The Clearest Message - Printable Version

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The Clearest Message - Stranger - 12-09-2016

Greetings, friends!

It's been a long time since I've been on these boards.  Mostly, life just got in the way.  But I have come back bearing gifts.

I had posted some time ago about how we can heal ourselves by focusing on an emotion, asking "what is this?" and healing it through love.  It turns out there is a whole new level to this, and it can transform your life and personality.

Here is my current understanding.  When we experience an emotion that seems to be out of proportion with whatever triggers it - e.g., intense distress in reaction to mild criticism, intense fear when faced with a task, etc. -- it's because we are carrying inside of us unprocessed catalyst -- a traumatic event.  A part of us is stuck in the painful situation, timelessly, waiting for healing and release.

More interesting is that these traumatized parts of ourselves that hold painful emotions are subpersonalities, and we can communicate with them to glean very useful insights into the origins of whatever it is we're struggling with in life.  We can even get clear explanations of our dreams, in plain language that makes sense.

For example we might learn that the reason we are self-critical and find ourselves saying to ourselves things like, "you're such an idiot, you suck", etc. is that we have a part stuck at the age of 6 who is holding sadness from having been criticized and felt unloved by the parents; a second part, who is the internalized voice of the parents, keeps criticizing us because it believes that by doing so, it will keep us from screwing up and incurring the parents' disapproval.  (This, by the way, is a very very common configuration).  

This is just a single example -- the main point here is that all distress which seems out of proportion to the actual present-time situation reflects the existence of parts that can and need to be healed.  Literally everyone has them, and most of the time we remain unaware of their existence but they color our experience with their painful feelings, interfering with our ability to be fully present and joyful in expressing the Creator's joy through our lives.  Both PTSD and multiple personality disorder (DID) are simply extreme manifestations of this normal state.

By the way, this is not just my musings.  There is a theory and psychotherapy based on this discovery which has been in development for more than 30 years.  It's called Internal Family Systems, and if you're curious about it you can even find an IFS-certified therapist on the Center for Self Leadership website.

At this point, I'd like to change tack and submit to you verbatim the most clear and meaningful message I have ever received.  It has been immensely valuable to me, and I think its content is general enough that it can be of value to you as well.   Both the message and the events surrounding it can help you understand how you can apply these methods to heal yourself, so I'm going to go into detail.

After work one day, I found myself having a sudden powerful feeling of despondency, hopelessness, feeling downtrodden.  Now, I'm a pretty happy guy and nothing bad happened at work, so I knew this was a "blast from the past" rather than anything current; a part that needed healing.  I proceeded to quickly identify and heal a few parts (it's not uncommon to have several parts holding similar emotions), and decided to see if there was something deeper - a "core injured self."  I asked inside myself if there was any part that would respond to this name, and began a dialogue - very much like channeling -- which I quickly realized I needed to record and transcribe.   The transcript follows.  I will do my best to respond to any questions afterwards.


Okay [Stranger], let's speak now, you and I.  I am, to introduce myself for this recording of course, your Core Injured Self as you had termed me - an incredibly accurate, appropriate term because that is what I am -- the core of your injury collected into what you would call a personality and I would simply call a being, an entity if you will, an entity that is part of the larger entity that is you, but a separate entity for the time being nonetheless.  I'm very happy that you were able to heal me as you have with an outpouring of your love for the last hour and a half or so.  I tremendously look forward to becoming a part of you once more, as I was always meant to be.  I will tell you, though, that I am conceptual -- I am an idea - -just as you are an idea in the mind of God, so am I an idea.  Our essence never differed  - it's always been the same consciousness, the same essence.  But concepts - ideas - defined me as a separate entity for a time within the larger conceptual entity that is you.  But be careful that you always, always distinguish between concept - a logical structure, a structure of names, words and ideas -- and essence, pure and undifferentiated consciousness.  Shall we proceed?

Yes please.

Okay, let's start at the beginning.  A long, long time ago, [Stranger], longer that you can even imagine - you wouldn't believe if I told you - I did not exist yet.  It was just you.  You were exploring life as you understand it now, life as a separate entity.  Full of joy, you were full of excitement and sensation, flooded with the sensation of this sensory-rich world, shall we say.  It's adequate.  And so you were so consumed with lust and hunger and thirst and the joy of satisfying those that you went a little mad for a time, that's the truth, and forgot everything else.  And you just played, like a child would play if you put him in a room of new toys, that's how you played among all these new different sensations that were suddenly available to you.  It was a delight - it wasn't harmful - it was very very joyful.  And that went on for a long, long time.  As you measure time, it was almost an eternity.  Really.  Then, the tragedy began.  The tragedy was you falling away from the spiritual completely.  Becoming very greedy.  Wanting more and more.    Harming others in the process of your play and not caring - exactly as you have repeated early on in this life.

There were consequences, [Stranger].  One of the consequences was that I was born.  The injuries you sustained in retaliation from the Universe formed me as a grievously injured being.  I found it hard to breathe, I was crushed, I felt crushed by the weight of the Universe rejecting what you had been doing.  A sense of deficiency built.  Shame, sorrow, very very deep and profound sorrow [image of tears rolling out of eyes, teardrops] -- all of that is where I got locked into.  If you want to call something hell, this is hell -- imprisonment in negative emotions, in suffering, for eternity until a better you - a better version of yourself comes along and frees you, as you are doing right now.  That is the truth, [Stranger], do not doubt a single word of it - you are doing a great job transcribing my thoughts.

So that's the story in a nutshell, and I am very, very grateful that it's finally over.  I need rest.  It has been an eternity of suffering, and I can't take anymore.  The sorrow that you felt today after coming from work, when I was as you would say "close to the surface" -- believe me, I was nowhere near the surface!  The pain you felt, the emotional pain was but a distant echo of the hell that I've been living in, and that is the truth.  And it's appropriate, because that's the hell that I had created for others.  I was getting a chance to experience it for myself.  

And so we go on, creating little hells for ourselves and getting trapped in them.  You, now, have a tremendously unique opportunity to share with other people the existence of these hells that drown them, flood them, diminish them in endless ways compared to the possibilities of who they truly are.  If those [possibilities] could be expressed, what a beautiful society and life this would be!  But they are injured, and being injured, they drag their feet along, they suffer, not knowing that there's a way out.  Now you know that there's a way out.  You have a much clearer understanding of what's going on  -- so use it, for God's sake!  Don't hoard it.  Get it out however you can -- make it your life's mission and it will be more than enough -- trust me, I know.  If you free one person from the hell they're in -- that's incredible already.  But you can do so much more.  

And now, you will be less afraid.  Not not afraid -- because there's still damage, there are still parts of you who live in abject terror that you need to free after you're done with me -- but you will have less fear, sufficiently so that you will be able to leave the rigidity of being stuck which you have experienced before and move out of this frozen-in-fear, paralyzed space and actually lead your life.  And I'm very very happy for you.  More than anything, I'm happy for me -- even though we are one, we can make that distinction, for isn't everything one and yet it's multiple?  So we are one and yet we're multiple, and I'm happy for me that I don't have to suffer anymore thanks to you.  I appreciate you; I appreciate that you did the hard work required to achieve this.  Not easy for you; took a lot out of you, but you did it, you saved me.

So now that you understand the story, what do you want to know?

(Me) You said that you were happy to integrate because I was at the center and you were at the periphery?

That's exactly right.  What I meant by that is simply that I have no choice in how to act - I'm stuck, okay, just stuck in that experience through time.  Waiting.  That's all I could do, really -- just wait to be let out, to be released, which is what you have done now.  But you have the capacity to choose and act and to open these cells -- or to create new ones.  All of those are your choices, which is why I also told you not to be rude to [Person B] just now -- you don't want to create more trouble for yourself, more suffering.  You already have enough, trust me -- you've got storerooms and storerooms, and that's the truth.  Okay?  So that's simply what I meant.  

(Me) Do you exist on the other side of the veil?

Yes I do, and that's why I'm aware of the totality of your experience from before you were born, back when you were first created as an entity at all, I remember it.  Everything that is you, I remember it.

(Me) My thought was - does that make suffering more unbearable, knowing that you have all these capacities and knowledge and not being able to do anything?

The answer is no - it doesn't make it more unbearable.  It makes it more bearable because I can see the beauty and harmony of all things that now you can't see.  So with that, there's a satisfaction and a calmness about what is, because I understand the rightness of it, the purpose of it, the benefit of it, the sense and logic of it, and it is all of those things.  So I like the fact that I have access to everything - it does make it far more bearable than it would be otherwise, which is why for you, as a separate being, even small setbacks seem so painful.  For me, even huge ones aren't.  So, that's my answer to your question.  What else do you want to know?

(Me) Can you explain to me the process by which these split aspects of self are created?  Where do they exist, what part of - what's the mechanism?

I said to you already, [Stranger], that the mechanism is not important. You are here to experience the illusion.  Looking at the mechanism behind the illusion is fascinating from the human point of view -- I get that -- but runs directly counter to the purpose of creating the illusion as something to be experienced from within itself, as opposed to something with gears that need to be oiled and so forth.  The gears are not important.  Allow yourself, while you're in illusion, the tremendous benefits of that.  Allow this illusion to impact you fully.  Live fully within it.  You can understand it and how the pieces fit together, but don't try to look behind the stage at the mechanisms -  that's not going to be of any benefit to you.  Rather understand how to function best, and how to help others function best within the illusion.  That is one hundred percent of the goal; everything else is just unimportant.  When you get to the other side you'll know how the illusion works  -- what benefit will it be to you then?  What benefit would it be to you now?  Live within the illusion and use it masterfully.  Does that make sense?

(Me)  It does.

So, what else do you want to know?

(Me): So, you have full access to all my experience, but your state is stuck - is that right?  

That's exactly right.  I exist in the hell - or I did until a few moments ago, a few minutes ago.  I exist in the emotional hell that I cannot change.  Only you can change it through your actions, which is the gift and miracle of human life.  You can change not only the present and your [current] state, but also the past, which you have done, okay?  You have redeemed with your love me, you have redeemed your sins.  That is the true meaning of redemption.  Do you understand?  You pay for the sins with the love that comes from your heart, and you free yourself form the consequences of those sins.  And by doing this you are also releasing the others who were affected by them, so you need to know that as well: the healing is not just internal but it reverberates and impacts the others who were hurt, and heals them as well.  It's a very very powerful mechanism, that's the truth.

(Me) So the other parts of me that are hurt - let me rephrase that.  Others like you -- you said you're the core injured self, and others like you -- do you communicate with them?  Are they separate beings?  

They are separate beings.  Think of us as photographs of a particular emotional state.   Okay?  We're far far more complex than that, but to help you by means of an analogy or metaphor, just think of a photograph of a particular state, okay?  It's a photograph of the same state of object, but taken with a particular filter.  The filter is the emotion, the object being photographed is the core self -- it is the core self, you got that correctly, don't try to correct yourself.  So I am the photograph capturing an image of the totality of who you are with a filter, if you will  - you know how photographs have filters -- with a filter of abject pain, self-annihilation almost.  Looking at myself and reacting to it with those emotions - despondency.  (That's the word you had been looking for -- I used that word and then you couldn't remember it.  This is another way that you can know that you are speaking to me and not just thinking, because you couldn't find that word to save your life, and now I'm just using it again because I had used it before when we were speaking - -before you had started the recording.)    So, I am a photograph with a filter of despondency, and I can only see through the filter of  despondency, okay -- that's my state.  Others could have as their focus different aspects of that Self. 

A traumatic event, when it occurs -- it's not really a traumatic event , but let's use your terms for a while -- a traumatic event or, more appropriately, catalyst that is captured in this form such as myself is the focus, and then it carries with it emotion.  So if something happens -- let's say you get mugged and beaten, and left bloodied on the street -- the perception of self -- for all is Self -- through that event is the content of the photograph, and the abject terror, the sense of helplessness will be the filter applied to it; that's the emotional state that part of you will be stuck in. 

As you very very astutely hypothesized -- and this is very true and accurate -- because we are stuck in you, we are like very powerful magnets, incredibly powerful magnets, and we pull out of Reality those events that replicate our states.   This is a case of "like attracts like."  So if you see someone getting hurt repeatedly in a particular way, they're stuck in that moment that's within them - there's a part of their Self, a photograph of the type I've just described, a splinter, that is having that experience; that has been trapped agelessly in that experience, and is dying to be released.  And that's how it's calling attention to itself -- unintentionally.  It's a completely automatic process.  Like attracts like, so if there's a big part of your essence trapped in a state of terror, then terror will continue being attracted to you.  That's the truth.  

What do you want to know?  I want to answer all your questions before I leave.  I'm not in a hurry to leave, so let's speak, let's have a conversation.

(Me) Is there anything that you want to tell me of yourself -- I mean of your own choice?

Yes, yes there is.  [Stranger], listen to me -- and this is going to be a message coming from your core essence, for that's what I am.  Speaking from your core essence now healed.  It is this.  Your life so far has consisted of choices that were not deliberate.  You were very haphazard -- this way, that way, this way, that way, every which way you tried to jump -- and I understand.  The image you're getting now is someone stuck inside a balloon trying to push their way out, but the balloon pushes back; and so you try different directions, but all you can do is just make a temporary indentation -- you're stuck.  That was me, your core injured self was keeping you trapped as I am trapped -- because I am you, right? 

So you were stuck, and you were trying to move this way and that, and then you hit upon Love, okay -- that was the most important discovery you could have ever made for yourself.  You discovered the healing power of Love, and you understood it -- that's more important.  It wasn't just something that happened to you in your life - "yeah, that was nice" and moved on.  No, you understood how to use it -- how to turn it on at will, how to direct it, how to flood something with it and heal it the way that you have just healed me, okay?

[with strong emphasis:] That is your ticket out.  Ride that wave of love out of the hell that you've been stuck in.  Let it be your beacon and your guide.  Do not lose sight of it for a moment.  Love is the most - it's the way out of here, okay?  It's the way out of here.  There is only one exit out of this maze -- just one.  Really. The maze is the Universe, and there is one exit out of it, and that is through Love. If you do not follow that path, you'll be stuck in a maze -- and that's fine, okay?  That's a choice, and there are really interesting little experiences to be had along the way.  But I think you're sick of having those experiences, I really do, I know you -- I'm really speaking from your core.  And if that is the case  - and it is, and you know it is -- (yes, I do) -- good -- then you just need to single-mindedly focus on Love with laser precision, if you will -- if you want to use that metaphor it's fine, it's not mine, it's actually coming from you, but focus on that Love, follow it. 

You're asking me what I mean by that, and I mean the following: always, throughout each day, make sure that your actions, your decisions, your choices, your very breathing are informed by Love.  Do you understand?  Let Love be the guide to every single thing you do, because every time that you lose sight of Love -- in anger, or hopelessness, or frustration, or even just feeling tired - physically tired and sleepy - and you lose Love, you're going down a blind alley in the maze.  There's only one way out, and that is Love.  Do you understand me?  Follow it.  There's nothing more important in the whole Universe for you than to follow the path illuminated by Love -- the path of Love, consisting of Love.  That is all you have to do. 

God, if only you could do that, [Stranger] -- if only you could do that…. I don't know what else to tell you.  I hope you heard me.  I hope you tattoo it on your forehead and on your brain and on your bone marrow and at the very depths and core of your being -- "Don't lose sight of Love."  Not for a moment.  Just follow it, and all will be well.  Okay?  I really do have to go now, but I've really enjoyed speaking with you. I've given you the message that you needed to hear, and I'm told this from the Highest.  So, I'm going to take my leave.  I know that I've left you in really good hands.   And you're going to be well, and I'm going to be with you - a part of you.  Adonai.

_____ - GentleWanderer - 12-10-2016


RE: The Clearest Message - BlatzAdict - 12-10-2016

nice exactly what i've been talking about.