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RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - tadeus - 05-26-2021

(05-26-2021, 12:14 AM)Aaron Wrote: Wow! Clowns deleted my post! Why am I not surprised? I wonder how many members of this so-called "stewardship circle" are government agents? This is ridiculous censorship.

See attachment for details. If you want to find the book I was trying to link to, just web search "Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave Whale PDF".

Delete this one too, you jokers.

I don't want to protect censorship and i don't believe that Patrick is an government agent.

When you follow the heat disussion "about coming changes to policy regarding political discussion" then we should better cool down now.

This PDF is really hard stuff and going beyond the scope of L/L Research.
It makes sense to make attention to the ultimate work of Orion, but the installed fiction on earth is a complete separate complex of knowledge to the spiritual knowledge.
Everybody should decide for his own if he is willing to let crash this part of illusion of life.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Patrick - 05-26-2021

I read the whole book.

My personal assessment... complete nonsense. I don't think it would make anyone paranoid, but I do believe it is tailored to the already paranoid individuals.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Aaron - 05-27-2021

(05-26-2021, 08:05 PM)Patrick Wrote: I read the whole book.

My personal assessment... complete nonsense. I don't think it would make anyone paranoid, but I do believe it is tailored to the already paranoid individuals.

I completely disagree. And I'd wager that if you had personally been through even one tiny little fraction of what Wheeler and Springmeyer have been through, you'd have an entirely different perspective. Paranoia has absolutely nothing to do with the presentation of factual methods of how evil beings are able to fracture and traumatize and program individuals.

By the way, I'd like to offer an apology for insinuating that you or any other member of the Stewardship Circle are government agents. Such a baseless accusation essentially amounts to name-calling, which you don't deserve. I'm used to being censored on other sites like Youtube, Facebook, and Reddit. It comes as no surprise there. But to experience it here is quite aggravating, as I consider this to be a sacred space.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - flofrog - 05-27-2021

It's ok. We are, errr,... indeed agents but we just hide it.

Welcome here Aaron Wink

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Aaron - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 12:41 AM)flofrog Wrote: It's ok. We are, errr,... indeed agents but we just hide it.

Welcome here Aaron  Wink

Namaste, Flofrog.

They don't hide it very well....

You are here 7 years after I have found this place. Unless you have lurked before you created a profile. I was a moderator before the (in my opinion) ridiculous idea of a Community Stewardship Circle was born.

But government agents have been aware of L/L Research from the beginning, even during the Ra contact.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Aion - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 03:08 AM)Aaron Wrote:
(05-27-2021, 12:41 AM)flofrog Wrote: It's ok. We are, errr,... indeed agents but we just hide it.

Welcome here Aaron  Wink

Namaste, Flofrog.

They don't hide it very well....

You are here 7 years after I have found this place. Unless you have lurked before you created a profile. I was a moderator before the (in my opinion) ridiculous idea of a Community Stewardship Circle was born.

But government agents have been aware of L/L Research from the beginning, even during the Ra contact.

Dang it, Flo, always blowin' our cover.

Glad to be ridiculous, nice to see you again Aaron.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Aion - 05-27-2021

(05-18-2021, 02:52 PM)InsideConsciousness Wrote: I hope to not get to much into the conspiracy side of things although much of it appears to be real - Does any of the channeling touch on this?
It has been said that the Nazi's developed a protocol of splitting the mind through abuse and torture to where the psyche fragments and different personalities come though. What exactly is this if our bodies contain one soul?
I have a co worker who suffers from Multiple personality disorder from years of sexual abuse from her father and his friends she is on various forms of medication and is pretty open about it - she brought up Cathy Obrien to me who is a supposed MKUltra victim with that had multiple personalities and was used for spy craft and was also abused as a child and "sold" into the program at a young age.
Why can such evil occur - I know the 3rd Density can be very cruel but how does a soul choose to reincarnate to such atrocities?

I hope I'm not out of line for this thread - if so please delete it, but I am very curious.


Without going too deep in to the how, I can only offer my own theorization based on various readings and meditation, the mind can be compartmentalized through the manipulation of the Archetypes of the Mind. A "split personality" usually happens when the relationship between Archetypes within the mind become incompatible and associative relationships between the adjacent parts of the self can no longer be formed or perceived. The methodology of approach involves creating mutually exclusive opposite identities which are invoked or triggered through particular stimuli ala pavlov effect. "Ritual abuse" methods were an attempt to do this in a controlled way, for the purpose of 'reproduction' and more a fusion of science with black magical ideas from what I've seen.

As for why such an evil can occur, the long and short of it seems to be because of free will. As for why a soul would continue to choose to reincarnate? That's a good question I'm not sure I have any sufficient answer to, but if I was to take a wild guess and take a shot in the dark, maybe it has something to do with love?

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - tadeus - 05-27-2021

Puhh - what a polarization and discussion!
It seems to be impossible to discuss this themes without anybody feels attacked.

I would open a new thread for the discussion of the following question, but i am afraid this will be censored and invite more disharmony.

Why people believe in the Law of One, but will not think about what is going on in the world (not on earth) in a logical neutral way ?
The facts in the world can be proofed, like statistics of people dying or facts about the financial and law system.
The channeled informations can only be proofed with your feelings or if you have access to a channeling group.

It seems the reality of Orion can only be seen by some people and it is not dependent on spirituality.
From my point of view this is only explainable with effects of psychology and deep programming.
Ra has talked about the work of Orion in a general way, but here nearly nobody is talking about Orion. Why?

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Aion - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 04:23 AM)tadeus Wrote: Puhh - what a polarization and discussion!
It seems to be impossible to discuss this themes without anybody feels attacked.

I would open a new thread for the discussion of the following question, but i am afraid this will be censored and invite more disharmony.

Why people believe in the Law of One, but will not think about what is going on in the world (not on earth) in a logical neutral way ?
The facts in the world can be proofed, like statistics of people dying or facts about the financial and law system.
The channeled informations can only be proofed with your feelings or if you have access to a channeling group.

It seems the reality of Orion can only be seen by some people and it is not dependent on spirituality.
From my point of view this is only explainable with effects of psychology and deep programming.
Ra has talked about the work of Orion in a general way, but here nearly nobody is talking about Orion. Why?

Well to my understanding the Orion group is just one negatively oriented group and is not the only one at play on our planet, although the 'Orion Empire' certainly likes to add planets to its ranks and think they are the top of the top.
The reality of negative polarity on the planet takes place through many different groups and factions, many of which are also in conflict with each other. It would honestly be nice and easier if there was just one central antagonist in the narrative of the world.

The first mention of Orion is in this session and was related to a question about UFO contact:

Quote:7.12 Questioner: I am interested in the application of the Law of One as it pertains to free will and what I would call the advertising done by UFO contact with the planet. That is, the Council has allowed the quarantine to be lifted many times over the past thirty years. This seems to me to be a form of advertising for what we are doing right now, so that more people will be awakened. Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. It will take a certain amount of untangling of conceptualization of your mental complex to reform your query into an appropriate response. Please bear with us.

The Council of Saturn has not allowed the breaking of quarantine in the time/space continuum you mentioned. There is a certain amount of landing taking place. Some of these landings are of your peoples. Some are of the entities known to you as the group of Orion.

Secondly, there is permission granted, not to break quarantine by dwelling among you, but to appear in thought-form capacity for those who have eyes to see.

Thirdly, you are correct in assuming that permission was granted at the time/space in which your first nuclear device was developed and used for Confederation members to minister unto your peoples in such a way as to cause mystery to occur. This is what you mean by advertising and is correct.

The mystery and unknown quality of the occurrences we are allowed to offer have the hoped-for intention of making your peoples aware of infinite possibility. When your peoples grasp infinity, then, and only then, can the gateway be opened to the Law of One.

Don then tried to ask about the Orion and "our people" (I take this to mean the experimental craft mentioned in other parts of the material) but I guess Ra was, confused?

Quote:7.13 Questioner: You mentioned both our people and those of Orion coming here. Can you expand on that?

Ra: I am Ra. Your thought complexes did not match your vibratory sound complexes. We are unable to respond. Please restate your query.

7.14 Questioner: I’ll just ask about Orion. You mentioned Orion as a source of some of the contacts of UFOs. Can you tell me something of that contact, its purpose?

Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, a simple example of intentions which are bad/good. This example is Adolf. This is your vibratory sound complex. The intention is to presumably unify by choosing the distortion complex called elite from a social memory complex, and then enslaving, by various effects, those who are seen as the distortion of not-elite. There is then the concept of taking the social memory complex thus weeded and adding it to a distortion thought of by the so-called Orion group as an empire.

The problem facing them is that they face a great deal of random energy released by the concept of separation. This causes them to be vulnerable as the distortions amongst their own members are not harmonized.

So instead Don just started asking about Orion, and I figure some of the stuff alarmed him a bit so he kept asking and wanting to learn about this negative group.

For example, Ra mentioned three negative entities all of whom went to different places, one to Orion (Genghis Khan), one to Cassiopeia (actually interesting since some people think the popular one is a 'compromised' channel) and the third to Southern Cross. Yet, Don only asks again about Orion.

The inner teachers, I think, play a much larger role in these things than is often considered.

Quote:12.13 Questioner: You mentioned the Orion crusaders, when they do get through the net, give both technical and non-technical information. We know what you mean by technical information, but what type of non-technical information do they give to those they contact? Am I right in assuming that this is all done by telepathic communication?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Through telepathy, the philosophy of the Law of One with the distortion of service to self is promulgated. In advanced groups, there are rituals and exercises given, and these have been written down just as the service-to-others oriented entities have written down the promulgated philosophy of their teachers. The philosophy concerns the service of manipulating others that they may experience service towards the other-self, thus through this experience becoming able to appreciate service to self. These entities thus would become oriented towards service to self and in turn manipulate yet others so that they, in turn, might experience the service towards the other-self.

12.14 Questioner: Would this be the origin of what we call black magic?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct in one sense, incorrect in another. The Orion group has aided the so-called negatively oriented among your mind/body/spirit complexes. These same entities would be concerning themselves with service to self in any case, and there are many upon your so-called inner planes which are negatively oriented and thus available as inner teachers, or guides, and so-called possessors of certain souls who seek this distortion of service to self.

However, if I were to go out on a limb, L/L Research isn't focused towards UFO contacts or the going-ons of the Orion Empire nowadays, but with the philosophy of the Law of One itself and that might explain some of the lack of focus on this particular part of the material. As for why other people aren't talking about it, maybe a lack of interest? Personally, it's just a bit old for me at this point, but I understand that it's a pertinent topic for many.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Agua - 05-27-2021

I am working with a few people that have been exposed to ritual abuse from an extremely young age.
A few years back I thought this was mainly conspiracy.
I came to realize this is much more widespread than I ever thought.

And I can say,forget about the theories.
The practice and what this means to an invidual is beyond imagination...

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Aion - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 05:04 AM)Agua Wrote: I am working with a few people that have been exposed to ritual abuse from an extremely young age.
A few years back I thought this was mainly conspiracy.
I came to realize this is much more widespread than I ever thought.

And I can say,forget about the theories.
The practice and what this means to an invidual is beyond imagination...

Unfortunately it seems to be rampant. My fiance experienced ritualized abuse from a very young age. I prefer not to talk about it but in my young adult years I got caught up in a "druidic" cult of sorts, I had thought it was a form of Celtic Druidism, the leader of which ended up in prison for charges involving two teens. He was very charismatic and friendly at first, but as it went on I just knew something was off, and I started to hear things from previous 'members', and then some of my own experiences. Some of the individuals I interacted with had experienced abuse from young and some were still experiencing ritual abuse. Fortunately I was able to break away before things got really bad but once you've interacted with that it never really leaves you, and I already had a start as a child with one of my Mom's boyfriends who was fond of black voodoun.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Agua - 05-27-2021


I am sorry to hear that!
It often starts in infant age already and goes on for years, for someone not having experienced that, it’s impossible to even imagine.
It takes a long time, but it is really possible to heal from that.

Glad you could break free from those circles!

I wish all the best to you and your fiancé!

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Aion - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 05:49 AM)Agua Wrote: @Aion

I am sorry to hear that!
It often starts in infant age already and goes on for years, for someone not having experienced that, it’s impossible to even imagine.
It takes a long time, but it is really possible to heal from that.

Glad you could break free from those circles!

I wish all the best to you and your fiancé!

For sure, I agree it's pretty unfathomable and challenging to support. The toughest moments are when you can't do anything, there are no words of comfort that will work, you can only hold the space and try to help them (or sometimes myself...) back up again after the spiral. In the cases where it starts in infancy or even very early childhood like my fiance it permanently shapes and changes the person and their development, but as you say, there is always the possibility of regaining some wholeness. That being said, it's going to affect you no matter your age if it happens to you. My experiences at 7 impacted me rather quickly.

Fortunately that circle is broken completely at this point and everyone I know still is doing better. Thank you, we're kind of two broken peas in a pod, but at least we got a pod. You as well.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - tadeus - 05-27-2021

Your lecture is going to my limits in english language.

(05-27-2021, 05:01 AM)Aion Wrote: Well to my understanding the Orion group is just one negatively oriented group and is not the only one at play on our planet, although the 'Orion Empire' certainly likes to add planets to its ranks and think they are the top of the top.
The reality of negative polarity on the planet takes place through many different groups and factions, many of which are also in conflict with each other. It would honestly be nice and easier if there was just one central antagonist in the narrative of the world.

This makes sense and will explain the various different stories out there.

I am talking not about ritualized abuse or other magic rituals.
I am talking about that, what is "normal live" for most of the people.
The believe in right and democracy and the financial system.
This are things, that can be explored by the intellect, without using spirituality or channeling.

There are obvious facts not fitting together and they are completely ignored.
Just because the knowledge and perception would destroy the view of life in a painful way.
But this knowledge and perception would destroy the way of enslaving of all this people by free will and leads to an transformation.
So at least it is not relevant to understand who has established this system, it is only relevant to understand the system.

The best film explaining this illusion is the Matrix Trilogy.
Now we are in the battle of the third part and most of the people are still captured in the illusion.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Aion - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 06:13 AM)tadeus Wrote: Your lecture is going to my limits in english language.

(05-27-2021, 05:01 AM)Aion Wrote: Well to my understanding the Orion group is just one negatively oriented group and is not the only one at play on our planet, although the 'Orion Empire' certainly likes to add planets to its ranks and think they are the top of the top.
The reality of negative polarity on the planet takes place through many different groups and factions, many of which are also in conflict with each other. It would honestly be nice and easier if there was just one central antagonist in the narrative of the world.

This makes sense and will explain the various different stories out there.

I am talking not about ritualized abuse or other magic rituals.
I am talking about that, what is "normal live" for most of the people.
The believe in right and democracy and the financial system.
This are things, that can be explored by the intellect, without using spirituality or channeling.

There are obvious facts not fitting together and they are completely ignored.
Just because the knowledge and perception would destroy the view of life in a painful way.
But this knowledge and perception would destroy the way of enslaving of all this people by free will and leads to an transformation.
So at least it is not relevant to understand who has established this system, it is only relevant to understand the system.

The best film explaining this illusion is the Matrix Trilogy.
Now we are in the battle of the third part and most of the people are still captured in the illusion.

Ah I see what you are getting at, and I agree with you. To be honest, this forum is one of the few places I engage in more spiritual thinking, whereas in daily life I am focused a lot more on the dynamics of the world.

Also sorry for my over use of language, it's not on purpose, just how my brain works.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Patrick - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 12:22 AM)Aaron Wrote: ...By the way, I'd like to offer an apology for insinuating that you or any other member of the Stewardship Circle are government agents...

Apologies accepted Aaron. Thank you.

Regarding that book, well it's going to be the age old we'll have to agree to disagree. I like reading about the negative side. But I don't get the "truth" vibe reading this particular one. Putting that aside there is one thing I am sure of. That type of experience can only happen to you if you agreed to it before the incarnation.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - tadeus - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 06:33 AM)Aion Wrote: Ah I see what you are getting at, and I agree with you. To be honest, this forum is one of the few places I engage in more spiritual thinking, whereas in daily life I am focused a lot more on the dynamics of the world.

Also sorry for my over use of language, it's not on purpose, just how my brain works.

So you agree that they have done a really good job with the fiction?

What is the main difference that we are able to see it and that we are motivated to explore and understand it?

You have not to be sorry for how your brain works.
But it is not easy to follow deep thoughts in a foreign language.
So i am really thankful that the Law of One has been already translated.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - flofrog - 05-27-2021

This thread is both heartbreaking and enriching, thanks to All.

@ Aaron, sorry Aaron, I know you are more of an ancient here than I am, so I couldn't resist being ridiculous and welcoming you. Wink And I didn't really lurk when I became a member, I was just finishing reading the material then and I was just flying by the seat of my pants as they say.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Patrick - 05-27-2021

"If you work for the CIA please raise your hands..." ~ Tolle

He is asking that question with humor. Humor is very healing.

Tolle is explaining here about paranoia and I think his talk can be healing for those interested.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Aion - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 02:38 PM)Patrick Wrote: "If you work for the CIA please raise your hands..." ~ Tolle

He is asking that question with humor. Humor is very healing.

Tolle is explaining here about paranoia and I think his talk can be healing for those interested.

That reminds me of a joke, I can't remember the comedian it was awhile ago, but it was a simple "Would all the psychics in the room please raise my hand?" Gives me a chuckle.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Patrick - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 02:50 PM)Aion Wrote: That reminds me of a joke, I can't remember the comedian it was awhile ago, but it was a simple "Would all the psychics in the room please raise my hand?" Gives me a chuckle.

The following passage is not related to paranoia, but is about spiritual teachers with a funny twists.  BigSmile

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Aion - 05-27-2021

Eckhart Tolle is an interesting individual, I've heard a lot of mixed opinions on him. Alright, lets get this train back on the rails though, we're venturing out of the thread.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Patrick - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 03:01 PM)Aion Wrote: Eckhart Tolle is an interesting individual, I've heard a lot of mixed opinions on him. Alright, lets get this train back on the rails though, we're venturing out of the thread.

He's an acquired taste. Wink

Do you think the subject of paranoia per se is related to this thread?

I don't know why I thought that it was, but I had more things to say on that subject. If not it would be better if I could find another thread which is on that subject.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Aion - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 03:15 PM)Patrick Wrote:
(05-27-2021, 03:01 PM)Aion Wrote: Eckhart Tolle is an interesting individual, I've heard a lot of mixed opinions on him. Alright, lets get this train back on the rails though, we're venturing out of the thread.

He's an acquired taste. Wink

Do you think the subject of paranoia per se is related to this thread?

I don't know why I thought that it was, but I had more things to say on that subject. If not it would be better if I could find another thread which is on that subject.

I feel like that is a topic worth exploring in its own thread because it can lead to a lot of places, but I think it's worth exploring personally.

In this case, in my experience with abuse and abuse survivors it's important to leave space for the many fears and concerns that can arise around the topic. It is reasonably something that invokes strong emotion and there is a great deal of fog surrounding the subject. We can't always clear the fog, but we can hold our lamps up and let others see that they're not alone in the fog, but that's just my thought.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Diana - 05-27-2021

(05-27-2021, 03:08 AM)Aaron Wrote: I was a moderator before the (in my opinion) ridiculous idea of a Community Stewardship Circle was born.

I remember when you were a moderator here. Weren't you moderator at the same time Monica was?

Just wondering why you think the CSC is a ridiculous idea. Did things work better the way you moderated back then, do you think?

To the thread subject: John Bradshaw has the best material in my opinion on abuse, fragmentation, and healing from it.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - tadeus - 05-28-2021

(05-27-2021, 02:38 PM)Patrick Wrote: "If you work for the CIA please raise your hands..." ~ Tolle

Do you want to raise your hands for my posting?

It's a typical reaction of the fiction to allege that people are crazy or to try to make them ridiculous, even if the facts can be prooved.
And the term "conspiracy theory" seems really to be invented specially to do this by the CIA.

The difference is that i will not assume other people to be crazy or paranoid.
I only want to motivate to proove the facts and think for yourself.
It's the same with the Law of One.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Patrick - 05-28-2021

I won't raise my hand since I don't want to lie.

But I will admit gladly that I am crazy. There is no doubt about that.

I went through a paranoid phase, but now on the other side of it, well nothing scares me anymore. Nothing throws me off center for long any longer.

So if I were to tell anyone that they are crazy, that would be a heartfelt compliment.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - tadeus - 05-28-2021

Who defines what is crazy?

Who defines what is normal?

From the point of science and religion the Law of One is complete crazy.
The doing of channeling and believe in the results is crazy.

So what are we talking about here?

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Patrick - 05-28-2021

Yes good question. If the majority of people think you are crazy, then you are. So the Law of One is crazy too. I am quite proud of being part of the crazy.

My craziness does not need fixing. The same goes for paranoia. If the person is ok with paranoia then there is nothing to fix either.

But I believe it is important to be truthful with the self. If you are crazy you need to recognize that. If you are paranoid you need to recognize that too.

If these things are fine as they are, then all is well.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - tadeus - 05-28-2021

(05-28-2021, 07:11 AM)Patrick Wrote: Yes good question. If the majority of people think you are crazy, then you are.

That's only the way the majority of people seems to have defined what is crazy.
Have you ever seen a big group of people voting for an individual to be crazy?

We don't really know if there is something like crazy, or if this is only the state of being different.

(05-28-2021, 07:11 AM)Patrick Wrote: So the Law of One is crazy too.

This would be a fallacy.