Matrix of Mind the Magus - Printable Version

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Matrix of Mind the Magus - Matt1 - 12-22-2015

Quote:The magician is the matrix’s of the mind. The conscious mind, the male aspect of reality. It corresponds with the creative will force and power. In the image we see the magus facing towards the right , with a phallic wand in his right hand representing his creative will power. His clothing is white to symbolize purity of will and virtue. He points towards to the ground with his left hand at the cube, which is a symbol of the physical 3 dimensional reality. On the cube we see classic astrological symbols of the Sword, the coin and the cup. This completes the elemental symbolism of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. All under the control of the magician. In the cube is the ibis the bird which corresponds to Thoth and thus hermes, the master of all knowledge. This is symbolic of the potential of the magician, it is still locked within the 3rd dimensional reality of the cube, in polarized duality of the black and white checkered floor. In the progression of the tarot cards we see this as the first symbol of male energy as the high priestess is of the female, each two parts of the unity found in the fool.

The magus is using his creative will power to tap the potential that is to be found in the high priestess to unlock the Ibis. At the top of the wand is the star a which symbolizes his faith and hope on the path of the great work. Astrologically this card is related to mercury and shows the connection to reason, logic and rationalization. It is on the 12th path of Beth on the Qabalah, which means houses, a good choice of words to explain this card as the matrix’s of consciousness. Numberlogical Beth is related to the number 2 and thus duality which further points towards the experience of conscious reality rather than unconsciousness of the high priestess. Beth is also the first letter in the Hebrew bible. It connects binah or the archetypal female with the creative source of Kether. It is called the transparent intelligence. The number two also shows that in order to progress we must use both aspects of our mind, the conscious/unconscious the male/female and shows the connection of polarity with the inter connection with all phenomenon. Only once we are able to use our will to seek in purity with the elements of the material in balance which relate to the first three energy centers can be begin to move towards  the work of unlocking the Ibis and the unconsciousness.

This archetype appears any time we are focused on reaching a goal and seeing something through to its end.

[Image: 5fDJR.jpg]