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STS and Unity - Henosis - 01-25-2017

The Law of One seems to be of a positive or one might say neutral nature. I'm assuming negative entities propound something similar to the Law of One without calling it the Law of One.

As a positive adept perceives the unity of creation, does a negative adept perceive this unity yet manipulate it?

Does the negative adept know the Truth, yet deny it to Himself? Does he know the Truth and just not care? Or does the negative adept stop short of the all pervasive realization of unity?

From my understanding, the root of the diabolical mentality comes from never making the connection between Self and Other. This is why sixth density negative entities must switch polarity, because the Truth is that Self is Other.

RE: STS and Unity - Minyatur - 01-25-2017

You could say polarity is not so much in the ability to perceive unity but instead what it becomes once through the eyes of the beholder.

The sixth density negative beings simply let go of their distortions toward self empowerment through the healing of facets of the self to switch polarity. First, they need to let go of reinforcing their negative polarity (most likely because of an external catalyst) and only then can they heal what there is to heal.

Unity is that every negative being is a facet of our collective self that "mutates" into negativity through cause and effect, and everything in higher densities is well aware of this. So, you could say that they do not care because they came to seek to seal away what of them did care at some point of their past.

RE: STS and Unity - Highrculling - 01-26-2017

The Positive controls the self by accepting itself and others selves "as is", revolving around others.
The Negative accepts the self by controlling what itself takes from what other selves have to offer, revolving around the self.

Just two modes of behavior tailored for two different types of vehicles.

Not sure if this is relevant.

RE: STS and Unity - anagogy - 01-26-2017

(01-25-2017, 09:31 PM)Henosis Wrote: The Law of One seems to be of a positive or one might say neutral nature. I'm assuming negative entities propound something similar to the Law of One without calling it the Law of One.

As a positive adept perceives the unity of creation, does a negative adept perceive this unity yet manipulate it?

Does the negative adept know the Truth, yet deny it to Himself? Does he know the Truth and just not care? Or does the negative adept stop short of the all pervasive realization of unity?

From my understanding, the root of the diabolical mentality comes from never making the connection between Self and Other. This is why sixth density negative entities must switch polarity, because the Truth is that Self is Other.

The positive entity holds the sincere belief that to love others, is to love all. The negative entity holds the sincere belief that to love self, is to love all.  They are essentially two different ways of approaching the same unity. Their power is the same as positivity until they reach sixth density consciousness, and are unable to express the unity of sixth density due to the fact that service to self involves many thought forms of separation, which basically disintegrates the collected unified energy amassed via the domination of the will of others.

The negative adept is aware that in some abstract, and teleological sense, other selves are part of the creator also, they have merely chosen to see the divine most clearly in the self, much in the same way that if you are in love with someone, you tend to see more perfection in them than somebody you don't admire or love.

It is important to note and understand, that the power of polarity, is the power of unity. Intelligent infinity is accessed by tapping into unity. This is also synonymous with transcending falsity. Polarity is acquired by entities seeking and becoming one, whether in positive cooperation, or negative domination. The end result is oneness, and mostly the same as far as power is concerned (until 6th density). The closer to unity one gets, the closer to the creator one is, and the line between falsity and truth becomes more and more apparent as this metaphysical polarity is created. This is true for both positive and negative. The only difference is in how they utilize that awareness. The negatives use this increased awareness of the difference between illusion and reality to more powerfully deceive others. The positives use this increased awareness to more powerfully enlighten and awaken others.

"The original desire is that entities seek and become one. If entities can do this in a moment, they may go forward in a moment"

"The distortion lies in the fact that those who seek to serve the self are seen by the Law of One as precisely the same as those who seek to serve others, for are all not one? To serve yourself and to serve other is a dual method of saying the same thing, if you can understand the essence of the Law of One."

"Love and understanding, whether it be of self or of self towards other-self, is one."

"It should be noted, carefully pondered, and accepted, that the Law of One is available to any social memory complex which has decided to strive together for any seeking of purpose, be it service to others or service to self."

The negative adept attempts to unify the creation by absorbing all into the black hole of their personal self (this necessarily involves the domination of the will of others and strengthening the ego to an infinite degree, i.e. what Ra meant when they said "opening the gateway to intelligent infinity from the solar plexus center").

The positive adept attempts to unify the creation by radiating their self outwards into the impersonal creator (this necessarily involves the relinquishment of the will to the creator and transcendence of the ego, i.e. opening the gateway from the indigo center "the kundalini serpent adorns the brow").

RE: STS and Unity - Cyclops - 01-26-2017

There were similarish questions, answers and good discussion in a topic before asking how can negative entities exist outside the veil, made a post there with some confederation quotes on it if you're interested. Echoing anagogy it seems both polarities enjoy the Law of One equally up to a certain point.

RE: STS and Unity - darklight - 01-26-2017

I think the most effective way to achiev unity in sixth density negative, is to wander to a third density planet like Earth. Perhaps this is the only way for a sixth density negative entity.

RE: STS and Unity - Henosis - 01-31-2017

(01-26-2017, 03:41 PM)darklight Wrote: I think the most effective way to achiev unity in sixth density negative, is to wander to a third density planet like Earth. Perhaps this is the only way for a sixth density negative entity.

Perhaps this 6D entity is currently your Selfie, though I would hope he operates a bit more in the shade Smile

RE: STS and Unity - Desaad khaan - 07-26-2021

(01-25-2017, 09:31 PM)Henosis Wrote: The Law of One seems to be of a positive or one might say neutral nature. I'm assuming negative entities propound something similar to the Law of One without calling it the Law of One.

As a positive adept perceives the unity of creation, does a negative adept perceive this unity yet manipulate it?

Does the negative adept know the Truth, yet deny it to Himself? Does he know the Truth and just not care? Or does the negative adept stop short of the all pervasive realization of unity?

From my understanding, the root of the diabolical mentality comes from never making the connection between Self and Other. This is why sixth density negative entities must switch polarity, because the Truth is that Self is Other.

As an STS I'll describe what you call unity as a board that hold chess pieces no more than that. It's about links and structure, we are all from the same energy but we are different, Black piece is not white as much as you aren't me, we may share the same structure, DNA, Atoms but we are different. The air that come out of your mouth and make words hasn't the same meaning as ventilation, but both are air.

RE: STS and Unity - EvolvingPhoenix - 07-26-2021

(01-25-2017, 09:31 PM)Henosis Wrote: The Law of One seems to be of a positive or one might say neutral nature. I'm assuming negative entities propound something similar to the Law of One without calling it the Law of One.

As a positive adept perceives the unity of creation, does a negative adept perceive this unity yet manipulate it?

Does the negative adept know the Truth, yet deny it to Himself? Does he know the Truth and just not care? Or does the negative adept stop short of the all pervasive realization of unity?

From my understanding, the root of the diabolical mentality comes from never making the connection between Self and Other. This is why sixth density negative entities must switch polarity, because the Truth is that Self is Other.

I am constantly perplexed by people taking questions and speculations such as these to POSITIVE forums as though such places are adequate to answer such questions.

Those sufficiently far enough on the LHP to reach adepthood understand and perceive the concept of unity. Hell, they even STUDY RHP material to better understand and perceive it, so as to better reject it.

When they contact intelligent infinity, they perceive the horrors of all infinite heavens, hells and things between and beyond, but also the bliss of unity. They reject this bliss as empty, on the basis that if one becomes one with everything, one cannot be anything. From their perspective, RHP unity is seen as anti-life and rooted in an inherent desire to not exist, so as to escape the challenge of existence. The challenge of existence is continuously finding meaning in it's perpetuation, despite the inherent lack of meaning in it. To indulge in the highest form of Magick: creation of existential meaning, where none inherently exists. To them, dissolving I to oneness is choosing nonexistence to escape this challenge. Their path is a hard path drought with challenge, but challenge is what they live for.

There is one extremely negative adept I know who rejects the very idea that we are all one, regarding it as being rooted in self importance, and therefore weakness. I get the sense that he is familiar with the Law of One material and has rejected it. He follows his own brand of Toltec Philosophy, which, to my understanding is brilliantly and incredibly negative.

He and my Kabbalah teacher are so extremely wise in the negative sense, that their negativity seems to double back around into a WIERD sort of positivity, preaching the values of kindness, strengthening of others, respect for peoples' right to liberty and forgiveness. This is done not out of positive feelings of intense love and compassion, but cold wisdom that sees the inherent power in such things. They preach synthesis of the two paths in their own ways and from what I can tell, are great examples of sixth density negative  alignment, albeit distorted by third density physical existence.

The negative path seems to have six stages which, in my view, correlate to the densities:

The first is physical discipline and foundational practices. Breathing, meditation, etc.

The second is mastery of dreaming power. This reality is all a dream after all, and their path seeks power.

The third is the rejection of all social impositions, such as morality, rules, other peoples' imposed values etc.

This is where most left hand path magicians stop their progress.

The fourth degree is willing enslavement to another-self. In doing this, one finds somebody who embodies one's values better than oneself, thus, in serving the best embodiment one knows of said values learning to better body them oneself, which helps one to align with one's one personal values. This is selfish by nature because it establishes and strengthens one's individual values.

It is also used as a tool to grind away pride, arrogance and overall sense of self importance, which is seen as MOSTLY a weakness and inherently self sabotaging in mature. Self sabotage being the exact opposite of power.
To such a path, slavery is useful for helping to break down ego barriers so people can be built back up onto something stronger, with a warrior spirit, and molded into something great. It is meant to help people REALIZE their potential rather than sap them of it, as it is used here on Earth. It seems only in sixth density however, do they have the wisdom to see more power and efficiency in helping people to simply be who they truly are, rather than trying to mold them to fit one's own values. At this point, they begin to respect peoples' decision to walk the STO path, even if it is a path they disagree with.

Fourth degree also readies them for fifth degree in which they learn to enjoy the pain of torture as a rite of imitation into power, wielding higher authority with wisdom and the experience of slavery teaching them how to be a more responsible master. At such a point, such individuals are management position.

The sixth degree is where they learn to wield higher influence, but in a more hands off sort of way, acting as high priests and priestesses which guide the middle managers of the fifth degree.

Thus, you can get a sense of how they might generally progress through the densities based on this.  

I should note that I am NOT advocating the Left Hand Path, but describing core tenants and philosophy, as well as basic aspects of progression to you, so as to help illuminate the way those upon such a path see things. There is obviously more to it, but those are some basic concepts.

Does this help you to get a better understanding of STS perspective?

RE: STS and Unity - EvolvingPhoenix - 07-26-2021

This practice, by the way, does NOT have to be "one size fits all" and there ARE anomalies, ESPECIALLY where sixth density beings are concerned. I strongly suspect that both of the 6D neg entities described above are 6D neg wanderers.

The Toltec Warrior I mentioned (though both follow Toltec Philosophy) seems quite the anomaly in a number of ways. He is his own thing, really, though inherently VERY negative in nature. I cannot be sure exactly what to describe of his PERSONAL progressions, as I have not yet read his books.

RE: STS and Unity - J.W. - 07-27-2021


That is the operating perspective and philosophy of STS path.

Fear of being weak, Fear of not being in control, Fear of losing, Fear of other-selves.

I'd be careful, if you are not at least at the spiritual level of an adept.. STS philosophy will consume you. Unless that is the path you seek.

This does not need to be known, the truth of your choice is a private matter that only you will have the answer to.

Even those who "claim" they are STO or STS... In reality, doesn't really know... We are merely tasting the flavors of the two paths and thinks that it is "ours."

At the moment of death, and during life review... You will see.
Or, you can die little deaths now, and find out.

I made a post not long ago that pierce this very subject.. "How genuine is your intention after learning the Law of One."

If you care, maybe you should answer the 3 questions I have on that post and revisit it at a later time to see "yourself."

Find yourself first, then find your answers... then your choice.

Last but not least, 6th density make the switch not only from "realizing" other-selves is "self." It is the fear they harbored throughout their existence that hinders their distortion towards love.

Love, is creation, Love is Unity. That must be completed for 6th to go "home." Letting go of fear is the core transition for a 6th entity to come home.

A version of death is to relinquish ALL of that which is YOU..... You is no more, and You is All. Most "souls" fear this to a certain extend.


p.s. This is aimed towards the present and future other-selves, as this post is from 2017, and Desaad Khaan is the trigger of the emergence. Well played, but it is still a path that is not.

RE: STS and Unity - Aion - 07-27-2021

Every entity dreams their own imagination of what is the highest truth.

Is it unity? Is it infinity? Is it individuation? Is it separation? Identity?

I think that what is meaningful is the dreaming.

To me the truth is ineffable, even to call it unity or infinity is 'not it', it is pure mystery in my mind.

An "STS" or "STO' will express whatever truth most speaks to them of that mystery, from what I've experienced. This will take its form from the shape of the entity.

RE: STS and Unity - J.W. - 07-27-2021

(07-27-2021, 03:00 AM)Aion Wrote: Every entity dreams their own imagination of what is the highest truth.

Is it unity? Is it infinity? Is it individuation? Is it separation? Identity?

I think that what is meaningful is the dreaming.

To me the truth is ineffable, even to call it unity or infinity is 'not it', it is pure mystery in my mind.

An "STS" or "STO' will express whatever truth most speaks to them of that mystery, from what I've experienced. This will take its form from the shape of the entity.

Mystery of the universe, mystery of creation.

a mystery that possibly the infinite creator is trying to solve...

As we are all "looking" through our experiences.

RE: STS and Unity - EvolvingPhoenix - 07-27-2021

(07-27-2021, 01:56 AM)J.W. Wrote: Fear...

That is the operating perspective and philosophy of STS path.

Fear of being weak, Fear of not being in control, Fear of losing, Fear of other-selves.

I'd be careful, if you are not at least at the spiritual level of an adept.. STS philosophy will consume you. Unless that is the path you seek.

This does not need to be known, the truth of your choice is a private matter that only you will have the answer to.

Even those who "claim" they are STO or STS... In reality, doesn't really know... We are merely tasting the flavors of the two paths and thinks that it is "ours."

At the moment of death, and during life review... You will see.
Or, you can die little deaths now, and find out.

I made a post not long ago that pierce this very subject.. "How genuine is your intention after learning the Law of One."

If you care, maybe you should answer the 3 questions I have on that post and revisit it at a later time to see "yourself."

Find yourself first, then find your answers... then your choice.

Last but not least, 6th density make the switch not only from "realizing" other-selves is "self." It is the fear they harbored throughout their existence that hinders their distortion towards love.

Love, is creation, Love is Unity. That must be completed for 6th to go "home." Letting go of fear is the core transition for a 6th entity to come home.

A version of death is to relinquish ALL of that which is YOU..... You is no more, and You is All. Most "souls" fear this to a certain extend.  


p.s. This is aimed towards the present and future other-selves, as this post is from 2017, and Desaad Khaan is the trigger of the emergence. Well played, but it is still a path that is not.

You are, to some extent, self projecting.

Fear is APPRECIATED on the STS path, and to some extent it is harnessed when possible, from within or without, to use as energy.

It can be used to shake up perception patterns.

The path requires willingly seeking out and subjecting yourself to your deepest fears.

But at some point,emotion starts getting reigned in with logic, increasingly. Some view emotions themselves as a thing of clarity in the dream of the world, others just see them as a tool. Either way there comes a point that they detach from their emotions. The main fear that would motivate them would be the existential dread of the challenge of existence, but they are the ones embracing that challenge.

From a certain perspective, the STO could be viewed as motivated by fear, as they are rejecting the challenge of existence and a timely pursuing oblivion through becoming one with all. At least that's another way it could be viewed.

I should remind people that when you speculate On these matters on an STO forum, everything will be filtered through a perspective of inexperience and STO bias.

The vast majority of peoples' understanding on this forum are mostly self projected cartoon villain s***, and grossly inaccurate understandings.

I just do not view it as productive to speculate from the confines of an STO echo chamber. All it will do is further distort your understanding. It is not possible for you to accurately understand the STS path by speculating on B4. Nor by using the corrupt political and corporate worlds as your model. That's like judging STO by the Catholic priests who molest children and by hippie cult leaders.

If one truly wishes to understand it, the right people will show up to help one do so.

If one wishes to project one's insecurities onto boogey men, speculating on B4 will help one do that, but it will not help to actually understand. That is what I have come to learn about it. I used to do it too, but doing so only FURTHER distorted my understanding, not help.

RE: STS and Unity - J.W. - 07-27-2021

@ Pheonix,

I appreciate the comment,

and I would like to make a few things clear. The "operating perspective and philosophy of STS path" I mentioned above, is a very diluted and minimal take of the STS path.

Hence, there were only a few examples, plus my "forewarning" of seeking further. On top of that, I left open the fluidity nature of polarities to each individuals' own journey. By stating that it is a "private matter" in regards of their choices of which path to choose.

I am not sure I fully understand your comment towards "projecting" as I don't see the extend of my comment is as deeply projected as of your own understanding of how STS works,

your insight on how STS operates fear, emotions, logic and their existential dread, all seems to be the things you are speculating and placing B4 in a narrow and bias perspective. It is interesting that your statement of your own observation on the forums are the things you are also "explaining."

I am not sure if you see this,

With l/l

RE: STS and Unity - flow - 07-28-2021

(07-26-2021, 05:58 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: Kabbalah teacher are so extremely wise in the negative sense ...

EvolvingPhoenix, are you saying Kabbalah is an STS path ?

Henosis, STS adepts do make contact with intelligent infinity, just like STO adepts. the difference is STS adepts don't perceieve unity. "all is one" means "all is me" for an STS entity. power over others is an essence of STS path. if the goal of an STS path is brought to the ultimate limit, that would be gaining power over all the universe, in other words, reaching the status of absolute god. to gain power over others it is essential to not perceive others as the equal parts of the same unity. STS entity sees universe through the prism of struggle for power, it is all about benifitting one self, it is a place of contest, where the role of weak ones is to serve a will of a strong. compasion, unconditional love, generosity etc. are all perceived as folly and weakness. others are to be submitted to the will and wise guidance of an STS entity, either through manipulation, or blackmail, fear, whatever is suitable. free will of others is neglected as well.

i'd say STS is pretty shortsighted as it simply does not occur to an STS entity that people can benefit each other out of sheer appreciation, love, joy, companionship, etc.

STS entity is absolutely convinced every smart ones is playing the game of gaining advantage over each other, while those who don't play that game are fools and easy prey and deserve to be taken advantage of.

RE: STS and Unity - Ohr Ein Sof - 07-28-2021

(07-28-2021, 04:26 AM)flow Wrote:
(07-26-2021, 05:58 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: Kabbalah teacher are so extremely wise in the negative sense ...

EvolvingPhoenix, are you saying Kabbalah is an STS path ?

Henosis, STS adepts do make contact with intelligent infinity, just like STO adepts. the difference is STS adepts don't perceieve unity. "all is one" means "all is me" for an STS entity. power over others is an essence of STS path. if the goal of an STS path is brought to the ultimate limit, that would be gaining power over all the universe, in other words, reaching the status of absolute god. to gain power over others it is essential to not perceive others as the equal parts of the same unity. STS entity sees universe through the prism of struggle for power, it is all about benifitting one self, it is a place of contest, where the role of weak ones is to serve a will of a strong. compasion, unconditional love, generosity etc. are all perceived as folly and weakness. others are to be submitted to the will and wise guidance of an STS entity, either through manipulation, or blackmail, fear, whatever is suitable. free will of others is neglected as well.

i'd say STS is pretty shortsighted as it simply does not occur to an STS entity that people can benefit each other out of sheer appreciation, love, joy, companionship, etc.

STS entity is absolutely convinced every smart ones is playing the game of gaining advantage over each other, while those who don't play that game are fools and easy prey and deserve to be taken advantage of.

RE: STS and Unity - EvolvingPhoenix - 07-30-2021

(07-28-2021, 04:26 AM)flow Wrote:
(07-26-2021, 05:58 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: Kabbalah teacher are so extremely wise in the negative sense ...

EvolvingPhoenix, are you saying Kabbalah is an STS path ?

Henosis, STS adepts do make contact with intelligent infinity, just like STO adepts. the difference is STS adepts don't perceieve unity. "all is one" means "all is me" for an STS entity. power over others is an essence of STS path. if the goal of an STS path is brought to the ultimate limit, that would be gaining power over all the universe, in other words, reaching the status of absolute god. to gain power over others it is essential to not perceive others as the equal parts of the same unity. STS entity sees universe through the prism of struggle for power, it is all about benifitting one self, it is a place of contest, where the role of weak ones is to serve a will of a strong. compasion, unconditional love, generosity etc. are all perceived as folly and weakness. others are to be submitted to the will and wise guidance of an STS entity, either through manipulation, or blackmail, fear, whatever is suitable. free will of others is neglected as well.

i'd say STS is pretty shortsighted as it simply does not occur to an STS entity that people can benefit each other out of sheer appreciation, love, joy, companionship, etc.

STS entity is absolutely convinced every smart ones is playing the game of gaining advantage over each other, while those who don't play that game are fools and easy prey and deserve to be taken advantage of.

No. Just that my teacher teaches Kabbalah from an STS perspective. Though now that you mention it, I have spoken to STO Kabbalah practitioners who study the LOO channelings, and they said that the Kabbalah leaves the anahata out of the equation. Ra himself said the Ippissimus is one who has mastered the Left Hand Path, and pointed out that the Old Testament is full of negative material. So actually, yes. I am.

RE: STS and Unity - EvolvingPhoenix - 07-30-2021

(07-28-2021, 04:26 AM)flow Wrote: Henosis, STS adepts do make contact with intelligent infinity, just like STO adepts. the difference is STS adepts don't perceieve unity. "all is one" means "all is me" for an STS entity. power over others is an essence of STS path. if the goal of an STS path is brought to the ultimate limit, that would be gaining power over all the universe, in other words, reaching the status of absolute god. to gain power over others it is essential to not perceive others as the equal parts of the same unity. STS entity sees universe through the prism of struggle for power, it is all about benifitting one self, it is a place of contest, where the role of weak ones is to serve a will of a strong. compasion, unconditional love, generosity etc. are all perceived as folly and weakness. others are to be submitted to the will and wise guidance of an STS entity, either through manipulation, or blackmail, fear, whatever is suitable. free will of others is neglected as well.

i'd say STS is pretty shortsighted as it simply does not occur to an STS entity that people can benefit each other out of sheer appreciation, love, joy, companionship, etc.

STS entity is absolutely convinced every smart ones is playing the game of gaining advantage over each other, while those who don't play that game are fools and easy prey and deserve to be taken advantage of.

You are telling me about STS experiences of contacting intelligent infinity, as well as the Left Hand Path, from the perspective of not knowing ANY STS adepts who have done so, or, to my knowledge any real STS adepts of any kind at all.

Who do you think I am going to listen to? An actual STS adept who has contacted intelligent infinity? Or you?

Also, when STS is brought to it's ultimate limit, that would be synthesizing the alignments and pursuing personal freedom, seeing how both alignments are two different paths ultimately leading to that same end goal, and synthesizing the two in order to achieve that end.

Also, there is much... distortion regarding the STS alignment in the Law of One material, filtered through the Channeler's (Carla's) Christian STO bias. In fact, I think Carla's Christian background distorted MUCH of the channel, but it had to be Carla doing the channeling because only somebody who worships a martyr would be willing to put their body through the extreme damage that that degree, intensity and frequency of such channeling would cause.

So what you get is a Saturday Morning Cartoon depiction of the STS alignment that doesn't really depict it in an accurate way.

I don't see the positivity in creating this bizarre, black and white depiction of reality that Ra and the original trio have created.

RE: STS and Unity - EvolvingPhoenix - 07-30-2021

(07-28-2021, 07:25 AM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote:
(07-28-2021, 04:26 AM)flow Wrote:
(07-26-2021, 05:58 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: Kabbalah teacher are so extremely wise in the negative sense ...

EvolvingPhoenix, are you saying Kabbalah is an STS path ?

Henosis, STS adepts do make contact with intelligent infinity, just like STO adepts. the difference is STS adepts don't perceieve unity. "all is one" means "all is me" for an STS entity. power over others is an essence of STS path. if the goal of an STS path is brought to the ultimate limit, that would be gaining power over all the universe, in other words, reaching the status of absolute god. to gain power over others it is essential to not perceive others as the equal parts of the same unity. STS entity sees universe through the prism of struggle for power, it is all about benifitting one self, it is a place of contest, where the role of weak ones is to serve a will of a strong. compasion, unconditional love, generosity etc. are all perceived as folly and weakness. others are to be submitted to the will and wise guidance of an STS entity, either through manipulation, or blackmail, fear, whatever is suitable. free will of others is neglected as well.

i'd say STS is pretty shortsighted as it simply does not occur to an STS entity that people can benefit each other out of sheer appreciation, love, joy, companionship, etc.

STS entity is absolutely convinced every smart ones is playing the game of gaining advantage over each other, while those who don't play that game are fools and easy prey and deserve to be taken advantage of.

The Qlippoth is just one half of the Kabbalah. Many black magicians mistakenly believe this to be the only useful part, and the only part they can learn the LHP from. Many RHP magicians think they must forrego the Qlippoth in order to properly learn it. Both sides, from what I've been told by both STO and STS seekers alike that I have interviewed, are incomplete without one another, and in terms of polarity, even complete, the Kabbalah is inherenntly negatively aligned, for the heart chakra is left out of it. When one looks at Jewish material, one sees plenty of wisdom, but where is the universal love and compassion the STO people clamor about? It is missing. Add that to one's study of the Kabbalah and THEN it is STO.

RE: STS and Unity - Aion - 07-30-2021

My understanding of Qabalah/Kabbalah (there are various forms and usually people don't clarify which "school" they're referring to) is that it is a vehicle. The manner of driving and intended destination depends upon the practitioner. However, I would say there are some forms of Qabalah which would lend themselves more or less to this or that way of driving, as there are differences between them.

To answer to the question of the OP, I would say that each entity is unique in its approach. I think that ultimately the consciousness that expresses itself through entity seeks to "try" as many combinations as possible. The impetus of consciousness is to experience itself, thus plumbing the depths of its own infinitude. I have met folks of both leanings who both embrace or deny the idea of unity. One actually can be "positive" even without seeing or believing in unity, just as one can be "negative" while believing in it.

Even "positive" people don't all share the same conceptualization of the "Law of One" or what that even means. There are many gradients of how people perceive the notion of a unified source, and for some entities they don't perceive or believe in a unified source. Conviction is often only swayed by experience.

RE: STS and Unity - Ohr Ein Sof - 07-30-2021

(07-30-2021, 12:26 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote:
(07-28-2021, 04:26 AM)flow Wrote:
(07-26-2021, 05:58 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: Kabbalah teacher are so extremely wise in the negative sense ...

EvolvingPhoenix, are you saying Kabbalah is an STS path ?

Henosis, STS adepts do make contact with intelligent infinity, just like STO adepts. the difference is STS adepts don't perceieve unity. "all is one" means "all is me" for an STS entity. power over others is an essence of STS path. if the goal of an STS path is brought to the ultimate limit, that would be gaining power over all the universe, in other words, reaching the status of absolute god. to gain power over others it is essential to not perceive others as the equal parts of the same unity. STS entity sees universe through the prism of struggle for power, it is all about benifitting one self, it is a place of contest, where the role of weak ones is to serve a will of a strong. compasion, unconditional love, generosity etc. are all perceived as folly and weakness. others are to be submitted to the will and wise guidance of an STS entity, either through manipulation, or blackmail, fear, whatever is suitable. free will of others is neglected as well.

i'd say STS is pretty shortsighted as it simply does not occur to an STS entity that people can benefit each other out of sheer appreciation, love, joy, companionship, etc.

STS entity is absolutely convinced every smart ones is playing the game of gaining advantage over each other, while those who don't play that game are fools and easy prey and deserve to be taken advantage of.

No. Just that my teacher teaches Kabbalah from an STS perspective. Though now that you mention it, I have spoken to STO Kabbalah practitioners who study the LOO channelings, and they said that the Kabbalah leaves the anahata out of the equation. Ra himself said the Ippissimus is one who has mastered the Left Hand Path, and pointed out that the Old Testament is full of negative material. So actually, yes. I am.

Well, I am no expert in the matters of Kabbalah (Qabalah, western mysticism), but there are two pillars and one not seen in the middle that blends wisdom and love/understanding. The Qabalah is an achetypal system where it is clearly seen that Love is the Power of Creation just as is the Light. I do not quite understand what you are saying I do not believe how the heart center is not taught in Qabalah or before you ever learn these teachings you get aquainted to the powers that exist or what moves Creation just as we learn the Laws of the Universe before even attempting to learn Qabalah. Can you clarify your statement please? How Love is skipped over in learning this ancient wisdom or it is not recognized as a power? In 3rd density it is considered that 4th chakra or your heart center (for others who are reading this that may not know but I guess that everyone knows this) and this power generates power upwards toward the higher energy centers, because let's face it, love is a power that contacts the blue ray of wisdom and makes it possible to contact the indigo center that is needful for contacting Intelligent Infinity. This is the simplified version.
The negative must use those lower three rays to generate enough power to be able to deny usage or to "skip over" a well known power, the heart center, and go right to the blue and into the indigo to make contact.

RE: STS and Unity - flow - 07-30-2021

(07-30-2021, 12:26 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: ...Just that my teacher teaches Kabbalah from an STS perspective...
may i ask you if this teacher is Jew?

(07-30-2021, 12:33 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: ..You are telling me...

...Who do you think I am going to listen to? An actual STS adept who has contacted intelligent infinity? Or you?

if you look at my post again, you will notice that the paragraph you quoted begins with "Henosis,...", meaning - my thoughts were adressed towards OP and his/her original question, it has nothing to do with you.