If we weren't infinite - Printable Version

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If we weren't infinite - AnthroHeart - 11-25-2016

If we weren't infinite, we could not or would not exist.
This realization came to me recently.

I think it comes to the holographic piece containing the whole.

So it might be silly to want anything, or to want to be anything.
Because we are already everything.

RE: If we weren't infinite - Minyatur - 11-25-2016

I think infinity would be void if any portion of it was not, I think free will contains acceptance of all of infinity as it experiences itself.

RE: If we weren't infinite - AnthroHeart - 11-25-2016

There is ultimately no change in infinity.

RE: If we weren't infinite - AnthroHeart - 11-25-2016

I think that most of infinity is unmanifest, or in potential. Although in that kinetic and potential are the same.

But what is reality? I heard someone's experience that said that reality was absolutely infinite.

Is there any difference between that which is real, and that which is unreal?

RE: If we weren't infinite - Minyatur - 11-25-2016

(11-25-2016, 06:43 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I think that most of infinity is unmanifest, or in potential. Although in that kinetic and potential are the same.

But what is reality? I heard someone's experience that said that reality was absolutely infinite.

Is there any difference between that which is real, and that which is unreal?

I think it's equivalent and what is in potential only is in potential from our relative reality's perspective. Where that potential is seen as manifest, our own reality is not.

I think each possible moment is crystalized within infinity as a thought and each thought manifest itself through observation of Intelligent Infinity in a really equal fashion.

RE: If we weren't infinite - AnthroHeart - 11-25-2016

Is it possible to experience infinite wonder within a human body?

RE: If we weren't infinite - Minyatur - 11-25-2016

(11-25-2016, 06:58 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Is it possible to experience infinite wonder within a human body?

I'd say a very very deep impression of it and this would act as a realization opening something within your mind.

RE: If we weren't infinite - AnthroHeart - 11-25-2016

(11-25-2016, 07:00 PM)Minyatur Wrote:
(11-25-2016, 06:58 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Is it possible to experience infinite wonder within a human body?

I'd say a very very deep impression of it and this would act as a realization opening something within your mind.

So is wonder an emotion? I think wonder is energy.

I imagine having near infinite wonder would be like having a very open crown chakra, allowing intelligent infinity to flow in freely.

Not sure how someone from not so much wonder can achieve this state.

RE: If we weren't infinite - Minyatur - 11-25-2016

(11-25-2016, 07:14 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote:
(11-25-2016, 07:00 PM)Minyatur Wrote:
(11-25-2016, 06:58 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Is it possible to experience infinite wonder within a human body?

I'd say a very very deep impression of it and this would act as a realization opening something within your mind.

So is wonder an emotion? I think wonder is energy.

I imagine having near infinite wonder would be like having a very open crown chakra, allowing intelligent infinity to flow in freely.

Not sure how someone from not so much wonder can achieve this state.

I don't really know how to trigger them at will.

One time I started to think about the complexity of the moment, I looked at the television and wondered how many people came into contact with it's materials to come to build it and for to be here and now, how much effort was put in advancing the technology, how each person need to have a life of their own and path that lead them to be where they were at those moments that lead to manifest it to be there. Then I extended it to every portion of the room and object. Then i thought about how each of these things contain countless atoms and particles and how those are likely to have sub-worlds within them that generate the energy that allows their manifestation, how each sub-world contains countless sub-worlds to allow their own manifestation and how I am at the right at the center of infinitely small and infinitely big, until I thought that this present moment holds through infinite complexity and that acted as a trigger and gave me a realization and extremely deep sense that the present moment is of infinite complexity and this somewhat lifted something in my mind and connected me to a higher aspect of myself.

So I'd say you could seek to see how your present moment connects to infinite wonder to perceive it is not truly away from yourself.

RE: If we weren't infinite - anagogy - 11-25-2016

(11-25-2016, 05:50 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: If we weren't infinite, we could not or would not exist.
This realization came to me recently.

I think it comes to the holographic piece containing the whole.

So it might be silly to want anything, or to want to be anything.
Because we are already everything.

I think you are absolutely correct about that, but we can't really help believing whatever we believe (it is just so vivid and apparent to us), and thus the distortion called "desire" will continue to appear so long as we believe, on some level of our beings, that we are not, and do not, already embody all things. Alternatively, we could also say, if we do desire things then we know that our belief that we are infinite and thus already have everything, is less than 100% pure. Which is fine, it is merely the natural play of raw spirit, or creative energy, to entertain these temporal illusions, shadows, or dancing lights (however you like to conceptualize them).

It seems we often tend to have lots of intellectual realizations about these metaphysical and cosmological truths that we do not fully believe in our hearts (or subconscious minds if you prefer), and thus while all distortions arise from this fundamental limitation in viewpoint, we are still captivated and entranced by them despite the conscious realization. It takes a relatively long period of time for these deep realizations to sink down in to the hearts of our mind/body/spirit complexes. This factor makes it seem like we create our realities somewhat slowly (which is something I used to believe -- that it takes a long time for physical reality to reflect our thoughts -- like it is some kind of metaphysical molasses). But in actuality, I have since come to understand that we are effortlessly, and instantaneously, creating our realities at all times. The slowness by which reality seems to congeal about us in this plane has more to do with the slowness of our ability to completely accept a new thought-form/belief/perspective system at a deep level of our being. It is a limitation of our present state of evolution (or understanding), rather than a limitation imposed on physical realities' ability to change rapidly.

And thus, our beliefs usually change only very slowly -- the surface conscious acknowledgement happening somewhat rapidly -- the heart of being accepting the realization only after a considerable amount of spiritual digestion.

So to some extent, in regard to the human condition, we are stuck with our desires until either the ego is extinguished completely, or the desires are explored and satiated. One is removing resistance by slowing down the momentum of self, and the other is reducing resistance by removing the obstacles to movement or expression of self. I think it is worth noting that we often incorrectly assume that there is only one particular way to satiate our desires but in reality there are many experiences in this world that will "do the job", as it were, unless the desires are abnormally highly charged and abnormally specific. These alternate pathways of what we might term "balancing experiences" can begin to find their way into our conscious reality if we but only open ourselves up to them by releasing our death-grip on resistant thoughts and perspectives. The universe is filled to the brim with powerful and creative resources that we have nary a conception of.

Often the "spirit" of the experience is much more satisfying than the physical characteristics them-self. It is what our desires are, in truth, actually yearning for.

RE: If we weren't infinite - AnthroHeart - 11-25-2016

I once thought that I had only one desire (to seek Creator), but throughout my life many more desires arise. I do my best to deal with them by saying that they will be satisfied after I die here. So that I do not get frustrated here and now.

RE: If we weren't infinite - Minyatur - 11-25-2016

(11-25-2016, 09:03 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I once thought that I had only one desire (to seek Creator), but throughout my life many more desires arise. I do my best to deal with them by saying that they will be satisfied after I die here. So that I do not get frustrated here and now.

Don't you find it thrilling to be able to desire to be something you feel like you can't be? If you could have just become an anthro the first time you desired it, maybe you'd find it less great altogether and would have never come to desire it so much. So maybe desire finds intensity in not being automatically fulfilled, and that'd make not getting what you desire a blessing of itself because it allows you to get to know greater joy when it will be fulfilled.

Just a thought for your seeking of infinite wonder.

RE: If we weren't infinite - AnthroHeart - 11-25-2016

(11-25-2016, 09:09 PM)Minyatur Wrote:
(11-25-2016, 09:03 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I once thought that I had only one desire (to seek Creator), but throughout my life many more desires arise. I do my best to deal with them by saying that they will be satisfied after I die here. So that I do not get frustrated here and now.

Don't you find it thrilling to be able to desire to be something you feel like you can't be? If you could have just become an anthro the first time you desired it, maybe you'd find it less great altogether and would have never come to desire it so much. So maybe desire finds intensity in not being automatically fulfilled, and that'd make not getting what you desire a blessing of itself because it allows you to get to know greater joy when it will be fulfilled.

Just a thought for your seeking of infinite wonder.

Yes, there is nothing more that thrills me.

In a way I am glad they aren't real on this plane, because then anthros could be hurt and abused and other bad stuff. I'm glad they don't have to go through that.

Well, it wasn't till I had wanted to be one, and to be with one for like 100's of hours till I began to understand the desire. If it had happened when I first desired it, it wouldn't have been that profound.

The desire hasn't broken me or left me heartbroken though. But sometimes it does trigger my depression.

I'm glad you connected that with infinite wonder.

I don't know if I more desire to be one, or to be with one. I've had 10+ dreams of them being other people, and maybe 2 dreams where I was one. But I don't recall much.

I really needed my love of them to develop spiritually and not just sexually.