I Am a Wanderer - Printable Version

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I Am a Wanderer - Roz - 10-25-2015

This is all pretty new - well the telling of it - so please bear with. I'll also try not to waffle on
I was born into (it turns out) an English middle class family 54 year years ago. Being the second child of parents that (a) really wanted a boy and (b) the mother really didn't want a second child, never mind a other daughter. Time passed I learned to do what I was told and to not make waves. I was sent to a church school, as it was nearer to my home and always wondered why people would bow their heads to pray and was often told off for not doing so! I always felt on the outskirts never with the in crowd and never wanted to be. I liked to go home for lunch to listen to music instead of having to be in the playground.  I preferred games a out spaceships - no really
Iwas tall for my age (still am at 5'10") and got teased a lot. So lunchtimes were tricky. My parents didn't seem to be mine but were kind and caring but were obviously not mine although my mother who is now 88 likes to tell everyone a out the horrendous birth.  Anyway much of the same until is was 14 when I had the sensation of having lumps running down my spine and small patches of skin that was scaley.  I spent many hours trying to scrub these lumps off although I couldn't see them! I got used to them being there eventually although you couldn't see them I would never of told anyone a out them anyway, not till now

I married just after my 20th birthday because it was the done thing and frankly easier for everyone else! Such a coward I know. After two sons and at 35 we divorced I just didn't get the whole marriage thing really and felt I was living a lie. That was when it all really took off I was able to read stuff I wanted, my ex had disapproved of any "odd". I started reading and reading. I then started working, before this is was a stay at home mum and one day at the airport where I worked I saw a man in a navy blue suit turn into a lizard and back again. Not an everyday occurance I am sure you would agree. This followed onto meeting with someone on a course I was running in customer service introducing g me to David Icke. To cut a long story short having read anything I could get my hands on a d really asking myself who I am

I volunteered to come to Earth on a 72year mission to help. My planet I fondly call X194 is a long way Way, I miss my real family and my husband. We are 4th dinensional beings that much I do know but have been made to forget the details. I also think (this is tricky for me) that we were reptilian.  The good sort.  Where does that leave me? Happy? Yes getting there I am connecting with Source again after all this time. Well trying anyway reporting my findings every night to the council on x194. Feeling tbe Force as they say. Thanks people for being there, I thought it was just me x

RE: I Am a Wanderer - The_Tired_Philosopher - 10-25-2015

Welcome! Thank you for sharing your experiences! It must be so nice knowing what density you're from! I wish I had such experiences but sadly my life is bland and mundane in terms of extraordinary events happening to me.

I'm glad you feel say and comfortable enough to be honest already! I've embarrassed myself a lot with my honesty but not in a way that has kept me gone. Everyone, well, basically everyone...Yeah actually, literally everyone here thus far has been kindly to even the oddest of notions.

Odd is a norm for some people. I just call it Synchronicity but that's the extent of my odd life.

RE: I Am a Wanderer - Diana - 10-25-2015

Welcome Roz. I look forward to hearing what you have to say here, and the unique perspectives you can contribute.

RE: I Am a Wanderer - Roz - 10-25-2015

Thank you so much, keeping quiet about it has been a strain, I often drop in things like "I am from a different planet" and people just laugh! Well I suppose they would. I think if u know you are different and can deal with it it's easier.

RE: I Am a Wanderer - Nicholas - 10-25-2015

(10-25-2015, 01:07 PM)Roz Wrote: Thank you so much, keeping quiet about it has been a strain, I often drop in things like "I am from a different planet" and people just laugh! Well I suppose they would. I think if u know you are different and can deal with it it's easier.

Yeah I had vision of a large blue and green planet when in mid sleep early last week (I was drifting off to sleep and had been re-reading A Wanderer's Handbook earlier that evening). I flung my eyes open because it felt like I was in space viewing it. 

Roz, you have reminded me why I value this forum soo much. It's not that I desire to share my experiences as such, it's more that I have a place to go to should I ever have the desire. Certain threads pop up now and again that give me an opportunity to do that. Your thread here is one such example  Smile

Thank you, and welcome to the forums  Heart

RE: I Am a Wanderer - Roz - 10-26-2015

Thank you guys for such great responses. It means a lot The Wanderers Handbook is just fab isn't it? One of things I struggle with a bit is the "what happens if " thing. Like if I get super deep into this stuff am I going to loose it? Then it dawned on me that if its a projected reality going on in the mind then it doesn't matter (excuse the pun) I think the ridicule thing is a biggey too

RE: I Am a Wanderer - Roz - 10-26-2015

(10-26-2015, 10:26 AM)timmywood123 Wrote: Mod note: spam removed

Do you think they would come to Spain? It's called ITV here!

RE: I Am a Wanderer - Plenum - 10-26-2015

Hi Roz, and welcome to the forums.  I've just edited the quote you had in your post above, as it was a spam link.  Timmywood123, as kind as a name as it is, has less than positive intentions methinks.

And thanks for sharing your Wanderer Story.  Everyone comes to awareness and awakening in such different ways.



RE: I Am a Wanderer - rva_jeremy - 10-27-2015

Thanks for sharing your story, Roz. Welcome to the forum!

RE: I Am a Wanderer - sequoyah - 11-02-2015


Did you use any techniques to remember or just dream time?

RE: I Am a Wanderer - Roz - 11-03-2015

(11-02-2015, 03:22 PM)sequoyah Wrote: Hey!

Did you use any techniques to remember or just dream time?

Thats an interesting question, I think its from just knowing, which I know a lot of people say but for me there had to be a reason why I felt as I did, the seeing of a man shifting into his lizard body and then back again I think really was the turning point (2001) when I really had to address the whole situation no matter how freaky it seemed, once I kinda surrendered into it the easier it became although I do have to say that that sort of thing isnt easily discussed with most people. There has just been a lot of home study really up to the point of this forum, I have recently been looking at the Course of Miracles and Gary Renard and an irish
guy who does very interesting lectures on the web on the same subject. It all hit the nail on the head for me that it seemed to make complete sense and made sense of what I was doing here and what I was supposed to be doing, thats always been a biggey for me and I have many different jobs and lived in lots of different it turns out I was looking for a reason for being here (on Earth). Dolores Cannon is really good her book The Three Waves of Volunteers and the new Earth is really good especially the last section, The Wanderers Handbook also brilliant and Scott Mandelkers Universal Vision. I try to not be stereotypically new age as I think alot of those people have missed the point a bit (in the nicest possible way) Operation Terra is interesting too. Be pleased to hear what has happened to you Smile

RE: I Am a Wanderer - caycegal - 11-03-2015

I envy you in a way. I always was different. As a child I learned to hide my thoughts and feelings and was definitely consciously aware that it would be dangerous to me if others knew what I believed and thought, dangerous in the sense that I might be locked up. Today I no longer feel that but I wonder if I learned to hide a lot of things from my own awareness, as most of my peak experiences of non-physical occurred in dreams as far as I know.

RE: I Am a Wanderer - Roz - 11-03-2015

Well yes!! I too was exactly the same, brainwashed into thinking that the, thoughts I was having were
unsuitable I realise now, that my "parents" thought they were not "suitable for public display" and therefore be hurtful to me so in order to protect me taught me that this behaviour wasnt a good idea. However... I got very clever at concealing it and did what was expected, getting married,having children etc etc etc etc. Now I play the game as it were, realising that to take the red pill is the only way but make them think that you have taken the blue one!!! What goes on in your head, your mind is yours and the greater power or whatever that is you choose to call it is truly amazing. for me its called the Wise Advocate, that little voice that talks to you and of course parents ,religion teachers etc etc like to be right dont they so they are not going to like you talking to a voice in your head, pass the straight jacket please. There is definatley the service to other thing as well for me but thats another story And now I have to go as my second husband ants to watch a movie and one has to do these human things!!!! xx