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RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-08-2021

Ha! I now found that Ra agrees with me. The Star Wars movies are cartoonish representations of what actually is going on and will go on in the universe:

Quote:"Questioner: You mentioned the word “Empire” in relation to the Orion group. I have thought for some time that the movie Star Wars was somehow an allegory, in part, for what is actually happening. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct in the same way that a simple children’s story is an allegory for physical/philosophical/social complex distortion/understanding." - Law of One 16.10

What I haven't understood is how there can be service-to-self in higher densities. That makes no sense to me, unless Ra means by STS in higher densities a continuation of third density technology, such as AI and robotics. And for example a third density planet that uses transhumanism to evolve will turn into a fourth density STS social memory complex. Fortunately earth is STO fourth density.

And even the transition into fourth density, if it can be done by developing a third density SMC it will have to be of the STO kind or it will clash with our fourth density STO future.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Ymarsakar - 05-08-2021

" The Star Wars movies are cartoonish representations of what actually is going on and will go on in the universe:"

There are many things humanity can learn from cartoons, if they merely sat still long enough. Humanity is still in the child stages after all. Cartoons are perfect for that.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-08-2021

(05-08-2021, 09:08 AM)Ymarsakar Wrote: " The Star Wars movies are cartoonish representations of what actually is going on and will go on in the universe:"

There are many things humanity can learn from cartoons, if they merely sat still long enough. Humanity is still in the child stages after all. Cartoons are perfect for that.

Yes, I think for example the movie Moana shows what Gaia is capable of in higher densities.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Sacred Fool - 05-08-2021

(05-08-2021, 09:03 AM)Anders Wrote: What I haven't understood is how there can be service-to-self in higher densities.

Some would say that to understand this is to understand something about the intense power of love to create the light and the darkness.  It's no simple matter to perceive anything at all absent contrast, don't you think?  To understand even this simple statement, you must encompass it with its opposite in order to get your bearings, no?  Think of a compass.  North means nothing if not understood in relation to the other directions.

The higher densities are also illusions and the learning there takes a very long time.  It's all a very complex arrangement of the most seminal element and simply not ponderable using mental constructs because it is that which created mentation and is therefore not subject to the limitations of its own creation.


RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-08-2021

I now got an idea about STS in higher densities. Spiritual entropy has value in the struggle of separation which produces uniqueness and creativity. And also STS produces a form of predictable control with governments, organizations, rules and regulations. This may be useful even in higher densities. And then what Ra really means is a continuation that kind of development rather than actual evil empirers and things like that.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-08-2021

Then what about the Orion group, isn't that STS in the form of an evil empire?

Quote:"Questioner: Then what do the ones at the top of the pecking order of the Orion group— well, let me first ask this: Are we talking about the fourth-density group now?

Ra: I am Ra. There are fourth and a few fifth-density members of the Orion group." - Law of One 62.18

My guess is that the Orion group is like the "gods" in ancient times who were warring with each other. The gods also taught humanity things like agriculture and langue. My theory is that the gods needed to appear frighting and vengeful to the early humans to keep a distance and not give the impression that the gods were all love and light and always would help humanity. And the gods left earth to let humanity develop on its own.

Similarly I suspect that the STS breakaway civilization is just a front of the STO breakaway civilization. In the same way as the ancient "gods" the STS breakaway civilization needs to keep the world powers in line by appearing STS.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-08-2021

Here I found a clue. Ra said:

Quote:"Questioner: What do the crusaders do?

Ra: I am Ra. The crusaders move in their chariots to conquer planetary mind/body/spirit social complexes before they reach the stage of achieving social memory." - Law of One 11.16

This fits my idea of having an STS front preserving the Veil that we have in third density. If humanity officially would become aware of the existence of STO civilizations of higher densities it would hamper the development of our own civilization.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-08-2021

Everybody on earth today in the public world is STS because nations are STS. Not only that, nations are like paranoid sociopaths incapable of having sound relationships with each other. So there is an urgent need to develop a global STO SMC to replace the madness in the world today. I have even stopped following most of mainstream media because it's such a sociopathic heap of crap.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-09-2021

Amazing, Ra agrees with my previous post. I thought I had exaggerated the situation, but I looked up the word bellicose and it means demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight. Of course the situation was worse in the past and Steven Pinker has shown how violence has been in a steady decline throughout history. Nevertheless many conflicts still remain on all levels from personal to national.

Quote:"Questioner: Then can you give me a— Can I assume then that this drastic drop from 700-year life span to one— less than one hundred years in length during this second 25,000-year period was because of an intensification of a… of a condition of lack of service to others? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is in part correct. By the end of the second cycle, the Law of Responsibility had begun to be effectuated by the increasing ability of entities to grasp those lessons which there are to be learned in this density. Thus, entities had discovered many ways to indicate a bellicose nature, not only as tribes or what you call nations but in personal relationships, each with the other, the concept of barter having given way in many cases to the concept of money; also, the concept of ownership having won ascendancy over the concept of non-ownership on an individual or group basis.

Each entity then was offered many more subtle ways of demonstrating either service towards others or service to self with the distortion of the manipulation of others. As each lesson was understood, those lessons of sharing, of giving, of receiving in free gratitude— each lesson could be rejected in practice.

Without demonstrating the fruits of such learn/teaching the life span became greatly reduced, for the ways of honor/duty were not being accepted." - Law of One 22.5

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-09-2021

So, does the bellicose nature of third density that Ra talked about mean that the top leaders in the world who talk about a New World Order are violent, conflict-ridden and want to enslave humanity? Maybe not! Because again we may be dealing with an STS front. It's a massive task to keep STS populations in line, so there needs to be tough control over people, companies and organizations.

A New World Order may therefore be a necessary development as a step towards an STO world. Nobody left behind includes keeping those in the heaviest STS consciousness under control. And this may include the necessity for a global information system for surveillance and control, including a global digital currency.

A New World Order however is not a social memory complex, but it can be useful to allow an STO SMC to develop. Without keeping world order there will be an incompatible situation between STS third density and the developing STO SMC.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-09-2021

Should nations try to become more service to others? I think, no! I like for example China's progress but the U.S. needs to remain the political and military dominant force in the world. Because China's system is a bit too Orwellian for the west.

And a New World Order will develop as an additional higher level of organization. And an STO SMC will develop as a third "timeline". It's like climbing up an evolutionary ladder where each rung below must remain supporting until the next step is taken.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-09-2021

I think I will start following mainstream media again when the New World Order starts to form! That will be exciting. Many people in the alternative community will probably b**** and moan about the development and calling it an archonic Orwellian enslavement mark-of-the-beast system for humanity, haha. I believe it will be a great and necessary development. Even the COVID situation, which is enormous, may play an important role as a catalyst for a New World Order.

What I call the third "timeline", the development of an STO SMC leading later on to a transition into fourth density is a tricky. What I have figured out so far is that it involves what Ra calls a green ray activation and maybe also things like what Gigi Young calls the Christ Impulse.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - LeafieGreens - 05-09-2021

While the rest of us are talking about COVID-19, Anders is over here writing his 4th forum page of notes on developing a SMC. I have been reading your posts and appreciate you sharing your thoughts, Anders!

Yeah, suddenly everyone becoming telepathic is going to cause a few issues. That’s why we all need that Christ compassion before we learn all the juicy secrets about each other.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-09-2021

(05-09-2021, 06:02 AM)LeafieGreens Wrote: While the rest of us are talking about COVID-19, Anders is over here writing his 4th forum page of notes on developing a SMC. I have been reading your posts and appreciate you sharing your thoughts, Anders!

Yeah, suddenly everyone becoming telepathic is going to cause a few issues. That’s why we all need that Christ compassion before we learn all the juicy secrets about each other.

The SMC development into fourth density will be a gradual and slow development taking decades and fourth density maybe a century! Hopefully a little faster than that but yeah it would be too disruptive to have humanity activating the green ray plus blue ray access (which will happen immediately I read from Ra) en masse.

Even the New World Order will take decades to fully form I predict. Still, some of us may be able to start developing an STO SMC starting already these days. It will be a separate development as I see it. Heck, some people may even already have started forming such SMC! And that they keep themselves under the public radar to avoid interfering with the necessary third density development in the world.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Ymarsakar - 05-09-2021

Normally it would take centuries, but not this time.

ANders is channeling or doing semi automatic writing. There is a stark difference between the truth elements of what he writes on his own so to speak, channeling his inspiration, vs when the logical human mind takes over.

As a result, there's no need to engage much as the process will play it out. As the writing this stuff out, is part of how he processes the information.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-09-2021

I don't think I'm channeling, haha. I do have streams of insights flooding in sometimes. But it's usually with the help of other teachings. For example Gigi Young said that there are already people with the Christ Stream walking around on earth. The difficulty with connecting with them is that it will be too painful before we have done enough shadow work ourselves, she said.

And this gave me the idea that we ordinary people have two streams in us, the disconnected yellow ray stream and the Christ stream as a potential. With green-ray activation we will connect to the Christ stream and as our inner tensions caused by the yellow-ray disconnect dissolve, the Christ stream can increase without causing pain. In practice this means that mindfulness practice and inner body awareness can be tested as a way of sensing both streams at the same time within oneself. In short, one stream is felt as tensions in the body-mind and the other stream is felt as heart awareness.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Ymarsakar - 05-09-2021

Haha too painful. That is too funny

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-09-2021

(05-09-2021, 02:18 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: Haha too painful. That is too funny

I think she meant that literally. I read in a medical article that we actually can't feel pain in our heart. Instead we feel what is called referred pain. And that's consistent with what Gigi said. If the feeling of the heart becomes conscious it might cause a lot of pain! The neurological and biological disconnect can even be related to the yellow ray blockage that Ra described.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Black Dragon - 05-09-2021

This "Christ Stream" itself is one of the many things that will no longer be concealed the more 4d things become, lol. There's not only people that have it, there's also people who seem to instantly have a nose for detecting it already. Part of the nose is actually wanting to know...4d won't be as much a bother for these people to be "seen", it will be more annoying for the people that don't want to see them.

I just finished episode 6 of The Chosen, and man am I beginning to understand some things. Really enjoying the show and would highly recommend it.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Patrick - 05-09-2021

Anders my friend, you are yourself a channel for the Christ Stream. When we open our heart in radiance and let ourselves become lighthouses for this world, we start manifesting the Christ Consciousness. We participate in manifesting the second coming, which is ongoing.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Black Dragon - 05-09-2021

The Christ Stream energy is indeed available to all who would embrace it. The amount of discomfort this embrace might produce is proportional to unintegrated shadow aspects, hence the huge importance of self work and shadow integration right now for everyone. It's rough not to get thrown off center at the moment. Things like grounding, breathing, and rest are extra important to help stay centered and assimilate all this cosmic energy.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - LeiwoUnion - 05-09-2021

There are many other streams further down the road, as I understand it. My perspective and understanding has widened quite fast lately regarding these types of 'insight' streams as I seem to have curious ability to 'just tap into them'. It seems surreal at times but I have several ways of 'making sure' I'm not just hallucinating or being played.

There is so much more being manifested behind the veil than the preparation of Earth 2.0 or the 4th density proper. Understandings regarding the concept of true simultaneity and the concept of time(line) can widen one's view point towards singularity. What does it mean to have infinite stream of incarnational potentiality? What manifests? At singularity, it is easy to see all is of one source times infinite, yet most of it is in potentiality and only some in manifestation. This stream of singular manifestation, also known as this universe, has been collapsed from potentiation as a specific song, a dance of energy, never before seen in all of the Creations. It is well to call it an octave of beingness, for its frequency is unique but infinitely specific. This octave is from the point of view of the Creation itself manifesting in its unique state, where repetitions are discarded or actively left into potentiation. This requires much work from the point of view of the Creation. This work is what each mind/body/spirit complex totality must continue with the help of the clearsighted architects from 'outside' of this octave until the unique song of the octave has been focused into manifestation.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-09-2021

Aaron Abke combines the Law of One teachings with nonduality, A Course in Miracles, Christianity etc. That's my current approach too. Maybe it even was Aaron who inspired me to make that kind of connection. In this video he describes the ego and he briefly mentioned second density. And it may be that animals have a form of proto-ego I guess. He didn't mention the yellow ray disconnect Ra talked about, but other than that it's a good explanation of what the ego is I think.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-10-2021

Is removing the ego and experiencing oneness the same as developing an SMC? No, because an SMC is still a sense of identification, a "we" and also the "me", the individual, will also remain in the SMC as I see it, in a form of transcend and include that Ken Wilber has talked about.

This means that, spiritual enlightenment, experiencing oneness, or rather, realizing oneness, is in one sense even bigger than an SMC. However, often in spiritual enlightenment as I have heard it described, there is still a lack of SMC development. One way of looking at it is that an SMC is an evolutionary development in manifestation while spiritual enlightenment is the realization of the unmanifested. Enlightenment and SMC are then two different concepts, a little bit like apples and oranges. The connection is that spiritual enlightenment is a useful, and maybe even required, foundation for developing an STO SMC.

Paraphrasing (from a Zen slogan I think it is): First there is a mountain (ego), then there is no mountain (enlightenment) and then there is a mountain again (SMC). Tongue

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-10-2021

Q'uo may have insights about the development of an STO SMC. I will listen to this new video by Brian Scott:

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-10-2021

Q'uo talked about the Christ Force and the Antichrist Force. That's very similar to Gigi Young's Christ Stream and Antichrist Stream! And Christianity describes our world as fallen and ruled by the prince of this world, the Antichrist.

I have an extremely simple explanation for the two forces. The Christ force is free of spiritual entropy and the Antichrist force produces spiritual entropy. And third density except perhaps in its upper sub-density, produces spiritual entropy. This is natural yet also causes suffering and what we call evil which makes the name Antichrist appropriate.

Spiritual entropy as I understand it is simply friction caused by conflict which in turn results in deterioration and disorder. Ra says: "...  the problem of spiritual entropy causes them to experience constant disintegration of their social memory complexes." (7.15) Shifting from the Antichrist timeline to the Christ timeline may be tricky though. Because we are heavily stuck in the Antrichrist timeline. As a Jnana yoga practice I will have the idea of both timelines in mind and observe if a shift takes place.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Ymarsakar - 05-10-2021 This explains some if it.

Satan/OPFOR/Lucifer is more correctly named Heyl-El, similar to Micha-El. El, meaning of God.

Orion is actually much "lower" on the ranking totem pole, which is why the subject matter was far easier to discuss without violating free will. SInce humanity had already made several deals with the "Orion Empire" at the time of the 1980s.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-10-2021

(05-10-2021, 10:26 AM)Ymarsakar Wrote: Orion is actually much "lower" on the ranking totem pole,

I think Orion is a Law of Confusion term, but yes there can be different levels of the Antichrist stream. The more fear the more spiritual entropy. I heard a banker describing how during his career he had so much fear that he felt like being inside a nuclear bomb bunker. And he had enormous hatred for humanity. And he rose in the ranks until one day he was invited to a ceremony with child sacrifice and he couldn't take it anymore.

Still, all of our ordinary society is the Antrichrist stream, our fallen world. So it's useful to recognize that oneself is trapped in the Antichrist timeline. The Christ stream is that of peace, love and power through resonance, not power-over (that's the Antichrist stream).

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Ymarsakar - 05-10-2021

Orion is a constellation, but what are constellations and what are stars? Humanity does not know.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 05-10-2021

(05-10-2021, 11:22 AM)Ymarsakar Wrote: Orion is a constellation, but what are constellations and what are stars? Humanity does not know.

Something that spooked me out is that Ra first called our solar system a galaxy! I was thinking that Ra hardly makes mistakes like that. And Ra repeated later that they call the solar system a galaxy. So is there some kind of fractal shift that will happen?

Oh, wait a minute! Maybe Ra is hinting that their teaching is meant to be taken at a fractal step down. And that the sun beings that Gigi Young talked about, that's Ra! So Ra is then a step closer to earth than it appears at first.

I think of our sun as the larger logos for the earth sphere and the Venus sphere Gigi talked about. When the earth sphere and the Venus sphere merge they will be aligned with the sun logos. Something like that.