A question about refusing self-harvesting - Printable Version

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A question about refusing self-harvesting - Sylvain - 12-07-2014

Dear all,

I need to tap in your collective wisdom.

The following quote from A Wanderer Handbook attracted my attention:
"Though it is extremely rare, there is, very occasionally, a special soul who
achieves graduation while in incarnation, but the chance to leave the Earth
plane and advance alone is almost never taken"

Suppose that one indeed experiences "intelligent infinity" and thus receives the offer to leave this present incarnation - but refuses it.

Besides healing, what could be the meaning and aim of ensuing intense, permanent, incapacitating and extremely uncomfortable activities of the body energies and concomitant physical transformations? Does the Law of One material offer insight in this topic?


RE: A question. - Jeremy - 12-07-2014

One word that struck me in your post was permanent. Such intense lessons and/or services are never permanent and only relative to a particular incarnation. A perception of permanence, indicates an almost aversion to the lessons that one faces.

Anyways, one may choose to remain for multitude of reasons beyond healing. Maybe one wishes not to leave the side of a loved one. Maybe one sees the service that they can still provide to others. In extreme cases, maybe they consider martyrdom a worthy goal. They could also simply enjoy this density and any such premature stoppage would disappoint them.

Of course this is all speculation but such occurrences are so few and far between, such contemplation about this actually happening or even hoping it would happen is kinda moot.

RE: A question. - Sylvain - 12-07-2014

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for answering!

(12-07-2014, 03:46 PM)Jeremy Wrote: One word that struck me in your post was permanent. Such intense lessons and/or services are never permanent and only relative to a particular incarnation.

This have been 24 months by now, 24/24. Almost every seconds. I imagine this qualify as "permanent." in a relative sense?

Of course, once it was not and one day it shall stop...

(12-07-2014, 03:46 PM)Jeremy Wrote: A perception of permanence, indicates an almost aversion to the lessons that one faces.

Well, it's not pleasant.

(12-07-2014, 03:46 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Anyways, one may choose to remain for multitude of reasons beyond healing. Maybe one wishes not to leave the side of a loved one. Maybe one sees the service that they can still provide to others. In extreme cases, maybe they consider martyrdom a worthy goal. They could also simply enjoy this density and any such premature stoppage would disappoint them.


(12-07-2014, 03:46 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Of course this is all speculation but such occurrences are so few and far between, such contemplation about this actually happening or even hoping it would happen is kinda moot.

Jeremy, I understand it's pretty rare, but I happen to personally know somebody who experiences that.

For this person, this topic is no idle musing and I would appreciate any relevant suggestions you and others on this forum may have.


RE: A question. - Nicholas - 12-07-2014

Hi Sylvian,

The only thing that I can offer right now is that the 'contact' you refer to, in my honest opinion dissolves the incarnate/discarnate into beingness.

The veil is like a thick curtain. For wanderers, my guess is that the veil is like a thick fog. My hunch regarding contact with intelligent infinity is that the fog clears for short while, therefore the notion, or conceptual separation of being here, or there, vanishes.

Here is where the fruit ripens, there is where the fruit is tasted.

It's sounds a bit vague (at least to me!) but I hope it helps.

Best wishes,


RE: A question. - Jade - 12-07-2014

Ra uses the example of the Elder race:

Quote:15.15 ↥ Questioner: I don’t mean to ask the same question twice, but there are some areas I consider so important that greater understanding may be obtained by possible restatement in other words. I thank you very much for your patience. Yesterday, you also mentioned that when there was no harvest at the end of the last 25,000-year period, “there were harvestable entities who shall choose the manner of their entrance into the fourth density.” Can you tell me what you mean by how “they will choose the manner of their entrance into the fourth density?”

Ra: I am Ra. These shepherds, or, as some have called them, the “Elder Race,” shall choose the time/space of their leaving. They are unlikely to leave until their other-selves are harvestable also.

15.16 Questioner: What do you mean by their other-selves being harvestable?

Ra: I am Ra. The other-selves with whom these beings are concerned are those which did not attain harvest during the second major cycle.


15.20 ↥ Questioner: Are there any Wanderers with these Elder Race, or not?

Ra: I am Ra. These are planetary entities harvested — Wanderers only in the sense that they chose, in fourth-density love, to immediately reincarnate in third density rather than proceeding towards fourth density. This causes them to be Wanderers of a type, Wanderers who have never left the Earth plane because of their free will rather than because of their vibrational level.

When one experiences intelligent infinity on the level that they are able then to choose when they leave their incarnation, the "ensuing intense, permanent, incapacitating and extremely uncomfortable activities of the body energies and concomitant physical transformations" change their tune to be at most minor nuisances helping us learn better ways to be of service to others. Experiencing suffering is one way to learn empathy for the suffering of otherselves, and if we can learn to alleviate it in ourselves then we can teach others how to alleviate it in themselves.

Quitting Earth upon becoming harvestable is more of an STS thing:

Quote:17.25 ↥ Questioner: How did Taras Bulba, Genghis Khan, and Rasputin get harvested prior to the harvest?

Ra: I am Ra. It is the right/privilege/duty of those opening consciously the gate to intelligent infinity to choose the manner of their leaving of the density. Those of negative orientation who so achieve this right/duty most often choose to move forward in their learn/teaching of service to self.

RE: A question. - Sylvain - 12-07-2014

Hi Jade,

Thank you! That's exactly in the hope of receiving this kind of insight that I dared to ask my question.

(12-07-2014, 06:38 PM)Jade Wrote: Ra uses the example of the Elder race:

From which session are these quote taken?

If I understand well, given a fraction of second to chose to continue in his present incarnation or leave in fourth-density love, a member of this "elder race" would have such a karma that he would choose the first without hesitation, simply out of the sense of duty of service-to-other? He could then hereafter wonder about the rational of this choice, unknowing because of the veil of forgetting of the past incarnations during which he has developed the inclinations which were then at play?

Quote: Experiencing suffering is one way to learn empathy for the suffering of otherselves, and if we can learn to alleviate it in ourselves then we can teach others how to alleviate it in themselves.

I agree about the role of suffering in developing empathy. Extreme suffering may have other virtues too.

Does the Material evokes the possibility of getting a kind of "system upgrade" following encounter with higher-density Love?


RE: A question. - Jade - 12-08-2014

Hi Sylvain! Let me see if I can help with your followup questions.

(12-07-2014, 07:59 PM)Sylvain Wrote:
(12-07-2014, 06:38 PM)Jade Wrote: Ra uses the example of the Elder race:

From which session are these quote taken?

If you look at the quotes, they begin with 15.15-15.20, so I got the questions/answers from session 15. If you aren't yet familiar with I'd take a gander there, everything is searchable, broken into categories, and marked by their session number.

Quote:If I understand well, given a fraction of second to chose to continue in his present incarnation or leave in fourth-density love, a member of this "elder race" would have such a karma that he would choose the first without hesitation, simply out of the sense of duty of service-to-other? He could then hereafter wonder about the rational of this choice, unknowing because of the veil of forgetting of the past incarnations during which he has developed the inclinations which were then at play?

This is about right, though of course, it's hard to speak in absolutes for each entity. Also, it's well to remember that the veil of forgetting lessons the more accustomed one becomes to intelligent infinity. And I'm not sure "karma" is the right word, because part of being harvestable is the release of karma (forgiveness to self and all other selves).

Also, this discussion, I believe, is primarily about Earth natives reaching harvest level, as many entities come here of already harvestable vibration (Wanderers).

Quote:Does the Material evokes the possibility of getting a kind of "system upgrade" following encounter with higher-density Love?

Hm, the quote that comes to me is this:

Quote:10.11 ↥ Questioner: While an entity is incarnate in this third density at this time he may either learn without consciously knowing what he’s doing, or he may learn after he is consciously aware that he is learning in the ways of the Law of One. The second way, it is possible for the entity to greatly accelerate his growth. Is not this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

and maybe this:

Quote:77.24 ↥ Questioner: Now, there are several general concepts that I would like to be sure that we have clear before going into this process and I will certainly adhere to the requests that you have just stated.

When our Logos designed this particular evolution of experience It decided to use the system of which we spoke creating, or allowing for, polarization through total free will. How is this different from the Logos that does not do this? I see the Logos creating the possibility of increase in vibration through the densities. Let me ask first: How are the densities provided for and set up by the Logos, if you can answer this?

Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this working. The psychic attack upon this instrument has, shall we say, left scars which must be tended, in our own opinion, in order to maintain the instrument.

Let us observe your second density. Many come more rapidly to third density than others not because of an innate efficiency of catalysis but because of unusual opportunities for investment. In just such a way those of fourth density may invest third, those of fifth density may invest fourth. When fifth density has been obtained the process takes upon itself a momentum based upon the characteristics of wisdom when applied to circumstance. The Logos Itself, then, in these instances provides investment opportunities, if you wish to use that term. May we enquire if there are any brief queries at this space/time?

RE: A question. - Unbound - 12-08-2014

Have to build an ego-interface for functioning on this level of reality. My whole personality "constructed" so as to interact within this reality and not be in a perpetual state of unity and detachment. There's nothing worse than being so alive you don't know what to do with it.

Also, as far as "system upgrades", usually these things are stabilized before contact with intelligent infinity, although obviously such can happen "pre-maturely", but I would recommend any system of physio-spiritual exercises such as yoga, qi gong, tai chi, ceremonial magic, etc, to strengthen the energetic system to handle the higher frequencies.

RE: A question about refusing self-harvesting - Bluebell - 12-08-2014

(12-07-2014, 06:23 PM)nio Wrote: Hi Sylvian,

The only thing that I can offer right now is that the 'contact' you refer to, in my honest opinion dissolves the incarnate/discarnate into beingness.

The veil is like a thick curtain. For wanderers, my guess is that the veil is like a thick fog. My hunch regarding contact with intelligent infinity is that the fog clears for short while, therefore the notion, or conceptual separation of being here, or there, vanishes.

Here is where the fruit ripens, there is where the fruit is tasted.

It's sounds a bit vague (at least to me!) but I hope it helps.

Best wishes,


Yes! The fog. It's annoying yet maybe necessary or intentional.

RE: A question about refusing self-harvesting - Aureus - 12-08-2014

(12-07-2014, 03:31 PM)Sylvain Wrote: Besides healing, what could be the meaning and aim of ensuing intense, permanent, incapacitating and extremely uncomfortable activities of the body energies and concomitant physical transformations?
Further balancing. Also keep in mind a perfectly balanced entity has very few problems.