i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Printable Version

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RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - yossarian - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 05:28 AM)unity100 Wrote: if you dont read some discussion in which every kind of possible argument was made, then you come out reiterating the same arguments to those people, who then, in turn, politely opt out of discussing with you like crimson did.

I read the arguments.

I am looking for the description of your utopian socialism, not for your criticism of free enterprise.

I vigorously, emphatically, and in every way completely disagree with your repeated assertion that profit is evil.

Profitable transactions reflect an efficient distribution of resources - and resources include mental effort, psychic energy, willpower, intelligence - not just physical goods.

Profitable transactions are voluntary and done in pure free will on an equal power basis. Two people engaging in a transaction each profit. The buyer profits because he values the good more than the money. The seller profits because he values the money more than the good. This is a sacred and noble spiritual exchange and this is precisely the kind of activity that demonstrates both a respect for free will and an equality among people.

I agree with the Questioner in the other thread in every way. I agree with Ayn Rand who speaks about how money is one of the greatest inventions of mankind.

I agree with the economists who have shown again and again that voluntary exchanges are efficient and fair, providing the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

Communism cannot be enacted without force. Period. How are you going to force someone to surrender the fruits of their labour without using force? What if they build 10,000 cars and want to distribute them in a way that you disagree with?

I honestly think communism is one of the most evil and pernicious ideas to have ever cursed the Earth and the enduring hatred for money that many self-styled wise people have is tragic beyond belief.

Productive free enterprise labour is the solution to humanity's physical suffering. The reason that segments of Earth still suffer from hunger and disease is because they are denied the right to the fruits of their productive free enterprise.

Quote:please refer to that thread. the very fact that you talk about 'barrels of guns' and 'you guys are communists !!' etc, tells that you are quite biased in this subject. which is not a logical and wise state to be in.

Why do you even bother making these judgements? Surely you recognize that, as a participant in these discussions, you can't trust your own judgement on a question of bias either?

I've thought and studied this topic LONG and HARD for YEARS. I've spent countless hours and days in discussion with communists as well as supporters of free enterprise. I've read voluminously on the topic and examined case study after case study.

Question: How do you lift a society out of poverty?
Answer: Allow them to have free enterprise + property rights.

This fact has been demonstrated over and over and over.

Quote:and this is why you should not read any 'specific part', but all the thread. you are talking about individualism, in a path that seeks out to let go of EVERYthing, leave aside an idea of the self, and give out everything to others. it seems you are conceptualizing this spiritual path of positivity just being something that is only inside, feelings, emotions and so on.

there are quite important discussions regarding the basics of these concepts in that thread. and actually, this is why i asked you to read that thread. the understanding of basic concepts and clearing of misconceptions is much more important to spiritual advancement than anything else.

I agree with Ra's conception of positive polarity.

It starts with an open heart.

It leads to a demonstration of service to others in activity.

The most powerful vehicle for service to humanity that has been utilized again and again to improve the lives of legions is the free enterprise business. More good has been done by free enterprise than all the spiritual teachers, all the government officials, all the aristocrats combined. Free enterprise labour and exchange is the natural elevated state of humanity. It respects free will. It respects individual inspiration and self-direction. It provides for group effort. It is an excellent way to practice service to all of humankind.

Your error on this issue can be summed up in one quote of yours:

unity100 Wrote:henry ford's intent in serving others, does not change the fact that he took more than he gave.

This statement made me laugh out loud. Ford almost singlehandedly through sheer brilliance and strength of will revolutionized society and led to advanced transportation for hundreds of millions (if not ultimately billions) of people. He shrunk the world and enriched the lives of so many millions. He gave them an exceptional product at an amazing price and paid his workers handsomely. His cars freed up so much manual labour that it boggles the mind. It's almost incalculable how positive his impact was on humanity.

And what did he get in return? A few mansions. Some nice meals at restaurants. A boat. PALTRY!

The goods he received in exchange are utterly incomparable to the good he produced. Utterly and in every way.

It's completely ridiculous to claim that he took in more than he produced. He just produced SO MUCH that I suspect it would be literally impossible for him to take in more than he produced. It would probably take thousands of lives of nothing but hedonistic consumption of the most lavish kind for him to even come close to receiving equal payment.

Profit is not evil. Profit fairly gained through voluntary exchange with happy customers is, in fact, manifest virtue.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 06:07 AM)yossarian Wrote: I agree with the Questioner in the other thread in every way. I agree with Ayn Rand who speaks about how money is one of the greatest inventions of mankind.

Profit is not evil. Profit fairly gained through voluntary exchange with happy customers is, in fact, manifest virtue.

if you agree with ayn rand, who says that people should act for their SELF interest, instead of others' interest,

and if you think that taking MORE than you give, is positive,

and if you think that 'opening heart', and then asking something in RETURN for what you are giving others, and even not remaining at that but asking MORE, is positive.

we have nothing to discuss.


- hey i love all of you !
- great ! and what are you going to do about that ?
- that'll be $99.99 sir ... with profit ....
- but how about love ? positive polarity ?
- but i just love you !!


at this point, i am respectfully opting out of discussing with you. however i will add that you can refer to the thread you just skimmed, for the repetitive arguments you have brought again. if you actually take your time to examine the arguments, you wont need to discuss it with me again.

"that'll be $99.99 sir. brought to you by 6th density Incorporated ..."

also, alternatively, the zeitgeit's last video puts a lot of what i was arguing, into visual context in this video, with testimonies. it would also work well for analyzing your arguments.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - yossarian - 02-16-2011

First of all, if you look closely, Ayn Rand believes people should be selfish based on their values.

Many Ayn Rand followers explicitly value other people. This means that her philosophy can be equally applied to STS and STO. It's a question of values.

Secondly, I don't agree with Ayn Rand on everything. Far from it. But I do agree with her about money! Her writing on money and free enterprise is loaded with spiritual truth, with true light blue wisdom that respects the noble qualities of man while recognizing the practical reality of the 3D illusion. Her writing on economy is superb and represents great virtue.

Note that Ayn Rand believed that the ultimate sin is to abridge the free will of another. Are you so sure she is STS? An STS entity would enslave others, and her life is a clear testament that she believes slavery is the greatest evil.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 06:23 AM)yossarian Wrote: First of all, if you look closely, Ayn Rand believes people should be selfish based on their values.

basically, that is putting being selfish in beautified form, and rationalizing it. doesnt matter how one puts it, being selfish, is selfish.

Quote:Many Ayn Rand followers explicitly value other people. This means that her philosophy can be equally applied to STS and STO. It's a question of values.

please watch the zeitgeist movie.

Quote:Note that Ayn Rand believed that the ultimate sin is to abridge the free will of another. Are you so sure she is STS? An STS entity would enslave others, and her life is a clear testament that she believes slavery is the greatest evil.

this is why i had told you to read that other thread in detail. it is quite explicitly explained why taking more than you give, is a negative energy flow and act. it doesnt matter for what purpose you create such an energy flow. it will, in the long run, act according to its nature.

a system that is based on all entities acting in their self interest, is negative. the focus, is on the interests of selves of each entity. not others.

positive, is acting on others' interest. giving to others. being focused on the well being of others. this is what makes 51% minimum (and more) positive polarity.

'oh i do care for you but i am asking $99.99 from you with PROFIT' <- actions do not follow words in this context. it doesnt matter how much one cares about another from the inside. as long as the entity does not act along with what s/he has inside, nothing will happen.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Ankh - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 05:22 AM)yossarian Wrote: I believe we can share thoughts without losing individual freedom. Your conception of 4D as a place where individuality is unimportant seems intuitively wrong to me. My conception of 4D involves great beauty flowing from the unique souls of every person, and each person expressing their spiritual beauty in unique ways, some doing it by clothing, some by food, some by song or visual art, some through love, some through sacrifice, and so on. I believe that a life itself is a work of art whose beauty flows from the inspiration and unique soul signature of every entity, acting unfettered in free collaboration with others and great individuality melded into a harmony.

The critical harmonizing feature of 4th density is the desire to serve and love. Aside from this harmonizing feature I believe people will have more individuality and variation, not less. And the capacity of enjoyment will increase as well.

I believe that too! The spiritual beauty within each shining out and reaching out, uniting in bigger complexes of voluntarily miscellaneous beauty and harmony.

(02-16-2011, 05:22 AM)yossarian Wrote: Since I returned to these forums in the past few weeks I see tremendous levels of cynicism and pessimism and I'm inspired to counteract it.

Your posts are shining with optimism and desire to see the light and love in each event. Keep doing that, my brother!

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 07:19 AM)Ankh Wrote: I believe that too! The spiritual beauty within each shining out and reaching out, uniting in bigger complexes of voluntarily miscellaneous beauty and harmony.

yes. that will happen without actions following words. after all, spiritualism is just an internal matter. there is nothing called manifestation.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - yossarian - 02-16-2011

Bob the 4D Barber

Joe: "Hey, Bob, can I get a haircut?"

Bob: "Sorry, Joe, all my appointments are booked for the next 40,000 years. I'm one of the best barbers in the land, you know."

Joe: "I know, Bob, but some of the people on your appointment list don't even really care about haircuts. Why do they need the best haircut in the land? I care a lot more about getting a great haircut than they do. It seems that first-come first-serve is a poor allocation of haircuts."

Bob: "You're right Joe. A lot of my customers would be just as happy with a haircut from Sam the Shearer. He's a very good barber, but doesn't have the experience and subtlety of my cuts. Not everyone really values a super awesome haircut."

Joe: "I have an idea. We could have a way to measure how much someone values a particular service, and then we will let that measurement determine who gets a haircut rather than who makes the appointment first."

Bob: "Interesting. It reminds me of this old Earth thing we had called money. Back on Earth, my barbershop always had openings because I asked for a certain amount of money in exchange for my cuts. This way, the people that really needed my cuts the most would get them."

Joe: "But what about the people with no money? Didn't Earth have lots of them? It would suck if people went without."

Bob: "Oh, you're right. That was a problem.... I have an idea! We could just give money to the people with no money! And then they can use the money to buy stuff! They will no longer go without!"

Joe: "That's genius. Instead of worrying about all these massive queues and having an appointment book that goes 40,000 years into the future, we can just use money as an organizing principle, and people who don't have money can be given money."

After this discussion the 4D social memory complex implements a money system. The currency is called LLBucks. Each LLBuck has a value of 1 hug - hugs being universally valued by everyone - they are used a common unit of exchange.

Peter the Partier: "I need a new party house. My old one is just partied out. Chris, could you help me with that?"
Chris the Carpenter: "Sure. Let me see... ah yes! I have a great idea for a new party house for you. Take a look at my blueprints. How much is that worth to you?"
Peter: "That house is perfect. That's definitely worth about 10,000 LLBucks."
Chris: "Cool. This is a fun project, I'm looking forward to it. To me this project is worth 6000 LLBucks."
Peter: "Deal! In line with custom, we will split the difference, aiming for a high degree of fairness in trade. Here is your 8000 LLBucks."

Larry the Lazy: "I have no money. I want to buy myself a new lazing couch. Can someone give me money?"
Jill the Jolly: "Sure Larry, I really value your laziness. You enjoy your laziness so much and I can see that. Your happiness brings me so much happiness. I'm never able to use all the money I make from my standup comedy. Here's 1000 LLBucks."

No force, no coercion, just people engaging with one another in community, in love, negotiation, compromise, finding a way to get the right services to the right people. It's not about greed it's about efficient distribution and exchange. It's about free enterprise and decentralization. Each person makes their own decisions about what is best.

The needy are taken care of, because people love the needy. How are they taken care of? People just give them money when they ask. 4D people aren't hoarders or greedy. There will always be someone with plenty who can help a person with little. The person with scarcity will just send out a general call and the person with plenty will show up beaming with love at being able to help an other-self. The person with little will feel love and gratitude at receiving the service and the giver will feel the joy of giving.

No communist bureaucrats seizing goods and redistributing them are necessary. Every need can be satisfied through standard norms of fair exchange, using money as a barometer for value and an organizing principle.

If Eddie the Electrician sees Bob's haircuts to be just as good as Sam's, and Bob is in higher demand, it is best for Eddie to get the cut from Sam. But, being busy, Eddie has no interest in haircuts and doesn't have the time or energy to do research into which barber provides enough utility but not too much. He doesn't need to do research though - he can just use money as a barometer. He looks at Bob's haircuts and sees they cost 300 LLBucks. He looks at Sam's and sees they cost 50 LLBucks. Not really caring about the difference between the two, he opts for the cheaper price, and resources are distributed efficiently.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 02-16-2011

curious that how all the previous civilizations, most of which are helping this planet overcome the orange ray blockages, have missed 'bob the barber' and 'joethe barber customer', 'larry the lazy's examples, and still ended up flying around in flying saucers and came to a position that can offer help to a greed-ridden planet at our time and age,

while the planet that is sporting all the great 'efficient' distribution of resources, is the one needing that help, trying to get even a noticeable harvest.


i still see that you have neither read the thread i referred you properly, or, watched the zeitgeist movie. but instead, came up with 'bob the barber' and joe the hairdresser and larry the lazy and whatnot.

excuse me, but your approach comes off as something that is out of right wing bias. especially, your lack of proper consideration for the others' arguments, judging by the very short duration in which you have supposedly read the thread i linked, and have found the time to disagree with all of them in a flash.

not to mention that, you are STILL discussing that taking something in return of something you are giving out, is positive. you havent, apparently, even pondered on what 51% positive, or 99% negative, means, in reality.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - yossarian - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 01:11 PM)unity100 Wrote: curious that how all the previous civilizations, most of which are helping this planet overcome the orange ray blockages, have missed 'bob the barber' and 'joethe barber customer', 'larry the lazy's examples, and still ended up flying around in flying saucers and came to a position that can offer help to a greed-ridden planet at our time and age,

Such as?

Did Ra say that Venus had no currency? I don't remember that part. Which alien civilization exists without a form of currency?

Charity and currency exist at the same time. One does not preclude the other. In fact, the existence of currency makes charity more effective.

Quote:i still see that you have neither read the thread i referred you properly, or, watched the zeitgeist movie. but instead, came up with 'bob the barber' and joe the hairdresser and larry the lazy and whatnot.

excuse me, but your approach comes off as something that is out of right wing bias. especially, your lack of proper consideration for the others' arguments, judging by the very short duration in which you have supposedly read the thread i linked, and have found the time to disagree with all of them in a flash.

not to mention that, you are STILL discussing that taking something in return of something you are giving out, is positive. you havent, apparently, even pondered on what 51% positive, or 99% negative, means, in reality.

Are you ever going to stop judging me?

I watched Zeitgeist years ago. It's an amateur understanding of the issue. Before I watched Zeitgeist I received an education on the evils of a privately supplied fiat currency from economists.

A privately issued government enforced fiat currency is very bad. That's what we have today.

On the other hand, a publicly issued and publicly backed currency is a great idea. It leads to prosperity. The original greenback was this.

Private currencies are ok as long as they are voluntary and not the only option. Putting the money supply in the hands of the Fed is the dumbest idea ever.

I have read the thread and you just repeat yourself. You seem to think that just stating an argument makes it final because your logic is perfect or something. It's not. The Questioner brought up all of my objections and I agree with him.

I read your posts and I'm not convinced. I see countless flaws in your logic and outright factual errors. This is why I don't agree with you.

The problem with society is not money. The problem is poverty. How should humans solve poverty? Easy. Just give money to the poor. Why don't more humans do this? Because lots of humans are greedy hoarders who don't care about their fellow man. This is not money's fault though, this is the fault of greedy people.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 01:35 PM)yossarian Wrote: Such as?

Did Ra say that Venus had no currency? I don't remember that part. Which alien civilization exists without a form of currency?

have you actually read Ra material ?

especially read the below :

Quote:22.5 Questioner: Can I assume then that this drastic drop in average life span from seven hundred years to less than one hundred years in length during this second 25,000 years was caused by an intensification of a lack of service to others?

Ra: I am Ra. This is in part correct. By the end of the second cycle, the Law of Responsibility had begun to be effectuated by the increasing ability of entities to grasp those lessons which there are to be learned in this density. Thus, entities had discovered many ways to indicate a bellicose nature, not only as tribes or what you call nations but in personal relationships, each with the other, the concept of barter having given way to the concept of money; also, the concept of ownership having won ascendancy over the concept of nonownership on an individual or group basis.

Each entity then was offered many more subtle ways of demonstrating either service toward others or service to self with the distortion of the manipulation of others. As each lesson was understood, those lessons of sharing, of giving, of receiving in free gratitude—each lesson could be rejected in practice.

Without demonstrating the fruits of such learn/teaching the life span became greatly reduced, for the ways of honor/duty were not being accepted.

Quote:23.15 Questioner: I was really questioning about the more basic cause of disease rather than the mechanism of its transmission. I was going back to the root of thought that created the possibility of disease. Could you briefly tell me if I am correct in assuming the general reduction of thought over the long time on planet Earth with respect to the Law of One created a condition whereby what we call disease could develop? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct and perceptive. You, as questioner, begin now to penetrate the outer teachings.

The root cause in this particular society was not so much a bellicose action although there were, shall we say, tendencies, but rather the formation of a money system and a very active trading and development of those tendencies towards greed and power; thus, the enslaving of entities by other entities and the misapprehension of the Creator within each entity.

Quote:On the other hand, a publicly issued and publicly backed currency is a great idea. It leads to prosperity. The original greenback was this.

Private currencies are ok as long as they are voluntary and not the only option. Putting the money supply in the hands of the Fed is the dumbest idea ever.

The problem with society is not money. The problem is poverty. How should humans solve poverty? Easy. Just give money to the poor. Why don't more humans do this? Because lots of humans are greedy hoarders who don't care about their fellow man. This is not money's fault though, this is the fault of greedy people.

refer to the above quotes.


im not judging you. i am trying to help you see that, you are making grandoise conclusions in regard to how positive/negative should be, how can spiritualism be, before having dwelt on very base concepts like positive/negative, their meaning, their practical implications in regard to other-selves.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - yossarian - 02-16-2011

I didn't remember that part.

It's the greed and power that are the issue, not the money system.

Ra even refers to itself as being naive in third density. They don't say money is bad, they say they didn't develop it.

Ra only had 30 million people on Venus. We are dealing with 6 billion people here, and we have much more variety.

A hammer can be used in greed and power by banging people on the head. It can also be used to build someone a house. Money is a tool like a hammer.

Some people use their money to do evil. Most people, however, take others into account when they use their money.

As long as there are scarce resources and large populations money will be an option to increase efficiency. Just because Ra didn't have it doesn't mean it is evil.

It's very easy to use money in service to others. Just give money to others and invest your money in endeavours that serve others. The classic example being a business.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 02:18 PM)yossarian Wrote: I didn't remember that part.

It's the greed and power that are the issue, not the money system.

pay attention to the second quote too.

moreover, notice how they name concept of ownership rising over concept of nonownership or group ownership.

these are all stuff that pertain to reasons that have shortened 900 year long original lifetime for 3d in this planet. actually, they are main reason, since Ra says there was some bellicose action, but, more than that, these were the reasons.

Quote:As long as there are scarce resources and large populations money will be an option to increase efficiency. Just because Ra didn't have it doesn't mean it is evil.

here is your scarcity :

notice the pie chart.

Quote:It's very easy to use money in service to others. Just give money to others and invest your money in endeavours that serve others. The classic example being a business.

you didnt remember the part i linked from Ra.

yet, you havent even dwelt an hour on it. if you dwell on it in sufficient manner, there wont be any necessity for discussing this.

it seems like you are actually understanding and knowing what is what, but, rather, sweating it before letting it go and becoming free.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - yossarian - 02-16-2011

Ra says bellicosity caused the decreased lifespan. Property rights just allowed people more subtle ways to express their bellicosity.

Money is a tool that solves a problem. The problem is allocation of resources and efficient trade.

If scarcity really does go away then money will to. Not by some revolution though it will just naturally stop being used because it won't be necessary.

But I don't see scarcity going anywhere for a long time. In 4D the scarce resources will mainly be human effort, labour, psychic energy, time investment, intelligence.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 02:40 PM)yossarian Wrote: Ra says bellicosity caused the decreased lifespan. Property rights just allowed people more subtle ways to express their bellicosity.

please read the second bolded sentence in the second quote, paying good attention to commas. it makes the meaning of the first sentence, clear.

Quote:The root cause in this particular society was not so much a bellicose action although there were, shall we say, tendencies, but rather the formation of a money system and a very active trading and development of those tendencies towards greed and power; thus, the enslaving of entities by other entities and the misapprehension of the Creator within each entity.

if we explain the above sentence in a non comma tied fashion :

the root cause in this particular society was not bellicose actions even though there were bellicose tendencies, BUT, rather, the formation of a money system and a very active trading and development of "those tendencies towards greed and power" , and in this fashion enslaving of entities by other entities .......

i dont know how it can be any clearer than this .... actually, this is the summary of our current situation at this contemporary times - enslaving of entities by other entities through greed and power of a money and trade system.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - yossarian - 02-16-2011

Again, it's the greed and desire for power over others that is the issue, and certain money systems can be used to facilitate these things.

The formation of the money system allowed people to be greedy.

"the formation of a money system and a very active trading"

Creation of money led to active trading. Understandable.

"and development of those tendencies towards greed and power"

Active trading allowed for the development of greed and power. Also makes sense. The more you trade, the more chance you have to be greedy and exert power. But you have the free will choice to trade fairly in service as well.

In a barter system, these negative tendencies could be expressed by being a hard bargainer. But when money came along, trading became more active, and these greedy tendencies accelerated by the free will choice of the entities.

Money didn't force them to be greedy. It gave them that option where they didn't have it before.

In a primitive tribe there is simply very little freedom and very little opportunity to be greedy. Apparently, there is little opportunity to polarize as well as evidenced by the paltry harvests.

It's easy to choose positive polarity in the context of a money system. Just serve others and don't be greedy. Don't hoard your wealth. Give to the needy with a free hand. It's not rocket science.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 03:15 PM)yossarian Wrote: Again, it's the greed and desire for power over others that is the issue, and certain money systems can be used to facilitate these things.

The formation of the money system allowed people to be greedy.

"the formation of a money system and a very active trading"

Creation of money led to active trading. Understandable.

"and development of those tendencies towards greed and power"

Active trading allowed for the development of greed and power. Also makes sense. The more you trade, the more chance you have to be greedy and exert power. But you have the free will choice to trade fairly in service as well.

statistics say otherwise. 150 people were harvested at the end of 2nd cycle, yet, noone was harvested negatively or positively, after that, up until our times, when the 'sophistication' of the great enabler of free will, the money and trade system, has taken on its full swing.

excuse me, but its impossible to not see the connection. if it enabled free will, it should have enabled positive or negative harvest much more than before.

it didnt.

Quote:In a barter system, these negative tendencies could be expressed by being a hard bargainer. But when money came along, trading became more active, and these greedy tendencies accelerated by the free will choice of the entities.

Money didn't force them to be greedy. It gave them that option where they didn't have it before.

Quote:In a primitive tribe there is simply very little freedom and very little opportunity to be greedy. Apparently, there is little opportunity to polarize as well as evidenced by the paltry harvests.

It's easy to choose positive polarity in the context of a money system. Just serve others and don't be greedy. Don't hoard your wealth. Give to the needy with a free hand. It's not rocket science.

now it is rather clear - you are associating freedom with choice of what to eat, what to wear, what to use as a tool or where to dwell.

if you are unable to think of positive polarization and service in a tribe context, that speaks of a problem about your understanding. there are much more opportunities for service to others, in a primitive tribe context than there is today in your society. in a primitive tribe context, you can just think and take action. your red ray can be used directly for action. in your society, you have to first acquire the exchange units, money, through whatever means the system allows you, then to use it in the direction you desire, that is if you can find the person to do it for you.

freedom is not the choice of what color garment to wear, or what flavor sugary milk to drink.


in another note, it is linguistically impossible to not understand the second sentence which explains the linkage of greed and power with trade and money.

a system that enables greed and power, is a system which is negative. especially when it does not cause negative harvests, despite it enables greed and power, over sharing and collaboration.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - yossarian - 02-16-2011

Quote:statistics say otherwise. 150 people were harvested at the end of 2nd cycle, yet, noone was harvested negatively or positively, after that, up until our times, when the 'sophistication' of the great enabler of free will, the money and trade system, has taken on its full swing.

excuse me, but its impossible to not see the connection. if it enabled free will, it should have enabled positive or negative harvest much more than before.

it didnt.

And you're blaming this lack of harvest entirely on the concept of money?

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 02-16-2011

(02-16-2011, 03:43 PM)yossarian Wrote:
Quote:statistics say otherwise. 150 people were harvested at the end of 2nd cycle, yet, noone was harvested negatively or positively, after that, up until our times, when the 'sophistication' of the great enabler of free will, the money and trade system, has taken on its full swing.

excuse me, but its impossible to not see the connection. if it enabled free will, it should have enabled positive or negative harvest much more than before.

it didnt.

And you're blaming this lack of harvest entirely on the concept of money?


im going to reply to you again, because you made me laugh for real since a long time with the phrase that went like '.... free enterprise and the love for your fellow men !!!' -> no offense .... and thank you ...


the lack of harvest is to blame on a number of things, some factors being dominant and important, than others.

firstly, the heavy veil is to blame. it separates conscious from subconscious, and therefore separates not only higher self from the self, but also prevents spiritual influxes and influences that are present in this locale of galaxy.

basically the entities are severed from connections to spiritual influences they would want to follow subconsciously.

this would work out good if not for one thing - tools.

tools, channelize the entities further away from the veil. they got indulged in their surroundings, circumstances, contraptions and so on. this, thickens the effect of the veil.

language is another important factor - the more language and speech is used, the less attention is paid to thought and subconscious. this is a factor increasing the strength of separation in between conscious and subconscious.

actually these two points were examined in Ra material. im not stating anything new.

on top of these, money and barter system with their easily controllable mechanical nature factor in.

the entity, already invested in the tools and non subconscious, concentrates more on mundane/basic manifestations of life - self, furtherance of self, food, eat, trivial matters and pleasures of self. nothing inherently negative, but orange ray.

however, to pursue these, the entities are expected to act in a negative way, in interacting with other entities - they need to start expecting other entities to give something in return, so that they can keep acquiring the means to satisfy these self-interest indulgings. the more entities acquire, the more pleasures they can get, and the safer they can be. moreover, this is a power that can be used over others, as Ra mentions - you can do a lot of things with financial power - you can hire people to do your bidding, you can buy out lands and resources, you can even pressurize anyone who you are wanting to through cornering them in regard to resources and business. (remember wikileaks, amazon, visa, banks etc - no different back then).

so, money is survival now. therefore, it is safety. entities feel the need to play along with the system, since they see other entities being safer, and becoming more powerful. even if they dont have such desires, they feel the need to do so for their loved ones.

and, in the end, you end up with a system which not only makes very easy to be greedy and powerful, but encourages it to be as such. (extreme end can be seen in what the ex wall street trader says about wall street in zeitgeist moving forward video - actually anyone who got enrolled in an ivy league college could easily see that in their environment too, not necessarily business).

so, entities, which are unpolarized, or positive in core, are expected to live in a negatively oriented, and encouraged system. and, they take on negative behavior patterns , at least in dealings with other people than their family, for their safety and furtherance.

and there start all kinds of problems. now, not only entities are much more distant to the subconscious, but also they have to act in negative thought patterns in order for survival in the daily life.

law of responsibility acts here. it creates all kinds of problems. one of which, is life shortening.

another consequence is, because the entities are mentally conditioned to act negative for survival, they cannot polarize.

you, me, just cannot do what we want tomorrow, even in our current technological level. we have to oblige with various demands of the money and barter system, in order to amass required amount of funds in order to sustain our current technological leisure level. this is exacerbated by the fact that artificial scarcity is introduced through ownership system and profiting.

so, you end up with a societal situation at which energies are at motion, but spiritually without direction, all kinds of energies acting in a chaotic manner, half assedly and half heartedly, people dragging their feet to participate in the system because their inner urges are contrary to what system expects and mandates of them.

now, add to this mix the bellicosity, and the various influences (in the form of religions, etc) that justify that bellicosity in the name of 'good', and you have another multitude of problems.

what's explained in the last paragraph was what caused the destruction of maldek and scorching of mars. currently, due to the indulgement situation that is exacerbated with the tools and the negative system that is forced upon the entitie, this planet has not been able to reach a polarization point at which the entities would be that polarized to go about destroying their entire planet even in a mistaken fashion.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - yossarian - 02-16-2011

Is it irony that an engineer sees tools as the root of all evil?

Money is just another tool, so I can see why you'd see it as evil given your mindset.

While you see all those evil things I just see the opportunity for people to make a choice.

Logos put man on the earth naked, cold, and hungry. This is the original scarcity. I think social development is a beautiful thing not an ugly thing. I see all the technology as amazing and wonderful, and the progress of society as a positive. But like you said, we all see what we want to see.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Ankh - 02-16-2011

Yossarian, I applaud your shining optimism. I truely enjoy it and sip its sweet fruit. But somewhere I feel that unity100 has a point. Maybe not in the money issue, maybe even in the money issue, honestly I don't know, but I think that there are lines between tools being offered and the self is still in the state of being able to use them, as you see it, and another state when the self is overwhelmed by the surrounding events where the self is no longer able to use these tools as it becomes too much for the self, as I suppose unity100 means. There is a balance to be learned from here. As I see it right now, creation is not perfect. We are the creation in the unity within all, and we are learning. Maybe next time then? Tongue

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 02-17-2011

(02-16-2011, 06:07 PM)yossarian Wrote: Is it irony that an engineer sees tools as the root of all evil?

i didnt say i saw it as the root of all evil.

everything is a factor in existence. exaggerate one of them, and the balance goes off. doesnt matter whether it is a tool or it is something else. balance is balance.

Quote:While you see all those evil things I just see the opportunity for people to make a choice.

yes. choice of color of garment, choice of horse-ass smell flavored milk or donkey dung flavored milk, this that. these are not choices, these are indulgences.

Quote:Logos put man on the earth naked, cold, and hungry. This is the original scarcity. I think social development is a beautiful thing not an ugly thing. I see all the technology as amazing and wonderful, and the progress of society as a positive. But like you said, we all see what we want to see.

logos didnt put humans on the earth naked. everything for its survival was there. tools also were given in order to further their survival and become more free as time went on, however, heavy veil+tools + money/trade have created a situation in which humans have gotten overindulged and went astray. through tools survival became easier and there was more available, but this time society has invoked artificial scarcity through ownership.

balance is balance. it doesnt matter to which side it goes off. once it goes off, problems arise.