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Orion Empire and Free Will - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Strictly Law of One Material (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=2) +--- Thread: Orion Empire and Free Will (/showthread.php?tid=18761) |
RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Ohr Ein Sof - 02-08-2021 (02-08-2021, 01:37 AM)schubert23 Wrote: Law. P Lol. Yes. Would you or could you explain? ![]() RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Patrick - 02-08-2021 Yeah and then we forget how to quit the game and we need wanderers to incarnate and bring their light enough to actually start dissolving the loop we are stuck in. So if you play Call of Duty, make sure you can stop playing whenever you wish. ![]() RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - houtje - 02-11-2021 @ jafar: lol, I saw that Trump COD video a long time ago, thanks for reminding me! RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - jafar - 02-11-2021 LOL he always gives me the crack. I mean he has amazing talent on how he can easily shift his focus from one character to another, saying ridiculous things yet very fit into the character. And I think that's the best attitude on playing this game called life. Furthermore it works like a kind of realization or wake up call that, from 'wider perspective' all of the 'conflicts' are actually a monologue of one person. Just like what he has shown to all of us. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-20-2021 I was watching the impeachment trials, listening to politicians lie and bullshit and play asinine games to dip, dodge, duck and dive their way around responsibility, and I imagined what it would be like if they tried such crap on an Orion planet. Spoiler alert: it would fail miserably and everyone would be able to see RIGHT THROUGH their bullshit. They would be held accountable and consequences would be harsh. Hell, most Orion entities offer themselves up for punishment when they f*** up and outright ASK for it: "Brother, I has tha stoopid. Would you please beat it out of me?" at which point, their comrade would likely oblige. I would be unsurprised if bounding and whips were utilized, cause from what I have heard, the S&M themes are everywhere in Orion culture. Also, opinions might be asked or given from superiors, so as to learn what needs fixing. It would likely involve subjecting oneself to some harsh experiences, albeit with stronger entities watching your back in case it is too much. No pity or remorse shown. And grandstanding they can see right through, leaving you to the consequences to teach you a lesson. Then it occured to me: Could ANY of of these feckless a******* handle such a culture of transparency and extreme responsibility? Could they handle a culture of extreme accountability? Chances are, hell fuckin no. There is no weaseling your way to the top in the Orion Empire. No rigged elections, no sleazy hedgefunds, no none of that bullshit. Hell, people on this site have blamed Orion for the invention of money. Bullshit. They consider it a barbaric practice and a sign of a backwards planet. Honor is Orion curency. Honor, status and most importantly, MEANING. I spoke with an authoritative source about this and they confirmed that yes, this is the case. It would be counterproductive for Orion to send their chariots, because most people on Earth would be completely ill-equipped to handle such a culture. It would completely break them. Powerful black magick would be needed to re-write their personality entirely, without their consent, which there is only so much personal power in doing, or some other grossly inefficient means of self service would have to be utilized to try and get them up to speed, consuming much time and energy, and draining the sense of meaning from the task being done. It just wouldn't be worth it. Of what use to the empire are such individuals? None. They are clearly more of a hindrance than an asset. Therefor, Orion refuses to send their chariots. I once used to be greatly paranoid about negative time/space displacement of all things, my irrational fears being clearly rooted in VERY deep seated trauma that is most likely pre-incarnative at it's deepest depths. Fearing experiences and cultures I did not understand. If I had understood Orion philosophy and culture better, it would have been obvious to me that such entities would have no use and therefore no desire for me in such a state as I was in. It would completely break me, an experience at the source of my fears, because it seems something extreme like that happened once in a prior life. It is of no use to them to do such things. Hell, from what I have gathered looking into it, the wiser entities in Orion view kind treatment of other-selves as superior, not out of compassion, but cold wisdom. A HIGHLY crystallized solar plexus chakra tells them it is simply logical to be polite and kind when the luxury is afforded. One's ruthlessness is most productive when aimed at oneself after all. Cruelty is meant to be used with purpose. If it serves no purpose, it is a waste of energy, and a warrior is a master of energy. Cruelty may be utilized to help an apprentice grind away arrogance and self importance, and certainly to help oneself do that, but wasted on the plebians who have no use for it? Not at that level of negative development. Sources summed it up for me pretty nicely, [Orion] would rather have a handful of warriors than a billion sheep. EDIT: Please forgive the numerous typos and misspellings, which were quite egregious. I am typing with my thumbs right now, rather than my fingers. I am still unskilled in the art of writing paragraphs with one's thumbs, and was more concerned with getting the ideas out. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Ymarsakar - 03-20-2021 Phoenix, have you read zaxon s greetings from dark thread or hidden hand interview. You are quite close to a breakthrough with this realization RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-20-2021 I have read the Hidden Hand interview. Supposedly the woman who wrote that stuff (Hidden Hand) is a part of the Margaath sorceric bloodline, but has depolarized quite a bit. She is consumed by guilt unconsciously and wrote what she did to alleviate some of it. Her material however is HIGHLY distorted from what I have gathered. And no secret cabal exists. The Illuminati are more of an archetype deeply rooted in the human uncomscious, implaneted there by the Orion Empire itself, than an actual reality... yet. It is more of a suggestion currently than a reality. Though many recieve this suggestion and unconsciously work to implememt it, as we can see with current politics, tech oligarchs, sleazy billionares, corporations, etc. I am highly cynical it will work though. This planet is too mixed up in it's desires. It doesn't know what it wants. It gets too many competing messages and not much filter yet. And no discernment. That other thread I just responded to put the nature of such psychig influence wonderfully. Mix that with the ever imcreasimg likelihood of developing crystal tech that connects us psychically, like the kind Ghengis Kahn shipped to one of my Orion sources, and you have a powerful budding psychic SMC. But from what I an tell, Orion has given up on this planet. It seems they just want to snag what few entities are harvestably negative now. The rest will likely either harvest positive, or far far far more likely, remain withinnthe sinkhole of indifference beyond the point that this planet can be useful to their continued seeking. Seems Orion just wants to give the few clise to negative harvest a final push. Those few that remain instead of harvesting right away, suffer the pains of negative dial activation on a positive planet and carry out tasks for Orion which may help to further crysallize their chakras. I have not read Zaxon's "Dark Greetings" post. Though I may have heard pf him. Supposedly, iirc, he was a sociopath with quite useful negative philosophy to share on this site (back before the mods started comfucing understanding the LHP with promoting it, it seems) who eventually had a bullshit "change in heart" and remained every bit as sociopathic, but with less grasp of what he really wanted. Or so I think I may have heard. Maybe that was a different guy? I just remember another user onnthe forum mentioning someone like that in private messages, and I THINK that was the name that came up. Why do you ask? What "breakthrough" do you think I am on the verge of making? Just curious. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Diana - 03-20-2021 (03-20-2021, 11:26 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: Hell, the wiser entities in Orion view kind treatment of other-selves as superior, not out of compassion, but cold wisdom. A HIGHLY crystallized solar plexus chakra tells them it is simply logical to be polite and kind when the luxury is afforded. One's ruthlessness is most productive when aimed at oneself after all. Cruelty is meant to be used with purpose. If it serves no purpose, it is a waste of energy, and a warrior is a master of energy. Cruelty may be utilized to help an apprentice grind away arrogance and self importance, and certainly to help oneself do that, but wasted on the plebians who have no use for it? Not at that level of negative development. This is close to my (current) view of the negative advanced adept. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-20-2021 (03-20-2021, 11:59 AM)Diana Wrote:(03-20-2021, 11:26 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: Hell, the wiser entities in Orion view kind treatment of other-selves as superior, not out of compassion, but cold wisdom. A HIGHLY crystallized solar plexus chakra tells them it is simply logical to be polite and kind when the luxury is afforded. One's ruthlessness is most productive when aimed at oneself after all. Cruelty is meant to be used with purpose. If it serves no purpose, it is a waste of energy, and a warrior is a master of energy. Cruelty may be utilized to help an apprentice grind away arrogance and self importance, and certainly to help oneself do that, but wasted on the plebians who have no use for it? Not at that level of negative development. Right on \m/ RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Aion - 03-20-2021 The Orions do not land for the same reason the Confederation doesn't land, it doesn't work out for their long term aspirations. The chaos that would ensue from either would far outweigh the benefits to either. Also worth noting that Orions are far from the only "type" of 'negative culture', (and actually there is more variety there than some sources might have you believe) and that there are plenty of 'positives' which are neither part of nor associated with the Confederation. There's obviously an emphasis on it because of the interactions that have taken place between these planets and the presence in the Ra material, but this planet is just one caught up in a vast web of interaction, to my understanding. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-20-2021 True. There ate some negative entities on this planet with similar ideas to Orion but at the same time very different ones. Definitely their own thing. I also suspect that one of my Orion sources is a positive wanderer of non-Confederation origins, seeking negative experience to balance understanding. I have conversed with the higher self of this entity, while discussing, among other things, the topic that jas driven me more than most to understanding the LHP: Why polarity is discharged at mid 6D. Ra's explanation never really seemed enough for me to grasp it. This higher self helped get a better grasp on it. I have also come to learn that contrary to most peoples' beliefs on this site )including my own prior to this exchange) that a higher self can in fact have a negative bias. This one certainly did, though from a 6D perspective, it makes sense why. I was thinking of writing a thread on it, but the process would be quite involved and I am increasingly turning my attention to the material, earthly realm which I have spent the majority of my life ignoring. Maybe later. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Aion - 03-20-2021 There is definitely plenty to plumb in that mystery. I would offer the suggestion that any such bias is only as seen from "the ground up", in other words, from those down here in polarity all things will appear as a bias of polarity. The higher self is a tool for the seeking of the individuated portion back to the self totality, and it will shape and reflect itself to whatever path the individuated portion chooses to take. It is unbiased, from its own perspective, except by the polarity of the manifest self. It is truly the initiator of both the shadow side and the light side, it will give you both, whichever you need and seek. This is how it seems to me anyways. The higher self is another illusion which shatters, the final vessel, before the true self is embraced. This is how I understand it. The moment of integration with the higher self is where the three become two, the two become one, and the one becomes none (the move towards 7D is pretty quick after this integration as I've seen it). We are always suspended between the dark and light, the left and right hands of the higher self, until they finally clasp together in the unified center. Polarity is only a house of cards, no matter how big and glorious it gets in whatever style. Also, yes it is very much worth noting that entities change "factions" all the times, and this whole idea of static cultures is a bit of a pale image of the truth, in my opinion. I think it's important to keep in mind that even an empire or confederation is still made up of many individuated portions, whether or not they are mind-linked via social memory complex. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - zedro - 03-20-2021 I think the behaviors of STS polarizing entities is just a matter of evolution, or context of the realm they are operating in. A ruthless gang members who kills and rapes and destroys all that is good may simply be a lower exploration of STS. The ultimate evolution may be the one who controls armies of genocide. Either is harvestable, not everyone has the oppertunity or adeptness to be a leader of mass control/destruction, it may simply determine their status at 4D-. Low status STS are easy to spot, they are the ones who participate in the totalitarian/police state trend, or repeat criminals of a violent nature. It's the high status ones that are difficult to detect for the more naive masses, as they have built up trust to galvanize their deception and honed their personalities. What Phoenix described as what the 'Orions' are looking for is perhaps more of a reflection of the quality they want within their ranks, it doesn't mean they wouldn't want to enslave the rest. It's like high status Sicilian mob organisations using low status street gangs, both are STS, both are dangerous for their own reasons, it's just a question of hierarchy, and just because the low status will never become high status (with only the exceptional being 'made'), doesn't mean they are not of interest, they need pawns after all. So here in the meantime, I do agree that there is still a push to harvest as many STS as possible, but there is also value in keeping people from harvesting STO, because it keeps them up for grabs at a later oppertunity. Getting them more negative leaning (even if just marginally) may land them on another STS 3d planet for further polarization, the game never ends. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Aion - 03-20-2021 A game on the scale of a universe leaves plenty of time for completion! RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - flofrog - 03-20-2021 It’s so funny because even though when you polarize STS, there is still such a huge scale of opportunities, as Aion shows... lol, still the frustration must be so great as an STS thinking, how come they (the STO) do not see how wrong they are in their thinking... In a way it’s kind of funny that both sides are thinking how come the other side doesn’t see the truth.. ? ![]() RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - zedro - 03-20-2021 (03-20-2021, 01:35 PM)flofrog Wrote: It’s so funny because even though when you polarize STS, there is still such a huge scale of opportunities, as Aion shows... lol, still the frustration must be so great as an STS thinking, how come they (the STO) do not see how wrong they are in their thinking... I think because we are focused on desired experience, the whole point of subdividing from creation. That's why some are terrified at misstepping into hell, while others want to embrace it and feel the concept of heaven would be intolerable. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Diana - 03-20-2021 @ Aion: Your post #42 above is outstanding. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-20-2021 @flofrog Not necessarily. That line of thinking very much exists here on Earth, but only because there are so few examples of how to do the RHP right. Jesus of Nazareth was NOT an example anyone harvestable on the LHP can get behind because his martyrdom lacked wisdom, not to mention that while better than most from his time, he still preached tyrannical concepts regarding women and childrens' relation to men, as well as the entirely fear bases tyrannical notion of eternal damnation, The L/L Research Center has A LOT of skeletons in it's closet (from what I have been told) Don Elkins was an outright sociopath who only since joining Orion has finally accepted his sociopathic nature and come put of the polarity closet, Carla had a martyrdom complex rooted in childhood issues and Ra seems to make the same mistakes over and over again. I mean, has anyone researched Ahknaten? He was a tyrannical sociopath! And Then Ra searched far and wide for the original L/L trio. And one of THEM was a sociopath by all regards. At least from the perspective of harvestably negative entities I have talked to who have met the guy. Granted, they met him in the astral, post suicide, after joining Orion to save Carla, so of course he's not gonna be rainbows and sunshine Skittles, but by the sounds of things, he was quite negative even before that and refused to admit it to himself. He STILL won't admit his abusive relationship with Carla from what I have gathered. I sometimes think Agua might be a good example. Maybe Eckhart Tolle. The only example I know of that exemplifies the RHP in a way that seems respectable is Jim McCarty, who I have heard nothing but good things about, even from Orion sources. Though they consider his path insane, and the unconditional universal spreading of green ray energy all over the place to be the most asinine use of anahata energy imaginable (Orion warriors do not ACTUALLY close the Anahata, as that would not be feasible anyway, they just spin it much more slowly and use it in a much more limited way, thus "closing it off" from Ra's point of view, because their use of such energy is conditional) they nonetheless can respect when someone truly knows who they are, what they desire and needs no validation from anyone else over it, amd does so from a place of personal power, with discipline and in a way that does not lack wisdom. This is how I am told Jim is. If there were more people like Jim on this planet, I think the RHP would male a lot more sense to a lot more people. He was the "sane man" of the group. The other 2 had deep seated issues, especially Don. As it stands, there are too many people along the RHP to possibly count who are to wrapped up in trying to come across as (and be) "good people" for the RHP to really make much sense to most. It comes off as exactly what it far too often is: a bunch of self righteous hippies talking a good game about love and acceptance and empathy but at best, just going through the motions to score brownie points and at worst, just outright lying to themselves and others and acting like massive fucking hypocrites. The LHP on this planet is not much better. You can find useful sources but you either have to REALLY dig, know the right people or both. Most of what the mainstream LHP communities teach is rudimentary s***. Supposedly stuff a 3rd grader on a negative planet might learn. Too much emphasis is placed upon sophistry and egotistical posturing, just like in most RHP circles. And most of us who delve into sorcery do so more on account of our red amd especially sacral chakra blockages than on account of serious spiritual seeking. I admit, I too have this issue. There just aren't enough truly good examples of either path to go by. We know only of Rasputin and Ghengis Kahn what ia told through HIGHLY distorted lenses. I do know a Death Defies who has some similar philosophies to Orion (and some serious differences as well. Clearly his own thing) and he is, while quite negative from a RHP perspective, still of the attitude that there are infinite ways to skin a cat and that while unconditional love to him is irrational, respect is essential in his view, thus all entities are deserving of respect. In his view, a warrior recognizes that not all are meant to be warriors nor are all warriors meant to be the same way. We are all each and every one of us, first and foremost individuals and thus a warrior ensures to give as much freedom and respect to others as possible. In his view, not all are meant to be warriors amd some are better suited to the path of the devotee. Neither is wrong, just individual. It's all about knowing who you really are. At least in his view. Due to the individual nature of this man's views, this is still in accordance with the LHP, because it is all about maintaining one's individuality at all costs, rejecting unity. I had the sophist mentality for a while until I started realizing that it isn't the RHP itself I had a problem with, but most of the people I have known who have purported to wall it. Ironically, this realization came only after allowing an entity from Orion top brass to rewrite aspects of my personality and help unblock certain blockages. Molech-sama's effects on me were far more subtle than others I know of. This may be because I am not yet initiated, nor committed to the LHP. If anything, whatever he did caused me to reconsider the RHP. I have yet to understand just what he did or how it benefits him exactly. I am still very much torn between the two paths. I still have yet to understand myself. But my point, before going into a tangent ia that not all LHP entities have a sophist mentality, necessarily. Ultimately, it's less about one size fitting all amd more about different entitities having their own path. It boils down to unity vs. Individuality. I have spoken to negative entities who have made harvestable contact with intelligent infinity. By the sounds of it, it is an indescribably horrifying experience. All infinite possibilities and all infinite infinities witnessed all at once, including all infinite heavens, all infinite helps and all things im between and beyond. In unity with it all, there is supposedly a feeling of bliss, but to a sufficiently negative entity it is an empty bliss. In their view, when you become one with everything you can't really be anything. Thus they reject such unity and choose to (in their view) survive intstead of "dissolving into oneness" choosing to exist. They believe the desire for unity is born of a desire to regress and "return to the black womb" To not exist anymore. To rest. They view the challenge of existence as one only for those with a warrior spirit. One with the grit and determination to survive. To adventure. Orion philosophy seems to be inherently absurdist in nature, viewing existence as lacking any inherent meaning because infinity is impersonal and only cares about possibility, giving us all a chance to become something (free will) and leaving the rest up to us. In their view, what we do with such opportunity is pur prerogative. They see our fears as being rooted in a kind of existential dread that comes from deep down knowing the inherently impersonal nature of infinity itself and the lack of inherent meaning. In their view, meaning is the responsibility of each and every one of us to create for ourselves, and nobody else's. They see this burden as the challenge of existence, and the warrior path as suited to it. Maybe because the warrior spirit does not rest and and embraces challenge amd adversity. To them, it seems, the creation of meaning where there is otherwise none is the highest form of magick and the ultimate form of creation. True power. But each meaning is inherently subjective, if that is the case, is it not? This may however be a 6th density perspective however... RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-20-2021 (03-20-2021, 01:43 PM)zedro Wrote:(03-20-2021, 01:35 PM)flofrog Wrote: It’s so funny because even though when you polarize STS, there is still such a huge scale of opportunities, as Aion shows... lol, still the frustration must be so great as an STS thinking, how come they (the STO) do not see how wrong they are in their thinking... Correct. You put what I said much more succinctly. Kudos! RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-20-2021 (03-20-2021, 01:20 PM)zedro Wrote: I think the behaviors of STS polarizing entities is just a matter of evolution, or context of the realm they are operating in. Sounds about right. Quote:Much lower. Orion magick is built upon 2 primary a causal energies: lust and suffering. Blood lust (the urge to commit violence) is what you get when such energies run through am individual too poorly developed to lnow how to properly handle them. Quote: The ultimate evolution may be the one who controls armies of genocide. Hardly. Quote: Either is harvestable That is most certainly NOT true. Countless are the entities on this planet unsuitable for harvest who have *ahem* "accomplished" such things. I have heard it posited by an exceedingly wise negative entity that the Warrior seeks power, and that destruction is not power, but self sabotage, literally the exact opposite of power. By this philosophy, true power ia not destruction, but creation, and the warrior has no need to destroy in order to create, letting nature take care of such things, instead building on top of what has already been built. Thus, we can see that within the context of this planet amd the extreme catalyst it provides, war and genocide amd violence are hardly empowering enough to in and of themselves make one harvestable, and destruction may be unsuitable to higher explorations toward the seeking of power. Quote: not everyone has the oppertunity or adeptness to be a leader of mass control/destruction, it may simply determine their status at 4D-. Maybe. Not everyone harvests negative looking for the same things, so not everyone is negative in the same way. Some emphasize direct conflict and domination, some emphasize strategy amd cunning, aome emphasize aeathetics, creativity amd what they see as a dark beauty to the negative path, some mix and match, etc. Etc. Quote: True. Quote: That makes sense, actually. At the end of the day, 4D- is more about desire amd will than about wisdom. So maybe my descriptions of Orion entities puts the cart before the horse? *shrugs* Quote: Hmm... Maybe. That makes sense actually. Still, harvestability is a VERY challenging thing to achieve under rhis planet's conditions especially. It requires you to truly be who you are and know what you want To "come into being" so to speak. To achieve kheper. It seems everything about this planet ia designed to prevent that from happening. And even the rampant selfishness is grossly inefficient. The "ass end of selfishness" as I habe hears it dubbed. Only the most cunning amd TRULY dangerous sound like they can be harvestable within the confines of this matrix. But who knows? RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Diana - 03-20-2021 (03-20-2021, 02:41 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: I am still very much torn between the two paths. I still have yet to understand myself. Okay, that is an honest position. Is that why you are exploring (supposed—it isn't in my nature to "know" anything) LHP sources? I would like to add that whatever any sources may say, I don't think it fair to judge Don or Carla in such an extreme fashion, even if it is relating what a source says. There just is no way we can know really the entirety of who they were/are as beings here or beyond here. On the other hand, general comments that don't point the finger directly at anyone as suppositions can still express truth without falling into the pit of judgment (when, I imagine, seen from a higher-density perspective will seem very narrow and without longevity). Ra did address Carla's "martyr" tendencies, so within the context of this site it seems fair to address it here as a concept of the LOO, not as a judgment against her. None of us here are perfect beings. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Ymarsakar - 03-20-2021 How much can or should i write here? Well to answer the question of phoenix, my higher chakra intuition has detected you are connecting with real info that is true. Zaxon adheres to many of the discipkined warrior sociopathy traits you mentioned. He flipped polarities because his higher self already flipped thus they were just enacting the same play here for their own reasons. It provided an excellent look at what is really sts and sto here for humans. As for hidden hand, they over shared, so there will be some damage control and disinfo, such as introducing confusing information about another sorcercer channel. Orion neg and heyl el however are not exactly on the same side. Black dragon may wish to share something here on positive orion. I really want to talk about don s situation described in a reddit post. It explains the entire group s energy balance to me. Phoenix, say hi to my orion cousins overe there, from y m a r s a k a r s higher self you can tell them. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Diana - 03-20-2021 (03-20-2021, 05:01 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: How much can or should i write here? I say express your truth as you understand it. But for one thing, the idea of pointing the finger at an individual is a pretty iffy proposition. Would you say in one of the forums here, that Diana is an unfeeling sociopath (assuming you thought it to be true, and incidentally you wouldn't be the first person to think that of me)? I may very well be, yet there is no way for you to know that, even if a discarnate source claims so. You may talk about circumstances or concepts related to my words, but accusing me specifically of being this or that really isn't an efficient way to communicate in my view. There is inherent conflict because you truly don't know me (Diana) so discussion stops right there when talking specifics about an individual, instead of continuing in concept form where discussion has the opportunity to flourish. That is my take anyway. I don't claim to know what's best for anyone else. But I am opinionated just like you. ![]() As far as discussing the LH path, I would say that trying to comply with the guidelines here, none of which either of us wrote, but to which we agreed when signing up, would be the idea. I personally do not discuss everything on my mind here, as some of it would not really fit. The LH path is part of the LOO and relevant here. But I would say it is really context + intention that is needed to guide us in communication in this limited way (words on a page). I totally understand that things are not as B&W as people would like them to be. It's not good vs. evil as monotheistic religions would have it. If it helps at all, whenever I find myself getting emotionally wrought-up or involved, I check myself and take a pause. That way I don't react, and I can then respond better. We all have our triggers though. It's unavoidable here under a veil (no matter what one believes, it's quite obvious—to me—that humans know very little about the mystery of existence). RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-20-2021 Fair enough. I will do to be less specific next time. Though as far as I am concerned, taking an honest look at the issues influential people have or had gives one necessary context to take into account when considering the value of their influence. Martyr complex does not just count as a personal issue. It's ramifications extend into much of what one does and how that affects the world around oneself. Furthermore, it creates important context to take into consideration when looking at the distortions inherent in an influence's teachings. For example: one of my majour LHP influences is a Death Defies whose words are often incredibly wise, but sometimes (often times) they have a touch of bitterness to them. His ideas regarding emotions and love are well reasoned but clearly coming from a place of unheal. In the same vein, when I am taking ideas from Ra amd the L/L Research Center into account, I will be looking at the fruits of their philosophy by looking at them. And when I see discrepancies in what is being preached and what is being practiced, it is only natural that I will be turned off from it. Now you may be thinking: "But wait, flawed people cam have good ideas, even if they do not live up to the ideals they espouse or create the (supposedly) intended results?" Yes. And that's my point. At the same time, I recognize the effect of the people MAKING the point, as well as the implications that may underlie the points being made by such people or having such effects. In regards to your question, There are numerous reasons to explore LHP sources. Even if one is committed to the RHP, I see no reason to believe that one sided RHP myopia should be seen as useful in even RHP seeking. But I also wanted to understand the reasons for 6d negs discharging polarity. There are deeper reasons however, it seems. The willful flirting with thw dark and the light in a conscious way, I get the feeling it's a running thing throughout lifetimes, rooted in preincarnative trauma. I have been investigating quite heavily Always, there are more questions. Clues lead to more mystery than answer. I have been told that this perpetual uncertainty is a major part of the warrior path, and a sign that one ia on it. That too, I meet with uncertainty. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Black Dragon - 03-20-2021 I do have a few things to share, in fact. When I saw this thread came around again this morning I'd already decided on it. It has a bit to do with the STS "empire" but yes more to do with positive Orion energies and aspects. The "big bad Orion empire" is not what they would have you believe it is. The Ra material wouldn't "insult their might" directly, but their honest figures of "one group from the general vicinity of Orion which isn't quite a satisfactory location" being STS don't talk of a huge empire spanning uncountable worlds. Looking up at the Orion constellation, there are many stars within it, but only one(or lets assume maybe a couple) STS planets or outposts that aren't even quite tied to any of the recognizable stars we see as Orion, just "in the vicinity". This coupled with the fact that STS are 10% of the galactic population, and that every planetary society splits at the end of 3d. There's positive Reptilians. There's positive whoever, because as a 3d root race some inevitably went positive and others negative. What all this adds up to is that most of the energies coming from Orion, especially most of the visible, well known stars in it, are actually highly integrated and positive/unity conscious. There is a bit of negativity seeping over from "past" timelines of Orion where the empire was much larger and brutal interstellar wars happened. This is tied a bit into the "illuminati" structure, but one small group of Orion' along with negative Sirians and others. The "empire" have less high level 6d negative commanders than ever and are losing them to polarity flips faster than any will join their sinking ship. Few enough 6d STS even want to be part of their empire or play games with Earth and developing planets at all they have matured past it and the need for other selves even insofar as using them and/or flipped polarity. The "absurdist" negative Orion philosophies described by EP is...astoundingly accurate and unfortunately personally verifiable about those existential fears. They can have a bleed through effect for any flipped/former 6d Orion STS when they are in 3d trying to actualize their STO flip. This can be exploited and will if at all possible(its actually one of the worst things a person can ever feel. It's a nasty psychic mega-weapon I won't even begin to describe) because they fucking hate 6d defectors and make screwing with their 3d timelines a hobby. Because they are self conscious about the size of their empire and whatnot, lol. Also because they are too fucking dumb to realize that the only answer to that existential pain might be the one thing they've thrown away as useless. So aside from a couple rundown scraps of the old STS empire, the vast majority of concurrent and future Orion energies connecting to Earth now are positive. Some are newer 4 and 5d STO societies in the region and some 5d STO transitioning to 6d but the main energies are the really refined and integrated "Orion Light" energies. This is more transcendental/unity conscious, like 6.5d plus integrated. The Archetypical Orion conflicts that they ascended from are now part of the Earth struggle, so we are all tied into it together that way. The positive Orion energies are a big part of the Earth guidance system. Because of the memories and strong catalyst and polarity, people have trouble integrating these energies or are closed to them because a simple Orion=bad equation in their mind because they cargo-culted channeled material and didn't read "between the lines" or use their own imagination and discernment which even I did to an extent for a while about Orion. In this community where Orion is synonymous with the one STS group that lives there, that's one example. The energies are here and people may even be getting the positive guidance from them and not even realizing some of it is from Orion. They obviously can't force anyone to accept and integrate these energies subconsciously or unconsciously though they have to be open on some level. Like anyone else, the more efficient way to really seed the energies is having incarnate avatars. Every wanderer carries or represents one or more civilizations' energies like this and brings them in direct contact with Earth and humanity's morphic fields. It's more efficient because it respects free will more, but it can have its own challenges with the connection/crystallization/opposition/interference regarding their incarnate avatar(s). That's what I know on the subject of Orion, and the majority of this does not come from an external source or book or channeled material, though some of those things back it up. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - EvolvingPhoenix - 03-20-2021 (03-20-2021, 05:30 PM)Diana Wrote:(03-20-2021, 05:01 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: How much can or should i write here? Diana, I will not argue about my reasoning for use of the word. I shall switch my focus from those perceptions to something less incendiary. I am not looking to focus on the personal stuff anyway. That's not the real point. Since that kind of focus seems to be obfuscating the point, and since it would be redundant to put those notions forth any further, I shall just reorient my focus to concepts themselves. As for community guidelines, I am not breaking community guidelines by dispelling misunderstandings on a thread intended to speculate on the decision making processes of those who walk the LHP. However, getting too personal would be a bad idea, so I shall stop focusing on that. That being said, it helps provide context to the perceptions of those who walk the path this thread speculates on, whether you agree with said perceptions or not. But there is no nees to push the subject any further, so I shall stop. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Ymarsakar - 03-20-2021 https://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=4171&highlight=Zaxon RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Dtris - 03-20-2021 Hey EP, long time no see. I have to say agree with most of your points. (03-20-2021, 02:41 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: I have spoken to negative entities who have made harvestable contact with intelligent infinity. By the sounds of it, it is an indescribably horrifying experience. All infinite possibilities and all infinite infinities witnessed all at once, including all infinite heavens, all infinite helps and all things im between and beyond. In unity with it all, there is supposedly a feeling of bliss, but to a sufficiently negative entity it is an empty bliss. In their view, when you become one with everything you can't really be anything. Thus they reject such unity and choose to (in their view) survive intstead of "dissolving into oneness" choosing to exist. They believe the desire for unity is born of a desire to regress and "return to the black womb" To not exist anymore. To rest. They view the challenge of existence as one only for those with a warrior spirit. One with the grit and determination to survive. To adventure. This part is very striking to me. I am 100% in agreement with Orion in this case. The idea some people seem to have of a SMC basically becoming the borg is completely against everything I believe. If that is the case, I think it is more evil than anything else. Luckily I do not believe that there is that level of unification at any point in the near future. If I cannot retain my individuality in 4th density, I would rather not go. If the only path forward is loosing myself to join the collective, I will forge a new path. At the same time I want to see the people around me healthy, happy, and spriritually fulfilled. I think there comes a point where we need to forget about STS and STO and just be ourselves. Let the cards fall where they may. RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - meadow-foreigner - 03-20-2021 (03-20-2021, 03:13 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: Much lower. Orion magick is built upon 2 primary a causal energies: lust and suffering. Blood lust (the urge to commit violence) is what you get when such energies run through am individual too poorly developed to lnow how to properly handle them. What if lust and love had the same phœnetic root (ἔρως), nonetheless differing in the last syllabe of the spoken word (λόγος): for one to irradiate verbally, the phœnem 'st' requires a lesser diaphragm contraction, and thus can be spelled with less energy, whilst the phœnem 'vv' is spelled with a greater diaphragm contraction, activating the vocal chords and thus enabling the caster to tap into more λόγος, the 2nd Fundamental Distortion of The Creation? RE: Orion Empire and Free Will - Black Dragon - 03-20-2021 Existential fears are the real end boss for everyone then, I suppose. STS and STO are different reactions to the original "wound of separation/fear of oneness" paradigm. Good or bad, were all just trying to make existence not suck, lol. I personally think the heart chakra is better at that then separation, having tried that approach to 6d before. If an 8d entity can decide at any time to take 3d incarnation again(which there's argument to be made that they can) then you can never really "dissolve" even in oneness. Oneness is like a room where everyone hangs their "hat and coat" on a rack at the door but you can still pick them back up and head back out at your choosing, you aren't stuck in 8d prison. The One, having created these individuations, can never fully "dissolve" them, only embrace them as part of the all. |