2012, some confusion! - Printable Version

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RE: 2012, some confusion! - dolphin - 05-12-2010

(05-12-2010, 05:50 PM)Richard Wrote: Asteroids, comets, solar waves, rogue planets, pole shift, earthquakes, super-volcanoes, alien invasion, financial meltdown, nuclear war, viruses, galactic waves…so much fear. So many books and theories to be sold on the internet. So many lecture circuits…so much money to be made.

No one really knows what the future holds.

There is also the possibility that we will all live the natural extent of our lives now and experience more lives in the centuries to come as humanity gradually comes to its senses. Probably can’t sell many books with that theory….


One heck of a laundry list, but let me ask you a complicated question.

Most people have daily obligations to contend with like work and taking care of family. The vast majority of people have limited time to take a serious deep look into the myriad of confusing and conflicting nightmarish conspiracies.

Of those that do have the time it is likely that most of them are either not interested because they have better things to do, or the idea of spending the amount of time required to sift through endless stories in an attempt to isolate bits of scattered truth and correlate them into any credible conclusions might take as long as 10 years sitting at a computer studying the subjects. How many people do you think would want to do that? Certainly a small number would, but they would be scattered all over the globe and likely not even ind each other.

Let us premise the law of averages dictates that there are those rare few who do make that kind of commitment and are able to actually piece something together out of the endless maze of confusion.

What do you think would happen If they tried to tell anyone?

If they merely put up a web site it would look pretty much just like all the other Hoax sites full of mountains of information put together in a manner that could make sense, but it would still sound just as crazy as most of the other kook sites.

If you tried to tell people face to face, or even in a message forum your likely going to get laughed at by people with no solid grounding in the subjects.

You would also have to deal with many people who for whatever reason bought into actual hoaxes because they only spent a few years researching and lacked enough background data to get past some very sophisticated cointelpro operations which had been going on for decades to keep the truth hidden.

So here is my question.

What would you personally do if you had been one of those rare people who due to being retired was able to have invested 10,000 hours, or more over a 10 year period and you actually managed to deduce enough of the reality puzzle to determine that an impending catastrophic global change, or event was going to result in billions of deaths? Your certain of it by virtue of ten long years of collecting the right bits of information and ruling out vast swaths of disinformation thereby allowing you to see a proper analysis that those other seekers who are at a disadvantage from the lack of sheer numbers of years that it that it takes to incubate a proper realization.

Worse is you realize how impossible it would be to convince people because they lack the background knowledge and have their minds polluted with reams of disinformation on top of their ignorance.

The evidence is in the painstaking deductive reasoning and analysys and is simply too complicated to impart to average people who have been on Prozac and SSRI's for 5 years and who's minds are poisened and delusional with television programing and ignorance based skepticism.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - Peregrinus - 05-13-2010

In truth is no right or wrong, and each incarnate on this planet is on their spiritual path at the specific place that best serves their infinite spiritual desire to learn and evolve in the upward spiralling of love and light.

It is not for us to decide what anyone should or should not know. It is, however, of our free will to decide if we wish to impart a limited amount of information as to what we do know with others, but in doing so we must walk away without care of the result of such imparting. We should only plant the seed without thought of what happens to those seeds, for what happens next is up to the individual. To do otherwise is to polarize to the negative.

Acceptance is the key to positive polarity. Controlling is the key to negative polarity.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - Monica - 05-13-2010

(05-12-2010, 11:11 PM)dolphin Wrote: [b][size=medium]What would you personally do if you had been one of those rare people who due to being retired was able to have invested 10,000 hours, or more over a 10 year period and you actually managed to deduce enough of the reality puzzle to determine that an impending catastrophic global change, or event was going to result in billions of deaths? Your certain of it by virtue of ten long years of collecting the right bits of information and ruling out vast swaths of disinformation thereby allowing you to see a proper analysis that those other seekers who are at a disadvantage from the lack of sheer numbers of years that it that it takes to incubate a proper realization.

That presupposes that time is linear and those billions of souls are all traversing the same timeline.

Those are some presuppositions I personally don't adhere to.

Dolphin, there's a missing piece here: The nature of our holographic UniVerse.

Your scenario would be grim indeed, if it were the only possible/probable future.

But, according to our Confederation friends, and currently being scientifically backed up by the brilliant physicist Nassim Haramein, we live in a holographic UniVerse, with infinite possible futures. According to Nassim, we are each at the center of our own 'Event Horizon' meaning that even if someone were to prove conclusively that xyz future were 99% probable, that would only mean that it's probable in their UniVerse, and not necessarily in yours or mine.

This concept totally changes the gameplan.

I invite you to explore Nassim's work if you haven't already. His work is brilliant, and you may want to add it to your knowledge base. It could change the equation significantly

RE: 2012, some confusion! - Peregrinus - 05-13-2010

I've often wondered if you are all here just to give me the illusion of not being alone :p

Perhaps we are here to give you the illusion of not being alone, and we are what your thoughts make us...

RE: 2012, some confusion! - Richard - 05-13-2010


You have an interesting and well thought out scenario. But, there are many other well, thought out disaster scenarios with supposedly corroborating evidence and whistleblowers. The internet is full of them.

Who is to say what is true and what is not true? In the infinite universe…maybe every imaginable future is true..for you…for me…maybe we all get what we visualize? I saw in interesting lecture given by Bob Dean. Who was saying pretty much the same as what Monica is saying….that it might be possible that each of us is going to get what we envision.

I’ve always held to the theory that the transition will take several hundred years. Does that mean I have unfinished work here on earth? Is that why that scenario resonates so strongly within me? I don’t know. So much to do…I would like to see Disclosure in my lifetime….the hidden technologies released so we can clean this place up. Too much to do in one lifetime, that for sure.

That’s my scenario and the future I visualize.


RE: 2012, some confusion! - Namaste - 05-13-2010

(05-13-2010, 12:55 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: But, according to our Confederation friends, and currently being scientifically backed up by the brilliant physicist Nassim Haramein, we live in a holographic UniVerse, with infinite possible futures. According to Nassim, we are each at the center of our own 'Event Horizon' meaning that even if someone were to prove conclusively that xyz future were 99% probable, that would only mean that it's probable in their UniVerse, and not necessarily in yours or mine.

This is what resonates with me also; we will each experience what is perfect for us, and hence one is best to trust both their own intuition and the unfolding universe.

On the subject of a holographic universe, Michael Talbot's book is very good too.
(05-13-2010, 12:59 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: I've often wondered if you are all here just to give me the illusion of not being alone :p

Perhaps we are here to give you the illusion of not being alone, and we are what your thoughts make us...

That's crossed my mind in the past too (these people are all characters in my dream), quite an interesting perspective to spend a day with!

Then again, it's like that for each and every one of us (we're all characters in each others dreams), as we are one. So in a sense, thats exactly what's happening.

Can't wait to shed this veil... Wink

RE: 2012, some confusion! - Peregrinus - 05-14-2010

(05-13-2010, 06:44 PM)Namaste Wrote:
(05-13-2010, 12:59 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: I've often wondered if you are all here just to give me the illusion of not being alone :p

Perhaps we are here to give you the illusion of not being alone, and we are what your thoughts make us...

That's crossed my mind in the past too (these people are all characters in my dream), quite an interesting perspective to spend a day with!

Then again, it's like that for each and every one of us (we're all characters in each others dreams), as we are one. So in a sense, thats exactly what's happening.

Can't wait to shed this veil... Wink

Shed the veil? Is the sky more blue on the other side of it? Don't be in a hurry my friend... you were more than eager to be here. With more than ten billion spirits in line to get into 6.8 billion bodies, you are one of the lucky ones to be here. Enjoy this time here, for it truly is a gift.

On the other side, you don't wake in the morning and enjoy the comfort of a warm bed and snuggly covers. You don't feel the briskness of morning air or the sunshine on your face. You don't get to watch birds fly with wonder. You don't get to taste food, or move through space with a simple thought.... there is much, much more to here than many appreciate... and not a lot of time to appreciate it.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - planetz - 05-15-2010

Hi everone, not all planetary density transitions involve a doomsday scenario or other massive physical makeover. That's something more associated with 4th to 5th density transition, not 3rd to 4th. Going 3rd to 4th just means you (as a planet) are differentiating STO or STS, and undergoing all the spiritual awakenings, technological awakenings, STS recruitment campaigns, and other challenges and opportunities that differentiaion entails. It's a long drawn out process, and it won't be over in 2012. This planet is young. Hopefully earth will graduate within the confederacy and establish diplomacy with all the other worlds and outposts around it. Which there are many, by the way. An undifferentiated planet like Earth is rare, at least in this part of space and time (or both). Most planets and outposts with civilized societies are very firmly STO or STS.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - WalksN2Worlds - 05-18-2010

From my understanding of Ra is, hey this has been going on for many many of our years.Like duh, and another harvest is coming. Every 20,000 years or so, the mother earth flips and us as spiritual beings get to do this all over again. Our spirit is forever. Not 50 yrs, not 35 years, forever.
So what I hear is what? Look busy god is coming, We will do this until we understand our past, and where we came from.
One thing I have to understand about the Law on One. Do I believe all of it? Half of it? Or just what makes me feel good? Its all about ME, ME, ME. Ra says that in somewhere around 2011 things will start to change. Like a clock, its not 12 oclock, its a quarter to 12, its ten to 12, what time is it? Now!! We have been doing this for millions of years and now Im worried about one year. Ra says we will continue to do this until we understand our past and wake up. When we make that decision to be either service to self, or service to others. Not 12 oclock on thursday. NOW! make the decision.


RE: 2012, some confusion! - AnthroHeart - 07-12-2010

Who says it has to take 10 years? Genetics, past-life experiences, and much more all play parts to how well one makes connections, understands, etc.

I started meditating more seriously about 8 months ago, and researching in my spare time. The internet brings information much more rapidly, and time appears to be accelerating. Especially moreso with increases in human and planetary consciousness.

So what might once have taken 10 years if looking through libraries, or having to travel to get information first hand, is much more contracted now. There is a lot I do not now of course, but being comfortable in myself, with my own conclusions, did not take all that long actually.

- Thomas

(05-12-2010, 11:11 PM)dolphin Wrote: Of those that do have the time it is likely that most of them are either not interested because they have better things to do, or the idea of spending the amount of time required to sift through endless stories in an attempt to isolate bits of scattered truth and correlate them into any credible conclusions might take as long as 10 years sitting at a computer studying the subjects. How many people do you think would want to do that? Certainly a small number would, but they would be scattered all over the globe and likely not even ind each other.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - Sparkle - 08-19-2010

Kundalini Yoga has the date 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day earlier (11/11/11), as the transition between the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - litllady - 08-19-2010

(08-19-2010, 01:52 PM)Sparkle Wrote: Kundalini Yoga has the date 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day earlier (11/11/11), as the transition between the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

How does that come out to be 11-11-11?

Wouldnt that be 11-20-11?

From what I understand, an age is determined by where the Sun is at the Spring Equinox. In case anyone is interested, we will be in Pisces for at least several hundred more years. We will enter the time of cusp in a few hundred years, we will ride the cusp for at least a hundred is past year 2600 when the sun will actually be off of the cusp and IN Aquarius.

I for one think that alot of these prophecies revolve around the idea of 'ages' and the changing of ages. I think our religions revolve around the idea also. I think we will see in a few hundred years a large evolving of the religions we know now...into a new 'story' or personification of the cosmos and our world together.

Just adding thoughts...Im one of those that does not find any particular date of importance but Im still a stickler for understanding why ancient cultures thought the need to set dates.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - Shemaya - 08-22-2010

(08-19-2010, 03:53 PM)litllady Wrote: From what I understand, an age is determined by where the Sun is at the Spring Equinox. In case anyone is interested, we will be in Pisces for at least several hundred more years. We will enter the time of cusp in a few hundred years, we will ride the cusp for at least a hundred is past year 2600 when the sun will actually be off of the cusp and IN Aquarius.

Hi Litllady,

Can you explain this more...

I have heard so many differing interpretations of prophecy, end-times, ascension, rapture, 2012 , shift to 4th density, or 5th dimension, etc. it's really mind boggling. With so much information and prophecies out there how do anyone really know what is happening?

But i haven't heard this one before...that the age of Pisces is several hundred more years? My understanding was that the 2012 date was based on the shift from Pisces to Aquarius. And I heard recently that we should be looking at March 2013 (the Spring Equinox after December 2012) as the culmination of very important changes.

So does this mean that the "shift" to 4th density does not necessarily correlate to the precession of the equinoxes. If the shift is happening in 2011 as Q'uo said (please correct me anybody if I'm wrong) then it does not necessarily correlate to the shift of the ages. I've had in my mind that the timing was the same...and that the "clock" Qu'o speaks of was the precessional ages...though I'm not sure that Qu'o actually ever states that.

Sorry if I am rambling, this topic has been on my mind this weekend and I am trying to understand.

Thanks for your help!

RE: 2012, some confusion! - litllady - 08-22-2010

(08-22-2010, 08:48 AM)Shemaya Wrote:
(08-19-2010, 03:53 PM)litllady Wrote: From what I understand, an age is determined by where the Sun is at the Spring Equinox. In case anyone is interested, we will be in Pisces for at least several hundred more years. We will enter the time of cusp in a few hundred years, we will ride the cusp for at least a hundred is past year 2600 when the sun will actually be off of the cusp and IN Aquarius.

Hi Litllady,

Can you explain this more...

I have heard so many differing interpretations of prophecy, end-times, ascension, rapture, 2012 , shift to 4th density, or 5th dimension, etc. it's really mind boggling. With so much information and prophecies out there how do anyone really know what is happening?

But i haven't heard this one before...that the age of Pisces is several hundred more years? My understanding was that the 2012 date was based on the shift from Pisces to Aquarius. And I heard recently that we should be looking at March 2013 (the Spring Equinox after December 2012) as the culmination of very important changes.

So does this mean that the "shift" to 4th density does not necessarily correlate to the precession of the equinoxes. If the shift is happening in 2011 as Q'uo said (please correct me anybody if I'm wrong) then it does not necessarily correlate to the shift of the ages. I've had in my mind that the timing was the same...and that the "clock" Qu'o speaks of was the precessional ages...though I'm not sure that Qu'o actually ever states that.

Sorry if I am rambling, this topic has been on my mind this weekend and I am trying to understand.

Thanks for your help!

Hello Shemaya (Love your name...the root word Shem is ancient and very meaningful, maybe you know that though)

This is defiantly a controversial issue and I cant offer a simple answer without explanation.

The ancients did determine a shift of the ages by observing where the Sun was on the Spring Equinox. Without the technology we have today, it was a bit of a guessing game for precision.

A bit of history about astrology and astronomy is needed to understand.

Astronomy and Astrology once went hand in hand. They were observed by the true night sky, not fixed wheels of the zodiac circle like what astrology uses today. Astrology became a fixed practice a few thousand years ago....making a circle of animals that each had equal amounts of space. This is an imaginary circle that DOES NOT represent our true night sky that we can observe with our eyes. Astrology named their divisions 'signs' when astronomy called their divisions 'constellations'. I always thought that 'signs' and 'constellations' were the same thing but I learned a few years ago that they are not. Constellations (what we truly observe) do not have the same amounts of space in the sky. Example of this is Scorpio...the Sun is only in Scorpio for a weeks time because the constellation is small. Virgo is huge though, the Sun spends much more then a months time in Virgo. Astrology does not acknowledge the different amounts of space like astronomy does. Like I said, the wheel that Astrology uses is pure imaginary.

The last two years I have been using astronomy to understand where astrology and astronomy became 2 different observations. It has awakened me to many things and I have no interests now in what astrology has to say.

This is where the controversy comes in. Astrologist, using the fixed wheel of equal amounts of space...says that we are on the cusp and moving into Aquarius. If though we look at the true night sky, using astronomy to find where the Sun in on the Spring is still sitting in Pisces.

If you are really interested in this....I would advise you to download a free astronomy program that is very precise....its called 'Stellarium'. You can find it on does take a bit of room up on the computer so if you cant do that there are other ways I can show you exactly what I am talking about. This may get you into alot of studying (if you dont mind it).

I have a lot of images I have downloaded, I will find them for you and post them. Using astronomy....we will not enter the cusp between the two constellations till about 2300-2400ad. We will then ride the cusp on the Spring Equinoxes for almost a hundred years. Its right about 2500-2600 AD when the Sun really starts rising on the Spring Equinox fully in Aquarius without being on the cusp. Its a long process. What I find interesting in the LOO is it talks about a time of 700 years to take the 'shift' to occur. I feel this is what LOO was talking about...but Im sure others have a different opinion.

I do think the shift between ages matters. Look at the history that revolves around the shift of ages. We had the sacrifices of Bulls in the age of Taurus. We had the sacrificing of Rams in the age of Aries (do you remember the verse in the Bible when instead of the 'son' being sacrificed to God...there was suddenly a 'Ram' in the thorned bushes, and the Ram became the sacrificed instead of the child? Do you remember the golden bull that was made in the desert in the Bible story (time of Taurus)? Then we have Jesus, the fisher of the age of Pisces.

Im not one of predictions per say, but more of a believer that history repeats itself. If the shift of ages was important in the past, it will be important in our future.

Now something really interesting is the fact that astronomy witnesses the Sun spending its time in more the 12 signs. The Sun actually rises and sets in 13 signs (Ophiuchus being the other one). Have you ever heard of the 'age of Ophiuchus'? Blush Probably not...

So the debate of when we start a new age is between astrology and astronomy. From what I believe and have studied, what we know as astrology is NOT what the ancients observed. I believe they did not use the 'fixed' wheel of 'imaginary' signs but they used the true observations of what they could gather from the night sky.

If you could see the background of the stars when the Sun rises on the Spring Equinox, you would not see Aquarius as the background to the Sun until about 2600 ad.

If you get Stellarium...let me know, Ill tell you exactly what to do. You can type in any date (past or future) and it will show you where the Sun would of been or will be. It is a really cool program.

I have lost all faith in modern astrology. In fact I plan to write a book...and am working on a 'astronomy' wheel to offer birth charts for people using the real positions and not imaginary ones. Only 20% of peoples birth signs match up when comparing astronomy and astrology. I grew up thinking I was a Virgo...but found out the Sun was really in Leo on my birth. My life has not been the same sense.

Also, interesting you mentioned a 'clock'. I have used the astronomy wheel as a clock to show that we are half way around the great year circle. It is my belief that the Sphinx was made as the marker of the start of the clock, showing us that the great year started in Leo. Using Astronomy, we are pretty much exactly half way around the wheel. The ancients held alot of importance to not only where the Sun rose but also in the sign opposite of the Sun (the Sign the Sun would of been shining towards). At the time of the Sun rising in Leo facing out over Egypt...the Sun would of been 'shining towards' to a place that we are coming very close to.

Maybe I should make a thread here showing my research...I have done this and posted all of my info at another forum where there are more people. It has gone over really well with some, but astrologist dont like me much. I really feel that this is part of my purpose here in this bring astronomy and astrology back together. I know there are some astrologist here at Bring4th the light...and I have not gone further with my studies here for this is not the place I want to ripple any waters. But outside of here....I am defiantly rippling waters and some are not liking it much. Its not that astrology doesnt hold water...but people are missing the reasons for the signs. They want to use it for horoscopes and depend on another person to tell them what their life means. This is the same mistake as some religions that try to tell others 'what god is'. Astrology needs to be a personal path of seeking...I cant tell you what the Sun means for you any more then your mother could. Part of the gems in seeking, arise on the path while seeking, gems that will only arise when the seeker them self searches for understanding. We are all of the signs...we are the Sun, planets, and the moon. Just as though we are ONE with eachother, we are ONE with the signs, we are ONE with the spheres....its way beyond horoscopes...astrology is. Its really became watered down and I feel it needs to come back to being a observation, not a fixed predication.

One thing that resonated with me in the Bible was in the OT where it was stressed to the people that the time of NEW MOON MUST be observed, not predicted. Even the 'new moon' has almost became lost to mankind, for many do not observe what the true new moon fact, many religious calendars are WRONG when they say it is time of new moon.

This is what started me in my time with the Spirit....I kept hearing 'observe it'. Which took me out into the night...with my own two feet and my own two eyes. And low and behold...many mysteries lost in time awaited me.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - AnthroHeart - 08-23-2010

That's fascinating litllady. Quite a good post to come to after my week or so off.

I might look into that Stellarium program. I haven't had really any interest in Astrology, but I am quite fascinated with the star Sirius. I'm curious if you have info on how Sirius affects a person based on their time of birth.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - litllady - 08-23-2010

(08-23-2010, 03:19 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: That's fascinating litllady. Quite a good post to come to after my week or so off.

I might look into that Stellarium program. I haven't had really any interest in Astrology, but I am quite fascinated with the star Sirius. I'm curious if you have info on how Sirius affects a person based on their time of birth.

Thanks Gemini Wolf....does astrology call you a Gemini? I have a thread I started yesterday after much debate with myself rather if I should post it here at Bring4th the light that you may find interesting. Called 'Cosmic Energies-on your birth'.

Sirius is so closely connected to Orion and there are 2 signs that are of the path of the Sun that sit over Orion...Gemini and Taurus. A interesting date of time is when the Sun rides the cusp between these 2 signs, because it sits directly above Orion.

Sirius is not a part of the path of the Sun's circle but where Sirius was at ones birth could influence them defiantly. Example would be that Sirius seems to have seasonal times in our year, half of the year we can observe Sirius, the other half we can not. Orion is creeping back into the night sky now...if you wake up before the Sun rises, look in the East, you will find him, and likely find Sirius ( I would have to double check on Sirius, it may still be a while before we see it...but it is coming back soon enough).

Someone might be born with Sirius rising in the East before the Sun rises...I would find this of influence. Someone might be born while Sirius sits in the western evening sky, as a setting star...I would find this also to be a influence. We are all the stars, spheres, just as we are all ONE in Spirit. (my personal finding anyway).

Sirius is awesome, mankind has always had a love for Sirius. The Egyptians based alot of things on the rising and setting of Sirius. I have been searching for something I heard about that Egypt had a system of 13,000 years rising and 13,000 years setting and it had to do with Sirius. I dont understand it yet, for I can not find what I am looking for....but my gut tells me it is of significance.

Im still learning so much, I feel I have just been scratching the surface.

All I can really tell you with any certainty, is Sirius is beautiful Wink

RE: 2012, some confusion! - AnthroHeart - 08-24-2010

Astrology says Gemini, though I've resonated with Gemini, even love the sound of the word. My birth date is June 12, 1977 10:45PM in Biloxi MS.

That's interesting, because, according to the Astrology I'm Gemini and my father is Taurus.

I've had interest in Sirius, they call the dog star and it does seem to resonate with the canine and lupine energies, and I've had some contact with a higher-dimensional entity from the region of Sirius.

That's good feedback, I'll read your other post.

(08-23-2010, 08:45 PM)litllady Wrote: Thanks Gemini Wolf....does astrology call you a Gemini? I have a thread I started yesterday after much debate with myself rather if I should post it here at Bring4th the light that you may find interesting. Called 'Cosmic Energies-on your birth'.

Sirius is so closely connected to Orion and there are 2 signs that are of the path of the Sun that sit over Orion...Gemini and Taurus. A interesting date of time is when the Sun rides the cusp between these 2 signs, because it sits directly above Orion.

Sirius is not a part of the path of the Sun's circle but where Sirius was at ones birth could influence them defiantly. Example would be that Sirius seems to have seasonal times in our year, half of the year we can observe Sirius, the other half we can not. Orion is creeping back into the night sky now...if you wake up before the Sun rises, look in the East, you will find him, and likely find Sirius ( I would have to double check on Sirius, it may still be a while before we see it...but it is coming back soon enough).

Someone might be born with Sirius rising in the East before the Sun rises...I would find this of influence. Someone might be born while Sirius sits in the western evening sky, as a setting star...I would find this also to be a influence. We are all the stars, spheres, just as we are all ONE in Spirit. (my personal finding anyway).

Sirius is awesome, mankind has always had a love for Sirius. The Egyptians based alot of things on the rising and setting of Sirius. I have been searching for something I heard about that Egypt had a system of 13,000 years rising and 13,000 years setting and it had to do with Sirius. I dont understand it yet, for I can not find what I am looking for....but my gut tells me it is of significance.

Im still learning so much, I feel I have just been scratching the surface.

All I can really tell you with any certainty, is Sirius is beautiful Wink

RE: 2012, some confusion! - litllady - 08-24-2010

Hi Gemini!

Just real fast I wanted to touch on some info for you, but I will keep it short for it is off topic for this thread.

Using the true positions of the Sun...the Sun sat in Taurus at your birth while it sits over Orion. Gemini being your past sign would still very much resonate with you, offering you things you have carried over to this life. If you like, I can add more for you in the other thread so I dont derail this one more...and if you want I can look at your fathers birth too. It may be you both are may be you are born under your Father's past sign.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - fairyfarmgirl - 08-24-2010

A galactic cycle is 26,000 years. That corresponds to the rising and setting of Sirius.


RE: 2012, some confusion! - litllady - 08-24-2010

(08-24-2010, 02:40 PM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: A galactic cycle is 26,000 years. That corresponds to the rising and setting of Sirius.


Could you explain a little more on what you mean by Sirius rising and setting that corresponds with a 26,000 year cycle. Are you braking down Sirius's yearly cycle and comparing that on a larger scale in that for half of the year we see Sirius rising and the other half of the year we see Sirius setting?

Maybe I am way confused...needing a little clarity. This topic interests me alot.

Thanks fairyfarmgirl!

RE: 2012, some confusion! - fairyfarmgirl - 08-25-2010

You stated that it take 13,000 years for Sirius to rise and 13,000 years for Sirius to set that = 26,000 years. This is also lines up with the Maya who say an Age is 26,000 years long. We are exciting the Age of Pisces and Entering the Age of Aqurius.


(08-24-2010, 06:11 PM)litllady Wrote:
(08-24-2010, 02:40 PM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: A galactic cycle is 26,000 years. That corresponds to the rising and setting of Sirius.


Could you explain a little more on what you mean by Sirius rising and setting that corresponds with a 26,000 year cycle. Are you braking down Sirius's yearly cycle and comparing that on a larger scale in that for half of the year we see Sirius rising and the other half of the year we see Sirius setting?

Maybe I am way confused...needing a little clarity. This topic interests me alot.

Thanks fairyfarmgirl!

RE: 2012, some confusion! - Peregrinus - 08-25-2010

I thought it was 25,506. Am I wrong?

RE: 2012, some confusion! - litllady - 08-25-2010

(08-25-2010, 11:59 AM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: You stated that it take 13,000 years for Sirius to rise and 13,000 years for Sirius to set that = 26,000 years. This is also lines up with the Maya who say an Age is 26,000 years long. We are exciting the Age of Pisces and Entering the Age of Aqurius.


(08-24-2010, 06:11 PM)litllady Wrote:
(08-24-2010, 02:40 PM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: A galactic cycle is 26,000 years. That corresponds to the rising and setting of Sirius.


Could you explain a little more on what you mean by Sirius rising and setting that corresponds with a 26,000 year cycle. Are you braking down Sirius's yearly cycle and comparing that on a larger scale in that for half of the year we see Sirius rising and the other half of the year we see Sirius setting?

Maybe I am way confused...needing a little clarity. This topic interests me alot.

Thanks fairyfarmgirl!

Yes, when I stated that it took 13,000 years for Sirius to rise and another 13,000 years for it to set...I didnt understand really what that meant. For Sirius rises and sets also through a yearly cycle. So I was talking about something I had heard...but yet didnt understand.

I read some things today that talked about for 13,000 years Sirius is a winter star, high in the sky....and another 13,000 years its a Summer star, high in the sky. This may be what the Sirius cycle was referring to. If the Egyptians knew of this long cycle, then the defiantly knew of precession of the equinox.

Which would match also, with a great year cycle. I wonder if they knew then, that a great year, lasted 26,000 years. Im thinking they did....somehow.
(08-25-2010, 03:21 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: I thought it was 25,506. Am I wrong?

It is debated....anywhere from 24,000 years to 26,000 years.

Here is a quote from that link...

"""The duration of the precession cycle, the time it takes for the equinox to precess 360 degrees relative to the fixed stars, is often given as 25,920 or 26,000 years. In reality the exact duration cannot be given, as the rate of precession is changing over time. This speed is currently 243.8 microradians (50.3 arcseconds) per year which would give 25,765 years for one cycle to complete."""

Since the rate of precession is changing over is really hard to say for sure.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - nicopetromac - 08-26-2010

Thank you for your energy!!
You shine bright!!

(05-09-2010, 03:12 PM)Peregrinus Wrote:
(05-09-2010, 12:47 PM)dolphin Wrote:
(05-09-2010, 12:01 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: Good. Perhaps it will completely destroy the current controlling infrastructure, and the world will be free of its chains. All is perfect. All is love.

The controlling infrastructure as you call it is well prepared to survive.

The Global Elite would retreat to the underground cities that have been prepared for them over the last decades and billions of people would be left to perish.

Among those Global Elite are the worst of the negative polarity beings on this planet and they would emerge to rebuild the world in the image of their perverted humanist nightmare.

No matter if such an event as described happens, or not they are at this moment very busy bringing about that nightmare to fruition one way, or another.

They fully intend to murder off over 4.5 billion people.

The sun has been adjusted to 4D magnetics already without incident. Our great Mother Gaia's magnetosphere has also been prepared to withstand the storm which will happen in 2012, and she is in the final stage of aligning her magnetics for for the impending glorious birth of Terra. This will continue to approach with discomfort, as does any birth.

We are in no danger other than from the fear which one may create them self.

It is now our time to raise our consciousness and to shine our love/light so that others may flock to our beacon and join us in our desire to help to continue to heal our great Mother.

The negative elite... have provided a wonderful service to us, a catalyst for our increased consciousness. I love them dearly for what they have done, and thank them greatly; they have no power or control over those that live in the vibration of love. Their power is slipping away from them like water through their fingers and will continue to do so, no matter how hard they grasp at it.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - Plenum - 04-07-2012

(03-04-2010, 04:58 PM)Biu_Tze Wrote: So, let's say things start going down in 2012, and that earth switches to 4th density, I hear that we will have the opportunity to live out our lives, but if we choose to have children, what happen to them, what happen to their children? doesn't it have to stop eventually? how oh how will this/could this take place? not that it REALLY matters to now, but it's something I'm curious about. Ideas? BigSmile

yes, the birthing of new entities has to stop sometime, right?

RE: 2012, some confusion! - Bring4th_Austin - 04-07-2012

(04-07-2012, 11:06 AM)plenum Wrote:
(03-04-2010, 04:58 PM)Biu_Tze Wrote: So, let's say things start going down in 2012, and that earth switches to 4th density, I hear that we will have the opportunity to live out our lives, but if we choose to have children, what happen to them, what happen to their children? doesn't it have to stop eventually? how oh how will this/could this take place? not that it REALLY matters to now, but it's something I'm curious about. Ideas? BigSmile

yes, the birthing of new entities has to stop sometime, right?

With the the evolution of 4D bodies being gradual and through reproductive evolution...why does it have to stop? In fact, if we're to become a fully realized 4D society with 4D bodies, how can it stop?

RE: 2012, some confusion! - zenmaster - 04-08-2012

(04-07-2012, 03:46 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote: In fact, if we're to become a fully realized 4D society with 4D bodies, how can it stop?
I don't think it stops, it's just that the souls incarnating will be from elsewhere. Since we have a lot of bodies available, that necessarily means even more further from the local logos, which means stranger and less compatible individuals and philosophies (distilled and vaguely remembered) . These are "the new breed". One thing I don't understand is why the local harvest not of the dual activated type?

RE: 2012, some confusion! - βαθμιαίος - 04-08-2012

(04-08-2012, 11:33 AM)zenmaster Wrote: One thing I don't understand is why the local harvest not of the dual activated type?

As I understand it, the dual activated phenomenon is pre-harvest. There will be no need for dual bodies once harvest has occurred.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - Siren - 04-08-2012

(05-12-2010, 11:11 PM)dolphin Wrote: Most people have daily obligations to contend with like work and taking care of family.

There are no "obligations." There are only choices. To be "obliged" presupposes you don't really have a choice, or that some external command is overriding your freewill to make your own decisions. Truth is, you put yourself under that "obligation."

You can, at any time, "snap free" out of any "obligation" by making a different choice. Or turn any "obligation" into an opportunity, by seeing it as such.

Quote:What would you personally do if you had been one of those rare people who due to being retired was able to have invested 10,000 hours, or more over a 10 year period and you actually managed to deduce enough of the reality puzzle to determine that an impending catastrophic global change, or event was going to result in billions of deaths?

Well, I'm pretty sure one can achieve as much (and so much more even) in less than 2 years and while still in high school.

And to answer your questions, if I became aware of an event that would result in billions or trillions or a gazillion of deaths, I would celebrate. Death, birth, life. Always reason to celebrate.

PS: I, personally, am not concerned with numbers, really.

PS2: Besides, there's only One of us here.

Quote:Your certain of it by virtue of ten long years of collecting the right bits of information and ruling out vast swaths of disinformation thereby allowing you to see a proper analysis that those other seekers who are at a disadvantage from the lack of sheer numbers of years that it that it takes to incubate a proper realization.

Funny. The amount of years one spends reading books (or the amount of books, for that matter) doesn't necessarily equate to a more "advantageous" position or vantage point. It's all a matter of awareness. Some seekers (including "wanderers") come in already aware of many things, with an easier ability to inform themselves via the resources of intuition, insight, dreams, epiphanies, etc; as well as establishing certain "contact" with non-3D sources. I mean, literally.

By your logic, it looks as if each humans entity is born with a blank slate of mind each time it was re-incarnated and all the awareness it had accrued throughout its evolutionary journey is voided as he has to start all over again from scratch on each incarnation.

This is not the case. For if it were so, all humans would still be primates.

PS: The more you are aligned with the vibration of "truth," the easier it'll be to detect/discern disinfo and the such.

Tip? Translate fear into love (they are the same energy/emotion at different frequency) and as a result, you will attract/reflect the like.

Quote:Worse is you realize how impossible it would be to convince people because they lack the background knowledge and have their minds polluted with reams of disinformation on top of their ignorance.

Ah, "convincing" people. To convince is contradictory to the purpose of learning and evolving naturally, because if one be ready, one would not need be convinced of anything. All learn and evolve at their own pace, rate and timing.

To seek to convince others is to attempt to "prove" things to others. Nothing can be proven except by the self. So there's no need for going on a missionary frenzy to preach anything (well, except for scientific and religious fanatics and the such). That is why professing is left to professors, professionals and prof(ph)ets.

Now, why would you be so frustrated about the "ignorance" of the people but don't mind the "ignorance" of, let's say, a rock, which is far less consciously evolved and is taking thousands and thousands of years to learn its lessons?

Nobody is at a "disadvantage," really.

Again, all are learning at their own pace, rate and timing.

RE: 2012, some confusion! - zenmaster - 04-08-2012

(04-08-2012, 11:51 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:
(04-08-2012, 11:33 AM)zenmaster Wrote: One thing I don't understand is why the local harvest not of the dual activated type?

As I understand it, the dual activated phenomenon is pre-harvest. There will be no need for dual bodies once harvest has occurred.
How does that make sense if there is a transition period, involving dual-activated entities, which is post harvest?