Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - Printable Version

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RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - BlatzAdict - 11-01-2016

(10-12-2016, 05:26 AM)APeacefulWarrior Wrote:
(10-04-2016, 03:03 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote:
(09-28-2016, 03:43 PM)APeacefulWarrior Wrote: So as I see it, this isn't "stagnation;" it's the fundamental friction being caused by our brave new interconnected world being so alien to many people over the age of 40 or 50 that they simply have a hard time dealing with it.  I think this is the main reason we're seeing a rise in so many reactionary, far-right, and often violent groups.  They're terrified by the world they see around them, so unlike what they were raised to expect from the world, and are lashing out... except without even clear targets to fight.

I always enjoy your historical perspective.

The rise in "reactionary, far-right, and often violent groups" is a global phenomenon, it seems. I concur that it is fear underlying and motivating that rise, whether fear of change, fear of traditions coming apart, fear of old orders and boundaries dissolving, fear of new technologies, fear of more inclusive and diverse societies, fear of more immediate contact with otherness, and so forth.

Yet I can't help but to link this thought:

17.1 Ra: There will also be a sharp increase in the short run of negatively oriented or polarized mind/body/spirit complexes and social complexes, due to the polarizing conditions of the sharp delineation between fourth-density characteristics and third-density self-service orientation.

Not drawing an equivalency here, just noting that there may be a connection between the two.

I love the words "short run" in Ra's statement . . . though the length of "short" to Ra and to the human mind may be vastly different. Smile

Oops, didn't see your reply at first.

Anyway, I see these as complementary explanations.  It's perhaps an over-simplification, but I think you could say that there's how things look from this side of the veil, and how things look from the other side of it.  Ra was saying what things looked like from a higher-density / energetically-based standpoint.  I was trying to explain how this was coming about from the lower-density physical perspective.  Two sides of the coin, both reinforcing the other.

Since, after all, energetic changes in higher densities must still manifest in the physical world, and those manifestations are going to be rooted in the shared reality of 3D inhabitants.  

And to a certain extent, I suppose I was trying to predict how 3rd Density conditions would then start becoming part of the energetics of a 4D positive Earth.  That's why I'm not as tech-negative as many of the other people here.  I honestly believe that technologies like the Internet are ultimately preparing people for that next step.  Kinda like training wheels on a bicycle.  First we become comfortable sharing widely with the world through electronic gizmos, then we ditch the gadgets and move past that to sharing on a much more direct and less-wasteful level.

At least, that's how I'm hoping this all works out.  Smile

maybe it's the pessimistic side of me that sees a growing divide between transhumanism and naturalism.

i think this is the defining moment where humanity turns either to some grey alien looking species (transhumanist) vs some kind of peleidian species (naturalist).

i think human conflict will naturally gravitate towards herd mentality, where you have anti tech vs tech orientated.

maybe the amish tradition are the remnants of ideas that survived the last cycle? 

Has anyone ever read the comic Transmetropolitan? It's a post futurist comic book about a news reporter Spider Jerusalem. Very interesting science fiction and was definitely ahead of it's time when it was made.

There is a whole side of the spiritual movement that is completely self interested, yoga, high vibration food, umm i know it's helping the rest of the planet but it's mostly serving at the self rather than others. It's made me rethink needing to have raw veggie juice all of the time in some sub conscious way of protest to the idea.

Let's say we have a culture that has more robotics, artificial legs, arms, organs, what if those things can only work with a subscription to the company that made it? What if there was ever some remote lock out feature. I don't know if anyone here has read The incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky, also explores themes of humans adopting the use of technology, and artificial intelligence. 

Leading themselves to advertise immortality and the lack of disease by replacing the entire body with artificial components and circuits. By the end no one is able to have any emotions, or feelings, or hunger for that matter. It is life without the emotional or physical desires, and leads many to become suicidal due to the lifeless result of their choices.

I've been thinking about the transition from 3rd to 4th. I've been thinking energetically it has been at 4th for some time but the set back is basically people operating at the red ray level of consciousness to to the second and sometimes the third activation. 

Staying in a security and survival mindset, is very limiting, either this is a threat or it's there to help. A lot of people are stuck in that, Flat earth while untrue latches on to the emotional baseline fear perpetuated to society that everything we are told is part of a lie. So emotionally it becomes easy to want to reject the intellectual, since it's not really cultivated anywhere, much less the media or in any educational institution. 

Ra says that the transition will be gradual and that the third density will continue until they die out. What this says to me is that we've got a lot of work to do to show people that there is a christ consciousness that is not limited to any one religion or limited to any one culture.  It doesn't help that you have a group of Law of One students that dropped out, got into family bloodlines, and then pull the strings i.e. bilderberg group. People who have the same level of esoteric knowledge as the average Law of One student, however uses it for negative purposes, or is influenced to use the magical personality for the self serving polarity.

If the world were a pool, and each of us an individual wave pattern, the ones that make the most waves are the ones most coherent to love. We've set up the background etheric grid over the planet, though it works the more we consciously activate it and enact it. We've come this far, and we've got a bit more work to do before Harvest is upon us however close it seems.

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - GreatSpirit - 11-03-2016

(09-28-2016, 01:43 PM)Riveroflight Wrote: I want to express my confusion and utter frustration in this whole "Third to fourth" mess here on earth. I apologize in advance, it's been a rough morning for me as I read through some of the more recent newsletters of Light/Lines with L/L Research. So if this message comes across as slightly negatively fueled, just know I may not be in my "right" mind right now. Never mind who I am, it really doesn't matter.

If Jim could reply to this message, I would be immensely grateful for his thoughts.. Though, I am sure he rarely has time to look over the forums.

I will first state I have read all of the Ra books twice over - for me, it was like returning home. The Ra material means a lot to me, more than I can express. I do believe I am intimately related to some of these social memory complexes, and I'm having a terrible time remembering my mission. Okay, I may know it, but I am unable to find a niche within the United States that wants anything to do with my light. It is continuously attacked and always has been - will probably continue to always be so long as I'm occupying this body in this lifetime. It's beyond me how I'm even still here, actually. Life has been nothing short of disappointments in mankind.

Here is my question to those who are also very well versed in the Ra material, or rather, I am opening up a dialogue here. What are every one's thoughts on this?:

We all know that Ra always said the movement into the transformation of fourth density would be like "the striking of the hand on a clock within the hour", or something to that effect. It was repeated a few times over.. And many channeled works have suggested the same. I am now reading through the February 6th, 2016 newsletter channeling meditation session with Q'uo, published by Jim of L/L Research mind you (whom I hear is a blending of two social memory complexes, Latwai of fifth and Ra of sixth, correct?) that this is not meant to be taken literally. That we may be looking at another few generations of 70-80 years (yes, another few, so what 160 years?) for this transformation to complete. Yes yes, I know - the harvest is constantly on-going as consciousnesses who are prepared for such vibrations pass through the gates. But I thought there was suppose to be a true event? I can't help but feel utterly lost and let down by this.. I had really believed through constant visions/contact I have been receiving in the astral realms for four years now, that 2017 may be a big year for transformation. I have also heard from many sources that when third/fourth truly split, like the splitting of a cell through Mitosis you could say, that fourth density beings and third density beings will not be able to physically see each other. Actually, fourth can see third, but third cannot see fourth (physically). I recall Ra speaking on this. In one channeled session by a social memory complex I cannot recall right now, I read that it will look as though entire cities have been wiped off the map to the fourth density graduate. Also, I have heard/read that fourth density beings can only make themselves visible by choice, that is if they wish to be seen. Saint Germain is an example of this. So moving on - though I have days/weeks where I am living in perfect love/harmony/purity with the source field, sometimes feeling ready to ascend out of my own skin the vibration is so high - it doesn't take much for me to hit rock bottom from being utterly let down by mankind. And no, I am not bi-polar or medically depressed. I am unsure if I can tolerate my own existence in the current negatively driven capitalistic monster of a society we have. I have been waiting years for this "event", and now I learn there may never be one.

What is every one's thoughts on this transition/transformation, where we are currently at in the transition, and if or WHEN there will be "an event" that really solidifies the splitting of two experiential/dimensional realities? Maybe there is not suppose to be "an defining event", such as Q'uo seems to be implying in January's 2016 Newsletter?

Oh, and additionally, many channeled sources keep saying that there will be massive intervention soon on the planet, that is within the coming year - to the point we will see UFO's dropping out of the skies and ushering in new light technologies (ONLY intended for soul/consciousness ascension purposes),  and even free MONEY distributed to the peoples of the planet so that they can travel/be with one another. This is only for the purpose of transition so that people can get by while newer more enlightened systems are put into place. These are serious claims - and it appears to be a repeating claim across the board over the spectrum of DOZENS of channeled entities. That's what's shocking. The idea is that people would use this money for nothing more than having the funds to travel or be with the ones they love. Not for material spending sprees.

Has any one been hearing about this? I am in FULL Understanding that there is a lot of disinformation out there, but I am VERY careful about which channeled works I trust. I will state that. Outside of Jim, Don, & Carla's work, there is little channeled works I trust to be authentic. The internet is a terrifying place full of false prophets and false channels, that is for sure.

There is nothing to fear. When green ray becomes fully active and the yellow ray goes into potentiation, then true 4D experiences will occur. No later than 800 years max.

Regarding the 3D physical to 4D transition...this, like all evolution, just happens over a period of time where the children being born are born with "gifts." Green ray rules now, so the DNA is being suited for 4D bodies. Spiritualized living becomes the norm for people. 3D people will have eventually died off or have left the planet by the year 2800, if not sooner.

The 3D planet then becomes a pristine world, left to nature as 3/2/1D. The 3D Earth can still be visited obviously by 3D physical people eventually as long as the physical climatic conditions are met. But 4D exists as its own space/time continuum unaffected by 3D. Since red/orange rays are still active, this means plant/animal life becomes abundant in 4D space/time experience. Over time it will become uninhabitable physically.

However, you're looking for an event.

Well, I think it will start with breaking news on TV, with some arrests of those in the government/corporate/socialite world. An explanation of these arrests will be provided by probably from someone from the UN or Russia/Asia. It will be like a positive 9/11 on an extremely massive scale. Bright future ahead people!!

No later than 2018 I think but in my Universe I'm looking for ASAP/2017 Full disclosure.

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - Spooner - 11-03-2016

(09-28-2016, 06:25 PM)Riveroflight Wrote: @Nicholas

Regarding the Seth Material -

I had a very bizarre experience a few months ago.
I became curious about the Seth Material while I was reading Ra over the summer; and so on my nook, I quickly went to Wikipedia to get a little background information on the works.. Instantly, the moment I got to the page and saw the cover of the book - I had a physical reaction so intense and dreadful, it almost felt like I was dying. Sounds extreme, but my body reacted in such a harsh way it nearly brought me to my knees in tears of pain. I believe I was getting a warning from my higher self, guides, or some one, to NOT touch this material. I know its a strong judgment to make, but my higher self instantly recognized it was probably negatively oriented material. How odd is that? I listened, and never looked at it again... Just thought I'd share this bizarre experience.

For whatever reason I've had many interactions with schizophrenic people (maybe it's my gifting to understand them). One had been heavily involved with withcraft and undergoing an intense process of STS adepthood. He had been introduced to the Seth material and instantly and intuitively I knew this material (1) contained a lot of truth (2) was intended to lead people into an STS path.

I've never read it myself.

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - Minyatur - 11-03-2016

I don't know much about Seth nor the channelings, but as far as I'm aware the Wikipedia page states that Seth is the god of confusion, disorder and perturbation, so I would initially think this is what this fella has to offer.

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - Diana - 11-04-2016

(09-28-2016, 06:25 PM)Riveroflight Wrote: Regarding the Seth Material -

I had a very bizarre experience a few months ago.
I became curious about the Seth Material while I was reading Ra over the summer; and so on my nook, I quickly went to Wikipedia to get a little background information on the works.. Instantly, the moment I got to the page and saw the cover of the book - I had a physical reaction so intense and dreadful, it almost felt like I was dying. Sounds extreme, but my body reacted in such a harsh way it nearly brought me to my knees in tears of pain. I believe I was getting a warning from my higher self, guides, or some one, to NOT touch this material. I know its a strong judgment to make, but my higher self instantly recognized it was probably negatively oriented material. How odd is that? I listened, and never looked at it again... Just thought I'd share this bizarre experience.

I think it's good that you follow your intuition. And yet, I would question such an extreme reaction, rather than it being a calm, centered intuitive response.

There could be any number of reasons for your aversion. Why would your higher self or guides want you to be in fear? Your reaction sounds personal to me (maybe a past life experience), rather than that the material is so harmful you shouldn't even look at the pages.

One can get information, or learn, from anything or anyone. The bible, for instance, (in my opinion) is full of flat-out horror and extreme negative commands/demands from a "jealous" God (old testament), but I can read it and not become "tainted" or hurt by it. It's just information.

I wouldn't be warned off so-called negatively oriented material. None of that matters if you simply discern for yourself.  

This whole world is full of negativity. There is positive energy, too, and beauty. Discernment and autonomy (independent thinking) are vital.

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - anagogy - 11-04-2016

(09-28-2016, 06:25 PM)Riveroflight Wrote: Regarding the Seth Material -

I had a very bizarre experience a few months ago.
I became curious about the Seth Material while I was reading Ra over the summer; and so on my nook, I quickly went to Wikipedia to get a little background information on the works.. Instantly, the moment I got to the page and saw the cover of the book - I had a physical reaction so intense and dreadful, it almost felt like I was dying. Sounds extreme, but my body reacted in such a harsh way it nearly brought me to my knees in tears of pain. I believe I was getting a warning from my higher self, guides, or some one, to NOT touch this material. I know its a strong judgment to make, but my higher self instantly recognized it was probably negatively oriented material. How odd is that? I listened, and never looked at it again... Just thought I'd share this bizarre experience.

From someone who has actually read a large amount of Seth, I will come to his defense and state that Seth was an extremely positive entity. He was Jane Roberts Higher Self.

For what its worth, I've had similar reactions to material that I wasn't ready for yet, but then years later when I was a vibrational match for it, it no longer felt aversive. It's important to remember that all knowledge can be simultaneously both medicine and poison depending on the system in which it is introduced. This doesn't make the substance or deliverer of a negative nature, rather, it is the context which determines the nature of its influence. Not all students will benefit from the same teacher.

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - 4Dsunrise - 11-06-2016

GreatSpirit says

Quote:However, you're looking for an event.

Well, I think it will start with breaking news on TV, with some arrests of those in the government/corporate/socialite world. An explanation of these arrests will be provided by probably from someone from the UN or Russia/Asia. It will be like a positive 9/11 on an extremely massive scale. Bright future ahead people!!

No later than 2018 I think but in my Universe I'm looking for ASAP/2017 Full disclosure.

This is a good point which relates to the nature of a density as an 8-fold octave. 

Just as octaves intersect in terms of music or color or other vibrational systems there is the intersection of densities.

We are in an intersection of an outward, outgoing, yang-based 3.8 density and an inward, incoming, yin-based 4.1 density.

The outward yang nature of 3.8 is about externalizing or exposing, and active purging of the cumulative material of 3rd density. It's like when doing a body/mind/spirit fast and cleansing and allowing all the toxins to rise to the surface to be purged.

But we're also in a 4.1 phase with its inward yin nature to internalize and integrate and heal via transcending and making whole. Again like the body/mind/spirit fast and cleansing which allows for clarity of awareness both internally and externally, and accessing inner resources that have been previously blocked or clogged that can better resonate with one's being.

So this 3.8/4.1 phase should reflect what you suggest GreatSpirit plus much more such as -- possibly a more active CE6 which Riveroflight seems to resonate to.

Quote:CE3 is when an encounter is with visible occupants inside an ET craft.
CE4 involves the person being taken inside the ET craft.
CE5 involves direct communication between ET's and humans.

By direct communication is meant direct two-way communicating other than channeling. It is a face to face communication without a medium or channel. The CE5 approach was used by the Ra group towards the Egyptians who, it seems, were not composed of awakened Wanderers but rather those who were young and evolving spiritually and open to ET encounters and assistance.

Today we have an unprecedented situation that calls for an advanced CE6 approach which involves direct communication and collaboration between ET's and awakened Wanderers. This involves direct collaboration with our Confederation family and friends for the sole purpose of assisting with the 4th density transition and later orientation and integration. 

And btw, I hope Riveroflight is okay because I noticed that she hasn't visited since October 3rd. Maybe she still visits but has switched to an unlogged status. I sent her a PM which relates to this CE6 of Wanderer/Confederation collaboration and intervention.

I hope you're doing well Riveroflight and check your PM box when you get the chance.

And for guests and members here, check a new blog site for articles that have a focus on TLOO and 4th density transition interests.

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - Kaaron - 11-06-2016

(11-04-2016, 12:56 AM)anagogy Wrote: From someone who has actually read a large amount of Seth, I will come to his defense and state that Seth was an extremely positive entity. He was Jane Roberts Higher Self.

Do you have a reason for stating this?
I thought Seth was a 5th Density being...definitely not her higher self IMO
Him giving the information without it being requested, also gives the impression of STS, to me.
The material may be consistent with the Ra material...that doesn't mean the context is positive.

My 2 cents.

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - Jade - 11-07-2016

I think the contact is positive but I don't think it's Jane's Higher Self. I'm pretty sure Seth speaks of incarnating alongside her and her husband as a companion entity. I think the "giving of information not requested" thing can be sidestepped because Seth says they had preincarnative agreements to do this. It's obviously quite veiled (hard to read for a layman) and, for all most people are aware, it's just Jane talking anyway. I don't think it's an abridgement of free will. But I also don't think Seth is coming from a 6th density perspective. I would agree it's more likely 5th, since it's more about the mechanics of how metaphysics work, and less about love (4th) or unification (6th).

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - Minyatur - 11-07-2016

I think the question/answer mechanic is how those of Ra are comfortable in sharing to minimize the shadows they can cast and as such relate to their polarity and not polarity itself. Wouldn't suprise me they have much experience of doing otherwise since creation is of an experimental nature. So it kind of relates to the energies they wanted to invest here at this moment more than anything else.

I would tend to value more the Thoth tablets for this exact reason, because what is shared is what is thought to be of importance and is not limited to an individual's veiled questioning process (which relates little to other readers anyway). As such a shorter text gives greater and deeper insights through not imposing this limitation when giving and it remains the free will of each to read/avoid or accept/reject the words as one's resonance with them dictates. Though, this information was given before the Ra material was given and it could make sense there is no point in repeating this already given information which allows other focuses to be jointly-useful to the veiled seekers.

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - anagogy - 11-07-2016

(11-06-2016, 07:02 PM)Kaaron Wrote: Do you have a reason for stating this?
I thought Seth was a 5th Density being...definitely not her higher self IMO
Him giving the information without it being requested, also gives the impression of STS, to me.
The material may be consistent with the Ra material...that doesn't mean the context is positive.

My 2 cents.

It depends how you look at it. And it is just my personal intuition and opinion that this is so. If you see it differently, then all is well.

Seth 1: "Now initially Ruburt and Joseph and I were a part of the same entity, or overall identity, and so symbolically speaking, there are psychic currents that unite us. All of these merge into what has often been compared to as an ocean of consciousness, a well from which all actuality springs. Start with any one consciousness, and theoretically you will find all others."

There are many versions of Seth. I believe we each have many versions of what might be termed "higher selves". It may not be that Seth fits the exact description of Ra's definition of a higher self. But as a more developed or further along version of Jane and her husbands self, I would say that Seth comprised such a being. Not to mention Seth two. We have inner beings within inner beings within inner beings. It is like two mirrors facing each other stretching off into infinity.

Seth 2: "Seth is a point in my reference, in our reference. He is an ancient portion of us. We are separate but united. Always the spirit forms the flesh."

Seth 1: "We will continue. There are kinds of consciousness that cannot be deciphered in physical terms. The "personality" who originated the paragraphs you have just read is such a one.
As mentioned, there is the same kind of connection between that personality and myself as the one that exists between Ruburt and myself. But in your terms, Seth Two is far further divorced from my reality than I am from Ruburt's. You can imagine Seth Two as a future portion of me if you prefer, and yet far more is involved."

Seth 1: "Seth Two does represent what I will become, to some extent, and in your terms, yet when I become what he is he will be something different. In the same terms now, only, Ruburt may become what I am, but then I will be something far different."

Having said all that, the distinction isn't incredibly important to know or understand. All divisions are ultimately arbitrary, so I have no great desire to debate the trivialities of arbitary personality divisions, but those are some quotes that hint that this is so.

And as to him giving information that wasn't requested. I don't think we can really say that definitively. People ask for things with more than just their words. There is also the vibrational asking of all those who would eventually read the amalgamated published material you have to consider. The vibrational asking, and the subsequent vibrational answering. They are one and the same. The call exists without regard to space/time as we understand it. 

Speaking of myself, I know that I was, in my heart, certainly asking for that information. I've always found it to be very positive and empowering information, personally. 

edit: added clarifications

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - anagogy - 11-07-2016

For those who aren't aware: Seth called Jane Roberts "Ruburt", and her husband, Robert Butts, "Joseph".

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - sjel - 08-15-2017

I just realized this recently: The "Event" of transitioning to fourth density is really just moving completely into the present moment. When the transition to fourth density is complete, there is no future. The 'Event' is NOW, and it always has been Now.

We will never move into fourth density in the future. The only time we can ever move into fourth density is now.

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - Asolsutsesvyl - 12-09-2019

I found this thread while searching around, from newer to older, on the forum. It can be interesting to reflect on predictions and ideas of changes a few years later on.

(08-15-2017, 07:09 PM)sjel Wrote: We will never move into fourth density in the future. The only time we can ever move into fourth density is now.

One idea about 4D found in various places, formulated to different extents, is that in 4D, time is different than in 3D. Relevant to this are the ideas of P.D. Ouspensky:
(11-29-2019, 05:24 AM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote: Regarding the nature of time, the idea of multidimensional time was explored by Don Elkins - time as three-dimensional, together with three dimensional space, for six dimensions of space and time. P. D. Ouspensky, close to the time when World War I broke out, had similar ideas, but on a foundation which first developed from and then diverged from Theosophy.

Ouspensky's idea is that the first dimension of time is forward movement, as experienced; the second dimension, the infinite range of possibilities; the third dimension, an infinite line there to give "space" for infinite variations of developments to play out.

We can only "see" one dimension of time and think about the second and third, i.e. possibilities and alternative realities. But Ouspensky reasons by analogy and comes to the idea that for "higher-dimensional beings", one or more dimension of time may turn into dimensions of space, making the reality seen in space more complete and limiting time to the part of reality not encompassed by the more immediate awareness of the being.
While in part, movement towards 4D may be connected to the unfolding of the timeline we experience, the real growth into 4D proceeds in a way which extends being for the beings involved perpendicularly to the line of linear time.

Referring back to the ideas earlier in this thread, I think the idea of a sudden "split" between 3D and 4D is misleading, and actually what would happen if negative forces win. I think it's obvious that there's a long road for most people who grow into 4D, before they're "done" with that, so if a split were to happen in the very short term, it would really mean a cancelling of the transition and the "harvest" for most who are capable of getting there in the decades ahead. It would be like the pinnacle of humanity's growth and current opportunities suddenly crashing and burning.

A "split" would eventually happen when 3D life becomes "obsolete", when the future for life on Earth for humanity is 4D-only. That's after the transition is complete for those who go through it. Then... There's various ideas, including a mass extinction event through cometary bombardment in a historical pattern repeating. Let's say that happens after some unknown hundreds of years. By then, hopefully, most human consciousness on Earth, for those not stuck in the sinkhole of indifference, would be 4D rather than 3D, and the more conscious life of the planet would be lived in 4D bodies, side by side with the 3D life. Then, when 3D civilization ends, the planet is left with 1D and 2D going on and adapting to the challenges facing the old biosphere, while 4D humanity lives on in a different physical environment.

Prior to the completion of the initial growth into 4D, negative forces strive to hijack as much of what happens as is possible for them, and if they were to succeed, they may be able to shift the spiritual climate towards a 4D STS future, isolating and ejecting the growing 4D STO activity. It is predicted that such attempts will fail. But if, hypothetically, they were to succeed, then consciousness would be further split and contracted, and its further growth would only happen under controlled forms.

I think that all channeled messages of a very sudden "split" in the short term are disinfo. The more credible descriptions of what a real split would actually mean make for disaster movie material.

RE: Event, or no event? Which is it? Also, UFO intervention for 2016/2017?? - Loki - 12-10-2019

I think the confusing part in regard to this issue is the fact that Ra talks about a genetic modification of 3D bodies to 4D bodies on earth. This is a process which might take a while and at one point must be 3D and 4D in existence on earth at the same time.

Considering that 4D must hide from 3D in order to preserve the law of confusion the question would be how this transition will really happen.

My opinion is that at certain moment when the 4D body will become available all the 3D people still existing on earth will be 3D graduated with double body (3D, 4D) in activation. Those people will probably be exempt from the law of confusion so that the genetic transformation of the body is possible. law of confusion is not useful anymore for a graduated 3D even though is still in 3D body.

In the beginning the law of confusion was applied to those with double body in activation just because they were leaving along 3D only people that are not ready to graduate and in order to preserve their veil.