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RE: Reaction - Jade - 05-03-2016

I'd pray for protection while affirming my role in creating the catalyst. Faith is the true protection and why it's so important, and acknowledging our role as creator in our experiences is a high use of the will. Yeah we're just measly 3D entities, but we aren't totally helpless. Also remember that the amount of positive entities greatly outweigh the number of negative entities - asking for their help on the regular is a good thing. Unity offers a protection that the path of separation lacks - friends.

RE: Reaction - ada - 05-04-2016

(05-03-2016, 04:44 PM)Aion Wrote: I think that is the kind of intensity Papercut was trying to imply, not just a purely mental experience but clearly something that is actually threatening and won't go away. Once things cross over in the physical I think most people would have a pretty difficult time maintaining a peaceful, loving attitude, and there would be natural fight or flight responses.

You've helped me a lot Aion, I'm not desperate as I used to be. There isn't the slightest moment when I don't focus on the feeling of love.

(05-03-2016, 04:39 PM)Spaced Wrote: If I was being physically attacked I would probably get physical too, push it away from me and tell it to back off. I'd still try talking with it.


RE: Reaction - Night Owl - 05-04-2016

Even at a distance I can feel you radiate strong enough love to banish such an entity if you focus your will hard enough. I'd say the same for most b4 members. I think the most important part would be to understand why a negative entity could resonate with you. If you bring light on that and understand it well it won't comeback.

RE: Reaction - Aion - 05-04-2016

(05-04-2016, 10:30 AM)Papercut Wrote:
(05-03-2016, 04:44 PM)Aion Wrote: I think that is the kind of intensity Papercut was trying to imply, not just a purely mental experience but clearly something that is actually threatening and won't go away. Once things cross over in the physical I think most people would have a pretty difficult time maintaining a peaceful, loving attitude, and there would be natural fight or flight responses.

You've helped me a lot Aion, I'm not desperate as I used to be. There isn't the slightest moment when I don't focus on the feeling of love.

(05-03-2016, 04:39 PM)Spaced Wrote: If I was being physically attacked I would probably get physical too, push it away from me and tell it to back off. I'd still try talking with it.


You definitely seem much lighter than when we first spoke, I am glad. Smile

So to actually answer the question, I have had this experience before, both with and without sleep paralysis. The initial reaction is usually confusion and concern, since I am just coming out of sleep and thus groggy. In such a case, if an entity attacked (how it managed to get that far is another thing) I wouldn't think twice about banishing it and if it was really aggressive (which I have encountered) I would then use a more advanced technique. Only once the situation is secure would I then go about discovering its causes and where it came from by tracing its energy back to its source.

This is strictly in an "aggressive" situation though where I am clearly being antagonized. I can very much tell the difference between this and a distraught or emotionally upset entity which may come across as very angry or despairing but not aggressively and in such cases I would move right in to healing work.

However, neither of these has really happened in my home for awhile since the place is heavily, heavily warded. When we first moved in here there were some problems, but I've since worked out all the kinks.

RE: Reaction - Minyatur - 05-04-2016

Oh yeah, I'd google how to deal with a negative spirit until I find something I can do that feels right to do.

In the moment if I can't really do a thing then I would wait for the moment to pass by and seek inner peace.

RE: Reaction - ada - 05-04-2016

(05-04-2016, 04:27 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Oh yeah, I'd google how to deal with a negative spirit until I find something I can do that feels right to do.

I feel like getting involved with rituals and banishing will only cause more harm. Or rather my inexperience will.

RE: Reaction - Aion - 05-04-2016

(05-04-2016, 04:33 PM)Papercut Wrote:
(05-04-2016, 04:27 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Oh yeah, I'd google how to deal with a negative spirit until I find something I can do that feels right to do.

I feel like getting involved with rituals and banishing will only cause more harm. Or rather my inexperience will.

There are simpler techniques that don't really require a "ritual" or anything of the sort. I use the power of symbols in a very direct way. The Pentagram is a very powerful symbol for this use due to its balance and diverse effect.

[Image: 3517077.jpg?306]

With it you just use the intention to create a safe, secure and light/love filled space.

RE: Reaction - Night Owl - 05-04-2016

Although it may sometimes be necessary if your life is at risk, most of the times I think banishing just put more focus on seperation and therefore even if it has benefits it also has drawbacks. Banishing something you don't understand is like banishing an emotion inside of you without understanding it. It is like banishing yourself basically. It really depends on the situation but I'd doubt a life threatening entity would think it is worth bothering someone who has no experience. The entity would have to be high density and as such there would be very few polarity involved for it so it would search a more effective mean to increase it's polarity.

RE: Reaction - ada - 05-04-2016

(05-04-2016, 04:40 PM)Aion Wrote:
(05-04-2016, 04:33 PM)Papercut Wrote:
(05-04-2016, 04:27 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Oh yeah, I'd google how to deal with a negative spirit until I find something I can do that feels right to do.

I feel like getting involved with rituals and banishing will only cause more harm. Or rather my inexperience will.

There are simpler techniques that don't really require a "ritual" or anything of the sort. I use the power of symbols in a very direct way. The Pentagram is a very powerful symbol for this use due to its balance and diverse effect.

[Image: 3517077.jpg?306]

With it you just use the intention to create a safe, secure and light/love filled space.

I will most certainly give it a try, thank you Aion.

(05-04-2016, 04:42 PM)Night Owl Wrote: Although it may sometimes be necessary if your life is at risk, most of the times I think banishing just put more focus on seperation and therefore even if it has benefits it also has drawbacks. Banishing something you don't understand is like banishing an emotion inside of you without understanding it. It is like banishing yourself basically.

This is exactly the thought I was just having if I were to banish something I yet fully understand.

(05-04-2016, 04:42 PM)Night Owl Wrote: It really depends on the situation but I'd doubt a life threatening entity would think it is worth bothering someone who has no experience. The entity would have to be high density and as such there would be very few polarity involved for it so it would search a more effective mean to increase it's polarity.
I don't think I entirely get it I'm a little tired, could you please rephrase?

RE: Reaction - Minyatur - 05-04-2016

While I think the aspect that you attract entities for them to have an effect on you is true, it is probably not all that useful to think about in the present moment. Distortions are multiple and what allowed it to be there cannot necessarily be removed in the moment.

While it reflects an aspect of yourself, so does your encounters with fellow humans and if you came face to face with someone with a gun that threatens you, you surely wouldn't start pondering what kind of distortions you have that created this path of events to unfold, you'd deal with the situation at hand and at a later time do the review upon yourself.

RE: Reaction - Minyatur - 05-04-2016

(05-04-2016, 04:33 PM)Papercut Wrote:
(05-04-2016, 04:27 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Oh yeah, I'd google how to deal with a negative spirit until I find something I can do that feels right to do.

I feel like getting involved with rituals and banishing will only cause more harm. Or rather my inexperience will.

As someone who seems to put an emphasis on laying low and not getting involved, I get that. But if it is already interacting with you then you need to act on it in a way or another.

RE: Reaction - anagogy - 05-04-2016

(05-04-2016, 04:33 PM)Papercut Wrote:
(05-04-2016, 04:27 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Oh yeah, I'd google how to deal with a negative spirit until I find something I can do that feels right to do.

I feel like getting involved with rituals and banishing will only cause more harm. Or rather my inexperience will.

If you can get a hold of some white sage incense and burn it regularly, I can tell you matter of factly it has a definite repulsive affect on negative astral entities (garlic does the same thing, but sage smells better in my opinion). It is like astral pepper spray. They won't want to cohabitate with it. Going around your home with a full on smudging stick is even more powerful, but the incense is a good way to keep it out of your room while you're sleeping. Burning a little incense is a lot easier than performing a banishing ritual (and to be honest I don't find banishing rituals to be particularly effective unless you have practiced them a lot and/or can perceive the energies of time/space while physically awake). Then again, it will only repel it if it is a lower astral being -- a higher density STS entity would not be so easily dissuaded, their consciousness is much stronger than a STS thoughtform entity. You can also do other things, like visualizing your body enclosed in a pyramid of glowing white light, this also provides a measure of protection. Even just visualizing white light creates a manifestation on the astral that is an effective negative thoughtform repellant.

RE: Reaction - Night Owl - 05-04-2016

(05-04-2016, 04:47 PM)Papercut Wrote:
(05-04-2016, 04:42 PM)Night Owl Wrote: It really depends on the situation but I'd doubt a life threatening entity would think it is worth bothering someone who has no experience. The entity would have to be high density and as such there would be very few polarity involved for it so it would search a more effective mean to increase it's polarity.
I don't think I entirely get it I'm a little tired, could you please rephrase?

I meant that for an entity to be strong enough to threaten your life it would have to be fairly high density. That means to me that it is not likely that a negative high density entity would bother to mess up with someone who has no experience because if it succeeded at doing whatever it is trying to do, it would not gain much polarity. That would be like a rich banker stealing a candy to a 5 yo kid, not much polarity involved. High density entities are much more likely to try a world wide approach or something like that (just like Ra does with the LOO) and dispatch lower tasks like this to lower density entity. This means it is not likely that this entity is high density. Which in turn means it is probably at your level of work. Maybe it is there for you to practice understanding your energetic field. It may help you understand how much will and focus is needed for you to deal with your own energies.

RE: Reaction - Aion - 05-05-2016

(05-04-2016, 04:42 PM)Night Owl Wrote: Although it may sometimes be necessary if your life is at risk, most of the times I think banishing just put more focus on seperation and therefore even if it has benefits it also has drawbacks. Banishing something you don't understand is like banishing an emotion inside of you without understanding it. It is like banishing yourself basically. It really depends on the situation but I'd doubt a life threatening entity would think it is worth bothering someone who has no experience. The entity would have to be high density and as such there would be very few polarity involved for it so it would search a more effective mean to increase it's polarity.

While I do agree with you, I would just say that my understanding of banishing is not actually something you are doing to the entity like saying "go away", it is more about creating a space of security and being centered within and around yourself. So, to me, the banishing is a way of making a space of clarity within the self so that whatever is being experienced can be assessed and experienced with a pure and clear mind. Banishing is not a 'permanent' solution unless it is done with decent regularity and even then it more just gives you a 'buffer' so that you do not get overwhelmed in a situation. Theoretically after any action of banishment there is then some kind of seeking or calling within the self for wisdom or understanding as to the situation and entity.

It's like how when some people have severe mental illness and they might benefit from the buffer of a medication while they deal with the root of the issue in therapy but ultimately will be able to go without it, with luck and care.

I think the word "banish" has some connotation to it that makes it come across as a rather severe action but to me it is more like grounding and centering. I can understand how it might appear that it makes a focus upon separation, but I actually view it the total opposite because when I banish I am focusing on the unity of the self and the fact that there is nothing "outside" me, so what I am actually banishing is the illusion of separation which causes the entity to either open with me in mutual connection, or if their intention is to control they will be shunted away from the presence of unifying love because they will be focused on the separation.

Thus, a banishing is effective only against those entities which would try to abridge your free will and will not cause a truly positive entity to be shunted away and this is how it is also a measure of what kind of entity is present. If you do a banishment and an entity is still present and loving, it is because it is in unity with you.

Of course, you can also choose to accept the control of the entity and give in to its will and desires, by all means.

RE: Reaction - Night Owl - 05-05-2016

Explained that way I sure cannot disagree. The focus seems to be on the right thoughts. I feared that giving more focus on the seperation would only increase a negative entity's power on you and increase the loop of fear which you may attract as a result. It is nice to see how only focusing the thoughts on the positive can turn the same banishing into a positive approach. What I thought would have a negative effect in any circumstances is feeling like being a victim. Your technique really does seem to turn that around and increase one's own presence into one that generates strenght. I think it is important to feel like you are in control of yourself to radiate the proper energy necessary to obtain and maintain peace and focus.

RE: Reaction - Jade - 05-05-2016

It really is an important balance. Yes it's important to protect yourself, but the trick is believing fully in that protection. If you're saging and thinking "Oh I hope this helps, I'm not sure this little plant will protect me..." the doubt is there and able to be exacerbated. That's why it's always faith, faith, faith - have faith that you are protected!! It works!

RE: Reaction - tamaryn - 05-06-2016

I would tell the entity appearing separate: I acknowledge the pain inside of you, and I that same pain inside of me. I acknowledge you have been called to give my attention to transformation of self. And I see the seed of love inside the Pain. Then go along with the banishing or what ever else you want to create to merge the illusion further into your awareness as a whole experience.

I'm on a roll following my intuition today, so I offer you this "Satsang" - or message on Pain. You may find it insightful. Blessings,