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RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-16-2021

Hmm... Ra is of sixth density and Ra said I think that the people on Venus are no longer of sixth density. And Ra also said that Christ (the one known to us as Jesus of Nazareth) was fourth density moving to fifth density. So I was wrong, Ra is not Christ (except in the sense of the Word made manifest [because that's everything {John 1}]).

Instead Ra could be Wanderers from Venus who now are on earth. Wanderers are often from sixth density. The lamb is fourth density, or maybe only higher third density and Christ as the person Jesus is then symbolism for late fourth density. Was there an actual historical person Jesus on earth? I don't know, could have been! But the key esoteric meaning I believe is Christ connected to Venus in the form of the Christ stream for our solar system (the total Christ stream goes from fourth up to seventh density and even beyond into higher octaves since the Word is the total logos of the Infinite Creator).

Christ representing the whole Venus sphere can be higher fourth density while the people moving into avatars on earth only being upper third density, similar to how earth as a planet is already fourth density, while we humans on earth are still third density. This means that the Venusians and us on earth will be at the same density when we start to integrate and build the social memory complex on earth.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Patrick - 06-16-2021

You need to think in non-linear time. Smile

We, including Ra, all exist in all times. Jesus could have been from Ra when Ra was in 4d.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - jafar - 06-16-2021

Venus, Ra, Jesus, Bodhisatva, Christ which one is equal to which..

If I might offer you a bit of advice, the way to explore this is to 'experience' the event of 'dis-identification' by yourself. The experience where you 'burst out' from your limited shell of identification and 'expanded outward'.

Here's how Mr Sadhguru describe his own experience of such event.

You can skip right to 4:00 where he described such event.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-16-2021

@jafar Yes, I have been looking into spiritual awakening, and I believe it's related to the Law of One. Especially the One part! Spiritual awakening is about a oneness experience (or realization rather). It's difficult to compare spiritual awakening to densities though. Ken Wilber said that there can be spiritual awakening at different stages of development. So someone can remain in third density even after a spiritual awakening! And also, spiritual awakening is usually about the individual, not about a collective consciousness as in a social memory complex.

However, it may be that a spiritual awakening is the gateway into a social memory complex and that it's just that most spiritual teachers keep quiet about it because it would just confuse the teaching. J. Krishnamurt talked about "thinking together" which may have been a hint at a collective consciousness.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-16-2021

Sadhguru felt ecstasy in every cell of his body during his spiritual awakening. I think that's important. Often I get the impression that when people describe spiritual awakening it's some mental experience of oneness which ironically sounds more like detachment from the material world. What Sadhguru described was an immersion with the material world both his body and the outside world as one.

Rudolf Steiner described how we humans have become totally entrapped in the mineral kingdom, in the material world, with our intellect as a separate abstraction-making device. That's also a form of immersion with the material but the opposite of spiritual awakening. That's probably why spirituality is often described as an escape from the material. The problem with that is that it's a form of spiritual bypassing where we swing from one polar opposite in the form of materialism to the other polar opposite of "pure" spirit. What is needed it seems to me is an integration where spirit becomes infused into our material experience.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Patrick - 06-16-2021

I did not experience my awakening as a quantum change as described in those great awakening experiences. It was just a very subtle retraction of the veil that resulted in complete abandonment of any logical understanding of what I am and in complete faith in the Law of One. Then I just forgave the Elites and accepted this world as it is. I never had any transcendental experience or any "proof" in support of my faith. But nowadays I do feel my chakras. Especially on the forehead and around and above my head. So I guess that is a kind of a proof.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-16-2021

I have a new practice that avoids spiritual bypassing. I don't recommend it yet and will use myself as a test subject and only post it here to document it for future studies. The practice is blood alchemy, the transmutation of beast blood into solar blood.

The practice is to feel the blood flowing within one's whole body and to bring consciousness into it. This prevents spiritual bypassing because one must actually feel the blood flow, not just think about it. There is a lot of spiritual knowledge behind it such as life being in the blood, the I/ego in the blood, stress hormones, adrenochrome(?!) etc, but the practice is simply to feel the blood and to bring conscious awareness into it.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-16-2021

(06-16-2021, 10:08 AM)Patrick Wrote: I did not experience my awakening as a quantum change as described in those great awakening experiences. It was just a very subtle retraction of the veil that resulted in complete abandonment of any logical understanding of what I am and in complete faith in the Law of One. Then I just forgave the Elites and accepted this world as it is. I never had any transcendental experience or any "proof" in support of my faith. But nowadays I do feel my chakras. Especially on the forehead and around and above my head. So I guess that is a kind of a proof.

That's a good point. I haven't had any spiritual awakening but I have heard of different forms of experiences. So Sadhguru's experience is just one out of many different kinds of experiences. My main point is the integration with the material world which Sadhguru described. And that doesn't necessarily have to be a spiritual awakening.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Patrick - 06-16-2021

(06-16-2021, 10:22 AM)Anders Wrote: ...I haven't had any spiritual awakening but I have heard of different forms of experiences...

It is probably just a question of what is meant by spiritual awakening. But in my opinion, you are most definitely awake. So you did have an awakening that ultimately led you to become a seeker and brought you here for instance.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-16-2021

(06-16-2021, 10:41 AM)Patrick Wrote: It is probably just a question of what is meant by spiritual awakening. But in my opinion, you are most definitely awake. So you did have an awakening that ultimately led you to become a seeker and brought you here for instance.

When I think about it, I have had smaller awakenings, for example one short experience where my consciousness expanded into my heart area! It was literally an expansion of my consciousness. I had heard nonduality teacher Roger Castillo talking about consciousness moving down into the heart, and my experience was similar except my consciousness expanded to include the heart area instead of moving there.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-16-2021

Blood has a lot of esoteric meanings and just for fun, I discovered that Gigi Young connected blood to the Vulcan mountains in this video. One connection she missed is that Vulcan is a fictional/esoteric planet symbolizing the completion of planet earth. Just my speculation and more established knowledge is that Gigi said that blood is a part of what anchors the soul into density changes. And the blood plus the root chakra is what anchors our soul into our current density, she said. Gigi also said among other things that our blood functions as a liquid crystal that contains our soul's and our ancestors' knowledge and history. Sounds pretty much like karma to me!

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-16-2021

I noticed that I started feeling my blood as a little bit icky and gross when I tried my blood alchemy practice. Gigi Young said that our blood is also connected to the lower astral realm which contains chaos, traumas and pain etc. And that's what the dark magic rituals tap into, she said.

That's also spiritual entropy! So that's a part of the beast blood, which explains the icky feeling. And this means that the simple blood alchemy practice can be very challenging. Because the beast ego has lots of spiritual entropy.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-16-2021

Aha! I was curious about how Rudolf Steiner could have had such incredibly advanced esoteric knowledge. And I got the feeling from this video that he got much of the information from Rosicrucianism. That's 400 years old esoteric knowledge. I wonder what the knowledge is about and if Rosicrucianism has some similarities with the Law of One.

Quote:"Rosicrucianism is a spiritual and cultural movement that arose in Europe in the early 17th century after the publication of several texts that purported to announce the existence of a hitherto unknown esoteric order to the world and made seeking its knowledge attractive to many.[1][2] The mysterious doctrine of the order is "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe, and the spiritual realm."[3] The manifestos do not elaborate extensively on the matter, but clearly combine references to Kabbalah, Hermeticism, alchemy, and Christian mysticism.[4]

The Rosicrucian manifestos heralded a "universal reformation of mankind", through a science allegedly kept secret for decades until the intellectual climate might receive it." - Wikipedia

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Vasilisa - 06-17-2021

I don't know if you will find Corpus Hermeticum in Swedish, but with modern technology, reading in English is not a problem

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-17-2021

Shunyamurti has vast spiritual knowledge. Here is his latest video about how consciousness projects all of reality. In my theoretical opinion, that's correct! Ra called it thought which is the same thing. My interpretation is that manifested reality is information experienced in consciousness and only that and only now.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-17-2021

I think it's definitely true that consciousness projects the manifestation of matter. Still, the material world has natural laws that control our reality. Rupert Sheldrake said that the natural laws, including the laws of physics, may be habits rather than fixed laws. Another perspective is that in higher densities the laws of nature become more flexible and intelligent.

And one idea that came to me is that when we have beast blood, there is actual energy in the form of loosh that is sucked from us and that we suck from the world. That idea I already had. The additional insight I got is that this means that even our beast blood is connected between all people! The solar blood is connected collectively because of coherence and unity. The beast blood is connected through the beast stream, which is also a collective force but a parasitic one which feeds on humanity.

Loosh is a real energy with physical effects. Tensions in the body and mind cause loosh to be sucked from us humans. Even if mainstream science doesn't yet recognize loosh, and probably calls it woo woo, it seems pretty clear to me that it's a real energy. And the blood alchemy practice I mentioned earlier is about transmuting spiritual entropy caused by loosh-sucking into energy that is free from spiritual entropy. And the beast blood is already a collective energy field! This means, as I suspected, that the blood alchemy practice is really heavy and burdensome. The good thing is that the collective connection is already there and that it's "just" about removing spiritual entropy.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-17-2021

Ra has a term called spiritual gravity. My idea is that when spiritual entropy is reduced, spiritual gravity is increased. What is spiritual gravity? I didn't find much information about that. The following quote gives some clues:

Quote:"Questioner: Thank you. Then when our planet Earth here gets fully into fourth density, will there be a greater gravity?

Ra: I am Ra. There will be a greater spiritual gravity thus causing a denser illusion." - Law of One 29.20

An almost funny idea I got is that spiritual gravity causes people to attract to each other. Not only physically but also mentally, emotionally and in terms of unified will. And I suspect that spiritual gravity can be an extremely powerful force, in contrast to physical gravity which is very weak compared to the other forces in physics.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-17-2021

I found this YouTube channel which seems to be about spirituality from a rational perspective. Very interesting! The Law of One is also very much spirituality from a rational perspective. In this video the Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians is presented.

Quote:"The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians is believed to have been built up gradually and carefully, by the old occult masters and adepts, from the scattered fragments of the esoteric teachings which were treasured by the wise men of all races." - Theosophy Wiki

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-18-2021

Oh, what I call the beast stream seems to be the same, or at least related to, what in esoteric teachings is called the eight sphere.

Quote:"The eighth sphere (numbering inversely), is merely a planet like our own, attached to the latter and following it in its penumbra; a kind of dust-hole, a “place where all its garbage and filth is consumed,” ...  the “eighth sphere” supposed to be located in the moon." - H. P. Blavatsky

The beast stream is parasitic because it maintains itself through conflict and friction, and the spiritual entropy that it produces is "outsourced" to victims to suck energy from such as us human beings on earth. And indeed, Blavatsky described the moon as vampiric:

Quote:"The Moon is now the cold residual quantity, the shadow dragged after the new body, into which her living powers and “principles” are transfused. She now is doomed for long ages to be ever pursuing the Earth, to be attracted by and to attract her progeny. Constantly vampirised by her child, she revenges herself on it by soaking it through and through with the nefarious, invisible, and poisoned influence which emanates from the occult side of her nature. For she is a dead, yet a living body. The particles of her decaying corpse are full of active and destructive life, although the body which they had formed is soulless and lifeless. Therefore its emanations are at the same time beneficent and maleficent—this circumstance finding its parallel on earth in the fact that the grass and plants are nowhere more juicy and thriving than on the graves; while at the same time it is the graveyard or corpse-emanations, which kill. And like all ghouls or vampires, the moon is the friend of the sorcerers and the foe of the unwary." - H. P. Blavatsky

I will do more research about the eight sphere. My current guess is that the eight sphere is the same as what in Christianity is the fallen state of earth. And that the moon has the spiritual gravity of the eighth sphere.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-18-2021

Gigi Young recently talked about something called the "moon lock". That's probably the energy lock between the moon and earth in the form of the eight sphere. Priestesses in esoteric pictures sometimes have a moon crescent on the forehead or on their feet, which according to Gigi represents that they have overcome the moon. That must mean unlocked the moon lock.

Blavatsky wrote about how the moon produces both beneficial and detrimental results, like how a flower can grow out of decaying matter. That's precisely how the beast stream operates. It produces order at the cost of outsourcing disorder to others. And that form of disorder is what I think is the same as what Ra calls spiritual entropy.

I found this video by Dark Journalist about the eight sphere:

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-18-2021

When listening to Dark Journalist I realized that I can simplify the picture a lot. What is the difference between the beast stream and the dragon stream? The dragon stream has centralized control and the beast stream has centralized control. Oops, that's a similarity. The difference is that the beast stream control produces spiritual entropy whereas the dragon stream control is free from spiritual entropy.

That's a very high level description using esoteric terms, yet it sums it up in a very short form. That's useful to have as a foundation and then it can be unpacked into more detailed explanations which can be understood, perhaps even by using mainstream terms instead of spiritual and esoteric language.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-18-2021

Oh noes! Dark Journalist read a quote from Rudolf Steiner about how the eight sphere cannot be perceived in the material world or by ordinary senses. I actually think that the beast stream can be recognized directly in the material world simply by all the conflicts and friction going on in the world.

The dragon stream however I fear is impossible to describe in mainstream terms, other than as control without entropy. Because that's an evolutionary step to a higher level for humanity. And that explains why so much esoteric and cryptic information is needed. Because with only ordinary science we would remain stuck on the materialistic level. Science today will even claim that removing entropy altogether is impossible.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-18-2021

Why the need for a dragon stream? Isn't it enough to have the solar stream? Yes, but the solar stream cannot replace the beast stream without destroying the value in the beast stream which has a purpose as an evolutionary stage. The beast stream basically has to be harvested. And the role of the dragon stream is to grab the centralized control of the beast stream and sort it out, like a harvest or preserving the baby and throwing out the dirty bathwater.

And that explains why Ra talked about two energies flowing into the mind/body/spirit complex, one energy from above and the other from below and up. The energy from above as I see it is via the dragon stream, and the energy from below is similar to, or even the same as, kundalini energy. Even in eastern spiritual traditions I think they make a distinction between kundalini and prana as being two different types of energies.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-18-2021

I wrote earlier somewhere that the beast stream is controlled by the Orion group and that the dragon stream is controlled by the Guardians. If the moon is the Orion group's control center for the beast stream, then Saturn is the Guardians' control center for the dragon stream. Because esoterically the moon and Saturn have similar functions in relation to earth.

And interestingly I found that the Guardians back up the Council which is located in ..... Saturn!

Quote:"Questioner: Where is this Council located?

Ra: This Council is located in the octave, or eight[h] dimension, of the planet Saturn, taking its place in an area which you understand in third-dimensional terms as the rings." - Law of One 6.8

A speculative further dot connection then is that the moon is related to the cerebrum of our brain and Saturn is related to the cerebellum. I'm not sure yet though whether those connections are only symbolic or if there is an actual connection between our brain and the moon and Saturn.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-18-2021

Yay! A new video by Gigi Young. I was feeling a bit stuck and this video can be helpful to guide me.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-18-2021

Biological aging is actually not a result of entropy, not a "wear and tear" process. Even mainstream science admits that. And for example one species of mice can have a lifespan of 3 years while a similar species, the naked mole rat, has a lifespan of 30 years! That's an order of magnitude difference in average lifespan. So clearly aging is not about mindless wear and tear.

Biological aging it seems to me is instead a result of group natural selection of whole populations. The idea of group selection has been criticized, for example expert Jerry Coyne writes: "Group selection isn't widely accepted by evolutionists for several reasons. First, it's not an efficient way to select for traits, ..."

Nevertheless, I think the effect of group selection can be achieved through cycles of near extinction of a population and increase in population size. So for example the naked mole rats may have gone nearly extinct and for some environmental reason only those members with very long lifespan survived and that trait was carried on when the population size grew back again. Similarly, a species of mice with very short average lifespan may have gone through cycles of near extinction and increase in population in relation to environmental factors making only those members with short lifespan survive in the periods of near extinction.

And for humans it's the beast stream that has shaped and determined our average lifespan. Both the Bible and Ra in the Law of One say that humans used to have a much longer average lifespan. And that's actually possible with my theory. And I also think of biological aging as a form of spiritual entropy. The solar stream, then, because it removes spiritual entropy, removes biological aging! That's my current theory.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-18-2021

I find spiritual entropy an excellent concept. It's different from the mindless wear, tear, disorder and randomness entropy in today's mainstream science. Ra says: "The sixth-density negative entity is extremely wise. It observes the spiritual entropy occurring due to the lack of ability to express the unity of sixth density." (36.15 )

Lack of unity produces conflict and friction, resulting in spiritual entropy. Ra also said:

Quote:"Questioner: Can you tell me the reason for this shortening of life span?

Ra: I am Ra. The causes of this shortening are always an ineuphonious or inharmonious relational vibration between other-selves. In the first cycle this was not severe, but due to the dispersion of peoples and the growing feeling complex/distortions towards separateness from other-selves." - Law of One 20.16

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-18-2021

Gigi Young said that higher beings can't interact with us directly at their level of vibration because we can't handle that kind of energy. So they need to step down / veil their appearance in relation to us humans on earth.

How to explain that? If higher beings are free from spiritual entropy shouldn't they be able to be in harmony even with us humans in third density? An idea I came to think of is that it would be like trying to run a smartphone app on an old cellphone. The cellphone would be completely bogged down and almost come to a grinding halt if it even was capable of running the smartphone app. Similarly, our third density spirit/mind/body complexes would be too burdened if we tried to take on the vibrations of higher density beings.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-19-2021

A social memory complex not only has a collective mind. It also has collective emotions. Hints about that is that people have reported about intersubjective emotions, meaning emotional states shared between two or more people.

Our basic emotions are below thoughts one might say, almost like the level of animals. And the intellect struggles with regulating our behavior to avoid impulsively and immediately following our emotions. That's a higher development than merely basic emotions. However, it's also a clunky situation where our intellect has to struggle to keep our emotions in line and in check.

To me this means that there are higher levels of emotions possible, where instead of a struggle between the intellect and basic emotions, they integrate into a higher level of emotions. And with the higher emotions there is no longer the struggle and conflict between the intellect and emotions.

As an experiment, one way of testing this idea is to deliberately start following one's emotions impulsively, instantly. And it can be done with a dedicated practice during situations where it's safe to follow emotions impulsively. And then after some practice the idea is that the thoughts and the emotions will start to align and unify so that the conflict between the intellect and emotions dissolves. And from that unified state new and more advanced emotions can be cultivated.

RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-19-2021

Rudolf Steiner said about thought, that the usual thinking process is where the intellect makes abstractions seemingly separate from reality. And he said that there is a higher form of thinking which senses reality, like thought touching or being connected to the rest of reality.

I now realized that the higher form of thought Steiner talked about is related to how Ra described thought:

Quote:"Let us for a moment consider thought. What is it, my friends, to take thought? Took you then thought today? What thoughts did you think today? What thoughts were part of the original thought today? In how many of your thoughts did the creation abide? Was love contained? And was service freely given? You are not part of a material universe. You are part of a thought. You are dancing in a ballroom in which there is no material. You are dancing thoughts." - Law of One 1.0

So for example emotions are already a part of that higher level of thinking. The whole physical human body is a part of that thought process. The whole external world is a part of that thinking. EVERYTHING is a part of that thinking.