Is there a "wrong" path? - Printable Version

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RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Patrick - 04-02-2012

That make sense. Smile

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Unbound - 04-02-2012

I've considered this a lot actually, because earlier in my journey I came across different esoteric sources, particularly pertaining to the Egyptians, that were divergent on whether or not the Heart or the Third Eye is the "special" center.

I have since come to realize, of course, that complete balance is more important than having one particularly powerful center. I realized that, of course, both the Heart and the Third Eye need to work in conjunction for the intuition to be clear.

In a way, I do agree with what you say as there is a crazy dominance of Third Eye activation in the modern world, most particularly to the heavy psychedelic usage since the 60's, which can blow the the third eye right open. So for many who are "awakened", I would agree that many of them definitely need to catch up their heart to their third eye, and this is what I deal with a lot when doing healings actually.
I just wanted to be clear that I do not see the Heart and Mind as inequals, but as two sides to the same coin.

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Siren - 04-02-2012

Quote:Of course, this is just my conception. Just seems to me that it would be easier to now consider the Mind and Heart as one, rather than to "overcompensate" for what is perceive as a "mind dominance". SO rather, I guess I feel the Heart should be awakened, but I don't think the Mind should be considered 'inferior'.

What is "the heart" anyway? A metaphor, a poetic concept to express something more profound? As Shin'Ar pointed out, technically speaking the heart is an organ that pumps blood through the body. That's it.

I've heard these heart VS mind arguements before (I even heard someone say that the heart is a second brain even) and I do not come here to argue further. But I must say I have noticed that a great deal of these so-called "lightworkers" do consider the mind to be something inferior to or lesser than the heart; something that must be overcome or "conquered" or even "shut down" by the heart. I honestly believe this is folly. But then again, that's OK, because the heart is folly. Indeed, the heart is a fool, really (and that is a most positive remark, believe it or not!).

Now, if you ask me, I personally believe intuition has more to do with the mind, actually, with the higher energy nexi. Particularly indigo and violet. But maybe that's just how I see/perceive/experience things.

I think those most strongly identified with "the heart" are those that have a, shall we say, overflow of green energy? I have also noticed than in many cases these individuals have a lack of... wisdom (and a disinterest in it even)? They can also be quite stubborn and foolhearted too (ah, there it is again!).
But maybe this is because the next spectrum/density of experience is based upon green/heart/love lessons. Love is naturally what is coming up next. That is why, "love is the way" (into the next density).

Jehoshuah always comes to mind (the overflowing-heart guy comes to mind) as a excellent example. He was a fool. A Great Fool, indeed. I am most appreciative of his service, truly. His example humbles me to the very core of my being. And though I am nothing like Carla, it could nevertheless be said I've had a very close relationship with him.

Anyway. Let me just finish up by saying this: there is a reason why the mind (shall we say, 6th energy center?) is above the heart (4th energy center). There is a hierarchical order to things. Just like it isn't due to a random arrangement of parts and organs that the brain rests at the apex of the physical body and the heart at its center.

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Patrick - 04-02-2012

You know what? From reading these latest posts. I believe that when I spoke of the heart, I actually meant the third-eye. The only function I mean, when using the word "heart" in this context, is intuition. And from Ra's terminology, this would better fit the 6th and 7th chakra.

So in other words, my actual meaning is that I let my mind be informed by Intelligent Infinity. Smile

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Unbound - 04-02-2012


I agree with all you have said, although I will offer another perception for your last paragraph there.

I have to disagree with your assessment of mind being "above" heart. This is not to say that heart is "above" mind either, just to mean that the orientation of this conception is based on a pyramidal pattern of growth. I understand how you say it is part of a "heirarchy", but to me this functions more like a food web, or circle of life, rather than a pyramid. Of course, this is a good and valid way of looking at it, I am not intending to refute that, I instead only wish to expand on the possibilities of such configurations.

As in, to me, all of the centers are equally important. The pyramid pattern is, of course, foundational, and very powerful. We see that the Third Eye, or Mind, does indeed "seed", as if by lightning, the Heart center, where the idea is given growth. The materials by which the creations of the Mind are grown are all available in the lower chakras, which is why one's "soil" needs to be nutritious and healthy, if creations are to grow well. As I understand, the Solar Plexus is where the astral body connections, and that this center is something like the communication center for the Heart Chakra, and these in conjunction work with one's instinctual and emotional desires and feelings. The Throat center is the communication center for the Third Eye, which is powered and supported by the motion of the Heart/Solar Plexus. Etc, etc, there are many interconnections.

My ultimate point I would like to make though, is actually something that I am expressing from my personal experience. I have found, as I've gone on, that I am thinking less and less about spiritual concepts, and more using my thoughts as a directional tool for utilizing my energy. I'm finding it's actually the SLOW way to always try to consciously and MENTALLY construct ever portion of an energy flow.

Many speak of visualization, which is powerful, and to me I use it simply as imagination. When I am working with my imagination as a real tool, I am always focused in my Heart Center, and I can literally feel within my body where my "core" or central focus is within my chakras. When I relax and meditate, thoughts flow away, and the most peaceful, most connected moment I ever experienced was THOUGHTLESS, my chakras were complete balanced and I was floating in my heart.

The way I see it, there are 3 moving up, 3 moving down, and then a fulcrum where all the action happens. One can be directed by their mind and logic, but we all know this is but a mask for the desires felt by the Love within the heart center.

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Patrick - 04-02-2012

If I remember correctly, Ra stated that in order for the in-streamings of energies to properly meet at the indigo, all previous chakras had to be in minimal balance.

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Unbound - 04-02-2012

I also recall Ra saying that Intelligent Infinity may be contacted from any center.

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Patrick - 04-02-2012

(04-02-2012, 03:04 PM)TheEternal Wrote: I also recall Ra saying that Intelligent Infinity may be contacted from any center.

I was unaware of that. Smile

I thought that It could be contacted with the 5th chakra for those on the STS path and 6th for those on STO.

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Sagittarius - 04-02-2012

(04-02-2012, 01:07 PM)godwide_void Wrote:
(04-02-2012, 08:18 AM)ShinAr Wrote:
(04-02-2012, 12:45 AM)Sagittarius Wrote: I don't believe there is wrong. If we experience it, it is not wrong. All paths merge into light in the end. You have raped and murdered before Shin'Ar and you have been raped and murdered. You can't move on until you let it go.

Just because we may have acted wrong in the past does not mean that we can now alter its meaning and definition.

Redemption, repentance, forgiveness; it is what matters in the present, what actions are undertaken in the here and now which we perceive that holds true weight. One's wrong-doings (depending on the magnitude) usually arrives at an opportunity for the doer to make up for them. Mistakes exist. The proper course of action is to learn from one's mistakes, is it not? There actually exists a way to stop the cycle of karma, thus showing that it is impossible to remain forever anchored down to one's previous actions dictated by lapses of reason.

Sagittarius, when you accuse Shin'Ar of having committed murder and rape in the past, are you alluding to the notion that perhaps such might've occurred in a past life? Because if you are, then it appears that we are all guilty. No, the Creator Itself is guilty of these transgressions, for in ever past life, and in every present life, and all lives to come, it is, was, and always will be, us, you, me, them.

That is what I was trying to allude to yes.

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Siren - 04-02-2012

(04-02-2012, 02:57 PM)TheEternal Wrote: I have to disagree with your assessment of mind being "above" heart. This is not to say that heart is "above" mind either, just to mean that the orientation of this conception is based on a pyramidal pattern of growth. I understand how you say it is part of a "heirarchy", but to me this functions more like a food web, or circle of life, rather than a pyramid.

And I agree with your disagreement. And in that disagreement we both agree with each other.

I simply proposed a "vertical pattern" because it's more easily expressed/impressed by this language here in 3D. But I am aware the truer nature of all reality is closer to a circle, spherical, cyclical. I'm glad you pointed it out.

Quote:Many speak of visualization, which is powerful, and to me I use it simply as imagination.

Might I suggest that visualization and imagination are exactly the same thing? And offer another question: what is the Original Thought?

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Unbound - 04-02-2012


Well, the Indigo, Third Eye, center is the gateway to Intelligent Infinity, as wellas the Violet center, but it can be "opened" from any center. For example, the negatively polarized entity opens it from the force of the Solar Plexus, sheer force.


I was, in fact, attempting to communicate the same thing that they are indeed one and the same. "Visualization" just tends to be a more technical word I find.

As for the answer to your question, I find myself somewhat without a linear answer.

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - JustLikeYou - 04-02-2012

For what it's worth, my usage of "heart" and "mind" was meant to be more intuitive than precise in its reference. That is, I was using these terms in their common-sense usage, not as technical terms for energy nexi. My point was that a belief about which action is right will not guarantee the feeling that this action is right. Many times I have done what I thought was right, but was shaking and sweating the whole time as my heart told me it was wrong, despite the convincing arguments of my mind.

The Eternal Wrote:I admit I do not understand your conception of balancing. If a tight-rope walker is leaning too far in one direction, it will do them no good to go equally as far in the other direction.

A tightrope cannot be walked without already having nearly perfect balance. The straight and narrow path is like walking a tightrope, but the act of balancing often has broader sweeps and and longer deviations than the metaphor of a tightrope will allow. So it may be helpful to think of balance as a swinging pendulum. Thus, to go in one extreme necessitates an experience of (nearly) the opposite extreme in order to balance the movement. The cycle will continue repeating in smaller and smaller extremes until near balance is struck. Once the pendulum has come to rest, the seeker can take another step along the tightrope.

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - AnthroHeart - 04-02-2012

For me, the spiritual path is difficult to follow because catalyst comes at me intensified. When my morality is tested, I find it difficult to pass the bar I have set for myself.

RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Steppingfeet - 04-02-2012

(03-31-2012, 11:20 AM)neutral333 Wrote: A big question remains...

Is there a wrong path? And, how do you tell if you're on it?

First, I know that right or wrong is a judgement, but The Law of One seems to allow some space for judgement.

Some will say that you are constantly creating your path and that you are only on the "wrong" path when you do not follow your heart. Well following your heart can be like swimming through murky water. There are so many conflicting aspects to any situation. For example: "Do I lose sleep and energy to help talk my friend through a problem, or do I conserve my energy so that I can be a light unto all the next day?" Or, "This decision I will make is not "right" according to others, but I want to see where this will lead."

Basically, I do things that I sometimes regret or wish to do in a different way consciously, but at the same time, some of those decisions have revealed so much about me unto me.

I feel the need to put myself on the right path, but I wonder if it is really possible to stray. Are not all things One? Is not all Love? Do I need more discipline or acceptance?

Can there be wrongness about who you are?

The more deeply you merge with who you are, the more the moment-to-moment choices, and the particular long-term "path" you walk, will be a natural manifestation of who you are.

The decision points will be measured less in terms of "right" and "wrong", and more in terms of opportunities to know and accept the self, to become the Creator, and to serve.

No judgment, just opportunities taken or not taken, partially used or maximally used, accomplished with balance or imbalance. Each opportunity revealing the self to the self, providing material for a more refined choice in the next opportunity, until all again is seen as One.


RE: Is there a "wrong" path? - Plenum - 04-03-2012

there is One Wrong Path.

that's not knowing who you are.