Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Printable Version

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RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Raukura Waihaha - 04-15-2021

(04-15-2021, 06:10 PM)Patrick Wrote: What bothers me with the infinite 3d timelines concept is that this current self that I am now would also be experiencing all the possibilities of all the other-selves infinite timelines that they create too.

All the actors needs to be present in all those. I don't like the idea of having quazilions of little me all suffering different versions of this insanity.

So I prefer to think that what the Confederation is talking about is a more targeted effect. Many timelines yes, but limited, and this current self does not necessarily have to be participating in all of them.
Not necessarily your current self. An aspect of the higherself, maybe.
If the creator is infinite then it occupies all, simultaneously.
Perhaps there are no other selves, just us experiencing whatever parallel universe our vibration is comfortable in.
Perhaps every other aspect of the one infinite creator is experiencing things simultaneously as it calls back its parts but we only experience the reconnection of one aspect at a time. The others know no better just like us, until they choose to align with a more understanding perspective, at which point we understand that everything has already happened and we are the illusion of separation.
The actors don't have to be present.
Auto pilot is a good analogy.
If one is unaware then they may be going through the motions, without any real choice or polarisation. This would act as contrast and perspective for the aspects of self who are existing in higher parallel existences

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Raukura Waihaha - 04-15-2021

(04-15-2021, 06:15 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 05:59 PM)Raukura Waihaha Wrote: I believe there are infinite timelines and we exist in the version that we resonate with.
To me, this explains time being an illusion.
What if everything physical is in an eternal state of rest and our fractals of perspectives are moving through what is forever and always the same, on infinite timelines that we pass through? The only thing that would change our perception of what is, are fluctuations in vibration due to choices or responses to experience.
In this hypothesis all has already happened and what falls away, is our awareness of the other infinite timelines.

Having said all that, I've had the year 2022 in my head for years as when a major change will come about.

Raukura I like where you are coming from? Sooner, (or later), there will become a point when events begin to reach a balance, or there will be so many people "Awakened" that it will tip the balance. No longer the "Them or Us", it will be the "Us", the "We", the "One". 2022 sounds good to me, I with you Brother. The sooner it happens, the better, I grow tired of the Old World Order.
I think most are over it and it's dying, as the more dualistic perspectives of our older generations are replaced by more integrated perspectives of the new way.
Maybe as we call back all of the parts of the Higher self, time speeds up and it balances those other illusory aspects of self who live out the range of experiences possible in more dualistic realities. They might become more integrated until there is one unified reality.
I would prefer it to be sooner but that is all about my own inner work, from what I can see and especially if the "infinite versions of self" hypothesis holds any truth.

With this you change your perspective, those around you do as well because what you become is reflected in the world around you. You exist with others who are becoming the best version of self as they switch realities or versions of it.
It could be that our soul or spirit is refining itself by moving through realities until it can embody the ultimate reality and the others exist only as markers or memories, to provide a diary of sorts, which provides appreciation for the progress made.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Patrick - 04-15-2021

(04-15-2021, 09:08 PM)Raukura Waihaha Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 06:10 PM)Patrick Wrote: What bothers me with the infinite 3d timelines concept is that this current self that I am now would also be experiencing all the possibilities of all the other-selves infinite timelines that they create too.

All the actors needs to be present in all those. I don't like the idea of having quazilions of little me all suffering different versions of this insanity.

So I prefer to think that what the Confederation is talking about is a more targeted effect. Many timelines yes, but limited, and this current self does not necessarily have to be participating in all of them.
Not necessarily your current self. An aspect of the higherself, maybe.
If the creator is infinite then it occupies all, simultaneously.
Perhaps there are no other selves, just us experiencing whatever parallel universe our vibration is comfortable in.
Perhaps every other aspect of the one infinite creator is experiencing things simultaneously as it calls back its parts but we only experience the reconnection of one aspect at a time. The others know no better just like us, until they choose to align with a more understanding perspective, at which point we understand that everything has already happened and we are the illusion of separation.
The actors don't have to be present.
Auto pilot is a good analogy.
If one is unaware then they may be going through the motions, without any real choice or polarisation. This would act as contrast and perspective for the aspects of self who are existing in higher parallel existences

Yeah I know what you mean. If that is what is happening, that is pretty much how I would understand it as well.

I just feel uncomfortable with the idea. I know that the Creator will know Itself and experience everything, yet I have this hope that not all quazillion forms of suffering needs to be manifested so that the Creator can say it has experienced it.

I have this hope that there is such a thing as a Law of Non-Repetition. Like any experience from a PoV needs be experienced only once. This would be difficult to fit with an infinity of versions of Earth where all parameter permutations are tried, because it would result in too many repetitions of specific experiences that would be untouched by some parameters being the same as other versions.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Raukura Waihaha - 04-15-2021

(04-15-2021, 09:31 PM)Patrick Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 09:08 PM)Raukura Waihaha Wrote:
(04-15-2021, 06:10 PM)Patrick Wrote: What bothers me with the infinite 3d timelines concept is that this current self that I am now would also be experiencing all the possibilities of all the other-selves infinite timelines that they create too.

All the actors needs to be present in all those. I don't like the idea of having quazilions of little me all suffering different versions of this insanity.

So I prefer to think that what the Confederation is talking about is a more targeted effect. Many timelines yes, but limited, and this current self does not necessarily have to be participating in all of them.
Not necessarily your current self. An aspect of the higherself, maybe.
If the creator is infinite then it occupies all, simultaneously.
Perhaps there are no other selves, just us experiencing whatever parallel universe our vibration is comfortable in.
Perhaps every other aspect of the one infinite creator is experiencing things simultaneously as it calls back its parts but we only experience the reconnection of one aspect at a time. The others know no better just like us, until they choose to align with a more understanding perspective, at which point we understand that everything has already happened and we are the illusion of separation.
The actors don't have to be present.
Auto pilot is a good analogy.
If one is unaware then they may be going through the motions, without any real choice or polarisation. This would act as contrast and perspective for the aspects of self who are existing in higher parallel existences

Yeah I know what you mean. If that is what is happening, that is pretty much how I would understand it as well.

I just feel uncomfortable with the idea. I know that the Creator will know Itself and experience everything, yet I have this hope that not all quazillion forms of suffering needs to be manifested so that the Creator can say it has experienced it.*

I have this hope that there is such a thing as a Law of Non-Repetition. Like any experience from a PoV needs be experienced only once. This would be difficult to fit with an infinity of versions of Earth where all parameter permutations are tried, because it would result in too many repetitions of specific experiences that would be untouched by some parameters being the same as other versions.

Our lives are cycles within cycles within cycles.
Non repetition law seems like something the ego would request of an infinite existence, in an effort to control that which is ineffable.
It seems more beneficial to observe what is and allow inspiration to guide, rather than place hopes in something that our own cycles of repetition suggest isn't likely.
We either use the cycles and elevate or we repeat them.
This seems pretty intrinsic to the Law of One.

*The creator is us experiencing an illusion.
The reasons are for experiencing the journey consciousness takes through separation, to reconnection.
It seems the further one moves into separation, the greater service offered to all. To not wish something that the creator willed into existence seems rather futile, to me.
It seems to be missing the point of forgetting in the first place.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Patrick - 04-15-2021

But that is not true repetition, since the experience is happening from a different perspective. I don't know why I assume that in a true infinite multi timelines environment that repetition would occur from exactly the same perspective for some actors.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - meadow-foreigner - 04-16-2021

Alternative (possible), not-manifested timelines are meddled with in time-space via subconscious programming by the underworld folks. Keep in mind that in the underworld there are also different densities.

Therefore, what has been established as 3D is the Veiled Physical Density.

While you're incarnated in 3D, your soul bounces back and forth inbetween time-space and space-time, passing through the light speed threshold, usually done when one sleeps or induced via technology.

There are experiments being done in 3D time-space and also space-time to accelerate the density sustainability of earthen living beings.

Quote:As a mathematical correlation, lightspeed can be termed as the integer 1. The time-space and space-time reciprocal function is mathematically expressed as 1/x =~= 1/y, with ~ being the lightspeed threshold.

Quote:As a cosmological correspondence, one egg has both the clear and the yolk, separated by a membrane.

Quote:As a practical reference, picture a manually driven car. You're, as a conscious individual, accelerating it to a point of optimal change of gears. We're changing from 3D gear to 4D gear, and this includes benefits, such as the consolidation of Earth's SMC.

It is up to the individuals who have accrued the natural and artificial resources on this planet to use them with both Wisdom and Compassion, tempered by Respect (a biunivocal function of identity, expression, and understanding between individuals).

Disrespect corrupts and sets drawbacks. Respect empowers and sets the sails.

The objectification/instrumentalization of individuals through man labor is collapsing and is being replaced by connectivity that people can either choose to have or not, so it's drive that is ought to be moving people, and not economic pressure, embargos and other coercive policies.

The unfitting individuals for the new planet are being dumped to other planets after they're dying. The fitting individuals are reincarnating here, in more adapted bodies, if they choose so.

Q: How will we perceive the full transition to 4D?
A: It depends on the skill of the driver of the vehicle. A skilled driver can change gears so smoothly that it doesn't seem to have changed at all; while an incompetent driver can make the planet's living engine die.

Q: Is compassion harmful?
A: As can any action be, depending on the consented agreements between the individuals. A positive transaction never disrespects the will of any of the individuals envolved, even if it's more complex and/or harder to achieve.

Q: Is then cancelling a viable strategy for a positive 4D environment, if the majority of the individuals don't want a specific individual within them?
A: It is not a viable strategy, because any individual have the capacity to tune up to the Logos mind, and the tuning ability is not cumulative as in a numeric addition. In other words, you have to consider the Logos as One (a Whole), and not a sum of its parts.

Q: How then this doesn't result in a zero-sum?
A: First and foremost because in each instant the Spirit refines itself with the tools it is given, be it the Mind or the Body and its' extensions. Inasmuch as a 3D body can propel itself in a perceived linear fashion, it is only given the gravitic Logos referential, its core.

The physical 3D body is bound to the planetary center by the gravitational membrane. The planet as a body expands throughout its existence from the influx of space energy and matter. Space energy and matter move from a less harmonic state to a more consonant state, given the referential gravitational coalescences that are given.

Earth has coalesced into a 3D planet, and it's geologically expanding from the influx of its dipole configuration.

The same principle applies to Earth's living beings: the immaterial input, the potential, is processed by the planetary and each individual Mind, resulting in physical outputs, which can be of 3rd Density and also of greater Densities.

[i]There is no such thing as a zero-sum because regardless of the possibility of a sine wave being canceled by an opposite wave, this conjecture doesn't consider the time elapse factor: inertia is only perceived within a time frame — a body can be still and the Spirit can be freely moving, using the Mind as a vehicle or not.

Q: Will we gain superpowers in 4D?
A: Yes.

Q: Would we not destroy ourselves with these superpowers?
A: It is a possibility.

Q: This seems scary.
A: Fear, as with other emotions, is genetically encoded in the material of a human's body.

Q: What can we do to assist humankind's transition to 4D?
A: There are resources of every kind on each and every planet out there.

Think about Earth's inner diplomacy: if a human brother fights against a human sister, why would it be different in terms of planetary diplomacy? Unhappiness begets vengeance.
The other, more evolved planets out there in our solar system such as Saturn, are well aware of Earth's humanity incompetence, thus the planetary quarantine came to be.

People are still unhappy and deprived of their desired resources.

Because of this, Earth is not allowed to progress to solar system integration. It is like being stuck on the same grade, over and over again, without being able to figure out the correct answer: Love.

Q: We could say that we love when we destroy. How's that not true?
A: The love for the self over others begets coercion.

A self-sufficient social cell does not pursue violence but is well prepared to handle it if it befalls.

When there is Love, there is understanding and the assimilation of other-selves' struggles, thrills, trials, difficulties, hardships, etc. Even in disagreement, there is Love, because the motives are understood.

However, Love only doesn't get the job done without Wisdom: such is the balancing that wanderers are assisting this planet to achieve — yet look how underpaid they are.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Diana - 04-16-2021

(04-15-2021, 03:43 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: This lateral thing feels lonely, like hell. Maybe it doesn't bother the "normies" and they feel protected by the quarantine. Perhaps it only feels like hell to the wanderers who know something feels wrong...but then I look at how normal society isn't really happy either. They are deluding themselves. Sometimes I can't help but feel that quarantine move did nothing but lock all the darkness in here in keep all the light out. I just hope this all has some payoff in the end.

It may not pay off. Some of the time I find it extremely difficult to keep the suffering of this world from being overwhelming—like trying to hold back a tidal wave. I question the quarantine as well at those times, and the whole idea that we "serve" the OIC.

On the other hand, when I am more balanced and less "in the middle of" the planetary drama, the "disassociation" Ra speaks of surfaces and I feel more like myself—an observer and here for a reason. 

Whatever any of us does here, we add to the collective. So, even if one is a wanderer, and one is questioning this density and its veil in an intellectual way and not just having "faith"—I think it is a very good thing. Having faith is something humankind has known how to do for millennia—by following religions and and other authoritative institutions. But thinking for one's self—that is something humankind really needs. So if I as a wanderer add this energy of questioning and thinking and not following blindly to the collective....well, that is something. Although, I personally don't expect to change a thing. 

I like to think of the sojourn into this density, when I am not in the throes of feeling the suffering here, as an adventure—one that is is so full to the brim of the entire spectrum of feelings and experience. Even sadness can feel exquisitely beautiful. Even when one's heart is breaking, there is profound depth of beauty (for lack of a better word) in it. The problem that remains is the empathy—when one has concern for the other, not just the feeling it inspires in one's self. And mostly, I think of the suffering of non-human life forms, as they really seem to be the victims here. Humankind, as you say Black Dragon, is also unhappy. But I at least have a reasonable assurance that humans choose. Non-human life forms do not, which leads back to the idea that this existence is worth questioning.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - LeafieGreens - 04-16-2021

(04-16-2021, 12:47 PM)Diana Wrote: I like to think of the sojourn into this density, when I am not in the throes of feeling the suffering here, as an adventure—one that is is so full to the brim of the entire spectrum of feelings and experience. Even sadness can feel exquisitely beautiful. Even when one's heart is breaking, there is profound depth of beauty (for lack of a better word) in it. The problem that remains is the empathy—when one has concern for the other, not just the feeling it inspires in one's self. And mostly, I think of the suffering of non-human life forms, as they really seem to be the victims here. Humankind, as you say Black Dragon, is also unhappy. But I at least have a reasonable assurance that humans choose. Non-human life forms do not, which leads back to the idea that this existence is worth questioning.

I feel this too. I used to hate my own sensitivity. We came to a world where sensitivity is viewed as weakness. Where openly displaying emotion is shamed -- "stop being a crybaby. stop being weak. Get over it and man up...etc" Compassionate acts of empathy are viewed as being a snowflake. It really is extremely messed up that this kind of shaming and shutting down of people is viewed as acceptable. Even writing that fills me with disgust and makes me so angry. Because I endured growing up in that world. We all did.

I have also learned that I can write the most beautiful poetry when I am in the throes of depression and darkness. And in fact, turning that despair into creative energy transmutes it and literally heals the world.

Having a safe place like bring4th to be honest about these thoughts and observations as we all endure and enjoy the human experience is so helpful as well.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Diana - 04-16-2021

(04-16-2021, 12:59 PM)LeafieGreens Wrote: I have also learned that I can write the most beautiful poetry when I am in the throes of depression and darkness. And in fact, turning that despair into creative energy transmutes it and literally heals the world.

I love this.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Black Dragon - 04-16-2021

If it doesn't pay off there is going to be an awkward conversation between my 6d self and SMC  and the solar systems guardians. I don't think I agreed with the ways they handled Atlantis and Lemuria. They tend to make a mess of things, but much like the Earth humans they "protect", seem to be stubborn about not listening to those who know better and offer help. Both the Earth people and this system's guardians are replaying the Orion drama instead of integrating it, or at least have been for a long portion of Earth's history. I hope they have made some progress and have some genuinely competent hands helping them this time. I'm fairly confident things have improved in this area, but Earth souls still bear the scars of those previous experiences. I'm not saying it was entirely the fault of guardians, humanity brought a lot of Atlantis and Lemuria on themselves, but it "takes two to tango". The guardianship also failed. And now this drastic time lateral option.

If it works, it works and I can't knock it. I'm just a little skeptical, but since it's about over anyway it doesn't even matter. Focusing on feeling "cheated" about not going to the happy timeline is an honest feeling, but a bit of detunement/distraction from the objective on my part, which is this timeline and my current work. I of course have not given up on this timeline just because it's hard. Sometimes I just wonder how effective I can radiate to others when I barely know what joy feels like for myself. How I'm supposed to carry out a mission on empty. Nothing will deter me from doing the work but FFS I'd like to ENJOY life for once instead of just trials, tribulations, harshness, and suffering. Maybe I'm just a depressive bastard so I'm on the depressive bastard timeline. Who knows.

Maybe I have just not been able to feel joy through service yet because service always seems futile. I don't know what it is that just keeps me from simple happiness that would make service so much easier.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Patrick - 04-16-2021

I don't know if it's our helpers that makes a mess of things or just us that makes a mess of whatever help is offered. Wink

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Patrick - 04-16-2021

(04-16-2021, 02:10 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: ...Maybe I have just not been able to feel joy through service yet because service always seems futile. I don't know what it is that just keeps me from simple happiness that would make service so much easier.

From what I have witnessed, people find simple happiness when they start doing what they are supposed to be doing. Finding what you're supposed to be doing is a process though...

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Black Dragon - 04-16-2021

(04-16-2021, 02:15 PM)Patrick Wrote: I don't know if it's our helpers that makes a mess of things or just us that makes a mess of whatever help is offered. Wink

I have a funny feeling sometimes its a bit of both. I guess nobody's perfect except 8d+, lol. Maybe that's what the big F is for. The nice one, not the four letter one.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Sacred Fool - 04-16-2021

(04-16-2021, 02:10 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: If it works, it works and I can't knock it. I'm just a little skeptical, but since it's about over anyway it doesn't even matter. Focusing on feeling "cheated" about not going to the happy timeline is an honest feeling, but a bit of detunement/distraction from the objective on my part, which is this timeline and my current work. I of course have not given up on this timeline just because it's hard. Sometimes I just wonder how effective I can radiate to others when I barely know what joy feels like for myself. How I'm supposed to carry out a mission on empty. Nothing will deter me from doing the work but FFS I'd like to ENJOY life for once instead of just trials, tribulations, harshness, and suffering. Maybe I'm just a depressive bastard so I'm on the depressive bastard timeline. Who knows.
Have you ever tried focusing upon your heart and upon the journey there?

As Ra describes, bit by bit, as less and less energy is constantly fueling concerns about survival, personal and social relationships, more energy is available to move along the upward path of seeking to that heart thing.

Checking in there for a night or two is very much like sweeping aside the concerns of the personal self and social self in order to breathe in and out the feeling of integrated spirit and body.  It could be joyful, it could be simply beautiful.

And then one must return home to all the "stuff" one is working on balancing, and the benefit of the above wears thin.  But hope is much stronger.

And so it goes until more and more of the energy devoted to inner strife and outer struggles and all the rest find some resolution.  Then the treasure of the heart becomes more apparent and one's collaboration with it becomes more constant.

..............and on it goes.

The doorway is open.  The choice is your own, we are told.


RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - LeafieGreens - 04-16-2021

Also, there is no time. You can heal all traumas from all timelines. That is why you are voicing these ancient catalysts here. To let some light shine in. You are doing great work Black. It is helping me just reading this thread.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Black Dragon - 04-16-2021

A few things to add. With this thread I suffered a minor detunement focusing on those personal emotional issues of unhappiness and regret. The original and strongest intent was clouded a bit, the original message of just sharing my interesting timeline experience and theory of a possible 35 year ET contact window. That was the main message that got detuned and the focus became personal struggles and doubts. I guess it was all for the better though because it lead to some interesting conversations, and Leafie got a lot out of it, so that's good at least. I may not feel entirely happy yet, but lately there is at least the excitement of working towards certain things that's giving me some purpose lately.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - flofrog - 04-16-2021

How extraordinary BD that you can have this view of yourself as perhaps a depressive bastard, when I, for my humble part, come to the forum pretty eager to read any post you create

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Black Dragon - 04-16-2021

(04-16-2021, 03:14 PM)flofrog Wrote: How extraordinary BD that you can have this view of yourself as perhaps a depressive bastard, when I, for my humble part, come to the forum pretty eager to read any post you create

Thank you, that does mean a lot to me to know others find my contributions helpful and/or interesting.

RE: Contact/Disclosure Timeline Event Window 2024 and the 35 Year Pattern - Sacred Fool - 04-17-2021

(04-16-2021, 03:22 PM)Black Dragon Wrote:
(04-16-2021, 03:14 PM)flofrog Wrote: How extraordinary BD that you can have this view of yourself as perhaps a depressive bastard, when I, for my humble part, come to the forum pretty eager to read any post you create

Thank you, that does mean a lot to me to know others find my contributions helpful and/or interesting.
I noted earlier that when you have more access to your heart's love, the pathway lightens up.  Your statement above speaks to this, as does the one below.
Quote:62.26 Questioner: Have I missed anything now that we can do at all to aid the instrument during, before, or after a session or at any time?

Ra: I am Ra. The love and devotion of this group misses nothing. Be at peace. There is some toll for this work. This instrument embraces this or we could not speak. Rest then in that peace and love and do as you will, as you wish, as you feel. Let there be an end to worry when this is accomplished. The great healer of distortions is love.