Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Printable Version

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RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 08-26-2011

@Tenet, I would like to, but it's been done. Any and all details are here in the forum.

I'm not a big fan of discussing things when "one liners" are considered idiotic.

My basis on a population decline is simply that people don't care about anything that isn't right in front of them, affecting their creative bubble. It's like biologically debilitating conditions- nobody cares until it is in their face. I wouldn't care if the population was declining. I'd make note of it, and conform to the necessities it would require to stay alive. That's it. I honestly don't see why "population decline" is so shocking for you. (Sarcastically- I could accuse you of being afraid of living in chaos. I don't want to be sarcastic, but you must recognize both sides).

I don't want to convince you that your view is wrong. I am a person, a smart person, and I simply don't see it as a big deal.

Some other views I have: we have who knows how many harvested entities in time/space right now. We have who knows how many harvested entities incarnated right now. Even if an entity is harvested for 3D reincarnation, they don't need to leave the planet until the 4D sphere FULL activation. The biggest brain mixup we have is relating 4D Full Activation and Harvest as the same thing.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 08-26-2011

(08-25-2011, 10:44 PM)Confused Wrote: How is the placement made? I don't know. I am going along with you guys in the process of seeking!

Distillation is the process by which compounds get separated into various layers according to density.

Quote:10.9 Questioner: When graduation occurs at the end of a cycle, and entities are moved from one planet to another, by what means do they go to a new planet?

Ra: I am Ra. In the scheme of the Creator, the first step of the mind/body/spirit/totality/beingness is to place its mind/body/spirit complex distortion in the proper place of love/light. This is done to ensure proper healing of the complex and eventual attunement with the totality/beingness complex. This takes a very variable length of your time/space. After this is accomplished the experience of the cycle is dissolved and filtered until only the distillation of distortions in its pure form remains. At this time, the harvested mind/body/spirit/totality/beingness evaluates the density needs of its beingness and chooses the more appropriate new environment for either a repetition of the cycle or a moving forward into the next cycle. This is the manner of the harvesting, guarded and watched over by many.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 11:40 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(08-25-2011, 10:02 PM)3DMonkey Wrote:
(08-25-2011, 09:26 PM)unity100 Wrote:
(08-25-2011, 08:57 PM)Raman Wrote: We are basically here for this event. It's coming and it will be how it will be. It is a quantum shift, a totally different vibratory state. It could not be any other way.

now come to think of it, it is indeed as such - the world population phenomenally increased in the last two centuries. leaving aside we were told that close to what - 2 billion entities came from elsewhere, and entities were coming here for harvest.

take a look, Tenet. Was this drastic change so "noticeable" to cause alarm in individuals of society?

Eh? 3DMonkey, I am confused by your posts here. Earth's human population has been on the increase throughout all of recorded human history [See attachment]. If population growth were to spontaneously reverse direction, it would be very noticeable, and people would demand an explanation.

actually the population increase did increase concerns, despite during the time in which it increased there were little knowledge of world population and population increase. yet, from 1700 to 1900, the population increase was increasingly noticed, first by the economic and social problems it created, and later scientifically, with development of science.

the population increase has been incomparable with the previous periods in human history since then, and the more nearer to our date, the faster it got.

it seems if a population decrease happened in this state, it would definitely be noticeable. and considering how fast it needs to decline, it would be alarming.

Quote:If said entity wanted more "time" it was free to incarnate in any other period of human history. Given the last 6000 years, I can see an easy 100 additional incarnations or so that would have been available. But it didn't.

this is an interesting approach.

Quote:So, anyway, I am open to hearing rational ideas and scenarios as to how a gradual harvest might play itself out, and pointed to some specific areas for further discussion. If you don't want to have a discussion, that's totally fine with me. But then there is no point of floating one-liners out there in response to a whole reply that I wrote, as I will just keep referring back to the specific questions that you have not responded to.

there is no question that transition from 3d to 4d is gradual. this is explicitly told. some confuse harvest with this transition. a whopping 100 to 700 years (or whatever) period of transition cannot be harvest. it is too big a window, and such a big window would not necessitate much concern for who makes the harvest and who doesnt - there is the potential of at least 5-10 lifetimes in such a period in respect to time.


in the light of what few q/as i researched just now, i dont think there is any possibility of a 'gradual' harvest. harvest seems to be an event, and transition seems gradual. and as for the harvestees :

this is insightful. leaving aside the fact that they could leave at harvest time, these entities could leave at any time through intelligent infinity.

i think this would necessitate death, for an incarnated entity of course. but i dont think the entity would mind that.

as for harvest process itself, i think there needs to be a period for adjustment of entities for intelligent infinity gate opening. if the energies are available instantly, it is questionable that most entities could handle that - whether they are in time/space or space/time (actually those in space/time are also in time/space in mind/spirit in a sense)

as for the clock that ticks :

Quote:63.29 Questioner: Is there a clock-like face, shall I say, associated with the entire major galaxy so that as it revolves it carries all of these stars and planetary systems through transitions from density to density? Is this how it works?

Ra: I am Ra. You are perceptive. You may see a three-dimensional clock face or spiral of endlessness which is planned by the Logos for this purpose.

in addition, there was a quote saying that those who were to continue to 3d planets would leave this density through accidents and diseases and so on, but i cant find it now. i may be misremembering it, and also misremembering the reason for the entities leaving. (ie this may be before harvest).

after the recent dives i made, i see the below conditions :

- ra says harvest will happen in 2011, this is a probable nexus for harvest
- harvest takes some time. 'a harvest began taking place' in regard to 2nd cycle gives that out. but apparently not longer than a year so that Ra was able to say 2011
- naturally entities would need time to adjust to incoming energies
- this actually complies with the definition of harvest given - approaching a light source until can go no further. in the naturally increasing frequencies of incoming energy, all entities will stop in different points
- those in time/space would also be affected by such a harvest
- the information the south american group gave probably includes mayan calendar. the cycles of calendar seems to describe, and match the time Ra gave about harvest in 2011
- this means, the energies will increase globally in frequency towards intelligent infinity with gateway opening (creating all the disharmony problems at the same time) and will decrease to their normal frequencies and amounts after harvest. this will be, naturally, the regular discrete segment of 4d the planet is traveling in. this may be a bit higher in the green spectrum after the harvest than it was before tho, due to effects of harvest and harvested.
- the above comply with the global cosmic clock described, and the mentions of tickings of a clock and so forth. apparently all other harvests will also be in the same cyclic and clock like manner. this is also the reason why entities need to go to other planets when they are not able to be harvested in one.
- any entity which is able to contact intelligent infinity is able to leave at any given point in time and choose the manner of leaving
- the above would mean that a measure of entities would die, during happening of the harvest, in any manner. even if these appear natural to us. i dont know whether walk-in situations are possible, in place of the entity which left. but doesnt seem likely. (except wanderers coming in maybe - an 3d entity almost harvestable would be in proper incarnation on the planet. then again AT harvest, there isnt much point into wandering, maybe except some extreme cases and reasons)

all these seem to indicate that harvest is happening as of now, and the end of this period will be the point at which it is easiest to reach intelligent infinity.

the above also tell me that once the harvest period is over, and the earth reverts back to its normal vibration in green spectrum (wherever it lands), energy and frequency levels will also decline. and for those who are of, or accustomed to higher vibrations, it will be as discomfortable as before.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 12:21 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: I'm not a big fan of discussing things when "one liners" are considered idiotic.

One liners aren't idiotic- though sometimes insufficient as a reply.
3DMonkey Wrote:My basis on a population decline is simply that people don't care about anything that isn't right in front of them, affecting their creative bubble. It's like biologically debilitating conditions- nobody cares until it is in their face.

The most creative act that occurs in many people's lives is procreation. So any process which curbs their ability to do so would definitely be "in their face". Which is why I asked for your opinion about what would happen to birth rates.

3DMonkey Wrote:I wouldn't care if the population was declining. I'd make note of it, and conform to the necessities it would require to stay alive. That's it.

That's cool, however, and I mean this in the most amiable way, you are not a normal person. So there is not much logic in attempting to use your personal attitude as an example for how the average person would react to such a situation.

3DMonkey Wrote:I honestly don't see why "population decline" is so shocking for you.

It wouldn't be shocking for me. It would be shocking for the vast majority of humanity. Perhaps you and I have wildly different ideas about the state of mind of the average person.

3DMonkey Wrote:(Sarcastically- I could accuse you of being afraid of living in chaos. I don't want to be sarcastic, but you must recognize both sides).

Sure, anything can be flipped into its opposite through mental gymnastics. Besides, I am just fine with chaos. It is overly ordered situations that make me squeamish!

3DMonkey Wrote:I don't want to convince you that your view is wrong.

Nor do I feel compelled to convince you. I was just hoping you could shed some light on the big question marks that appear in my mind when I consider the gradualist theory of harvest.

3DMonkey Wrote:I am a person, a smart person, and I simply don't see it as a big deal.

Most people are people, but that doesn't mean they are smart and/or wouldn't see it as a big deal. Again, it sounds to me like you are assuming the rest of the world is at or above your own level of awareness. It seems to me that you are underestimating yourself, or overestimating the populace at large.

Quote:biggest brain mixup we have is relating 4D Full Activation and Harvest as the same thing.

Please explain the difference.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - hogey11 - 08-26-2011


When did a positive outlook ever automatically mean and assume that nothing ever changes? I love change. I NEED change. For someone like myself, change is hugely positive thing.

So go back and take in what I said without attributing thoughts that are not mine to my words. I see EVERYTHING as being disrupted, but towards a positive end as the 4D world begins to build itself.

As far as the harvest being all about intelligent infinity and all that bullshit, that's your own branch that you are stepping out on. Ra is extremely clear that the harvest is the earth's moving from 3rd density to 4th density. I'm starting to realize that those who ignore or run away from this are those who don't understand that this isn't all about them; there is a plan for the earth even beyond your incarnation. There are times where we are not the focus, believe it or not. I see harvest as one of these times; we will be swept up in an event that is bigger than our own self and our incarnation here.

And for all those who say its impossible because of this or that, you have no place to speak. Harvest from 3D to 4D only happens once for each planetary instance. If the Law of One material is correct, we are approaching that time for our own planet, and I feel any attempt to minimize this is purely the ego getting in the way.

Isn't that the point of 4D - to think more as one rather than confused individuals? If you cannot see the 4D world take place, maybe there is no place for you in it. If you are not willing to call for a positive future, it will not greet you.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 08-26-2011

The simplest indicator is that Harvests occur without planetary transitions.
It is the planetary transition that is causing a forced harvest, but that doesn't mean it causes a different kind of harvest.
Hypothetically speaking- the harvest will be complete in 2011. Okay... Everyone has now received their 'papers' and instructions on were they should be filed. Next we have the evolutionary stage to prepare for the 4D Full Activation. There will be a population decline (and I think, as unity100 points out the possibility, these deaths will appear normal, relatively speaking). As the population declines in enities that won't be staying on Earth, the remaining population will be increasing their 4D vibrational understandings.... Therefore, likely, less shocked by the new awareness growing and evolving.

This is just like any social evolution in history, IMO.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 03:12 PM)hogey11 Wrote: As far as the harvest being all about intelligent infinity and all that bullshit, that's your own branch that you are stepping out on.Ra is extremely clear that the harvest is the earth's moving from 3rd density to 4th density.

excuse me but there is no more polite way to put this - you are incorrect. this is harvest :

as for intelligent infinity contact regarding harvest, this is explained in multiple locations :

all entities harvested prior to this particular harvest cycle were harvested after contacting intelligent infinity - leaving the 150 entities which found the gateway to infinite intelligence during 2nd cycle harvest aside, all of the others (the named ones at least) were negative.

i think the below will definitely clear your lack of information about the 'bullshit' that is contacting intelligent infinity in regard to harvest :

Quote:14.16 Questioner: There was no harvest? What about 25,000 years ago?

Ra: I am Ra. A harvesting began taking place in the latter portion, as you measure time/space, of the second cycle, with individuals finding the gateway to intelligent infinity. The harvest of that time, though extremely small, was those entities of extreme distortion towards service to the entities who were now to repeat the major cycle. These entities, therefore, remained in third density although they could, at any moment/present nexus, leave this density through use of intelligent infinity.

there is no case in which any harvest was named as 'transition'. all cases of transition are named as transition in the material. there is no exception.

Quote:I'm starting to realize that those who ignore or run away from this are those who don't understand that this isn't all about them; there is a plan for the earth even beyond your incarnation. There are times where we are not the focus, believe it or not. I see harvest as one of these times; we will be swept up in an event that is bigger than our own self and our incarnation here.

now i have a number of conclusions to make here. either you havent read the information i have linked to you before while looking into this material at all. or, you dont remember them. or you subconsciously chose not to remember them. or, you consciously chose to ignore them. or you didnt understand them.

or, either of the above, coupled with what you are projecting to me in the above particular quote block - your desire for the continuance of whatever you are living out of your attachment to your family as you mentioned before (rightfully or wrongfully) or whatever other thing has caused you to basically call harvest 'bullshit'. and leave that aside, you even went as far to make it something that 'i was stepping on'.

Quote:And for all those who say its impossible because of this or that, you have no place to speak. Harvest from 3D to 4D only happens once for each planetary instance.

in addition to not going out and calling bullshit on this and that, with blatant lack of information as described in the above cases, one should also take caution to tell people that 'they have no place to speak' whatever and then utter misinformation again.

harvest from 3d to 4d takes place 3 times a planetary instance, at the end of each 25,000 year cycle.

if harvest was transition from 3d to 4d as you have so erroneously named, there would be only ONE harvest per planetary instance as you say above.

however, see, there were 2 harvests before this, in this planet's history. therefore, even if you attempt to approach from that angle, harvest is not transition from 3d to 4d.

Quote:And for all those who say its impossible because of this or that, you have no place to speak. Harvest from 3D to 4D only happens once for each planetary instance. If the Law of One material is correct, we are approaching that time for our own planet, and I feel any attempt to minimize this is purely the ego getting in the way.

Isn't that the point of 4D - to think more as one rather than confused individuals? If you cannot see the 4D world take place, maybe there is no place for you in it. If you are not willing to call for a positive future, it will not greet you.

i can understand you going on a limb and calling bullshit to this that, and telling us that we have no place to speak, we have no place in your wonderful 4d perfect transitionary future etc etc and so on, out of concern for your family.

however please, dont do it with misinformation and incorrect statements like the above. let me reiterate what you are calling bullshit again, so it wont get lost in the minuate of various other sidetracking details :

Quote:14.16 Questioner: There was no harvest? What about 25,000 years ago?

Ra: I am Ra. A harvesting began taking place in the latter portion, as you measure time/space, of the second cycle, with individuals finding the gateway to intelligent infinity. The harvest of that time, though extremely small, was those entities of extreme distortion towards service to the entities who were now to repeat the major cycle. These entities, therefore, remained in third density although they could, at any moment/present nexus, leave this density through use of intelligent infinity.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Richard - 08-26-2011

Harvest is a theory. Its only validation of existence lies in one body of channelled material. And in the realm of faith. Both of which are highly susceptible to interpretation.

I prefer to wait and see. Though my suspicion is that we'll still be waiting and arguing in these pages well past 2012.

Unless, of course, Carla and Monica just throw up their hands in frustration and boot the lot of us out.


RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 08-26-2011

Does is sound funny to everyone else, also, when unity100 says bulls***? It tickles my funny bone.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Richard - 08-26-2011

Tenet Nosce wrote:

And yet, despite having little to no access to your waking life
memories, "you" are still "you" in the dream world. You materialize your
dream body, the other characters in the dream, and the landscape of the
dream itself, all quite automatically, naturally, and effortlessly.


I can't honestly say whether its me in my dream world or not. I don't dream that way. I dream in first person. I can see a set of hands..arms. I see one foot leading another as I make my way through whatever dreamscape I happen to be in. I can't see my face there..I can't see my face in real life. Neither can anyone else for that matter.

Is it me? Or is it me just hopping ride on past life/future life? Or am I some sort of parasite on another's life and viewing first person via third person? Its a dream...its at once peaceful and chaotic. And mostly meaningless to best I can tell.

I'm rather envious of people that can pull life lessons from dreams. But mine are mostly just chaotic.


RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 04:41 PM)Richard Wrote: Harvest is a theory. Its only validation of existence lies in one body of channelled material. And in the realm of faith. Both of which are highly susceptible to interpretation.

I prefer to wait and see. Though my suspicion is that we'll still be waiting and arguing in these pages well past 2012.

Unless, of course, Carla and Monica just throw up their hands in frustration and boot the lot of us out.


I share this view (especially the "if they don't throw their hands up"). I consider this more of a book club discussion. This particular aspect of harvest, that is.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - zenmaster - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 03:12 PM)hogey11 Wrote: Harvest from 3D to 4D only happens once for each planetary instance.
Doesn't seem correct:
"As the green-ray cycle or the density of love and understanding begins to take shape the yellow-ray plane or Earth which you now enjoy in your dance will cease to be inhabited for some period of your space/time as the space/time necessary for fourth-density entities to learn their ability to shield their density from that of third is learned. After this period there will come a time when third-density may again cycle on the yellow-ray sphere."

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 09:16 PM)zenmaster Wrote:
(08-26-2011, 03:12 PM)hogey11 Wrote: Harvest from 3D to 4D only happens once for each planetary instance.
Doesn't seem correct:
"As the green-ray cycle or the density of love and understanding begins to take shape the yellow-ray plane or Earth which you now enjoy in your dance will cease to be inhabited for some period of your space/time as the space/time necessary for fourth-density entities to learn their ability to shield their density from that of third is learned. After this period there will come a time when third-density may again cycle on the yellow-ray sphere."

now come to think of it, in the descriptions of densities present/past in other planets, a certain pattern repeats itself. with the exception of red ray sphere, there are always 1 or 2 other densities.

like how venus became a 4d planet, then a 4d/5d planet, then a 5d planet then a 5d/6d planet etc. a state in which it was 3d/4d/5d was not expressed, nor 4d/5d/6d.

this kinda tells me that low densities cannot exist in presence of too high vibrations. and therefore very probably 2nd density will also cease to exist into the future. just like it doesnt exist in venus. and all the other lower densities.

2d may exist until entities on planet no longer need the organic food produced by 2d. like those in 3d need them.

then again, with a lifeform that takes its food from 1d materials directly, an 3d experience may also be possible. still it may not be too likely due to the vibration of the food directly taken from 1d is low. (1d after all).

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - zenmaster - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 09:29 PM)unity100 Wrote: this kinda tells me that low densities cannot exist in presence of too high vibrations. and therefore very probably 2nd density will also cease to exist into the future. just like it doesnt exist in venus. and all the other lower densities.
Of course life on earth will cease to exist in the future. The entire planet will be gone at some point. It's not a question of probability. Also, 1st density is still there on venus, as we plainly see.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Raman - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 09:33 PM)zenmaster Wrote:
(08-26-2011, 09:29 PM)unity100 Wrote: this kinda tells me that low densities cannot exist in presence of too high vibrations. and therefore very probably 2nd density will also cease to exist into the future. just like it doesnt exist in venus. and all the other lower densities.
Of course life on earth will cease to exist in the future. The entire planet will be gone at some point. It's not a question of probability. Also, 1st density is still there on venus, as we plainly see.

First density is the 'base' of this octave. Also the link to the previous. Unless locked, it is the materia prima for densities in this octave to occur. The same could be said of 7th density.

This probably makes 2d/3d /4d/5d/6d...compatible or not with others but seemingly always to first.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 08-26-2011

I think we require some form of Venus to exist for our existence to BE. We talk about annihilation of life on planet Earth. Imagine how the destruction/elimination of another planet in our system would change things...

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Raman - 08-26-2011

What happens to a planetary Logos, if a planet is destroyed, like Maldek?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - zenmaster - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 09:55 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: I think we require some form of Venus to exist for our existence to BE. We talk about annihilation of life on planet Earth. Imagine how the destruction/elimination of another planet in our system would change things...
I'm almost certain that this is not a speculative matter.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 08-26-2011

@ Raman, Back to the drawing board?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - zenmaster - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 10:10 PM)Raman Wrote: What happens to a planetary Logos, if a planet is destroyed, like Maldek?
It is dissolved. There is no planetary logos without the inhabitants.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 10:15 PM)zenmaster Wrote:
(08-26-2011, 09:55 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: I think we require some form of Venus to exist for our existence to BE. We talk about annihilation of life on planet Earth. Imagine how the destruction/elimination of another planet in our system would change things...
I'm almost certain that this is not a speculative matter.

You mean it is inevitable, right?

I'm just talking about the implications our current society would experience.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Raman - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 10:16 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: @ Raman, Back to the drawing board?

What did we as part of the solar system loose when Maldek was lost? How did it affect theis solar system (a 'galaxy' in itself); it seems there are serious metaphysical implications when Maldek was it was.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 08-26-2011

I'm sure many things changed that we can't quantify from here and now. Or, possibly, we couldn't even comprehend.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - zenmaster - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 10:27 PM)Raman Wrote:
(08-26-2011, 10:16 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: @ Raman, Back to the drawing board?

What did we as part of the solar system loose when Maldek was lost? How did it affect theis solar system (a 'galaxy' in itself); it seems there are serious metaphysical implications when Maldek was it was.
The astrological influence for one. "The value of that which you call astrology is significant when used by those initiated entities which understand, if you will pardon the misnomer, the sometimes intricate considerations of the Law of Confusion. As each planetary influence enters the energy web of your sphere those upon the sphere are moved much as the moon which moves about your sphere moves the waters upon your deeps. "

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Raman - 08-26-2011

And the tendency to fear.

Maybe this whole harvest and its successful transition to 4d is part of the healing.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 08-26-2011

It is part of a transition. No doubt.

"intricate considerations". Haha. What a fancy choice of words!

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - hogey11 - 08-27-2011

Ok, ok, I retreat; I was a little heavy-handed on all the "this is how it goes!" stuff. My bad! it's always good to be kept on your toes Tongue

I swear between all these discussions/arguments (Wink) we've had, we could start a wiki with all the different slants and angles. Damn harvest and your ambiguous nature....
I find the deeper I go into my thoughts on harvest, the more contradictions appear. This is why I feel we're all gonna be right, except any doom-n-gloom cataclysm folks. I think we'll see social evolution (4D sphere), I think we'll see a spiritual awakening or rise in consciousness (connection to intelligent infinity), I think we'll see life continue on, and we'll see life come to a stop. It is possible harvest holds all these things.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - zenmaster - 08-27-2011

It's interesting from a psychological perspective because the speculation necessarily starts getting into personal projections and biases which are hope and fear based. It seems we must first either separate or identify (both methods are attachments from lack of acceptance) before we can begin to integrate. We see people's hopes and fears quite plainly out of the interpretations. People can't help it due to their lack of honesty before posting - it's quite fool proof, and a large part of how we get something out of the experience here.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Tenet Nosce - 08-27-2011

(08-27-2011, 01:46 AM)zenmaster Wrote: People can't help it due to their lack of honesty before posting - it's quite fool proof, and a large part of how we get something out of the experience here.

I'm not following what you mean by "lack of honesty before posting".

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - zenmaster - 08-27-2011

(08-27-2011, 12:22 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:
(08-27-2011, 01:46 AM)zenmaster Wrote: People can't help it due to their lack of honesty before posting - it's quite fool proof, and a large part of how we get something out of the experience here.

I'm not following what you mean by "lack of honesty before posting".
When personal bias (hope or fear based) - not one's unique 'distortion' - fills in the gaps in understanding, or when desires greatly overextend what is known with what one would like to see. We promote our bias in order to influence and reinforce our own and other's prejudices. Further, we often do this because we perceive that the ends justify the means - this is the 'consequentialist' attitude. That is the dishonest approach, and in this manner we prostitute unconscious. It's a form of lying to oneself, and others, which energizes and only necessitates further fantasy-drama catalyst.