i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Printable Version

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RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Shemaya - 12-21-2010

Quote:There is no separation. Creation is subjective, objective rules and logic are distortions of the vast array of potential.

That's a really interesting point Protonexus, I would definitely agree that rules and logic are distortions. It seems to me that creation is full of so many paradoxes, and rules and logical explanation just don't satisfy that aspect.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-21-2010

(12-21-2010, 08:42 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: The idea that some souls could be lost is very overwhelming and thus it's natural to want to ease our minds, when we don't know how we could do anything about it.

unfortunately it is.

Quote:Which leads me to surmise that Wanderers have more power to prevent such catastrophes than we think we do. I suspect we incarnated partially for this very reason. The question is whether we can become conscious enough to call for assistance, so that we'll have guidance as to just how we might help.

destruction of a planet or loss of souls while 100s of millions of high density entities on it, would go far beyond maldek being destroyed imo.

maybe this was a reason why all these wanderers incarnated on this planet in droves.

Quote:I don't think we can assume that souls were lost when Maldek was destroyed. On the contrary, it is more logical to assume that souls weren't lost, since we know those souls ended up here!

To ponder the thought of souls lost would be very distressing, and likely for naught, since it appears that souls weren't actually lost. Why would some souls have been lost in the blast while others weren't? Either the blast devastated the souls or it didn't. I say it didn't, since we know the souls survived and were moved to this planet.

souls are lost as a result of the extreme release of energy in a nuclear blast. any entity which was not in such a blast, but died due to any other means, or due to the planet getting destroyed, breaking apart, would have died normally.

there is nothing saying that all the souls who were on maldek have been recovered.

Quote:We also know that the souls were severely traumatized, and that is reason enough to do everything we can to prevent a recurrence of such a disaster. But I don't think it does any good to ponder the possibility that some souls might have been lost, because there simply isn't anything we can do about that, if it even happened at all (short of there's an idea!)

we can realize that these things happen, and decide that these things should not happen.

this should raise the awareness of this galaxy, via the connections all entities have through the roots of mind.

Quote:Regarding the possibility of a recurrence, resulting in again severe trauma, I do share your concern. I am heartened that it has been prevented thus far. It seems likely that if it were going to happen, it would have already happened. Q'uo has indicated that people like us have averted such disasters which might otherwise have happened.

that was for the need for planetary depopulation though. not a nuclear war.

Quote:1. Maldek and Mars inhabitants were transported here; thus we know that they survived. We just don't know whether they ALL survived, but it is more logical to assume they did all survive, since we know that there were survivors, than to assume that some didn't, without any evidence for the latter.

that proposition works the other way too.

Quote:7. Taken together, I conclude that the probable future looks very hopeful, that we won't have a repeat of what happened to Mars and Maldek.
8. However this should not give us a false security and neither should we just relax and trust that nothing like that could ever happen. It may just be that WE provide the missing piece to the puzzle; it may be that OUR actions provide the pivotal determining factor. It may be that the Creator works thru US to prevent such disasters from recurring, and if we just dismiss the concern completely, we could fail in our assigned task.

this is not just about this planet's future. there may be some other solar system, in which the entities inhabiting and governing it may be seeing it as 'free will' to let a planet be destroyed, souls be lost in nuclear or other kind of energy discharge weapons. there may be those doing that in future.

realization of the wrongness of such things in regard to wisdom and balance, here and now, would increase the collective awareness level of this galaxy, and make the galaxy be able to act more wisely.

(12-21-2010, 04:33 PM)Crimson Wrote: The planet automatically goes to full activation a year earlier than the MSM states. See Ra Material also Calleman's work.
The elite wants to polarize but is losing ground (see for example, wikileaks as a "they shoot themselves on the foot" maybe due to increase in green energy --many of us felt that?)

Well, even if they think about nuclear blasts, they can save themselves underground (or by other means) and gain great polarization. It seems that judging by past history they do not have a problem blasting everything away if they would deem that necessary. They own many nuclear weapons specifically in the Middle East and North America.

i very much think that people are giving too much deference to the 'elites' in this planet. polarizing and such.

i very much see that they are more like overspoiled kids with extreme orange ray issues, always crying out for 'more more more' while doing nothing with the 'more' they have and get, in the meantime possessing an extreme measure of toys that they shouldnt have.

imagine a 5 year old spoiled brat who has been given the car keys, thermostat in the house, remote for tv, vcr, password to the pc, gun cabinet, bank account and many many more.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Xplosiw - 12-23-2010

Unity (and everyone else!), have you read this? I really suggest you read it, it's about someone who claims to be part of this "Elite Family", answering all questions posted by ATS Community. It sure changed my opinion about this Negative Elite.

I know, sounds a bit crazy, but read it! It seems very valid to me, and the person writing it has to be very intelligent atleast. You can see it from a distance. Also, his "teachings" go hand-to-hand with Ra's teachings.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - xlsander - 12-23-2010

(12-23-2010, 06:08 AM)Xplosiw Wrote: Unity (and everyone else!), have you read this? I really suggest you read it, it's about someone who claims to be part of this "Elite Family", answering all questions posted by ATS Community. It sure changed my opinion about this Negative Elite.

I know, sounds a bit crazy, but read it! It seems very valid to me, and the person writing it has to be very intelligent atleast. You can see it from a distance. Also, his "teachings" go hand-to-hand with Ra's teachings.

this HH actually borught me to the LOO

at the time I was fascinated how true the spiritual information rang true with me - it all made so much sense and I had not been a spiritual person before that - not at all - I had just develed into david icke's stuff weeks before and was a sheep prior to that.

I know many say the HH material is misguiding and mixed ploarity to trick you - but to me the whole fear part in it never got into my mind - with damascus sinking etc - I think I am going to read it again this year
2 years later to see how it reads now after so much more info gathered on the journey.

Thank you HH and thank you DW and thank you Wayne Dyer and thank you eckhart Tolle and thank you ... and of course thank you L/LHeartHeartHeartHeart

whatever happens here - its the time of the harvest - which is a special place and we're on earth being a special place for so many different origins inhabit this place - there is a greater plan going on here - and although I don't always seem able to do it - I think be the change you want to see sums it up pretty well and as collective the more do it the more this world will change.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Crimson - 12-23-2010

Just want to add that requesting protection and help really works. I believe me (and my family) would not have been like this now if not for this. I remember one time we formed a circle and had to request help because things were, well...that bad.

I understand that Wanderers are target of many attacks. Some metaphysical, some that translate in other ways. Ask for help/protection, you will receive it.

Quote:The planet automatically goes to full activation a year earlier than the MSM states. See Ra Material also Calleman's work.
The elite wants to polarize but is losing ground (see for example, wikileaks as a "they shoot themselves on the foot" maybe due to increase in green energy --many of us felt that?)

Well, even if they think about nuclear blasts, they can save themselves underground (or by other means) and gain great polarization. It seems that judging by past history they do not have a problem blasting everything away if they would deem that necessary. They own many nuclear weapons specifically in the Middle East and North America.

The Confederation cannot intervene unless there is a call.

Law of squares is one of the "pearls" in the Ra Material. We ask for help and guidance (I believe we SPECIFICALLY address the problem in the asking since then there is no law of confusion broken).

Meanwhile, the elite keeps trying to enforce negativity as is their "job".
The problem seems more serious.

I was very weary of causing fear with all this. If at the same time we could keep a positive attitude, that would be well...magical.

Peace and Love dear Brothers and Sisters.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Monica - 12-23-2010

(12-23-2010, 06:08 AM)Xplosiw Wrote: I really suggest you read it, it's about someone who claims to be part of this "Elite Family", answering all questions posted by ATS Community. It sure changed my opinion about this Negative Elite.

I know, sounds a bit crazy, but read it! It seems very valid to me, and the person writing it has to be very intelligent atleast. You can see it from a distance. Also, his "teachings" go hand-to-hand with Ra's teachings.

I respectfully but adamantly disagree that HH's teaching go 'hand-to-hand' with Ra's teachings. HH uses a lot of the same terminology, but the entire orientation is different. Not to mention that HH is a self-professed STS entity.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Ankh - 12-23-2010

(12-23-2010, 07:41 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: I respectfully but adamantly disagree that HH's teaching go 'hand-to-hand' with Ra's teachings. HH uses a lot of the same terminology, but the entire orientation is different. Not to mention that HH is a self-professed STS entity.

HH recognizes Ra: s teachings to be 85-95% accurate. HH: s STS orientation is a cause of carmic events that their Social Memory Complex agreed upon when request was made to them by Council of Saturn. They are in service of others and are of 6D, but had agreed to come here in this lower sphere and leave the 6D to act as a negative force, because they chose to be of service of others instead of progressing to 7D. Their explanation is that if there wouldn't be any negative force, ie them, then the souls couldn't develop and seek the Creator. In Eden that was here in the beginning was no suffering, and unfortunatly is that suffering is what makes entities to seek the Creator. HH says also that we all are Light and Love and are One. That this is only a game and everybody needs to play their parts, BUT between the incarnations we all have a good laugh at all this and are All Brothers and Sisters of One. Still, they do have hard time doing what they do on a spiritual level, but they agreed to provide this Catalyst and have to do what they were sent to do.
EDIT: A man can either believe it or not, but when I read these words I started to cry actually. Because they felt very real. I thought of this "evil" force, of this darkness, and sometimes I feel that they provide the greater sacrifice than we do. We shoose the easier way, the way of our Logo, but they need to work upward that stream. They need to polarize at 85%-95% (?) to accomplish the Harvest, and these enitities of 6D origin, agreed to go down in lower densities, to provide what was missing in this sphere. They are also great servants of others. But instead of love and respect they usually get impiety and disrespect. No one wants to know them. It is ok by them, as they are born this way, to not care, but as they said it is hard for them on a spiritual level as they also see us all as One of Love and Light.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Monica - 12-23-2010

Ankh, thank you for the explanation. Nevertheless, this is a forum dedicated to the study of the Law of One, so I felt it important to draw a distinction between the Ra channelings and those of Hidden Hand.

Those who resonate with HH are free to pursue that study if they wish. Undoubtedly there are forums dedicated to said study.

In observance of our forum's guidelines, let's get this discussion back to its original topic.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-24-2010

(12-23-2010, 08:38 PM)Ankh Wrote: HH recognizes Ra: s teachings to be 85-95% accurate. HH: s STS orientation is a cause of carmic events that their Social Memory Complex agreed upon when request was made to them by Council of Saturn. They are in service of others and are of 6D, but had agreed to come here in this lower sphere and leave the 6D to act as a negative force, because they chose to be of service of others instead of progressing to 7D. Their explanation is that if there wouldn't be any negative force, ie them, then the souls couldn't develop and seek the Creator. In Eden that was here in the beginning was no suffering, and unfortunatly is that suffering is what makes entities to seek the Creator.

excuse me, but how is the above any different from saying 'god gave me this mission' and going on a conquest to conquer entire world and 'unite' it under a banner ?

there is no difference.

'hey council of saturn asked us to be evil'.

'we are being of service, by being evil and self serving'


at BEST, this could be desperate justification of an early 6d entity to make the orientation it is in work, before having to let go of it.

however, the 'council of saturn asked us' part, also invalidates it. had it been a valid early 6d negative orientation crisis, it would involve 'god' and 'meaning of existence' and whatever.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Xplosiw - 12-24-2010

Well, if you think about it, would there be this much polarization without negative elite/(or HH)? They are just offering catalyst for us, that's all. I don't hate them for what they are doing at all. I'd rather see this as a big opportunity to "gain polarization". Without negative elite, it could be alot harder, right?
But of course, we all have the right to think exactly what we like. This is just my opinion on this subject.

And Merry Christmas everyone! I found out five minutes ago, that it's Christmas eve, I thought it was 23. or 22. or something. BigSmile

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-24-2010

(12-24-2010, 04:18 AM)Xplosiw Wrote: Well, if you think about it, would there be this much polarization without negative elite/(or HH)? They are just offering catalyst for us, that's all. I don't hate them for what they are doing at all. I'd rather see this as a big opportunity to "gain polarization". Without negative elite, it could be alot harder, right?

with that you can justify anything. and there would be no need for polarity.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Ankh - 12-24-2010

(12-23-2010, 09:26 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Ankh, thank you for the explanation. Nevertheless, this is a forum dedicated to the study of the Law of One, so I felt it important to draw a distinction between the Ra channelings and those of Hidden Hand.

Those who resonate with HH are free to pursue that study if they wish. Undoubtedly there are forums dedicated to said study.

In observance of our forum's guidelines, let's get this discussion back to its original topic.

My apologies! It was not my intent to break any rules of this wonderful forum.

Unity100 - as much as I would like to answer I think it is unwise since this specific discussion would then continue.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Confused - 12-24-2010

"Ra: I am Ra. The positive polarity sees love in all things. The negative polarity is clever" (68.17). May be this is the root of the recurring naivete, unity100, in terms of the negative polarity gaining control of new tools introduced for the purpose of service. But Ra also says the following - "This entity has great distortions in the direction of mind complex activity, spirit complex activity, and that great conduit to the Creator, the will" (72.10).

So the greatest and most powerful option that those of positive polarity have on this planet is their individual will, in my interpretation. Let us fuse it to bring some amelioration to this crying planet, for such an act would ignite the law of squares as well.

I personally think that your grasp of the LOO is excellent, unity100.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Monica - 12-25-2010

(12-24-2010, 07:03 AM)Ankh Wrote: My apologies! It was not my intent to break any rules of this wonderful forum.

No problem.

(12-24-2010, 05:32 PM)Confused Wrote: So the greatest and most powerful option that those of positive polarity have on this planet is their individual will, in my interpretation. Let us fuse it to bring some amelioration to this crying planet, for such an act would ignite the law of squares as well.

I personally think that your grasp of the LOO is excellent, unity100.


RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-26-2010

(12-24-2010, 05:32 PM)Confused Wrote: "Ra: I am Ra. The positive polarity sees love in all things. The negative polarity is clever" (68.17). May be this is the root of the recurring naivete, unity100, in terms of the negative polarity gaining control of new tools introduced for the purpose of service.

that is possible since Ra had a considerable distortion for the love aspect, as they tell us. but, they had mentioned that they spent a long time in 5d in balancing this. so, then, maybe they have not been able to balance it completely ? possible.

then again they are not the only source dealing with this planet. there are many. probably, the higher densities of the planets that some of the world population is from (deneb, mars, and other places) are also getting involved in this planet.

then there is the question of this logos (of this locale). in the end, maldek got exploded, mars became uninhabitable, earth axis tilted in the same way. so, this is probably not something particular to this planet.

and maybe it is a particular bias/distortion of this local logos.

then there is the question of the successful graduates from venus, like Ra, and those who followed.
(12-25-2010, 10:43 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: No problem.

(12-24-2010, 05:32 PM)Confused Wrote: So the greatest and most powerful option that those of positive polarity have on this planet is their individual will, in my interpretation. Let us fuse it to bring some amelioration to this crying planet, for such an act would ignite the law of squares as well.

I personally think that your grasp of the LOO is excellent, unity100.


all that im doing is looking in between the lines, and thinking in detail. by sampling examples and adapting them to other situations, and posing questions. its not something that's too complex.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - lightning - 12-29-2010

(12-23-2010, 07:41 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:
(12-23-2010, 06:08 AM)Xplosiw Wrote: I really suggest you read it, it's about someone who claims to be part of this "Elite Family", answering all questions posted by ATS Community. It sure changed my opinion about this Negative Elite.

I know, sounds a bit crazy, but read it! It seems very valid to me, and the person writing it has to be very intelligent atleast. You can see it from a distance. Also, his "teachings" go hand-to-hand with Ra's teachings.

I respectfully but adamantly disagree that HH's teaching go 'hand-to-hand' with Ra's teachings. HH uses a lot of the same terminology, but the entire orientation is different. Not to mention that HH is a self-professed STS entity.

I would say the same about David Icke, who seems to exploit the fear/paranoia thing to unprecented levels.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Xplosiw - 12-30-2010

Yeah, I've watched David Icke a bit, and found it really useless and fearful. But, the link I posted, does not contain any fear-based stuff. But let's forget HH & others for now, and concetrate on LOO, shall we?

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Confused - 12-30-2010

(12-26-2010, 11:23 AM)unity100 Wrote: earth axis tilted in the same way.

Will you elucidate the above a bit more, Unity100? I am not sure I understand the statement in terms of earth and her axis.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-30-2010

(12-30-2010, 07:26 AM)Confused Wrote:
(12-26-2010, 11:23 AM)unity100 Wrote: earth axis tilted in the same way.

Will you elucidate the above a bit more, Unity100? I am not sure I understand the statement in terms of earth and her axis.

im thinking that earth's axis tilted probably during the final atlantis catastrophe.

Quote:The Atlantean race was a very conglomerate social complex which began to form approximately 31,000 years in the past of your space/time continuum illusion. It was a slow growing and very agrarian one until approximately 15,000 of your years ago. It reached quickly a high technological understanding which caused it to be able to use intelligent infinity in an informative manner. We may add that they used intelligent energy as well, manipulating greatly the natural influxes of the indigo or pineal ray from divine or infinite energy. Thus, they were able to create life forms. This they began to do instead of healing and perfecting their own mind/body/spirit complexes, turning their distortions towards what you may call negative.

Approximately 11,000 of your years ago, the first of the, what you call, wars, caused approximately forty percent of this population to leave the density by means of disintegration of the body. The second and most devastating of the conflicts occurred approximately 10,821 years in the past according to your illusion. This created an earth-changing configuration and the large part of Atlantis was no more, having been inundated. Three of the positively-oriented of the Atlantean groups left this geographical locus before that devastation, placing themselves in the mountain areas of what you call Tibet, what you call Peru, and what you call Turkey.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Peregrinus - 12-30-2010

I think that Ra meant 10,821 years ago BC, for this makes more sense as to when North America was inhabited ~13,000 years ago BCE (as per archeological evidence), unless North American indigenous peoples came from elsewhere.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-31-2010

the bc - years ago situation had kept me busy for a while. then i noticed that Ra almost never uses the concepts bc/ad. they always say ago, directly starting from that point in time.

10,821 years ago date is actually quite spot on, because if we go back 2000 years, we come up with 9,821 BC date, the very date vicinity at which neolithic revolution started

Quote:...... Neolithic Revolution, i.e., the beginning of agriculture and animal husbandry around 9000 BC ...........

basically atlantis diaspora ?

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Peregrinus - 12-31-2010

At a minimum 800 years seems a long time between moving and beginning this?

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 12-31-2010

'around 9000 BC' is a date vicinity. it is not possible to archeologically determine exact dates with pinpoint accuracy while dealing with neolithic and older. and still, atlanteans had had started leaving their continent before the final war. even before that they probably had settlements in other places.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Confused - 01-01-2011

(12-31-2010, 03:36 PM)unity100 Wrote: 'around 9000 BC' is a date vicinity. it is not possible to archeologically determine exact dates with pinpoint accuracy while dealing with neolithic and older. and still, atlanteans had had started leaving their continent before the final war. even before that they probably had settlements in other places.

Unity100, I absolutely admire the fact that you are able to surface so many subtle points from the teachings of Ra, in terms of science, history and metaphysics. Can you try bringing out some valuable spiritual points as well, like on how we can minimise the effect of mass negative mentations on dear Mother Gaia, from the words of Ra, such that it can be put to practical use individually and collectively (like among interested bring4th members)?

There is a reason why I ask that of you. The following is an extracted quote of Ra from 70.22 -

Quote:Since the concepts of space/time, or physics, and time/space, or metaphysics, are mechanical they are not central to the spiritual evolution of the mind/body/spirit complex. The study of love and light is far more productive in its motion towards unity in those entities pondering such concepts.

I personally feel that it would be a pity, if I as a seeker of the LOO, cannot take some aid of your trenchant ability with the subject, in terms of intense study of 'love and light in motion towards unity', along with the analysis of physics and metaphysics. Thank you for your service to fellow seekers.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 01-01-2011

(01-01-2011, 01:25 PM)Confused Wrote: Can you try bringing out some valuable spiritual points as well, like on how we can minimise the effect of mass negative mentations on dear Mother Gaia, from the words of Ra, such that it can be put to practical use individually and collectively (like among interested bring4th members)?

the subject is too broad. it needs to be specific.
Quote:There is a reason why I ask that of you. The following is an extracted quote of Ra from 70.22 -

Quote:Since the concepts of space/time, or physics, and time/space, or metaphysics, are mechanical they are not central to the spiritual evolution of the mind/body/spirit complex. The study of love and light is far more productive in its motion towards unity in those entities pondering such concepts.

I personally feel that it would be a pity, if I as a seeker of the LOO, cannot take some aid of your trenchant ability with the subject, in terms of intense study of 'love and light in motion towards unity', along with the analysis of physics and metaphysics. Thank you for your service to fellow seekers.

all of what we have been talking in the nature of which you are dubbing as science, history, and metaphysics, are of the 'dance' part of the nature of existence. which, falls in the learning of the wisdom, light part. lets think of some examples :

- there has to be a reason why the yahweh entities, despite having become guardians (therefore advancing to that level) has been making such unwise, grand mistakes due to their fixation with the martians they were tending to.
- moreover, there has to be a reason why these entities were not able to think (and even at their level) that, their slighting intervention in favor of the martians, would be slighting of the other incarnates (earth and deneb), and this wouldnt be acceptable.

now jump to the daily life, and think of a mother continually spoiling a certain already spoiled, self-centered child among her siblings, to the detriment of others.

the pattern is the similar.

remember how Ra talks about perceiving existence as a one, infinite entity. remember how all existence has the same blueprint. then, it means what happens in galactic scale, is not much different than what happens in micro scale. as we can see from various examples.


lets draw some parallels to gaia then. what if, in their attempt to bring a 'balance' to the planet, some entities attempted to introduce various new genes to the creatures ? what if they attempted to 'engineer' some changes ? would it be wise ? would it be unwise ? to what extent that would be wise and at what threshold it would go overboard ?

same goes for children. to what extent can you appease a spoiled kid ? from what you are doing in favor of him/her, what may hurt others ? why are others not getting the same treatment ?

such and such. its easy to start from one point to move to another point. because, it seems, existence in this creation seems to be following similar patterns everywhere.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Confused - 01-01-2011

(01-01-2011, 03:06 PM)unity100 Wrote: all of what we have been talking in the nature of which you are dubbing as science, history, and metaphysics, are of the 'dance' part of the nature of existence. which, falls in the learning of the wisdom, light part. lets think of some examples :

I am in perfect agreement with you there, Unity100. I think you make an extremely valid point. I may be wrong here, but I think I sense an inner fury in you in terms of the fact that those of higher densities have experimented on this planet in an over balance of love, which has inadvertently lead to situations that has caused and is causing great pain to entities on earth. Though 'they' may just call it naivete, for those within the illusion and clueless, the pain is extremely real.

The question is what can be done about it? And I think your example is interesting in that regard. You are mixing love with light in terms of surfacing subtle and evidently uncomfortable points from in between the lines of the LOO, so that the balance is just about right to obviate any seeding of potential grief via naivete or over-balance of love. In short, you are offering the One Infinite Creator, a rich harvest of lessons, in your own way.

Incidentally, you are right that I raised an extremely broad topic, without specificity. I will get back to you and to the forum later on that, once I structure my thinking. Thanks once again. Love & light.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Protonexus - 01-01-2011

There are certainly a broad range of causes relating to the responsibility of particular social memory complex to the development of cultures of lower density life (2nd, 3rd) under this Logos. Let us understand that Ra sees us as amusing ourselves with the veiling and distortions of this planet, those pertaining to the beginning and ending of our life here being paramount. In time-space the death of the human vessel is not an end, only a transition to the next learning phase, this can be a joyous occasion. Human tragedy and human reactions (martian, maldek, etc.) is a learning experience for Ra and other social memory complex to test the effectiveness of their thoughtforms and distortions of the Law of One.

What humans call failures of our teachers, unnecessary coddling, imbalances - these are the teaching/learning responsibilities of a developing spectrum of life that is simultaneously involving and evolving. Humans are an experiment that has been crafted with extrordinary care due to the incurrence of responsibility through the influence of these multifarious social memory complex. No experiment is a failure, a teaching and learning experience is always derivitive.

The best service human being can offer these social memory complex is being done as a proving ground. The service is that of conciously co-creating reality here on Earth, giving feedback to the entities that have fostered our development through the teachings of the Law of One as we have requested the best they are able. The planet is not shifting as the result of some impersonal mechanical process, it is doing so as is the human being because we have asked for it. It is proper to judge in a way the perceived effectiveness of these interactions with social memory complex, in a constructive way it leads to further harmonize the seeking of the human being in order to broadcast a balanced probability spiral. Let us not regard the teachers of humanity as being ideally perfected entities, for they learn as they teach. They interact as they are requested, so to speak, they are inclined to speak in the manner of speakingness one would prefer.

What would be invaluable is the perspective of Ra of their teachers and vice-versa. This is what is learned in the transition through the veil.

Let us also recall the words of Ra regarding the actions of well intentioned wanderers attempting to balance love with wisdom on developing worlds such as Ra's home of Venus.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - unity100 - 01-01-2011

(01-01-2011, 04:53 PM)Confused Wrote: I am in perfect agreement with you there, Unity100. I think you make an extremely valid point. I may be wrong here, but I think I sense an inner fury in you in terms of the fact that those of higher densities have experimented on this planet in an over balance of love, which has inadvertently lead to situations that has caused and is causing great pain to entities on earth. Though 'they' may just call it naivete, for those within the illusion and clueless, the pain is extremely real.

somewhat yes. i had had mentioned long before that, entities stubbornly banging their head against a wall tend to annoy me. i had had developed/acquired the wisdom and understanding that it is a way in which entities learn, however in this subject, scale and level matters.

this is not a case of someone in someone's family, or an entire societal division/group of people on a planet doing that. this case is the case of guardians, who are dealing with entire planets. this is WAY above the level in which this kind of thing should be allowed wisdom-wise.

imagine, someone has been given a nuclear reactor to manage, but, s/he doesnt know that nuclear reactors can have meltdowns or radioactivity is dangerous.

actually this example made it look quite innocent. the real situation here is that, these entities had had become guardians of a planet, before developing the wisdom that slighting a group favorably is discriminating against the others.

now lets say that it was an innocent mistake like, deneb entities are already from a logos that has very strong spiritual distortions (and no surprise, its children show it here too), and such an investment of genetic modification to make them 'be able to understand LOO better' was not needed. what about the anak incident then ? it is way overboard than anything else.

the reason is, why these were allowed to be even guardians, let alone 'toy' with these entities for that long. it is quite possibly tied to some chain of events, or the development of these entities and the martian incarnates, during their time in mars. maybe they had long involvement with each other.

but the situation is no joke. its not as simple as a mother slighting a lot of siblings for a spoiled child here, but a house full of childs being slighted, and the kid has matches in his hand and given a flamethrower. this kind of thing.

moreover, there are guest kids in the house too, and a lot. its a birthday party. its a birthday party and some kids, who have problems with, say, flames, have flamethrowers.

there are 2bil + denebians, 2bil + earth children in here. suspectably 1bil+ indians are from somewhere else. then there is an unspecified number of martians. with that the rest of incarnates are approx 2bil +.

thats 5 bil+ entities, prob 3billion of which are the children of other stars, who had nothing to do with these issues, problems, fixations, imbalances and so on. yet, some sources from this vicinity, had been allowed to toy around so bad that, there had had been the risk of totally destroying not only another planet, again, but also screwing up the development/fate of all these 3 billion or more entities. thats not even counting the totally innocent earthlings. remember what happened to maldekians after maldek incident. that could have happened here, and 3 billion entities, which are guests from other stars, could have experienced the same horror, having done nothing to necessitate that kind of experience in their past.

actually im tying it more to base concepts that manifest in this solar system's model. the central logos of this galaxy used most of its material emphasizing unity, which is carried by indigo ray. however logos of this locale, sun, has tightened the veil that separates the higher self, which is the practical channel of indigo energy to 3d incarnate. imagine - you put all your eggs in one basket, then throw that basket away.

and then, if we look at all the interventions/efforts from the confederation, we see that they always revolve around work with indigo energy, or higher self, or reestablishing the connection of 3d entity with the rest of existence through its higher self ....

actually the very thing that should have been from the start. but, heavily veiled by the logos, after Ra graduated.

let us say that, whichever source aided Ra's graduation, had been from some other solar system with vibrations which did not fit in well with this logos' preferences, and, to prevent such stuff and establish indigenous, original development and guard free will, logos decided to tighten the veil.

the result has been maldek, mars, atlantis (and earth shattering changes) and this . (a planet which still tethers at the brink of destruction).

maybe THIS many wanderers (a whopping 60+mil from 6d) wandered into this planet at this nexus, in order to prevent another destruction, which, this time would send pains to a lot of places in this galaxy, than only this locale ? or, maybe again, because we dont know how many incarnates were there from other locales in maldek.

Quote:The question is what can be done about it? And I think your example is interesting in that regard. You are mixing love with light in terms of surfacing subtle and evidently uncomfortable points from in between the lines of the LOO, so that the balance is just about right to obviate any seeding of potential grief via naivete or over-balance of love. In short, you are offering the One Infinite Creator, a rich harvest of lessons, in your own way.

entities should be allowed to make mistakes and choices. however the level of allowing mistakes should never reach a level in which continuance of incarnation, experience, sustenance, planets, or solar systems would be in jeopardy.

because, when an incarnation ends, there is no more experience. (until the next one) when a planet explodes, there is no incarnation. when a solar system is destroyed ... well ... no group of incarnates can be allowed to go around and keep destroying/wrecking planets. maybe this is another reason why it is being tried so hard to make a graduation in this planet as much in numbers as can be had. the crowd here have developed to be so dangerous or undesirable that, other logoi are not wanting to accept them into their 3d experience nexus, lest they shatter it or destroy the planet entirely.

for things to happen, things must be able to happen first. if things are totally destroyed, it cant happen. and in that respect, the freedoms allowed in this 3d experience in this locale of universe, go WAY beyond feasible.

to make a simulation of this level of mistake, one can find the most dangerous, out-of-line kid in his/her neighborhood and give them the keys to a monster truck.
(01-01-2011, 05:08 PM)Protonexus Wrote: There are certainly a broad range of causes relating to the responsibility of particular social memory complex to the development of cultures of lower density life (2nd, 3rd) under this Logos. Let us understand that Ra sees us as amusing ourselves with the veiling and distortions of this planet, those pertaining to the beginning and ending of our life here being paramount.

and then maybe this is their lesson in wisdom here, which they apparently are also here for, judging from how quo mentions the problems of Ra in regard to wisdom lessons and their manifestations in 6d. (not to mention how Ra mentioned they had to spend a lot of time in 5d to balance out excess love).

see, for, these biases entities have do not come out of nowhere. the spirit is always there, evolving, from 1d to 8d.

ra thinks these are transient, but, tomorrow's 3d incarnates are currently evolving here on this planet, in 2d. what kind of biases will they have, are being shaped right here, right now.

and right now, millions of cows are being slaughtered, millions of other animals being exploited, used, abused, for the leisurely benefit of a a generation of 3d entities.

what kind of biases these entities are developing ? what kind of relationship yahweh and martians had, in their past ? how do these compare to today ?

we are basically shaping the biases of tomorrow's spiritual generations. and no, i dont think loading everything to 'we are all one, love !' will fix anything - for it is evident that it has not fixed anything for yahweh and martians.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Confused - 01-01-2011

(01-01-2011, 06:06 PM)unity100 Wrote: actually im tying it more to base concepts that manifest in this solar system's model. the central logos of this galaxy used most of its material emphasizing unity, which is carried by indigo ray. however logos of this locale, sun, has tightened the veil that separates the higher self, which is the practical channel of indigo energy to 3d incarnate.

Dear Unity100, can you provide a detailed commentary on the rays/chakras, as you interpret it? I think there is much value there to be tapped into from you.

(01-01-2011, 06:06 PM)unity100 Wrote: we are basically shaping the biases of tomorrow's spiritual generations. and no, i dont think loading everything to 'we are all one, love !' will fix anything - for it is evident that it has not fixed anything for yahweh and martians.

As difficult as it is for me personally to accept this, I think you have got to the heart of the matter by cutting away the outer clutter with the sword of your individual ruthless honesty and intuitive vision. But the question still remains. What can be done to 'fix it', while yet adhering strictly to the first distortion of freewill? I do not have an answer, as a puny mind/body/spirit sub-logoi, to that. But I have a LOO quote that may offer a clue -

Quote:20.17 Questioner: I am assuming that at the start of one of these cycles there could have been either a positive polarization that would generally occur over the 25,000 years or a negative polarization. Is the reason for the negative polarization and the shortening of the life span the influx of entities from Mars who had already polarized somewhat negatively?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. There was not a strong negative polarization due to this influx. The lessening of the life span was due primarily to the lack of the building of positive orientation. When there is no progress those conditions which grant progress are gradually lost. This is one of the difficulties of remaining unpolarized. The chances, shall we say, of progress become steadily less.

RE: i think the plan made for the planet is flopping again - Turtle - 01-01-2011

I have a feeling that the current parameters of the veil of Earth will no longer be repeated after this, at least in this galaxy, for two reasons.

1. It is a fairly unique experiment of the veil, and 3 times over it has led to very unwise, unloving results for the souls involved on a given planet. It is a shocking experiment to say the least.

2. (more importantly) Now that millions of entities, who came directly from the social memory complex Ra have incarnated here, there will be quite a vivid and honest account of this particular veiled experience once all those of Ra finish their current incarnations. When all those of Ra return to time/space reality, the numbers will be counted...and who knows how many will have gotten caught up in the cycle of karma again and will be unable to return to 6th density. I believe that no matter what, not all will return, because this veiled experience is very brutal, and it is foolish to incarnate here when you are from a higher density. Some may say it is brave, I understand, but bravery can still get you caught up in the cycles of karma here, once you deal with other selves behind the veil.

This I believe, will have a tremendous "eye opening effect" on not only Ra, the confederation of planets/angels in service to the one infinite creator, but also our local logos. Whey then did they not realize this before with Maldek and Mars? To that I say, did mass incarnations occur on those planets from beings who are 6d and above? Did they step down from heaven and really, really experience the so called "humoring oneself behind the veil"? No, I think not, and a few wanderers might not have been enough to sway "the management's" opinion....maybe now that millions of Ra, not to mention of 4th and 5th density are here now, they/we will return to time/space and create a revolution in the way things are done.

At the very least, I expect the higher authorities to allow any and all beings alive on this planet now who, once deceased, realize they must repeat 3rd density, the option of incarnating on another 3rd density planet which is lightly veiled.