Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Printable Version

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RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Black Dragon - 04-24-2020

(04-24-2020, 05:45 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote: I don't think you need to send it to me, it sounds like it was written for you and you only Smile

also, btw, you frequently impress me with your observations of your own conditions..... I think it's really cool how you can look at your behaviors and perceptions from such a neutral perspective... just sayin
Thanks, lol...if I wasn't able to do at least that, then I'd really be up s***'s creek without a paddle.

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - schubert - 04-25-2020

(04-11-2020, 11:28 AM)Diana Wrote: That is a nice thought. I'd like to think this reality is evolving toward less misery and suffering.

The whole mechanism of harvest, and placing the veil in order for learning (polarizing) to occur "more efficiently" doesn't really square (in my mind) with free will and being outside the construct of linear time. I'm not sure why evolution of consciousness needs "pushing" in this way. Maybe it has something to do with stasis or inertia, and a system that doesn't evolve (quickly enough) becomes toxic.  

Any thoughts?

i think the veil's purpose is removing the knowing that we're all one so it's even possible to have these types of experiences in the first place. you can't have the experience of choosing not to selfish unless the option of being selfish is actually attractive on some level. if you know you're all one, then being selfish wouldn't make any sense and wouldn't be a real option, there'd be no opportunity for choice. imagine if everyone was their ideal higher self, totally compassionate and wise and all of that, there'd be no duality of good and bad actions.

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - flofrog - 04-25-2020

(04-25-2020, 06:53 AM)schubert Wrote:
(04-11-2020, 11:28 AM)Diana Wrote: That is a nice thought. I'd like to think this reality is evolving toward less misery and suffering.

The whole mechanism of harvest, and placing the veil in order for learning (polarizing) to occur "more efficiently" doesn't really square (in my mind) with free will and being outside the construct of linear time. I'm not sure why evolution of consciousness needs "pushing" in this way. Maybe it has something to do with stasis or inertia, and a system that doesn't evolve (quickly enough) becomes toxic.  

Any thoughts?

i think the veil's purpose is removing the knowing that we're all one so it's even possible to have these types of experiences in the first place. you can't have the experience of choosing not to selfish unless the option of being selfish is actually attractive on some level. if you know you're all one, then being selfish wouldn't make any sense and wouldn't be a real option, there'd be no opportunity for choice. imagine if everyone was their ideal higher self, totally compassionate and wise and all of that, there'd be no duality of good and bad actions.

lol schubert, reading your last sentence nearly sounds it would be pretty boring BigSmile that's how deep we are in our perspective of 3 D !! Heart how good it is we have a long way to heal and progress !!! BigSmile

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Diana - 04-25-2020

(04-25-2020, 06:53 AM)schubert Wrote:
(04-11-2020, 11:28 AM)Diana Wrote: That is a nice thought. I'd like to think this reality is evolving toward less misery and suffering.

The whole mechanism of harvest, and placing the veil in order for learning (polarizing) to occur "more efficiently" doesn't really square (in my mind) with free will and being outside the construct of linear time. I'm not sure why evolution of consciousness needs "pushing" in this way. Maybe it has something to do with stasis or inertia, and a system that doesn't evolve (quickly enough) becomes toxic.  

Any thoughts?

i think the veil's purpose is removing the knowing that we're all one so it's even possible to have these types of experiences in the first place. you can't have the experience of choosing not to selfish unless the option of being selfish is actually attractive on some level. if you know you're all one, then being selfish wouldn't make any sense and wouldn't be a real option, there'd be no opportunity for choice. imagine if everyone was their ideal higher self, totally compassionate and wise and all of that, there'd be no duality of good and bad actions.


But it seems to me that in creating the experience for free will, some of free will has been usurped. Something else made the decision for the veil. If entities were left to themselves without veiling, so what if they don't choose selfish things because they know they are one with all? I'm not saying one way or the other is good or bad. Just saying that there is a paradox here.

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Black Dragon - 04-25-2020

I find myself somewhere in between the perspectives that "this is all great and perfect as it is and that's what makes it an exciting adventure" and "the veiling of 3d was a flat out mistake that caused more problems than it solved". I think it's about intensity and magnitude, moderation and balance.

Some veiling, some adversity, and some suffering here and there, and some duality set the stage for growth, for adventure, and for an interesting and meaningful journey that could give us new ways to relate to ourselves, each other, and the whole. What we have is what appears to be an overcorrection, a veil that is so thick, adversity and suffering that's so pervasive, it really doesn't give many people the opportunity to have an "exciting adventure" or to fully exercise the free will it was mean to give us. Look at how many people are just stuck in a rut being bombarded with too much catalyst. So now, we once again have stagnation, but not a peaceful, lazy, happy stagnation like before the veil, but a miserable, oppressive stagnation of just not being able to crawl our from under the crosses we bear.

Look at how many people never get a chance to exercise their free will or to "self-actualize", because they are so busy just trying to meet the most basic red ray needs of survival, perhaps going to far as to dig out of trash to feed their families(on a planet that gives us everything to meet our physical needs, yet a society that mismanages our resources so poorly because of STS controlling all our governing functions and most business related stuff and economics, and then screams THERES JUST TOO MANY MOUTHS TO FEED) or on the contrary, people who have all the red ray s*** they could ever want but are so miserable in other ways such as mental health that it just doesn't matter.

I see 3d as bursting with all the opportunities for growth and adventure, and excitement, and such a beautiful planet, and all these potentials are wasted for most people, because they just can't get out of the societal rut and the constant bombardment of overly harsh catalyst that they don't even have the time or capacity to process before the next thing hits, and it all just goes into the pain body and builds and builds and fucking builds, a new wound before the last one can even be healed.

I think some percentage of the problem is just the unique situation our planet is in. Other worlds may be under the same veiling system, but experience the drawbacks less harshly and make something good out of it(think the little gnarly plant guys from Sirius who already have a SMC in 3d), because of the way their culture is, and because they either had proper guidance or were completely left alone to develop, where Earth history is replete with blundering dickhead beings from other planets and densities manipulating us at every turn in ways that just reflected and extended their own conflicts and distortions. Spoon feeding occult knowledge into the hands of a few spoiled pieces of trash to use it to serve themselves at the expense of the rest of us, and then leaving us holding the bag and refusing to extend that knowledge to everyone else(which would create chaos, but at least it would be fair chaos instead of oppressive order).

So that raises an interesting the current veiling system so dysfunctional for every planet that goes through 3d, or are the unique conditions and history of our own planet really what's more predominantly the cause of this problem?

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Agua - 04-25-2020


RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Sacred Fool - 04-25-2020

Standing on the outside and gazing inwards through the perceptual fog towards the heart of the matter offers a person one perspective, but imagine for a moment how it looks to one standing upon the sacred ground of the heart-of-being who gazes outwards to you looking inward.  It all seems so naively simple, so uncomplicated to enter into the essence of one's very own being.  There's no distance to travel, no external elements required.  One simply accepts one's own deepest self.  What could be more natural?

I'm just trying to point out that, prior to orating upon the drawbacks of a particular system of conscious developement, perhaps you might wish to consider more than just your own temporal, personal perspective?  There's so much more out there, dude....which to say, "in there."

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Black Dragon - 04-25-2020

I think I'm starting to get it. I've overanalyzed and beaten the topic to death already, as I've done with several other related topics, just to realize it's a matter of perspective and perception, and if I change those things to what is more at the core of my being, my relationship to the whole "architecture" changes and it's not defined by that negative and limiting definition any more. It's hard in all that perceptual fog to see how simple it can be sometimes. The mind always wants to complicate s***.

I have been Looking at and contemplating Agua's latest postings on the subject of polarity as well. Long held beliefs don't necessarily all go away overnight, but I am willing to look at things from another point of view and change my perspective. I don't know what else to really add other than I'll simply be reading up on things, maybe asking questions here and there and trying to step outside of the box of my overactive mind and ego conditioned beliefs. Doesn't mean I don't still feel bad about all the things that are messed up in life, that's part of empathy and just natural to want betterment for the human condition, but I can only really have any impact on that starting with myself.

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Aion - 04-25-2020

The mind has long been associated with the element of air and I think this is apt. It wants to be open and free, but when it gets bottled up, built up on an idea, it can become volatile and explosive.

I would offer a simple suggestion for you. Spend more time meditating on space, include space in your meditations, the big open sky, endless expanse.

There is much more room to breath than people think.

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Sacred Fool - 04-25-2020

(04-25-2020, 03:09 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: ...if I change those things to what is more at the core of my being, my relationship to the whole "architecture" changes and it's not defined by that negative and limiting definition any more.

This could, alas, end up sounding may wish to consider whether or not you are hitching up the cart to the horse in the bass-ackwards position.  By adjusting your perception, can you really change those things to be in alignment with the core of your being?  Are you really the master at the control board?  Do you really have the clarity and the power to do anything close to that?  Or are you more on a hamster wheel, burning up your energy running away from this and towards that?  (And this really is for you to say, not for me.)

I used the term earlier, "naively simple."  In a sense, that simplicity of communion with one's deepest self is only accessible through crystalline naive faith.  In another sense, one could say that it's wholly naive to expect that through cognitive rearrangement of things we can crash through the gates of our inner being.

I would say that it's not the fog which impedes you, brother, but the general attitude (read: Purity) with which you present yourself to your deeper self.  But those are just my own foggy perceptions.


RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Bora137 - 05-01-2020

For 15 years I felt the same way as you. Though I had no knowledge of LOO and I was mainly agnostic, swinging between the accepted view that life is just accident, and occasionally believing there must be some logic. Really the only thing that got me through was sts pride. I hated with an unending passion all those who looked down on me and belittled me in my wretched state. I sent hate upon hate on them. I watched my best years pass in pain and hatred from those who once loved me. I was enveloped in hate and pain and on a number of occasions almost died. Though I suppose I can't say that for sure as something kept me in this realm so perhaps I was never near dying. My mind was a living hell. I look back on that time now with thanks that I went through it. In that time the greatest gifts were bestowed on me but only a decade later can I appreciate them. I don't think I will get to 4th after this incarnation but I don't mind. There is meaning here when before for me there never was. We live within a deep illusion we have not the capacity to understand. Buckle in and plumb the depths my friend, go without love, live without meaning.

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Navaratna - 05-01-2020

(05-01-2020, 05:31 PM)Bora137 Wrote: For 15 years I felt the same way as you. Though I had no knowledge of LOO and I was mainly agnostic, swinging between the accepted view that life is just accident, and occasionally believing there must be some logic. Really the only thing that got me through was sts pride. I hated with an unending passion all those who looked down on me and belittled me in my wretched state. I sent hate upon hate on them. I watched my best years pass in pain and hatred from those who once loved me. I was enveloped in hate and pain and on a number of occasions almost died. Though I suppose I can't say that for sure as something kept me in this realm so perhaps I was never near dying. My mind was a living hell. I look back on that time now with thanks that I went through it. In that time the greatest gifts were bestowed on me but only a decade later can I appreciate them. I don't think I will get to 4th after this incarnation but I don't mind. There is meaning here when before for me there never was. We live within a deep illusion we have not the capacity to understand. Buckle in and plumb the depths my friend, go without love, live without meaning.

I think it's an enormous misconception people think that they "get to 4th"

4th density is mentioned as green ray multiple times throughout the text.
4th is heart/anahata chakra Green on the ROYGBIV corresponding to the chakras [endocrine system/spinal nerve clusters]

The way I read comments speaking about getting 4th makes me picture someone thinking they haven't developed a heart yet

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - flofrog - 05-01-2020

Wonderful words Bora, welcome here. Smile

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - schubert - 05-02-2020

(04-25-2020, 01:16 PM)Diana Wrote: Understood.

But it seems to me that in creating the experience for free will, some of free will has been usurped. Something else made the decision for the veil. If entities were left to themselves without veiling, so what if they don't choose selfish things because they know they are one with all? I'm not saying one way or the other is good or bad. Just saying that there is a paradox here.

if entities are without veiling and don't choose selfish things, that's not a problem at all.. if consciousness doesn't desire the experiences that come with being veiled BigSmile if it does, then i think consciousness would create that opportunity and the parts of it that are interested would incarnate into those experiences like we seem to find ourselves here BigSmile

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - schubert - 05-02-2020

(04-25-2020, 02:16 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: I think some percentage of the problem is just the unique situation our planet is in. Other worlds may be under the same veiling system, but experience the drawbacks less harshly and make something good out of it(think the little gnarly plant guys from Sirius who already have a SMC in 3d), because of the way their culture is, and because they either had proper guidance or were completely left alone to develop, where Earth history is replete with blundering dickhead beings from other planets and densities manipulating us at every turn in ways that just reflected and extended their own conflicts and distortions. Spoon feeding occult knowledge into the hands of a few spoiled pieces of trash to use it to serve themselves at the expense of the rest of us, and then leaving us holding the bag and refusing to extend that knowledge to everyone else(which would create chaos, but at least it would be fair chaos instead of oppressive order).

So that raises an interesting the current veiling system so dysfunctional for every planet that goes through 3d, or are the unique conditions and history of our own planet really what's more predominantly the cause of this problem?

you might be interested in this: "Dialogue with "Hidden Hand", Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider" it talks about the purpose behind the sts beings and helped me out. of course read it with a grain of salt considering the supposed source BigSmile there's a new q&a as well but i haven't read it

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Navaratna - 05-02-2020

This conversation reminds me of the character in the Matrix who turns out to be a traitor. He doesn't care if something is real or not, he thinks life living in a lie is better because it beats being on a robotic ship while being hunted by killer machines and eating synthetic food for years. The fakeness of the sensations in the Matrix feel real enough to him. I think a lot of people in real life are like him in a way. They'd rather just settle for a boring life because questioning doesn't satisfy the ego adequately. I've witnessed or overheard countless people partake in a conversation about the nature of the mind and simply trying to shut it down because they'd rather just live a life where everything seems ordinary to them. I don't tell people they need to think a certain way.

There's no reason to get upset over the behavior of people. It's the difference between a normal person and a religious mormon. You feel so strong about this spiritual awareness? "Well I better don some religious attire and go door to door to prove that I am correct" maybe they have good intentions for the most part but they don't win respect.

And in this scene, coincidentally they say 'denying people free will is denying humanity to humans'

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - unity100 - 05-04-2020

How about watching some comedy series. Netflix has pretty good ones.

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Diana - 05-04-2020

(05-04-2020, 12:44 PM)unity100 Wrote: How about watching some comedy series. Netflix has pretty good ones.

Yes—great recommendation. It's true that doing so can lighten one's mood.

Schitt's Creek and IT Crowd are two hilarious series.

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Asolsutsesvyl - 05-04-2020

I remember when I was feeling down about half a decade ago. I did benefit from watching comedy, but the type I went for was George Carlin, clips of whom are numerous on YouTube. That kind of dark humor, pointing to the absurdities and illusions people maintain, from "soft language" masking reality to religion to politics and more, made me laugh quite a bit. It helped me arrive at a somewhat more detached position toward all those things about which George Carlin points out that "It's all bullshit, and it's bad for you."

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - flofrog - 05-04-2020

Shitt's Creek is just awesome !!! BigSmile

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Scah - 05-04-2020


RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - flofrog - 05-05-2020

I like David so much that in some episodes.. I shed tears !! Wink

RE: Dark Night, Hatred, Shadow Work, and Acceptance(Please Pray for Me). - Diana - 05-05-2020

(05-05-2020, 01:20 PM)flofrog Wrote: I like David so much that in some episodes.. I shed tears !! Wink

David is my favorite and he is just so adorable. Smile

My second fave is Moira. She is so over-the-top amusing. Beyond that, I love all the characters.

David (Daniel Levy) and the Johnny (Eugene Levy) are father and son in real life, and the two of them created this show.