Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Printable Version

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RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Shemaya - 12-31-2012


Many blessings of love and light to you, I appreciate your sharing. Wow.

Quote:When I woke up, I asked my higher self if it could help me to release this entity that I had been abusing and blaming and carrying around for so long. I told it that I was ready to let it go, and I saw how irresponsible I have been acting in blaming Orion for my own shadow. I felt my energy body become mostly cleared from head to toe, and asked my guides to help shield me once everything was removed.

What came to me as I read this is your body memory is creating the sensations that you are feeling now, they are an artifact of your experiences. Just keep intention to release...with every breath, take some time of focused breathing and release with every breath. Keep visualizing your clear energy body and your boundaries/ shield that allow what is nurturing and loving in, but keeps out any energy thought form or other that drains you, or feeds on your energy. You are responsible for your energy and can create boundaries to keep it clear. You don't deserve any abuse or violation from outside yourself or within your own psyche.

Non - acceptance of violation is the right thing (STO ) to do, it is loving and protecting your physical body, which we must do in order to be strong to care for others. Keep your orange ray clear by fully embracing and loving and having complete compassion for you, your body.

If you would like me to send some Reiki, let me know. HeartHeart

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Aaron - 12-31-2012

Oh P.S. yossarian:

Ra only mentions Lucifer once in the material (Don mentions them one other time), and they are referenced as "the true light bringer" who provides the impetus to move, to work, and to learn to an otherwise monochrome society.


Shemaya, thank you so much!!!

As I go through this evening, I will continue to visualize a clear energy body and continue to energize the shielding in place. Thank you! I would have neglected to do that otherwise...

I didn't think of the body memory thing either. As I read that, I felt intuitively that you were right... that because I've experienced these sensations in my energy body for almost a year now, my body memory can continue to produce them especially if I move into old patterns of thought. Thanks!

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Cyan - 12-31-2012

67.26 Questioner: Then there is no other service at this time that we can offer that fifth-density entity of the Orion group who is constantly with us. As I see it now from your point of view there is nothing that we can do for him? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. There is great humor in your attempt to be of polarized service to the opposite polarity. There is a natural difficulty in doing so since what you consider service is considered by this entity non-service. As you send this entity love and light and wish it well it loses its polarity and needs to regroup.

Thus it would not consider your service as such. On the other hand, if you allowed it to be of service by removing this instrument from your midst you might perhaps perceive this as not being of service. You have here a balanced and polarized view of the Creator;two services offered, mutually rejected, and in a state of equilibrium in which free will is preserved and each allowed to go upon its own path of experiencing the One Infinite Creator.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Shin'Ar - 12-31-2012

(12-31-2012, 03:44 AM)yossarian Wrote: I don't see how that follows.

Maybe if I could talk to gods like you I would understand. P.S. this cult says Lucifer is a woman. I think you might be talking to an imposter.

What exactly do you define as a god?

And if we both think we are speaking to Lucifer, does that not tell you of the need for both of us to use great discernment in our effort? Or do just believe that the cult of your choosing is always right?

In truth, Lucifer has no gender. It is rather strange that one following a satanic cult would not know this. That in itself should give you great reason to abandon that following as quickly as you can.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Aaron - 12-31-2012

(12-31-2012, 05:36 PM)ShinAr Wrote:
(12-31-2012, 03:44 AM)yossarian Wrote: I don't see how that follows.

Maybe if I could talk to gods like you I would understand. P.S. this cult says Lucifer is a woman. I think you might be talking to an imposter.

What exactly do you define as a god?

And if we both think we are speaking to Lucifer, does that not tell you of the need for both of us to use great discernment in our effort? Or do just believe that the cult of your choosing is always right?

In truth, Lucifer has no gender. It is rather strange that one following a satanic cult would not know this. That in itself should give you great reason to abandon that following as quickly as you can.

In my opinion, it doesn't mean that he should abandon it as soon as possible. It just points towards the necessity of using the highest discernment at all times in spiritual matters.

We know from the Ra Material that higher density entities are social memory complexes (except 5th negative), which are composed of millions or billions of individual beings who are either experiencing themselves within the polarity of gender, or in some cases have moved beyond that entirely.

But even considering that, Lucifer as an archetypical concept could be perceived as either female or male. I'm not sure which one is more true or appropriate. I can share a personal experience though. At the end of the channeling which I spoke of earlier in this thread, we were no longer making contact with a lower density negative entity. For the last couple of sessions, we were making contact with the entity's (and the instrument's) higher self, a 6th density entity of unity. After the channeling sessions terminated, this entity visited me in some way. It appeared to me in my mind as a divine angelic "devil" creature with light purple skin, and horns on its head, made from its own skin, which extended up into a brilliant golden angelic halo.

It thanked me for my service, and assured me that every aspect of the experience was appropriate in its own way. The point is that this entity, who I understood to be Lucifer, chose to express its divine energies as appearing to my mind as a feminine figure with the above description. The divinity was most easily expressed in a feminine fashion, for whatever reason.

Just food for thought... I don't think that they are limited to expressing themselves as one or the other gender, or that yossarian should abandon what he feels is a proper path for him in this space/time.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - BrownEye - 01-01-2013

Quote:67.23 Questioner: I personally have felt no effect that I am aware of. Is it possible for you to tell me how we are offered this service?

Ra: I am Ra. The questioner has been offered the service of doubting the self and of becoming disheartened over various distortions of the personal nature. This entity has not chosen to use these opportunities and the Orion entity has basically ceased to be interested in maintaining constant surveillance of this entity.

The scribe is under constant surveillance and has been offered numerous opportunities for the intensification of the mental/emotional distortions and in some cases the connection matrices between mental/emotional complexes and the physical complex counterpart. As this entity has become aware of these attacks it has become much less pervious to them. This is the particular cause of the great intensification and constancy of the surveillance of the instrument, for it is the weak link due to factors beyond its control within this incarnation.
This should give clue as to the "individuality" of some forms of harassment.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Shin'Ar - 01-01-2013

I implore all my friends here to avoid all contact and persuasion by any sort of a cult following.

It is not only absurd that ones of such Light and enlightenment would lower themselves to following the practices and corruptions of elitist sects seeking to absorb as many seekers and wanderers as it can, it is also placing one's choices into hole and burying them.

You give up your opportunity to grow in a positive direction for the fantasies of deceivers.

Rise up and embrace your true power from within the Light.


RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - yossarian - 01-01-2013

(12-31-2012, 05:36 PM)ShinAr Wrote: What exactly do you define as a god?

Why do you always change the subject and never answer a direct question?

Quote:And if we both think we are speaking to Lucifer, does that not tell you of the need for both of us to use great discernment in our effort? Or do just believe that the cult of your choosing is always right?

I choose my cults because I think they are right. You have confused cause and effect. I don't think the cult is right because I chose them, I chose them because I think they're right. Get it?

Quote:In truth, Lucifer has no gender. It is rather strange that one following a satanic cult would not know this.

Lucifer and Satan are totally different.

It is rather strange that you called Lucifer "HE" then, if Lucifer has no gender.

Are you even listening to yourself? You genderize this concept and when you do it it's A-OK. Then I do it and now I'm WRONG and STRANGE.

Does it not even cross your mind that maybe my reason for Ying my X is the same reason you have for Ying your X? If you can go around Gamma-ing the Theta, and when you do it's not STRANGE or CONCERNING or QUESTIONABLE, why is it all of a sudden questionable when I Gamma the Theta?

Could it be that.... gasp... maybe you assume you're always spiritually superior to everyone at all times!?

When I genderize Lucifer, I'm STRANGE and DUBIOUS and it's WEIRD that I "don't know the truth."

When you genderize Lucifer, it's not strange or dubious and it doesn't mean that you don't know the truth.

The Double Standard. The calling card of the spiritual hypocrite. The chorus of the holier-than-thou spiritual know-it-all looking down on everyone else, giving them NO benefit of the doubt, yet liberally taking liberties when it comes to his own vague writing.

Quote: That in itself should give you great reason to abandon that following as quickly as you can.

You're right. I should abandon them and their evil tyrannical influence because you said so. I should quit them and start listening to YOU instead, because YOU make so much sense with all your vague bullshit and question dodging. You won't order me around. You won't tell me nonsense and expect that I should blindly obey based on nothing at all. You won't look down on me like they do. You are a much better place to learn. You have the True Knowledge and every other teacher is highly dubious and questionable.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Unbound - 01-01-2013

Many shadow selves are creeping out in this thread. Smile Also many Light beings are showing their hearts.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Shin'Ar - 01-01-2013

(01-01-2013, 04:12 AM)yossarian Wrote: It is rather strange that you called Lucifer "HE" then, if Lucifer has no gender.

In the effort to reach out to someone things that will occur.

My mishap occurred in the context that I had also made known that it is my understanding that Lucifer has no gender, which has been the knowledge of The Ancients for many eons and extends into many of the ancient teachings.

Your context was also made clear in that you clearly state that the cult of your choice believes that Lucifer is a woman.

So either you have a rather serious disagreement with the cult you choose to follow in one of its main doctrines, or you also believe that Lucifer is a female.

But this matter is simply distraction, and really has nothing to do with any accusation that I am lording over anyone.

Anytime that I effort to state my opinion it is seen that way by those who are in disagreement with it. Even after I have made it clear that I offer the information and advice out of love and concern.

That is the way that those who speak with any confidence or conviction are reacted to by those who are not as confident about the differences.

My advice to you was offered freely, and not forced upon you in any way. I am not some Roman Inquisitor.

I offer you this warning because I have known many attached to cults and there is always some effort to control and manipulate their flock in such a way that the flock has no real idea of the true intent of the cult, and become simple blind pawns in a battle they do not even realize they are in.

My loving advice is not to partake of cult behavior at all.

However, if darkness, enslavement and greed is that which you seek to experience, then you are on the right path.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Aaron - 01-01-2013

Just an update on my situation...

The uncomfortable sensations seem to have faded into the background for now, and I'm maintaining more of a clear state.

I still feel like I have attachments though, and will continue to work with these.

Thank you for all your love and support, everyone. Smile

I think it's important to point out areas for growth and balancing to other-selves when we experience the catalyst of being in a situation where we are exposed to others' biases or distortions. But if the other-self is not completely accepted in green ray love first before speaking to them, then we have blue ray coming before green ray which leads to non-loving communication and disrespect.

I'm not trying to teach... just asking where the green ray love and acceptance of other-self is.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Monica - 01-01-2013

(01-01-2013, 03:55 PM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote: Just an update on my situation...

The uncomfortable sensations seem to have faded into the background for now, and I'm maintaining more of a clear state.

I still feel like I have attachments though, and will continue to work with these.

Thank you for all your love and support, everyone. Smile

Glad to hear you're doing better!

(01-01-2013, 03:55 PM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote: But if the other-self is not completely accepted in green ray love first before speaking to them, then we have blue ray coming before green ray which leads to non-loving communication and disrespect.

I'm not trying to teach... just asking where the green ray love and acceptance of other-self is.

I agree. I think it can work both ways, too. If either party isn't accepting of the other in green ray, then the blue-ray attempt, even if grounded in green ray, can go awry.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Aureus - 01-01-2013

(12-31-2012, 06:18 PM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote: After the channeling sessions terminated, this entity visited me in some way. It appeared to me in my mind as a divine angelic "devil" creature with light purple skin, and horns on its head, made from its own skin, which extended up into a brilliant golden angelic halo.

Whose higher self was this?

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Parsons - 01-02-2013

I most sincerely hope you get this trouble cleared up, my friend. I would help give additional advice but to be honest I don't have much/any experience with that sort of thing.

I find it interesting that I participated in this and have received no negative contact as a result. I wonder why that is?

P.S. If you do end up needing assistance clearing this up, please count me in. What I lack in experience and grace I can make up in intention. I definitely understand your desire to clear this up without outside assistance; I would do the same in your position.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - yossarian - 01-02-2013

(01-01-2013, 10:16 AM)ShinAr Wrote: My mishap occurred in the context that I had also made known that it is my understanding that Lucifer has no gender, which has been the knowledge of The Ancients for many eons and extends into many of the ancient teachings.

The ancient wisdom also just says that gender itself is nothing but a distortion of The One, an illusion, a game or a skin we put on.

Lucifer's appearance as a woman is just as real as anyone else's appearance as a woman. It's just a distortion if the one infinite creator.

You're jumping at the chance to find something dubious over which you can be concerned.

Quote:I offer you this warning because I have known many attached to cults and there is always some effort to control and manipulate their flock in such a way that the flock has no real idea of the true intent of the cult, and become simple blind pawns in a battle they do not even realize they are in.

When people engage in bad behaviour theres no doubt that it is partially bad. This is how I know that bring4th is partially bad--all the emotional invalidation , gas lighting, and irresponsible advice giving.

Quote:My loving advice is not to partake of cult behavior at all.

I have no reason to trust you. You don't even make an argument, you just assert your opinion. You also speak of something (a group) of which you have no knowledge, and yet you think your jumping to conclusions is meaningful advice. A more humble person would just say nothing because they would recognize they lack the information necessary to make a judgement. But your spiritual ego is so inflated you think that your snap judgements are meaningful even when it comes to things that you have not encountered and have no knowledge of.

Quote:However, if darkness, enslavement and greed is that which you seek to experience, then you are on the right path.

How could you possibly know this? You already equated a luciferian cult with a satanic cult indicating that you don't see the difference, therefore it's safe to say that you made a snap judgement based on the name itself.

If I directed my life by taking the blind advice of assumption-making spiritual know-it-alls on the Internet, THAT would be making the big mistake! THAT would be taking the wrong path!

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Ankh - 01-02-2013

Dear Aaron, there is a quote that I found of interest in regards to your problem:

Ra, 25:1 Wrote:The first hope of the Orion entity which arranged this opportunity was that this instrument would become less polarized towards what you call the positive. Due to conscious efforts upon the part of this instrument, using the substance as a programmer for service to others and for thankfulness, this instrument was spared this distortion and there was no result satisfactory to the Orion group.

The second hope lay in the possible misuse of the most powerful means of transmission of energy between your peoples in the area of body complex distortions. We have not previously spoken of the various types of energy blockages and transfers, positive and negative, that may take place due to participation in your sexual reproductive complex of actions. This entity, however, is a very strong entity with very little distortion from universal green-ray love energy. Thus this particular plan was not effected either, as the entity continued to give of itself in this context in an open or green-ray manner rather than attempting to receive or to manipulate other-self.

The only remaining distortion available, since this entity would not detune and would not cease sharing love universally under this chemical substance, was simply to drain this entity of as much energy as possible. This entity has a strong distortion towards busy-ness which it has been attempting to overcome for some time, realizing it not to be the appropriate attitude for this work. In this particular area the ingestion of this substance did indeed, shall we say, cause distortions away from viability due to the busy-ness and the lack of desire to rest; this instrument staying alert for much longer than appropriate. Thus much vital energy was lost, making this instrument unusually susceptible to infections such as it now experiences.

As you can read above, these attacks, offered to Carla, were from an Orion entity (before the 5th density companion joined the group). As you also can read, there is something that is called negative energy transfer.

I don't know if it's wise to try to seek to understand who this entity is or what it is doing in your case. What I would advice is what Ra has adviced to Carla:

In 63:5 Don asks if there is anything that they can do in order to lessen the effectiveness of the psychic attacks, to which Ra answers: I am Ra. Continue in love and praise and thanksgiving to the Creator. Examine previous material. Love is the great protector.

In 82:30 Don asks if there is anything that they can do to improve the contact or make the instrument more comfortable, to which Ra answers: Remain united in love and thanksgiving.

Same question in 100:15, to which Ra answers: There is much greater distortion towards harmony at this asking and we join you in praise and thanksgiving.

And on an on Ra keeps talking about praise and thanksgiving for all things. And as you can read in 100:15 which is mentioned above, Ra even joins the group in praise and thanksgiving at one point.

But in regards to negative greetings and the advice that I found particuarly interesting, is namely this:

Ra Wrote:Consider, if you will, the potentials that this particular occurrence had for negative influences to enter the instrument. This instrument thought upon the Creator in its solitude and in actions with other-self, continually praised and gave thanksgiving to the Creator for the experiences it was having. This in turn allowed this particular entity to radiate to the other-self such energies as became a catalyst for an opening and strengthening of the other-self’s ability to function in a more positively polarized state. Thus we see protection being very simple. Give thanksgiving for each moment. See the self and the other-self as Creator. Open the heart. Always know the light and praise it. This is all the protection necessary.

All my love to you. Heart

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Shin'Ar - 01-02-2013

(01-01-2013, 03:55 PM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote: I'm not trying to teach...

Worry less about the phony taboo of teaching, and focus more on just sharing what you have to offer.

Let those who have a problem with that deal with it themselves.

Teach/learn is the same as learn/teach.

It is known more universally as sharing, which is the sacred core of Divine Design.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Monica - 01-02-2013

(01-02-2013, 01:41 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Teach/learn is the same as learn/teach.

By that logic, then time/space is the same as space/time.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Aaron - 01-02-2013

(01-02-2013, 01:41 PM)ShinAr Wrote:
(01-01-2013, 03:55 PM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote: I'm not trying to teach...

Worry less about the phony taboo of teaching, and focus more on just sharing what you have to offer.

Let those who have a problem with that deal with it themselves.

Teach/learn is the same as learn/teach.

It is known more universally as sharing, which is the sacred core of Divine Design.

Teaching must be balanced with learning, otherwise one is closed to what may be received from others and it's an imbalanced action. I understand Ra's term teach/learn to mean that in each instance that one is teaching, one is also learning. They are the same action because one cannot come without the other.

What I meant by "I'm not trying to teach" is more like "I'm not trying to speak with unquestionable authority on the subject" - not trying to put myself in the role of a teacher or preacher who is not open to input from others, who is not attempting to be of service from the heart by humbly sharing their experience.

(01-02-2013, 03:58 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:
(01-02-2013, 01:41 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Teach/learn is the same as learn/teach.

By that logic, then time/space is the same as space/time.

They are! Tongue I think...

Time is the same as space. It's the same "substance", just distorted in two opposite ways. So space/time and time/space would be the way of describing the quality of either end of the spectrum.

There's this quote to consider:
Quote:41.20 Questioner: Could you tell me the difference between space/time and time/space?
Ra: I am Ra. Using your words, the difference is that between the visible and invisible or the physical and metaphysical. Using mathematical terms, as does the one you call Larson, the difference is that between s/t and t/s.

And there's actually a thread about it in Strictly Law of One right now:

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Spaced - 01-02-2013

Aaron, thank you for documenting this process and opening yourself to us honestly in order that the members of the forum could share their experiences and see what helped you work through this. This thread has been educational for me at least and I'm sure a few others BigSmile

I am glad to hear that you are feeling better! This forum is a great resource for working through personal issues, the members here have been a lot of help to me since I joined!

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Shin'Ar - 01-02-2013

(01-02-2013, 04:03 PM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote:
(01-02-2013, 01:41 PM)ShinAr Wrote:
(01-01-2013, 03:55 PM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote: I'm not trying to teach...

Worry less about the phony taboo of teaching, and focus more on just sharing what you have to offer.

Let those who have a problem with that deal with it themselves.

Teach/learn is the same as learn/teach.

It is known more universally as sharing, which is the sacred core of Divine Design.

Teaching must be balanced with learning, otherwise one is closed to what may be received from others and it's an imbalanced action. I understand Ra's term teach/learn to mean that in each instance that one is teaching, one is also learning. They are the same action because one cannot come without the other.

What I meant by "I'm not trying to teach" is more like "I'm not trying to speak with unquestionable authority on the subject" - not trying to put myself in the role of a teacher or preacher who is not open to input from others, who is not attempting to be of service from the heart by humbly sharing their experience.

You speak with great wisdom Aaron. Balance is always a crucial aspect to any experience.

When we share that which we have acquired, we teach.

When we share in that which others have to offer, we learn.

It is always our personal obligation to both gather and discern, and to temper our effort to teach with the humility of knowing that all that we have to offer is always limited by our own understanding. Because of that we should always be open to criticism, correction and the possible need to change the thinking around a matter.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Monica - 01-02-2013

(01-02-2013, 04:03 PM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote: They are! Tongue I think...

Time is the same as space. It's the same "substance", just distorted in two opposite ways.

You just stated a way in which they are different. Thus, they're not exactly the same. If they are distorted in opposite ways, then, well, that's a difference.

If they were exactly the same, then there would no significance to Ra's choice of using one or the other. But Ra used one in certain contexts, and the other in different contexts.

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Unbound - 01-02-2013

Difference = Subtraction

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Aaron - 01-02-2013

Aureus, see PMs.

(01-02-2013, 04:45 PM)ShinAr Wrote: You speak with great wisdom Aaron. Balance is always a crucial aspect to any experience.

When we share that which we have acquired, we teach.

When we share in that which others have to offer, we learn.

It is always our personal obligation to both gather and discern, and to temper our effort to teach with the humility of knowing that all that we have to offer is always limited by our own understanding. Because of that we should always be open to criticism, correction and the possible need to change the thinking around a matter.

Thanks Shin'Ar Smile I would add to that the humility of knowing that what we have to offer is like a gift to the Creator because all communication is the Creator speaking to the Creator.

(01-02-2013, 04:50 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:
(01-02-2013, 04:03 PM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote: They are! Tongue I think...

Time is the same as space. It's the same "substance", just distorted in two opposite ways.

You just stated a way in which they are different. Thus, they're not exactly the same. If they are distorted in opposite ways, then, well, that's a difference.

If they were exactly the same, then there would no significance to Ra's choice of using one or the other. But Ra used one in certain contexts, and the other in different contexts.

Yeah, I understand what you're saying. We're the same substance (Creator) distorted in different ways. So one could say we're different, but we're very much the same in that light.

I built the idea that they were the same from the fact that Ra always uses the term "space/time" or "time/space", and not just "space" or "time".

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Cyan - 01-02-2013

In an effort to clear this.

I'm asking for others to send me as much light to keep any possible "dark thoughts" and forces to such a degree that my life can continue with the minimum amount of disturbances on the physical level for the most peaceful existance of all.

Thank you! ♥ =P

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Aaron - 01-02-2013

(01-02-2013, 06:51 PM)Cyan Wrote: In an effort to clear this.

I'm asking for others to send me as much light to keep any possible "dark thoughts" and forces to such a degree that my life can continue with the minimum amount of disturbances on the physical level for the most peaceful existance of all.

Thank you! ♥ =P

Hey Cyan

Are you asking for help now? What kind of catalyst are you going through?

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Cyan - 01-02-2013

I had been contemplating the next move in my logical path towards perfection like a normal mad scientist does.

And I learned several very important lessons and I hope, taught some about the importance of mindfulness, forgiveness and love towards one another.

Such a lesson caused several near conflicts, revealed logical faults in how I work. And told me that I need to really "believe" in this stuff.

The image I posted here was made by my "guides" thats what I term "friends I generally know i can rely on in terms of morality to always be standing in certain positions at all times". So i know them to always want to benefit me. So. The image "too wicca to be real" that i posted here, which was made by "them" ( you knwo how that works) is about what is real?

Because after learning the earlier lesson about real being attention, when my guide asked the other guide "what can you do if i ask you to pass me the lighter and you're across the world from me, you cant do it" and my other guide was "sure i could" and whisks the situation aside.

And i commented that he could, if he had telekinesis, which is possible by several systems which we could in the future do. Right now its not possible but we are not at our homes either.

By which i defused the situation and managed to form "peace".

Many such situations occured throughout the day and much laughter and shared learning in love and common bonding were done.

But Unfortunately I may have caused both a rather bad Ego / REality blow due to rapid pace as well as the possibility of exposure to the "loyal opposition" in a way i find most uncomfortable.

All in all. At this point i'm hoping "its magic" will actually work as an ACTUAL problem solver with other people being irritated.

It is now night in my area. If any of you wish, please send energy TO THE PEOPLE ANNOYED by me in the most loving embracing way possible, you may use my subconcious with the normal "dont be a douch" caveats to get it done when i sleep. If said policy is seen to be violated, "douch" entity / thoughtform shall be expelled.

Beyond that. Please, send the most love possible to the people i may have offended today, all i may have injured today, all that may find me at fault and all that may find me to be "a bad guy".

Especially my guides, friends, neighbours and community co people.

I hope the dream that we are actually building something great here doesnt get burried away under all this rubble!

TlBigSmiler I'm fine, just want all the people I may have annoyed to be fine and with peace with me as well!

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Aaron - 01-02-2013

Well you, as well as the ones who you've interacted today are in my thoughts, and receiving love and support from me.

If you want to share anything more about your possible uncomfortable exposure to "the loyal opposition", please do so! This is probably the right thread. Wink


RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - Cyan - 01-02-2013

Well, to start off with.

When i was 7....

Thats how you're supposed to start right?

Guides recommended a movie called peaceful warrior.

young glib hard working competing man talks snidely to a gasstation worker. Gasstation guy says back "this is a service station, we offer service" "you mean pump gas" "I mean service to others"

Gas station guy walks away.

Thank you, apperciate the message, recommend movie in return! Smile

RE: Seeking help - Negative entity taken residence in my field - BlatzAdict - 01-02-2013

too much talking not enough dooing.

haha doo
yea see my play on words? huh believe it or not there is a point to it

step 1 take a deep breath, fill up your lungs completely,
hold it half as long as you are comfortable, and release
now hold that for twice as you are comfortable, and release.

Continue this breathing excercise. practice it. do it.
call and ask for your guides and angels to come help you set up a field.

visualize white light eminating from the heart, expand this field, it is your pure unabated love. visualize a ball expanding and as it expands it energizes and recharges and unblocks each chakra hitting
so green ray
then what's next?
yellow, light blue
orange, indigo,
red, and finally crown chakra

this is where the doo comes in, visualize all of the blockages in this process as you visual the color sphere of each chakra, you should see in your first impressions imagination of the sphere the shape and color of the blockage, the doo
visualize the white light going into this energy and changing it's polarity. from that of fear to that of love.

now expand the bottom to resemble roots of a tree, connect to the core of this logos this planet,
then extend the lighted christed energy from the crown chakra to the first of the chakras that do not reside in your body. first is at the atmosphere
next near the sun
next near the galactic center.

at this point recognize this entity HAS TO BE YOU, AND YOU HAVE TO BE THIS ENTITY, AS YOU ARE ONE,
due to that you must as a test take on this karma, forgive it, thank it, love it, release that which does not serve you any longer, doesn't mean it's not going to come back meaning it should be easier and easier to deal with as time moves on, and so it will pass because you have resolved the karma it offered the action, and you resolved it

so the next time it offers karma, you process it in a second, and it's done, lesson learned, what's next?

Lastly, thank your guides and angels for helping you today, and spend some moments feeling grateful to be here and being thankful for this experience.