Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Printable Version

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RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Ymarsakar - 09-13-2020

(09-13-2020, 02:21 PM)dexter101 Wrote:
(09-13-2020, 01:53 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: dexter that does look dark, but likely due to lack of current intel. Please take a look at corey goode, john desouza, laura eisenhower, or portal2012 blog.

If an agent came to these forums, likely few if anyobe would recognize it. They might even be confused for the members that pere complained about

unfortunately I do not trust the people you have mentioned. i have read too many bad things about them.sorry.

Yes, that is why things look dark. The classic case is of yhvh. People think yhvh is yaldabaoth or a psychopathic entity.

Quite a clever counter play, my dark density cousins.

My higher self has verified those individual s sincerity. My trust in my divine family is near total

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Patrick - 09-13-2020

If we assume that STS entities can no longer incarnate on this planet, then it's just a matter of time for elitism to fall away. Something like 3 to 5 generations is my guess.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Wanderer Seven - 09-13-2020

(09-13-2020, 05:35 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote:
(09-13-2020, 05:20 PM)Wanderer Seven Wrote: A great example is also the claim that human use of fossil fuel, by adding carbon dioxide we are creating a climate crisis. This is utter nonsense. This the greatest mass delusion of our time. Since the media has repeated for years that there is a consensus in science (there isn’t) and that it’s “settled.” False. So there is much deception of the masses. What the STS elites fear most is public awakening. Fear of climate change, fear of this person, that person. Don’t be manipulated.

The ironic thing is that our planet has far so long sequestered CO2, that plants are struggling. The climate is always changing due to various cycles, Milankovic cycles, solar cycles, and in a CO2 famine, the elites now want to herd us and control us by a falsehood, that we have to stop CO2 emissions. There is a backlash building among a large number of honest scientists (  for one example) but if you listen to NPR, etc. they are “deniers” ... it’s an Orwellian world indeed. We need to learn how to discern!

Hmmm.... i don't really know anything about CO2 and it's impact on the environment. With that being said, what do you say about littering and oil spills? I see people litter all the time, and that is certainly causing issues for our environment. We cut down acres upon acres upon acres of rainforest for lumber.......

I don't know. To me it's sort of clear that we "abuse" our planet, whether that be from CO2 or not. We take what we want from it without considering that we are in fact all One.

Yes, there are real environmental problems. I am 61 years old. When I was in my 20’s I tried to preserve low elevation old growth forests from being clearcut. I filed many timber sale appeals, but the agency always denied them. Yet when I joined with another appellant and filed suit in Federal court, the powerful environmental groups did not help us, they were angry with us... Attacked us! So, why did they, who claimed to be working for forests not file appeals and suits? Why did they get upset when we individuals tried to make a difference?

What happened is that the environmental organization’s became controlled. The elites understand that when faced with opposition, control the opposition. As much as possible this is done. It’s the same thing in ufology/disclosure, so the truly uncontrolled are attacked.

I have done my homework on CO2, many hundreds of hours of scientific research. I don’t know anyone who really studies the science who doesn’t become a climate realist.

Real problems include deforestation, pesticides, herbicides and GMOs, plastic pollution. All the problems could be solved or prevented.

Advanced technology is kept secret.

It’s a world in a need of a great shift of consciousness.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Ymarsakar - 09-13-2020

(09-13-2020, 05:20 PM)Wanderer Seven Wrote:
(09-13-2020, 02:21 PM)dexter101 Wrote:
(09-13-2020, 01:53 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: dexter that does look dark, but likely due to lack of current intel. Please take a look at corey goode, john desouza, laura eisenhower, or portal2012 blog.

If an agent came to these forums, likely few if anyobe would recognize it. They might even be confused for the members that pere complained about

unfortunately I do not trust the people you have mentioned. i have read too many bad things about them.sorry.

Those who have been attacked the most, like David Wilcock, Corey Goode, J Desouza, Laura E. , have been attacked because they speak truth. If you allow those who write ‘bad things’ about others to control you, you are being controlled. It is far better to listen to those who are most attacked and discern what is truth. The light attracts the dark. Remember how Don, Carla, and Jim attracted a fifth density STS or negative being by channeling Ra. So do those who offer truth in this time of warfare get attacked by some who make an appearance of false positivity. These are dreadful times, as the forces of domination and control have all stops out to enslave the world and prevent the people from awakening and becoming free of their control systems. So, the best thing is to understand. The international banks, the global elites are feeling their agenda threatened. They have used humanity for a long time, taking advantage of our water nature, from session 88.

...” Your own nature is water in that you as mind/body/spirit complexes are easily impressed and moved. Indeed, this is the very fiber and nature of your journey and vigil in this density: to not only be moved but to instruct yourself as to the preferred manner of your movement in mind, body, and spirit.“

So we are susceptible to mass delusion and this is used to control us. The entire financial system is the primary example. A great example is also the claim that human use of fossil fuel, by adding carbon dioxide we are creating a climate crisis. This is utter nonsense. This the greatest mass delusion of our time. Since the media has repeated for years that there is a consensus in science (there isn’t) and that it’s “settled.” False. So there is much deception of the masses. What the STS elites fear most is public awakening. Fear of climate change, fear of this person, that person. Don’t be manipulated.

The ironic thing is that our planet has far so long sequestered CO2, that plants are struggling. The climate is always changing due to various cycles, Milankovic cycles, solar cycles, and in a CO2 famine, the elites now want to herd us and control us by a falsehood, that we have to stop CO2 emissions. There is a backlash building among a large number of honest scientists (  for one example) but if you listen to NPR, etc. they are “deniers” ... it’s an Orwellian world indeed. We need to learn how to discern!

In love and light!

And the funniest thing? They are attacking the distractions. There is a reason looking glass stopped alliwing c to jump timelines. They are seekers and tanks. They are pulling aggro for the keepers.

So funny. Play, counter play.

The world will change. Assuming people can survive to 2021. The Dawn of the Golden Age, the ending of the Kali Yuga and the beginning/dawn of the Sat Yuga. Or maybe Silver age, either one is much better than Kali.

That is interesting that you came from the environmental movement, Wanderer seven, as another person wrote a book about why he woke up to the environmental issue, as an activist. Apocalypse revealed or faked, was something like the title.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Asolsutsesvyl - 09-14-2020

(09-13-2020, 05:20 PM)Wanderer Seven Wrote:
(09-13-2020, 02:21 PM)dexter101 Wrote:
(09-13-2020, 01:53 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: dexter that does look dark, but likely due to lack of current intel. Please take a look at corey goode, john desouza, laura eisenhower, or portal2012 blog.

If an agent came to these forums, likely few if anyobe would recognize it. They might even be confused for the members that pere complained about

unfortunately I do not trust the people you have mentioned. i have read too many bad things about them.sorry.

Those who have been attacked the most, like David Wilcock, Corey Goode, J Desouza, Laura E. , have been attacked because they speak truth. If you allow those who write ‘bad things’ about others to control you, you are being controlled. It is far better to listen to those who are most attacked and discern what is truth. The light attracts the dark. Remember how Don, Carla, and Jim attracted a fifth density STS or negative being by channeling Ra. So do those who offer truth in this time of warfare get attacked by some who make an appearance of false positivity. These are dreadful times, as the forces of domination and control have all stops out to enslave the world and prevent the people from awakening and becoming free of their control systems. So, the best thing is to understand. The international banks, the global elites are feeling their agenda threatened. They have used humanity for a long time, taking advantage of our water nature, from session 88.

...” Your own nature is water in that you as mind/body/spirit complexes are easily impressed and moved. Indeed, this is the very fiber and nature of your journey and vigil in this density: to not only be moved but to instruct yourself as to the preferred manner of your movement in mind, body, and spirit.“

There is a big trap which needs to be kept in mind. And it becomes very obvious as soon as a little logic is applied.

The messages of various well-known people who are prominently attacked do not add up, logically. Put it all together and you end up with a pile of contradictions. This shows that it cannot all, it cannot even mostly, be the truth. Some of it can, but logically, not more than a small portion.

If "being under attack" is seen as enough reason for something to represent the best and greatest, then all that negative forces need to do is to attack some bogus stuff to make it seem totally great. I think this happens a lot. A bit of careful reflection is generally in order... But note that I do not claim that any particular item listed by Ymarsakar is generally false! I'm only discussing the general ideas here.

Montalk Wrote:Attacks can sometimes serve as false confirmation in order to cattle-prod the paranoid into clutching more tightly onto their deceptive belief system, such as devout Catholics receiving demonic attacks because they are easily herded this way and fed upon. For those on the right track, attacks are far more sophisticated; they seek to undermine faith and pressure one into committing self-sabotage.
For an article giving some nice pointers for a more well-rounded view:

And keep in mind that attack is catalyst, and works just like catalyst does in general. It can be used to grow positively and/or negatively. I've seen examples of how controlling people have used ever-increasing attack against them as a tool to create a paranoid us vs. them hive-mind for both themselves and to pull their followers into, separating them from the world outside that reality-bubble. Attack can hinder and/or further a variety of higher-level plans and lower-level agendas.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - dexter101 - 09-14-2020

(09-13-2020, 05:52 PM)Patrick Wrote: If we assume that STS entities can no longer incarnate on this planet, then it's just a matter of time for elitism to fall away. Something like 3 to 5 generations is my guess.

but the question is will humanity still be around by then? will it really make a difference to the seven billion people alive today?
the goal of the negatives is to try feed off humanity for as much and as along as possible and the further away the eventual liberation of humanity is the more " negative energy" they can get.
they know they have lost they are just trying to make it miserable for everyone.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Patrick - 09-14-2020

I do not see how anything can be done for that without playing in their hands. If we fight them outwardly, then they've already won. The real way to fight them is everyone works on themselves and forgive the Elites. They will lose all power over us in the melting influence of Love. Simply because we will have demonstrated that we no longer need their services.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Ymarsakar - 09-14-2020

Typing on phone. Aso makes good points. I challenge contacts, channels, plus humans. So a discussion of how to verify certain info is very useful, esp for my spy side. Intel analtsis, tactics, counters.

It is true false flags happen in that humans are attacked by demons so those humans can be farmed for fear by more demons.

But would demons falsely attack roman priests for child trafficking? Blood drinking? Adrenochrome harvesting?

If they did that, those innocent will be found innocent but this will enter the public s consciousness. Manifestation loses the power to veil what people look for. Hollywood manifestation controls. Wands.

Mostly it is seen in disinfo ops. You are a shill. No, you are a shill. You r controlled opposition. No, you are. Red v blue. Man vs woman. Blm vs all lives matter. Divide conquer.

But i like to say this. Satan has root hack access to human minds. Even adepts and channels. That means anyone or everhone is a satan spy or agent smith potentially. Now that is paranoia but also true.

As for truth, the unity truth is not available at 3rd density. So confusion and distortion is present.

Each density has a frequency veil. What is true for sixth, not for 4th. Law of One is non duality but we live in duality. Contradiction? Law of One violates identity principle. A is a. A cannot be b and a and c and d at same time. Law of One says no.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Patrick - 09-14-2020

(09-14-2020, 09:20 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: ...Each density has a frequency veil. What is true for sixth, not for 4th. Law of One is non duality but we live in duality. Contradiction? Law of One violates identity  principle. A is a. A cannot be b and a and c and d at same time. Law of One says no.

Words are distortions.
Quote:...we would suggest that one consider the possibility of translating into words a robin’s song so that the reader, upon reading the words, could successfully reproduce the musical notes.

My understanding is that what is true is true for all densities, but in each density we focus on different distortions of the same truths.  Even to the point where we can perceive paradoxes, which actually have their solutions from a high enough vantage point to see the whole picture.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Sacred Fool - 09-14-2020

(09-14-2020, 09:20 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: But i like to say this. Satan has root hack access to human minds. Even adepts and channels. That means anyone or everhone is a satan spy or agent smith potentially. Now that is paranoia but also true.

This would be serious if it were in any way true.  Funny that the Confederation sources seem to know nothing about this.  I'm not sure they even know who your satan is.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - flofrog - 09-15-2020

Lol, Buddha was living in 3rd density and had access to ‘unity’ truth. And I em sure many many others All depends on the path of each one.


RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Ymarsakar - 09-15-2020

(09-15-2020, 12:45 AM)flofrog Wrote: Lol, Buddha was living in 3rd density and had access to ‘unity’ truth. And I em sure many many others  All depends on the path of each one.


Then why did this truth not free humanity from the Orions?


RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Ymarsakar - 09-15-2020

(09-14-2020, 11:13 PM)peregrine Wrote:
(09-14-2020, 09:20 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: But i like to say this. Satan has root hack access to human minds. Even adepts and channels. That means anyone or everhone is a satan spy or agent smith potentially. Now that is paranoia but also true.

This would be serious if it were in any way true.  Funny that the Confederation sources seem to know nothing about this.  I'm not sure they even know who your satan is.

Satan is the term humans call the Orion Empire's influences at the 3rd density/4th density, conquering weak worlds. Although that sounds more sci fi than War of Heaven.

It is ironic how you cannot see the truth even in these texts where Don writes on and on about questions and answers. The reason why "challenges" are necessary for contact/channeled entities is because somebody likes to deceive humans and pretend to be light entities when they are not.

Gee, I guess who "that" could be. Right, Heyl-El? Not to say it was Lucifer/Heyl-El, but the ancient prophets and psychics that were the originators of much (not all) of the holy scriptures, tended to get this idea that certain entities were pretending to be positive when they were not. Devils pretending to be angels of light. This got them so confused and paranoid, it was difficult to work with, especially as humanity had their own hatreds and fears to work through.

So you say peregrine, that the Confederation does not know Satan exists. Yet you have not penetrated the teachings enough to understand what it is you have been reading all this time. Is that not ironic? Switch the name around, call a negative entity Jesus and a positive entity, Orion, and suddenly humans at the 3rd density think they have reached Unity Truth.

No. That didn't happen yet.

(09-14-2020, 09:47 PM)Patrick Wrote:
(09-14-2020, 09:20 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: ...Each density has a frequency veil. What is true for sixth, not for 4th. Law of One is non duality but we live in duality. Contradiction? Law of One violates identity  principle. A is a. A cannot be b and a and c and d at same time. Law of One says no.

Words are distortions.

Quote:...we would suggest that one consider the possibility of translating into words a robin’s song so that the reader, upon reading the words, could successfully reproduce the musical notes.

My understanding is that what is true is true for all densities, but in each density we focus on different distortions of the same truths.  Even to the point where we can perceive paradoxes, which actually have their solutions from a high enough vantage point to see the whole picture.

The quote seems to refer to source frequency, which is less distorted. Meaning, can you reverse engineer a language back to its sounds if you just had the writing?

So can a lower density, like 6th density iamraw collective, understand what 7th and 8th density is?

Quote: 81.16 Questioner: Ra states that it has knowledge of only this octave, but it seems that Ra has complete knowledge of this octave.
Can you tell me why this is?

Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, we do not have complete knowledge of this octave. There are portions of the seventh density which, although described to us by our teachers, remain mysterious. Secondly, we have experienced a great deal of the available refining catalyst of this octave, and our teachers have worked with us most carefully that we may be one with all, that in turn our eventual returning to the great allness of creation shall be complete.

The answers seems to be .... NO.

They know there is a truth out there, but they cannot access it directly. They have to be passed this through their 7th density mentors. Obviously the collective is smart enough to verify much of this information, otherwise they wouldn't give it.

So on the 3rd density, it is likely the same, except more distorted. If a 7th density channel source came here and said one thing, and iamraw said something that seemed to have contradicted the 7th density channel, in 3rd density they would say iamraw has access to unity truth and is thus superior.

But that's missing the actual message here.

Yes, I think there are paradoxes that are resolved the closer we get to source, but this is the 3rd density or 4th even, so people have a long way to go back first.

So this idea that they have the truth, needs to be processed and challenged first.

Quote:Each of those which you have described, including, we might add, the anonymous writers, has been able to perceive with a varying degree of clarity that which exists beyond your realm of confusion, and in their perception have attempted to relay that image to their other selves in such a manner as to reproduce that perception. However, as you are aware, the reproduction of concept into words is quite difficult and often of poor result. We would therefore observe initially that the translation on each of the source’s part has been severely hampered by the inability to translate perception into words. As a further example, we would suggest that one consider the possibility of translating into words a robin’s song so that the reader, upon reading the words, could successfully reproduce the musical notes.

Yes, that seems accurate, via my verification process.

It helps that I have translated Japanese to English or vice a versa. Also using my own channel source, which is through myself and not another human, cutting out a middle person.

So if Buddha connects to intelligent infinity, somehow he has to translate it to another person, and even with telepathy and empathy, this is not 100% noloss.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Patrick - 09-15-2020

(09-15-2020, 10:43 AM)Ymarsakar Wrote:
(09-15-2020, 12:45 AM)flofrog Wrote: Lol, Buddha was living in 3rd density and had access to ‘unity’ truth. And I em sure many many others  All depends on the path of each one.


Then why did this truth not free humanity from the Orions?


Because we put ourselves under the heel of Orion.  Because we (our Sub-Logos) wanted to speed things up a bit.  Their services will no longer be needed in a little while.  Personally, I don't think we needed to go that fast, but that falls under the "surprise!" category.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Minyatur - 09-15-2020

I was wondering because I haven't really resonated with that notion, but is there a quote that says there was a goal of a faster evolution? All I seem to remember is a description that it is an effect of the veil and that without it evolution in 3D-4D was extremely slow and then became extremely fast afterwards to rejoin with the Creator, which is different from what we are now experiencing across the densities. I don't remember reading that a faster evolution was sought in any way and instead that the aims of the veiled experiment were about something other.

I see it being repeated that the aim was a faster evolution, so I was wondering if I forgot a quote or if it came from a different channeling.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Patrick - 09-15-2020

My take on this is that it is absolutely impossible to really understand higher concepts while incarnated in 3D.  Thinking that we, while here, can somehow get meaningful information that is so "true" that it comes from higher than Ra in 6D is just deluding ourselves.  Concepts that Ra cannot understand yet are simply impossible to understand while veiled here.

Since we do not have access to actual "truths", each of us can only create a model of understanding for ourselves from what Ra (and other sources) were able to transmit.

You seem to believe that the model you have built for yourself could be somehow factual and so would automatically apply to others.  Well the model I built for myself from the Ra Material says that; there is simply no such thing in 3D space/time.

What I understood from Ra is that we even have to realize that we cannot build such a universal framework while in 3D.  This in order to demonstrate that we no longer need 3D and are then ready for 4D work.  Once you really understand that you cannot truly understand while here is when you realize you're done with 3D.  And once in 4D there we can start accessing the "real" universal framework.

Ra 16.39 Wrote:Questioner: I am assuming it is not necessary for an individual to understand the Law of One to go from third to fourth density. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. It is absolutely necessary that an entity consciously realize it does not understand in order for it to be harvestable. Understanding is not of this density.

Ra 1.10 Wrote:Questioner: Another question. Is it possible to create any acceleration of understanding [in] other entities [or are] all efforts… efforts by the individual on himself accelerating his understanding? In other words, if an individual tries to act as a catalyst in general to increase the awareness of planetary consciousness, is he doing nothing but acting upon himself or is it possible [inaudible]?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall answer your question in two parts, both of which are important equally.

Firstly, you must understand that the distinction between yourself and others is not visible to us. We do not consider that a separation exists between the consciousness-raising efforts of the distortion which you project as a personality and the distortion which you project as an other-personality. Thus, to learn is the same as to teach unless you are not teaching what you are learning, in which case you have done you/they little or no good. This understanding should be pondered by your mind/body/spirit complex, as it is a distortion which plays a part in your experiences at this nexus.

To turn to the second part of our response may we state our understanding, limited though it is.

Group-individuated consciousness is that state of sharing understanding with the other distortions of mind/body/spirit complexes which are within the evident reach of the mind/body/spirit complex individual or group. Thus, we are speaking to you and accepting both our distortions and your own in order to enunciate the laws of creation, more especially the Law of One. We are not available to many of your peoples, for this is not an easily understood way of communication or type of philosophy. However, our very being is hopefully a poignant example of both the necessity and the near-hopelessness of attempting to teach.

Each of those in this group is striving to use, digest, and diversify the information which we are sending this instrument, into the channels of the mind/body/spirit complex, without distortion. The few whom you will illuminate by sharing your light are far more than enough reason for the greatest possible effort. To serve one is to serve all. Therefore, we offer the question back to you to state that indeed it is the only activity worth doing: to learn/teach or teach/learn. There is nothing else which is of aid in demonstrating the Original Thought except your very being, and the distortions that come from the unexplained, inarticulate, or mystery-clad being are many. Thus, to attempt to discern and weave your way through as many group mind/body/spirit distortions as possible among your peoples in the course of your teaching is a very good effort to make. We can speak no more valiantly of your desire to serve.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - flofrog - 09-15-2020

(09-15-2020, 10:45 AM)Ymarsakar Wrote: So if Buddha connects to intelligent infinity, somehow he has to translate it to another person, and even with telepathy and empathy, this is not 100% noloss.

I agree.
I also think Ra’s quote above, about the third density not being able to understand, is of course totally clear about our limitations. Still, help from entities comes, such as Buddha’s and many other unknown entities, I am sure, contributing to lighten the darkness of third density. It’s not going to erase catalysts since those are going to be the very subject of learning in third density.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Patrick - 09-15-2020

(09-15-2020, 12:02 PM)Minyatur Wrote: there a quote that says there was a goal of a faster evolution?...

For the invention of the veil per se, no the goal was to create a richer experience I believe.  But here on this planet, yes.  Our sub-Logos requested help to speed things up, but I am having issues finding the quotes.  Might be some Q'uo stuff that I am remembering.  I'll update the post if I find more.

Ra 18.18 Wrote:Questioner: Can you tell me Yahweh’s purpose in making the genetic sexual changes?

Ra: I am Ra. The purpose seven five oh oh oh [75,000] years ago, as you measure time, the changes subsequent to that time were of one purpose only: that to express in the mind/body complex those characteristics which would lead to further and more speedy development of the spiritual complex.

Ra 18.8 Wrote:Questioner: Then an entity, say, four years old would be totally responsible for any actions that were against or inharmonious with the Law of One. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. It may be noted that it has been arranged by your social complex structures that the newer entities to incarnation are to be provided with guides of a physical mind/body/spirit complex, thus being able to learn quickly what is consonant with the Law of One.

Ra 28.14 Wrote:Questioner: Is there any reason for some portions being much more efficient in learning?

Ra: I am Ra. Is there any reason for some to learn more quickly than others? Look, if you wish, to the function of the will … the, shall we say, attraction to the upward spiraling line of light.

This one is not really related, but I found this part really interesting: "...We have recorded these differences meticulously in the Great Record of Creation that such naïveté shall not be necessary again...".  It's interesting to know that what is happening here will not need to be repeated.

Ra 60.16 Wrote:Questioner: The pyramid shape then, as I understand it, was deemed by your social memory complex at that time to be of paramount importance as, shall I say, a physical training aid for spiritual development. At this particular time in the evolution of our planet it seems that you place little or no emphasis on this shape. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. It is our honor/duty to attempt to remove the distortions that the use of this shape has caused in the thinking of your peoples and in the activities of some of your entities. We do not deny that such shapes are efficacious, nor do we withhold the general gist of this efficacy. However, we wish to offer our understanding, limited though it is, that contrary to our naïve beliefs many thousands of your years ago the optimum shape for initiation does not exist.

Let us expand upon this point. When we were aided by sixth-density entities during our own third-density experiences we, being less bellicose in the extreme, found this teaching to be of help. In our naïveté in third density we had not developed the interrelationships of your barter or money system and power. We were, in fact, a more philosophical third-density planet than your own and our choices of polarity were much more centered about the, shall we say, understanding of sexual energy transfers and the appropriate relationships between self and other-self.

We spent a much larger portion of our space/time working with the unmanifested being. In this less complex atmosphere it was quite instructive to have this learn/teaching device and we benefited without the distortions we found occurring among your peoples.

We have recorded these differences meticulously in the Great Record of Creation that such naïveté shall not be necessary again.

At this space/time we may best serve you, we believe, by stating that the pyramid for meditation along with other rounded and arched or pointed circular shapes is of help to you. However, it is our observation that due to the complexity of influences upon the unmanifested being at this space/time nexus among your planetary peoples it is best that the progress of the mind/body/spirit complex take place without, as you call them, training aids because when using a training aid an entity then takes upon itself the Law of Responsibility for the quickened or increased rate of learn/teaching. If this greater understanding, if we may use this misnomer, is not put into practice in the moment by moment experience of the entity, then the usefulness of the training aid becomes negative.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Minyatur - 09-15-2020

Thanks, seems like a reading the material anew wouldn't hurt.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Sacred Fool - 09-15-2020

(09-14-2020, 09:20 PM)Ymarsaka Wrote: But i like to say this. Satan has root hack access to human minds. Even adepts and channels. That means anyone or everhone is a satan spy or agent smith potentially.

Let's try this again.  If there were any truth in your assertion, then the 5D- minus entity that wished to take out Carla could have simply used your little hack instead of having to be crafty, particularly when it was most frustrated.

I've seen no support for this in Confederation material and you offer no supporting evidence.  It would appear that you might be introducing fearful information for the fun of it, which happens to be against forum guidelines, by the way.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Sacred Fool - 09-15-2020

(09-15-2020, 12:21 PM)Patrick Wrote: My take on this is that it is absolutely impossible to really understand higher concepts while incarnated in 3D.
I would add to this that because "this is not the density of wisdom," much more can be learned through the heart than through the head. 
As one is able to merge with a kind of innate crystalline knowing in the heart and vibrate with various energies of love, while one gains little in terms of factual knowledge, one's general vibratory signature seems to become notably less distorted, that is, more pure and supple.
I'm saying here that, on the one hand, acquiring greater knowledge and magical skill can lead to higher states of awareness, within 3D these are rather limited compared to the benefits arrived at using the route mentioned above.  (I'm not suggesting the two are inherently separate--of course, they are complimentary.  I'm just pointing out, as Willy Sutton would say, "where the money is.")  It's that fabled journey of 14" or so from the head to the heart.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - flofrog - 09-15-2020

(09-15-2020, 03:02 PM)peregrine Wrote:
(09-14-2020, 09:20 PM)Ymarsaka Wrote: But i like to say this. Satan has root hack access to human minds. Even adepts and channels. That means anyone or everhone is a satan spy or agent smith potentially.

Let's try this again.  If there were any truth in your assertion, then the 5D- minus entity that wished to take out Carla could have simply used your little hack instead of having to be crafty, particularly when it was most frustrated.

I've seen no support for this in Confederation material and you offer no supporting evidence.  It would appear that you might be introducing fearful information for the fun of it, which happens to be against forum guidelines, by the way.

Totally Agree on those guidelines by the way Wink

Fact is I was not so much shocked by apparent hateful language, to go back on (sorry for digress) peregrine’s thread about the forums, but I find the roundabout ways to raise fear much more insidious to the group discussion... Wink

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Ymarsakar - 09-15-2020

[blockquote]If there were any truth in your assertion, then the 5D- minus entity that wished to take out Carla could have simply used your little hack instead of having to be crafty, particularly when it was most frustrated.[/blockquote]

It's a kind of trojan, but it was covered here or in another thread, in which a person talked about the translation issue. Information gets distorted in translation, so they can merely nudge the info in such a way that it gets misinterpreted.

For example, when Iamraw told Don Elkins, was it, that the US had UFOs, reverse engineered FLEETS of these things, Don Elkins could not believe it and in fact actively stated that in response. You can look up the reference, yourself, peregrine if you think the newbies here aren't doing the work sufficient for your standards here.

How is it Don Elkins had a resistance to this belief that the United States government already had UFO fleets or that human governments had these fleets? Because Elkins did not know what Corey Goode, David Wilcock, and Michael Salla's sources such as Thompkins or other US military personnel, have whistle blown on.

Thus information can be controlled, hacked, or trojaned from two or more sources. When Don hears the information, he is programmed to disbelieve it because his intellectual ego thinks he knows and this information violates all of his paradigms and triggers him. And information is controlled from the 3rd/4th density realm, via the public consciousness, or classified secrecy acts.

I've seen no support for this in Confederation material and you offer no supporting evidence.

That contradicts yourself, peregrine. You said the Confederation has no knowledge of Satan. Now you say the Confederation material, and you provide no supporting evidence, sources, or quotes, does not support a subject that you think they have no knowledge of.

You also do not address the confusion you have or are spreading here, that when switching the term "Orion" around to Satan, somehow changes the meaning. No, it means about the same as before. Satan means opposition or prosecutor.

You seem to believe that the model you have built for yourself could be somehow factual and so would automatically apply to others.  Well the model I built for myself from the Ra Material says that; there is simply no such thing in 3D space/time.

It's not a model I built for myself. As I may have mentioned here or elsewhere, it is direct channeling. Meaning, the same method the group of 3 did to channel iamraw's collective, is being done in current modern day by individual channelers linking to their higher self or other densities/realms. If it is impossible to channel high density information, then you have also directly negated or rejected the Law of One material this forum is based around.

It would appear that you might be introducing fearful information for the fun of it, which happens to be against forum guidelines, by the way.

Is it also against forum guidelines to be a gatekeeper and belittle/make fun of newcomers to the board, as you have done peregrine for fun or some other motivation?

Let us examine the logic of your statement. It would appear someone is introducing fearful information by talking about the existence or non existence of certain negative entities. Then is Carla and Don introducing fearful information as "Orion" is a pretty big topic? As for your idea that it is "for the fun of it", that is another way to mask a personal attack. Meaning, you are not using the Law of One material to debate or criticize/counter the points made here. Rather, you are using your personal authority to say that you have the authority to state something is true or not, because you think you know something. That is yet to be determined.

When you want to say you know something about Confederation sources, and then make no references to any such Confederation source, you really don't see that you are failing your own standard of testing?

Do you really not see this? Also, I don't see you claim to have an empathic or other psychic abilities, so on what basis are you making the claim here that it is for fun? That seems more like a personal bias you have towards someone ,rather than a disagreement about the material in question.

(09-15-2020, 04:17 PM)flofrog Wrote: Totally Agree on those guidelines by the way Wink

Fact is I was not so much  shocked by apparent hateful language, to go back on (sorry for digress) peregrine’s thread about the forums, but I find the roundabout ways  to raise fear much more insidious to the group discussion... Wink

Thank you for mentioning that flofrog. I wasn't aware of the meta thread.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Ymarsakar - 09-15-2020

Let's try this again, Peregrine.

Satan is the term humans call the Orion Empire's influences at the 3rd density/4th density, conquering weak worlds. Although that sounds more sci fi than War of Heaven.

It is ironic how you cannot see the truth even in these texts where Don writes on and on about questions and answers. The reason why "challenges" are necessary for contact/channeled entities is because somebody likes to deceive humans and pretend to be light entities when they are not.

These are both references to the Law of One text, which can be easily searched at the info website.

Do you want me to link the law of info search page for Orion and explain to you how "deception" and "opposition" works in that field?

Or are you going to continue calling my motivations into question, based on no sources and no Confederation texts?

If you had a legitimate point to make, you could have started with the line that it was not Don that wrote the material, but Jim the scribe... but that too much low hanging fruit for you?

Are you really interested in talking about the Law of One and Confederation sources, because I have made several references to them that would make good conversation topics, if people were interested they have many choices to choose from. To imply someone is making arguments or statements for "fun" is akin to the personal charge that they are a troll. What does that have to do with the Law of One?

Try again, peregrine. In other words, choose again.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Ymarsakar - 09-15-2020

(09-15-2020, 12:21 PM)Patrick Wrote: My take on this is that it is absolutely impossible to really understand higher concepts while incarnated in 3D.  Thinking that we, while here, can somehow get meaningful information that is so "true" that it comes from higher than Ra in 6D is just deluding ourselves.  Concepts that Ra cannot understand yet are simply impossible to understand while veiled here.

Since we do not have access to actual "truths", each of us can only create a model of understanding for ourselves from what Ra (and other sources) were able to transmit.

What I understood from Ra is that we even have to realize that we cannot build such a universal framework while in 3D.  This in order to demonstrate that we no longer need 3D and are then ready for 4D work.  Once you really understand that you cannot truly understand while here is when you realize you're done with 3D.  And once in 4D there we can start accessing the "real" universal framework.

I don't see much disagreement between your position and mine. To backtrack and reclarify, I was mostly addressing Aso's point here, which I liked but did not entirely agree with.

Quote:There is a big trap which needs to be kept in mind. And it becomes very obvious as soon as a little logic is applied.

The messages of various well-known people who are prominently attacked do not add up, logically. Put it all together and you end up with a pile of contradictions. This shows that it cannot all, it cannot even mostly, be the truth. Some of it can, but logically, not more than a small portion.

If "being under attack" is seen as enough reason for something to represent the best and greatest, then all that negative forces need to do is to attack some bogus stuff to make it seem totally great. I think this happens a lot. A bit of careful reflection is generally in order... But note that I do not claim that any particular item listed by Ymarsakar is generally false! I'm only discussing the general ideas here.

The translation, use of language, and different people involved, means there will naturally be seeming contradictions. But at a higher perspective (or density), there is a truth like the Law of One that makes seeming paradoxes, consistent or logical.

You seem to agree with this, patrick, right?

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Patrick - 09-15-2020

What I mean by building a model of understanding for ourselves is that while we are veiled everything is subjective.  Truth is subjective.  Objectivity is not accessible.  Someone could have temporary access to Objectivity while having an experience, like an NDE, but when they are back with us behind the veil they cannot really explain what they experienced.  They keep saying that there are no words or that the words are not really touching it.

Even our scientists are getting there now.  They are realizing that our brains cannot experience reality.  We can only build a model of reality that will always be subjective.  What I am saying is going one step further, where each of us builds our own model of reality.  Everything is dependent on our point of view and this remains for any source of information. Wrote:“According to the idea of model-dependent realism … our brains interpret the input from our sensory organs by making a model of the outside world. We form mental concepts of our home, trees, other people, the electricity that flows from wall sockets, atoms, molecules, and other universes. These mental concepts are the only reality we can know. There is no model-independent test of reality. It follows that a well-constructed model creates a reality of its own.”
In the following, Hawking expresses what model-dependent realism is in a strong and clear manner:

“There is no picture- or theory-independent concept of reality. Instead we will adopt a view that we will call model-dependent realism: the idea that a physical theory or world picture is a model (generally of a mathematical nature) and a set of rules that connect the elements of the model to observations. This provides a framework with which to interpret modern science.”
Why did Stephen Hawking use the word “realism” to characterise his position?

At an intuitive level, model-dependent realism (MDR) appears to be an anti-realist position, rather than a realist one. After all, if one is stressing models, theories and “mental concepts” (see later section), then isn’t that also to stress some kind of anti-realist position? Perhaps the wording doesn’t matter.


(09-15-2020, 05:09 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: You seem to believe that the model you have built for yourself could be somehow factual and so would automatically apply to others.  Well the model I built for myself from the Ra Material says that; there is simply no such thing in 3D space/time.

It's not a model I built for myself. As I may have mentioned here or elsewhere, it is direct channeling. Meaning, the same method the group of 3 did to channel iamraw's collective, is being done in current modern day by individual channelers linking to their higher self or other densities/realms. If it is impossible to channel high density information, then you have also directly negated or rejected the Law of One material this forum is based around.
(09-15-2020, 06:12 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote:
(09-15-2020, 12:21 PM)Patrick Wrote: My take on this is that it is absolutely impossible to really understand higher concepts while incarnated in 3D.  Thinking that we, while here, can somehow get meaningful information that is so "true" that it comes from higher than Ra in 6D is just deluding ourselves.  Concepts that Ra cannot understand yet are simply impossible to understand while veiled here.

Since we do not have access to actual "truths", each of us can only create a model of understanding for ourselves from what Ra (and other sources) were able to transmit.

What I understood from Ra is that we even have to realize that we cannot build such a universal framework while in 3D.  This in order to demonstrate that we no longer need 3D and are then ready for 4D work.  Once you really understand that you cannot truly understand while here is when you realize you're done with 3D.  And once in 4D there we can start accessing the "real" universal framework.

I don't see much disagreement between your position and mine. To backtrack and reclarify, I was mostly addressing Aso's point here, which I liked but did not entirely agree with.

Quote:There is a big trap which needs to be kept in mind. And it becomes very obvious as soon as a little logic is applied.

The messages of various well-known people who are prominently attacked do not add up, logically. Put it all together and you end up with a pile of contradictions. This shows that it cannot all, it cannot even mostly, be the truth. Some of it can, but logically, not more than a small portion.

If "being under attack" is seen as enough reason for something to represent the best and greatest, then all that negative forces need to do is to attack some bogus stuff to make it seem totally great. I think this happens a lot. A bit of careful reflection is generally in order... But note that I do not claim that any particular item listed by Ymarsakar is generally false! I'm only discussing the general ideas here.

The translation, use of language, and different people involved, means there will naturally be seeming contradictions. But at a higher perspective (or density), there is a truth like the Law of One that makes seeming paradoxes, consistent or logical.

You seem to agree with this, patrick, right?

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - AnthroHeart - 09-16-2020

There are tons of people doing PSI stuff at my forum. Not sure if I should mention another forum here, but people are doing amazing things.
It's in my signature.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - Ymarsakar - 09-16-2020

Quote:Truth is subjective. Objectivity is not accessible. Someone could have temporary access to Objectivity while having an experience, like an NDE, but when they are back with us behind the veil they cannot really explain what they experienced. They keep saying that there are no words or that the words are not really touching it.

Even our scientists are getting there now. They are realizing that our brains cannot experience reality. We can only build a model of reality that will always be subjective.

Oh I see, by model you are nearly referring the simulation theory, the idea that every relative viewpoint is its own model or simulated universe. So I don't think of it as just one pov or model of the universe, a perspective. Each person is literally manifesting or co creating reality. They are helping to create what people know of as shared reality. They are like server nodes, distributing network info and collectively analyzing and sharing data.

I got a 30 min reading from a psychic once (only) and she said that she couldn't see any blocks in my life, and later on just said what she saw was beautiful, energy wise, and that she couldn't explain it. I interjected by saying "there are no words".

So my view of what you call "subjective reality" is probably close, but very different because I think subjective reality is a fragment of the universe via co creation. People are not the Creator, but because they are Children of God, they are like God/Source.

RE: Does anyone here have psychic/PSI-abilites? - EvolvingPhoenix - 09-16-2020

All of us have the divine right to access psychic abilities, and may unwittingly have a particular orientation towards some form of psychic ability or another. Maybe multiple. For example, I am discovering I have a particular knack for clairaudience, which makes telepathic conversation easier. This still has limits when you're a neophyte though.
Even if you lack any psychic "knack" you are absolutely capable of developing psychic ability. I have been informed that women are generally more magically and psychically powerful than men in the way men are more physically powerful than women, but also have a higher degree of emotional vulnerability typically, which is partly why they have strong psychic and magical abilities. Sensitivity makes magical easier I hear. Nonetheless, I believe all limitations to be self imposed, so I'm not too interested in them. If it is your will to develop your psychic abilities. Means of doing so inevitably manifest.

The Gateway of Light Meditation technique shows promise. Yogic practices also seem to have good promiae to them: pranayama, asarnas and mantras can make a powerful combo it seems.

Then there's study of the archetypal mind, which is done most in depth with the kabbalah, but I still am at Malkuth. It seems the best way to get to Yesod is the facing of fear.

Fear stalks us. I have been informed to wait for it. The opportunity can be expected to present itself if I cease to run away from it.

Point being, there's more than one way to skin a cat. A belief is always a decision before it is a belief. All limitations ate self imposed. Also, "muggles" do not truly exist. Everything we do is a magical working. It is a matter of awareness. This is all a dream. Adepthood is there for basically dreaming with lucidity.

The best technique I have learned pf for quick progress seems to be the Gateway of Light Meditation technique, which I mentioned pn rinzler's post.

Seems to work for the Death Defies amd it seems to have worked for the Toltecs.

Close ypur eyes and have your hands' palms face each other about a foot apart, with the elbows tucked in at the liver and spleen areas. Feel the force between ypur hands building up. Finish when you decide is time. Do at least once a day I would think. I wouldn't recommend any less than that. The Ra channeling warn against working with the upper chakras before properly clearing and healing/strengthening the lower ones, but the GoL meditation technique is based on the Unified Field, and that is where the awareness for adepthood is utilized in that case. Chakras are not taken into account because theybare not relevant to the Unified Field it seems.