We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Printable Version

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RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - native - 07-02-2011

Good post..I had forgotten about that intuition quote also. I have nothing to add.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Void_Marker - 07-02-2011


RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - 3DMonkey - 07-02-2011

me too [Image: smileyvault-drinks.gif]

very resonate

(resonate's not a noun, he's so weird, .. hot pocket)
(07-02-2011, 02:54 PM)zenmaster Wrote:
(07-02-2011, 02:41 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: I must have my own interpretation of "resonate."

I get what you are saying, but I don't understand why, or if, you are painting it with an anemic flavor.

Resonating, to me, is coming to a higher vibration.

That which is spiritual or coming from a higher vibration is that which exists in the deeper mind - that is the interface to spirit. We always inflate the new before it is digested. The question is by how much in order to get noticed. Does it 'deserve' to be raised up - to be placed on a pedestal? Is that its rightful place, truly? When we eventually bother to see whats there (it's 'only you' of course), the energy does not - can not - distract as much. Once we bother to recognize that which sits behind the inflated numinosity, we may use it as the catalyst that it is.

Who is inflating divinity?

My view is that the "new" isn't the cause. The "new" is the effect of the higher vibration resonating. Otherwise, it's all that other 'undesirable' crap, or 'that which does not resonate' (or 'that which I reject vehemently for secret personal reasons')
(07-02-2011, 03:14 PM)Icaro Wrote: It's hard to talk about and define.

Maybe the confusion lies in clearly defining resonance and wisdom. Think of when true change actually occurs. It happens when some new epiphany is realized and your current resonance is always left behind. Resonating seems to be a state of being where you are processing the available information to you, as Zen said.

I thought that's what I said...

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - litllady - 07-03-2011

Im glad so many thoughts are being given on this topic. I hope no one took it as a negative thread in that I was saying that anyone is 'wrong or right'.

As a being, amongst other beings, I do worry sometimes that we may be missing what is right in front of us, the things that really matter. This is where I began looking deeply into desires, emotions, fears, what motivates us, what brings our 'will' forward.

As we look into all the 'beliefs' that have ever been, they do seem to be directly linked to mans fears, desires, emotions, ect. It can be as simple as a thought of *I dont like it here, I dont want to be here* leading to create some sort of desire of 'knowing' this is not 'it', there must be more or even a fear that this could be 'it', there cant be more. Of course, such depths of our unconscious emotions, can be hard to face or deal with.

I dont ever have any regrets for anything that ever resonated with me, for one way or another, it brings me to who I am today. Im not saying 'beliefs' are wrong or bad at all. It has been a hard but deep road for me, sorting through the things that resonated with me through out my life, and learning why.

I can clearly remember when I became a young adult, looking back on the religion that I accepted, and all the processing I went through in my mind to determine why I accepted it and why others had accepted it. I then, went through times of feeling like I had seen some sort of great light and felt the strong need to show this light to others, show them the same reasons I had found, that led me away from the path, I once walked. Same as when we find something great, we share it with people that we think will think it is great as well. When I found the Ra material, I did this with the few people that I knew that I thought would find it of interest. So know that as I bring my thoughts about ascension being a path of self, it is purely through my own discoveries and my own desire to share with those that may find any worth of it.

As I watch people worry about what tomorrow brings, I see today slip away. As I see people worry about what some place else will be, I watch the care for this world, not be 1st on the list of priority.

Its strange as I look back, going from a Christian god image for my beliefs to a gnostic belief, to the Law of One ideas, to not really focusing at all on beliefs of any sort besides believing in humanity and believing in earth, and 'now'.

What are the draw backs...what makes me reach out in my 'alone' path? It may be just that..because it does get lonely. Beliefs are so much better when you have another who says......"it resonates". To get to know my desires, my fears, and to see where that plays part in my own 'beliefs' can be a place that one feels alone. To be honest with the self, one needs to get away from what other people's influential thoughts and ideas and even empty the cup of all past ideas ever placed into their mind.

Now as I look back once again, I dont find it happenstance at all that the ideas that mankind held a couple thousand years ago about 'salvation of the self' are that different then the ideas of now with 'ascension'. I think when we see a belief that a group has accepted, we are looking into the united soul of mankind and what 'it' desires or what it fears, or both. Its not bad, its not wrong, but it also may not be, what we 'see' it to be.

I do think, believe, that there is something that is to be done here. My reasoning on this, is due to the harmony that nature shows us and the lack of harmony we as 'one' show. We have yet to look after nature to our full potential. We have yet to be, all we can be, here. All Im saying is, maybe if we were not so caught up in what the future will bring to us...we could get more caught up in what kind of future we are creating by what we are doing today.

I read one time that eastern mystics would talk about how many westerners would get caught in a certain phase of spiritual growth due to the level that causes one to have 'experiences'. That they would get so caught up in the experience itself, they would not be able to see the message that was being displayed between the consciousness and unconscious mind of that person. That having a experience would fill the person's 'self' so much so, that they called this level the saintly level, that it would feed the 'self' so much that they could not see the message, for the opportunity of 'growth'.

The idea of ascension or harvest has pretty much gone viral. I guess its not really harming anyone that goes along with such an idea...but it could on down the road if it fails to fulfill the hopes that they have placed in it. Which brings me back to the need to stay focused on today, now, what is right in front of my nose, the things that I know matter.

I do worry about alot of the younger crowds that have not been able to adapt coping skills to this world and life but have adapted to the idea that its all going to get better in a sort of magical way. I then must question, is this, what we are to be doing, is such ideas what we are here to leave to our younger generations? It may matter not what each of our beliefs are...but what we do here, now, in this life...will matter, to someone, somewhere, some day.

We are told that if something 'resonates' then it is from a higher source, a higher self, a inner knowing. How is it then that there are so many beliefs? Would not a inner knowing, or knowledge from a higher self, all be the same? Funny enough...I think this does exist. I do think there is a inner knowing but often, most often, its masked by desires of self so the real gems that we are to focus on are over looked or not seen.

I really have enjoyed reading all the feedback from everyone and I do hope that everyone keeps sharing.

Im not saying desires are bad to have. But are our desires for a 'one/all' or are they for the self?

Love to all
Hello Steve Smile

You took the time to go through so many of my rambled questions so I will try to reply to some of your thoughts here.

Quote:I would say, yes! We are in the density of choice, and if we desire to ascend or be harvested based on our daily work of living in Love, then what is wrong with such a desire? What are we disillusioning ourselves from if we are simply choosing to be the best we can possibly be as loving humans?

Well, this reply does attend to the 'belief' that we are in a density of choice. I can only say...what if that is not what its all about? What if, this, here and now, is about discovering our true nature of oneness and becoming that through what we choose to live for? If you knew the Earth was still in need of people that cared and that were loving...would you be in such a hurry to leave it?

Quote:I don't think you have to worry about people telling you what absolute truths are, unless you feel you need to accept them as part of your own life experience. There is only one absolute Truth, and that is Love. Anything lesser than Love is a distortion of it, and is therefore no longer an absolute! Usually people who are trying to push absolute truths are those who seek control. "You" are the only one who can make the choice to decide what is true.

After the Absolute Truth of Love, truth becomes different for everyone. I may believe that Jesus is the Savior, whereas someone else believes Buddha is. I may believe in there being a heaven, when someone insists there's an astral plane or even nothing. Who is right, when none of it can be proven? That is, of course, why we have faith--which is one's personal belief system. And that system is based entirely upon one's own experiences, as well as the acceptance of other distorted truths that happen to resonate at the time of hearing them.

Im sure most here at bring 4th the light are loving giving people (which is why I said in my posts that I believe it is groups like this that the world has been in need of or has the worth to bring something forward). The more we can face our own desires and adapt to 'life'...the more we can help others to do the same. It seems that escaping this world is a common desire of mankind and maybe such an idea is not really helping mankind be the harmonic thread in this earthly fabric that it can be.

Quote:I believe many of these things are simply catalysts for us to work with. We are in school, and we have many choices to make based on the diversity of experiences that are available to us. It is left to us to empower the concept of Miracles and incorporate them into our lives, or we can dismiss them. To me, all that is secondary to the greater mission of living one's life in Service to Others.

I can only present you with what my own consciousness presented to me one day as I thought I was on the path of service to others. I was asked...then why are you seeking to leave, the others in need.

Quote:I think a majority of humanity still does not understand the concept of being "one" with everything. It is one of the most important lessons for us to learn, but with so many distractions keeping our attention attuned to the outer world, very few of us have time to ask, "is there anything more?" and to make time to go inside ourselves to explore the idea of Oneness

Its not only something that can be found within...but to really see oneness, one will have to look at life itself. Everything works as one and it is through living that one can see this. There are many distractions yes...but they are too a part of the oneness that 'is'. I dont think its so much about asking if there is anything more....but seeing, what everthing 'is'. Not so much about pondering the unknown...but embracing the known.

Quote:Yet you look at those same distractions that are helping others and saying, "why do those have to be there? They are just wasting my time!" But it is all too easy to overlook the idea that many of life's distractions are simply building blocks and stepping stones for others. Please think about that... It is rather important.

No, I never have said why do those have to be there or that they are wasting anyones time. Everything is a building block and it all was needing for me. But just the same, our thoughts can make eachother think. The actions of Jesus made me think. The ideas of Martin Luther King inspired me. Everyone in my life, every author, every show, every book, every single idea that I was ever influenced with...either challenged me or inspired me. What would we be like if we kept our deepest times of reflection, to ourselves?

Quote:Don't forget, being in service to ourselves over ascension or heaven is not STS. Ra states that all inner-work that we do, including our inner striving to be more loving individuals or taking time for ourselves to study ascension attracts a vibration of Love that lifts the vibrations of those around us. This is the nature of being STO.

I know what Ra states..and Im just sharing what my heart feels now. It was a wake up call for me really and it occurred in a very lucid experience of leaving earth. The experience changed my whole outlook in a moments time.

Quote:What would happen if you blessed all of those distractions that you now do not resonate with, instead of feeling foolish that you were "duped" by them?

I think you took my energy wrong maybe. I have never felt foolish nor do I have any regrets. Everything in life is something to learn from. I embrace it all and look forward to embracing more stepping stones of learning about my true nature and the nature of One.

If you felt you saw a light in a new forest of trees, would you keep it to yourself?

Im actually trying to not have any belief system, even though I know there will still be beliefs that I place faith in. What Im trying to do is to stay real, stay true to what I can know here and now, today. What can I bring forward that benefits more then myself, that benefits for others, tomorrow.

My best to you

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - zenmaster - 07-03-2011

(07-03-2011, 01:26 AM)litllady Wrote: I do think, believe, that there is something that is to be done here. My reasoning on this, is due to the harmony that nature shows us and the lack of harmony we as 'one' show. We have yet to look after nature to our full potential. We have yet to be, all we can be, here.
I tend to agree. We talk about the 'next step', but I don't think we ever figured out or realized the potential of the current one. What can we do with 3D?

(07-03-2011, 01:26 AM)litllady Wrote: I read one time that eastern mystics would talk about how many westerners would get caught in a certain phase of spiritual growth due to the level that causes one to have 'experiences'. That they would get so caught up in the experience itself, they would not be able to see the message that was being displayed between the consciousness and unconscious mind of that person. That having a experience would fill the person's 'self' so much so, that they called this level the saintly level, that it would feed the 'self' so much that they could not see the message, for the opportunity of 'growth'.
Ha, easterners suffer from the same problem. Also eastern spirituality is 'easier' from the standpoint of western mind because that aspect of the local logos does not challenge or confront as much. That's why it's so appealing. And of course, there is not as much growth potential or catalyst when you are looking at something 'from the outside'.

(07-03-2011, 01:26 AM)litllady Wrote: The idea of ascension or harvest has pretty much gone viral. I guess its not really harming anyone that goes along with such an idea...but it could on down the road if it fails to fulfill the hopes that they have placed in it. Which brings me back to the need to stay focused on today, now, what is right in front of my nose, the things that I know matter.
Hope is the opposite of fear. It's an emotional reaction caused by lack of honesty and curiosity. It's just a phase of suspended learning until things become digestible for them. Maybe mama bird will regurgitate something acceptable at some point in the future.

(07-03-2011, 01:26 AM)litllady Wrote: It may matter not what each of our beliefs are...but what we do here, now, in this life...will matter, to someone, somewhere, some day.
This should be obvious to anyone that has looked back on the strongly influential effect that parent and teachers have had. To the extent people do not think for themselves, they naturally inherit environmental bias. That's the logos principle of the racial mind at work.

(07-03-2011, 01:26 AM)litllady Wrote: We are told that if something 'resonates' then it is from a higher source, a higher self, a inner knowing. How is it then that there are so many beliefs? Would not a inner knowing, or knowledge from a higher self, all be the same? Funny enough...I think this does exist. I do think there is a inner knowing but often, most often, its masked by desires of self so the real gems that we are to focus on are over looked or not seen.
There are so many beliefs because we come to 'know' something through different aspects of both its nature and our nature. Through honest communication, we find that there is an agreement. And at (blue-ray) level there is always a resonance between what you 'know' and what the other person 'knows'. It is more than a 'common ground', it's a shared domain of the same mind.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - drifting pages - 07-03-2011

The Ra material mentions that the whole point of our particular reality is/was to instigate greater desire and variety because before when there was no veil people just accepted "we are all ONE" and sited on their asses comfortably. They didn't explore as much or had great intensity to do any "work" ( as in explore and experience the distortions of light and love). Nothing really mattered as much as it does to us now. Because after all they were all ONE.

As an analogy they were a boring movie, we are the exciting dramatic movie as an alternative.

Our so called distractions are in effect part of this phenomena.(the new reality)

We call Infinity ONE, but really if it is really infinity then it contains everything you can ever imagine as a human and much more and nothing. So what is the big deal with the distractions again ?

Are we in a dire rush to get somewhere ? When there is only infinity to begin with.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - zenmaster - 07-03-2011

Right, ignoring catalyst gives us an opportunity to exploit the grace of the creator. Without the 'freeloading', there may be too much activity - too much radiance, virtue, dignity and that which is ennobling - as opposed to sleep induced suffering, ignored social responsibilities, diseases, etc. But we can always look up to the savior ETs to do our work for us.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - 3DMonkey - 07-03-2011

(07-03-2011, 01:26 AM)litllady Wrote: The idea of ascension or harvest has pretty much gone viral. I guess its not really harming anyone that goes along with such an idea...but it could on down the road if it fails to fulfill the hopes that they have placed in it. Which brings me back to the need to stay focused on today, now, what is right in front of my nose, the things that I know matter.

I do worry about alot of the younger crowds that have not been able to adapt coping skills to this world and life but have adapted to the idea that its all going to get better in a sort of magical way. I then must question, is this, what we are to be doing, is such ideas what we are here to leave to our younger generations? It may matter not what each of our beliefs are...but what we do here, now, in this life...will matter, to someone, somewhere, some day.

I think what we are learning with the LOO is that these thoughts you have written are the now, they do matter, and they are setting the stage for the future. What I choose to focus on regarding this topic is that I don't "worry" about the young ones, in thought I love them with their chosen catalysts. If my thoughts matter, this will be my focus. I see this world as a beautiful place the way that it is now. I reach out for the higher light in my own way, as each of you do as well.

(07-03-2011, 01:26 AM)litllady Wrote: We are told that if something 'resonates' then it is from a higher source, a higher self, a inner knowing. How is it then that there are so many beliefs? Would not a inner knowing, or knowledge from a higher self, all be the same? Funny enough...I think this does exist. I do think there is a inner knowing but often, most often, its masked by desires of self so the real gems that we are to focus on are over looked or not seen.

What resonates comes in all manifestations, coordinations, associations, and mixtures that make us all different. It is these differences that make all appear to be different as well. I rest assured that this is all exactly as it should be.


To the point of what it means for third density's future, look around at how here came to be. We built this city by the very same means we are currently using to build today. I don't see anything to fear. I see a train rolling by that I grab onto and enjoy the ride.
(07-03-2011, 09:41 AM)zenmaster Wrote: Right, ignoring catalyst gives us an opportunity to exploit the grace of the creator. Without the 'freeloading', there may be too much activity - too much radiance, virtue, dignity and that which is ennobling - as opposed to sleep induced suffering, ignored social responsibilities, diseases, etc. But we can always look up to the savior ETs to do our work for us.

zen, you have always seemed to me to be one who willfully applies the learnings/teachings to your conscious before you speak.

Something seems to be 'itchin' at you, throwing you off your game. :-/

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - zenmaster - 07-03-2011

(07-03-2011, 10:28 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: zen, you have always seemed to me to be one who willfully applies the learnings/teachings to your conscious before you speak.

Something seems to be 'itchin' at you, throwing you off your game. :-/
Not really, just yet another way to imagine a possible response that holds at least some potential opportunity. It's not that I willfully think before I post so much as to attempt to be thoroughly congruent with the thought process behind it. In that way, what may be made available to learn and to teach is maximized. Otherwise, as Ra said, "you are not teaching what you are learning; in which case you have done you/they little or no good."

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - native - 07-03-2011

(07-02-2011, 10:11 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: I thought that's what I said...

Angel I was referring to post #18, where resonating is the idea that you vaguely identify with an idea.."I like that"..and you may or may not actually examine why. I took you to be saying something a little different.

(07-03-2011, 01:26 AM)litllady Wrote: I really have enjoyed reading all the feedback from everyone and I do hope that everyone keeps sharing.

Love to all

I've seen you post here and there. You are pretty should post more!

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Oceania - 07-03-2011

(07-03-2011, 08:09 AM)drifting pages Wrote: The Ra material mentions that the whole point of our particular reality is/was to instigate greater desire and variety because before when there was no veil people just accepted "we are all ONE" and sited on their asses comfortably. They didn't explore as much or had great intensity to do any "work" ( as in explore and experience the distortions of light and love). Nothing really mattered as much as it does to us now. Because after all they were all ONE.

As an analogy they were a boring movie, we are the exciting dramatic movie as an alternative.

Our so called distractions are in effect part of this phenomena.(the new reality)

We call Infinity ONE, but really if it is really infinity then it contains everything you can ever imagine as a human and much more and nothing. So what is the big deal with the distractions again ?

Are we in a dire rush to get somewhere ? When there is only infinity to begin with.

thank you so much!!! this is how i've always felt and i dunno why people wanna bliss out on some boring oneness thing and badmouth anything else as a distraction when this is what we're here to do! to experience all the variations we want to and all create subjective experiences to feed the whole!!! life is beautiful in its infinite variations and distractions!!! when we collapse into god don't we want to have something unique and cool in our bag? instead of just years of sitting on our asses in oneness just like god already does! not that i don't believe in a more harmonious world, i do, god know i wish we could treat each other more nicely, but it scares the jeesus out of me to think the goal of all life is to just not care about anything because all is one! that sounds more boring than death!!!

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - unity100 - 07-03-2011

(07-03-2011, 11:41 AM)Oceania Wrote:
(07-03-2011, 08:09 AM)drifting pages Wrote: The Ra material mentions that the whole point of our particular reality is/was to instigate greater desire and variety because before when there was no veil people just accepted "we are all ONE" and sited on their asses comfortably. They didn't explore as much or had great intensity to do any "work" ( as in explore and experience the distortions of light and love). Nothing really mattered as much as it does to us now. Because after all they were all ONE.

As an analogy they were a boring movie, we are the exciting dramatic movie as an alternative.

Our so called distractions are in effect part of this phenomena.(the new reality)

We call Infinity ONE, but really if it is really infinity then it contains everything you can ever imagine as a human and much more and nothing. So what is the big deal with the distractions again ?

Are we in a dire rush to get somewhere ? When there is only infinity to begin with.

thank you so much!!! this is how i've always felt and i dunno why people wanna bliss out on some boring oneness thing and badmouth anything else as a distraction when this is what we're here to do!

i blame the escapism the indian philosophies are providing for this. escapism in the form of ignoring/rejecting current reality. it is so desirable for billions of entities who are suffering daily, materially or emotionally in our times.

'oh but everything is one' -> a referral to a future point in time, accomplishing basically nothing. it is a state in a future point in existence, and the current point you are looking at, is not it. EVEN if, in a future timepoint of eternal now, everything is still one, you are not looking at a point of this continuum where everything is one for you.

in order to reach that 'one' point, you must traverse the road ahead of you. not ignore the now you have here, or escape into willful denial.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - 3DMonkey - 07-03-2011

Ha. The future is now, is one time. We are the future now. This realization is not the producer of ignoring the now. It is the producer of moving forward and of, what Ocean says, Experiencing the "distractions" as we are here to do it. This is the oneness. Oneness as a goal is what is misleading. The goal is achieved. Move along with joy and faith in experience.

It's the sum total of all that the LOO suggests- do what you do. Period.

Sure, they can tell us all about the mechanics of energy and the universe. Knowing that doesn't make a lick of difference. It is all summed up when we gather together societally with our personal interactions. It's all summed up when we offer a child a hug after they skin their knee.

The LOO isn't so complicated. It is just reassurance of what we all suspected all along.

RE: We say 'it resonates' but do we really know why? - Oceania - 07-03-2011

hmm, interesting, Unity. i've never heard it described as escapism. but i doobeeleef it might be. Tongue