Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - Printable Version

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RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - yossarian - 06-15-2017

A lot of the Hidden Hand stuff doesn't add up. He says Yahweh was the good guy but in the Bible it's Yahweh who is ordering the murder of children. He says Lucifer is STS but Lucifer didn't do anything wrong in the Bible or any other myths either.

All human mythology depicts Lucifer as offering questions, doubts, skepticism, and an apple.

Meanwhile, Yahweh orders human sacrifice, genocide, rape, stoning, killing your own children, blind obedience, irrational hatred, breaking up families, starting wars of annihilation, and even offering up your own family to be raped as a service to guests.

So the whole demonization of Lucifer and elevation of Yahweh doesn't make any sense.

Lucifer, by all accounts, represents intelligence, careful thought, skepticism, rationality, and maybe pleasure.

Yahweh the complete opposite.

Hidden Hand just took the Ra Material and rewrote it as the basis for his LARPing. There wasn't anything new or substantial in there. Even the wild theories about some elite bloodlines living in underground bases were already around long before he posted them.

There is nothing there to suggest it isn't a hoax. Not even one original idea.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - Aaron - 06-16-2017

(06-15-2017, 06:54 AM)yossarian Wrote: A lot of the Hidden Hand stuff doesn't add up. He says Yahweh was the good guy but in the Bible it's Yahweh who is ordering the murder of children. He says Lucifer is STS but Lucifer didn't do anything wrong in the Bible or any other myths either.

All human mythology depicts Lucifer as offering questions, doubts, skepticism, and an apple.

Meanwhile, Yahweh orders human sacrifice, genocide, rape, stoning, killing your own children, blind obedience, irrational hatred, breaking up families, starting wars of annihilation, and even offering up your own family to be raped as a service to guests.

So the whole demonization of Lucifer and elevation of Yahweh doesn't make any sense.

Lucifer, by all accounts, represents intelligence, careful thought, skepticism, rationality, and maybe pleasure.

Yahweh the complete opposite.

Hidden Hand just took the Ra Material and rewrote it as the basis for his LARPing. There wasn't anything new or substantial in there. Even the wild theories about some elite bloodlines living in underground bases were already around long before he posted them.

There is nothing there to suggest it isn't a hoax. Not even one original idea.

The original idea of this thread is that the teachings of Ra in Egypt somehow through cause and effect, helped the Illuminati (which is currently attempting to enslave us) to take shape. We see this meme repeated over and over again in history where Orion influence twists and distorts a teaching that was originally given with pure intent. Reading the following quote from the material, we know that it is not positive Guardian Yahweh ordering these sacrifice, rape, genocide, and enslavement. It is the Orion STS beings. And maybe even ones that I could cautiously attempt to nickname the "Jehovah" group, I think.

Quote:24.6 Questioner: Thank you. Then I assume the Confederation stayed away from Earth for a period of time. What condition created the next contact the Confederation made?

Ra: I am Ra. In approximately three six zero zero [3,600] of your years in the past, as you measure time, there was an influx of those of the Orion group, as you call them. Due to the increasing negative influences upon thinking and acting distortions, they were able to begin working with those whose impression from olden times, as you may say, was that they were special and different.

An entity of the Confederation, many, many thousands of your years in the past, the one you may call “Yahweh,” had, by genetic cloning, set up these particular biases among these peoples who had come gradually to dwell in the vicinity of Egypt, as well as in many, many other places, by dispersion after the down-sinking of the land mass Mu. Here the Orion group found fertile soil in which to plant the seeds of negativity, these seeds, as always, being those of the elite, the different, those who manipulate or enslave others.

The one known as Yahweh felt a great responsibility to these entities. However, the Orion group had been able to impress upon the peoples the name Yahweh as the one responsible for this elitism. Yahweh then was able to take what you would call stock of its vibratory patterns and became, in effect, a more eloquently effective sound vibration complex.

In this complex the old Yahweh, now unnamed, but meaning “He comes,” began to send positively oriented philosophy. This was approximately, in your past, of two— we correct this instrument— three three zero zero [3,300] years. Thus, the intense portion of what has become known as Armageddon was joined.

As to the whole Lucifer thing, from what I gather they are just like any other STS entity in that they don't want to stand in their own self responsibility for what we as humanity can morally perceive as "sin". I believe that for the most part, they perceive themselves as being above their karma. However, we also know from the Ra Material that mid 6th density negative entities are at a point where they are releasing their polarity. Who knows what this looks like to us here living a human life on earth? Are they in a state of grace, paying back their karmic debt? Perhaps partially. Are their hands clean? I wouldn't bet on it.

Personally, I think the person behind the Hidden Hand name was entirely sincere and truthful in his posts, or at least believes everything he wrote.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - Balios - 06-16-2017

(06-15-2017, 06:54 AM)yossarian Wrote: A lot of the Hidden Hand stuff doesn't add up. He says Yahweh was the good guy but in the Bible it's Yahweh who is ordering the murder of children. He says Lucifer is STS but Lucifer didn't do anything wrong in the Bible or any other myths either.

All human mythology depicts Lucifer as offering questions, doubts, skepticism, and an apple.

Meanwhile, Yahweh orders human sacrifice, genocide, rape, stoning, killing your own children, blind obedience, irrational hatred, breaking up families, starting wars of annihilation, and even offering up your own family to be raped as a service to guests.

So the whole demonization of Lucifer and elevation of Yahweh doesn't make any sense.

Lucifer, by all accounts, represents intelligence, careful thought, skepticism, rationality, and maybe pleasure.

Yahweh the complete opposite.

Hidden Hand just took the Ra Material and rewrote it as the basis for his LARPing. There wasn't anything new or substantial in there. Even the wild theories about some elite bloodlines living in underground bases were already around long before he posted them.

There is nothing there to suggest it isn't a hoax. Not even one original idea.

I agree about Hidden Hand, this was nothing more than a not so well elaborated hoax, partly based on the Ra Material.

Regarding this particular thread, and having been very interested in conspiracy theories in the late 90s and early 2000s, I am now sure the Illuminati do not exist at all. While it is obvious there are various STS oriented groups who try gain power by controlling (or at least trying to control) the economy, these groups fluctuated a lot through history and there is no such centuries old group like the Illuminati which would be above all the others. Essentially because the nature of 'power', the way STS oriented people could control and enslave others, has changed a lot in the last two centuries.

Today, the most influential ones are people controlling the biggest banks and companies, mostly in the US and western Europe, and some of their members may be related to several secret or partially secret organizations, but their are plenty of them. Just look at the most influential US thinks tanks like the Brooklyn Institution or the CFR, or at so called discussion groups like the Trilateral Commission. There reside today those of STS who try to 'control' the world. These groups are rather new, no more than a few decades old for some. The three I mentioned are some of the most influential and powerful ones, but there are many others, and they do not necessarily cooperate, on the contrary, being primarily STS oriented by nature.

There resides their difference when compared to older elitist organizations like the Free Masonry, where you could find STO oriented people and ideas.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - darklight - 06-16-2017

STO = the shield, STS = the sword.

I believe the shield becomes stronger now.

The main goal is to increase the harvest in a graduational sense for both polarities.

STS has crossed the line and balance must be needed.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - Infinite - 06-16-2017

First is necessary to determine who are the Illuminati or Elite, Dark Cabala, etc. and what are your goals.

There is much misinformation about this term. Some people believe that they are humans like bankers and powerful families that rules the mankind. Others, with the Christian vision that they serve Satan. There is also the alien Agenda theory, etc.

In my humble opinion is necessary to analyse this question with caution and using a global vision of the life (always remebering that all entities are the Creator). This is, all the visions above can be real.

The Hidden Hand dialogue is very known here. This vision makes sense because the LOO and Lucifer concepts shown by HH are correct (using the global vision). But there are distortions in this dialogue.

The two sources about Illuminati that I consider trusted are:

The information of the book "Prism of Lyra" by Lyssa Royal:

Quote:In translation,another manifestation of the Sirius influence on Earth from a slightly negative perspective is the Illuminati. The Illuminati are a group of physical and nonphysical negatively oriented (and even some positively oriented) extraterrestrials who came to Earth as physical beings during the Inception.

These beings eventually felt they did not get the recognition (or power) they thought they deserved. Many of these early off-planet consciousnesses who interacted with humanity had allowed their energies or their "histories" to evolve and become an archetype to assist Earth. The idea of control is their identity. If they cannot control others, they feel as if they do not exist...and they are terrified of nonexistence. This motivation has caused them to attempt to interfere in Earth's development from the start. As with an annoying insect, they are a bother, but rarely cause serious problems. Only the individuals who have no sense of their own power will be found in those power structures upon Earth that stem from fear of powerlessness. They cannot be an influence if one does not allow them to be. It all comes back to the issue of claiming one's own power.

Quote:The Illuminati are not only comprised of Sirians. Other groups, such as Orion, are part of the Illuminati structure.

Quote:Illuminati: Webster defines "illuminati" as "persons possessing, or alleging to possess, superior enlightenment; a name for various sects or societies which claim to possess superior enlightenment." This may refer to humans as well as various extraterrestrial groups (physical or nonphysical) who are either self-deluded or who deliberately attempt to gain control of human society. Some such negative groups may include: Orions, Sirians, Lyrans, and "renegade" Pleiadians. The historical foundation of the Illuminati is rooted in times past when various extraterrestrial groups were in control (or fighting for control) of the Earth in whole or in part. Because of these ancient interactions, the Illuminati believe that they have territorial rights over the Earth that they still disagree about amongst themselves. Some will attempt incarnation in order to carry out their wishes in the physical. The Illuminati can also be viewed from the nonphysical as an archetypal energy that once interacted physically with Earth. This group eventually side-stepped natural evolution and became a specifically focused archetype. This archetype is bound tightly with the planet by its need to keep humans from their natural evolutionary processes.

L/L Research Channelings:

Quote:Questioner: I have been reading a lot about the Illuminati and hearing about international bankers. Do they exist, are they the same, are they different? Are their motives what are supposedly given them by the writers?

I am Latwii, and am aware of your question and we would answer by saying that upon the stage of your planet there are many players. Some have roles which appear to be very heavy, very dark and to be of the nature of darkness, of that which you refer to as the Illuminati. There are many who are swayed and polarized toward the dark part of the spectrum, toward the dark experience of separation from the Father, many in your world.

Indeed, each within your planetary vibration at one time or another does experience and express this dark force. Each time you meet a fellow creature and fail to recognize the divinity that resides within, each time you turn your face from the light of the infinite
Creator, you are polarized in the direction of darkness or negativity. And this does indeed create an energy which can be tapped into, so to speak, and used to lure others in that direction.

We would suggest that should such beings indeed exist upon your plane, a most important consideration is how you, yourself, live your own
life; how you are able to manifest the vibration of love. For, my friends, love is that force which encompasses all.

Quote:Questioner: That is all that I can honestly say that I can ask about Ben.

Very well, my friend, we would add one thing for the general edification of those who attend. There were several of the, shall we say, “fathers of our country,” as this entity would say, although we do not fully understand the meaning of that term, who took part in a somewhat negative plan together. It may be called a club. It has been called by your peoples, “Illuminati.” They actually did not mean harm but to improve mankind. What has occurred since then was not in the plans of those such as your Jefferson, your Madison, and your Franklin, those who were a part of this organization and whose imprint can to this day be seen upon your currency as this instrument would call it.
Answering the thread: Ra didn't created the Illuminati. They are extraterrestrials entities that already are in Earth for many time before Ra. My only doubt is what is the relationship between the Illuminati and Lucifer. Or maybe they are the same.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - David Junior - 06-16-2017

(06-15-2017, 06:54 AM)yossarian Wrote: A lot of the Hidden Hand stuff doesn't add up. He says Yahweh was the good guy but in the Bible it's Yahweh who is ordering the murder of children. He says Lucifer is STS but Lucifer didn't do anything wrong in the Bible or any other myths either.

All human mythology depicts Lucifer as offering questions, doubts, skepticism, and an apple.

Meanwhile, Yahweh orders human sacrifice, genocide, rape, stoning, killing your own children, blind obedience, irrational hatred, breaking up families, starting wars of annihilation, and even offering up your own family to be raped as a service to guests.

So the whole demonization of Lucifer and elevation of Yahweh doesn't make any sense.

Lucifer, by all accounts, represents intelligence, careful thought, skepticism, rationality, and maybe pleasure.

Yahweh the complete opposite.

Hidden Hand just took the Ra Material and rewrote it as the basis for his LARPing. There wasn't anything new or substantial in there. Even the wild theories about some elite bloodlines living in underground bases were already around long before he posted them.

There is nothing there to suggest it isn't a hoax. Not even one original idea.

i believe Yahweh is no friend of earth and Lucifer is an god and also no friend of earths

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - loostudent - 07-25-2017

Quote:For many of your centuries, both the Confederation and the Orion Confederation busied themselves with each other upon planes above your own, shall we say, planes in time/space whereby machinations were conceived and the armor of light girded on. Battles have been and are continuing to be fought upon these levels. (Ra)
Quote:For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world's darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph 6, 12)

First our space/time was not involved in this battle? After Yahweh contact was distorted, those of the Orion group were able for the first time to make serious inroads upon the consciousness of the planetary complex. Thus this battle was then extended to this plane.

Quote:At this time there was a limited amount of visionary information which the Confederation was allowed to telepathically impress. However, for the most part, during this time empires died and rose according to the attitudes and energies set in motion long ago, not resulting in strong polarization but rather in that mixture of the positive and the warlike or negative which has been characteristic of this final minor cycle of your beingness. (Ra)

Does this mean that our forms of governments, political systems and some greedy and power-hungry secret societies and cults to this day have been a long-term consequence of distorted Confederation contacts and entering of Orion influence? Confederation is still "correcting the distortions of the Law of One" which occurred during their attempts to aid.

This is how Jesus offered a different mindset for correcting power distortions:

Quote:Jesus summoned them, and said: "You know that the rulers of the nations lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you, but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. Whoever desires to be first among you shall be your bondservant, even as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Mt 20, 25-28)

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - sequoyah - 07-27-2017

I think the teachings of from Ra's landing were kept secret and did begin the STS mystery schools.

I did some investigation into the hidden hand dialogue, the main discrepancy I remember was HH claimed Lucifer was STS 6th density, but according to Ra material STS can't get past 5th. But the majority of it meshed, I don't know how legit HH was but he did lead me to the many years ago

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - Patrick - 07-31-2017

(07-27-2017, 02:06 PM)sequoyah Wrote: I think the teachings of from Ra's landing were kept secret and did begin the STS mystery schools.

I did some investigation into the hidden hand dialogue, the main discrepancy I remember was HH claimed Lucifer was STS 6th density, but according to Ra material STS can't get past 5th.  But the majority of it meshed, I don't know how legit HH was but he did lead me to the many years ago
STS entities can reach 6th density.  It is just that they release their polarity at some point within 6th density in order to progress.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - Infinite Unity - 02-04-2019

Anything is possible. You are unto a cell to your body to the happenings of "beyond". Basically we don't know s×××.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - CurtisUSA - 02-14-2019

In Ra book 4 page 21 he mentions Lucifer as the light bearer and one who brings catalyst, although a brief snippet does sound like the hidden hand material. The only mention I believe Ra makes of Lucifer.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - kristina - 05-01-2019

(04-18-2012, 08:40 AM)Patrick Wrote:
(04-18-2012, 08:00 AM)Ashim Wrote: ...Those beings (not of Lucifer) are no longer influencing this sphere...

IMHO this is important to note.  The members of the real hidden Elites families can no longer incarnate.  This is what will result in us being able to collectively unite and create a better world.

6.15 ▶ Questioner: What is the length, in our years, of one of these cycles currently?

Ra: One major cycle is approximately twenty-five thousand [25,000] of your years. There are three cycles of this nature during which those who have progressed may be harvested. At the end of three major cycles, that is, approximately between seventy-five and seventy-six thousand [75–76,000] of your years, all are harvested regardless of their progress, for during that time the planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension and begins to cease being useful for the lower levels of vibration within that density.

6.16 ▶ Questioner: What is the position of this planet with respect to progression of the cycle at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. This sphere is at this time in fourth-dimension vibration. Its material is quite confused due to the society memory complexes embedded in its consciousness. It has not made an easy transition to the vibrations which beckon. Therefore, it will be fetched with some inconvenience.

14.14 ▶ Questioner: Would there be any value to the people of this planet now, at this time, to complete this machine?

Ra: I am Ra. The harvest is now. There is not at this time any reason to include efforts along these distortions towards longevity, but rather to encourage distortions toward seeking the heart of self, for this which resides clearly in the violet-ray energy field will determine the harvesting of each mind/body/spirit complex.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - flow - 05-18-2019

(06-16-2017, 09:50 AM)Balios Wrote: ...I am now sure the Illuminati do not exist at all. While it is obvious there are various STS oriented groups who try gain power by controlling (or at least trying to control) the economy, these groups fluctuated a lot through history and there is no such centuries old group like the Illuminati which would be above all the others. Essentially because the nature of 'power', the way STS oriented people could control and enslave others, has changed a lot in the last two centuries.

Today, the most influential ones are people controlling the biggest banks and companies, mostly in the US and western Europe, and some of their members may be related to several secret or partially secret organizations, but their are plenty of them. Just look at the most influential US thinks tanks like the Brooklyn Institution or the CFR, or at so called discussion groups like the Trilateral Commission. There reside today those of STS who try to 'control' the world. These groups are rather new, no more than a few decades old for some. The three I mentioned are some of the most influential and powerful ones, but there are many others, and they do not necessarily cooperate, on the contrary, being primarily STS oriented by nature.

There resides their difference when compared to older elitist organizations like the Free Masonry, where you could find STO oriented people and ideas.

i guess it doesn't really matter what you call them - illuminati, global elite, deep state, whatever...

but i find it rather amusing when people say this power doesn't exist. i think for anyone who reflect on what's  - and how - going on in a world their influence is pretty obvious: it is takeover of political and economic power by an elite. the society we live in doesn't just go with the flow, it is directed. for instance, they created fast cellular connection, they created social networks, they created mobile phones and now all those 3 branches have connected into 1 device - smartphone, a very powerful tool. we can see movies and music now are more and more shallow and debilitating, kids are being brainwashed into genderless entities. education serves their agenda too as they want submissive narrow minded "tools" etc, etc, etc.. things didn't change much since "they live" circa 1988:

Quote:We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep… ...the poor and the underclass are growing. Racial justice and human rights are nonexistent. They have created a repressive society and we are their unwitting accomplices... ...their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance. They have made us indifferent, to ourselves, to others, we are focused only on our own gain. We ha... ...please understand, they are safe as long as they are not discovered. That is their primary method of survival. Keep us asleep, keep us selfish, keep us sedated... ...they are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor. We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery...

and the slavery has never ceased. even harder slavery is still a possibility i guess. we almost don't use cash anymore, so transition to RFID chips could be a real threat in near future. of course they can't chip 8 billion people, so they work hard on shrinking population to a more manageable size, hence promotion of gay realtionships in hollywood movies and youtube recently, junk food became even more junk, 5G can possibly affect us even harder, cancer is on the rise etc.

i don't want sound like i am promoting STS things by inflicting feelings of doom or fear. i just want people to not be so giddy and compliant. global STS elites are real, they are very cunning and smart, they still do not give up their plans and they still use every opportunity to polarize. personally i think they are Sons of Levi, elite jew bloodlines.. Baruch, Schiff, Leiba.. etc who follow occult judaism and sincerely belive in their superiority, believe they are chosen ones.

so please remember that our society is still not 4D positive yet. elites promote their values: wealth, money, power, influence, material benefits, social competition so we see each other as rivals and use/manipulate each other instead of helping each other, material things to underline our social status (iphones, luxury cars, fashion, celebrities, etc), they invented "likes" to feed our ego, and so forth.

STO valuess like love, compassion, unselfishness are treated like faults and weakness so everyone would think twice before acting out of their heart.

remember, we are just cattle for them, they don't want us to be free and happy. why? because a happy person is a very bad consumer. if you are happy you have the most important thing already. you don't want a bmw or a rolex. you want to hug people and to share love. that's why we are not really happy here - a squirrel in a wheel can't be happy. mortgage, loans, all sort of debts, they force us to do things we don't wanna do, so we never be happy, they want us to be distracted so we never hear our heart, and judging by "avengers: endgame" box-office they are pretty succesfulWink. so there plenty of work and efforts for those of us who are a little bit out of slumber. we have to stay open and spread love, we have to embody STO values, we have to show our drowsy brothers and sisters joy of Love, Light and appreciation of one another, the power of forgiveness and acceptance. we have to oppose evil forces and love each other, notice each other, accept each other, forgive each other, hug each other, smile to each other, help each other, support each other, share with each other, be sincere with each other Smile it is our responsibilty, friends.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - flow - 02-09-2020

i have just read a rather confusing session from Q'uo. before i quote i have to say i don't question a validity of this information, but it makes me very curious because it pictures a different way of mankind progression, along with mentioning roots of STS global elites, which - reptiloid-thing excluded - sounds pretty similar to ideas of David Icke.

February 6, 2003 Wrote:...The long history of your peoples is preceded by an even longer, unwritten, unrecorded history of those energies and essences and individuals that made their own history at the time of what this instrument would call the last cycle change, or ice age. These entities were plummeted into service of a high second-density nature by entities who wished to have aid and help with their needs. These entities were not intending to be either evil or good, but rather were those who looked upon the second-density life forms of this planet as fair game for molding into the workers that they needed.

Thusly, a new race was created, not merely by the infinite Creator, but by those co-creators which were attempting to work with these life-forms for their own needs. Further energy and further manipulation was offered to these entities, creating within them that which this entity would call soul-streams. These were the improvements, shall we say, that indeed moved into that which was part of the DNA. However, not the same portion of DNA which had been the focus of change previously.

In this second wave of alterations, improvements were made so that entities were of third density, being ensouled and capable of mental, emotional and spiritual evolution in ways which transcended the second-density model of individuals coming from a gene pool and returning to that common memory pool. These entities, then, having been altered twice, were soon joined by other entities from other spheres within your galaxy whose time had run out for their third-density planets, and whose needs led them to this particular sphere that you call Earth.

These entities through the processes of years, generations and millennia gradually continued to alter and continued to spread and continued to learn. With the steady increase in the sources of population to your planet came an increasingly complex mix of archetypical structures, which were in some ways not so much incompatible as cranky with each other. It was not that the differences between populations was impossible to breach, it was that within the biases of the population groups there survived a good deal of territorial energy from second density, the parent genetic structure being that of the great apes.

Consequently, there was an inborn tendency towards aggression which had only been encouraged by the second wave of genetic manipulation. This set the stage for entities we shall grandly call the space pirates. The space pirates were, in these entities’ way of describing them, from the fifth density, and they had many minions from the fourth density, but these densities being in the negative sense a very pure path along the path of service to self.

It was discovered that if these entities used those with a hunger for power to encourage and hone their appetite for power and domination, these entities in turn would do their best, through the processes of aggression and war, to conquer and control that which was seen as desirable, whether it be geography, position, money or power. And these entities found, perhaps due to the limitations of your human imagination, perhaps due to the limitations of imagination of fourth-density minions, that their greatest tool was the very blunt instrument of war and consequently, when the forces that learned their trade within the culture that this instrument calls Atlantis, whenever these entities show up their plan is always to encourage division, strife and, if possible at all, the largest war available.

For this in turn [subverts] the energies of youth and maturity towards the entrainment of conscious thought processes until entities moved into that space within their minds where they believe and accept as true the necessity of war, the rightness of the native land’s authority figures, and the real and genuine desire to make the world a better place through rearranging the geography, the people (inaudible) power in a way which keeps those in power in even more power and simply enslaves the attitudes of the minds of all of those who follow them into furnishing the physical vehicles that march off to the war, and by their dying, their suffering, and their injustice thereby spread the suffering, the pain, and those other negative emotions ever higher, evermore violently, ever at a greater level.

The goal of these space pirates is simply to achieve a (inaudible) so that third-density cycles come and third-density cycles go and there is either a very small harvest or no harvest at all, most of the harvest, therefore, being that which this instrument might call spent energy or entropy, except that it has to do with the burden of sorrow, grief, suffering and pain of those who have not made the harvest.

This began to cycle in Atlantis and has moved through its complete cycle at this time. In all three cycles, then, there has been almost no harvest and as your peoples approach the end of this present cycle of time, which is the final opportunity for harvest within this particular planetary third density, the energies of Atlantis remain. There had been incarnations of groups of entities which first did the bidding of these space pirates in Atlantis. Not yet once, but as the gazing eye looks at history this group can be found again and again. Within those of Babylonia, within those of Rome, within those of Germany, within those of Germany once again, and now within that which is the United States.

These energies have grouped, gathered and arisen as a natural event, since graduation is at hand and these entities are attempting to graduate in service to self. Consequently, once again millions and millions of earth natives who are otherwise very close to being harvested have been entrained in their minds and in their thinking by the discussion of subjects that lead the mind to war and to the just reasons for it, thereby once again placing these millions of entities in the uncomfortable space of being dimly aware that their true freedom is being taken from them, but truly having no real capacity to figure out what is going on and why there is no rest or peace for them...

so, these words by Q'uo say that mankind have been created from second-density lifeforms in order to serve as a labor force, which condradicts basic idea from Ra materials, where Ra say that mankind have been created by genetic manipulation in order to continue terminated martian 3d density cycle and create opportunity for some other terminated 3d density cycles, like that one of Deneb. what Q'uo says here reminds me the book i've skimmed through lquite a while ago names "Gods of Eden".
i'd like to hear if anyone with indepth knowledge of LOO could clarify this seeming contradiction about how our cycle here have begun.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - Infinite - 02-09-2020

(02-09-2020, 08:15 AM)flow Wrote: i have just read a rather confusing session from Q'uo. before i quote i have to say i don't question a validity of this information, but it makes me very curious because it pictures a different way of mankind progression, along with mentioning roots of STS global elites, which - reptiloid-thing excluded - sounds pretty similar to ideas of David Icke.

so, these words by Q'uo say that mankind have been created from second-density lifeforms in order to serve as a labor force, which condradicts basic idea from Ra materials, where Ra say that mankind have been created by genetic manipulation in order to continue terminated martian 3d density cycle and create opportunity for some other terminated 3d density cycles, like that one of Deneb. what Q'uo says here reminds me the book i've skimmed through lquite a while ago names "Gods of Eden".
i'd like to hear if anyone with indepth knowledge of LOO could clarify this seeming contradiction about how our cycle here have begun.

I've been studying the other channelings from L/L Research in the last years. However, I didn't know this specific answer. But, I already read Q'uo talking about "space pirates".

I have two hypothesis to this: Carla was studying about anunnaki and similarities hypothesis, and the channeling became corrupted. Or, this can be real, because Don never asked to Ra if STS entities did genetic changes in 2D entities. But I believe annunaki was the anak quoted by Ra. Probably this channeling was corrupted.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - flow - 02-09-2020

Infinite, thank you for your response but im not sure if i'm following what exactly is corrupted here?
Q'uo specified here that "These entities were not intending to be either evil or good, but rather were those who looked upon the second-density life forms of this planet as fair game for molding into the workers that they needed." i gave it a thought and came to conclusion that it is akin to the long history of humanity's use of horses, cows or other animals for plowing, milk products etc. it doesn't look to me that if you take a loving care for a bull but use its strength for plowing makes you an STS being. of course there is plenty of animal abuse by those greedy and heartless individuals, but generally those communities whose life historically intertwined with animals and nature do care about animals and respect them even if they kill them for meat or other means of sustenance (like Mongolia, far North Russia or Tibet for example)

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - Infinite - 02-09-2020

(02-09-2020, 10:59 AM)flow Wrote: Infinite, thank you for your response but  im not sure if i'm following what exactly is corrupted here?

The informations of Q'uo differ of Ra's view about Earth's past.

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - flow - 02-09-2020

that is what i am thinking myself. but could it be that Ra have just omitted this "labor force" ice age time and talked mostly about 3rd density cycle? Q'uo talk about 2 DNA alterations, and only second of those made early mankind entities capable of 3 density experience: "in this second wave of alterations, improvements were madeso that entities were of third density, being ensouled and capable of mental, emotional and spiritual evolution in ways which transcended the second-density model of individuals".

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - Infinite - 02-09-2020

(02-09-2020, 12:55 PM)flow Wrote: that is what i am thinking myself. but could it be that Ra have just omitted this "labor force" ice age time and talked mostly about 3rd density cycle? Q'uo talk about 2 DNA alterations, and only second of those made early mankind entities capable of 3 density experience:  "in this second wave of alterations, improvements were madeso that entities were of third density, being ensouled and capable of mental, emotional and spiritual evolution in ways which transcended the second-density model of individuals".

I really have no idea. But the Anunnaki hypothesis says the human being was created around 300.000 years ago. I believe Ra would have spoken if this was true. As I said above, I believe Anunnaki were the same Anak mentioned by Ra. Quo confirmed this:

Quote:Carla: I have a question (from M) that asks, “I am a follower of Rael and it was revealed to him in 1973 and 1975 that all life on Earth was created scientifically by extraterrestrial Elohim as it was described to him in religious texts. What is the role of Rael in the spiritual evolution of humanity?”

I am Q’uo, and we are aware of the query, my sister, but we find that there is a concern that you are well aware of, that we are not willing to infringe upon the free will of what this entity has to share. We are aware that there has been a great deal of, shall we say, assistance from sources of extraterrestrial, as you would call them, visitation from your days of old in which there was interaction between the population of your Earth at that time and many who came from elsewhere with the intention of assisting in the evolution of not only this planet’s population but this planet itself as well. This we can confirm. However, we would not suggest that the entire population of this planetary sphere was so seeded by extraterrestrial sources. There have been much, shall we say, later additions by more normal means to this planet’s population. The entity, Rael, is one who works in this area with a desire to be of service. However, we find that our ability to speak upon this entity any further must be bated by our concern for the first distortion. Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: As a follow up I was wondering if you would identify this group Rael is talking about as the entities Sitchin is talking about in his books as the Anunnaki who came to the Sumerian and Egyptian regions allegedly about 11,000 years ago?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. There is a connection that is related to this entity from those called Anak, the Anunnaki. However, there is much distortion as well within the writings of the one known as Sitchen so that there is more emphasis in these writings given to the influence from elsewhere. There is also the difficulty of the time frame. We do not choose to correct this difficulty, for there is some infringement possible there as well. Is there a further question?


RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - sillypumpkins - 02-09-2020

(04-17-2012, 08:25 AM)Patrick Wrote:
(04-16-2012, 09:38 PM)evome Wrote: hello brothers and sisters around the world =)

since this my first post i wanted to say hi to everybody...

regarding the topic, i dont know if any of you have read material with "hidden hand" that happened on abovetopsecret forums in 2008 i belive, where hidden hand, claiming that he is one of the illuminati, answeres the questions to forum members...his story matches alot with Ra material, and may give some answers...

Sure. Smile  Here's the thread:

Welcome !

This is an interesting thread.

It is difficult though, because hidden_hand says these things but I don't know if I can trust what he says. He speaks like someone I can trust, and his words do resonate with me. However, I know how manipulative and sneaky a negatively polarizing entity can be.

Really not sure what to make of any of it. I really just don't feel like I can trust what he says, even though I reaaally want to.

It's interesting to me that he says it's very difficult spiritually for him and his "family" to polarize negatively. That they were appointed the task of completing a cycle here on earth as negatively polarizing entities, with the purpose of teaching. This is paradoxical to me because...... they would be serving others if that was the case. He also alludes to positive polarization being "the way."

It's as though they are sacrificing their polarity in order to teach the people of earth something about negativity.

The stuff he is saying resonates with me.... but on the other hand..... hmmm...

kinda just thinking out loud here.......

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - tamaryn - 02-09-2020

Maybe everyone birthed it....

RE: Did Ra birth the "evil illuminati"? - Loki - 02-11-2020

Logos decided that mind/body/spirit complex configuration is better than mind/body/spirit configuration. You cannot blame Ra for this. Logos believes that good/evil antagonism has more efficacious way of spiritual evolution than good/indifferent neutrality existing before the veil. When Logos decided that confrontation is beneficial for catalyst and choice is allowed, STO was doomed to be opposed by STS each step of the way. STO nature states that if you are asked to help you must help. In my opinion doing good without triggering evil is against the principle of post-veil creation.

To make an analogy of what you say is: I blame the doctor who helped me heal because after that I broke a leg skiing.