turning the other cheek? - Printable Version

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RE: turning the other cheek? - flofrog - 06-22-2020

Dexter, your question made me smile because I remember a few times the Dalai Kama expressing how meditation is effectively boring .. Wink

I think he was also teasing though..

Diana has I think a very wise insight about meditative states being also attained other ways.

May I suggest also that if one day you start meditating with a single thought of gratitude towards what is, to Creator, you may suddenly find some bliss in those moments of meditation, the gratitude state does a lot for us, it seems..

RE: turning the other cheek? - AnthroHeart - 06-22-2020

Exactly Diana,
Meditation doesn't give immediate gratification. I did it 15-19 years before I found bliss, and even now because of a Kundalini awakening it's not permanent.
It rather sucks right now. Headache, and my body hurts. Still some bliss, but overshadowed by the sucky factor.
Also lost my passion totally for anthros. Guess I outgrew them.

(06-22-2020, 10:22 AM)Diana Wrote:
(06-22-2020, 09:42 AM)dexter101 Wrote: I've been meditating with singular focus and it feels very boring, there are times when I get into a state in which my focus increases and all my other senses dissapear. I am completely focused on it. It feels repetitive and boring and I don't see the benefit in that.
Is this really what meditation is like or am I doing it wrong?

Although you asked Infinite for a comment, here is my opinion:

You can't expect immediate gratification from meditation. Expectations have no place at all in contacting infinite intelligence, the higher self, the subconscious, the wave function—whatever you want to call it.

To put this in terms of the wave function, the wave is in superposition wherein all possible outcomes exist in suspension, whereas in the particle function, the wave has collapsed to one outcome. Staying in the wave function is ideal; but when there is an expectation, belief, or other limiting thinking, the door is closed to possibilities and the expectation is the collapsed particle. This is precisely what is desired to be avoided in meditation—the collapsing of the wave and re-entering the world of 3D reality one is trying to expand beyond.

In my opinion, it's best to meditate just because one realizes there is something more than this 3D reality, and one wants to connect to that. A good way to do that is to shut off the internal dialogue, which keeps one anchored to the 3D drama.

I have found that meditation slowly yields a different experience of life. It could be said to be cumulative. One may have experiences in meditation, but it's also true that one will be more open to perceiving experiences outside of the human noise in regular life.

I would suggest that aside from official meditation, which I think is effective and important, one can also reach meditative states while doing creative things and communing with nature. If one does something such as painting or drawing, or composing music, or any creative endeavor done out of love of it, one will reach timeless states, and this is a form of meditation. I think creatives that do this get into states of channeling, for lack of a better way to put it. It is accessing also the wordless/languageless parts of the brain which we as modern-day people have been trained to ignore. This, along with the addictions to media that most experience these days, anesthetizes people. So, limiting media (phones, social media, news, TV); pursuing creative hobbies; communing with nature—are all ways to enhance the meditative experience.

RE: turning the other cheek? - flofrog - 06-22-2020

Best wishes Gem Heart

RE: turning the other cheek? - Infinite - 06-23-2020

(06-22-2020, 09:42 AM)dexter101 Wrote: Hey you seem to know your way around so I'd like to ask about meditation:
I've been meditating with singular focus and it feels very boring, there are times when I get into a state in which my focus increases and all my other senses dissapear. I am completely focused on it. It feels repetitive and boring and I don't see the benefit in that.
Is this really what meditation is like or am I doing it wrong?

Diana has already answered very well. Meditation isn't a means to an end. It's the end. It enables us to clear our aura and increase our perception of daily experiences in order to better deal with them. It also shows us aspects of ourselves that were previously unnoticed. I would say that the rise of kundalini, samadhi (contact with intelligent infinity) and all kinds of results attributed to meditation occur naturally, when the meditator is ready. They are consequences of meditation and in my humble opinion, they must be seen as such.

I suggest that you continue on your journey and if possible also practice what you call mindfulness, because this type of practice helps us to consciously and real-time perceive our varied reactions to catalysis.

RE: turning the other cheek? - AnthroHeart - 06-23-2020

(06-23-2020, 08:15 AM)Infinite Wrote:
(06-22-2020, 09:42 AM)dexter101 Wrote: Hey you seem to know your way around so I'd like to ask about meditation:
I've been meditating with singular focus and it feels very boring, there are times when I get into a state in which my focus increases and all my other senses dissapear. I am completely focused on it. It feels repetitive and boring and I don't see the benefit in that.
Is this really what meditation is like or am I doing it wrong?

Diana has already answered very well. Meditation isn't a means to an end. It's the end. It enables us to clear our aura and increase our perception of daily experiences in order to better deal with them. It also shows us aspects of ourselves that were previously unnoticed. I would say that the rise of kundalini, samadhi (contact with intelligent infinity) and all kinds of results attributed to meditation occur naturally, when the meditator is ready. They are consequences of meditation and in my humble opinion, they must be seen as such.

I suggest that you continue on your journey and if possible also practice what you call mindfulness, because this type of practice helps us to consciously and real-time perceive our varied reactions to catalysis.

Depends on your path. For me meditation was a means to an end. The end is becoming one with God.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Infinite - 06-23-2020

(06-23-2020, 08:16 AM)Great Central Sun Wrote: Depends on your path. For me meditation was a means to an end. The end is becoming one with God.

Yes. What I'm saying is that if you keep looking for results, it will hinder the process. Enlightenment will happen when it has to happen.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Diana - 06-23-2020

(06-22-2020, 12:44 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: Also lost my passion totally for anthros. Guess I outgrew them.

Maybe because you embraced the anthro world, which may have been nudging you, and accepted it, you were able to play it out, so to speak. You acknowledged it, didn't resist it, honored it, and played with it. By playing it out with love, openness, and non-judgment, you may have moved past it.  Smile

RE: turning the other cheek? - AnthroHeart - 06-23-2020

(06-23-2020, 11:23 AM)Diana Wrote:
(06-22-2020, 12:44 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: Also lost my passion totally for anthros. Guess I outgrew them.

Maybe because you embraced the anthro world, which may have been nudging you, and accepted it, you were able to play it out, so to speak. You acknowledged it, didn't resist it, honored it, and played with it. By playing it out with love, openness, and non-judgment, you may have moved past it.  Smile

That world was a slight STS world, and I get the feeling I gave them some positive confusion, so may have flipped them slightly positive.
Well, my vibration keeps going up, so I don't resonate with them anymore and can't connect.

I am 60% merged with my higher self. I asked God and he/she told me that when I hit 50% merged I went above the anthro vibration. I may be headed toward angelic, but not sure.

RE: turning the other cheek? - TheAmbiguousSod - 07-01-2020

(06-17-2020, 10:51 AM)dexter101 Wrote: i read that it means to simply turn away and avoid a fight but sometimes in life you can't avoid a fight know how it goes
i would really know what you guys think of this?
i personally to put it mildy disagree with this. any thoughts on this? i am reminded of what montalk wrote on his website.

he says:
What about Service-to-All?
This concept was invented by those who misinterpret STS and STO as meaning predator and prey. They view “Service-to-All” or STA as being the transcendent, balanced, and neutral alternative to that dichotomy. STA is based on the misconception that Service to Others means “serving only others, while ignoring self,” such as being a doormat or ascetic who is weak and neglectful of his or her own well-being. By neglecting yourself, you handicap your future ability to do good, thereby decreasing your total positive impact and increasing imbalance, which is STS.

Properly defined, STO means serving self through serving others in a balanced way that is of maximum spiritual benefit to all. It means being neither predator nor prey. It does not mean being a doormat, nor neglecting personal well-being to the point of interfering with one’s future ability to serve, which is a shortsighted form of martyrdom. So what some define as STA is already the correct definition of STO, therefore the term STA is unnecessary. What they call STO is actually the prey component of the STS predator-prey dynamic. Therefore, instead of [STA (neutral transcendent) | STO (prey) | STS (predator)] it should be [STO (neutral transcendent) | STS (prey vs. predator)].

The difficulty with treading the STO path is that it involves maximization of energy balance and freewill in a system, and supporting this balance requires an intelligent exercise of freewill to consistently hit the sweet spot for any given situation. To balance a broomstick is hard, while letting it fall is easy. Being STS is easy because no genuine spiritual intelligence is needed to be a passive lump being preyed upon, or to give into reactive behavior and let yourself fall under Matrix influences into animalistic or demonic states.

my question simply do you hit the sweet spot for any given situation. its not like there are any instruction lying around or your higher self giving you advice. i read of people who can talk to their higher self but im not yet capable of doing so Sad
ive been struggling with this for a very long time
so whats the advice for the average human?

This is wise my friend! 4th density is, in my opinion, learning that STA is more effective than service to others. In serving others we are serving the all. Look at the confederation, it starts in 4th density and exists to serve the entire of the creation. They have dedicated the existence of themselves the better the existence of the whole.

The social memory complex exists to make this a possibility. Look at specialisation in 3D, we have too much knowledge available to learn as one soul. This prevents further progress because groups of knowledge cannot collaborate with others. All 4th density does is enable us to be the best creator we can be, it is vital to be a social memory complex to serve the all, and so we must learn the lessons of love before we can attempt to share that with the all.

In 4D, every lesson that is learned is available to every other part of the social memory complex, everything is shared, all information is shared and so service to all is inevitably the only possibility.

I may be completely wrong so please don’t take what I have to say as gospel. Love/light.

RE: turning the other cheek? - TheAmbiguousSod - 07-01-2020

I cannot give you any other advice than what has been given. I like to write my questions to my higher self and the first thoughts that respond to that are the answer. It may help to write something along the lines of, I desire to speak to my higher self, then following with your questions.

Some do it like a channeling and attempt to reach them in their mind, the thoughts that appear in the head and spoke allowed and more thoughts will follow.

Ask in mediation, before you go to sleep to speak with your higher self in your dreams and to be allowed to carry the memory of that with you in waking hours. You may have to persist but whenever I request a spiritual dream, it affects my catalyst for the next day and I feel it allows my higher self to program catalyst with more ease when I am not resisting. Best wishes and good luck, I’m new to this forum but very pleased to see such questions and seeking, it is an honour to be among you seekers. Love/light.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Infinite - 07-01-2020

(06-21-2020, 12:28 PM)Infinite Wrote: I confess that I still find some Ra's descriptions of chakras a little confusing. In most responses the development of the chakras seems sequential, but at times it seems that it is a parallel development of all chakras. Particularly I believe that it is something sequential.

I had forgotten that clear answer on the subject:

Quote:The indigo center is indeed most important for the work of the adept. However, it cannot, no matter how crystallized, correct to any extent whatsoever imbalances or blockages in other energy centers. They must needs be cleared seriatim from red upwards.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Black Dragon - 07-02-2020

(07-01-2020, 04:55 PM)Infinite Wrote:
(06-21-2020, 12:28 PM)Infinite Wrote: I confess that I still find some Ra's descriptions of chakras a little confusing. In most responses the development of the chakras seems sequential, but at times it seems that it is a parallel development of all chakras. Particularly I believe that it is something sequential.

I had forgotten that clear answer on the subject:

Quote:The indigo center is indeed most important for the work of the adept. However, it cannot, no matter how crystallized, correct to any extent whatsoever imbalances or blockages in other energy centers. They must needs be cleared seriatim from red upwards.
That makes sense, though I'd personally say the heart chakra is really the most powerful of all if you'd have to pick one, and can, at least to some to some extent "jumpstart" the lower ones if it has a history of activation in any given individual, and start a reciprocal process of loosening the lowers at least a bit to get more energy going into it. The author Manly P. Hall who wrote the huge volume "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" and died under sketchy circumstances that implicates the masons, stated something to the effect of "the center, not the top or bottom, is closest to God." I agree with that completely.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Infinite - 07-02-2020

(07-02-2020, 01:15 AM)Black Dragon Wrote: That makes sense, though I'd personally say the heart chakra is really the most powerful of all if you'd have to pick one, and can, at least to some to some extent "jumpstart" the lower ones if it has a history of activation in any given individual, and start a reciprocal process of loosening the lowers at least a bit to get more energy going into it. The author Manly P. Hall who wrote the huge volume "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" and died under sketchy circumstances that implicates the masons, stated something to the effect of "the center, not the top or bottom, is closest to God." I agree with that completely.

Yes, I agree. Although Ra said that blockages in the 3 lower centers make it difficult to seek for the Law of One and also spoke about the green center being vulnerable to orange and yellow.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Asolsutsesvyl - 07-03-2020

(06-18-2020, 12:23 AM)Black Dragon Wrote: I'll have to check out more of this Montalk guy. The name's familiar, I've probably read some of his material before, but that bit about polarity is exactly what I've been trying to explain to some people, and part of my own seeking. I've referred to it as "false STO", which is basically being a martyr/doormat/prey, and makes one an accessory to the STS system of principles(or lack thereof...), which are a zero-sum way of thinking where somebody has to "lose" for somebody else to "win". True STO is more of a zero point way of thinking, a symbiotic "give AND receive" axis rather than "take OR lose".

When I replied to your other post about "false STO", Montalk's page actually came to mind, but I didn't think to link to it there (as dexter101 did here).

Montalk's name came up in my thread about the Cassiopaeans. He explores spirituality very broadly, and he's an older critic of their group, while he values the old Cassiopaean material and continues the associated in-depth defensive study of how 4D STS works and interacts with humanity. He covers the full spectrum of the positive and negative in his writing, in a way I find admirable.

His basic concepts are a mixture of Ra, the Cassiopaeans, and other sources. While he glosses over some detail-oriented problems in comparing different sources, it still works well, because he consults many sources and is good at contemplation. I think it's good to see Montalk referred to, because he's already covered so much basic ground, so it can help people get on the same page if they generally haven't read much about trickier and heavier aspects of our reality.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Asolsutsesvyl - 07-03-2020

(06-21-2020, 11:10 AM)Infinite Wrote: Rereading some excerpts from LOO, it seems to me that martyrdom or accepting everything from others is not ideal in Ra's view.

Quote:May we note that martyrdom is not necessarily helpful.


Ra elsewhere makes clear that positivity is unlinked to the ultimate effects of the giving. E.g., a purely positive being enslaved and used as a source of energy by the dark side can remain purely positive, even though the energy fuels something negative. Consequence ethics are thus separate from the basic functioning of polarity, which has much more to do with intent.

This very simple look at polarity in the abstract is then combined with a more multidimensional analysis in terms of the 7 rays. It becomes very tricky to distinguish between STO and STS in any sure way in a simple formula. But Montalk's point is obviously valid in the simple sense that positivity comes in many forms, and the main, healthy and sustainable forms are not the short-lived paths of martyrdom. At best, martyrdom is like a short-circuit which makes bright sparks fly, but then unfortunately also puts an end to most possibilities for future developments.

RE: turning the other cheek? - AnthroHeart - 07-03-2020

(07-03-2020, 06:24 PM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote:
(06-21-2020, 11:10 AM)Infinite Wrote: Rereading some excerpts from LOO, it seems to me that martyrdom or accepting everything from others is not ideal in Ra's view.

Quote:May we note that martyrdom is not necessarily helpful.


Ra elsewhere makes clear that positivity is unlinked to the ultimate effects of the giving. E.g., a purely positive being enslaved and used as a source of energy by the dark side can remain purely positive, even though the energy fuels something negative. Consequence ethics are thus separate from the basic functioning of polarity, which has much more to do with intent.

This very simple look at polarity in the abstract is then combined with a more multidimensional analysis in terms of the 7 rays. It becomes very tricky to distinguish between STO and STS in any sure way in a simple formula. But Montalk's point is obviously valid in the simple sense that positivity comes in many forms, and the main, healthy and sustainable forms are not the short-lived paths of martyrdom. At best, martyrdom is like a short-circuit which makes bright sparks fly, but then unfortunately also puts an end to most possibilities for future developments.

That's fascinating. I thought Ra said that negativity when pure was a gravity well and it was impossible to maintain any degree of positivity.

RE: turning the other cheek? - Asolsutsesvyl - 07-03-2020

(07-03-2020, 06:47 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote:
(07-03-2020, 06:24 PM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote:
(06-21-2020, 11:10 AM)Infinite Wrote: Rereading some excerpts from LOO, it seems to me that martyrdom or accepting everything from others is not ideal in Ra's view.

Quote:May we note that martyrdom is not necessarily helpful.


Ra elsewhere makes clear that positivity is unlinked to the ultimate effects of the giving. E.g., a purely positive being enslaved and used as a source of energy by the dark side can remain purely positive, even though the energy fuels something negative. Consequence ethics are thus separate from the basic functioning of polarity, which has much more to do with intent.

This very simple look at polarity in the abstract is then combined with a more multidimensional analysis in terms of the 7 rays. It becomes very tricky to distinguish between STO and STS in any sure way in a simple formula. But Montalk's point is obviously valid in the simple sense that positivity comes in many forms, and the main, healthy and sustainable forms are not the short-lived paths of martyrdom. At best, martyrdom is like a short-circuit which makes bright sparks fly, but then unfortunately also puts an end to most possibilities for future developments.

That's fascinating. I thought Ra said that negativity when pure was a gravity well and it was impossible to maintain any degree of positivity.

There's many dynamics of polarity which are possible. The extreme of a gravity-well-like spiritual environment is only on one end of a range of possibilities for co-option. Here's the main quote I had in mind...

Quote:25.5 Questioner: You spoke of an Orion Confederation and a battle being fought between the Confederation and the Orion Confederation. Is it possible to convey any concept of how this battle is fought?

Ra: I am Ra. Picture, if you will, your mind. Picture it then in total unity with all other minds of your society. You are then single-minded, and that which is a weak electrical charge in your physical illusion is now an enormously powerful machine whereby thoughts may be projected as things.

In this endeavor the Orion group charges, or attacks, the Confederation arms with light. The result, a standoff, as you would call it, both energies being somewhat depleted by this and needing to regroup; the negative depleted through failure to manipulate, the positive depleted through failure to accept that which is given.

25.6 Questioner: Could you amplify the meaning of what you said by “failure to accept that which is given?”

Ra: I am Ra. At the level of time/space at which this takes place in the form of what you may call thought-war, the most accepting and loving energy would be to so love those who wished to manipulate that those entities were surrounded, engulfed, and transformed by positive energies.

This, however, being a battle of equals, the Confederation is aware that it cannot, on equal footing, allow itself to be manipulated in order to remain purely positive, for then, though pure, it would not be of any consequence, having been placed by the so-called powers of darkness under the heel, as you may say.

It is thus that those who deal with this thought-war must be defensive rather than accepting in order to preserve their usefulness in service to others. Thusly, they cannot accept fully what the Orion Confederation wishes to give, that being enslavement. Thusly, some polarity is lost due to this friction, and both sides, if you will, must then regroup.

It has not been fruitful for either side. The only consequence which has been helpful is a balancing of the energies available to this planet so that these energies have less necessity to be balanced in this space/time, thus lessening the chances of planetary annihilation.