy centers without the overwhelming experience of overly rapid evolution/experience. I am interested in the direct application of higher knowledge into our experiences here. Bringing forth intelligent infinity/energy so that one may serve in their highest capacities. I'm just gonna paste a few Ra quotes here. This extremely succinct explanation from Ra explains a lot: "The heart of the discipline of the personality is threefold. One, know yourself. Two, accept yourself. Three, become the Creator. The third step is that step which, when accomplished, renders one the most humble servant of all, transparent in personality and completely able to know and accept other-selves. In relation to the pursuit of the magical working the continuing discipline of the personality involves the adept in knowing itself, accepting itself, and thus clearing the path towards the great indigo gateway to the Creator. To become the Creator is to become all that there is. There is then no personality in the sense with which the adept begins its learn/teaching. As the consciousness of the indigo ray becomes more crystalline, more work may be done; more may be expressed from intelligent infinity." To continue with the idea of applicable usage of accessing II there is for instance, Ra mentions: "There is unity. This unity is all that there is. This unity has a potential and kinetic. The potential is intelligent infinity. Tapping this potential will yield work. This work has been called by us, intelligent energy. The nature of this work is dependent upon the particular distortion of free will which in turn is the nature of a particular intelligent energy or kinetic focus of the potential of unity or that which is all." Additionally: "Again, the violet emanation is, in this context, a resource from which, through indigo, intelligent infinity may be contacted. The radiation thereof will not be violet ray but rather green, blue, or indigo depending upon the nature of the type of intelligence which infinity has brought through into discernible energy." Discernible energy being an interesting point. And then of course: "We may not speak of the violet-ray transfer except to note that it is an opening to the gateway of intelligent infinity. Indeed, the indigo-ray transfer is also this but, shall we say, the veil has not yet been lifted." Explaining the opening of to the gateway of II in a way where the veil has not yet been lifted, but there is a usage of the energy as one taps into it. Then importantly: "The indigo ray, though precious, is that ray worked upon only by the adept, as you would call it. It is the gateway to intelligent infinity bringing intelligent energy through. This is the energy center worked upon in those teachings considered inner, hidden, and occult, for this ray is that which is infinite in its possibilities. As you are aware, those who heal, teach, and work for the Creator in any way which may be seen to be both radiant and balanced are those activities which are indigo ray." The quotes there are just things that I find point out the application of II into working while here and utilizing the streaming of II. I think I've answered some of my questions, or at least led into the direction of contemplation that would lead me more effectively into understanding something close to the manner of what I'm seeking. I'm just becoming more aware of what an individual process we are each on when it comes to our own understanding/awakening of things. There are still things I feel lost about. Almost as if I'm "trying to figure life out" in a way that perhaps only happens as more experience continues, and lines of questioning can become abstract when it comes to figuring it out. It seems as though catalysts will inevitably bring us forward to a greater understanding of ourselves though. Maybe that's where I am stuck, is simply understanding/knowing myself haha. RE: Intelligent infinity/energy, time/space, catalyst, and your experience - Cobrien - 02-10-2017 Contact with intelligent infinity can occur in many different ways, purposeful or random. For myself it was random due to drug use. Years later of meditating and the body discipline of a breathing technique allowed me to tap into this energy source purposefully. Thinking can deceive. Love is the energy from which all things came to be, it radiants. An inward turning of this outpouring is intelligent infinity. I imagine the experience of contact with intelligent infinity varies greatly. For me it started as being ecstatic joy. It never loses it profoundness. The thing is i dont understand it. I believe this is the reason studies of the deep mind are necessary. My growing concern is careful polarization which means interacting with the illusion. To use the potential of the illusion is what polarity is for RE: Intelligent infinity/energy, time/space, catalyst, and your experience - loostudent - 02-10-2017 My iniciation or first contact with II happened seven years ago. It's hard for me to explain it, find the right words (so much more in English!). I've already wrote something in another thread - Relationship with the Creator: Quote:I once had a different expirience of this special "state" of conciousness. I don't know if it was close to samadhi, awakening of kundalini, tapping of intelligent infinity or something else ... At that time I used to have a lot of free time. I was drawn to spiritual and philosophical quest. I discussed these things a lot (on a forum like this). I can't remember how this started but I became obssesed with some thinking and visualising. I started brainstorming on patterns, concepts, symbols and hidden connections behind everything... how God is showing his presence and connecting everything, how everything is coming from and returning to God ... This attracted me so much that I held a strong focus on this. I stayed awake long in the night ... Then I started taking notes to not loose anything what comes to mind. I carried a notebook and pencil with me. This was a spontanuos process. I didn't know anything about automatic writing and chanelling. Then I experienced for some time this altered state of conciesness I have already described above. The best words would be: seeing Creator in all, everything connected, feeling blissed and animated like never before, a burning sensation in the body ... This couldn' last because I was totally unprepared. I couldn't handle all this. This is owerlheming indeed. I started to experience some health and mental issues. I felt my mind is going to explode. I couldn't control this intensive stream of thoughts wandering arround like crazy. Besides a lot of things I also had problems with vanity. Then I realized this and had problems with unworthines, feeling damned, deceived by negative spirits ... So crazy! I almost lost my mind. I even had a nightmare of being absorbed into dark nothingness ... I wanted to stop all this and get back to normal. First thing that helped me and protected me was prayer and sacraments of my church. First I prayed alone then calling others for help. My family helped me a lot. I spontaneously created a ritual for ending this problems: I wanted the whole family to gather and I ritually burned my notebook in front of them. I had to ground myself a lot,doing only down to earth activities for a while. Gradually I was back to normal. Since then I haven't experienced something similar again. I became more careful in spirituality but I still feel a strong desire to be enlightened. RE: Intelligent infinity/energy, time/space, catalyst, and your experience - Infinite Unity - 02-10-2017 (02-09-2017, 02:59 PM)sriyantra Wrote: Those are great points, observations, experiences. Thank you for sharing it with the clarity of your expression. It also brought out in my mind more of an understanding of the nuances and differences of insight I'm seeking clarity of. Hey there I find your post very interesting. I would like to start off saying, I will be using terminology such as infinite energy etc. Slightly loose, in that they are used subjectively from my point of view, and such experiences...are well the observers. I have had one sure opening of the gate way, and funneling of infinite energy into the gateway of Infinite Intelligence. I am under the impression that I have obtained the gate to infinite energy, at will. This particular experience I could fill the same pulse from my indigo as when infinite energy is flowing. This seemed different, as moments passed I could fill the energy build,and as if some threshold of energy had been met, like almost like a little whole in my skull with energy pouring in at such a rate. ThatI started to lose control of my motor functions in my arms. The energy was massive. In all honesty not twenty minutes prior I experienced the worst psychic attack in my life. I had been expoliatkng to a close friend the Law of One. When a burning slash arched into my orange ray energy body. Followed a few moments later by what seemed to be an implosion of my green ray. I felt the energy being crushed out of my heart. I had to focus and use all my will to re energize the center. Not long after this the gateway became accessible to Infinite Intelligence. After refusing contact. I spent two weeks in the outer sanctum of the heart. Or what I call the heart of darkness. |