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RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-14-2021

(05-14-2021, 01:02 PM)Patrick Wrote: He is targeting the largest audience possible. So using stuff like Star Wars will enable people to relate. Then they can start digging and start reading the Law of One themselves, where they'll be  :exclamation:  :idea:

Exactly. I had that thought myself, but you beat me to it, haha.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-14-2021

Now I have some really outrageous speculations. Could be related to developing an SMC so it can be important unless it's complete woo woo. I think I heard someone mentioning that Ra has talked about walk-ins. I don't know much about that topic except that it's about people leaving their body and letting another soul enter their body. Creepy! Or another soul enters the body while the original soul remains. And I heard on a YouTube channel that they claim that there are lots of NPCs in the world. That's another eerie topic. An NPC is a "non-playing-character", basically a robot without consciousness.

If there is any truth to that I imagine that people on Venus have left NPC clones of themselves on earth to avoid having to deal with the mess on third density earth themselves. And it could even be that what the Bible means by "raising the dead" is that the people on Venus will inhabit their clones and become conscious humans on earth that way. The Bible also says something like: "O Lucifer, how low you have fallen!" Lucifer is the Morning Star, meaning the Venus principle.

Brian Scott has for example this video about walk-ins:

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-14-2021

Now I have a new idea. It says in the Book of Revelation that no one on earth or in heaven could open the scroll. And Christians usually say that it is Jesus who can open the scroll. But isn't Jesus in heaven? Anyway, in my view the principle is correct, for it's the Christ stream that can open the scroll.

Opening the scroll can represent removing the Veil that prevents our "fallen" third density world from accessing higher densities. And the lamb that opens the scroll I speculate is an STO SMC! And since a global SMC of that kind doesn't exist yet, nobody either in heaven or on earth can open the scroll.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-14-2021

Oh my gawd! Now I discovered a major dot connection. The lamb in the Book of Revelation who can open the scroll is neither in heaven nor on earth. The lamb is on Venus! The lion can't open the scroll because the lion represents the Venusian clone NPCs/avatars on earth. And the Book of Revelation describes how the lion shapeshifts into a lamb that looks like having been slaughtered (a being of sorrow).

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-14-2021

To speculate further, it may ONLY be the sun logos that is capable of forming a true social memory complex in our solar system. On earth and in third density we have as I understand it only the lower chakras connected, not the heart chakra nor the higher chakras (Ra talked about the ego as a yellow-ray blockage). On Venus my guess is that it goes the other way and they have the higher chakras plus the heart chakra connected.

What needs to happen for full connection is that we on earth activate the green-ray to connect with the heart chakra which allows Venus to connect from the other direction. Ignition! Gigi Young explained that Venus has access to the sun's consciousness, and Jim McCarty I think it was said in a podcast that the sun's prana on earth moves from the lower chakras and up. So the sun prana will be a kundalini rising on earth and move in the other direction for the Venus consciousness. (Incidentally, I suspect that the two keys on the Vatican coat of arms represent the two unlocking mechanisms necessary; the golden key for earth activation and the silver key for Venus activation.)

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-15-2021

Some people have compared the new earth to a butterfly and our current 3D earth to a caterpillar. That made me think of the formation of a third density New World Order as the cocoon within which the butterfly develops.

And then the third density STO SMC is the butterfly embryo developing inside the cocoon. And when the fetus butterfly has consumed and harvested the caterpillar material it can break out of the cocoon as the birth of a fourth density service-to-others social memory complex.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-15-2021

Oh! The caterpillar to butterfly analogy can be taken one step further. I heard that when a butterfly embryo starts to form within the cocoon it uses a part of the caterpillar brain to build its own brain from. In the earth comparison the 3D world brain is the top power structure globally. Is that the U.S.? Or is it China as a rising power? No, I think it's the Vatican!

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-15-2021

Mars represents the masculine principle and Venus represents the feminine principle. It's also represented as the Dragon and the Phoenix:

Quote:"The dragon and phoenix are considered a perfect couple and a symbol of love in Feng Shui, ... Individually, the Phoenix represents the ‘yang’ energy (male energy), and when paired with the dragon, it represents the ‘yin’ energy (female energy). When both the dragon and phoenix come together, they symbolize love, harmony, and togetherness." -

"The phoenix is a long-lived bird associated with Greek mythology (with analogs in many cultures) that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor." - Wikipedia

Since the phoenix is associated with the sun it represents the butterfly in my previous analogy. And the development of the STO SMC can then be called the phoenix stream. And the development of the New World Order can be called the dragon stream symbolizing the materialistic Mars principle. This shows peaceful cooperation between both streams, for it defines both streams as useful and supportive of each other.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-16-2021

The Law is One. So the phoenix and dragon streams are a part of one stream. This unified stream can be called the Christ stream (the way and the truth and the life). And in our solar system the sun is our larger Christ stream. So instead of using Christian terminology the unified stream can be called the solar stream. Here is one quote from Ra about the sun:

Quote:"Metaphysically, the sun achieves a meaning to fourth through seventh density according to the growing abilities of entities in these densities to grasp the living creation and co-entity, or other-self, nature of this sun body." - Law of One 41:4

It's a bit tricky it seems and I'm trying to boil it down. Ra also said in session 41: "not easily answered in your language, for the sun has various aspects in relation to intelligent infinity, to intelligent energy, and to each density of each planet, as you call these spheres."

I'm going to listen to Gigi Young's long video about the sun again to find our more.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-16-2021

I found a hint from a book by C. W. Leadbeater from 1927!

Quote:"... each force from the higher world is always flowing a manifestation of the life stream issuing from the second aspect of the solar logos which we call the primary force that force is seven-fold in its nature and all its forms operate in each of these centers although one of them in each case usually predominates over the others without this inrush of energy the physical body could not exist therefore the centers are in operation in everyone although in the undeveloped person they are usually in comparatively sluggish motion just forming the necessary vortex for the force and no more in a more evolved man they may be glowing and pulsating with living light so that an enormously greater amount of energy passes through them" - The Chakras: A Monograph, C. W. Leadbeater

From about 13:00 in this video:

What can be called solar prana is already running inside us ordinary people, but most of it is blocked. What I discovered by listening to Gigi's video again is that the solar energy is blocked a lot by stored traumas in our third density bodies. One next step then is to figure out how to increase the flow of solar prana within the body-mind.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-16-2021

Both the phoenix stream and the dragon stream are already present on earth. In third density they are separated by a veil which produces spiritual entropy. What needs to happen is a lifting of the veil so that both streams become integrated into the solar stream.

And an idea came to me that with the solar stream activated, solar prana will start flowing within us and between people who share the same solar stream. The frustrating thing is to figure out how to achieve that. Ra talked about events like that happening like how a clock strikes the hour.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-16-2021

As Mark Passio said, physical reality is where the rubber meets the road. That's a good point. Otherwise we engage in spiritual bypassing and even the most glorious spiritual experiences become nothing more than an elaborate dream still stuck in mental isolation as separate egos.

This gave me a radical idea which is that the shift into the solar stream includes a shift in our physical identification. In our separate third density state we experience our physical body as separate from the rest of the world. My idea is that when the solar stream becomes activated in us we shift the experience from being a separate physical body to ..... becoming the whole planet earth!

And that's why it's solar prana instead of Gaia prana, because we become Gaia! So in the solar stream our new outside world is the solar system. That's a fractal shift up from our current third density separation stream where even planet earth is the outside world.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-16-2021

The shift into becoming Gaia I speculate is the transition into fourth density. The third density STO SMC is the "cocoon" state where we still experience the world as outside the body and the planetary quarantine remains.

The phoenix is said to arise anew from the ashes of its predecessor. So what is the current phoenix that will burn to ashes? That's the old earth. And the new earth is the phoenix rising again. That's drastic symbology. In practice it's less dramatic in terms of destruction. It's a harvest of the old earth and the development of the "butterfly"/new phoenix inside the planetary cocoon.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-16-2021

I like the planetary phoenix model, because it's so simple. In practice however the actual process is likely extremely complicated. And I need to make my simple phoenix model fit a larger explanation (and hopefully remain consistent with the Law of One [otherwise it becomes even more complicated]) of what the transition process into fourth density will look like. It's so radical that New Age teachings must be used I think, and I will to begin with take another look at this video by Gigi Young:

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-16-2021

When a caterpillar starts to dissolve inside the cocoon all the cells have the same DNA and the difference is that some of the cells are what's called imaginal cells, who start forming the butterfly embryo. In the planetary cocoon analogy this means two different types of people! One type of people of the old phoenix and the other type of people of the new phoenix. As the new phoenix grows, more and more people from the old phoenix are harvested and shift into the solar stream.

Curiously, the Bible talks about separating goats from sheep. Sounds very similar to the old phoenix people ("goats") vs the new phoenix people ("sheep").

Quote:"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left." - Matthew 25:31-33

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-17-2021

I discovered a huge source of spiritual entropy. We do have free will in the sense that we can make personal plans and carry them out. All is One so from the total perspective I believe there is only One Will, but in practice this one will is separated into individual wills.

As an example, I can make a plan to buy toilet paper, and that same day several other people also have made plans to buy toilet paper and in the store there isn't enough toilet paper for all of us. This means that some of us will have our personal plans thwarted. This produces spiritual entropy in the form of friction and conflict.

When we all run around as separate individuals with our personal compasses of will, the needles on those compasses will point in all kinds of directions. There is a lack of unified and harmonious actions. And the result is a constant onslaught of spiritual entropy. This principle can be called the beast stream to signify that it's a lower stage of consciousness than the solar stream.

In the solar stream all our personal compasses point in the same direction. So for example if I want to buy toilet paper I will be able to do that without clashing with the personal plans of other people.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-17-2021

Another term related to spiritual entropy Ra mentioned is spiritual gravity.

Quote:"Questioner: Thank you. Then when our planet Earth here gets fully into fourth density, will there be a greater gravity?

Ra: I am Ra. There will be a greater spiritual gravity thus causing a denser illusion." - Law of One 29.20

The beast stream because of its higher spiritual entropy has lower spiritual gravity than the solar stream. That is very interesting, for it means that people in the solar stream will start to build the new phoenix through the pull of their increased spiritual gravity.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-17-2021

I'm impressed by Gigi Young's information, but I found something she may be wrong about. She bashed Bill Gates who is supported by the governing authorities around the world. Let's see what the Bible says. You can't argue with the Bible! Haha, just kidding but the Bible may point to truth.

Quote:"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good." - Romans 13

My new take is that the governing authorities represent the dragon stream, not the beast stream. And the dragon stream in my model is the necessary "cocoon" within which the new phoenix is formed.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - LeiwoUnion - 05-17-2021

I'll just throw it here as you are going on about this nearly in light speed. The Dragon and The Phoenix are both symbols of Orion (reptilian) overlordship over Earth, if you believe in such things. In any case they are used as symbols of power by 'the powers that be' behind the scenes. They are not innocent symbols and definitely contain 'certain type' of energies within their egregore/thought form. While there is nothing to fear about them or the negatives, discernment is advisable when including/utilizing powerful occult symbology.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-17-2021

(05-17-2021, 06:31 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: I'll just throw it here as you are going on about this nearly in light speed. The Dragon and The Phoenix are both symbols of Orion (reptilian) overlordship over Earth, if you believe in such things. In any case they are used as symbols of power by 'the powers that be' behind the scenes. They are not innocent symbols and definitely contain 'certain type' of energies within their egregore/thought form.

That sounds like a connection. I have only looked into a little bit about what Ra means by Orion. My impression was that Orion is presented as an evil empire of some sort. So I took 'Orion' as meaning Law of Confusion symbology. Orion could be what I mean by the dragon stream! Its task is to keep the beast stream in line. Even by ruthless means when necessary. And Orion also connected to the Phoenix points to the even higher connection where both the dragon and the phoenix are cooperating for the good (as in Feng Shui).

RE: Developing a social memory complex - LeiwoUnion - 05-17-2021

(05-17-2021, 06:43 AM)Anders Wrote:
(05-17-2021, 06:31 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: I'll just throw it here as you are going on about this nearly in light speed. The Dragon and The Phoenix are both symbols of Orion (reptilian) overlordship over Earth, if you believe in such things. In any case they are used as symbols of power by 'the powers that be' behind the scenes. They are not innocent symbols and definitely contain 'certain type' of energies within their egregore/thought form.

That sounds like a connection. I have only looked into a little bit about what Ra means by Orion. My impression was that Orion is presented as an evil empire of some sort. So I took 'Orion' as meaning Law of Confusion symbology. Orion could be what I mean by the dragon stream! Its task is to keep the beast stream in line. Even by ruthless means when necessary. And Orion also connected to the Phoenix points to the even higher connection where both the dragon and the phoenix are cooperating for the good (as in Feng Shui).

For the good of whom? This question can lead deeper into this topic.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Patrick - 05-17-2021

What can be confusing also is that STS has been trying to redefine what Orion stands for since the Ra material came out. If they can make seekers associate Orion with something positive, then when such seekers find the Ra material, they become confused with Ra calling our STS overlords the Orion crusaders. This way it increases the chances that a seeker will reject the Ra material. Ah well, it's all part of the big game.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-17-2021

(05-17-2021, 09:08 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: For the good of whom? This question can lead deeper into this topic.

Good for the development of the new phoenix. The old phoenix will be harvested and consumed. I think of the new phoenix as the "victorious one" in the Revelation 2:

Quote:"To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations—that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give that one the morning star. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches." - Revelation 2:26-29

Even in the Old Testament:

Quote:"You will break them with a rod of iron;
   you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”

Therefore, you kings, be wise;
   be warned, you rulers of the earth." - Psalm 2:9-10

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-17-2021

I found this about the Orion group:

Quote:"Questioner: Then the Orion group… I’m not quite sure that I understand this. Do you mean that the Orion group produced this larger body complex to create an elite so that the Law of One could be applied in what we call the negative sense?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The entities of Yahweh were responsible for this procedure in isolated cases as experiments in combating the Orion group.

However, the Orion group were able to use this distortion of mind/body complex to inculcate the thoughts of the elite rather than concentrations upon the learning/teaching of oneness." - Law of One 18.22

And I have an idea now why the Orion group is a nasty force. The Orion group outsources spiritual entropy to us the people on earth. And in this way we become slaves to the world elite controlled by the Orion group. The rigid, oppressive and hierarchical control the Orion group achieves through this itself has low entropy, but at the cost of making us humans on earth bear the burden and suffer.

So the tensions in the body-mind I described earlier have their source in the Orion group! The Orion group is the overlord of the beast stream. It's a necessary form of control in order to make the beast stream function but it produces huge amounts of suffering, so the Orion group needs to be replaced as soon as possible historically speaking.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Patrick - 05-17-2021

I get the feeling it would be easier to polarize positively if we were less "intelligent".

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-17-2021

(05-17-2021, 12:26 PM)Patrick Wrote: I get the feeling it would be easier to polarize positively if we were less "intelligent".

The service-to-self intelligence is a narrow form of intelligence. And yes good point, boosting that kind of intelligence just makes the beast stream stronger. What is needed instead is to remove the spiritual entropy. The narrow form of intelligence will always produce spiritual entropy by being unable to function in harmony as a whole. It's like the compass analogy again. It doesn't matter how intelligent each person or group is if the needles of the compasses point in all kinds of directions.

Quote:"Questioner: How does a third-density planet become a fourth-density?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question.

The fourth density is, as we have said, as regularized in its approach as the striking of a clock upon the hour. The space/time of your solar system has enabled this planetary sphere to spiral into space/time of a different vibrational configuration. This causes the planetary sphere to be able to be molded by these new distortions. However, the thought-forms of your people during this transition period are such that the mind/body/spirit complexes of both individual and societies are scattered throughout the spectrum instead of becoming able to grasp the needle, shall we say, and point the compass in one direction.

Thus, the entry into the vibration of love, sometimes called by your people the vibration of understanding, is not effective with the present societal complex. Thus, the harvest shall be such that many will repeat the third-density cycle. The energies of your Wanderers, your teachers, and your adepts at this time are all bent upon increasing the harvest. However, there are few to harvest." - Law of One 13.23

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-17-2021

I found support for my idea of the new earth rising as a fourth density phoenix in the Law of One. Sort of. Ra talked about earth as an entity about to be born. Sounds very similar to my idea. And Ra also mentioned the sun, not as a parent, but that we will get a logos-to-logos relationship with the sun. Sounds like the solar stream! I'm still puzzled about how that sun consciousness will function though.

Quote:"Questioner: Then we deal with an entity that has not yet formed a social memory but is yet an entity just as one of us can be called a single entity. Can we continue this observation of the, shall I say, conglomerate entity through the galactic entity, or shall I say, small planetary system type of— Let me try to phrase it this way. Could I look at a single sun in its planetary system as an entity and then look at a major galaxy with its billions of stars as an entity? Can I continue this extrapolation in this way?

Ra: I am Ra. You can but not within the framework of third-density space/time.

Let us attempt to speak upon this interesting subject. In your space/time you and your peoples are the parents of that which is in the womb. The Earth, as you call it, is ready to be born and the delivery is not going smoothly. When this entity has become born it will be instinct with the social memory complex of its parents which have become fourth-density positive. In this density there is a broader view.

You may begin to see your relationship to the Logos or sun with which you are most intimately associated. This is not the relationship of parent to child but of Creator, that is Logos, to Creator that is the mind/body/spirit complex, as Logos. When this realization occurs you may then widen the field of “eyeshot,” if you will, infinitely recognizing parts of the Logos throughout the one infinite creation and feeling, with the roots of Mind informing the intuition, the parents aiding their planets in evolution in reaches vast and unknown in the creation, for this process occurs many, many times in the evolution of the creation as an whole." - Law of One 65.17

RE: Developing a social memory complex - flofrog - 05-17-2021

(05-17-2021, 01:32 PM)Anders Wrote: I found support for my idea of the new earth rising as a fourth density phoenix in the Law of One. Sort of. Ra talked about earth as an entity about to be born.

Right Anders, but Ra often talks about Earth more as to her evolution as a planet, being a mind/body/spirit, than a newly entity being newly born in 4 D Wink

Quote:10.8 Questioner: Is there any danger of this happening to Earth at this time?
Ra: I am Ra. We feel this evaluation of your planetary mind/body/spirit complex’s so-called future may be less than harmless. We say only the conditions of mind exist for such development of technology and such deployment. It is the distortion of our vision/understanding that the mind and spirit complexes of those of your people need orientation rather than the “toys” needing dismantlement, for are not all things that exist part of the Creator? Therefore, freely to choose is your honor/duty.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-17-2021

(05-17-2021, 01:55 PM)flofrog Wrote: Right Anders, but Ra often talks about Earth more as to her evolution as a planet, being a mon/body/spirit, than a newly entity being newly born in 4 D Wink

I was amazed to find that Ra mentioned earth about to be born, but okay, that's something much further into the future. My focus is on the early development, the "caterpillar" dissolving inside its cocoon and the development of the "butterfly fetus". I believe that's a part of what Ra calls harvest.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-18-2021

I came to realize that when we enter the solar stream, the Orion group can no longer suck energy from us. I think it's called loosh in New Age teachings. Because loosh is an energy that always comes with spiritual entropy. And the solar stream if free from spiritual entropy on that level according to what I have figured out so far.

The removal of spiritual entropy is a result of functioning as a harmonious whole. Loosh is a result of conflict. And then it's "simply" a matter of finding the harmony of wholeness within oneself. Easier said than done, but anyway this was something that I came to think about.