Ra on construction of Pyramids... - Printable Version

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Ra on construction of Pyramids... - K-PAX - 01-31-2015

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RE: Ra on construction of Pyramids... - native - 01-31-2015

Perhaps it's a plausible explanation and perhaps it's not. If people believe there is only a rational answer, they will go to great lengths to provide one. We all do this though of course, by conforming our expectations to experience (interpretation of catalyst). The precision with which they were built is a whole other story!

RE: Ra on construction of Pyramids... - Shawnna - 01-31-2015

I honestly don't care how, or by whom, the pyramids came into being.

My hope is to see them at some point. Smile

RE: Ra on construction of Pyramids... - Bluebell - 02-01-2015

i always figured since they're there someone put them there & w everyone going on about how it's impossible... well. that's just annoying. either humans did something "impossible" or it was aliens. people always have to deem impossible everything they don't understand. yet they deny aliens so they obsess over how humans could have done it. yet they deny physics that dismay them. again, annoying.

RE: Ra on construction of Pyramids... - AnthroHeart - 02-01-2015

I believe the Ra story, but that was for only 1 pyramid.

RE: Ra on construction of Pyramids... - Jeremy - 02-01-2015

Its funny how far I've come from the all encompassing view that science can prove everything and if it hasn't yet, its because they simply haven't found it yet.

Science tries oh so very hard to prove the unprovable and due to the narrow minded view that everything must have a scientific explanation, it has enabled them useless when something that which can't be explained arises. In their minds, nothing can ever be true unless the scientific method can be applied. Such futile attempts are commendable I guess but futile nonetheless.

It's how I came to understand the reason why in all of our seeking, we have yet to find the missing link where great apes and hominids went in separate directions. In all the searching that's spanned decades, they are nowhere near closer to finding it and there is a reason yet they can't accept the possibility that outside influences had a part in this evolutionary leap.

I often wonder how much help we could do and how many mouths we could feed if we didn't spend so much money and resources on finding information that we were never meant to know

RE: Ra on construction of Pyramids... - Minyatur - 02-01-2015

(02-01-2015, 01:41 PM)Jeremy Wrote: I often wonder how much help we could do and how many mouths we could feed if we didn't spend so much money and resources on finding  information that we were never meant to know

I'm not sure it is information that we were never meant to know, we were meant for what has hapenned. Like Ra said there is no right or wrong, only people trying to find themselves in their own way.

RE: Ra on construction of Pyramids... - darklight - 02-01-2015

The Cassiopaeans are claiming they are us in the future. If this is correct than Ra is also us in the future, our other selves in the future.

So who built the pyramids? The answer is we. How we built it? With unconventional technology.

RE: Ra on construction of Pyramids... - AnthroHeart - 02-01-2015

(02-01-2015, 06:01 PM)darklight Wrote: The Cassiopaeans are claiming they are us in the future. If this is correct than Ra is also us in the future, our other selves in the future.

So who built the pyramids? The answer is we. How we built it? With unconventional technology.

That sounds exciting about Ra possibly being us in the future.

RE: Ra on construction of Pyramids... - Jeremy - 02-01-2015

(02-01-2015, 06:01 PM)darklight Wrote: The Cassiopaeans are claiming they are us in the future. If this is correct than Ra is also us in the future, our other selves in the future.

So who built the pyramids? The answer is we. How we built it? With unconventional technology.

There is a general feeling that many of us are part of Ra's social memory complex considering Ra has attained a level capable of creating another portion of itself. Therefore, we may all have a higher self that which is part of Ra so yes you would be correct 

RE: Ra on construction of Pyramids... - BuddhistJedi - 02-01-2015

We are all One.

We are Ra, we are Q'uo, we are Quanta, we are Cassiopeians, and the Arcturians, and everybody else.

And I dont care how many times someone manages to pull a few tons of rock across flat sand. That is absolutely nowhere near the level of complexity and difficulty the construction of the Pyramids was. How would you get any of these blocks there in time? if you look on wikipedia it says 'Additionally, since it consists of an estimated 2.3 million blocks, completing the building in 20 years would involve moving an average of more than 12 of the blocks into place each hour, day and night.' ..... 12 blocks an hour, thats one block every 5 minutes, for 24 hours, for 20 years, at a level of precision we still do not match to this day.