My I am-ness... - Printable Version

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My I am-ness... - Guardian4491 - 07-27-2015

I am James. My journey started about 8 years ago when I stumbled across Shift of the Ages by David Wilcock. From there I began my 'wanderer awakening' and journey of self-discovery through reading countless books and articles online, mostly revolving around David Wilcock's teachings. I am still teach/learning myself about the core questions of almost everyone here: Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from?

I have discovered that my core purpose here in this incarnation is being an anchor for the higher frequencies of love/light streaming through Gaia at this time, and my very presence here is completion of my primary mission.

I am also a teacher. A teacher of knowing thyself. A teacher of the fact that The Laws of Free Will, Attraction, and Confusion are the basic laws/dimensions of reality, within an without our conscious perception.

I have extensive self-taught experience with empathy, telepathy, and to a lesser degree, channeling messages from higher dimensional entities/beings. My channeling abilities come and go on a need-to-know basis in sync with the ebb and flow of the intelligent energies that permeate our third/fourth dimensional experience.

We are all beings of love/light, capable of unconditional love, compassion and allowance. The time to rise into/be the light is now.

Thank you. Peace, love and light to all. Heart

RE: My I am-ness... - TheJoan - 07-28-2015

Hello Brother James, Thanks for being here and I welcome you with all the Love and the Light of the Infinite ONE, it is my pleasure. I have a real good feeling with the core questions about myself and I understand you perfectly. It took me a couple of years to realize things and finally I have the majority of my doubts worked out. If you have any question please do ask because we're all here to learn/teach teach/learn as best as we can.

Gaia is beautiful isn't she? BigSmile She's in a delicate state these days and I believe we're all worry about her.

I was thinking a couple of weeks ago that If I ever get to know a channeler would love to ask him/her a question which is: can you speak with the entity when this entity is giving you a message?. Personally, I've had some unknown experiences I'm not sure what they are and I do not want to spoil myself knowing my higher self.

Again Brother James, Thanks for being here and I do hope that your instance here is enjoyable and I leave you now in the Love and in the Light of The ONE Infinite Creator.

RE: My I am-ness... - third-density-being - 07-28-2015

Hello Dear James,

Longer I’m in the state of Mind/Body/Spirit of Seeking, more I realize that most fundamental and groundbreaking Information/Knowledge is within Self. I may stating obvious things for You, but despite I do realize above, I have tendency to look for that what’s most important “beyond Self”. Even though “all roads lead to the Self”, some are longer / less fruitful than others. I hope this Community will facilitate your own Journey and that You will find here Soul-Mates.

All I have Best in me for You

RE: My I am-ness... - Kaaron - 07-31-2015

The shift of the ages was one of the first collections of writing I read when I embarked on my self taught path. How uncanny is the Edgar Cayce likeness? Anyways...I think we're a lot alike James, Kia ora.

RE: My I am-ness... - Diana - 08-01-2015

Welcome James. I look forward to your input here. Smile