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Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Spiritual Development & Metaphysical Matters (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Thread: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? (/showthread.php?tid=14848) |
RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Mahakali - 09-30-2017 (09-22-2017, 06:29 AM)smc Wrote: 90% New Age bullshit Well. I mean. The one good thing you pointed out here is that there are people who use astral implants as parts of conscious/subconscious "contracts" with people, and revoking them with strong intent and willpower will cause these entities to remove said implants. The bad thing is that this doesn't really work for the truly nasty ones. Whatever's doing those just doesn't give a f***. (09-22-2017, 09:50 AM)Dante776 Wrote: Lastly, I have not given my power away. That's just new age nonsense. Most of the stuff posted on this forum is New Age nonsense. I see a bit of it in your posts, too. What we do know is that, yes, Illuminati mind control implants, greys, reptilians, and trauma-based mind control exist. Greys are creatures without emotions, so called because their aura is grey. Humans can become grey. Perhaps they can manifest in some other form (i.e., actual grey aliens), but I've never seen it, and it would have to be located somewhere away from this planet's direct energy field, or at the very least away from society. Reptilians are called such because the "reptilian" part of the brain dominates their consciousness. There is no empathy, no compassion, no concept of anything other than f*** and eat and survive and evolve. These can be human. I've never seen them in any other form. MILABS, SRA, and trauma-based mind control definitely exist. Most New Age groups are definitely bullshit and controlled by reptilians. But so is most of everything else. Christians pretend to be the good guys, but they're just a lighter shade of grey, who the reptiles send you running to if the openly nasty ones spook you. The answer lies in time/space. The negs will try to shut off the time/space channels in the brain if they can, but these things still definitely exist in the energy field of the universe, so there is theoretically some way to get to them. As Seth says, a type of sound wave that is not audible to human ears is, along with light, responsible for the energy field of the body. (Scalar waves?) At any rate, I've found this "sound" to be extremely important in solving this puzzle, along with the geometrical configurations of the energy system of the human body. I have a theory (may or nay not be correct) that the ether is a storehouse for the light and electricity that cause motion in the denser protons/neutrons/what-have-you. This isn't really important, though; all that's important is reclaiming the self. Jumping from one (for lack of a better term) "morphic field" to the other can completely reconfigure the energy body and DNA - question is, how do you find the right blueprints in this massive sea of vibrations? What Ra referred to as "groping in the moonlight", which is what you have to do when you're dealing with negative entities. Maybe you get lucky and someone throws you a bone. Maybe you develop the willpower to jump right to the right vibrations. Just feel them becoming more and more a part of reality until it happens, and don't get sidetracked when they try to throw you off with their astral implants. The key is to learn how to sense and manipulate the time/space portion of the puzzle, the energy body that determines what you will become. The only New Age material I trust even a little bit are the Ra material and Seth Speaks (I don't know about the other Seth books). I'm assuming you've read the former, and I highly recommend the latter. But the vast majority of channeled materials are utter bullshit, either caused by negative astral entities or just humans fucking around with advanced technology. Ra and Seth contain so much useful information that isn't in the interests of the enslavers to make public that I believe them. I'm not sure if there's a really a Maldek anywhere, but there definitely is a time/space body, psychotronic weapons, and some weird s*** going on. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - smc - 10-01-2017 Mahakali Time and time again your posts are filled with hatred, snideness and arrogance - just now another example: saying I wrote "90% New Age bullshit" Negative entities continue to find a home within you because the conditions within you are a match with them. I am not denying the existence of negative polarity. But it has no power other than what it is given. This is explained in The Ra material. Darkness is not the opposite of Light. It's an absence of Light. Light illuminates darkness - darkness can't turn 'off' Light. Fundamental law. The solution to fear is love and wisdom. 'darkness', (fear and hate) are ABSENCES of LIGHT/LOVE yes they 'exist' - but as states of lack - of non Recognising this is one of the FIRST tools required to address your and 776's situations. The L/L team regularly met with negative greetings - 'rejected' the offer/s - and the negative entity could no longer risk losing polarity by interacting with the Love/Light they offered it. At some point there is an allowing negativity to dwell within - to find a home within us -because if we are not in resonance with negativity it can't risk losing polarity by being in a climate of positivity/wisdom and Light.... I received (brief) negative greetings simply from reading your comment about me - strong irritation arose - but I took time to go to the centre of myself (which is Love/Light) before replying to you. That was a CHOICE. It's a choice I make sometimes daily - and the more I make it the stronger my Light becomes. 776 and you, could give thought to who you 'are' and how you speak to and treat others (and yourselves) and consider that the absence of light (negative entities controlling you et al) is occurring because the conditions were already appropriate/resonant within you. I say this with compassion for the initial then ongoing 3D trauma in your lives that violated your sovereignty and caused the bleeding out of the light you were born full of... in the first place. As well as containing much light and beauty and fun - 3D is a cruel, harsh, disgusting, pain-filled dimension. I have no new age bypassing or bliss-bunny bullshit ideas about that. I have love for you both; and wish you both the best. I feel your pain and isolation and anger. I'm no stranger to those feelings. Having experienced psychic torture myself - I've l/earned through the 'battle', powerful knowledge ("wisdom") of how to 'vanquish' darkness and negative energies/entities... you can call that "90% new age bullshit" if you like.... that's of course your choice but if you want less abuse be less abusive at the moment you're both resonant containers for negativity your words again and again show this nb: Greys? They can't stand to be anywhere near me!!! ![]() I'm tired of saying this - but I've been dealing with this for double the time you've been alive - and STILL I'm learning - re dark entities? yes - have had lots of experience there - why don't I talk about them? Waste of time and energy. What you focus on you create MORE OF. Because that's what brings them 'alive'... that gives them 'power'. - I've done real world/non-theoretical training in 'banishing' evil. 30 years worth.... but you're such a wounded angry disrespecter, I don't share that knowledge with you - because when I begin to, you call it new age bullshit... ![]() besides the Ra material has already given you the answer!! ![]() why do you keep coming here repeating your experiences of pain? (and presuming you're the only ones who've experienced that level of severity of it) MAKE a CHANGE. become more loving Mahakali - first with YOURSELF Love yourself 'Mahakali' !! that's a start - or continue posting, complaining, arguing for your disempowerment it's up to you how long it'll take you to claim your power back... your choice RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Mahakali - 10-01-2017 (10-01-2017, 03:05 AM)smc Wrote: Time and time again your posts are filled with hatred, snideness and arrogance I'd like to see someone who's lived my life act any different. I wasn't always like this, you know. I hate all of you. I do. You can't imagine what my existence has been like. No one else? Don't put words in my mouth, now. What I will say is that you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone on a higher plateau of misery. There is nothing you could do to me to make me feel any worse to any substantial degree. Yeah, sure, the Ra material mentions that all is free will. It also mentions that there are negative time/space mechanics that can take higher-density wanderers a very long time and a lot of effort to get out of. The metaphysical and the physical are inseparable, and you could also argue that a paraplegic "chose" to be like that, and that all he has to do is change his vibration, 'cause, you know, all is vibration. On some level, that may be true, but it hardly does the poor bastard any good. OP pretty clearly stated that "Chaaaange your vibrations, maaaaaaaaan" and the rest of that joint-puffing hippie s*** was not an adequate response to his problems. I can relate. But I think you know that and you're just joking around, or outright trolling. I can't imagine you're seriously arguing that all you have to is snap your fingers and your problems will be solved. You know what? f*** it. I'll try it. I'll ask the angels of love and light to solve my problems for me. We'll see if I'm not the same miserable, bitter piece of s*** tomorrow. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - smc - 10-01-2017 I was going to kill myself - I couldn't live with the pain any longer... And I lay there, alone, utterly alone - back from the ER admission - alone for 2 weeks; and I realised no-one gave a f*** about me. Not in any practical way. The friends who could help were too far away and living their lives and my family were abusing me; and I was a hermit who had moved back to my parents town when they suggested it and never went out the door... I said to myself - If you're going to stay here in this (sometimes pleasant) hellhole - you must engage in minute by minute intense self love/self care/self respect - if you are going to make it through to the end of this incarnation you are going to need to take care of yourself properly. I said to myself - if you don't look after yourself - no-one else is... at least if you do it - you'll know it will get done - your needs will be met - befriend yourself and look after yourself - and anything else from anyone is a bonus... self love/self care/self respect isn't about being "selfish" it's a VITAL survival strategy here in 3D examples: - I stopped allowing family to verbally abuse me - I wrote letters speaking my mind and confronting lies - I cut off people who disrespected me - I ate well - I stayed sober - I got enough sleep - I hid when I needed to - I shared my feelings and needs with people - I zoned out ... I kept trying.... sometimes a lesson needs extra repeats - I f***** up about 2 years again after this first suicide attempt... and had to go back to square one - but I did - I began again and I made the self care and self respect REALLY strong again I promised myself I would become my best friend - that I would love and support myself and I would be gentle with myself - I would give myself all the things I was wanting from all the shitty abusers and abandoning people who should have done better by me... and here I am - 4 and a half years later from the second near-death - and getting safer and calmer and tolerating less BS and doing more that is fulfilling to me each day... yes - it's not great - life is still incredibly hurtful and difficult - but I can rely on myself - I know I'm going to take care of myself till I'm meant to leave... and the heartache has gotten even stronger !! I'm now estranged from my whole family! - sister mother father... and my dad is 95.. (he was 40 when I was born)... I'll probably never see him again - and can't go to the funeral because of all the abuse and gaslighting and s*** that's happening... I live alone - no kids - no partner - no job - PTSD clinical depression, physical injuries, fibromyalgia, arthritis, severe disc protrusion in my neck... no job for the last 25 years because of a violent workplace assault that took 10 years to be dealt with in a court case... it's 36 years since I had a complete nervous breakdown at 19... from all the abuse I'd already gone through at that point - and it only got worse and worse... but I figured out either die or take loving care of yourself... and I chose self care I trust me I love me I've got my back I used to be fucking furious and I had EVERY right to be just as you do RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Mahakali - 10-01-2017 (10-01-2017, 10:27 AM)smc Wrote: and the heartache has gotten even stronger !! I'm now estranged from my whole family! - sister mother father... and my dad is 95.. (he was 40 when I was born)... I'll probably never see him again - and can't go to the funeral because of all the abuse and gaslighting and s*** that's happening... I live alone - no kids - no partner - no job - PTSD clinical depression, physical injuries, fibromyalgia, arthritis, severe disc protrusion in my neck... no job for the last 25 years because of a violent workplace assault that took 10 years to be dealt with in a court case... it's 36 years since I had a complete nervous breakdown at 19... from all the abuse I'd already gone through at that point - and it only got worse and worse... but I figured out either die or take loving care of yourself... and I chose self care But why would you choose to go through all that? Negativity has no power except that which it is given. You shouldn't be such a resonant container for experiences like that. What you focus on you create MORE OF. MAKE A CHANGE. ... For the record, the "90% new age bullshit thing" was more a compliment than anything, because I found something in your reply that I actually agreed with. You'll notice that I didn't reply to anyone else at all. My point is that you seem to have some kind of mental line drawn between subtle and physical forces. And to some degree, your advice is accurate, if it's a low-level attack and your etheric body is working properly, but there's nothing you wrote there that all of us haven't seen on bubble-headed (if not outright malicious) New Age blogs a million and a half times. What's the chance OP hasn't already heard all that? The MK-ULTRA (as it's called in common parlance) bullshit can be exceptionally hard to get rid of. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - smc - 10-01-2017 I don't know why I chose all this - that's obscured from me due to "the veil" yes- Negativity has no power except that which it is given... I no longer give it any power... if I never see my family again- it will not break me - or hurt me or control me they don't realise this - they're still playing games - they think I'm going to cave and pretend - but I'm not I focus on happiness and self care and the seals and whales out my window and hundreds of other things that bring peace and joy... I've turned my face to the sun I am changed I AM CHANGE yes - there is SUCH a lot of bubbleheaded bs stuff 'out there'... RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - loostudent - 10-01-2017 (09-20-2017, 08:47 PM)Dante776 Wrote: Be careful of what some may deem “The Harvest.” For many it will involve what amounts to a demonic possession /.../ This seems to be a serious condition. One thing I know against possesion is exorcism ... Before possesion there is usually engagement in some kind of paranormal activity that opens the doors ... I hope you'll soon find a way to get well. In relation to harvest I think negative entities are working against positive harvest. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - smc - 10-01-2017 ok.. "MKUltra" I'm living in an ancient, massive, low population island (Australia) on the other side of the planet to the CIA... other than having our phones tapped by ASIO - (when I lived with Communists 25 years ago)... I have no experience of "MKUltra" what happened? - how were/are you targeted? explain - I'm listening RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Mahakali - 10-02-2017 (10-01-2017, 09:14 PM)smc Wrote: ok.. "MKUltra" MK-ULTRA is slang at this point, used to refer to these techniques and their successors used by anyone in just about any context. The SRA scare of the 80's and 90's also had a lot to do with the same concepts, I think. At this point, this technology is in the hands of just about everybody AFAIK, and I know of at least one Black Lodge in Ausfailia that is pretty adept at using the stuff. Electronic and etheric mind control is the main point, and they can do just about anything you can imagine. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - smc - 10-02-2017 aaaaand.... RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Coordinate_Apotheosis - 10-02-2017 I was lurking for the first time in a while, and as usual I immediately come across something that invokes a desire to respond despite my prejudices. Oh how funny it is that some are still as they are yet believe they have changed, and o' how hilarious it is to see how some judge others where I perceive the judgments of the other being of the self. The classic 'Mirror Syndrome' still exists. Such as with fear, the Law of One breeds great amounts of fear. Perhaps it too is a control scheme. Or is that Five Dimensional entity trying to kill the channel just for entertainment to draw the readers in? It's nice to see how cemented some things are, perhaps that's a part of the joy of incarnate physical life, how slowly things change. The time that is granted by that concept. The way we all argue with each other without realizing we're arguing with ourselves. Then after it's all said and done, we laugh at how ridiculous we in the flesh were now that we're outside of it. Anyway, hi Dante, interesting post you've made. I hope my commentary will be of some help to you, if not, please don't club me to death. I'm just going to come out and say it. What you are dealing with is empowered by one fuel source above all else. Your belief. You believe. With it you open the energetic system to interaction with entities of such a belief. Interestingly this is encouraged because it's a form of magic, ironically it's not spoken alongside it's dangers for a reason. Possession, Corruption, Entanglement, Infringement, you name it, you believe in the higher beings, the godly ones with access to energy like a tool one can grasp and utilize with appendages. You believe in them and further you believe in their power, their abilities, and you finally ascend the naivety of polarity with the understanding of the preached information in the Law of One, that passed a point, left and right have no analogy, no presence, they are one in the same being identified and interpreted by individuals who grasp and perceive uniquely. So, here you are, you know all this crazy stuff, what's more you believe in it, and now you're having a falling out. You're beginning to mature to the reality of the new reality you entered, you're realizing the depth of it's consequences and gains. Have you realized it's magic yet? There is no such thing as innocent magic use, when you open your mind and heart to the universe, which is containing potentially all things, you open yourself up to the higher energies which have no judgment between left and right (the Law of One does not look away from either path), and further you begin to realize that the same 'good guys' you believe in are more than capable of the 'bad guy' stuff, and suddenly your God is not just a Lover, but a Monster too. So what can you do? Even further is how you have allowed yourself to let another being as you perceive it to control you. So let's stop there and let me point out something. In the Law of One, the way Ra asks the group to handle the Five Dimensional Entity, is to regard it as your self and treat it as such. The idea in line here is if it's truly of a left hand polarity, serenading it in the love of self it knows, only now from another (yourself), will weaken it enough so to compromise it's danger. And then they drop the bomb that is you cannot be of service to others to a service to self entity, and even referred to the ideal as humorous. So. Contradictory just a bit you might think, well yeah, reality and life is a paradox, the Law of One is a paradox, as is unity, infinity, eternity, so how does one be a way they cannot be? Hey, Dante, have you ever thought that perhaps it's all in your mind? And the power and control you provide to others is something you create from yourself? Regardless of what the cause actually is, what's important is you need to do some spiritual cleansing and soul searching with these entities. They are your darkness manifest, and there is a war going on within your mind, but you deem it between you and 'them'. 'They', don't care how you perceive it so long as it's in the wrong way (right way for them). As a creature of the mind, you are under control by your own mind. Your mind is also under your control, this isn't Star Trek where someone can just think up control of your body, they need to work for it, and it is a lot of work. You think your soul just incarnated and mergered with the fetus that was you and was able to control the body all willy-nilly? No way dude! Your soul had to take time to map out the nervous system and merge with it. These entities might have your own mergered control system to piggy-back on but they can't just hijack you without your letting them. Perhaps they can fight and overpower your willpower, but then that still ultimately boils down to you relenting to their motions rather than your own. Don't relent, but also don't fight. The greatest truth of battle is each injury you inflict upon another is an injury you inflict upon yourself. It's in spirit, and perhaps more metaphorical than literal, but truly inflicting violence hurts all parties involved one way or another. You are trying to counter their control with your own style of violence. That is the problem, the violence. It's all so violent isn't it. The good guys can be evil, the life is just cannon fodder for other entities, physical creation is a test dummy for metaphysical creation. The control and implants, the fear and force, the disbelief and desperation, the feelings of disdain and uncertainty leading you to the feeling of a loss control which incites within your instinctive responses a need for anger and violence, lashing back out to regain control. I have a saying, taken from the Led Zeppelin song Stairway to Heaven, To Be A Rock And Not To Roll. The rock is not violent. It's just hard, and blunt, or jagged, but it isn't violent. It's heavy, compact, and potentially dangerous, but that rock is still, and while it is still it is not violent. Be a Rock, and don't roll. When you start rolling, you have all these new forces behind you, the ability to cut, the ability to break, even the ability to self destruct upon impact. The point of that entire rock metaphor is you are a rolling rock, you see the Flyer as the one who holds you, and you say you are not in control of yourself as it throws you about and strikes another with you. Perhaps if you were a literal rock in perfect stillness without comprehension of how you are used, this wouldn't be an issue, but to you as a self aware being, it is disconcerting, so you roll with it, you try to slip out of the hand. You push off the responsibility as belonging to you for when you are used to start a fire or smash a window. But you are rolling, and only a rolling rock can hurt someone without another using that rolling rock. It's violent. Stop, just stop rolling with it, stop believing in it, stop thinking about it in certain ways. You need to stand still, and perceive the situation from a standpoint that is not constantly blurred from your rolling through the situation. You are, another person in the portrait of a landscape that is God. You are the rock in it, and you are not supposed to be rolling, you're not a landslide, or a falling toppling rock, you're a boulder on the ground still and quaint. Maybe you're in a battlefield, perhaps something has struck you, and perhaps you are covered in blood, but maybe you're not. Maybe it's just a fictional portrayal you as the rock are imagining yourself in. Is your normal life becoming boring, or spiraling out of control? Have you lost many close friends, has anyone close to you died recently? Are you aware that you are disassociating yourself from the physical reality you exist within? That this disassociation is a form of self created magic done by the mind for the mind to cope? You are possessed? Stop believing in it, when that belief rears it's ugly head, let it's gross gaze stare right through you, as if you were glass. Then continue being as you were, TRY TO, tell yourself it's just you thinking of things that aren't healthy and to think of healthy things, like a delicious glass of mint tea. Demons HATE mint (citation needed), and they sure as hell can't stand the yumminess of tea leaves soaked in water (citation needed). I mean, what does a demon even want from you, who are you? Or any one for real, like arguable none of this is even real, all just a holographic illusion of light birthed by shadows of the Creator distorting manifestations of its self. The light can't have an analogue without darkness to define it. Just as the light defines shadows, those shadows define the light that forms them. The sharper the light, the sharper the darkness, the closer the light, the blurrier the darkness, the more intense the light, the more the shadows fade away, but behind every single light, there is darkness. Just at space bro, all of that 'darkness' out there has enough light flowing through it to light it up like a christmas tree plugged into a dam, the only reason we don't see it is because that light isn't all traveling right at us so we don't see it's path, not like the stars we see in the sky (of which we're seeing their past selves because light apparently can travel into the future because it travels at it's own speed which relativity says there is no time at the speed of light and what am I even saying anymore...) My point is, you need to change the way you think about it, sort of like SMC said, that is literally the most important thing because here's the reality man. No demon can grab your hand, and make it strike someone, without you allowing it. If you hate, it draws on that. Just like in hypnosis, you can't make a hypnotized person do something they deeply truly do not want to do (unless you literally torture them with drugs and physical harm until their own persona is lost to them aka 'broken', of which demons can't make you ingest drugs or inflict enough pain upon you to make you pass out regardless of what some would say). If you are doing things against your will, well, some part of you is okay with it, perhaps you should pinpoint that part and heal it with acceptance and a lack of judgment that dissolves it back into where it spawned, that being you. Further if your thoughts are an antennae then it's all the more important to broadcast on frequencies that those entities find painful (like a loud shrill noise to them that's a pleasant hum to you). But don't do it to hurt them, you don't forgive a person to make them feel bad that you forgave them, you forgive a person for your own self. So change the way you think for yourself to get the darknesses of yourself in line with your self. Remember that every evil entity is an extension of your shadow self, and further, you're an extension of a portion of themselves that they are trying to dominate. If you are unable to be dominated, do you think they'll spend the energy trying anymore? For each failure to harm you, they lose power without gain. In polarity, the dark polarity is truly handicapped in how much collective disdain exists towards it, formulating their realities to be very hard to sustain the self within without basically being a slave. That there are those that can travel willy-nilly is a blessing, it is their presence that points out how contrasting your presence is. So the next time this godly dark entity is trying to control you, remember, it's trying to control a portion of its self as per it's intention and will due to it's present configuration of evolutionary lessons (polarity), and the only job required of you, is to refrain from controlling it in lieu of accepting it. That might make it sound like you should just let it do what it wants with you, but what I'm really trying to say is you need to stop fighting it, and start loving it. Make Flirts not Fights. Make Love not War. Make Peace not Violence. If you think you have no power, then so it shall seem. Your belief controls your destiny. How many wars in our history wouldn't exist were we just forgiving and willing to love that which has hurt us? (and how hypocritical I am for mentioning that too as I'm not much better than the average person.) So, take what I have to say with a grain of salt, but do consider it. Your thoughts are the filters that you perceive reality through. If they say 'this godly dark thing is controlling me oh holy f***!' then eventually it's gonna seem like that. And, you know, worse case scenario, you learn to find happiness in slavery. Whether it be to a dark god's puppet, or to the OIC as a manifested plaything for it to learn through. But best case scenario, it's not real and all in your head for you to help provide deeper understandings of specific types of lessons to the Creator and one day it will get much better than what any godly entity could provide for you. Which scenario seems preferable? Perhaps think more towards that belief system? Or don't. Thanks for reading, sorry if I was confusing and long winded. I too have not changed all that much. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Dante776 - 10-02-2017 (10-02-2017, 06:59 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: I was lurking for the first time in a while, and as usual I immediately come across something that invokes a desire to respond despite my prejudices. Coordinate_Apotheosis, thanks for your post. I appreciate the thought that you put into it. However, I can assure you that what I am reporting is not in my head. And I can vouch for 98% of the demon possession videos that you see on YouTube about demon possession are real. Maybe a few are fake, but I see no reason why anyone would want to humiliate themselves in that manner for all the world to see. No, my friend this is real. No, they don't have me walking around like a zombie punching people. But they have exhibited control over my legs, feet, arms and hands. Usually, I am in control over my bodies functioning but, let's face it, these are ultimately inter-dimensional beings that know how to control you via implants. They do this while you are sleeping. The implants are very similar to the implants you see in the diagram below. We're talking about an intelligence that can move you in and out of different timelines as it has done me. These aren't your garden variety demons. This is something on a much larger scale. Larger than I can even describe to you here. ![]() I am in agreement with most everything else that you've said. But, just know that what I am dealing with is a hierarchy of beings that lead straight to the universal conscious mind. This is the domain of the gestalt entity known as Ra, which is why I believe he/she/it is part of this polarity game. Traditional love and light teachings don't seem to apply here. I know, I've been doing it for years. Still doing it! Years ago there was a play called "Your Arms are Too Short to Box with God." This is like trying to box with God! Imagine what that would be like? When he/she/it has every possible advantage over you imaginable by a lofty opponent. I definitely believe that there is a 'harvest' going on here, but 'what kind' of harvest is the question? They are definitely manipulating my DNA/RNA. Perhaps this is ascension of a different kind. Some say that ascension requires merging with your oversoul and avatar that are part of your monad. This may involve reclaiming all lost fragments of your soul which includes those that are of a lower frequency or what some would call demonic or the shadow. Or perhaps the demons are the Archons, as spoken of by the Nostics, that seek to block your ascension. I can't say for sure, but what I can say is that this is a harrowing experience and just caution everyone on the path to be aware of all of the possibilities that you may encounter just as a sort of "heads" up. I only wish I had that sort of admonishment because this, when it all started, caught me totally off guard. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - smc - 10-02-2017 Dante776 - with sincere respect and kindness - I think you're experiencing psychosis or may have schizophrenia. (I've had 2 boyfriends and one very close girlfriend experience this.) Your ideation is completely consistent with these possible diagnoses. One of the hallmarks is a complete conviction that ALL your ideas, perceptions, sensations and 'information' are actual - real. I'm aware that you will completely disagree; but my personal ethics insist that I give you this feedback. It's important to emphasise that in saying this - I don't at all discount the existence of nefarious, dangerous, demonic entities. I fully acknowledge "negative greetings" exist, occur and are a serious and debilitating issue. NB: I don't want to start a shitstorm in posting this here - but I can't keep quiet about this. This is a mental health 'duty of care' issue that needs to be discussed honestly; and is long overdue for discussion on B4th. There IS a difference between clairvoyance/telepathy/clairaudience/clairsentience/claircognisance (et al) and psychosis/OCD/ADHD/BP/Clinical depression/PTSD/Schizophrenia/hallucinations (et al) I know this because I've either directly witnessed or personally experienced the difference. Also, I'm not necessarily saying your ideas/'information' is inaccurate or incorrect - what concerns me - what puts up a key red flag is your report of your body being partially taken over... and that you feel you can 'vouch for 98% of the videos you've seen of this' - that right there is VERY concerning - because this is the exact kind of closed minded insistence that I've seen in my partners and friend. (Plus - 98%? - this 'belief' is also a red flag.) I haven't had time to read all of C_A's reply or your reply to him - just skimmed and am heading out for a while - but felt I should start this discussion before I head into town.... please understand that I say what I am to you without discounting you're experiencing actual real negative entity "greetings".... you definitely are (imo) but I think you also have a mental illness/ brain chemistry imbalance ![]() ![]() RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - smc - 10-02-2017 (nb: in advance - please Mahakali don't chime in saying I'm suggesting lobotomies !) RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Dante776 - 10-03-2017 (10-02-2017, 11:31 PM)smc Wrote: Dante776 - with sincere respect and kindness - I think you're experiencing psychosis or may have schizophrenia. No. In all due respect, you don't know what you're talking about! I'm not wasting any time on ignorant comments like this. This phenomenon is pretty well documented. Do some research and then come back with more knowledge on the subject. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - smc - 10-03-2017 riiiight..... Then it's time you explain when and how this demonic possession occurred - and what steps you're going to take to remedy the situation you say you're in... otherwise I'm beginning to wonder if what we have here is a highly 'sophisticated' trolling attempt... RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Mahakali - 10-03-2017 (10-02-2017, 06:59 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: stuff In other words, "Maybe if you brainwash yourself into believing that you're happy, or just decide to redefine your reality with a bunch of New Age gobbeldygook, it won't seem so bad." I can't speak for Dante here, but, yes, people trying to throw me around is "a problem". I'm content to roll right out of their hands. If there's ultimately no difference between right and left, and one is a Hell of a lot more fun than the other... the choice seems obvious... And it's true. The rock is an STS entity. The energy field that holds the molecules together focuses on its own preservation. The molecules inside of it are STO. I need my mind and my soul. f*** enslavement. (10-02-2017, 11:34 PM)smc Wrote: (nb: in advance - please Mahakali don't chime in saying I'm suggesting lobotomies !) The woman knows me. Dante, whatever you do, don't get involved in the mental health system. Those people are not here to help. Archon-puppets, one and all. (10-02-2017, 10:44 PM)Dante776 Wrote: stuff Fight it. You can meditate your way out. It's the only way. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Dante776 - 10-03-2017 (10-03-2017, 05:32 AM)smc Wrote: riiiight..... Quote:I was going to kill myself - I couldn't live with the pain any longer... Quote:I stopped allowing family to verbally abuse me - I wrote letters speaking my mind and confronting lies - I cut off people who disrespected me Quote:again I promised myself I would become my best friend - that I would love and support myself and I would be gentle with myself - I would give myself all the things I was wanting from all the shitty abusers and abandoning people who should have done better by me... Quote:and the heartache has gotten even stronger !! I'm now estranged from my whole family! - sister mother father... and my dad is 95.. (he was 40 when I was born)... I'll probably never see him again - and can't go to the funeral because of all the abuse and gaslighting and s*** that's happening... I live alone - no kids - no partner - no job - PTSD clinical depression, physical injuries, fibromyalgia, arthritis, severe disc protrusion in my neck... no job for the last 25 years because of a violent workplace assault that took 10 years to be dealt with in a court case... it's 36 years since I had a complete nervous breakdown at 19... from all the abuse I'd already gone through at that point - and it only got worse and worse... Sorry, but sounds like you're the one that's experiencing a psychosis or schizophrenia. Perhaps misery is seeking company? Sorry, but I'm not the right company. Mine is more of a "spiritual" phenomenon. Your situation definitely sounds more "mental" and I think anyone reading your posts and my posts can tell the difference. With all that I'm going through, I've never once considered suicide. I can only imagine what you would've done if you walked in my shoes just one day. Quote:riiiight..... Really? Is that really necessary in order for you to believe me? I don't need You to prove to Me how your family abused you, people disrespected you, shitty abusers abused you, and all of the other horrible things that you claim brought you to the brink of suicide, TWICE!! You've relayed "Your Story" and I have no reason to doubt you. This is not a court here. It's just a forum where people are sharing their views and personal experiences. Whether you believe it or not is inconsequential to me. As far as a remedy? I'm doing just as you did when you confronted the "human" demons that were plaguing you... In your own words! Quote:I trust me Thank you. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - APeacefulWarrior - 10-03-2017 I would also be curious to hear more about the particulars of this demonic possession and how you're ridding yourself of it. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Coordinate_Apotheosis - 10-03-2017 Hey Dante, fun fact, I have two phobias I've inexplicably had since I was a young kid. I am terrified of mainly: Aliens and Demons Weird right? I believe in both, and especially in demonic possessions albeit I've also researched them, written a book on them using passages from the Goetia (which subsequently I put down because I got so sick one day working on it I threw up out of nowhere and had nothing more to attribute to it but that I was pissing off something), and overall can say I believe you. So, hear me out because I am speaking from a Law of One technicality stance. Your energetic system, which is what those entities aka demons connect to you through, is made vulnerable to them through the means I posited, that being belief and your thoughts towards the situation you believe in. I assure you, there's not a single atheist out there who has experienced demonic possession because the symptoms they experience are perceived differently despite being the same one's you might be experiencing. The majority point I was going for with you, hoping you'll try it out and report if it helps at all, is to not fight the entity with negative emotions such as desperation to get rid of it, or terror at the loss of control it makes you experience. Even threatening to exorcise it is a challenge that they will wholly welcome because fighting them empowers them. You'll need to take a Gandhi stance here, just as he fasted to influence the end to a conflict, you need to fast with your negative emotions to encourage an end to this conflict. Literally and truly, making peace with it instead of war will go a far ways in reducing how efficacious it is at influencing you. I'll actually respond to some quotes as well with my own beliefs because they seem to overlap here, though you have a whole different array of names/labels/identifiers on some things, there is still room for mutual understanding I believe. (10-02-2017, 10:44 PM)Dante776 Wrote: I am in agreement with most everything else that you've said. But, just know that what I am dealing with is a hierarchy of beings that lead straight to the universal conscious mind. This is the domain of the gestalt entity known as Ra, which is why I believe he/she/it is part of this polarity game. Traditional love and light teachings don't seem to apply here. I know, I've been doing it for years. Still doing it! Years ago there was a play called "Your Arms are Too Short to Box with God." This is like trying to box with God! Imagine what that would be like? When he/she/it has every possible advantage over you imaginable by a lofty opponent. A boxing fight with God, there's an interesting Star Trek Voyager Episode on that, it's an episode having to do with 'Chaotic Space', and the protagonist, Chakotay, needed to fight 'Kid Chaos' in his mind in a boxing match, and the whole entire point of the fight was simply that he could not win, his job was to take as many hits as he could to finally discover understanding to get out of that chaotic space. Perhaps you are experiencing something similar. You aren't in that boxing match with God to win, you're there to learn something, and the only way God can communicate what that something is, is by hitting you. Pretty messed up, yeah, but communication comes in many shapes and sizes, from frequencies to sounds to shapes and symbols, to motions and yes, sometimes communication comes in the form of punches. I for the longest time swore I read a passage where Ra said they had their own polarity in 6D or inferred that they did, that to this day I can't find. It's funny you bring it up. It's also funny you view Ra, assuming it's the same 'An Humble Messenger of the Law of One' Ra in the way you do. I would call their being definitely Godly. I would also take up a boxing match with such a God, if I knew it had something to teach me, and that it wasn't going to enslave me if I lost lol. The hierarchy is another way you make the enemy bigger than it is. God's are still individual entities ultimately, and they are still subject to 'laws' and 'ways' setup for them to operate through and by. You might be a punching bag, or they might just be shoving off stuff on you. Regardless, if you're experiencing something you don't like, you have the Free Will to say 'please stop this'. They don't need to listen, but if you fight they'll have more power to respond than if you peacefully resist. That's the big way for you to battle, is with peaceful resistance. In exorcism isn't needed if you can still live your life. If this thing is making you do some crazy s*** though, do seek out an exorcist to properly ascertain the situation, preferably one who doesn't market their service to anyone willing to contact them. I believe the best way to win a battle against any kind of demonic possession is forgiveness and love, but mostly forgiveness of your self and love of the entity providing you with the lessons it has decided to impart upon you. If you need to invoke some powerful names to try and curve it, I'd suggest you consider the LBRP and it's subsequent stronger forms with a small group. Just realize the moment you start using magic to curve it is the moment you enter a very real and very dangerous new world of reality where it will do the same back to you, so really think through anything you intend to do. (10-02-2017, 10:44 PM)Dante776 Wrote: I definitely believe that there is a 'harvest' going on here, but 'what kind' of harvest is the question? They are definitely manipulating my DNA/RNA. Perhaps this is ascension of a different kind. Some say that ascension requires merging with your oversoul and avatar that are part of your monad. This may involve reclaiming all lost fragments of your soul which includes those that are of a lower frequency or what some would call demonic or the shadow. It's funny you say that, I thoroughly believe the Law of One needs a disclaimer warning of mental instability to those not ready to hear and learn what the books have to say. When you realize all is one deeply an utterly, it opens you up to the realm of possibility where your very thoughts curve you through various parallel dimensions of your own reality, so that you do moment by moment on the razor edge of the moment make and remake your own reality to fit your thoughts of it. Essentially you learn how to utilize the Law of Attraction in it's more direct ways with eventually much more immediate results, this can be good and bad, depending on how you think. You seem to believe you are right and everyone else is off or wrong. This might be one mirror aspect of what you're facing, the entity messing with you may even be influencing that of you, and as SMC said, there is always the possibility it is a very real mental disorder, and while she didn't say this part, that mental disorder could be exacerbated by this entity, making it all the much harder for you to convince anyone and even yourself if these things are real or not. Further you don't want to take the advice being given to you, and everyone is now looking for you to explain how you're dealing with this and if raising awareness is enough for you, then maybe consider it isn't since you're still so distraught over all of this. Just take a step back man, really examine this situation from a different angle. Don't look at it as entities, try to see it as your own self messing with your self. Maybe it's Archons, but it's my understanding there are only 7 of those 'Rulers' of the Demiurge's physical illusion, and they are usually very busy dealing with much more dangerous occurrences that threaten their plans. Further the Gnostic texts are very symbolic and metaphorical, I always took the Archons as a euphemism for the natural laws designed by the Demiurge to further complicate the means of ascension from it's physical cage, most notably the ways of people (See: 7 Deadly Sins) and further that they were personified only to give them a direct analogue for humans to comprehend how they could be 'alive as we are'. In fact in some ways it sounds like you have an entire narrative inside of your mind as to what is happening to you, how it's happening to you, and partly but the main hook and sinker being ''why'' it's happening to you. 'Why' is a perfect hook and sinker for people like us who seek so badly to know what is actually happening. The bread trail of 'whys' is enough to lead some people right into a snare like a rabbit towards a carrot or a kid towards candy. Don't be afraid to look up from that narrative and say 'I'm going to put this down for a bit'. If you keep giving access to your mind through the beliefs you have, it's only going to stay the same, it ultimately comes down to what you do with your mind. It's not 'all in your mind' as you perceived my words to imply, but rather the body is a creature of the mind, and in some ways ALL of reality is at the whims of the perceptions of the mind, consensus reality is formulated by those perceptions, when we touch a hot stove we say it hurts, hence hot stuff hurts. That's consensus and it's pretty concrete in it's existence because so many people agree with it. Yet then you have Fire, which is hot, and we know not to touch fire, but we also know that the heat of fire is more than just painful, at a distance it can be soothing, in ways it is a tool, suddenly hot as consensus is more than just painful, it's also useful. Then somehow, when you touch something really really cold, for a second your body thinks it's burning you. Truthfully extreme cold does feel like you're being burned. Suddenly it's not just hot stuff that comes off as hot, suddenly cold stuff can burn you the way hot stuff does. Suddenly reality is very different, hot and cold inflict the same pain, but they are radically different. It's all because the nervous system of your body, the nerves in your skin perceived that extreme cold the same way it perceived extreme hot, it created a burning sensation. Were it not for the nervous system of the body having such perceptions we'd believe that hot is hot and cold is cold and both hurt, but we wouldn't attribute the word 'burn' to both sensations. In that way when I say extreme cold burns you, that is our nervous system's perception of the reality it find's itself interacting with. Your mind plays a further part in formulating that word and adding meaning to it for your body to correspond the stimuli with. You are, in some freaky way in my opinion, a machine and operating system. Your body is the interactive parts that allow you to work with the reality your mind find's itself interfacing with. In fact the mind is more than an interface, it's that part of the equation that makes everything possible, the brain is just a physical mirror to provide the body (and the various energetic bodies) the means to be controlled by the consciousness empowering the spark that is the mind. Your mind is what makes this a big deal and makes it into what it is as a matter of how reality operates. When you say it's not all in your mind, you're both wrong and right, because it isn't all in your mind, but all of it happening is being experienced within your mind. you just need to take a step back from all of those experiences, and consider re-explaining them. If you believe in the demon, it is empowered to make you believe more and more. If you one day 'real-ize' that the demon is just some tricks of perceptual experiences of your mind/body and not real enough to do damage to you (even if you presently believe it is real enough), then it'll find that suddenly the keyhole it was using to mess with you has been changed, a new lock in place, and it'll have to find a new way to interact through you. It's rather quite fascinating how the energetic system works, it is very much linked in with how you think and perceive. Take time to enjoy the beauty of your surroundings, the darkness might just stop for a moment and enjoy the view with you. Because if there's one thing we all need to figure out, it's that beauty is universally appreciated. (Except by the jealous and envious.) And beauty comes in many different ways, some bright and sparkling, some dark and umbra. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Aion - 10-03-2017 (10-01-2017, 08:39 AM)Mahakali Wrote: What I will say is that you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone on a higher plateau of misery. There is nothing you could do to me to make me feel any worse to any substantial degree. I empathize with you. I will not say I know your pain or your experience, but I know my own suffering. I am, of course, not interested in making you feel any worse but I am interested in exploring what might be done to help you feel better. I think that if you're going to go the route of 'getting your power back' as the lingo goes you are better off calling out your demons. However, do this from the perspective of your unified self. There you can come to even terms. Demons and Angels are really the same archetypes manifesting on multiple planes of existence. The same impulse that gives rise to a Sephirothic angel will eventually make it down to produce a Qliphothic demon. It is rather where these two meet in the plane of humanity that the fulcrum of power lies. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - smc - 10-03-2017 (10-03-2017, 01:02 PM)Dante776 Wrote:(10-03-2017, 05:32 AM)smc Wrote: riiiight..... You're welcome ![]() It looks like my suggestion about your mental health has hit quite a nerve. Personally, I thought it could help you to explain that I have PTSD and clinical depression; to share my (as you put it) "Story"; but from this reply you're clearly not comfortable with my courage, and seem to be trying to stigmatise me for trying to help people (if possible) by sharing. I wrote to you in as respectful and considerate way as possible; acknowledging what you're experiencing - as best as I can ascertain - a new forum member - posting various threads alleging things about Ra which are basic misunderstandings of 'the material'. In joining the forum and posting thread after thread linking 'harvest' and 'archons' and 'Gnosticism' and 'demon possession' etc; with L/L and The Ra Material; you're being validly queried about your allegations. The onus is on you Dante776 - not me! ![]() Sure it's not a "court" where you need to "prove" your "demonic possession" - but if you want to continue to go on and on about it - we have the right to ask for specifics if we want. Otherwise this is turning into 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf'. Thanks for helping me learn much greater discernment - (love/wisdom) - in who to trust with my "Story" and my mental health situation. It's a very personal and painful thing to try to shame me about; when I have only ever shared it on B4th when members speak of having desperate situations and feelings; to help the person feel less alone and maybe a bit understood. It seems from this indignant reply that you still associate a lot of stigma with that topic. No smoke without fire. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Mahakali - 10-03-2017 In my dissenting opinion, CA's advice that you sit on your ass, pretend to be Gandhi, and expect your problems to just go away is poisonous. f*** "God". I have never seen anything good come from people who work with "God". Christians, New Agers, whatever. All of them are liars out for themselves, or working for someone who is. smc's opinion that you should get involved with "mental health" isn't any less poisonous. Those people are sick; dealers in poison, imprisonment, brainwashing, and torture devices. They'll do nothing but correct your wrongthink and take your magick away if they can. If you want my advice, learn to manipulate the ether and throw your chains off that way. Get away from them and meditate. Quit your job, get away from electronics, go on an organic diet while fasting a few days every month, stay hydrated, get away from radio waves and electromegnatic fields, get any metal implants in your body removed, focus on your consciousness, get away from mundane society and just people in general, read, study, and spend most of your time meditating. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Aion - 10-04-2017 Has that been working for you, Mahakali? RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Coordinate_Apotheosis - 10-04-2017 In my equally dissenting opinion, Mahakali's advice to 'manipulate the ether' and spend tons of hours being unemployed and paranoid and to sit still and do nothing for hours at a time is also pretty poisonous. Take all the advice you gather on this forum with, like, an EXTREMELY FINE grain of salt. What a concept that I could admit to that and understand when my advice is not considered because of it, or that I could apologize for being a total jerk and realize that my misery or other people's apathy isn't an excuse to be cruel to other people. Hey, Mahakali, I hope things get better for you, maybe then you won't be so quick to bash on other people who're just trying to be helpful no differently from you. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - smc - 10-04-2017 Well this is the problem: basic decency, respect and politeness to others - being considered "New Age gobbeldygook" But what's new? This is what happens EVERY TIME people post fear based stuff on B4th. And they want to go on and on about it - but of course won't ever give you their specifics but are fine to post reams of video/gifs/photos/text written by (paid) "insiders" - and then when people challenge them - or ask for their personal specifics - they get really aggressive/insulting/defensive/snide/hurtful/arrogant. Same old - same old. Ironically they never twig to the possibility that they themselves are such aggressive negative people that they create the same wherever they go - (as well as being the reason it keeps being perpetuated within their own energy systems). This trend on b4 goes past trolling - it's psychic vampirism. When we consider that here we have a new member recently come to a really specific metaphysical forum and started several threads basically alleging that we're involved with a duality/polarity/demonic/gestalt Ra that's going to "harvest" us and that we need to 'wake up'.... ![]() 776 is lucky to have had the modicum of respect that he's been met with. ![]() and btw: Mahakali - mods have warned you repeatedly that forum rules don't permit advising people against medicine/therapy. (Come to think of it - fear based philosophy is against forum rules also.) RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Mahakali - 10-04-2017 (10-04-2017, 12:04 AM)Aion Wrote: Has that been working for you, Mahakali? I'm sure those things will work if I try them in concert. I've done most of them separately, and it's definitely been an improvement. Yes, manipulation of the (for lack of a better term) ether seems to be a viable way out. Something has shown me that everything happening to my body and mind is ultimately ether-based, or at least ether-fixable, in the case of the actual physical and electrical aspects of the problem. You know what hasn't worked? The mental health industry. Trying just to get along and coexist with Christians and the like. I've never seen any good come from either one. Both just want to keep people ignorant and control them. I'm not a fan. (10-04-2017, 12:10 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: In my equally dissenting opinion, Mahakali's advice to 'manipulate the ether' and spend tons of hours being unemployed and paranoid and to sit still and do nothing for hours at a time is also pretty poisonous. Me too. I wasn't implying that he should "do nothing", of course. Meditating, on the contrary, is the way to do everything. If you're saying he shouldn't even meditate "for hours at a time", and that being a wage slave is more productive than focusing on spiritual development, then I'll disregard everything you post from now on. (inb4 "but you have to be a part of the social enslavement system producing for your corporate masters in order to develop spiritually"; no, you don't.) I may be ignorant in a lot of regards, but I know that "don't meditate for hours, be a slave instead" is not anything close to the sort of advice that leads one towards adepthood. Rich men and camels and needles and such. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Aion - 10-04-2017 How might I ask will manipulation of the ether change your situation? What might you change in the ethers that will produce the reality you desire? RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Mahakali - 10-04-2017 (10-04-2017, 02:45 AM)Aion Wrote: How might I ask will manipulation of the ether change your situation? What might you change in the ethers that will produce the reality you desire? Control over my heart and soul. Magick. I used to have light telekinesis, jedi mind tricks, et cetera, but all this energy in which I've been encased has put a damper on my aura. I remember the correct blueprints. The goal is alchemy. But I need to have control over my mind for that to happen. The Christians (religious and social) attack me because I'm a gleefully amoral psychopath with a psychotic disorder. The mental health people do for the same reason. Gangsters because they just don't like me. Nazis because degeneracy. I'm making progress in some areas. My perception and emotions are evolving into something other than human. The competition is steep, though, isn't it? And it's not even these people themselves that I have to fight against. It's the chessmasters moving their little pawns around. Layers upon layers upon layers. That's why I have to take a few deep breaths and survey my situation - away from other people's eyes - before I do anything. I realize now, looking back, there are several situations that might have ended rather badly if I'd followed the bait. Some of the stuff I was accused of wasn't me. I think someone wanted my ass kicked and figured out how to manipulate a bunch of other people into doing it for them. And I don't care about whatever... I sure as hell am not just gonna sit around until I'm 80 twiddling my thumbs. I'll make it out. I'll fix my brain. f*** everyone. I need to level up to adepthood rather quickly. In some ways, I'm exceptionally powerful; in other ways, weak. The latter will be able to be dealt with easily now that I have the emotional hardening that I do. The real problem is getting back to where I was, but the blueprints are still there. Maybe I just need to do all those things I listed at once, kick even minor drugs like caffeine, get some exercise, become productive... and develop the soul. I can't do anything in a state like this... gotta kick myself up a few notches. My problem is that an immune response in my spirit won't let me move until certain problems have been dealt with. Maybe that's what I need to focus on. I'm still a lot stronger than some, in some ways. More than a decade of this bullshit and they still haven't broken me. Bent me a little, for sure, but my middle finger's still high in the air. Sin, hate, lust, violence, science, drugs, math, psychosis... all wonderful things, but don't mean anything compared to the development of the soul. I wanna - and will - get to the point where I can manipulate the energy around me and beyond. RE: Law of One or Satan's Harvest? - Aion - 10-04-2017 I appreciate your willpower and your desire to get where you want. You are obviously more aware of how you work and your situation better than anyone else and there is the old adage 'know thyself'. I can tell you have clearly been through a lot and yet you still have spirit, that's a good thing. However, I admit I find your position somewhat peculiar. Do you think that with development of the soul you will still be attached to all those 'wonderful' things? I think you're most inhibited by your own attachments, as you say, maybe you need to get a break from it all. Personally, I haven't found it fruitful to pursue either extreme of ideology or attraction. I've been through the chaos lust. It's fun, there's no doubt. I've also been through the martyr lust. Less fun, but equally compelling. However, the most development of my spirit has happened when I have shaved off both side to see myself raw. I believe in balance and I think the more you cleave to any extreme identity the more difficult it is to balance. Not impossible, of course, nothing is impossible. This is not a suggestion to abandon yourself, but I guess as a strong believer that we are the Microcosm to the Macrocosmic unity I really believe we contain in ourselves all the extremes and in between. There are two ways to balance. Either to reduce something or to increase something, It's just doing balancing "down here" remember because "up there" you are complete and whole with everything in perfect proportion. Technically you are still perfect, just incarnated on a lower plane of imperfection. However you still haven't quite answered my question, how would being able to do these things change the state of your life? |