My Story of Awakening - Printable Version

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My Story of Awakening - gottlike - 09-05-2015

Hello fellow Creators / Gods : ),

I just wanted to share my personal story of awakening, so that it may be of some use to someone. I already shared it with L/L Research via email, but was encouraged to also do it here on this forum, so here we go:

I started my personal quest for truth when I was 12/13 years old (I'm 29 now), when I was desperately trying to comprehend the meaning of "death". It was not triggered by a traumatic event or demise of a loved one, I just came to think of this mysterious and terrifying concept and couldn't grasp it's meaning. This earnest desire to know jump-started my search for knowledge and truth, and led me to many different themes and teachings.

My first contact with non-mainstream information were conspiracy theories and, to some extent, new age-ish material. After I came to the conclusion that something is clearly not right with this world (or at least the world is not like people are led to believe), I started reading and researching for 6+ hours every day, mostly on the internet and with ebooks. Almost all of my free time was spend on reading and trying to figure things out. Later on I even came across some dubious people, but managed to not get too involved with them (conspiracy theorists, especially when esoteric "knowledge" is added, tend to be very pessimistic and plain crazy sometimes). Naturally I also came into contact with new-agers and self-proclaimed magicians and such. I don't even know every kind of material I searched through and delved into.. it was the "whole range", so to speak.

After a while I stumbled upon the Cassiopaean's material (which was very similar to Ra's back then) on Laura Knight-Jadczyk's website (around 99/00, I think) and learned a lot from it. However my quest led me to other sources of knowledge (and disinfo, too). I later found Carlos Castaneda's material and were fascinated by it, as it (at least partly) resonated with me and my understanding. Unfortunately I had at one time a spiritual slack, which was deeply unsatisfying and I felt that something was missing in my life. Luckily I found out what it was and continued the quest with full force.. That led me to "enlightened" persons and the teachings of Wei Wu Wei, Laozi/Laotse (both highly recommended readings) and a few alive "teachers" who continue to give satsangs (Daoistic/Zen kind of thought). This was a time of thinking and meditating myself about the nature of the universe and all that is. I came to "great" realizings (thoughts came to me almost like I were channeling) and learned some important lessons about existence. As my understanding of the world around me was growing, I coincidently revisited Laura's site and the Cassiopaean's transcripts. This time around I was getting much more out of it. Also much of the things that I learned in the recent past through meditation and contemplation was "verified" by the Cassiopaean's and further explained. I could suddenly see a level of knowledge in the material that was totally different than it appeared to me years before. That the intuitively and logically derived insights I came to were communicated by the Cassiopaean's, too, made me dismiss my last reservations as to the nature of this communication.

I felt kind of "satisfied" for a good while, mostly because of my intimate "knowledge" that all is one and we are all the same eternal being/god, and didn't "seek" anymore. I was also following Laura's group and efforts, but soon began to suspect that something "went wrong" along the way. The atmosphere and general message was getting a bit negative and very focused on non-essential things, plus fear-mongering about big earth changes, chaos and destruction "soon" (I think it may be a case of a "corrupted" positive channel, which Ra described in one of the sessions). It was then, recently, that I read that Ra's material was very similar to the Cassiopaean's and the Cassiopaean's themselves even said that it was "a primer" to their information. That's how I came to L/L Research and the Ra material. I must say, that I resonate much more strongly with it than with the Cassiopaean material of the last ~10 years. I'm really grateful for the tremendous effort the L/L Research group has put into this communication and making it available to everyone. Also for making this communication and sharing platform available to all seekers.

I'm pleased to meet you, everyone Smile