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RE: The One Infinite Creator becoming aware - Shin'Ar - 01-13-2013

(01-13-2013, 03:35 AM)anagogy Wrote:
(01-12-2013, 08:42 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Does the breath become separate from the Breather after it leaves the mouth?

Is the thought separate from the thinker as it proceeds into creation as vibration?

At 700 million miles an hour does the ray of light separate from Its source?

It does within the illusion. Separation is an image that is displayed in the inverted reflection of infinity, which shows us a temporary picture of finity.

So if All of creation is a reflected illusion, on WHAT is it reflected?

(01-13-2013, 03:35 AM)anagogy Wrote:
(01-12-2013, 08:42 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Again you state exactly what I have said. The water is very real not an illusion. The reflection is very real as well. If we choose to perceive the reflection as the actual water and not a reflection of it, then it becomes delusion, not illusion.

In the case of the optical illusion it is an illusion because it is a reflection of the real thing caused by refracting light vibration.

But here is the key; there is a difference between the reflection of a thing and the condensed form of its vibrations. One is mimicking the form and the other is a condensed aspect of that form.

If I was to continue the analogy, I would say the water is the spirit, the reflection upon its surface is the mind, and the mountains, trees, and sky being reflected are the body.

This would seem to suggest that there are three different 'types of creation'.

(01-13-2013, 03:35 AM)anagogy Wrote:
(01-12-2013, 08:42 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Yet again, here is the commonality between all; all are processes. All is process.

Everything is motion.

(01-13-2013, 03:35 AM)anagogy Wrote: I think you just have a different interpretation of the word "illusion" than Ra used or what the translators/scribers of the Ra material did. Illusion doesn't mean "doesn't exist", it just means doesn't exist in the way that one is "translating" it as.

All perception involves a translation of data. The default state of existence is such that there is no sensory translation of data, there is just raw knowingness, or beingness.

And so here we are then, existing in the default state, experiencing our own delusions of what actually exists all around us. And that due to the fact that we are experiencing it through the physical senses of the human experience.

So what you say here clearly acknowledges that creation is not an illusion, but rather a delusion.

(01-13-2013, 03:35 AM)anagogy Wrote: Illusions serve the purpose of allowing us to see what life is like in separation.

White light is beautiful, but that same white light poured through a prism that separates the colors into their respective spectrums is beautiful too.

Separation isn't wrong, its just an experience contained within infinity. The colors are contained within the white light. They aren't unreal. The prism is the illusion, the part that seemingly separates the colors.

Thank you for your effort and time Anagogy. You have helped me to redefine my usage of the word 'illusion' to be more of a synonym for perception, rather than a word meaning something that does not exist.

However, this serves to further point out how all is process. The fact that our perception in this human experience is an 'optical illusion' of what actually exists all around us, continues to clarify how all is process.

And I would point out that there are many here that do not think as you do, or I, and instead take the Ra group's word to mean that nothing really exists except The ONE. I have often heard it described to mean a dream; either ours or of The One.

I have gained from this discussion. Again thank you for your time.

RE: The One Infinite Creator becoming aware - Siren - 01-13-2013

(01-12-2013, 08:42 AM)ShinAr Wrote: In the case of the optical illusion it is an illusion because it is a reflection of the real thing caused by refracting light vibration.

Ah, but that's it, don't you see? What's the difference between an optical (physical) illusion, as you say, and a mental/imaginary illusion? They are all illusions regardless. The "problem," if I may put it that way, is the negative connotations you attribute to the term illusion. Would you perhaps fancy the terms hologram or dream a little bit better instead?

Call it what you will, holographic, illusory, dream-like, kaleidoscopic imagination, it's all the same. This is the nature of "reality," whether in 3rd-density or in 4th or in 5th. Why? Because any differentiation/distortion from Intelligent Infinity in Its unpotentiated, boundless, formless state of undistorted, undifferentiated, indivisible Infinity/Oneness, is an illusion in one way, form, shape or another.

Everything else (this Creation which we experience, in which I write these words and you read them), is a holographic, illusory, imaginary dream within the One Infinite Creator: a distorted/differentiated representation of Intelligent Infinity to create an intricate explorative experience. The Source of All There Is beyond illusions—It creates the illusions thus it may explore Itself.

Get it? The appearance of manyness is an illusion. The appearance of finiteness is an illusion. The appearance of differentiatedness is an illusion. This allows for a complex system of interactions and inter-relationships between various foci of consciousness, thus yielding infinite variety of experience for the One Infinite Creator.

Therefore the entire Creation is a Grand Illusion. The illusion is created of light by thought/action/motion in its free-will. And the One Infinite Creator is the Ultimate Reality "behind" all illusions, all dreams, all imaginations of Itself.

We live in a paradox in which we are simultaneously the Infinite Dreamer dreaming the dream of the dreamed and the dreamed dreaming the dream of the Infinite Dreamer.

This is the beauty, the majesty, the power and the love of a One Infinite Creator.

All is One.

You, my dear, would probably agree if you weren't so biased against the word illusion

RE: The One Infinite Creator becoming aware - AnthroHeart - 01-13-2013

Is desire too itself an illusion?

RE: The One Infinite Creator becoming aware - Shin'Ar - 01-13-2013

(01-13-2013, 12:16 PM)Siren Wrote: Everything else (this Creation which we experience... is an imaginary dream within the One Infinite Creator:

We live in a paradox in which we are simultaneously the Infinite Dreamer dreaming the dream of the dreamed and the dreamed dreaming the dream of the Infinite Dreamer.

You, my dear, would probably agree if you weren't so biased against the word illusion

I will admit to having changed my definition of illusion, but I certainly have not had any bias. Why would there be a need for bias? Toward what?

I comply to certain degree that illusion will simply refer to the many different methods of perception which change within the Design depending on what state of being the fragment is in.

I have always acknowledged that. It was not bias, but rather my definition of illusion which was not accurate in this case. I defined illusion as something that is not real.

Now, a dream is something that is not real.

So I ask you Siren, from what evidence do you conclude that all of creation is a dream? Because in this case your definition of illusion is certainly not the same as mine.

(01-13-2013, 01:57 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Is desire too itself an illusion?

Is the desire of The Creator to create an illusion?

All desire is rooted in The One Consciousness, so to ask that you must consider the origins of desire.

Desire in my understanding is a need or longing to attain something that one would not yet have, or to enjoy something that one has already acquired.

I don't think emotions can be considered on the same plane as form, unless you enter into the discussion of thought vibration condensing and becoming matter.

In that case desire could be considered the condensing of thought vibration.

RE: The One Infinite Creator becoming aware - Siren - 01-13-2013

(01-13-2013, 02:12 PM)ShinAr Wrote: I will admit to having changed my definition of illusion, but I certainly have not had any bias. Why would there be a need for bias? Toward what?

Distortion. A preference of word choice. Just like quirks and peculiarities of personality; they are distortions. There's nothing "bad" about it—variety of experience and expression is the hallmark of an Infinite Creator. Without the potential for misunderstanding there is no understanding. My words right now are distortions too, and my thoughts are biased, just as the seeking of the One Infinite Creator is also a bias/distortion.

Quote:Now, a dream is something that is not real.

Ah, here we go again! =3

Quote:So I ask you Siren, from what evidence do you conclude that all of creation is a dream? Because in this case your definition of illusion is certainly not the same as mine.

It's self evident. Whether I am dreaming in time/space or space/time I am still dreaming; whether some dream asleep and some dream awake, all are dreaming regardless. I have always lived my life (since the onset of this incarnation) as if all of this was an illusory dream. I have seen and loved and experienced the beauty of it in absolute awe, which has inspired me each day to appreciate the handiwork of the Creator and seek the Grand Architect behind this wonderful illusion.

This dream is what you call "process of being."

(01-13-2013, 01:57 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Is desire too itself an illusion?

Intelligent Infinity is the epicenter of all existence. From this Infinity stirs or arises the desire (free-will) to know. This primal impulse leads to the kinetic focus we call the Original Thought, or Logos; which brings all light into manifestation. Out of this light the Original Thought, in its free-will, creates the Creation. From this come an infinite variety of distortions, illusions, and dreams within dreams.

Desire is not an illusion. The object of desire, may be. Desire, or will, is the catalyst behind all thought. Without desire there is no motion/thought/action.

RE: The One Infinite Creator becoming aware - kanonathena - 01-13-2013

(01-12-2013, 05:11 AM)anagogy Wrote: Duality is illusion or distortion. Nothing can actually be dual. We imagine duality by choosing to perceive our cosmic self as an object. Sort of like a snake looking at its own tail and confusing it for something other than itself. BigSmile

Is duality the only way creator can experience itself? Since experiencing seems to imply duality.

If desire is free will, as free will is the first distortion, then desire (free will) is a distortion/illusion.

It looks like free will and duality is the same thing, the first distortion.

Desire and what is desired/what desire created seem to be the same thing too, taking place at the same time.

Anything other than "all is one" is distortion, so the great original thought is also a illusion/distortion. BTW the great original thought is free will/duality right?

RE: The One Infinite Creator becoming aware - Marc - 01-13-2013

I personally see all as reality whether it be exterior or interior (dreams). It's all very real to me.

Also at the same time could see all as illusion.

RE: The One Infinite Creator becoming aware - anagogy - 01-14-2013

(01-13-2013, 10:55 PM)kanonathena Wrote: Is duality the only way creator can experience itself? Since experiencing seems to imply duality.

The creator knows itself in oneness, but yes, duality is the only way for the creator to experience itself as an object. That is to say, experience itself in separation. To know itself in separation.

It's like looking in a mirror versus not looking in the mirror. When not looking in a mirror, you know yourself on the inside, but to actually see your face from a perspective outside of it, you need the mirror which reflects you to yourself from a perspective outside of yourself.

This is why I say it is the creator attempting to experience itself as an object. It's like the snake looking at its tail to see what it looks like, and then forgetting its looking at its own tail and thinks it is something "other" than itself. This is how duality arises.

(01-13-2013, 10:55 PM)kanonathena Wrote: If desire is free will, as free will is the first distortion, then desire (free will) is a distortion/illusion.

Desire arises from the belief/thought that there is something that you aren't or don't possess already. A thought of separation, in other-words. In oneness, there arises the thought or curiosity of what it would be like to be finite, which results in the free will distortion (it technically *is* the free will distortion). In separation, the desire to be complete arises and equals ones spiritual gravity as this desire escalates over the span of the densities.

(01-13-2013, 10:55 PM)kanonathena Wrote: It looks like free will and duality is the same thing, the first distortion.

Yes. A curiosity forms in infinity about its opposite: finity. This curiosity takes it to experience. However, this exploration, or investment, has no impact whatsoever on the infinity whose existence it arises from. The infinity contains all possibility, and both the "curiosity about the experience" and the "experience itself" are simply lower energy shells of this infinity. It contains these probabilities inside of it.

The first distortion causes all the consciousness bubbles we call "selves" to form within the illusion. But it starts with just the one big bubble, or Logos. These bubbles or "selves" are illusory boundaries of consciousness. When the bubble "pops", there is no separation between the consciousness that was in the bubble, and the consciousness outside of the bubble.

(01-13-2013, 10:55 PM)kanonathena Wrote: Desire and what is desired/what desire created seem to be the same thing too, taking place at the same time.

Anything other than "all is one" is distortion, so the great original thought is also a illusion/distortion. By the way the great original thought is free will/duality right?

The original thought is the harvest of all previous experience of the creator.

I've always been of the intuition that anything other than oneness is distortion, and that moving into unpotentiation would pretty much dissolve anything that was distortion (anything finite), but it would seem there are parts of the creation or illusion that are not dissolved across the transition of the octave -- one of them being the original thought.

I'm still reconciling this in my mind. It hasn't come into clear enough intuitive focus for me yet. In my mind, it wouldn't be able to become fully unpotentiated without erasing this experience of the previous octave, but that is not how Ra says it works. But then, it is possible that the octave transition does not result in full unpotentiation, just close to it, and then uses those chosen ripples or distortion waves that were deemed exceptional and flow them into the next octave of densities.

On the other hand, Ra did say the finite excursion was "free to continue in an eternal present", which seems to lend credence to the idea that even in the octave transition, not all relativity is dissolved.

RE: The One Infinite Creator becoming aware - Mccoytg - 02-03-2013

(11-24-2012, 10:47 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I think all creator needed to do was create another one, and problem of loneliness would have been solved.

I love this question..I have it too. Years ago I was pondering the nature of perfection and it occured to me that all-that-is needed to create something that She did not know what the outcome would be. I have since been taught that this is the natue of free will and also is a characteristic of how we create. So...maybe the answer What makes this complicated for me is that one must also consider simultaneous time. So for linear time people...this question implies an unfolding of events. One thing leading to another. I need linear time so that I can curate my creation before I physically manifest it. My initial reaction to an event is not always something I can be proud to immediately share/manifest physically.

So...quite simply...I think You/we/us are the answer to this...we are the cure to Loneliness. The beloved partner. What will we do about this? The One does not know.