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RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-18-2021

Wait a minute, reality is already One wholeness. So the spiritual entropy is a result of a false perspective. Talk about Law of Confusion. The Orion group has to constantly trick us through their world power minions to buy into their agendas.

Therefore it's not about finding a harmonious wholeness as I assumed in my previous post. Instead it's about realizing that we already are that wholeness. For example through a simple Jnana yoga practice of noticing the trick of conflict in one's everyday life.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-18-2021

Why call it solar stream, instead of for example the Christ stream or infinite creator stream? My reasoning is in line with Gigi Young who said that the infinite energy needs to be stepped down for us to be able to handle it. And Ra mentioned that the sun is our larger logos.

And also, physical reality is where the rubber meets the road. So I have started to take the consistency with physical reality seriously, instead of allowing separate astral realms and dimensions etc. No spiritual bypassing. And this makes the physical solar system the actual wholeness that is an expression of the solar stream. Ra talked about thought-forms creating physical reality if I understand it correctly, and then it's the spiritual/logos realm that determines physical reality, and the material reality is the manifestation of spirit! Spirit and matter are one, not separate. In higher densities more advanced physical expressions become possible.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-18-2021

A huge change in the transition into fourth density is how we perceive reality. I recently realized more deeply than before that physical reality is the projection and consciousness is the projector. Many people in the spiritual and New Age community have said the same thing, and Ra even calls our third density reality an illusion, maybe similar to the concept of Maya in Hinduism and emptiness in Buddhism.

The change will as I see it be an actual realization of physical reality as a projection, instead of as in third density when there usually is as yet only a mental idea about it, while in practice physical reality including the human body, money and death remains experienced as and considered primary to consciousness.

And a new perspective I have, similar to how Brahman and Maya are one, is that there isn't actually a fundamental distinction between physical reality and consciousness. They are two sides of the same coin.  And I suspect that even in the upper sub-density of third density we will begin to realize this and start to view physical reality as more plastic and malleable than in lower sub-densities of third density.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-18-2021

What I predict will happen is that we will start to experience physical reality as the same as spiritual reality. Today the material world and the spiritual world are usually treated as separate and many people even think of the spiritual world as just fantasy.

For example money is as spiritual as astral travel. Of course money sucks loosh from us but that's because of our view of separation (love of money) and not because money actually is separate from spirituality. Even in the spiritual and New Age community today the material world is depicted as separate from spirit. And I myself have had that perspective of separation. Now it's starting to appear to me that such separation is a false perspective and maybe that's what Ra means by our third density illusion, that it's our division between the material and the spiritual that is the illusion, not that the material world is an illusion. Both the material and the spiritual are real and the One and same reality.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-19-2021

Ra talked about something called the Matrix of Mind which is unmoving. Ra said: "The Matrix of the Mind is that which reaches just as the kinetic phase of intelligent infinity, through free will, reaches for the Logos" (92.13)

The solar stream is the expression of the entire solar system as a part of the Matrix of Mind manifested out of the solar logos. Or to put it in simpler terms, our entire solar system is a manifestation of the potential in the solar logos. The solar stream then comes from the solar logos expressed as mind. This makes the causation go from mind to matter, even the manifestation of matter is from mind.

This is still the case today in third density and it's just that there is a veil that limits what the mind can manifest. And it makes us experience material reality as being able to cause things when the actual situation is that it's the Matrix of Mind that all the time produces the material world.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Patrick - 05-19-2021

(05-18-2021, 10:54 PM)Anders Wrote: A huge change in the transition into fourth density is how we perceive reality...

Yes and I am seeing that perception changing right now in ways the seems magical to me.

It is now getting to the point where I am not certain that all the people posting here are actually in the same collective reality. We are probably physically all here on this planet, but what we experience and the way we see the world is so different, that we might as well be living on different planets.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-19-2021

Gigi Young talked about a split of humanity. She even called it the Christ stream vs the Antichrist stream. And some of that split may already have started so that some people experience the world from one stream and the rest from another stream. I think it's still the same physical earth though.

Actually I must confess that what I call the solar stream and the beast stream are basically directly taken from Gigi. The solar stream I think of as our solar system's version of the Christ stream, and the beast stream is the Antichrist stream version on earth. The Orion group Ra talked about seems to be the ruling force of the beast stream. The guiding principle for the solar stream could be what Ra calls the Confederation of which Ra is one of the members: "This Confederation contains those from your own planet who have attained dimensions beyond your third. It contains planetary entities within your solar system, and it contains planetary entities from other galaxies. It is a true Confederation in that its members are not alike, but allied in service according to the Law of One." (6.24)

RE: Developing a social memory complex - LeiwoUnion - 05-19-2021

I certainly don't feel I'm living on the same planet as most people. For me, the pandemic and related issues don't exist, for example. I'm surfing the gentle energies of quiet familylife. Unemployment has also revealed us how little we actually need or desire 3D 'stuff' and 'services'. I can see how an UBI society could develop positively, family and home unit oriented. Conscious development lies here while unconscious quests have their own pathway. My recent understanding is that wanderers tend to have two sides and two paths, even when they stay 'unawakened'; there is still unconscious work being done for the home group. The road to adeptness begins when these paths begin to merge. Social memory complex begins to form when the conscious evolutionary paths of two, then many, start to merge.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 09:33 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: I can see how an UBI society could develop positively, family and home unit oriented.

Hmm... Universal basic income will likely become necessary fairly soon due to accelerating progress of automation replacing more and more jobs. I see a UBI as a temporary solution until we even can remove the need for money when robots and AI have become incredibly advanced and low cost.

And a UBI used constructively can help us shift from what I call the beast stream into the solar stream. Even money is a part of the beast stream, and it keeps humanity trapped in the beast stream.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-19-2021

Maybe I should clarify that the beast stream is only nasty because it's a low stage of separation consciousness. So for example money can be used as a neutral tool, although in practice that usually doesn't happen. What makes money a part of the beast stream is that it's a rigid form of control that comes with spiritual entropy because of all the conflicts caused by money.

Not only that. Money today is like a power pyramid created through debt where the power is constantly being sucked from the bottom of the pyramid (the people) and up to the capstone (the international banksters).

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-19-2021

Brian Scott has this brand new video about Orion in the Law of One. He says that he is still learning about the Ra material and it can be interesting to hear what he has found about the meaning of Orion. I will compare it to my current view about the Orion group as the rulers of the beast stream.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Black Dragon - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 07:02 PM)Anders Wrote: Brian Scott has this brand new video about Orion in the Law of One. He says that he is still learning about the Ra material and it can be interesting to hear what he has found about the meaning of Orion. I will compare it to my current view about the Orion group as the rulers of the beast stream.

Lets see if he goes deep enough down the rabbit hole. Every time a 3d civilization splits, there is a positive and negative harvest. There are positives and negatives from every background. There's positive Orions and negative Venusians galore out there. The negatives of Orion make up a small percentage of the actual constellation's population. More so in the past, but the "empire" is not what it once was. Using Orion as a synonym for STS is a dogma, much like using Earth as a synonym for STS, because there are some very outspoken STS beings who currently are part of the Earth experience. But they are not the majority. Nobody asking questions in the original Confederation materials expressed a desire to know about positive Orions. That was respected, but a lack of wanting to know doesn't mean they know about Orion. Those who want to know can know.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-19-2021

Brian Scott mentioned how negative entities can according to the Law of One be bathed in love and light and the negative entities will walk away. That resonates with me. And it means that the solar stream will shine away the beast stream. The solar stream is a harmonious whole and the beast stream can only deal with conflicting energy.

On a practical level I'm pretty sure that the tensions in the body-mind are a manifestation of the beast stream, and that by dissolving the tensions within oneself the beast stream is shined away. There is tons of past karma to deal with though so in practice it's a really heavy task.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Black Dragon - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 07:33 PM)Anders Wrote: Brian Scott mentioned how negative entities can according to the Law of One be bathed in love and light and the negative entities will walk away. That resonates with me. And it means that the solar stream will shine away the beast stream. The solar stream is a harmonious whole and the beast stream can only deal with conflicting energy.

On a practical level I'm pretty sure that the tensions in the body-mind are a manifestation of the beast stream, and that by dissolving the tensions within oneself the beast stream is shined away. There is tons of past karma to deal with though so in practice it's a really heavy task.

The solar stream and beast stream paradigm is interesting. Does the solar stream emanate only from Sol? From the "central sun" to other stars that can accept? More stars than just Sol are christed stars and have 6d positive/integrated civs living in the actual star.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Patrick - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 07:31 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: ...Using Orion as a synonym for STS is a dogma, much like using Earth as a synonym for STS...

It's interesting that you bring up the "Earth as a synonym for STS". Because I just read a 1984 French channeling session that says STS does not exists outside of Earth. They say there is no STS Empire out there. It's the people of this planet that created this negative aura for the Earth.

Normally, that is not the kind of material that I resonate with, but this one I do. It's very close to the Ra material and yet there are these very big differences.

Anyway, better to have no dogma at all and just plow onward. Smile

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Black Dragon - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 07:39 PM)Patrick Wrote:
(05-19-2021, 07:31 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: ...Using Orion as a synonym for STS is a dogma, much like using Earth as a synonym for STS...

It's interesting that you bring up the "Earth as a synonym for STS". Because I just read a 1984 French channeling session that says STS does not exists outside of Earth. They say there is no STS Empire out there. It's the people of this planet that created this negative aura for the Earth.

Normally, that is not the kind of material that I resonate with, but this one I do. It's very close to the Ra material and yet there are these very big differences.

Anyway, better to have no dogma at all and just plow onward. Smile

That channeling is like the other extreme. There is STS outside Earth, but it is very limited in how it effects us. The ET's that are assisting with our ascension are overwhelmingly positive. External negatives have a limited roll, most of the negativity is being played out by us humans and other beings caught in the Earth cycle. Earth is playing out Orion(and other civs) old lessons they haven't integrated yet. There are still some negatives in Orion and other constellations. These are big constellations with multiple stars and a large positive population and a handful of outspoken a*******, kinda like Earth.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 07:36 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: The solar stream and beast stream paradigm is interesting. Does the solar stream emanate only from Sol? From the "central sun" to other stars that can accept? More stars than just Sol are christed stars and have 6d positive/integrated civs living in the actual star.

The sun logos is itself a sub-logos of the Milky Way galaxy logos. And probably our galaxy is a sub-logos of a galaxy cluster or something like that, and so on into larger and larger logoi.

The top logos I think of the Word that has created everything (John 1). And Christ symbolizes the Word made manifested. Therefore the solar stream is a part of the Christ stream going all the way from the Word and through our universe, into our galaxy and manifests as our solar system.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-20-2021

I really like Ken Wilber's integral approach of transcend and include where previous stages are transcended and also included. Applied to the solar stream it means that the experience of separation in the beast stream is included while at the same time also transcended.

The solar stream, then, is an experience of unity with the solar system while at the same time preserving our ability to make distinctions and treat things as separate. In the beast stream there is only the experience of separation without unity, which leads to all kinds of conflicts and friction.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-20-2021

Another thing I now realized about the solar stream is that it's the only actual stream on earth. And the beast stream is a result of a veil that blocks access to the unity of the solar stream. Removing the veil dissolves the beast stream and reveals the unity of the solar stream.

I also discovered (well, in theory at least) that the solar stream is the whole solar system. So instead of it being some separate stream coming in, it is the source of our entire solar system, including the physical atoms and molecules it's made of. (This total view may be different than how Gigi Young explained it, I don't know yet.)

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-20-2021

Ra talked about a veil of separation, such as:

Quote:"Questioner: Specifically, by what process in the first case, when two polarized entities would attempt to penetrate the veil, whether they be positively or negatively polarized— specifically by what technique would they penetrate the veil?

Ra: I am Ra. The penetration of the veil may be seen to begin to have its roots in the gestation of green-ray activity, that all-compassionate love which demands no return. If this path is followed the higher energy centers shall be activated and crystallized until the adept is born. Within the adept is the potential for dismantling the veil to a greater or lesser extent that all may be seen again as one. The other-self is primary catalyst in this particular path to the piercing of the veil, if you would call it that." - Law of One 83.18

I believe Ra was talking about the same veil I described earlier. The veil is simply a blocking of access to oneness. In practice however the veil in third density is really heavy since it has formed all our karma and our personal memories which are completely saturated by experiences in separation. So even though in principle entering the solar stream is simply about removing the veil, it involves dissolving huge amounts of personal and even inherited karma.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-20-2021

Dolores Cannon talked about the importance of removing fear and karma. That's a good point. Our personal and collective past in third density is absolutely filled with fear! In this short video Dolores explains the importance of this:

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Doomchief - 05-20-2021

In my understanding the stream of intelligent energy for Earth is one for both polarities for the energy itself is neutral. It amplifies what is. If an entity is polarised in service to others path, that what is going to be "powered up". The same goes for the left hand path. If there is confusion in consciousness by the moment of the cosmic stream of 4th density energy - this confusion is going to be amplified.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-20-2021

(05-20-2021, 08:44 AM)Doomchief Wrote: In my understanding the stream of intelligent energy for Earth is one for both polarities for the energy itself is neutral. It amplifies what is. If an entity is polarised in service to others path, that what is going to be "powered up". The same goes for the left hand path. If there is confusion in consciousness by the moment of the cosmic stream of 4th density energy - this confusion is going to be amplified.

Gigi Young said that the Christ stream feels painful for those in the Antichrist stream. People in the Antichrist stream will run away from the Christ stream, she said.

So in a sense the Christ stream intensifies the polarity, but only for one side! It's only the Antichrist stream that will experience the Christ stream as painful. It sounds like the vampire stories where the vampires are burnt by sunlight.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Doomchief - 05-20-2021

Well if seen from the perspective of interaction between two polarised entities - A positively polarised one is distorted to acknowledgment of the free will of others. So a negatively oriented one won't be prohibited from acting out its nature. Personally I doubt that the catalyst of this interaction will be unprocessed by the serving to the self entity for a degree to be transferred for the body complex as physical pain. The interaction itself may be considered unwanted though.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-20-2021

One idea I came to think of is that the Christ stream operates through truth and the Antichrist stream through manipulation. If then the Christ stream has a truth vibration, those in the Antichrist stream will be afraid of that, because manipulation requires that information can be hidden from others.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-20-2021

As a thought experiment, if I enter the solar stream and interact with another person who also is in the solar stream, then my personal will unites with the other person's will into a unified will.

And if I am in the beast stream then my personal will remains separate and isolated. Then a curious question is: what happens when one person is in the solar stream and the other person is in the beast stream? I will try to figure that out.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-20-2021

I now found an answer to my previous question by using Ra's compass analogy. If one person is in the beast stream and interacts with another person who is in the solar stream, then the person in the solar stream will have his or her compass pointing in the correct unifying direction. The person in the beast stream will have a compass pointing in any direction.

And because of the unifying power of the solar stream the person in the solar stream will cause a pull on the compass of the person in the beast stream. And then depending on the person in the beast stream's reaction that pull will be experienced either as threatening or helpful. In the long run the solar stream pull will align people's compasses more and more into alignment with the unified direction.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-20-2021

The solar stream is a unifying power. Then what about the beast stream? The beast stream too has a unified direction. The difference is that instead of a harmonious shared direction, the beast stream has a centralized direction forced through oppression by the Orion group.

To use a somewhat funny term in relation to this, the beast stream has an unholy direction (holy means whole) while the solar stream has a holy direction. What needs to happen in order to move into the solar stream is that we replace the unholy compass within ourselves with the Holy Compass of unity.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Doomchief - 05-20-2021

I want to share my opinion (if that doesn't ring truth for you, leave it behind). I think in the positive sense it may not be helpful to view streams of intelligent energy and its patterns in the Archetypical mind as different or inferior in one of the paths of progression. The potential for the left hand path just as for the right hand path is conceived by the Primal Logos. So the energy flow is the same and neutral and the polarization occurs in the energy centers of each entity.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-20-2021

(05-20-2021, 02:46 PM)Doomchief Wrote: I want to share my opinion (if that doesn't ring truth for you, leave it behind). I think in the positive sense it may not be helpful to view streams of intelligent energy and its patterns in the Archetypical mind as different or inferior in one of the paths of progression. The potential for the left hand path just as for the right hand path is conceived by the Primal Logos. So the energy flow is the same and neutral and the polarization occurs in the energy centers of each entity.

It's easy to fall into the trap of demonizing the beast stream. It's true that the beast stream is oppressive and causes suffering, but yeah it's also necessary and useful as a catalyst.

And also, the beast stream as I see it is actually merely an undeveloped part of the solar stream, caused by a veil of separation. Yet I also find it useful to bash the beast stream to make a clear contrast and to avoid romanticizing the beast stream too much and risk getting trapped in it.