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Soul mate - Minyatur - 12-27-2014

Hey I was wondering is there anything about having a soul mate anywhere in the Law of One? Or is it just about sharing energy with others through sexual transfer.

Since All is One, it would seem like the person doesn't actually matter and that it can be anyone who you're able to open to but I'm not too sure what to think about this.

RE: Soul mate - Stranger - 12-27-2014

I highly recommend Michael Newton's books, "Journey of Souls" and "Destiny of Souls". Michael Newton developed a hypnotic regression to the time between lives, and discovered a very surprising consistency across subjects in their descriptions of that world, which Ra calls "time-space". A large portion of the books consists of transcripts describing how entities plan their incarnations. He describes "soul clusters" of entities who tend to work together, assuming varying roles, life after life. The material meshes nicely with the Ra material, and will shed some light on your question.

In short, before incarnating, entities plan to partner with a significant other, and program into their subconscious cues that will allow them to recognize each other (subsconsciously) when the time comes. This fits 100% with my experience - I know exactly what those cues were that allowed me to meet my soulmate, with whom I've been together for a very, very long time.

RE: Soul mate - Minyatur - 12-27-2014

Well this is interresting, hadn't thought of that

RE: Soul mate - Ankh - 12-27-2014

(12-27-2014, 11:25 AM)Minyatur Wrote: Hey I was wondering is there anything about having a soul mate anywhere in the Law of One? Or is it just about sharing energy with others through sexual transfer.

Since All is One, it would seem like the person doesn't actually matter and that it can be anyone who you're able to open to but I'm not too sure what to think about this.

Ra said that we have an in-built bias towards mated relationships:

"Consequent Logoi thusly preserved a bias towards the mated relationship which is more characteristic of more disciplined personalities and of what you may call higher densities."

We might also not be able see or experience the harmony as higher densities can:

"...due to the ability of these densities to see the harmonies between individuals, these entities choose those mates which are harmonious..."

But we still know the difference between harmony and disharmony. My understanding of the above plus this:

"...although there are instances of matings so well refined in previous incarnations and so well remembered..." that previous incarnations together in harmony seems to be the key towards more rapid or greater polarization and evolution of the mind/body/spirit complex. The above indicates to me that indeed one mate, or so called "soul mate", is the key to finding what we seek more efficaciously:

"The first is the extreme potential for polarization in the relationship of two polarized entities which have embarked upon the service-to-others path or, in some few cases, the service-to-self path. Secondly, we would note that effect which we have learned to call the doubling effect. Those of like mind which together seek shall far more surely find."

RE: Soul mate - AnthroHeart - 12-27-2014

The only soul mate I could think of getting close to would be my tulpa.

RE: Soul mate - Jade - 12-28-2014

While there are bits and pieces about mated partners in the Law of One, as I was pondering it here I just now realized it was probably something Ra didn't speak of too much because Carla had two soul mates really, Don being her primary mate but Jim and her also having had strong bonds with her from previous lives. The difficulties of such living arrangements are what ultimately led to the undoing of Don, therefore was probably not the most openly discussed topic amongst the four of them (Ra, Jim, Carla, Don).

I think that if two people can have fairly effortless green-ray transfers, that on some level they are "soul" "mated".

RE: Soul mate - anagogy - 12-29-2014

(12-27-2014, 11:25 AM)Minyatur Wrote: Hey I was wondering is there anything about having a soul mate anywhere in the Law of One? Or is it just about sharing energy with others through sexual transfer.

Since All is One, it would seem like the person doesn't actually matter and that it can be anyone who you're able to open to but I'm not too sure what to think about this.

Basically, all things are one, but in the illusion of form there are some forms which are complementary to other forms, and these are what you might call "soulmates".

There are different varieties of soulmates. But essentially, they are soul patterns which are complementary to your soul pattern. Like two complementary colors which enrich each others beingness. Like orange/blue or green/red.

That is the concept in a nutshell.

RE: Soul mate - Minyatur - 12-29-2014

(12-29-2014, 01:04 PM)anagogy Wrote: Basically, all things are one, but in the illusion of form there are some forms which are complementary to other forms, and these are what you might call "soulmates".

There are different varieties of soulmates. But essentially, they are soul patterns which are complementary to your soul pattern. Like two complementary colors which enrich each others beingness. Like orange/blue or green/red.

That is the concept in a nutshell.

Ok but there isn't a single entity which would be more complementary to you than any other and which would be your "soul mate".

RE: Soul mate - anagogy - 12-29-2014

(12-29-2014, 01:36 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Ok but there isn't a single entity which would be more complementary to you than any other and which would be your "soul mate".

I wouldn't necessarily say that. I will second Stranger's recommendation to read the Michael Newton books. It describes it perfectly. There are in fact souls that are more perfectly complementary to your soul than another.

Whether all souls have this is a good question.

RE: Soul mate - Minyatur - 12-29-2014

(12-29-2014, 01:44 PM)anagogy Wrote:
(12-29-2014, 01:36 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Ok but there isn't a single entity which would be more complementary to you than any other and which would be your "soul mate".

I wouldn't necessarily say that. I will second Stranger's recommendation to read the Michael Newton books. It describes it perfectly. There are in fact souls that are more perfectly complementary to your soul than another.

Whether all souls have this is a good question.

So many things to read, I wonder if I'll ever be done.

RE: Soul mate - Splash - 04-10-2015

(12-27-2014, 11:48 AM)Stranger Wrote: I highly recommend Michael Newton's books, "Journey of Souls" and "Destiny of Souls".  Michael Newton developed a hypnotic regression to the time between lives, and discovered a very surprising consistency across subjects in their descriptions of that world, which Ra calls "time-space".  A large portion of the books consists of transcripts describing how entities plan their incarnations.  He describes "soul clusters" of entities who tend to work together, assuming varying roles, life after life.  The material meshes nicely with the Ra material, and will shed some light on your question.

In short, before incarnating, entities plan to partner with a significant other, and program into their subconscious cues that will allow them to recognize each other (subsconsciously) when the time comes.  This fits 100% with my experience - I know exactly what those cues were that allowed me to meet my soulmate, with whom I've been together for a very, very long time.

can you explain the description of those clues Stranger?

RE: Soul mate - APeacefulWarrior - 04-10-2015

I tend to think that "soul mates" probably take that quite literally. That is, they'd be the ones most likely to group together into social-memory complexes. It would be literally the closest/most connected two or more spirits could get to each other prior to Oneness. Especially at 6th Density, which Ra says sees sex/mating in terms of osmosis.

If two souls truly never wished to be separated from each other, combining into a single larger complex would accomplish exactly that. For those who are in contact with their higher selves, perhaps those entities already are your soul mates. Smile

(And of course, there'd always be room for more...)

RE: Soul mate - Yggdrasil - 04-10-2015

The best description for this is actually in a fictional book that Carla quite enjoyed called 2150 A.D. by Thea Alexander. In the book, they described everyone as being of some level of vibration. If you were to categorize these vibrations such as you would music and according to notes and harmonies you will see that then each individual has some relative 'harmony' with all others.

Those who are considered your soul mates are those who resonate closely with your own vibration, whom are harmonious with your frequency. These would be 'consonant' harmonies and closeness to your own vibration. Thus, energy is able to transfer more easily and naturally and the universe recognizes your natural compatibility due to reflecting its own harmonies.

Then there is what they call the "twin flames", and they are those other entities who reside in the exact same vibration as you. From this point of unity of vibration the universe recognizes you as one vibration, one entity. This would be like a 1:1 harmony, or a note being played with itself, full and total resonance. Our twin flames are the other versions of ourselves active around the universe. (Obviously talking from a perspective within creation since, of course, we are all One.)

RE: Soul mate - Blunt Force - 04-11-2015

There are no soulmates in Ra-Materials. Soulmates are like twins out of cosmic egg (sorry, Easter time).

RE: Soul mate - AnthroHeart - 04-11-2015

Is it possible we will never meet our soul mate in this life?
What if my soul mate is another man? How do two masculine entities really do energy exchanges?

RE: Soul mate - Lighthead - 04-11-2015

(04-11-2015, 02:04 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Is it possible we will never meet our soul mate in this life?
What if my soul mate is another man? How do two masculine entities really do energy exchanges?

Depends on if you are gay or not. If you're not then I'm pretty sure that it would be a platonic love.

RE: Soul mate - AnthroHeart - 04-11-2015

Yes, I am pretty much gay. Lady parts turn me off.

RE: Soul mate - AnthroHeart - 04-11-2015

But the dreams where I've really felt for someone have always been ladies, or male anthros.

RE: Soul mate - Lighthead - 04-11-2015

(04-11-2015, 03:49 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Yes, I am pretty much gay. Lady parts turn me off.

That's what I suspected, but I didn't want to be rude by asking you. I have a lot of homosexuality on my dad's side, but I'm one of the ones that didn't turn out gay. I have pretty good gaydar, though. Tongue

RE: Soul mate - Jeremy - 04-11-2015

(04-10-2015, 02:01 AM)Sheldor Wrote:
(12-27-2014, 11:48 AM)Stranger Wrote: I highly recommend Michael Newton's books, "Journey of Souls" and "Destiny of Souls".  Michael Newton developed a hypnotic regression to the time between lives, and discovered a very surprising consistency across subjects in their descriptions of that world, which Ra calls "time-space".  A large portion of the books consists of transcripts describing how entities plan their incarnations.  He describes "soul clusters" of entities who tend to work together, assuming varying roles, life after life.  The material meshes nicely with the Ra material, and will shed some light on your question.

In short, before incarnating, entities plan to partner with a significant other, and program into their subconscious cues that will allow them to recognize each other (subsconsciously) when the time comes.  This fits 100% with my experience - I know exactly what those cues were that allowed me to meet my soulmate, with whom I've been together for a very, very long time.

can you explain the description of those clues Stranger?

The clues would be very subtle. Such as a necklace one would wear,  a certain scent,  the color of their eyes,  etc. Something that would be purposely added so that the other self has a bit of de ja vu in a sense. 

What Newton found was that there was a primary soul mate that a person had incarnated with in other lives. They were generally the one that they chose to learn the most lessons from. If the plan falls through,  there was typically a secondary soul mate where they could still learn the lessons they needed. 

The inherent issue I have with newtons work is that it seems to deal with earth natives so I'm unsure how this pertains to wanderers and their purpose here. He never found evidence of higher density entities because he was always dealing with natives still learning the lessons to what I believe was for graduation.  Anything at the guide level was very sparce or just wasn't talked about due to their higher self and guides disallowing such info to come across 

RE: Soul mate - Turtle - 04-12-2015

(04-11-2015, 04:34 PM)Jeremy Wrote: The inherent issue I have with newtons work is that it seems to deal with earth natives so I'm unsure how this pertains to wanderers and their purpose here. He never found evidence of higher density entities because he was always dealing with natives still learning the lessons to what I believe was for graduation.  Anything at the guide level was very sparce or just wasn't talked about due to their higher self and guides disallowing such info to come across 

This makes a lot of sense because the majority of people that exist here are just that...native to this world in the only way that truly matters (meaning they are fully engaged with learning or ignoring the lessons that are relevant to beings who are transitioning between 3rd and 4th density).

RE: Soul mate - AnthroHeart - 04-12-2015

Even someone who is big into the Ra material, is very spiritual and such could be a 3D native who's just tired of being here.

RE: Soul mate - Reaper - 04-12-2015

I can't think of anywhere it was mentioned in the Ra Material.

In my personal experience I've met several individuals I consider to be "cut from the same cloth" as my own. To the best of my reasoning we all stemmed from a single individualized consciousness (in some cases we even share distinct memories of this consciousness), and therefore we share very deep soul ties, perhaps even closer than those of a memory complex or group mind- literally two sides of one coin.

We are usually drawn to one another through circumstances that seem almost magnetic. Meeting these people is always extremely intense, and it is usually hard to maintain civil relationships with them because we reflect each other's flaws so accurately. Unless you're a perfectly clear mirror or willing to be really, really honest with yourself, meeting a "soul mate" is not the romantic encounter it's portrayed as, at least in my experience. It is a challenge to even know the person, though if you're willing to accept that challenge it is a level of companionship that surpasses all mundane aspects of an interpersonal relationship. I've only kept consistent contact with one of my "soul mates" brother in all things. Wink

RE: Soul mate - AnthroHeart - 04-12-2015

My soul mate I think is in the Ra social memory complex, or is in the next Octave. Same with my twin flame.

My counterpart is pure Light and Love. It takes work for me to connect with them.

RE: Soul mate - Lighthead - 04-12-2015

(04-12-2015, 04:07 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: My soul mate I think is in the Ra social memory complex, or is in the next Octave. Same with my twin flame.

My counterpart is pure Light and Love. It takes work for me to connect with them.

How would you describe your work? That is, the work to connect with them.

RE: Soul mate - AnthroHeart - 04-12-2015

I put out my intention to accept their energy.
I don't know where it's coming from.
I just accept that which is in vibrational harmony with myself.

And I feel it through my body. I don't channel words. Though sometimes I get words, but I take those with a grain of salt.

It sometimes makes me light headed, and I see afterglow images of what I was previously looking at.

RE: Soul mate - VanAlioSaldo - 04-23-2015

(04-11-2015, 04:34 PM)Jeremy Wrote:
(04-10-2015, 02:01 AM)Sheldor Wrote:
(12-27-2014, 11:48 AM)Stranger Wrote: I highly recommend Michael Newton's books, "Journey of Souls" and "Destiny of Souls".  Michael Newton developed a hypnotic regression to the time between lives, and discovered a very surprising consistency across subjects in their descriptions of that world, which Ra calls "time-space".  A large portion of the books consists of transcripts describing how entities plan their incarnations.  He describes "soul clusters" of entities who tend to work together, assuming varying roles, life after life.  The material meshes nicely with the Ra material, and will shed some light on your question.

In short, before incarnating, entities plan to partner with a significant other, and program into their subconscious cues that will allow them to recognize each other (subsconsciously) when the time comes.  This fits 100% with my experience - I know exactly what those cues were that allowed me to meet my soulmate, with whom I've been together for a very, very long time.

can you explain the description of those clues Stranger?

The clues would be very subtle. Such as a necklace one would wear,  a certain scent,  the color of their eyes,  etc. Something that would be purposely added so that the other self has a bit of de ja vu in a sense. 

What Newton found was that there was a primary soul mate that a person had incarnated with in other lives. They were generally the one that they chose to learn the most lessons from. If the plan falls through,  there was typically a secondary soul mate where they could still learn the lessons they needed. 

The inherent issue I have with newtons work is that it seems to deal with earth natives so I'm unsure how this pertains to wanderers and their purpose here. He never found evidence of higher density entities because he was always dealing with natives still learning the lessons to what I believe was for graduation.  Anything at the guide level was very sparce or just wasn't talked about due to their higher self and guides disallowing such info to come across 

I second this.  My main issue with Newton's work is that I don't know if the color movement of souls, white - indigo, is matching up with 6th Density by Indigo, or High 3rd Density by Indigo.  I don't know if some Indigo or Violet entities described in his 3rd and 4th publications were from a higher Octave or the next Density above 3rd.

However, in those books he does find ways, and does begin having an easier time pulling out deeper and more specific information.  I also pondered if the age regression hypnosis was linking the person to themselves in such a way as to be paradoxically interacting in two places at the exact same time, similar to how Souls are described as operating anyways when incarnating.

(04-11-2015, 03:46 PM)Lighthead Wrote:
(04-11-2015, 02:04 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Is it possible we will never meet our soul mate in this life?
What if my soul mate is another man? How do two masculine entities really do energy exchanges?

Depends on if you are gay or not. If you're not then I'm pretty sure that it would be a platonic love.

I think Ra makes a mention about this regarding homosexuality as being caused by 'Aura Infringement' -goes to find quote-

Ra Wrote:31.8 Questioner: We have what seems to be an increasing number of entities incarnate here now who have what is called a homosexual orientation in this respect. Could you explain and expand upon that concept?
Ra: I am Ra. Entities of this condition experience a great deal of distortion due to the fact that they have experienced many incarnations as biological male and as biological female. This would not suggest what you call homosexuality in an active phase were it not for the difficult vibratory condition of your planetary sphere. There is what you may call great aura infringement among your crowded urban areas in your more populous countries, as you call portions of your planetary surface. Under these conditions the confusions will occur.

Ra Wrote:31.10 Questioner: Roughly how many previous incarnations, shall we say, would a male entity in this incarnation have had to have had in the past as a female to have a highly homosexual orientation in this incarnation? Just roughly.
Ra: I am Ra. If an entity has had roughly 65% of its incarnations in the sexual/biological body complex, the opposite polarity to its present body complex, this entity is vulnerable to the aura infringement of your urban areas and may perhaps become of what you call an homosexual nature.

It is to be noted at this juncture that although it is much more difficult, it is possible in this type of association for an entity to be of great service to another in fidelity and sincere green-ray love of a nonsexual nature thus adjusting or lessening the distortions of its sexual impairment.

It's possible, but apparently not a proper configuration, as it is viewed as an impairment.  This is actually one of the few answers from Ra I don't feel resonates within.  And so no one has to ask, I am Bisexual.  I was surprised when I read this.  I honestly felt like as long as you provide sincere unconditional love to another even in an area of sexual nature it'd still be a chance to polarize positively regardless of Sex or gender.  I say this because Ra even says:
Quote:This would not suggest what you call homosexuality in an active phase were it not for the difficult vibratory condition of your planetary sphere.
Which I interpreted as referencing Bisexuality as being misunderstood as homosexuality in a negative sense due to how our society viewed it, at least at the time of this question being answered...Which was on February 25, 1981/

RE: Soul mate - VanAlioSaldo - 04-23-2015

I wonder if it's possible to 'Ping' soul mates accidentally while meditating on them.  In a meditation once I swear I felt what I could only describe as a Soul Mate almost...Answer my probing call outwards out of curiosity.  It came as what felt like a Ping, like a blip appeared on a radar but only once, and it faded before I could get a clear sense of it.

I think soul mates can be homosexual too, I don't understand how in a creation of infinity, it can't be possible.  There must be a possible orientation of masculine oriented-feminine/feminine or feminine oriented-masculine/masculine.  Or even just a proper masculine/masculine usage of inherent feminine qualities in masculinity, providing a chance for one sex to utilize properties inherent in another, due to what I always pointed at Yin-Yang for demonstrating well.  There is still the opposite present in the occurrent.  Masculine can provide Feminine, and Feminine can provide Masculine.

Beyond that, natures of sexual mutuality I don't think should lower positive polarity as Ra stated.  It just wouldn't really sound correct unless it was speaking in terms of neutralizing the potential for work in consciousness rather than literally polarizing towards negative.

...Unless the literal Masculine/Masculine or Feminine/Feminine orientation can only by means of electrical reciprocity in meta/physical natures literally mean the only possibility for an energy transfer type between two of the same principle energies is a negative transfer due to their being no pull metaphysically???

-shrugging tiredly-

RE: Soul mate - Aion - 04-28-2015

I don't think soul mates is always about sexuality, I think it can be a brother/sister sort of thing too.

RE: Soul mate - Minyatur - 04-28-2015

(04-23-2015, 08:37 AM)VanAlioSaldo Wrote: I wonder if it's possible to 'Ping' soul mates accidentally while meditating on them.  In a meditation once I swear I felt what I could only describe as a Soul Mate almost...Answer my probing call outwards out of curiosity.  It came as what felt like a Ping, like a blip appeared on a radar but only once, and it faded before I could get a clear sense of it.

I do have moments like that. Sometimes while I wander in my thoughts I seem to make a connection of some sort with something or someone I know not yet feel a strong link with.