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my awakening story - catalin.haiman - 09-09-2015

My work before my awakening at the age of 29 was one of an electrical engineer in a cogeneration powerplant.

In June 2013 i experienced a profound awakening event, one night before going to bed, just by having an intent to connect to a higher realm than that i was currently aware in my life - the realm of unity with all beings in the Universe.
I did that during my night prayer, which i rarely did before sleep, but that night i felt something special about having a prayer.During the prayer i felt the presence of a higher consciousness and a sphere of high energy engulfing my chest that was delicately attracting me to lay down on the bed.I then experienced something that can only be described as "pure unconditional love" that started flooding my body.My heart started beating like crazy - i don't know if i should be alive right now at what my heart rate was as well as it felt moving from side to side inside me while at the same time i felt an energy vortex like an etheric heart beating on the right side of my chest.

The experience that was triggered by this energy that started flooding my body through the heart was one of indescribable amounts of love, like nothing i have ever imagined Love to be, beyond love through sexuality, beyond love as a word, it was an experience out of this world for me - a love that i have never had the chance to experience before in my life, or to think that such a feeling of love could exist in anyone’s life as an experience. It was something for which i don’t have a reference point as an experience of life, something that i could only try to describe as being the equivalent of “unconditional love” – the most intense feeling of love that a person can feel in a lifetime multiplied by thousands and thousands of times – that is how powerful i lived that event to which i utterly and completely surrendered to. It also felt like i was surrendering to what seemed to be my heart’s intuitive knowingness -a recognition beyond words and thoughts - with my mind being immersed in a state of pure bliss while i identified with that unconditional love - and the more i identified myself with it, the more intense the desire to surrender to it became. That rushed my heart into untold amounts of love and compassion, dissipating any incompatible thoughts and fears that could perturbate that experience which was redefining my entire existence up until that point in my life through that unconditional love as it was merging with every cell of my body.

I could label this as a multi-dimensional experience, as time disappeared in those moments of timeless ecstasy, not allowing me the afterwards ability to frame it into a certain period of seconds or minutes.

Compared with what i thought to be happiness beyond words in an entire human lifespan until that point in my life, this atemporal love experience could be described as if all the feelings of love joy and ecstasy that a human being can live in the entire lifespan of one of the most beautiful and fulfilling life imaginable - as if all those feelings of love beyond words from a human life were infused, channeled into my heart through a peak point of such intensity that it would have jumped off of any happiness reference chart, if such a thing existed, as if that spike peak of energy infusion has suddenly went up as much as it should have traveled in a gradual progression on the horizontal axis of that chart that was supposed to be unfolding it through moderate amounts of moment oscillations between feelings of love highs and lows, more or less intense on it’s horizontal path towards the endpoint of what i defined until that point to be a happy, lovingly fulfilled life.It felt as if in that one timeless moment, all of the high intense moments of a human lifetime were being expanded within me through the heart’s conduit while at the same time my ability to receive them was being transformed and expanded exponentially so i could acknowledge these gifts of unmeasurable proportions, all at once but with this expanded ability to be consciously aware of each and every particle of that infinite moment, not feeling that it lasted a certain amount of time - as if the expansion from the happiness of a lifetime was unfolding in that one point in my life and i fully lived it, through a short window of what we are used to define time to be.

This is my best literary ability to describe something that can only be partially described, using words.

Once my heart rhythm returned to normal while lying down on the bed with my eyes closed but completely conscious and still feeling the shivers from the sensation of electrifying joy firing up throughout my body’s bio-electrical structure, i started having a vision of myself as i was approaching some sort of a commission housed in a gigantic white hall similar to a stadium enclosed within a white elipsoidal structure.To my amazement i felt my body naked with no clothes on it while i was attracted to walk towards the commission. I could see no figures detail, just light with shades of gray to give a contour to the presences in the commission that were sitting at a desk and i also felt like there were other presences all around me far out in the distant space of this white hall structure.

When i asked “What is going on?” everything suddenly disappeared and then i saw thousands and thousands of small golden sparkling stars flowing across a cosmic background and taking the most beautifully and artistically shape that i have ever seen of a golden sparkling number seven. At the same time as i was seeing this, i heard an angelic voice that was neither male, neither female that said “Seven”and when i heard that voice, it was as if i heard the most beautiful sounds of my life - every particle of my body was awakened to the realization that it can hear for the first time in existence.

I later found out that the numerological significance of seven is a message to know yourself, to see beyond appearances, an invitation to change the perspectives through which i was seeing and filtering my life’s choices.

The next days i felt like breathing the freshest air possible, breathing it for the first time on the surface of the planet, like i was seeing the beauty of everything just like seeing it for the first time,in every little detail of life. My states of being were felt by the other people around me instantly. They were drawn to me like magnets, at the supermarket in line, on the street, they just wanted to be around me, as close as possible, old men, young people, boys and girls, friends or strangers.My impression was that i was radiating something that triggered some memories of them being in a more pure state of being.

That experience is something that i somehow always knew would happen before i was 30. I was actually waiting for it but i didn't know what exactly i was waiting for because my interpretation was that before the age of 30 i was going to die.So i literally started being more cautious, by not using my car for long trips, and i started contemplating this feeling more often, not knowing why it was still there and never went away, at least in the last ten years or so of my life.And in a sense that is what it was all about - about the fact that i somehow died and was reborn.Because the next days i felt like peeling away old layers of myself.

While in college, i also met a girl close to my age that told me, at some point in our conversation, that she knew that before the age of 30 she will die.That only scared me more about my own feeling related to that idea, although i did not react in any way to her remark, i did not reply anything, just changed the subject, mostly out of fear of exploring that idea that at some level i felt imprinted in my subconscious but did not know why. So i know for a fact that many of us have some sort of "triggers" to help us remember who we are, along this reinvention idea of our planetary consciousness.

From that experience in June 2013 i also received the true meaning of my fear of dying as being a message from my Higher Self, from the Universe, from God or however you want to call it.The message was that i was going to die, but it was going to be a symbolic death, like a gateway through which i was going to enter and from which i was going to emerge as a pure whole spirit on the other side of it, stripped away from old belief structures assimilated in the grand game called life on Planet Earth.
Integrating by embracing my fears - that is the key element that made this event take place in my life.Embracing your fear and alchimizing them into love, integrating all your levels by expanding and dissolving the fears that are out of alignement with your higher levels of consciousness is what will make you complete. So, paradoxically, i was given the opportunity to be extremely afraid, and through my heart i responded with "give me all you've got!" - because my curiosity and excitement of the event was so overwhelming that all my fears were being dissolving once they expanded into my awareness into the light of love that was shining a very strong light upon them and amplifiyng them, forcing them to come out of my subconscious.Of course the event would have been halted if i credited my fears as being real, instead of integrating them as i so joyfully did.

Also, in February 2014 i had a lucid dream in which two angelic white-glowing presences with human body features showed me a distinct picture coming out of a deck of flowing picture cards.That picture was very detailed, in it's color nuances, in it's details and it was a picture of a mayan pyramid.I didn't know what that meant but after that dream i awoke from my sleep and wondered about what the message was - i actually contemplated on this dream also the next day at work.So the next day at work, i surfed on youtube and on the right side of the screen there are recommendations of youtube video clips and one of them attracted me instantly to it. It was the pictogram of a picture containing a mayan pyramid.It was identical , the hue, the contrast, the shades, the whole content was identical to the one i was shown in the dream, not just similar, and at the same time when i saw that picture, the dream came into my mind very vividly. That video recommendation was a channeling made by Darryl Anka from Bashar Communications. I knew then what the message was , and it was this: these are the tools for you to use - the tools that Bashar is presenting through Darryl Anka.
The core of Bashar's message is this : <By acting on your joy you are making a statement to the Universe: "This is who I am... support me as you have always supported me in whatever degree of belief I had".The idea therefore, is that by making, what you call, the leap of faith, by acting on your joy as best as you can at every given moment, you are showing by your behavior that you believe this is who you are, and it is that degree of conviction that is required for the Universe to be able to reflect back to you the same degree of support that you are willing to exhibit in terms of your degree of conviction that this is who you are.>
The message of following your excitement, your bliss is a very powerful tool to use for everyone interested in ascending to a higher level of consciousness.

The experience i described was facilitated by a higher consciousness, a cosmic intelligence that is part of my oversoul and explores other planes of existence.

I am now aware that i have a powerful gift that enables me to assist people in strongly reconnecting to their natural self through light language translated into various healing modalities.

Thank you,
Catalin Haiman

RE: my awakening story - Kaaron - 09-11-2015

Welcome to the forum Catalin.
I just wanna say thanks for putting it into words like that.
I had the same thing happen to me, only I didn't go into such detail in my wanderer story.

That was a nice trigger for a remembering of my experience.