why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Printable Version

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RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - AnthroHeart - 05-14-2020

And then, the murder hornets.

I wonder if these are the last days the Bible prophesied.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-14-2020

(05-14-2020, 07:35 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: And then, the murder hornets.

I wonder if these are the last days the Bible prophesied.

Or the flock of locusts in Africa, Iran releasing 80,00 prisoners, the red forest around Chernobyl being decimated by wildfire, and Krakatoa erupting in the span of like 3 days.

That was a while ago but we go...

I remember reading people saying they wouldn't be surprised if Godzilla came up out of the ocean.

I don't spread fear but I think acting like the world changes at the same rate it always has is a lie.
The world changes more and more rapidly. Maybe it appears more chaotic but I don't think it makes it more negative. It simply appears more bewildering.

But as Ra would say that's just a distortion in your mind body spirit.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - sillypumpkins - 05-14-2020

(05-14-2020, 07:35 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: I wonder if these are the last days the Bible prophesied.

I sort of view "harvest" as being synonymous with Christianity's "apocalypse"..... it's the same thing, just looked at through different lenses..... just my perspective

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-14-2020

(05-14-2020, 09:49 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote:
(05-14-2020, 07:35 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: I wonder if these are the last days the Bible prophesied.

I sort of view "harvest" as being synonymous with Christianity's "apocalypse"..... it's the same thing, just looked at through different lenses..... just my perspective

As much as it's acceptable to laugh at the ideas in the Bible

Stories about the Nephilim, and Idris in Islam sound so much like what is described in the Ra material.

Entities descending to Earth from other planets that existed before or alongside man in a previous age.

The more and more I look in the Law of One...the more it seems like someone either had no idea about any of the relationships to Sahaja Yoga and the Navaratna, or spent a tremendous amount of sophisticated and refined, concerted effort in to hiding the subtle details about the life of Edgar Cayce and what is written about the Tarot for example. What would be the point, I have no idea. It makes me think the Law of One might actually be the truest description of human history if it turns out...none of it is actually a lie? What are the chances of all these connections falling in to place if they weren't intentionally put in there by the writers?

Yet no connections are made between any of these different ideas in the Law of One. I've never heard someone elaborate on the ideas about 3rd density as the way I have lately. It's an element of Sahaja Yoga I never really understood. You're saying the 10 prophets of those different religious persuasions somehow incarnated in a human belly or...something something along that lines guru holiness? The 10 primordial masters dwelling in the Ocean of Illusion. 3rd density Saturn where the planetary council is said to exist in Saturn's rings. Yellow Ray. Corresponding to the third level of Navaratna. Planet: Saturn. Jewel: Blue Sapphire.

..The idea that Saturn's rings have a tremendous astrological/magnetic/gravitational influence that allows extraterrestrial phantoms to dwell in it and shape our experience as they exist in a local domain within the solar system makes a lot more sense of it to me. One that harbors intelligent entities being stabilized.

Attending a Sahaja Yoga class and asking about the 10 masters to the instructor was usually met with a response "We don't really dwell on that, it's not important in our practice" but when I was told that, I got the impression it was more like..

'There's a lot more meaning but I don't expect everyone to try to understand or care, and it would upset people's religious sensibilities. Saying Muhammad and Confucius were along the line of the same entity that reincarnated 10 times would upset both Muslims and Confucians'
Edgar Cayce, Seth, the 10 primal masters. They have a place in the Law of One but are barely spoken of. If Yahweh is a social memory complex or guardian, wellwellwell there is Abraham in it as an example.

It's amazing how I have these ideas and the thought pops in to my head "I wonder what the Lawofone says about Moses" and find a correspondence, like how I thought Saturn would be third density before I even knew it for sure.

Also note the tie-in to Egypt's history:

Shri Raja Janaka – King of Mithila and Father of Shri Sita, wife of Shri Rama (India).
Shri Abraham – Forefather of the 12 tribes of Israel (Israel c. 2000 BC).
Shri Zarathustra – Instituted Monotheism and fire worship (Persia c. 1800 BC).
Shri Moses – Founder of Jewish law (Egypt c. 1250BC).
Shri Lao-Tse – Author of Tao Te Ching (China b. 604 BC).
Shri Confucius – Taught ethics and compiled I Ching (China b. 549 BC).
Shri Socrates – Founder of Greek philosophy (Greece b. 431 BC).
Shri Mohammed – Founder of Islam (Arabia d. 632 AD).
Shri Guru Nanak – Founder of the Sikhs (India b. 1469 AD).
Shri Shirdhi Sainath (Sai Baba) – Prophesied Shri Mataji’s birth (India c. 1840 – 1918 AD).

"16.19 Questioner: If this entity was positively oriented, how was the Orion group able to contact him?
Ra: I am Ra. This was an intensive, shall we say, battleground between positively oriented forces of Confederation origin and negatively oriented sources. The one called Moishe was open to impression and received the Law of One in its most simple form. However, the information became negatively oriented due to his people’s pressure to do specific physical things in the third-density planes. This left the entity open for the type of information and philosophy of a self-service nature."

16.18 Questioner: Was the recipient of the laws… of the Ten Commandments positively or negatively oriented?

Ra: The recipient was one of extreme positivity, thus accounting for some of the pseudo-positive characteristics of the information received. As with contacts which are not successful, this entity, vibratory complex, Moishe, did not remain a credible influence among those who had first heard the philosophy of One and this entity was removed from this third-density vibratory level
in a lessened or saddened state, having lost what you may call the honor and faith with which he had begun the conceptualization of the Law of One and the freeing of those who were of his tribes, as they were called at that time/space.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - AnthroHeart - 05-15-2020

(05-14-2020, 09:45 PM)Navaratna Wrote:
(05-14-2020, 07:35 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: And then, the murder hornets.

I wonder if these are the last days the Bible prophesied.

Or the flock of locusts in Africa, Iran releasing 80,00 prisoners, the red forest around Chernobyl being decimated by wildfire, and Krakatoa erupting in the span of like 3 days.

That was a while ago but we go...

I remember reading people saying they wouldn't be surprised if Godzilla came up out of the ocean.

I don't spread fear but I think acting like the world changes at the same rate it always has is a lie.
The world changes more and more rapidly. Maybe it appears more chaotic but I don't think it makes it more negative. It simply appears more bewildering.

But as Ra would say that's just a distortion in your mind body spirit.

Actually the locusts turned into a blessing cause it's a cheaper food source and I heard they taste like prawns.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-15-2020

(05-15-2020, 02:38 AM)Great Central Sun Wrote:
(05-14-2020, 09:45 PM)Navaratna Wrote:
(05-14-2020, 07:35 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: And then, the murder hornets.

I wonder if these are the last days the Bible prophesied.

Or the flock of locusts in Africa, Iran releasing 80,00 prisoners, the red forest around Chernobyl being decimated by wildfire, and Krakatoa erupting in the span of like 3 days.

That was a while ago but we go...

I remember reading people saying they wouldn't be surprised if Godzilla came up out of the ocean.

I don't spread fear but I think acting like the world changes at the same rate it always has is a lie.
The world changes more and more rapidly. Maybe it appears more chaotic but I don't think it makes it more negative. It simply appears more bewildering.

But as Ra would say that's just a distortion in your mind body spirit.

Actually the locusts turned into a blessing cause it's a cheaper food source and I heard they taste like prawns.

I feel like we're getting a bit off topic here, so how about I try to bring in some channeling content.

I'm listening to the Seth Material...and there is the idea that the physical universe is constructed like a collage of thoughts that entities have, and nothing else.

The idea of COVID-19 for example would be that the idea of exterminating humans with illness existed, either from the mind of the virus or combination of their minds and all humans.

The swarm of locusts were nothing but the thoughts of the locusts and people witnessing them.

What is your idea of this?

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - AnthroHeart - 05-15-2020

It's just a reflection of what's going on in me. I don't understand it.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - freestonew - 05-15-2020

hi everyone, again.

part one

From reading page 2, I have some thoughts.

one, recall the 7 blind men touching the elephant.  each person thinks the elephant is *this* reality, the reality that he touches.  but there is only one elephant.  there are many major religions and if they are evolved enough, all of the Master level truths are embedded within.  However....each religion is speaking to the culture and the times.  Thus if we take an ancient religion, the myths might be taken out of context compared with modern times.  We do not know all of the culture subtle things anymore.   
   somewhat the same with different channing paths to truth.  Ra speaks to one group of souls, Seth speaks, talks to another, mystic christianity speaks to others.

two.  the Harvest.   I suspect that the Harvest has been going on for thousands of years.  but only a few people were harvested at any one time.
Harvest.  I think this is where a soul is "Remembered" by God.   God, here, is a name for the Representative of God, God's Son.  The Son goes by different names in different cultures and times.  for india it is Shiva.  In old Olemic/mayan/aztec world, the Name is Quatacultel. [spelling] or Kulcun.  Ours is Jesus.
"I will Remember you in heaven, ye thief on the cross"! Jesus says.

the crux of the matter is that word "remember"!  This is where a soul now is centered in Christ, and not the earth plane.  when a person dies, the person can only have so much "energy" to remain in heaven, then a reincarnation has to occur.  when centered in Christ, NO MORE INCARNATIONS ARE THEN NEEDED UPON THE EARTH PLANE!!  [maybe only certain christ-activated souls might come again as Teachers and Healers, with a Divine mission.]

when old souls are "ripe" for harvest, then they leave for good, they are then Christed.

there is *another* kind of Harvest!  this is where *all* of the souls, or most of them, are Taken all at one time!! your classical "end times" is the harvest mechanism.  This is where the entire race graduates from earth school and then goes off to college.
Delores Canon wrote, THE KEEPERS OF THE GARDEN, where she found a man who had incarnated from a level three high dimension plane.  his entire race ascended at once to level two.  then to level three.  there, they are all working to go to level four.
This guy told her that our human race is about to go to level two.  

One of the "symptoms" of an immanent harvest, is probably a 150 year lead time of  certain things happening.  the last 40 to 100 years, before collective harvest,  would see even more of this Thing happening.

the Thing.   "class teachings in review", for one.  Got to get everyone Ready!  stimulate everyone to grow in spiritual reality as much a s possible before the event.
bestow knowledge.  create imaginative realities to have people imagine more.  
and yes, lots of this energy will only go to lower self and egos.  the criminals only will get to be worse.  "Toxin release" will occur as as much past live negativities will emerge.    my analogy: Mrs Jones the school teacher of 12th grade seniors, is in her classroom after hours grading papers.  she is now caught up with the curriculum for the year so far.
it is now march 1st.  school is out the middle of June.   the principal steps into the room.  "oh, mrs Jones, good that i caught you here, i need to talk with you.  you do know that in july, the school people will demolish this building as the new school across town is then to be ready.  HOWEVER, the state has told me that due to construction priorities, the demolishing will have to happen the middle of April!  you only have 45 days to finish out the year.  you do not have 105 days!
---and *another* thing.  I want to see that every single resource in this school is used up!  all of the art supplies, the books, the paper, all used up."!
[the earth is seeing a lot of its resources mined, used, cut down, these days.]

sigh.  the next day she tells her kids, in the 12th grade class hour, that today's homework will be to read three books and to write a two page paper on each, every day,there will be 100 math questions per day,  you all will have to do 105 days of school in 45 days!  And i want to see that every single resouce in the art supplies will be used up!

there.   Does this sound familiar?   this slant gives a whole another  way of looking at the last 100 years!
say now:  how in the world do you balance out 20,000,000+ souls who abused, tomented, killed, put down Jewish people, If you only have like 100 years to do this? why, just Concentrate them all into one camp!  what a Gas! Hitler them hard, this is the fascist way to do this.  [nazi jewish Pogrom]

in this new world, probably there every single negativity will be worked out.

when? how?  I have no idea.   
With all of my relatives I had one year with them before they died.  my friend who was so wedded to his farm, the farm took every moment of his time, he could not have a moment to even think. he fell off of his tractor one day and broke his neck!  he was paralyzed now  and could only think.  he lived one year and he accepted Jesus as his savior!

Not only would there be, for those 150+ years before Collective Harvest, a vast acceleration of life so that everyone can be inspired to "get up to speed" as much as possible so to "hit the ground running" when we arrive to this higher dimension:  during the last year or two or three, before the Event or events [one event or maybe several spread out over like ten years] has us all Harvested, there would be, [I would want it, anyway, for the human race]  a one to three year period where we all would "get off of our farms", to just *stop*, to drop out of the rat race and to sit back and ponder death, the afterlife, our lives, our over-focusing on material $suce$$ and ego-greed. None of these will get us Points in this new dimension.

In other words, just before this Harvest, I use my own model of "one year".
Mother; i had a year to really get to know her, the Love...mother...son.    LOVE
Father: he forgave himself for turning against me after mother was killed in the car crash.  FORGIVENESS
Sister;  she had Jesus as her savior.    SALVATION
friend who broke neck;   SALVATION after a year of pondering, being freed from his farm.

Love.  Truth. Goodness.

so just what could give 7 billion people, from all of the countries in the world, a collective one year to live time?  A time to stop everything, in order to face death and to reflect, ponder, ask questions, to grow in spirit and to face one's own darknesses and to maybe deal with them?
I may have answered my question for this thread, here!  why the Virus?!!

then the earth can rest for a while to heal.  then the next class enters.  new souls incarnate.
the few souls that *cannot* be saved, what about them?  maybe they either have to enter with the new class kids or else be sent off to other planets to join their races.
what percentage is saved, will be saved, successfully harvested?  my dreams show me that the number is far higher than some people might think!  like only 2 to 10 percent will Fail!   thus over 90% will Graduate.


RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-15-2020

(05-15-2020, 09:15 AM)freestonew Wrote: hi everyone, again.

part one

From reading page 2, I have some thoughts.

one, recall the 7 blind men touching the elephant.  each person thinks the elephant is *this* reality, the reality that he touches.  but there is only one elephant.  there are many major religions and if they are evolved enough, all of the Master level truths are embedded within.  However....each religion is speaking to the culture and the times.  Thus if we take an ancient religion, the myths might be taken out of context compared with modern times.  We do not know all of the culture subtle things anymore.   
   somewhat the same with different channing paths to truth.  Ra speaks to one group of souls, Seth speaks, talks to another, mystic christianity speaks to others.

two.  the Harvest.   I suspect that the Harvest has been going on for thousands of years.  but only a few people were harvested at any one time.
Harvest.  I think this is where a soul is "Remembered" by God.   God, here, is a name for the Representative of God, God's Son.  The Son goes by different names in different cultures and times.  for india it is Shiva.  In old Olemic/mayan/aztec world, the Name is Quatacultel. [spelling] or Kulcun.  Ours is Jesus.
"I will Remember you in heaven, ye thief on the cross"! Jesus says.

the crux of the matter is that word "remember"!  This is where a soul now is centered in Christ, and not the earth plane.  when a person dies, the person can only have so much "energy" to remain in heaven, then a reincarnation has to occur.  when centered in Christ, NO MORE INCARNATIONS ARE THEN NEEDED UPON THE EARTH PLANE!!  [maybe only certain christ-activated souls might come again as Teachers and Healers, with a Divine mission.]

when old souls are "ripe" for harvest, then they leave for good, they are then Christed.

there is *another* kind of Harvest!  this is where *all* of the souls, or most of them, are Taken all at one time!! your classical "end times" is the harvest mechanism.  This is where the entire race graduates from earth school and then goes off to college.
Delores Canon wrote, THE KEEPERS OF THE GARDEN, where she found a man who had incarnated from a level three high dimension plane.  his entire race ascended at once to level two.  then to level three.  there, they are all working to go to level four.
This guy told her that our human race is about to go to level two.  

One of the "symptoms" of an immanent harvest, is probably a 150 year lead time of  certain things happening.  the last 40 to 100 years, before collective harvest,  would see even more of this Thing happening.

the Thing.   "class teachings in review", for one.  Got to get everyone Ready!  stimulate everyone to grow in spiritual reality as much a s possible before the event.
bestow knowledge.  create imaginative realities to have people imagine more.  
and yes, lots of this energy will only go to lower self and egos.  the criminals only will get to be worse.  "Toxin release" will occur as as much past live negativities will emerge.    my analogy: Mrs Jones the school teacher of 12th grade seniors, is in her classroom after hours grading papers.  she is now caught up with the curriculum for the year so far.
it is now march 1st.  school is out the middle of June.   the principal steps into the room.  "oh, mrs Jones, good that i caught you here, i need to talk with you.  you do know that in july, the school people will demolish this building as the new school across town is then to be ready.  HOWEVER, the state has told me that due to construction priorities, the demolishing will have to happen the middle of April!  you only have 45 days to finish out the year.  you do not have 105 days!
---and *another* thing.  I want to see that every single resource in this school is used up!  all of the art supplies, the books, the paper, all used up."!
[the earth is seeing a lot of its resources mined, used, cut down, these days.]

sigh.  the next day she tells her kids, in the 12th grade class hour, that today's homework will be to read three books and to write a two page paper on each, every day,there will be 100 math questions per day,  you all will have to do 105 days of school in 45 days!  And i want to see that every single resouce in the art supplies will be used up!

there.   Does this sound familiar?   this slant gives a whole another  way of looking at the last 100 years!
say now:  how in the world do you balance out 20,000,000+ souls who abused, tomented, killed, put down Jewish people, If you only have like 100 years to do this? why, just Concentrate them all into one camp!  what a Gas! Hitler them hard, this is the fascist way to do this.  [nazi jewish Pogrom]

in this new world, probably there every single negativity will be worked out.

when? how?  I have no idea.   
With all of my relatives I had one year with them before they died.  my friend who was so wedded to his farm, the farm took every moment of his time, he could not have a moment to even think. he fell off of his tractor one day and broke his neck!  he was paralyzed now  and could only think.  he lived one year and he accepted Jesus as his savior!

Not only would there be, for those 150+ years before Collective Harvest, a vast acceleration of life so that everyone can be inspired to "get up to speed" as much as possible so to "hit the ground running" when we arrive to this higher dimension:  during the last year or two or three, before the Event or events [one event or maybe several spread out over like ten years] has us all Harvested, there would be, [I would want it, anyway, for the human race]  a one to three year period where we all would "get off of our farms", to just *stop*, to drop out of the rat race and to sit back and ponder death, the afterlife, our lives, our over-focusing on material $suce$$ and ego-greed. None of these will get us Points in this new dimension.

In other words, just before this Harvest, I use my own model of "one year".
Mother; i had a year to really get to know her, the Love...mother...son.    LOVE
Father: he forgave himself for turning against me after mother was killed in the car crash.  FORGIVENESS
Sister;  she had Jesus as her savior.    SALVATION
friend who broke neck;   SALVATION after a year of pondering, being freed from his farm.

Love.  Truth. Goodness.

so just what could give 7 billion people, from all of the countries in the world, a collective one year to live time?  A time to stop everything, in order to face death and to reflect, ponder, ask questions, to grow in spirit and to face one's own darknesses and to maybe deal with them?
I may have answered my question for this thread, here!  why the Virus?!!

then the earth can rest for a while to heal.  then the next class enters.  new souls incarnate.
the few souls that *cannot* be saved, what about them?  maybe they either have to enter with the new class kids or else be sent off to other planets to join their races.
what percentage is saved, will be saved, successfully harvested?  my dreams show me that the number is far higher than some people might think!  like only 2 to 10 percent will Fail!   thus over 90% will Graduate.


Jim Mccarty says in his latest interview some people can self-harvest.

There's no need for people to wait unless they choose to.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Patrick - 05-15-2020

You can self harvest, but you need to die first. This is what covid is about. Many people are ready to go but we keep them alive and suffering. So covid gets to these people and gives them an opportunity to end the incarnation.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Sacred Fool - 05-15-2020

(05-15-2020, 04:41 PM)Patrick Wrote: You can self harvest, but you need to die first. This is what covid is about. Many people are ready to go but we keep them alive and suffering. So covid gets to these people and gives them an opportunity to end the incarnation.

As I recall how the term was used in the context of the Ra Material, "self-harvest" was applied to individuals who had exceptionally strong polarity (power) and were able to move to 4D (yes, after death) in a previous historical period, even though the time of general planetary (mandatory) harvest had not yet come.  Rasputin and Genghis Khan come to mind as examples.  Because this is now the the time of the general planetary so-called harvest, all departing souls have to go through the appropriate check points on the way out of the tunnel and be guided by appropriated security personnel to their next it were.  So, self-harvest nowadays is an archaic concept.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-15-2020

(05-15-2020, 04:41 PM)Patrick Wrote: You can self harvest, but you need to die first. This is what covid is about. Many people are ready to go but we keep them alive and suffering. So covid gets to these people and gives them an opportunity to end the incarnation.

Ego death isn't the same thing as death.

All is one means you mind can travel anywhere

The Seth material said something similar, the past future and present are one thing. It's illusion.

The Law of One always goes back to describing people as having distortions that prevent them from recognizing it.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-15-2020

Who knows?

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Patrick - 05-15-2020

I know that self harvest is not necessary at this time. We all walk the steps of light when we exit the incarnation at this moment. I'm just saying that covid is here so that a whole bunch of suffering elderly people can be allowed to do so. We are so afraid of death that we keep them alive way past their time. So now they are given an opportunity to exit if this is what they wanted.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-15-2020

I don't think any of them would consciously agree with that.

Maybe unconsciously, but I'd never tell someone they wanted it.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Asolsutsesvyl - 05-16-2020

(05-15-2020, 07:29 PM)Patrick Wrote: We all walk the steps of light when we exit the incarnation at this moment. I'm just saying that covid is here so that a whole bunch of suffering elderly people can be allowed to do so. We are so afraid of death that we keep them alive way past their time. So now they are given an opportunity to exit if this is what they wanted.

Here in Sweden, half of the 70+ year-olds who die with covid-19 are in the small minority who live in elderly care homes. Those that age who are healthier and live on their own, outside such care facilities, have way, way better odds of survival. In many European countries, about half who die with covid-19 die in homes/care-facilities for the elderly.

So being confined to such a life may really be risk factor no. #1. It is one way of making sense of such a turn of events, that perhaps those most likely to die of this illness are those who have the least room left for setting their direction in life. Navigating out of life when no more navigation can be done within it. Though there are also exceptions.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-16-2020

(05-16-2020, 05:11 AM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote:
(05-15-2020, 07:29 PM)Patrick Wrote: We all walk the steps of light when we exit the incarnation at this moment. I'm just saying that covid is here so that a whole bunch of suffering elderly people can be allowed to do so. We are so afraid of death that we keep them alive way past their time. So now they are given an opportunity to exit if this is what they wanted.

Here in Sweden, half of the 70+ year-olds who die with covid-19 are in the small minority who live in elderly care homes. Those that age who are healthier and live on their own, outside such care facilities, have way, way better odds of survival. In many European countries, about half who die with covid-19 die in homes/care-facilities for the elderly.

So being confined to such a life may really be risk factor no. #1. It is one way of making sense of such a turn of events, that perhaps those most likely to die of this illness are those who have the least room left for setting their direction in life. Navigating out of life when no more navigation can be done within it. Though there are also exceptions.

It's incredible the difference money makes in this whole thing.

People with plenty of money are almost completely unaffected while many millions of people across the world are literally starving because they have no jobs suddenly, and their governments don't care about them.

It's life and death. Did you retire comfortably--or have to go to a care home?
In a rich or poor country, doesn't matter. A care home is a death sentence for many.

I was shown I'm not entirely immune from being thrown off balance as much as I like to think. I had to make difficult decisions and usually I'm not under that pressure.. but in the back of my mind I was thinking "That's life, you get pushed in directions you didn't ask for. It's just the way it is." Simply preferring it not be a certain way isn't reality.

A lot of people--the family-oriented kind or people very serious about their work would speak like it was a non-issue and that it was something they'd just brush aside. I saw people dismissing it away like those same people would about a whole variety of concepts that would make them question their reality but eventually people can't deny that this kind of does threaten the entire foundation our entire fundamental society. Rich countries look fine, but the amount of warfare I think is practically guaranteed to erupt as a result of this is pretty horrifying. The Middle East went through it ever since 2010 for economic reasons, and South America in the past several months was seeing enormous protests over government budgeting. A latin spring would not surprise me one bit but the reporting is all focused on what's going on in the host-nations of media. No one has priority to care about what's going on across the ocean right now.

it must be hard for family-oriented people to accept that this is something that could last for years. What economic prospect does that leave people when I heard the other day that 40% of jobs that were lost in the U.S. will never return because of the amount of businesses going bankrupt?

Or what if this virus mutates a lot?

I remember reading stuff about Brazil's president coming under a lot of criticism for not taking this so seriously. He wasn't enforcing lockdowns and has been criticized as reckless towards the environment. He was saying "We're all going to die one day" and think what you want of the man but hearing that from a world leader was pretty unexpected. Very blunt and true, but not something everyone would prefer to hear.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Eddie - 05-16-2020

Bizarre EU-Funded Comic Book Predicted Pandemic, With Globalists As Saviours

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Diana - 05-16-2020

(05-15-2020, 07:29 PM)Patrick Wrote: I'm just saying that covid is here so that a whole bunch of suffering elderly people can be allowed to do so.

Certainly this is an opportunity perhaps, for some people to exit this life.

(05-15-2020, 07:29 PM)Patrick Wrote: We are so afraid of death that we keep them alive way past their time. So now they are given an opportunity to exit if this is what they wanted.

You have left out of this equation that the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies and poverty and poor eating habits (promoted by advertising and big food companies), etc. have created a situation where the elderly, in general, are not healthy. They are kept sick by allopathic practices. Couple this with the natural process of aging and metabolism, and you have people who are very ill and don't function well. They aren't necessarily past their time naturally, they are past their time artificially.

So yes, this is an opportunity to exit the horrible existence of living in a nursing home. But if our world really cared about well-being and heath, those who get to an old age wouldn't be there; they would be living in their homes gardening or doing whatever they wanted to do. Maybe slower, maybe somewhat debilitated by natural aging, but still of value to the world and still finding joy in life.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - flofrog - 05-16-2020

So agree, Diana

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Sacred Fool - 05-16-2020

(05-16-2020, 12:21 PM)Eddie Wrote: Bizarre EU-Funded Comic Book Predicted Pandemic, With Globalists As Saviours

I see two things here.  First, the entire pandemic scenario was easily and entirely foreseen, yet even so, governments chose not to prepare.  This shows a massive failure of leadership worldwide.  Second, and related, the author of the work could not, however, foresee the incapacity for governance that we live under worldwide.  The magnitude of the incompetence is astonishing, and it's an exact correlate to how well we're now preparing for global sea level rise.

Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Eddie - 05-16-2020

(05-16-2020, 03:57 PM)peregrine Wrote:   Second, and related, the author of the work could not, however, foresee the incapacity for governance that we live under worldwide.  The magnitude of the incompetence is astonishing, and it's an exact correlate to how well we're now preparing for global sea level rise.

I disagree; I think the "incompetence" was entirely foreseen, and depended upon. 

It's not incompetence, it's acting according to direction.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - ricdaw - 05-16-2020

(05-14-2020, 04:20 PM)peregrine Wrote:  
So, you guys with the bruised chests.  Most of us (I'm guessing) are already aware that this poor planet has been stumbling its way through 3D and is suffering significantly for all its missteps.  The question here--on a forum nominally concerned with spiritual matters--the question here is, what are the spiritual principles involved?

Where would that discussion begin?

Well, my bias is to pull out that Tarot deck and see what's what.  And an internal virus that makes the body ill is Card 8, (Justice) which is paired with the Hermit.  These two cards could embody the spiritual principles at play.  Also, the random nature of contagion suggests the Wheel of Fate card, and it's pairing with Strength.  Covid-19 is a very prevalent real-life example of either/both of these sets of cards.  It might be a productive exercise to study these two sets to see their esoteric intentions, and then come back to explore our actual experience to see if those esoteric learnings are happening.  The Archetypes are archetypes for a reason.  There is some wisdom, when confronted by something this big, to go back and see what the textbooks say, which in this case are those 22 cards.  

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Sacred Fool - 05-16-2020

(05-16-2020, 07:08 PM)Eddie Wrote:
(05-16-2020, 03:57 PM)peregrine Wrote:   Second, and related, the author of the work could not, however, foresee the incapacity for governance that we live under worldwide.  The magnitude of the incompetence is astonishing, and it's an exact correlate to how well we're now preparing for global sea level rise.

I disagree; I think the "incompetence" was entirely foreseen, and depended upon. 

It's not incompetence, it's acting according to direction.

Oh, you disagree, do you!?!?

Well, I got the impression that the author of that comic book who portrayed the bureaucrats and politicians and plutocrats as being so impressively capable that they (with some special help) defeated the virus in six months expected our governing institutions to be competent.  I'm guessing those who ordered and paid for that little propaganda piece felt the same way and might be a little embarrassed by now.   On the other hand, those in whose name these institutions have been made impotent might be the ones to whom you refer.

Ah, but the light will eventually dispel the you know.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Infinite - 05-16-2020

(05-15-2020, 04:54 PM)peregrine Wrote: As I recall how the term was used in the context of the Ra Material, "self-harvest" was applied to individuals who had exceptionally strong polarity (power) and were able to move to 4D (yes, after death) in a previous historical period, even though the time of general planetary (mandatory) harvest had not yet come.  Rasputin and Genghis Khan come to mind as examples.  Because this is now the the time of the general planetary so-called harvest, all departing souls have to go through the appropriate check points on the way out of the tunnel and be guided by appropriated security personnel to their next it were.  So, self-harvest nowadays is an archaic concept.

Self-harvest is what is called ascension in esoteric and New Age sources. Whether positive or negative, reaching the eighth level of the third density (the level of intelligent infinity) allows one to harvest anytime he wishes. The difference is that positive polarity wants to share the fruits of experience with others, and therefore remains incarnated. Negative polarity doesn't care.

About COVID-19, it's certainly the biggest global catalyst since the end of the Cold War. I have many doubts about the metaphysical origin of the pandemic, but at the moment it seems more sensible and useful to us to share ways to improve ourselves and our family members in terms of health. It's time for reflection. Time to ask ourselves how we can serve in this difficult time.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Diana - 05-16-2020

Regarding the comic book: Isn't the point being missed that there may have been foreknowledge of such a virus? That it may have been planned? I am not trying to go down the rabbit hole of conspiracy, but conspiracies do exist.

I agree that this is a time for reflection, and humanity is being offered substantial opportunities for growth both personally and collectively. 

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Sacred Fool - 05-16-2020

Whether covid-19 was human generated on purpose or not, ever since the H1N1 virus a few years back the public health community has been acutely aware that a novel corona virus which is easily transmissible would emerge, sooner or later. Since that time, as is clearly evident, the public health and security staff responsible for preparing for such things have been disempowered. By whom? Why? I can't really say, but the disastrous state of our readiness gesticulates towards the utter vacuum of responsible leadership......worldwide.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Diana - 05-16-2020

The ineptitude of leadership, public health orgs and the whole lot of government agencies and bureaucracies is certainly evident. It boggles the mind.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - flofrog - 05-16-2020

(05-16-2020, 10:34 PM)Diana Wrote: The ineptitude of leadership, public health orgs and the whole lot of government agencies and bureaucracies is certainly evident. It boggles the mind.

it's interesting, if you look at graphs of how countries somewhat, as a whole reacted, yes that's evident. But it's interesting, when you look at all these curves of different countries, it's also, seen from close, a mosaic of different evolution, some countries interestingly did in fact react in a pretty prepared way such as South Korea and Germany. And they seemed to have done their job, tracking immediately from one person who showed early the sign of Covid to whom that person had had exchanges. You could say that at least there was some preparedness. And Germany had nearly above all else the best results and they are now soft opening but worried as they see signs of small peaks here and there of new cases. Still their number of death is incredibly low compared to other neighbors.

Interestingly both South Korea and Germany have a collective feeling of 'let's take good care of all of us'. Definitely a sense of a small nascent, or not nascent what do I know, SMC, probably same for South Korea ? Japan is another country where cases numbers and deaths are slightly different. And there again, this is a group which mentality is very much personal self effacing for the group. I am not talking politics here, not judging or praising. just observing as collective social behavior. And then there is Africa, but numbers could be disputed for lack of testing or lack of means for exact reporting but still it seems very far from the devastating Ebola, and Africa is a mosaic too but definitely the sense of belonging to a group, to a tribe, and inside help is definitely strong.

So yes this Covid is for sure an interesting thing in its evolution.

From Peregrine
Quote:Whether covid-19 was human generated on purpose or not, ever since the H1N1 virus a few years back the public health community has been acutely aware that a novel corona virus which is easily transmissible would emerge, sooner or later. Since that time, as is clearly evident, the public health and security staff responsible for preparing for such things have been disempowered. By whom? Why? I can't really say, but the disastrous state of our readiness gesticulates towards the utter vacuum of responsible leadership......worldwide.

one definitely has a feeling of that disempower thing, right ?

The utter chaos on many and the sudden loss of all apparent means of survival is, to say the least, pretty incredible. Strange strange year and sad

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Sylver - 05-17-2020

Hey guys so i'm a long time lurker first time poster and I'd like to share what i've gathered from my research

COVID is a purposefully released bioweapon that has been in the works for some time now. TPTB are blatant about wanting to tighten controls even more as well as reduce the population. The globalists like Bill Gates are behind it and even went as far to 'simulate' this exact scenario back in november in his 'event 201' exercise.

In this 'excercise' they predicted the exact type of virus and claim that it will infect 80-90% of the population leading to 66 million deaths. As it stands with completed cases to deaths ratio the lethality rate is apx 20% meaning 80-90% would result in about 1.5 billion deaths.

There is evidence that the virus never leaves your body and shares traits with HIV. This could make future lethality even greater.

They want to reduce the population to 500 million so that they may have full control over every individual, this isnt farfetched at all. They poison us from the moment we are born and in every single thing we consume, this is because the human body is quite resilient and must take alot of poison before succumbing.

The 'media' is greatly underreporting and not sharing the truth. This is done in hopes that more deaths will occur. Proper action with this sort of threat would mean full martial law lockdown months ago with distrobution of rations and PPE hazmat suits and gasmasks, of which they have hundreds of thousands just sitting in bunkers being unused. It should becoming more and more obvious the intention is to allow as many people to die as possible.

As im sure many of you already know we live in a world devoid of spiritual existence. Our entire lives are fake and we are groomed to become addicted to electronics and drugs from a very young age. We no longer have any real life skills. We do not homestead, farm, forage, etc. We are incapable of taking care of ourselves and go as far to mock groups such as the amish people who do have such skills. This is all according to plan.

A good quote from the matrix goes like this 'You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.'

I dont wish to scare any of you. Only for you to be aware that you may take the necessary precautions to survive this event.

Another important point goes back to Bill Gates. He wants the world forcibly vaccinated and chipped because of this pandemic.

Congress has passed HR 6666 (fitting) that allows this to happen.

Vaccines contain nano-tech designed to sterilize, mentally handicap, and blatantly kill off its hosts. This is why the 'media' demonizes 'antivaxxers' so much. They want you to give up your medical consent so that they may do all of those things without your permission as it is already done to many children at birth whom parents are manipulated through fear to replace 1/4th of their blood with a foreign substance that has not undergone any human studies and is illegal to analyze under a microscope by independent sources.

Now onto the more spiritual reasonings behind this. The illuminati or the 'hidden hand' of the powers that be, whatever you want to call them believe they are doing the world a service by partaking in all these actions. They operate in full transparency as to dissolve karma by not lying. They believe by embodying the darkness they give us reason to polarize against them and become harvestable because of this. Clearly humanity is too doped up on the vices they have provided for this to actually occur but the possibility remains possible.

ll/research actually asked Q'ou about this virus:

To summarize Q'ou confirms it is man made and that the positive use of it is the exact same as the philosophy of the illuminati. For us to come together against the tyranny.

The course of action for the most positive development is very obvious to me.

We must adopt a much simpler lifestyle and go back to family roots and earthly roots. Its time to give up the technology and drugs and live in what could only be termed as anarchy, or life without governance. This is the positive outcome you all seek. There will be no saviour besides yourself. It all starts with you.