Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Printable Version

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RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 09-08-2011
"ANOTHER X-FLARE: Earth-orbiting satellites have detected another strong flare from sunspot 1283. The X1.8-class event at 2238 UT on Sept. 7th produced a bright flash of extreme UV radiation and hurled an inky-dark plume of plasma into space.

This is the third significant flare from sunspot 1283 since Sept. 6th. All three eruptions propelled CMEs in the general direction of Earth. Not one of the CMEs, however, will hit our planet squarely. Glancing blows from the three clouds will commence sometime on Sept. 9th and continue through Sept. 11th, possibly sparking minor geomagnetic storms."

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 09-08-2011

Power out for millions in Calif., Ariz., Mexico

Quote:SAN DIEGO (AP) — More than 2 million people on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border were left without power Thursday after a major outage that extended from Arizona to southern California, including San Diego, the eighth largest U.S. city.
Mike Niggli, chief operating officer of San Diego Gas & Electric Co. ruled out terrorism but said the cause is unclear.
"To my knowledge this is the first time we've lost an entire system," he said at a news conference.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Monica - 09-08-2011

(09-08-2011, 02:51 AM)unity100 Wrote: coupled with these, it is rather straightforward to conclude that these information had to do with south american group. distorted or undistorted.

since they are also preparing for harvest, a calendar that tracks cycles and ends at a certain date, becomes important.

Thank you for the explanation. But why are we putting so much trust in something that may have been distorted? And we really don't know much about who created the calendar, or when or why? How is it any different from, say, Bible prophecies, that apparently were devised to confuse the gullible? How do we know that STS entities didn't create the calendars just to f%$@ with us?

We know that Earth is transitioning to 4D vibrations...but Ra said it's already 4D...then said the Harvest is now. How can all these facts be reconciled?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-08-2011

(09-08-2011, 10:40 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:
(09-08-2011, 02:51 AM)unity100 Wrote: coupled with these, it is rather straightforward to conclude that these information had to do with south american group. distorted or undistorted.

since they are also preparing for harvest, a calendar that tracks cycles and ends at a certain date, becomes important.

Thank you for the explanation. But why are we putting so much trust in something that may have been distorted?

the distortion about the teachings was named to be turning the places of learning to places of human sacrifice.

in addition a calendar that has cyclic frequencies that overlap, is not easy to distort. it becomes more reliable especially if you can confirm it through the recent series of natural events and solar activity that started since march 9.

Quote:And we really don't know much about who created the calendar, or when or why? How is it any different from, say, Bible prophecies, that apparently were devised to confuse the gullible? How do we know that STS entities didn't create the calendars just to f%$@ with us?

some of the information was already explained in the post before, and some rationalization in the above block.

moreover, seeing everything as a sts corruption is rather paranoid. sts entities seek to bolster elitism, warlike behavior and control. if there are things that can be exploited in these directions, it is rather inefficient for them to attempt distorting stuff like calendar dates.

if one proposes that it is to instill fear, fear is not the priority of sts entities. it is the affliction of our own societal mind, and we seem to see it negative and attribute a lot of stuff to negatives in that regard, but sts entities mainly want to enslave through elitism by creating elites that will serve under them and enslave others. this is the mechanic of negative path. anything else would take the secondary stage.

Quote:We know that Earth is transitioning to 4D vibrations...but Ra said it's already 4D...then said the Harvest is now. How can all these facts be reconciled?

'harvest is now' = harvest is imminent. if harvest was happening at that point, ra would say that harvest was happening at that point, and the nazis who have died would be named as harvested, or unharvested - not probably harvestable.

4d vibrations have no relevance to harvest. its earth moving to a 4d vibration spectrum in time/space. harvest happened 2 times before on this planet without earth moving into 4d vibrations.

we have actually reiterated these maybe 10 times during discussions in the last 4 threads. probably you missed these.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Raman - 09-08-2011

Quote: ....4d vibrations have no relevance to harvest. its earth moving to a 4d vibration spectrum in time/space. harvest happened 2 times before on this planet without earth moving into 4d vibrations.

we have actually reiterated these maybe 10 times during discussions in the last 4 threads. probably you missed these.

Lets reiterate something else: End of the cycle harvest is the great harvest. This implies 3d vibrations end when 'all are harvested regardless of progress". Will this imply the planet going to 4d activated right then. Maybe or maybe not. If 'all are harvested' something huge must happen for this to occur. Seems like the earth might have a break period to adjust to 4d activation after harvest.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 09-09-2011
Quote:MERCURY-DIRECTED CME: On Sept 8th around 2300 UT, the SOHO and STEREO spacecraft detected a significant CME emerging from the farside of the sun. Earth is not in the line of fire, but the planet Mercury is. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab estimate that the cloud will reach the innermost planet on Sept. 9th at 12:00 UT (plus minus 7 hours). Click to view a movie of their CME model:

NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft is in orbit around Mercury, so it will have a front row seat for the impact. Researchers are keen to learn how Mercury's magnetosphere responds to CMEs. In particular, they wonder if CMEs can overpower Mercury's magnetic field and sputter atoms right off the planet's surface. Thanks to the Goddard forecast, MESSENGER's controllers know the CME is coming, and they can prepare to observe the impact.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - native - 09-09-2011

Incorrect. Ra wasn't talking about the nazi's current state in regards to the harvest. They were being general, and they made this specifically clear because they knew the statement would be taken out of context..
Quote:35.1 It is to be noted that in discussing those who are well-known among your peoples there is the possibility that information may be seen to be specific to one entity whereas in actuality the great design of experience is much the same for each entity. It is with this in mind that we would discuss the experiential forces which offered catalyst to an individual.

Quote:35.5 Thank you. That is an important example I believe. I was wondering if any of those who were subordinate to Adolf at that time were able to polarize in a harvestable nature on the negative path?

I am Ra. We can speak only of two entities who may be harvestable in a negative sense, others still being in the physical incarnation: one known to you as Hermann; the other known, as it preferred to be called, Himmler.

Harvestable in this sentence does not refer to the present tense as Ra has warned in his first response. Ra is saying that 'harvestable' will be taken out of context. Which it is often argued. So those that are interested in transitory and misleading material interpret the question incorrectly. Ra is using known entities as examples, not as fact. Ra wasn't saying Goering and Himmler are waiting to be harvested.."there is the possibility that information may be seen to be specific to one entity whereas in actuality the great design of experience is much the same for each entity."

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-09-2011

(09-09-2011, 10:47 AM)Icaro Wrote: Incorrect. Ra wasn't talking about the nazi's current state in regards to the harvest. They were being general, and they made this specifically clear because they knew the statement would be taken out of context..
Quote:35.1 It is to be noted that in discussing those who are well-known among your peoples there is the possibility that information may be seen to be specific to one entity whereas in actuality the great design of experience is much the same for each entity. It is with this in mind that we would discuss the experiential forces which offered catalyst to an individual.

Quote:35.5 Thank you. That is an important example I believe. I was wondering if any of those who were subordinate to Adolf at that time were able to polarize in a harvestable nature on the negative path?

I am Ra. We can speak only of two entities who may be harvestable in a negative sense, others still being in the physical incarnation: one known to you as Hermann; the other known, as it preferred to be called, Himmler.

Harvestable in this sentence does not refer to the present tense as Ra has warned in his first response. Ra is saying that 'harvestable' will be taken out of context. Which it is often argued. So those that are interested in transitory and misleading material interpret the question incorrectly. Ra is using known entities as examples, not as fact. Ra wasn't saying Goering and Himmler are waiting to be harvested.."there is the possibility that information may be seen to be specific to one entity whereas in actuality the great design of experience is much the same for each entity."

ra is not saying 'harvestable' will be taken out of context. you promptly made it up again.


edit : how can you possibly interpret the below as 'ra says these will be taken out of context in regard to harvest' ?

""there is the possibility that information may be seen to be specific to one entity whereas in actuality the great design of experience is much the same for each entity.""

it basically says these information regarding specific entities may be taken as specific to one entity, whereas the great design of experience is much the same for each entity ?

huh ?

here again :

"It is to be noted that in discussing those who are well-known among your peoples there is the possibility that information may be seen to be specific to one entity whereas in actuality the great design of experience is much the same for each entity."

let me translate into street speak :

[b]when talking about well known people, it is possible that you may think these information are specific to those people, BUT actually the grand design of experience is the same for any person.

i dont see any point in talking these with you. if need be, you will come up and say Ra saying 'i am Ra' totally invalidates whatever you dont like to see. i will have to politely excuse myself from discussing anything with you.

edit : but before explain to me how you are able to 'interpret' that sentence, as 'ra says people will take this information regarding 'harvest''.

was in red range just a little while ago. now even in its rather lower state, its at green minimum.

first cmes of the last wave reached earth.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-09-2011

tho in general a conspiracy forum, this place is a good place to get some news. (1% of the time - but when true, news are really good).

the above thread is curious in that, a lot of people are complaining about sudden tiredom today - which coincides with the cme arrival.

i had had posted this here because at one time i was experiencing the same thing when there was cme bombardment.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 09-09-2011

hmmmm. astrology could use a cme meter all around. It could make it more complex. ..... if only all the variables were calculable... "overview" would be sweet

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 09-10-2011

(09-08-2011, 11:26 PM)Raman Wrote:
Quote: ....4d vibrations have no relevance to harvest. its earth moving to a 4d vibration spectrum in time/space. harvest happened 2 times before on this planet without earth moving into 4d vibrations.

we have actually reiterated these maybe 10 times during discussions in the last 4 threads. probably you missed these.

Lets reiterate something else: End of the cycle harvest is the great harvest. This implies 3d vibrations end when 'all are harvested regardless of progress". Will this imply the planet going to 4d activated right then. Maybe or maybe not. If 'all are harvested' something huge must happen for this to occur. Seems like the earth might have a break period to adjust to 4d activation after harvest.

Where is the love in this moment? Heart
(08-30-2011, 12:11 AM)unity100 Wrote: also a good point of note is the curious situation of Ra at the end of their first 2 cycles - what did Ra do after they got harvested to numbers of 6 million in first cycle ? did they leave the planet for a temporary 4d planet ? or did they incarnate as if wanderers ? this was not at all mentioned. or did they wait in time/space, not to mention that time flows differently in these two dimensions apparently. if it is possible to form a 4d sphere with sufficient number of 4d harvestees, did they create such a sphere and live it in venus ?

That is a good point of note. Do you have a hypothesis regarding these?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-10-2011

(09-10-2011, 01:50 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(08-30-2011, 12:11 AM)unity100 Wrote: also a good point of note is the curious situation of Ra at the end of their first 2 cycles - what did Ra do after they got harvested to numbers of 6 million in first cycle ? did they leave the planet for a temporary 4d planet ? or did they incarnate as if wanderers ? this was not at all mentioned. or did they wait in time/space, not to mention that time flows differently in these two dimensions apparently. if it is possible to form a 4d sphere with sufficient number of 4d harvestees, did they create such a sphere and live it in venus ?

That is a good point of note. Do you have a hypothesis regarding these?

im done discussing harvest related matters with you for some time.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 09-10-2011

(08-28-2011, 11:03 PM)unity100 Wrote: even with Ra's harmonious harvest the harvest rate was only 5%. this would mean that harvest rates would be lower for mixed harvests.

(08-31-2011, 12:54 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: Actually it was six million out of thirty, about 20%.

Thanks for catching this numerical slip up.

(09-09-2011, 09:27 PM)unity100 Wrote:

tho in general a conspiracy forum, this place is a good place to get some news. (1% of the time - but when true, news are really good).

the above thread is curious in that, a lot of people are complaining about sudden tiredom today - which coincides with the cme arrival.

i had had posted this here because at one time i was experiencing the same thing when there was cme bombardment.

I concur in noting symptoms during CME events in myself and others, as well as obviously flareups in this forum. However I would still be skeptical about GLP. The place is crawling with trolls, and you might be overlooking the upcoming 10th anniversary of the Twin Towers incident. So people will both be uneasy, and be trolling about being uneasy, despite the CME or not.


Incidentally, doesn't the Star follow the Tower in the sequence of the major arcana? I wonder if this ties into elenin and three other comets incoming at this time. Makes sense.

Which, and maybe I am making "grand conclusions" here, but wouldn't harvest be represented by the Judgement card? And if so... what sort of events might be represented by the Sun and the Moon cards?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-11-2011

1.5 days to 6th day apex, and pressure has gone up and kept up.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 09-11-2011

(09-11-2011, 05:46 AM)unity100 Wrote:

1.5 days to 6th day apex, and pressure has gone up and kept up.

I've been watching it for three days. I have seen some extremely low pressures. I don't know why you would say this.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 09-13-2011

(09-11-2011, 08:03 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: I've been watching it for three days. I have seen some extremely low pressures. I don't know why you would say this.

Would you mind recapping for me why you have been watching this, and what is being hypothesized that a high/low pressure signifies?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 09-13-2011

(09-13-2011, 12:06 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(09-11-2011, 08:03 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: I've been watching it for three days. I have seen some extremely low pressures. I don't know why you would say this.

Would you mind recapping for me why you have been watching this, and what is being hypothesized that a high/low pressure signifies?

I've been watching to see what the CMEs would look like. Nothing more than curiosity. Unity100 brought the site to my attention. I believe he would like to correlate the earth's magnetosphere, the sun's plasma emissions on the magnetosphere, and the Mayan day/night calendar of this thread.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 09-13-2011

(09-08-2011, 02:30 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: I totally admit to being very ignorant here, but just how are their predictions any different from, say, Biblical prophecies? (Aside from being way more technically intelligent, of course.) But do we know anything about the polarity of the Mayans? Is the emperor wearing any clothes?

1.4 Wrote:Questioner: Could you give me a little more detail about your role with the Egyptians?

Ra: I am Ra. The identity of the vibration Ra is our identity. We as a group, or what you would call a social memory complex, made contact with a race of your planetary kind which you call Egyptians. Others from our density made contact at the same time in South America, and the so-called “lost cities” were their attempts to contribute to the Law of One.

We spoke to one who heard and understood and was in a position to decree the Law of One. However, the priests and peoples of that era quickly distorted our message, robbing it of the, shall we say, compassion with which unity is informed by its very nature. Since it contains all, it cannot abhor any.

When we were no longer able to have appropriate channels through which to enunciate the Law of One, we removed ourselves from the now hypocritical position which we had allowed ourselves to be placed in. And other myths, shall we say, other understandings, having more to do with polarity and the things of your vibrational complex, again took over in that particular society complex.

14.4 Wrote:Questioner: I understand from previous material that this occurred 75,000 years ago. It was then that our third-density process of evolution began. Can you tell me the history, hitting only the points of development, shall I say, that occurred within this 75,000 years, any point when contact was made to aid this development?

Ra: I am Ra. The first attempt to aid your peoples was at the time 75,000. This attempt 75,000 of your years ago has been previously described by us. The next attempt was approximately 58,000 of your years ago, continuing for a long period in your measurement, with those of Mu as you call this race or mind/body/spirit social complex. The next attempt was long in coming and occurred approximately 13,000 of your years ago when some intelligent information was offered to those of Atlantis, this being of the same type of healing and crystal working of which we have spoken previously. The next attempt was 11,000 of your years ago. These are approximations as we are not totally able to process your space/time continuum measurement system. This was in what you call Egypt and of this we have also spoken. The same beings who came with us returned approximately 3,500 years later in order to attempt to aid the South American mind/body/spirit social complex once again. However, the pyramids of those so-called cities were not to be used in the appropriate fashion.

Therefore, this was not pursued further. There was a landing approximately 3,000 of your years ago also in your South America, as you call it. There were a few attempts to aid your peoples approximately 2,300 years ago, this in the area of Egypt. The remaining part of the cycle, we have never been gone from your fifth dimension and have been working in this last minor cycle to prepare for harvest.

23.16 Wrote:Questioner: I understand, if I am correct, that a South American contact was also made. Can you tell me of the nature of your contact with respect to the attitude about the contact, its ramifications, the plan for the contact, and why the people were contacted in South America?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the final full question of this session. The entities who walked among those in your South American continent were called by a similar desire upon the part of the entities therein to learn of the manifestations of the sun. They worshipped this source of light and life.

Thus, these entities were visited by light beings not unlike ourselves. Instructions were given and they were more accepted and less distorted than ours. The entities themselves began to construct a series of underground and hidden cities including pyramid structures.

These pyramids were somewhat at variance from the design that we had promulgated. However, the original ideas were the same with the addition of a desire or intention of creating places of meditation and rest, a feeling of the presence of the One Creator; these pyramids then being for all people, not only initiates and those to be healed.

They left this density when it was discovered that their plans were solidly in motion and, in fact, had been recorded. During the next approximately 3,500 years these plans became, though somewhat distorted, in a state of near-completion in many aspects.

Therefore, as is the case of the breakings of the quarantine, the entity who was helping the South American entities along the South American ways you call in part the Amazon River went before the Council of Saturn to request a second attempt to correct in person the distortions which had occurred in their plans. This having been granted, this entity or social memory complex returned and the entity chosen as messenger came among the peoples once more to correct the errors.

Again, all was recorded and the entity rejoined its social memory complex and left your skies.

As in our experience the teachings were, for the most part, greatly and grossly perverted to the extent in later times of actual human sacrifice rather than healing of humans. Thus, this social memory complex is also given the honor/duty of remaining until those distortions are worked out of the distortion complexes of your peoples.

For additional info, please see this search for "south america".

Also check this out... some exciting news up ahead!

Mayan Secrets to Be Revealed by Mexican Government in '2012' Doc

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-16-2011

as expected, not only cme activity but also quake activity has been quite high during the apex of 6th day in the last 24 to 36 hours.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 09-16-2011

Looks too soft for "activity"

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Richard - 09-16-2011

Quake activity is about normal, I'd say. And all the quakes happened in places with a long history of tectonic activity.

I've been monitoring the site above for a couple of years. That page monitors only tectonic activity above 5.0...but if you dig further into the site, you can pull up historical data for quakes ranging from 1.0-9.0. And there are hundreds of them...on a good day there is over 100 quakes/tremors a day worldwide.

Actually 2011 to date is trending lower than previous years (scroll down a bit to the world chart)

As far as the solar activity. Considering we've only been monitoring it for a relatively short can anyone come to any conclusions based on less than 100 years of close observation?


RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-16-2011

(09-16-2011, 02:27 PM)Richard Wrote: Quake activity is about normal, I'd say. And all the quakes happened in places with a long history of tectonic activity.

I've been monitoring the site above for a couple of years. That page monitors only tectonic activity above 5.0...but if you dig further into the site, you can pull up historical data for quakes ranging from 1.0-9.0. And there are hundreds of them...on a good day there is over 100 quakes/tremors a day worldwide.

there is continually increasing quake activity since last few years. what was meant was not that. the strength of the arriving cme, coinciding with the apex of the mayan day, and these coinciding with quakes above the scale of 6-6.5 to 7 prompted this observation.

what is most important is, this situation has not been specific to this particular mayan day apex. it has repeated itself in all previous days.

Quote:As far as the solar activity. Considering we've only been monitoring it for a relatively short can anyone come to any conclusions based on less than 100 years of close observation?


too many things coinciding, cannot become a coincidence. this is the simplest logic. otherwise, we can keep on bringing in and discussing a lot of pointers and observations to no end.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Richard - 09-16-2011

Unity wrote:

"..too many things coinciding, cannot become a coincidence. this is the simplest logic.."

One might also call that wishful thinking. Just because you want "something" to happen doesn't make it so. If what "you" want infringes on the free will of too many others?

If you click the 2nd link and scroll down a bit? It will bring you to a chart that monitors total worldwide earthquakes for the last 10 yrs. I see no increasing trend. In fact, it looks rather random.


RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 09-16-2011

(09-16-2011, 03:09 PM)unity100 Wrote: too many things coinciding

I don't see any. Where is the data of events correlated into coinciding things?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-16-2011

(09-16-2011, 03:23 PM)Richard Wrote: Unity wrote:

"..too many things coinciding, cannot become a coincidence. this is the simplest logic.."

One might also call that wishful thinking. Just because you want "something" to happen doesn't make it so. If what "you" want infringes on the free will of too many others?

i think by now you would have noticed that i am not someone that subscribes to anything because of want. not to mention that, there is no 'want' or 'un-want' in this situation in my case. i am pretty well set in regard to the necessities and desires of this life. rationally, i shouldnt be 'want'ing what you are claiming i want. however, my concern is for the others.

and, if the infringement of 'will' you are speaking about refers to the possible cessation of life en masse on this planet due to a cosmic event, any entity would have incarnated in full knowledge of this. just because various 'wants' and 'needs' have been created through the common participation in the societal mind, would not change that situation.

any of those entities who would die in such a potential en masse event, would still die with a lot of wants and needs when their time would have come through natural means. there is actually nothing different.

Quote:If you click the 2nd link and scroll down a bit? It will bring you to a chart that monitors total worldwide earthquakes for the last 10 yrs. I see no increasing trend. In fact, it looks rather random.


contradicts my continual personal observations of quake activity in my area, and in other areas in the last 2 years. i will prefer my personal observations.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 09-16-2011

I have been following earthquakes on and off for some time.

Firstly, I would offer this tool to this who are not yet aware of it: IRIS Seismic Monitor

Secondly, I have a working hypothesis that earthquakes -in part- may be caused by cosmic/solar energy that is passed through the core of the earth without having passed through a human body.

Recall, Ra tells us that the "earth changes" are a result of earth entities resisting the changes that are occurring.

Also- we have an unknown number of those with 3D/4D hybrid bodies. I also hypothesize that the 4D portion of the bodies is able to act as a transducer of these particles/energy to the earth, thus mitigating the effects of "earth changes'.

IF this is the case, THEN perhaps as consciousness raises we would perhaps notice an increase in frequency of mild to moderate quakes, with a reduction in strong or severe quakes. One methodology to investigate this would be to calculate the sum total of the seismic energy released during a given time period, rather than simply count up the number of quakes.

Secondly- let us not overlook the possibility of man-made quakes using HAARP, underground nukes, and the like. This would make it more difficult to draw any firm conclusions from such an investigation.

For example, look at this group of quakes between 21 and 23 Aug:

23-AUG-2011 17:51:03 37.97 -77.97 5.9 1.0 VIRGINIA
23-AUG-2011 05:46:19 37.14 -104.67 5.5 4.9 COLORADO
23-AUG-2011 14:28:55 36.47 71.24 4.8 75.0 AFGHANISTAN-TAJIKISTAN BORD REG.
22-AUG-2011 15:26:11 37.42 141.43 4.4 45.1 NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
21-AUG-2011 06:14:19 37.67 23.21 4.3 122.2 SOUTHERN GREECE

Notice that all these quakes occurred within 1.5 degrees of latitude. This appears to be beyond "chance".

Just some things to ponder.

Also here is some scientific evidence linking solar activity to human behavior and disease:

NewsDaily: Riots, wild markets: Did space storms drive us mad?

Influence of local geomagnetic storms on arterial ... [Bioelectromagnetics. 2004] - PubMed result

Sunspot dynamics are reflected in human physiology... [Astrobiology. 2011] - PubMed result

Traffic accidents and environmental physical activ... [Int J Biometeorol. 2009] - PubMed result

Changes in autoimmune markers of the anti-cardioli... [J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol. 2006] - PubMe

Schizophrenia and season of birth: relationship to... [Schizophr Res. 2004] - PubMed result

Also, surprisingly enough, I also found this study published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta:

Playing the Field: Geomagnetic Storms and International Stock Markets

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-23-2011

6th night of the last wave starts today - 23 sep.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - loop - 09-24-2011

(09-23-2011, 01:10 PM)unity100 Wrote: 6th night of the last wave starts today - 23 sep.

if the October 28th is the correct end date (and i'm not fully confident in this, due to conversions math), the days of the last wave are:
day 1 11-Feb-11 2-Mar-11
night 1 3-Mar-11 22-Mar-11
day 2 23-Mar-11 11-Apr-11
night 2 12-Apr-11 1-May-11
day 3 2-May-11 21-May-11
night 3 22-May-11 10-Jun-11
day 4 11-Jun-11 30-Jun-11
night 4 1-Jul-11 20-Jul-11
day 5 21-Jul-11 9-Aug-11
night 5 10-Aug-11 29-Aug-11
day 6 30-Aug-11 18-Sep-11
night 6 19-Sep-11 8-Oct-11
day 7 9-Oct-11 28-Oct-11

such timeline matches the "split" event as a calumniation of the 5th night and the beginning of the 6th day. So does the Sept 23 for 6th night, I guess.

But none of the two matches a completion gregorian date of 11.11.11 if that is of significance, as many claim it to be. The Oct 28th has been mentioned as a "key" date here and there too ...

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Odinn - 09-24-2011

Johan Calleman:
Quote:"The Cosmic Convergence [of September 23rd] is thus fundamentally about making sure that we ourselves as individuals are the change that we want to see in the world. This may be very uncomfortable if we have much of our past unprocessed. It is then clearly not about putting the blame for the state of affairs on our planet on other people or forces."

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-26-2011

now THIS is pressure.

[Image: image2ib.png]

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