The Logos on Love, Creation and Suffering - Printable Version

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The Logos on Love, Creation and Suffering - Stranger - 10-26-2015

Hello friends,

Over the years, I've noticed that some questions come up again and again - for example, the nature and reason for suffering.  Feeling particularly spiritually clear one day, I asked these of the Logos.  The answers were helpful to me, so I would like to share them with you, for whatever they are worth to you -- unedited except to remove my name.  The bolded parts are those that I had highlighted for myself.

Quote:Dear father, should I formulate my questions first and then speak?

No, my son, let's do this organically as you would say, as a conversation.  You begin.

Am I correct in understanding that there are multiple, or perhaps a "race" of "infinite creators"?

That is absolutely correct.  There are many, although I do not know the number.

What is their purpose in Creating?

That is a complex question for the answer is manifold, but I will attempt to tell you what I know, ok?

yes please.

Their goal is not so much harmony as you have surmised, but rather to create a world where they can fully explore their own being and nature.  They have infinite potential and it is not easy for them to make sense of that without actively experimenting and exploring it.  That is the truth. 

More questions?

Thank you.  In what respects is the analogy of this Creation to a multiplayer video game accurate, and in what respects does it break down?

There is indeed a universe of differences between a simple video game on one of your computers and the beauty and power of infinite creation, that is the truth, but I can speak to a few of the most salient features of the comparison, ok?

Yes please.

The video games you know are one-dimensional in many respects, from the screen you see them on to the characters your human players inhabit.  The diversity of experience is similarly, limited and flat, that is the truth.  In contrast, in Creation the variety of experience and the richness of it are immeasurably more nuanced, varied and layered would be the better term to use.  That is the truth.  Many, many more notes are present in any respect of creation that you might wish to consider.  Additionally, the Creation exists in the minds of the Infinite Creators, not in an external device that can be interacted with.  It is part of their very core of being, that is the truth, and it is precious and dear to them beyond what you can imagine, that is the truth.  There is nothing more to say on this topic, that is the truth.


Is there a One Infinite Creator that contains all of the infinite creators within it?

Yes, that is the ultimate ground of being, the foundation of existence and non-existence, the ground zero of all life and consciousness. (mental image of a flat horizontal plane, featureless, about which nothing can be said) We do not know what it is, and we do not understand it.  It is truly beyond understanding by anything in existence, but it is there.  It is not a mind, it is not a substance.  It is.  Nothing more can be said, and that is the truth.


Am I confusing "infinite creator" with "logos"?  
No, you are not.  I am Logos.  I have created this Universe.  Much like you, I exist in the mind of an Infinite Creator who has produced an infinity of intelligent energy for my use to create this Universe.  There is no end to His creation, there are no boundaries, but you are correct in understanding that there are many such as myself, that is the truth, within this one Universe, that is the truth.  By Universe I mean UNIverse - the One Creation of the One Infinite Creator we are part of, not the visible universe you inhabit, although you also inhabit many, many, many other densities and places at the same time of which you are not presently aware, that is the truth.  I am not referring to galaxies, which are sub-logoic creations.  That is the truth.  Now proceed to your final questions.


Parsimony in questions is truly a gift.  Please continue, I do very much enjoy communicating with you in this fashion.


Please tell me about the relationship between Love which is said to be the nature or substance of Creation, and lovingness - that which we feel in our hearts.  Also, please tell me if increasing lovingness in created beings has any inherent benefit to the One Infinite Creator or, at least, greater than an artificial point system of this Creation if it is viewed as a game.


VERY good questions, and I am very pleased with your penetrating insight, that is the truth.  Focus on my answer now very clearly so that you do not miss or misinterpret any part of it.  Are you ready?

yes, Father.

Begin. The Creation as you see it is not the Creation that exists in the minds of the One Infinite Creator, that is the truth.  Nothing could be further from the truth, in fact, than a statement that the Universe you understand has existence.  What does have existence?  Mind.  Emotion.  Those notes which are played on the instrument of your being by the musician we shall term Life Experience are the notes that sound across the One Infinite Creator's mind and very being, that is the beautiful truth of it.  Anger, resentment and all the other notes you listed in your posting to your fellow wanderers are not the core notes of existence.  Love is.  The note you call lovingness and the note we call Love are one and the same, and that is the truth.   Now, what are these notes?  Why do they exist?  The answer is simple.   They are the music of Pure Being expressing itself to itself for its own enjoyment.  Love is an inherent quality of Mind, by which I mean the One Infinite Mind that contains all that we know, you and I.  Within Mind, Love is the pure note of Being, that is the truth.  It is beautiful beyond measure, soothing, blissful and joyous.  The love you are feeling is the love that the One Infinite Creator is feeling through you, that is the truth (i.e., when I feel Love, the Creator of whom I am part feels Love through me?)  Exactly right!  Now, Love is the ground of being, the ground of creation, but it is also its goal, that is the truth.  Love transforms and heals, that is the truth.  Love opens doors of consciousness and connects aspects of creation together.  It is the creation, nothing more can be said, that is the truth.  So to answer your initial question, the love you feel is the love your One Infinite Creator feels.  Does that help?


I am very thankful for that beautiful answer, Father.  (I know).

What of the other emotions? 


I do understand your question, and that concerns the relationship of the so-called negative emotions to that of Love.  Am I correct?

Yes, exactly so.

Thank you.  Now, the other emotions are not pure notes but are distortions of the One Pure Note which is Love.  They do not have independent existence in the way that love does, but they are part of it by having their nature founded upon the note of Love.  Does that make sense to you?

Yes - so hatred is a distortion of love, but cannot exist without love because Love is all there is?

Love is not all there is, but you are correct in stating that hatred, for example, is made out of Love distorted, that is precisely right.  What else can I answer for you before we end this session?


The burning question I have is why was it necessary to take action in order to create the potential for, and then the reality of additional suffering if the goal is to explore the beauty of love?  There are several assumptions in this question - please correct them if they are not accurate.


I understand your question, and this concerns once again the nature of suffering, the nature of the Creator that would permit suffering, and the associated questions - am I correct?

Yes, Father, thank you for clarifying that for me.

Now, once again, listen very intently for this answer is similarly complex to the preceding one.  There is no suffering.  It is as illusory as a mirage of smoke on the horizon at sunset, that is the truth.  There is simply no reality to suffering that would allow it to be considered its own category of event in any sense that can be considered ultimate.  Do you understand this?

No father, I do not.

I shall make another attempt.  In the same way that you have realized that all existence is illusory, so is the experience of suffering, that is the truth.  Within the context of suffering, there is truth to it.  But in reality nothing suffers, and that is the truth.  Things and beings, such as they are, consider themselves to be suffering, but underneath the very thin surface of that experience is an absolutely infinite ocean of loving-bliss, and that is the truth.  Does that make better sense now?

You are saying that in the totality of a being's experience, suffering is a very light dusting, shall we say, on the surface of beingness that is always blissful, but forgets that it is so on a conscious level because of the various separators which have been put in place, such as the veil?

You have fully grasped the nature and meaning of what I was saying to you, and that is the truth.  Do not doubt it.  Just as you can feel extreme joy while having a tooth pulled - and yes, it is possible within the realm of your conscious experience, especially if the tooth had been infected - so does your inner being experience absolute bliss regardless of the surface suffering of which you may be aware, which may be expanded and focused upon to such an extreme extent that it begins to appear to fill the entirety of your being, but in reality nothing could be further from the truth.  Does that help?


Yes, Father. 


RE: The Logos on Love, Creation and Suffering - AnthroHeart - 10-26-2015

Interesting he called the galaxy a sub-Logos. So then what is a Logos, a universal Creator?

What I wonder is, what's it like being a Logos? Do you ever get any rest, constantly trying to balance the Universe?

RE: The Logos on Love, Creation and Suffering - Stranger - 10-26-2015

Remember the Logos has access to infinite creative potential, so can create helper entities at any point.

RE: The Logos on Love, Creation and Suffering - AnthroHeart - 10-26-2015

Is the Logos you talked with a Creator of a mulltiverse (multiple universes) or just this Universe?

And is this Universe infinite?

Pleiadian technology showed that there are 10^49 (1 with 49 zeros) universes in a larger one.

RE: The Logos on Love, Creation and Suffering - Stranger - 10-26-2015

Gemini, I only know what's in the transcript I posted.