Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Printable Version

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RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 08-29-2011

(08-28-2011, 11:03 PM)unity100 Wrote: population a newly 4d planet with 1 billion 4d souls, would mean 1 billion starter 4d souls. this would necessitate there being recent harvests happened on any number of 3d planets with populations totaling 40 billion entities, if you take 5% harvest rate of Ra.

I was responding to the question of whether the 4D sphere could grow to a population of that size, not whether it would have that many from the beginning. But still you are bringing up interesting points.

unity100 Wrote:billion is not a normal number, and the population number we see on this planet in the magnitude of 6-7 billion would not be attainable in a planet of this size without inordinate amounts of technology being given to the society living there, like it happened here.

Possibly so. Although I would point out that the vast majority of technology we have is aimed at feeding our bodies, moving our bodies around, and passing communication from one body to another. So if these three needs are drastically lessened in 4D, it would not necessitate such a degree of technology.

unity100 Wrote:for that, a mass wanderer wave toiled for approx 200 years. we can be sure that this thing is not the norm, because as the maldek, mars incidents prove, this amount of technology being given to 3d societies can cause grand scale mishaps.

Not the norm, for sure. I can only assume that the saga of earth will continue to be highly unusual as events continue to unfold.

unity100 Wrote:therefore a planet which has not received such excessive technology wouldnt support billions of entities comfortably. moreover, not all logi choose 3d lifeforms that can manipulate the environment - there are sea based bodies, there are trees, there are all kinds of bodies. so, a normal 3d planet would support lower levels of populations, depending on its size.

You lost me. Are you talking about 3D entities on a 3D planet, or 4D entities on a 4D planet?

unity100 Wrote:if we take Ra's numbers of 30 million, and increase it considering venus's size, even ten times a planet the size of venus with ten times resources would sport 300 million. even if you go far to adjust this for other factors and ramp up, and go to 500 million, you still would need 80 average 3d planets having had harvests of their total populations in order to populate this planet with these numbers, right at this time and hour.

80 planets is not inconceivable. [Possibly 88? See below] Also, for all we know there are a few planets out there which are about to have inordinately large harvests. Gotta have balance! But again, I was talking about the total capacity, not the population immediately post-harvest.

unity100 Wrote:AND, all of these harvestees need to be compatible with this logos' archetype, and the conditions and spiritual biases on this planet. even the fact that the spiritual mass of an entity evolved as a giant sea creature would be much bigger than an entity which evolved as a small ape and the incompatibility that would result from these two living in a body or the sea creature living in a body that lies far below its mind/spirit can handle would be a hint.

True. Although this logos seems to be very intent on maximizing the ability of the sphere to support a wide diversity of conditions, spiritual biases, and bodily forms. I am reminded of some ideas put forth by the Pleiadians that the earth is intended to become some sort of galactic library, or repository. Certainly, at this stage of the game it feels much like a zoo!

unity100 Wrote:as you can see, numbers as great as these, do not hold as the densities progress upward. there are even more entities in all kinds of sizes and varieties in 2d than there are in 3d. the 3d population of 6 billion of this planet, cannot be even compared to the numbers of entities or near entities in 2d. however, as you can see, the number of entities also gets reduced from 2d to 3d.

Hrrrmm. Yes, I do see what you are saying. But I'm not sure that I agree with your analysis of the trend:

1D- has 88 naturally occurring elements. Assuming the vast majority of possible naturally-occuring compounds are composed primarily of three elements or less, the number of combinations would be 88!/85!, or about 658K.

2D - currently has 8.7 +/- 1.3 million species. So that is about an order of magnitude greater.

3D - currently has about 7 billion people. Another order of magnitude greater.

Based on this, I would expect the trend to continue into 4D- eventually maximizing at around 7 trillion uniquely identifiable entities, and then the trend would start to reverse around the midpoint of 4D, reaching a minimum of uniquely identifiable entities at the end of 7D.

unity100 Wrote:and if we consider that Ra is only at 60 million at this point, despite any/all entities which joined them during 4, 5 and 6th densities, the proposition gets stronger.

I suppose the real question would be, not how many subentities compose Ra, but how many Ra-like beings there are in the universe.

unity100 Wrote:in short, higher densities are not as populated as some of you seem to believe.

I suppose there is no way to discern for sure from here. But there are a few different questions that seem to be on the table here:

1. What percentage of the overall population of 4D earth will be represented by those newly harvested?

2. What percentage of those newly harvested will have originated from 3D earth?

3. For each entity new to 4D, how many progeny can be expected? (Moreover... what the heck will it mean to procreate, anyway? I think some are assuming that it will be like 3D... where a mom and a dad get together and make babies, and then they all live together in family units.)

4. What is the total theoretical capacity of 4D earth, keeping in mind that physicality is optional?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 08-30-2011

(08-29-2011, 12:14 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
unity100 Wrote:billion is not a normal number, and the population number we see on this planet in the magnitude of 6-7 billion would not be attainable in a planet of this size without inordinate amounts of technology being given to the society living there, like it happened here.

Possibly so. Although I would point out that the vast majority of technology we have is aimed at feeding our bodies, moving our bodies around, and passing communication from one body to another. So if these three needs are drastically lessened in 4D, it would not necessitate such a degree of technology.
You lost me. Are you talking about 3D entities on a 3D planet, or 4D entities on a 4D planet?

i didnt mean it for 4d societies. i meant it for 3d societies, in connection with how many harvests there should be from 3d planets to sport a population that would replace 6 billion. and the factor of technology would determine how big populations 3d societies could support.

Quote:80 planets is not inconceivable. [Possibly 88? See below] Also, for all we know there are a few planets out there which are about to have inordinately large harvests. Gotta have balance! But again, I was talking about the total capacity, not the population immediately post-harvest.

80 planets supporting earth-like populations is inconceivable. just looking back at the mishaps happened here in maldek, mars, this planet is easy to say that if you gave similar levels of technology to these 80 potential 3d planets, you would just end up not only causing mishaps, but also reducing harvests. (see how harvest was told to be going to be very small on this planet). so, it wouldnt statistically be possible or reasonable. moreover, for this kind of technology to work, all the logoi would need to have chosen bodies that are capable of opposable thumbs or similar environment modification heavy bodies, increasing the strength of the veil.

the points above totally leaving out all kinds of spiritual bias compatibilities, and archetype compatibilities in between logoi.

really, on a sidenote this veil thing seems well planned. since its in between conscious/subconscious, any inordinate amount of technology given to a 3d planet strengthens the veil, and decreases the harvest.

Quote:True. Although this logos seems to be very intent on maximizing the ability of the sphere to support a wide diversity of conditions, spiritual biases, and bodily forms. I am reminded of some ideas put forth by the Pleiadians that the earth is intended to become some sort of galactic library, or repository. Certainly, at this stage of the game it feels much like a zoo!

actually it isnt.

in this planet, only conscious-mind heavy, land based creatures that would be comfortable with manipulating their environment to considerable degree are supported. an entity which evolved in a water planet from, say, a jellyfish base, or in another planet as a tree would not be comfortable here.

Quote:1D- has 88 naturally occurring elements. Assuming the vast majority of possible naturally-occuring compounds are composed primarily of three elements or less, the number of combinations would be 88!/85!, or about 658K.

you cannot count the potential number of molecule combinations that may happen as entities of 1d. just like how hominoid monkey body here is not counted as a singular combination/entity, but, there are 7 billion entities, the 'rock beingness' that Ra speaks of, for example, should not be limited to elemental combinations, but entities that inhabit it. just like how animal group souls are. there isnt 1 'pigeon entity'. but, many entities inhabiting pigeon group.

Quote:2D - currently has 8.7 +/- 1.3 million species. So that is about an order of magnitude greater.

same goes here. variety of species do not denote the number of entities in a species.

Quote:3D - currently has about 7 billion people. Another order of magnitude greater.

Based on this, I would expect the trend to continue into 4D- eventually maximizing at around 7 trillion uniquely identifiable entities, and then the trend would start to reverse around the midpoint of 4D, reaching a minimum of uniquely identifiable entities at the end of 7D.

your approach not only starts off on the wrong foot, but also switches in mid-phase : you treated entire species as a single entity in 2d, but then turned to treating entire species/society of humans as multiple entities.

that is not important though - as said, the number of entities is different from potential combinations/types of body that can be used.

Quote:I suppose the real question would be, not how many subentities compose Ra, but how many Ra-like beings there are in the universe.

i dont think so. as Ra says, as the densities go up, the entities become very refined, and even their potential mating choice becomes very, very strict and preferential. this would go the same for any kind of grouping, leave aside forming society complex. and a society complex is something that shares similar tenets with a merger of mind/spirits.

Quote:I suppose there is no way to discern for sure from here. But there are a few different questions that seem to be on the table here:

1. What percentage of the overall population of 4D earth will be represented by those newly harvested?

2. What percentage of those newly harvested will have originated from 3D earth?

3. For each entity new to 4D, how many progeny can be expected? (Moreover... what the heck will it mean to procreate, anyway? I think some are assuming that it will be like 3D... where a mom and a dad get together and make babies, and then they all live together in family units.)

4. What is the total theoretical capacity of 4D earth, keeping in mind that physicality is optional?

the first #2 doesnt matter much, as per the numbers i have proposed earlier. regardless of answers to 1 and 2, this galaxy doesnt seem capable of supporting a 60 million 4d entities per year birth rate to this planet.

actually, in addition, i forgot to mention that any kind of 4d entities arriving from elsewhere would mean that these entities did NOT continue into 4d in their own planet - meaning, they were not in their last cycle. because, if that planet is in its last cycle, then harvest would happen, and the planet would become a positive 4d planet and the entities which had that planet as their home, would NOT leave.

therefore, any entity arriving to this planet as 4d starter would have to either end up getting harvested in first two cycles of a planet, or had to come here through a mishap or anything else. (ie, the sun not supporting 4d enough etc and so on). despite this seem to increase the number potentiality because now there seems to be possibility for harvestee transfers from the first 2 cycles of planets, still all 80 planets would need to be precisely in 1st, or 2nd cycles at this nexus for it to happen.

also a good point of note is the curious situation of Ra at the end of their first 2 cycles - what did Ra do after they got harvested to numbers of 6 million in first cycle ? did they leave the planet for a temporary 4d planet ? or did they incarnate as if wanderers ? this was not at all mentioned. or did they wait in time/space, not to mention that time flows differently in these two dimensions apparently. if it is possible to form a 4d sphere with sufficient number of 4d harvestees, did they create such a sphere and live it in venus ?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - βαθμιαίος - 08-31-2011

(08-28-2011, 11:03 PM)unity100 Wrote: even with Ra's harmonious harvest the harvest rate was only 5%. this would mean that harvest rates would be lower for mixed harvests.

Actually it was six million out of thirty, about 20%.

Quote:89.39 Questioner: I just can’t understand why they would think that a planet that was doing as well as the population of Venus was doing as far as I can tell would need Wanderers in order to help with the harvest. Was this at an early point in Ra’s third density?

Ra: I am Ra. It was in the second cycle of 25,000 years. We had a harvest of six out of thirty, to speak roughly, of millions of mind/body/spirit complexes, less than 20%. Wanderers are always drawn to whatever percentage has not yet polarized, and come when there is a call. There was a call from those which were not positively polarized as such but which sought to be positively polarized and sought wisdom, feeling the compassion of other-selves upon Venus as complacent or pitying towards other-selves.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 08-31-2011

(08-31-2011, 12:54 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:
(08-28-2011, 11:03 PM)unity100 Wrote: even with Ra's harmonious harvest the harvest rate was only 5%. this would mean that harvest rates would be lower for mixed harvests.

Actually it was six million out of thirty, about 20%.

Quote:89.39 Questioner: I just can’t understand why they would think that a planet that was doing as well as the population of Venus was doing as far as I can tell would need Wanderers in order to help with the harvest. Was this at an early point in Ra’s third density?

Ra: I am Ra. It was in the second cycle of 25,000 years. We had a harvest of six out of thirty, to speak roughly, of millions of mind/body/spirit complexes, less than 20%. Wanderers are always drawn to whatever percentage has not yet polarized, and come when there is a call. There was a call from those which were not positively polarized as such but which sought to be positively polarized and sought wisdom, feeling the compassion of other-selves upon Venus as complacent or pitying towards other-selves.

that makes the number of planets necessary for supplying this 4d nexus to 20 instead of 80. still too high a number.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-02-2011

in 2 days, 6th mayan day is starting.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Confused - 09-02-2011

(09-02-2011, 08:57 PM)unity100 Wrote: in 2 days, 6th mayan day is starting.

Any idea what that entails for humanity in general? Anything interesting in terms of events?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-02-2011

(09-02-2011, 09:02 PM)Confused Wrote:
(09-02-2011, 08:57 PM)unity100 Wrote: in 2 days, 6th mayan day is starting.

Any idea what that entails for humanity in general? Anything interesting in terms of events?


it may pertain to 6th chakra vibrations from the sun. or, 6th sub-density of yellow density. (3rd). educated guess tho.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 09-03-2011

(09-02-2011, 09:07 PM)unity100 Wrote: it may pertain to 6th chakra vibrations from the sun. or, 6th sub-density of yellow density. (3rd). educated guess tho.

What kind of an effect do you suppose this would have upon one's spunkiness?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-03-2011

reduce it, if the person is stable enough. nights are the ones that seem to bring the problems in people.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 09-03-2011

(09-03-2011, 03:49 PM)unity100 Wrote: reduce it, if the person is stable enough. nights are the ones that seem to bring the problems in people.
Interesting. I experienced a personal crisis starting right before the end of the last night. I have calculated the exact moment to be at the point at which we were 98.5% through the night. As I also documented, this date happened to be by birthday, and the crisis extended until 7:42pm, the time of my birth.

Extrapolating to the current night- the corresponding moment would occur at 7:42pm.

Any thoughts or impressions?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-03-2011

(09-03-2011, 05:20 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(09-03-2011, 03:49 PM)unity100 Wrote: reduce it, if the person is stable enough. nights are the ones that seem to bring the problems in people.
Interesting. I experienced a personal crisis starting right before the end of the last night. I have calculated the exact moment to be at the point at which we were 98.5% through the night. As I also documented, this date happened to be by birthday, and the crisis extended until 7:42pm, the time of my birth.

Extrapolating to the current night- the corresponding moment would occur at 7:42pm.

Any thoughts or impressions?

actually yes. i also have experienced something changing last night, 2-3 hours or so towards the sundawn here. the predominant energy format that was around since maybe a few weeks or so (maybe more) suddenly changed. as if something sat on top of me. caused a small pain for some time in the left of back of my waist, and curiously, right near my right hand's knuckle coinciding with index finger. i am a very healthy person and i dont have any health issues and pain is not something that is even occasional for me. at first i didnt give much credence thinking that it was something relevant to me. i didnt give much credence to a person going berserk on the street outside, and yelling and cursing to someone else who he said to have swore at his mother at around the same time either. then i checked internet to find a noticeable number of people talking about something changing/clicking/whatever in another internet forum throughout the next few hours. (many of these people are scattered around the globe).

i dont know what happened actually. but it is totally different from yesterday. i am tying it to the approaching mayan day. today there was a pressure for some time in magnetosphere in the jap. govt's magnetosphere simulation site. it had had been quite 1-1.5 weeks up till now.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-05-2011

today near dawn, 6th mayan day is starting. (5th sep night to 6 sep night).

like clock - the pressure on magnetic field already up.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - AnthroHeart - 09-05-2011

It seemed my mom was like 10X more angry than usual over this weekend. But we made a trip to another town which she was not used to. It was a painful spiriutal experience for me. I even exploded in anger on one occasion, but it wasn't at her.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - kia - 09-05-2011

The ongoing of the Ninth Wave according to major world news http://news:

I think that timeline is pretty good. Let´s hope the 6th day creates some clarity..

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-05-2011

link broken.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - kia - 09-05-2011


RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-05-2011

the pressure is increasing.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-06-2011

aaaaand lo !

Quote:This morning at 0150 UT, sunspot 1283 produced an M5.3-class solar flare. A movie from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the flash of extreme UV radiation. Because of the sunspot’s central location on the solar disk, the eruption was Earth-directed and a CME might be heading our way.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - kia - 09-06-2011

(09-06-2011, 11:15 AM)unity100 Wrote: aaaaand lo !

Quote:This morning at 0150 UT, sunspot 1283 produced an M5.3-class solar flare. A movie from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the flash of extreme UV radiation. Because of the sunspot’s central location on the solar disk, the eruption was Earth-directed and a CME might be heading our way.

Bloody hell!!!

also talks about the 6th day in the same site

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-06-2011

throughout the 5th night (past 19 day period) a lot of major cmes happened. but they were directed to other directions than earth. one was a really, really big one though. now it seems we are back to getting cmes head-on.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - AnthroHeart - 09-06-2011

Interesting about the solar flare. I read the classification and the strongest ever recorded was an X28. X comes after M on the scale. But it wasn't headed toward Earth I don't believe.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 09-06-2011

(09-06-2011, 02:12 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Interesting about the solar flare. I read the classification and the strongest ever recorded was an X28. X comes after M on the scale. But it wasn't headed toward Earth I don't believe.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 09-06-2011

(09-03-2011, 05:20 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(09-03-2011, 03:49 PM)unity100 Wrote: reduce it, if the person is stable enough. nights are the ones that seem to bring the problems in people.
Interesting. I experienced a personal crisis starting right before the end of the last night. I have calculated the exact moment to be at the point at which we were 98.5% through the night. As I also documented, this date happened to be by birthday, and the crisis extended until 7:42pm, the time of my birth.

Extrapolating to the current night- the corresponding moment would occur at 7:42pm.

Any thoughts or impressions?
Indeed, right about that time a huge tornado blew through our neighborhood. We weren't at home at the time. Trees and power line are down all over the place. Luckily, our house was spared any damage. I felt fairly normal, though. A bit of anxiety but that may have just been from anticipation

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-06-2011

its now moving into yellow range. even tho the cme is not even here yet.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 09-06-2011
"NOAA Region 1283 produced and R3 (Strong) Radio Blackout event on September 6 at 2220 UTC (6:20 p.m. EDT). The event may include an earth-directed Coronal Mass Ejection, but at this early point in the eruption it is too soon to be more specific. Additional information will be posted on the SWPC web site at Watch the "Top News of the Day" for updates."
"R 3 [3 of 5]
HF Radio: Wide area blackout of HF radio communication, loss of radio contact for about an hour on sunlit side of Earth.
Navigation: Low-frequency navigation signals degraded for about an hour."

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 09-07-2011

This just in:

Space Instrument Observes New Characteristics of Solar Flares

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Monica - 09-08-2011

OK I admit I haven't read this entire thread, so someone may have already posted this, but here is a discussion that had a lot of excellent points about the 2012 vs 2011 debate:

And...I have a reeeeeeeeaaaaaalllly dumb question.

Why, exactly, are we granting so much validity to the Mayan Calendar anyway? I mean, just who were the Mayans? Are they to be trusted? Didn't they, like, sacrifice babies and stuff?

I totally admit to being very ignorant here, but just how are their predictions any different from, say, Biblical prophecies? (Aside from being way more technically intelligent, of course.) But do we know anything about the polarity of the Mayans? Is the emperor wearing any clothes?

Also, does anyone else notice that this debate seems very similar to the debates among theologians about Bible doctrines?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 09-08-2011

(09-08-2011, 02:30 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Why, exactly, are we granting so much validity to the Mayan Calendar anyway? I mean, just who were the Mayans? Are they to be trusted? Didn't they, like, sacrifice babies and stuff?

This was done long after the contact had left and the teachings had become corrupted. However, other teachings have been passed down to us in the form of prophecies. Consider the Hopi prophecies of the blue and red kachina given here as compared to what has been going on with Elenin:

This video also includes a fairly succinct summary of Calleman's end date theory. I think it will explain a lot, and tie many things together for you.

I should add as a caveat I just saw this for the first time a short while ago. I don't really know anything about the group that made it, or who is promoting it.

Also, see my post here for some other interesting alignments and further discussion in the next two posts.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 09-08-2011

(09-08-2011, 02:30 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: OK I admit I haven't read this entire thread, so someone may have already posted this, but here is a discussion that had a lot of excellent points about the 2012 vs 2011 debate:

And...I have a reeeeeeeeaaaaaalllly dumb question.

Why, exactly, are we granting so much validity to the Mayan Calendar anyway? I mean, just who were the Mayans? Are they to be trusted? Didn't they, like, sacrifice babies and stuff?

I totally admit to being very ignorant here, but just how are their predictions any different from, say, Biblical prophecies? (Aside from being way more technically intelligent, of course.) But do we know anything about the polarity of the Mayans? Is the emperor wearing any clothes?

what south american landing group did in south america has been left without detail by Ra. however, we know that their work there was extensive, and they had been successful to a great extent. only to have their teachings distorted to end up in human sacrifices and so on, prompting another entity being sent to the location to fix things. ra says this entity also became successful, and then left. in addition we learn that they built underground cities.

however, we dont know what they actually imparted as knowledge.

if we look at the south american cultures, we find a huge, rather disproportionate amount of astronomy and time tracking. i personally think that the time tracking these civilizations did, are way too much compared to their needs. agriculture is proposed, however, their agriculture was not of an all encompassing level like in egypt, and they didnt even have a nile to track the time of. even if you think about rain season, the area is generally mountainous and agriculture is generally done on mountain terraces. (mountains tend to rain on their faces that look towards incoming clouds).

add to that the fact that what caused egyptians to go that hard for astronomy was the pyramids and teachings by Ra, and the situation becomes clearer. moreover, south american culture tracks the return of some entity named quetzalcoatl. this is probably the name given to the group that contacted these cultures, and its last appearance is that last entity.

when we look at these mayan calendars we speak about, we find that for example one is basically a calendar that tracks the influence of sun on that day on the planet, its particular energy, and its effects on born entities. (quiche count) talks about particular energies, their meanings, and how they affect the planet and entities born on that day, and their meaning in afterlife, and in the realm of disincarnates, and their relevance to creation, and creator they call 'ajaw'.

other calendars track other things, and there is a calendar for performing stately, administrative functions -> this calendar is taken as basis for 2012 actually.

south american cultures didnt even have writing. mayans were tying wool strings to each other with knots and transferring information and history through these. the amount of astronomy, timekeeping done goes way too much for the other traits of mayan culture.

coupled with these, it is rather straightforward to conclude that these information had to do with south american group. distorted or undistorted.

since they are also preparing for harvest, a calendar that tracks cycles and ends at a certain date, becomes important.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 09-08-2011

(09-08-2011, 02:30 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: OK I admit I haven't read this entire thread, so someone may have already posted this, but here is a discussion that had a lot of excellent points about the 2012 vs 2011 debate:

And...I have a reeeeeeeeaaaaaalllly dumb question.

Why, exactly, are we granting so much validity to the Mayan Calendar anyway? I mean, just who were the Mayans? Are they to be trusted? Didn't they, like, sacrifice babies and stuff?

I totally admit to being very ignorant here, but just how are their predictions any different from, say, Biblical prophecies? (Aside from being way more technically intelligent, of course.) But do we know anything about the polarity of the Mayans? Is the emperor wearing any clothes?

Also, does anyone else notice that this debate seems very similar to the debates among theologians about Bible doctrines?

Yes, I have noticed it. (ashamed I know so much about the bible prophecy endtime game/raquet)

From the information of various documentaries I've watched about Mayan history, I have deduced that the different Mayan cities themselves engaged in this this debate. Disagreed about the dates themselves, they did. Thus leading to war... And the outrageous things like what you summed up with the phrase "killing babies and such".