Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Printable Version

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RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - 111 - 06-19-2011

That was my pesonal definition of faith, as it applies to me. If it dose not resonate that's cool. And no, I can't say I've come close to my definition of true faith
I think that what I meant was that yes, in my experience. Faith to me is understanding there is more. Whatever that may be. its what keeps my spiritual search alive when 3d seems hopeless.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - zenmaster - 06-19-2011

(06-19-2011, 10:18 PM)111 Wrote: its what keeps my spiritual search alive when 3d seems hopeless.
Is it possible to have a faith such that 3D does not seem hopeless in the first place?

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Bring4th_Austin - 06-19-2011

(06-19-2011, 10:24 PM)zenmaster Wrote:
(06-19-2011, 10:18 PM)111 Wrote: its what keeps my spiritual search alive when 3d seems hopeless.
Is it possible to have a faith such that 3D does not seem hopeless in the first place?

Faith to me is the belief that 3D isn't hopeless despite the fact we have no reason to believe that.

I like Q'uo's definition:

Quote:My brother, faith is that which is a product of the use of will to choose to know that all is well. It is not faith in anything. It is not tangible. It is not measurable or quantifiable in any way. Yet all entities know what faith is because when they see it, they are drawn to it, transfixed by it, and blessed by the light that is expressed from faithful eyes, faithful voices, and faithful hands.

The spiritual principle involved is very close to the beginning of creation. For the principle involved is a mature understanding of the function of free will and the structure or makeup of your mind, body and spirit in third density. Because of the thickness of the veil, it is indeed not only difficult but impossible to prove any reason for faith.

Faith is truly faith. It is not faith in something proven, no matter how religious leaders like to use logic and words to create an atmosphere where they may convince believers that there is only one tortuous path to follow in order to find salvation.

Indeed, faith is born within each entity’s heart as he decides or chooses to rest without varying in the vibration of absolute faith that all is well. It is an activity and a choice which is strengthened as it is used. Like any muscle, it gets stronger with every repetition.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - 3DMonkey - 06-19-2011

I know the following perspective is not the dictionary definition of faith.

I don't view faith as a belief or a trust. To me, faith is simply taking a step toward something unknown. Doing something to which I have no idea what the result will be. In this way, faith is the blind archetypical Fool. If we are to help the Creator know itself, we are to walk into any and all unknown territory. This is walking by faith. Not trusting. Not believing all will be hunky dory. Just walking.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - zenmaster - 06-19-2011

It's difficult to reconcile faith without trust or belief, but it appears you are characterizing faith as action without meaning. The unknown is never really completely unknown - as it's epitomized by stepping into a void. Who's chasm was it in the first place? We are familiar with the archetypal principles, which do not change. We must make a place for the new somehow - as Ra says, in the 'roots of mind' and this it would seem, does involve trust and belief.

When we take that act of faith and look back, there was a bridge. How was the bridge constructed? Faith did not build that bridge.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - 3DMonkey - 06-19-2011

You got me. I was trying to trick you. (must be my unconscious affiliation with the negs ;-) )

yes, in all honesty, the Faith I described is accompanied with a trust in my connection with the One, and also a belief that my HS is directly benefiting from each step.

I apply my own perspective with trickery of sorts sometimes. It helps me gain perspective to tell myself "it's not about believing all will be okay in the end" so that I won't be tied to the outcome, come what may.
I do understand that the bridge is waiting, so to speak. And it has alot to do with time/space.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - BlatzAdict - 06-19-2011

i don't know if you'd ever do this horishi but... Write a poem... go and perform it at an open mic... write about something you want to get off your chest.
Make it to the point, strip down those emotional barriers we put up with people normally and just go all out with something about your life. Something that you know a lot about. anything.

the goal here is the opening to complete self expression of your heart and what it wants, what is it that you love, what is it that makes you feel alive, write that, go outside and shout it out. that might be the most extreme thing to do... to open up that blue ray. lol

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - 3DMonkey - 06-19-2011

Nice Blatz. Scary. But nice. Smile

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - zenmaster - 06-19-2011

The poem idea works. Actually, one technique is 'automatic writing' where you just write down stream of consciousness without thought intervening. Then looking over the 'nonsense' that was written, there should be some themes indicated, just as there is with any free association exercise. The themes will suggest areas of interest for reflection.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - BlatzAdict - 06-20-2011

(06-19-2011, 11:46 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: Nice Blatz. Scary. But nice. Smile

i only suggest things i've done and benefitted from Smile yea it was scary the first time i blacked out of consciousness for 1 second. i lost all vision everything went black... and then i popped back in my body.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - 111 - 06-20-2011

(06-19-2011, 10:55 PM)abridgetoofar Wrote:
(06-19-2011, 10:24 PM)zenmaster Wrote:
(06-19-2011, 10:18 PM)111 Wrote: its what keeps my spiritual search alive when 3d seems hopeless.
Is it possible to have a faith such that 3D does not seem hopeless in the first place?

Faith to me is the belief that 3D isn't hopeless despite the fact we have no reason to believe that.

I like Q'uo's definition:

Quote:My brother, faith is that which is a product of the use of will to choose to know that all is well. It is not faith in anything. It is not tangible. It is not measurable or quantifiable in any way. Yet all entities know what faith is because when they see it, they are drawn to it, transfixed by it, and blessed by the light that is expressed from faithful eyes, faithful voices, and faithful hands.

The spiritual principle involved is very close to the beginning of creation. For the principle involved is a mature understanding of the function of free will and the structure or makeup of your mind, body and spirit in third density. Because of the thickness of the veil, it is indeed not only difficult but impossible to prove any reason for faith.

Faith is truly faith. It is not faith in something proven, no matter how religious leaders like to use logic and words to create an atmosphere where they may convince believers that there is only one tortuous path to follow in order to find salvation.

Indeed, faith is born within each entity’s heart as he decides or chooses to rest without varying in the vibration of absolute faith that all is well. It is an activity and a choice which is strengthened as it is used. Like any muscle, it gets stronger with every repetition.
Thank you for Quos definition!!!! That speaks so true to my heart Smile Know that its all good! That's exactly what I meant. !! Smile Smile Smile

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Plenum - 05-20-2013

I think the essence of blue ray (and hence its unblocking) is taking full responsibility for your thoughts/actions. This means being aware of the likely potential consequences of thoughts/actions before acting, and when one has acted, to observe to outcome to see if there was a misunderstanding at play beforehand.

this 'total responsibility' for one's being is no light matter. Think of all the offhand stuff that one says in conversations, where words and intent are thrown off reactively at times.

having observed zen in the chatroom, I can say that nothing is done offhand, and there was full weighing of considerations.

- -

and to be totally responsible, one has to be totally honest with oneself. And when one has been totally honest with oneself, one can be totally honest with others. It's like a chain of mental effects once one has taken that first step.

the same thing happens in green ray when you take the first step there.


RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - xise - 05-20-2013

I haven't read much past the OP, but I have to say that blue ray is a real b**** for me.

The hardest part, for me, is practicing self-truth and self-honesty. I still have a tendency to judge my own "judgmental" thoughts, and I tend to deny my own shadow. Integrating my shadow, and my shadow thoughts, by being completely honest that some small part of me agrees with them, seems to be the hardest struggle for my blue ray center. But it's a work in progress Smile. I'm still working (or finishing up work!!) on my yellow.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - AnthroHeart - 05-20-2013

My yellow is probably closed for the most part since I don't interact with society all that much. Even when I get back to work, my involvement with my team won't be too substantial.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Infinite Unity - 02-08-2019

(06-15-2011, 02:26 PM)Horishi Wrote: Hello I'm seeking help and advice.  There is blue ray energy center blockage as its causing me a lot of problems and distress.  Can anyone give me some techniques or exercises to help me open my blue ray energy center?  This seems to be a major energy center I'm struggling with.  Thank you so much!

A large amount of instances of blue ray blockage is not independently just blue ray. Blue ray blockage a lot of the time is interconnected with one or more other centers.

In my opinion the first step is declaring honesty and "transparency" with the creation and others around you. Apart of being able to fully do this is acceptance of the self, on an orange to yellow ray. As well as having the wisdom of knowing your Infinite worth(indigo). However just setting your Will to being comoletely honest with your self, the creation, and others. Has alot of impact on polarity, and the ability to do work in consciousness.

When we are planning out a scenario, or how to subvert others. We are doing so from an platform of blockage in blue, that interconnects with other centers. See blockages are interconnected with the shadow self, and subvert and effect your Will. It could be empirically stated that blockages would seem to have an conscience of its own. These are not benign blocks in your energy flow. These are mentalities that feed off and want to continue to feed of your energy flow. Thats why it us not a simple thing to do. It takes real will and drive to actually for real heal these blockages.

In my opinion blockages are thought-forms, that can "Learn", grow and replicate to an extent. In my personal opinion they are almost chakras in reverse. We're the gravitic mass of the shadow self is most centered, and functions from.

In my opinion The Shadow self is an important part to creating the conscience and subconscious separation in mind. The Shadow self is algomation or representation echo between the conscience and subconscious mind. Notice I did not say it is the subconscious. Rather it is an echo, or found between the "gap" of knowing between the conscious and subconscious.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - unity100 - 02-11-2019

(02-08-2019, 12:25 PM)Infinite Unity Wrote:
(06-15-2011, 02:26 PM)Horishi Wrote: Hello I'm seeking help and advice.  There is blue ray energy center blockage as its causing me a lot of problems and distress.  Can anyone give me some techniques or exercises to help me open my blue ray energy center?  This seems to be a major energy center I'm struggling with.  Thank you so much!

A large amount of instances of blue ray blockage is not independently just blue ray. Blue ray blockage a lot of the time is interconnected with one or more other centers.

In my opinion the first step is declaring honesty and "transparency" with the creation and others around you. Apart of being able to fully do this is acceptance of the self, on an orange to yellow ray. As well as having the wisdom of knowing your Infinite worth(indigo). However just setting your Will to being comoletely honest with your self, the creation, and others. Has alot of impact on polarity, and the ability to do work in consciousness.

That's a very perceptive description.

Blue is the energy of truth. It is sharp. It requires softening through melding with green in 6th, but before getting there, the sharp reality of blue truth must be manifested in 5th.

This applies to both actual densities of 5th and 6th, and also each sub-density of every density, like 5th of 3th and 6th of 3th.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - Infinite Unity - 02-11-2019

(02-11-2019, 06:56 PM)unity100 Wrote:
(02-08-2019, 12:25 PM)Infinite Unity Wrote:
(06-15-2011, 02:26 PM)Horishi Wrote: Hello I'm seeking help and advice.  There is blue ray energy center blockage as its causing me a lot of problems and distress.  Can anyone give me some techniques or exercises to help me open my blue ray energy center?  This seems to be a major energy center I'm struggling with.  Thank you so much!

A large amount of instances of blue ray blockage is not independently just blue ray. Blue ray blockage a lot of the time is interconnected with one or more other centers.

In my opinion the first step is declaring honesty and "transparency" with the creation and others around you. Apart of being able to fully do this is acceptance of the self, on an orange to yellow ray. As well as having the wisdom of knowing your Infinite worth(indigo). However just setting your Will to being comoletely honest with your self, the creation, and others. Has alot of impact on polarity, and the ability to do work in consciousness.

That's a very perceptive description.

Blue is the energy of truth. It is sharp. It requires softening through melding with green in 6th, but before getting there, the sharp reality of blue truth must be manifested in 5th.

This applies to both actual densities of 5th and 6th, and also each sub-density of every density, like 5th of 3th and 6th of 3th.

I like how you describe it as sharp. I think that is fitting. I see it as the ultimate wisdom is intertwined or inexplicably the the same as ultimate truth: Forbodding on the piercability of this sharpness.

I see it as using blue ray as harmonizing, or more descripitively as bringing wisdom to each subsequent level. Having an overall "magnitude" rather than a delineated chronological effect, which it would have, but as the energy centers are all interconnected. Theres really all kind of matchups, effects, or outcomes. I think it would be heavily dependent on the pre-formed distortions. As ultimately uniqueness is no doubt wrapped up or potentiated through:distortion.

RE: Blue Ray Energy Center Blockage - unity100 - 02-12-2019

(02-11-2019, 08:56 PM)Infinite Unity Wrote: I see it as using blue ray as harmonizing, or more descripitively as bringing wisdom to each subsequent level.

I would label it more as a trait of 6th density energies, or indigo.