Great danger in use of the will - Printable Version

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RE: Great danger in use of the will - AnthroHeart - 01-23-2011

GLB, thanks for the quote there. I do find that deeper emotions are coming to my attention as I progress. It has been vital for me to minimize any reaction to these. With the spiritual mass I am carrying, there is potential to be pulled in a direction contrary to my intent. I have to tone down the Indigo energies sometimes because they begin to push me beyond my comfort zone. Thus ever subtler emotions and energies have tendency to cause more distress. I am not distressed though there is potential to be so.

Only because I am trusting Creator have I been able to get where I am. There are many layers on which I observe things. It's like a tapestry of experience and response. How I respond based on my programming.

It seems the more one progresses, the more dangerous the fire and potential for getting burned.

Just so I surmise accurately, the quote talks about releasing every secret desire, and not having the mindset of trying to hold onto anything. To me, this sounds like attachments.

So the more we move on, the more we must be willing to expose within our selves.

I don't want to be caught off guard here. I have this calling to move onward and pull more energy, while at the same time keeping myself balanced and grounded.

Does this continual raising, balancing, and grounding, eventually get to a point where the system no longer works. Then one has to bring everything to light?

I don't think I'm near ready for dissolution of the ego and taking on a pure unity. But I take baby steps of allowing, and pressing onward.


RE: Great danger in use of the will - Steppingfeet - 01-23-2011

(01-23-2011, 05:56 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: It seems the more one progresses, the more dangerous the fire and potential for getting burned.

True, which is why it is always a good idea to seek the levity in a situation. Laughter is not just the best medicine for Reader's Digest subscribers but especially for the spiritual seeker intent on unraveling the mysteries of self. Helpful it is to find ways to relax, enjoy the simple pleasures of life, and laugh at yourself and the absurdity of daily life on Earth. Otherwise going crazy remains a strong potential. : )

Quote:Just so I surmise accurately, the quote talks about releasing every secret desire, and not having the mindset of trying to hold onto anything. To me, this sounds like attachments.

So the more we move on, the more we must be willing to expose within our selves.

In my reading of Ra and McLeod it is not so much that we are attempting to "release all secret desires" (though releasing attachment to time-bound desires will invariably and inevitably happen as we evolve) but rather to:

a) Bring these aspects of our personality into the light of our present moment conscious awareness. Eckharte Tolle is king in offering guidance along these lines.

As I understand it, we do not so much seek to alter desire to a more preferred configuration or to release desire, but rather to simply become aware of the movement of energy through us in the moment. The simple act of observing and cultivating the witnessing consciousness will create a disidentification between You and the wayward desires siphoning your consciousness towards their ends. In this disidentification, there is freedom.

As you observe, you do as Ra says the positively polarizing entity does, you love and accept that which you see, because as Tolle says, to place ones full attention on something is to accept it as it is. Which leads to transformation of that which is observed.

Intense focus and presence of mind is needed. Diligence. Perseverance. So on and so forth.

These non-integrated desires can only operate in your absence. Once you make them conscious simply by paying full attention to the present moment, you increasingly diminish their power.

b) I actually don't remember "b" at this point. Whatever it was I am sure it was good.

Quote:Does this continual raising, balancing, and grounding, eventually get to a point where the system no longer works. Then one has to bring everything to light?

By "system" do you mean the personality shell/outer identity/transient or incarnate self?

I don't know that it "no longer works". My understanding is that it loses its solidity, becoming transparent to the One within from which it was never actually separated. Analogy: river merging into ocean.

As I see it, conscious evolution does not involve "bringing everything into the light" as if one goes about looking & hunting within the self for material to bring into the light.

I believe that as we remain present, self material IS brought into the light, but we need not necessarily go looking for it. Rather we need simply to be present in this moment, making this moment the focus of our full attention. We will meet and greet that which we need to encounter.

Which isn't to say that various psychodynamic therapies cannot be extremely helpful, just that the present moment holds the true key to liberation.

Quote:I don't think I'm near ready for dissolution of the ego and taking on a pure unity. But I take baby steps of allowing, and pressing onward.

Not that this is something i've consciously experienced, by my study leads me to believe that this "dissolution" of which you speak is not precisely a decision that the outer self makes, as if you were standing on the edge of the ocean and were deciding whether to jump to the bottom or stay ashore.

When the time comes, perhaps in an instant, perhaps by gradual degrees, or both, the "ego" or false separate self simply vanishes like a phantom when the Self is realized to be the ever present One.

And btw I really enjoyed this sentence of yours: "It's like a tapestry of experience and response."

Peace & Love,

RE: Great danger in use of the will - rva_jeremy - 01-23-2011

(01-23-2011, 09:15 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: As I understand it, we do not so much seek to alter desire to a more preferred configuration or to release desire, but rather to simply become aware of the movement of energy through us in the moment. The simple act of observing and cultivating the witnessing consciousness will create a disidentification between You and the wayward desires siphoning your consciousness towards their ends. In this disidentification, there is freedom.

That was sublime. Excellently said. This discussion and especially that distinction you just made serves my present situation extremely well, as I'm somewhat at a loss sometimes for how to balance these energies other than to just hold on for dear life and keep accepting them.

Have you guys discussed balancing in depth in another thread I can take a look at? Or if you just wanna repeat here, that'd be great, too! I'm particularly interested in the approach that Ra hints at, which seems to entail this process:
  1. Identify the emotion / energy
  2. Intensify it
  3. Seek its opposite within the self
  4. Find the balance
  5. Accept the whole balanced energy
The mechanics of this seem vague, but theoretically it seems very doable, especially with respect to the "finding the opposite" part. I can't find the Ra quote but I know it's mentioned at one point, but the book "Messages from Michael" talks a lot about balancing through the identification of the emotion as a spectrum, or almost a Hegelian thesis/antithesis.

In any case, the warning you mentioned from MacLeod was apropos. I'm paying especially close attention to not dismissing unwanted thoughts and feelings in my meditation, and trying not to have a preconceived notion of what a good meditation needs to be. The patience this demands is tremendous, though.


RE: Great danger in use of the will - AnthroHeart - 01-23-2011

By system I probably meant our beliefs that make us who we are. I'm not on the same train of thought I was when I wrote that. I probably meant that our system holds onto old beliefs and has trouble letting go and can for awhile reject any new inputs. It's all about the programming.

In fact when beliefs come to the light, and I work to make myself more expansive in learning, it causes my field to heat up. Sort of pushing the limits of my beliefs produces noticable heat in my energy body.

RE: Great danger in use of the will - Peregrinus - 01-23-2011

(01-23-2011, 09:43 PM)jeremy6d Wrote: Have you guys discussed balancing in depth in another thread I can take a look at? Or if you just wanna repeat here, that'd be great, too!

When Ra spoke of seeking the opposite emotion, I can expand on this. When one identifies and intensifies the emotion, and holds it, the opposite emotion will naturally come to the surface after a period of time. This was a surprise to me, for I thought the process required identifying what I thought would be the opposite emotion. I also found it interesting that the held emotion, if the same a number of times, can have a different opposite every time. There is no way to know what the opposite emotion will be; it will just come to you.

RE: Great danger in use of the will - rva_jeremy - 01-23-2011

(01-23-2011, 11:02 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: When Ra spoke of seeking the opposite emotion, I can expand on this. When one identifies and intensifies the emotion, and holds it, the opposite emotion will naturally come to the surface after a period of time. This was a surprise to me, for I thought the process required identifying what I thought would be the opposite emotion. I also found it interesting that the held emotion, if the same a number of times, can have a different opposite every time. There is no way to know what the opposite emotion will be; it will just come to you.

Peregrinus, it's hard to express how extremely helpful that is to me. Thank you!

RE: Great danger in use of the will - Steppingfeet - 01-24-2011

Hey Gemini Wolf,

In your post to which I replied, you wrote:

Just so I surmise accurately, the quote talks about releasing every secret desire, and not having the mindset of trying to hold onto anything. To me, this sounds like attachments.

And I totally failed to address the specific practice that McLeod counsels.

What he suggests is not so much releasing hidden desire (though, again, that does and will happen) but rather to find someone with whom you can share every detail of your practice, your thoughts, your feelings, your perceptions, etc.

This is a safeguard so that you do not unconsciously protect (become blind to) some area of your life.

For instance, you could foster a hatred for a neighbor that you continually feed inside with angry thoughts and fantasy battles. Instead of bringing this tendency into your conscious view and doing the work of looking at it, accepting, and loving it (with additional analysis regarding what is being mirrored to you, why you are so upset, etc.), you keep it off your radar, you put the blinders on to this tendency, unconsciously becoming consumed with anger each time it is triggered by your neighbor or your thought processes.

Meanwhile you are meditating and gaining in strength, not looking at this tendency within you. As the power within increases due to meditation or other spiritual practice, the anger towards your neighbor (heretofore not made conscious) may hijack or pull your consciousness into its trajectory, using you for its ends, so to speak.

McLeod thusly counsels that you open up every aspect of your life to a trusted colleague, friend, mentor, so that there is no tendency within you that remains unconscious. It is a safeguard to ensure that you don't unconsciously wear blinders to that which you do not wish to see within yourself.

Now I feel like I have done justice to the quote!

(01-23-2011, 09:47 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: By system I probably meant our beliefs that make us who we are. I'm not on the same train of thought I was when I wrote that. I probably meant that our system holds onto old beliefs and has trouble letting go and can for awhile reject any new inputs. It's all about the programming.

Yeah I was contemplating the role of belief when responding to you earlier. I think that these desire-mechanisms mentioned in McLeod's quote are the result of beliefs, the deepest untrue belief being "I am separate. I am the body. I am limited."

Whether one desires wealth or retribution or notoriety or anonymity, these desires must all be rooted in some distorted belief about who the self is. In the case of wealth, the belief may be, "I believe that I am powerless without money"; in the case of retribution, the belief may be, "I believe by punishing he or she who hurt me, I can relieve my own pain and restore balance"; in the case of notoriety, the belief may be, "My identity would be enhanced were I to have the attention of others"; and in the case of anonymity, the belief may be, "Others will judge me if I am exposed to their sight". And on and on it goes.

So in describing the personality as a "system" consisting of beliefs loosely held together, I can see how that works. And likening "belief" with "programming" I agree with -- I think that they are for the most part synonymous.

Whether the "system" rejects, accepts, or ignores new inputs I suppose would be dependent upon the unique configuration and ever-shifting balance of that particular system.

But while it is always well to review, revise, and upgrade our belief systems in light of new understanding, I think the core work is to become conscious of - and unconditionally accept - our existing belief system, whatever that may be.

In becoming aware of our beliefs - be they helpful or unhelpful, service oriented or non-service oriented - we begin to un-fuse our identity from these beliefs, creating a space around them within which we may allow what is to be without attachment or aversion.

Quote:Jeremy wrote: This discussion and especially that distinction you just made serves my present situation extremely well, as I'm somewhat at a loss sometimes for how to balance these energies other than to just hold on for dear life and keep accepting them.

J, if you don't mind sharing, what are these energies which disturb your equanimity and cause the holding on for dear life?

As to the balancing technique described by Ra, this is one area of the books that has had almost zero application to my life. Their emphasis on balance in general has been very helpful, but that particular exercise involving the intensification of duality in order to elicit the corresponding opposite and achieve subsequent balance has never made it onto my palette of spiritual practice.

The only thing i can add - and I believe Ra says this somewhere - is that a stable, focused mind would be a prerequisite for this work. To intensify a particular emotion or perception - and then to not get carried away by it down another train of similar or dissimilar thought - would require great concentration in a detached, meditative mindset.

So good to see you back in action man!!

Love & Light,

RE: Great danger in use of the will - rva_jeremy - 01-24-2011

(01-24-2011, 12:36 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: J, if you don't mind sharing, what are these energies which disturb your equanimity and cause the holding on for dear life?

Well, the "holding on for dear life" is just my dramatization of not being able to concentrate. I'm struggling with how to calm a wandering mind.

As for the energies, you and I discussed a little bit of this in a private email. The gist of it is that, lo and behold, I have identified blockages. I have identified energy signatures to these blockages - in other words, it seems useful that I have a taste, if you will, for the energies above and beyond how they manifest in thoughts and actions. What I'm struggling with is how to put this to effective use, and/or how to maintain patience to allow the most effective use to occur to me naturally.

I am attempting to start working with these energy signatures in a manner that is regularized and sustainable. The reason this is important, to my mind, is so that I do not need to put all my spiritual eggs in the basket of immediate results. So "holding on for dear life" is to me about cultivating a patience that I'll get there and that I'm not wasting my time.

I desire to understand the blockages, and my primary tool so far has been the attempt at acceptance. So that has been the practice area for concentration - being able to identify energies within the self and attempt to accept them, though I feel like I'm stumbling around when I execute on the "accept" part.

Anything you or anybody could say to what I've written above would be appreciated.

RE: Great danger in use of the will - Peregrinus - 01-24-2011

The path is relatively straightforward and simple. One cannot force anything. Allow it to happen on its own time.

Each day begin with prayer or meditation or like.
Create the intent. This is an integral part of this process. Spiritual desire also has a part to play, though the result of that will be found within the self.
Contemplate the day and do the balancing exercise for each emotional experience, both positive and negative.
End each day begin with prayer or meditation or like.

Meditation is beneficial. It is not the length of time that is important, but that it is done regularly. If one begins with one minute per day, that is sufficient. There is a difference in meditating less than and more than about 15 minutes.

Below are quotes that can help you in understanding and on working with the rays (chakras)

Quote:That which tends to block red ray is a level of depression that argues against life and the joy of life, and difficulties with sexuality. Because of the fact that the red ray deals with matters of survival and sexuality, those who are limping along with no true appreciation of life are going to be limiting the flow of energy into their very first chakra and therefore receiving into the heart only a fraction of the power or the energy that is available from the Creator.

The orange-ray chakra, being the seat of relationships of a personal nature with yourself and with others, is blocked when there is difficulty in those relationships which causes the chakra either to be blocked or to be over-activated. So, it is well to have a continuing focus in each relationship that is your privilege to sustain, watching for the vibrational harmony between you and the other, or indeed the harmony between you and yourself. So often the issues that you have with yourself can be quite toxic in terms of limiting the light that is flowing through that chakra. So, it is well to spend time becoming sweet with yourself and with other selves as well.

The yellow-ray chakra is the chakra of group relationships or legal relationships such as the birth family, the marriage family, the work family, and other groups that create their own energies and have their own, shall we say, oversoul. And in this chakra, too, the usual causes of blockages have to do with difficulties in these relationships. And again, because it is so easy to be blocked, at least momentarily, in yellow ray, it is a wise seeker who tunes his heart and his attention when dealing with these relationships in order that harmony may prevail. And when harmony has been lost from a certain situation, it is well to seek ways to restore it. For this restores the flow of energy through that chakra and into the open heart.

Once an entity has reached the point where the heart is open and energy is flowing freely, he may then choose to move into the higher chakras. If he wishes to do work in consciousness such as meditation, healing, prayer or inspirational reading and reflection, he moves very consciously and deliberately into the indigo-ray chakra, the home of faith.

Here, one is always dealing with unseen things. In the indigo ray, one has left the physical body behind. The indigo ray is physically placed at the third eye position at which the Hindu monk will place a red dot, for in the Hindu system of belief there is a great appreciation of this chakra and it is believed by them, as well as us, that it is the gateway, the door, to direct contact with intelligent infinity, or as they would put it, the Creator.

Dwelling in indigo ray, the seeker begins to approach the gateway by the use of silence. It is necessary that the mind be still to a great extent so that the inspiration which is being sought may have room to flow into the chakra body through the violet ray and then the indigo, and then to be seated in the heart.

Once that connection has been made and there is a downflow of inspiration and information matching the upflow of the Creator’s energy, it is possible to work in consciousness simply by allowing that flow to occur and being aware consciously of that flow. For indeed you are seated in the midst of a beautiful fountain of light when the gateway is open and inspiration is moving in
Questioner: How does an individual go about balancing himself? What is the first step?

Ra: I am Ra. The steps are only one; that is, an understanding of the energy centers which make up the mind/body/spirit complex. This understanding may be briefly summarized as follows. The first balancing is of the Malkuth, or Earth, vibratory energy complex, called the red-ray complex. An understanding and acceptance of this energy is fundamental.

The next energy complex, which may be blocked is the emotional, or personal complex, also known as the orange-ray complex. This blockage will often demonstrate itself as personal eccentricities or distortions with regard to self- conscious understanding or acceptance of self.

The third blockage resembles most closely that which you have called ego. It is the yellow-ray or solar plexus center. Blockages in this center will often manifest as distortions toward power manipulation and other social behaviors concerning those close and those associated with the mind/body/spirit complex. Those with blockages in these first three energy centers, or nexi, will have continuing difficulties in ability to further their seeking of the Law of One.

The center of heart, or green-ray, is the center from which third-density beings may springboard, shall we say, to infinite intelligence. Blockages in this area may manifest as difficulties in expressing what you may call universal love or compassion.

The blue-ray center of energy streaming is the center which, for the first time, is outgoing as well as inpouring. Those blocked in this area may have difficulty in grasping the spirit/mind complexes of its own entity and further difficulty in expressing such understandings of self. Entities blocked in this area may have difficulties in accepting communication from other mind/body/spirit complexes.

The next center is the pineal or indigo-ray center. Those blocked in this center may experience a lessening of the influx of intelligent energy due to manifestations which appear as unworthiness. This is that of which you spoke. As you can see, this is but one of many distortions due to the several points of energy influx into the mind/body/spirit complex. The indigo-ray balancing is quite central to the type of work which revolves about the spirit complex, which has its influx then into the transformation or transmutation of third density to fourth density, it being the energy center receiving the least distorted outpourings of love/light from intelligent energy and also the potential for the key to the gateway of intelligent infinity.

RE: Great danger in use of the will - Wander-Man - 01-24-2011

(01-23-2011, 01:46 PM)zenmaster Wrote:
(01-23-2011, 01:30 PM)Wander-Man Wrote: Why aren't there cow and chicken wanderers?
Wanderers are 4D+. Transplants are 3D and possibly 2D. 3D incarnation is automatic until about the 4th subdensity.

My blue e-chakra must have been a bit blocked:

Clarification: Why don't wanderers incarnate in chicken and cow bodies?
I don't wish to discuss this further though; I've lost interest.

In regards to the will, I have found my performing depolarizing actions as my chakras are developing, in small ways, like bringing a milkshake into a movie theater.

"No food or drink allowed."
"Oh, it's okay, I have diabetes (I dont). I need it for the blood sugar and whatnot."
"Do you have a Diabetes card or something?"
"Lol no, it's okay really, it's for my blood sugar. It's fine, I used to work at a theater, the managers are okay with it."
And then I walk away and depolarize myself, lol.

I just do things like that to see if I can pull it off mostly. You guys think that's a danger?

RE: Great danger in use of the will - rva_jeremy - 01-24-2011

Thanks, Peregrinus. Good, good stuff. I'm not good at dancing, and so often that's what this feels like!
Also, with respect to "creating the intent", I am in the process of achieving a better understanding of "will". Ra's words on the matter are instructive, where they talk about visualization as an exercise for building the will.

I go back and forth on whether will or desire is what I want to adjust.

RE: Great danger in use of the will - Tango - 06-30-2012

(01-19-2011, 02:52 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: Perhaps this Q'uo session may be of help.

The first distortion is all-important when one is attempting to be of service to others. If entities have not asked for your service then we would ask you, as one who wishes to serve, if there is an overriding reason why other entities’ sleep must be disturbed.

I understand the "great danger of the use of the will" in Ra's warning as "fooling oneself" into believing that self/personality is "helping others" when (in reality) self/personality is doing nothing more than furthering their own agenda; attempting to control the thoughts and actions of others and bring them into agreement.

Thanks, Peregrinus! Your choice in quotes is both timely and excellent. It bottom-lines my initial interest in this discussion! I would like to see more quotes from the source material being discussed in our forums; helps keeps my thought organized and on point.

RE: Great danger in use of the will - Plenum - 07-01-2012

(06-30-2012, 02:38 PM)Tango Wrote: I understand the "great danger of the use of the will" in Ra's warning as "fooling oneself" into believing that self/personality is "helping others" when (in reality) self/personality is doing nothing more than furthering their own agenda; attempting to control the thoughts and actions of others and bring them into agreement.

this is a great point, and ties into the emphasis in White Magik as being applied to the self, and the seeking of the Creator, and not into manipulating/changing externals. One then strays into Gray Magik, and then into Black.

one thing I have observed is this: when does Encouragement, Enthusiasm, and Passion stray into the realms of proselytisation?

RE: Great danger in use of the will - Tango - 07-01-2012

(07-01-2012, 11:09 AM)plenum Wrote: one thing I have observed is this: when does Encouragement, Enthusiasm, and Passion stray into the realms of proselytisation?

Wow! You've asked a powerful question. For me, it's the BIG one! Thank you, Plenum, Peregrinus, and Gemini Wolf, for this opportunity to work on it here. HeartHeartHeartHeart

I remember something from Ra regarding a warning of sorts about idea of grandiosity; which I interpret as that isolating notion of "feeling special" and other sorts of common mental gyrations played out while learning about and defining self.

I suppose I draw my ethical line with a silent example. Once I go past simply living by example, I believe I've infringed upon another's free will.

I often have the desire/notion that I know what other's need when in fact, I really know otherwise; that I don't have even a clue. At the point I act upon this silly notion and try to give something/anything not asked for, I believe, I am simply servicing my own self; in attempting to persuade/control others with my notions.

Whether I find myself judging, gently persuading, proselytizing, guiding or outright controlling an other, I see this as nothing more than service to my self.

I've often wondered about why it's so difficult to contain "Encouragement, Enthusiasm, and Passion" within myself. Because a lifetime of experience has taught me that I when I don't contain/discipline my personality/ego/self, I loose all sense of my passion for Life's journey.

I find it most difficult to tease apart the idea of "discipline of the personality" from the notion of "control of the self". As I understand, Ra also warns against control of self.

Seems I've missed an initial definition/step/activity which would clarify how I might go about learning more on how to discipline my personality; without using repression and control of either myself or others. Then again, I think perhaps discipline of the personality is just hard work that has be done at this point in my journey here and I'm tired, really tired, of all of the hard work.

I'm most interested in what you/anyone think/s regarding proselytism and will find your insights/experiences most helpful, Plenum.

RE: Great danger in use of the will - Plenum - 07-01-2012

(07-01-2012, 01:31 PM)Tango Wrote: I find it most difficult to tease apart the idea of "discipline of the personality" from the notion of "control of the self". As I understand, Ra also warns against control of self.

ya, Tango, this is one I'm still working on myself.

Quote:I suppose I draw my ethical line with a silent example. Once I go past simply living by example, I believe I've infringed upon another's free will.

this seems to be a good policy.

I'm not sure I have anything else to say Smile I guess we all influence one another subtly, so maybe just a realisation that the sledgehammer approach is going to antagonise people is enough to restrain the ego from going too far.

RE: Great danger in use of the will - Tango - 07-01-2012

(07-01-2012, 02:28 PM)plenum Wrote: I guess we all influence one another subtly, so maybe just a realisation that the sledgehammer approach is going to antagonise people is enough to restrain the ego from going too far.

Plenum, I sure like your no bs, "bottom line" style! Very well said. Thanks.

RE: Great danger in use of the will - Shin'Ar - 07-01-2012

(01-18-2011, 08:58 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Ok, I need some clarification on this point Ra makes.
By "stronger" is Ra referring to fourth and higher dimensional work?

As I can tell, I've gotten my field pretty strong. I am very balance as well as I can tell. But not sure how "will" fits in with keeping energy centers balanced.

Is it possible my seeking and work might be decreasing my polarity?

Quote:52.7 Questioner: Am I correct, then, in assuming that discipline of the personality, knowledge of self, and control in strengthening of the will would be what any fifth-density entity would see as those things of importance?

Ra: I am Ra. In actuality these things are of importance in third through early seventh densities. The only correction in nuance that we would make is your use of the word, control. It is paramount that it be understood that it is not desirable or helpful to the growth of the understanding, may we say, of an entity by itself to control thought processes or impulses except where they may result in actions not consonant with the Law of One. Control may seem to be a short-cut to discipline, peace, and illumination. However, this very control potentiates and necessitates the further incarnative experience in order to balance this control or repression of that self which is perfect.

Instead, we appreciate and recommend the use of your second verb in regard to the use of the will. Acceptance of self, forgiveness of self, and the direction of the will; this is the path towards the disciplined personality. Your faculty of will is that which is powerful within you as co-Creator. You cannot ascribe to this faculty too much importance. Thus it must be carefully used and directed in service-to-others for those upon the positively oriented path.

There is great danger in the use of the will as the personality becomes stronger, for it may be used even subconsciously in ways reducing the polarity of the entity.

When seeking the true self we evolve and our personality develops along with our intuitive abilities.

This however is a natural progression, and is supposed to take place naturally during the course of experiencing the natural aspects of living this existence.

When we try to control that natural process in an effort to maintain what we believe to be self, we actually retard and impede the natural process of that self gaining awareness and developing into an ever changing aspect of our self.

In other words our true self is constantly evolving, and if that process is allowed to progress naturally according to natural life experiences, that self will change and identity will not be a constant or permanent thing.

When we cling to an identity that we try to control to never change, we impede the natural development of that personality.

To willfully try to control natural development is therefore dangerous to the progression of one's natural evolution.

Intention and will are the energies and forces behind the creative attributes of the One, and we are all endowed with similar attributes which exist in us at different degrees according to our evolved state. Such will can be very powerful in some who are more evolved in that regard. And in such persons this will, if intended to control the process of the evolution of their identity, can extremely alter the acceleration of their evolution.

Is this not what I have been saying about being trapped in the cycle of darkness? And about the need to cast off our delusional identity?